fk'slg -:r\ , •ft • .^-n.-.;'- •. 1 -tty<h-.wvt>i; At: •rk •-•!•%>: I desire to atmonnee tint I wfll RINGWOOD be a candidate for alderman of the third ward hi the dtr of MeHenry coming election to be held April 16, 1947. Your be appreciated. OBORGK J. FREUND Raad the Watt Ads Fan MM Pre-War Oil Penaananta 18th Anniversary Specials This Month Only 4* 5^15, 26 and 85% /dkoont on all vu 4 permanents start- „ j mg from $7.60 ~~T up to $25 eom- Mate with free • ^ haircut, steamer oil treatment, special "shampoo and hair dress. Grade and Hi-School Girls' Permanent* iCap Reg- $7.50 up for J Swedish and Turkish Baths and Body Massage by John Stompsnato SrTiwd Mile Sara Utnsh (Mrs. J. Stompanafco Jr.) in your or oar salon. STOMP ANATO' S Beauty, Body Contour Salon 226 Main St 227 Benton St. Phono 641 Wbodstock, IlL grandparents. Keystone Home Bureau social RATS Hi SKUNKSaaaTUir M Em* toot MB "HP PHONE BQLGER'S DRUG STORE ••W- McHBNST, ILLINOIS SEED CLEANING and • TREATING We have completed the installation of equipment which permits both thorough cleaning and effective treating with DoPont's Ceresan in one operation. This equipment is efficient and the capacity is large. If yon wish the job done while yo'i wait, call or write for appointment. MeHenry Mills, Inc. Phone 92-R West MeHwrr DEEP IliliU Best results are obtained at 0 to 5 degrees 7. v? 0 Micro-Organ nma dangerous to health will not grow below 14 degrees F. Botulinus toxin has not been known to develop below 40 degrees F. TMa approximate length of time you can stent frosen foods without loss in quality is: Fruits--Beef--Vegetables _ Poultry--Eggs--Lamb--Mutton Veal--Pork--Butter Ground Bleat, nnsahed Fish 11 9 7_ 5 4 We can give you expert repair service on your . Deepfreeser Knights Refrigeration 312 ELM STREET PHONE 439-W ¥ Livestock at Auction On Route 47 Every w Woodstock, IH. y at 1:30 p.m. rmh Loads of GOOD MINNE80TA Dairy COWS -- HXIIICSS -- HOLSTDN STOCK BUUS; T. B TESTED Private Sales We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs OR CREDIT Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTI0M. We have buyers for every article ^ , lest Oalf Market in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC 572 or 489 (By Mrs. Geocrs Shaeard) The Homo Circle met at the hone of Mtas. Lonnie Smith on Thursday. Miss Mao Weidrich and Mrs. Collins helped Mra. Smith aerre a 1 o'clock luncheon. Roll call waa answered to by "your favorite picture." Mrs. J C. Pearson had charge of the program which was on famous pictures. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Butler entertained the "500" club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were mmmxded to Mlrs. E. E. Whiting and Louis Hawiey{ high, and consolations to Mr. and 1M. Kenneth Cristy. I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foesum of Richmond are the porents of a ! daughter, born March 14. Mrs. Fossutti was the former Bobbette Cristy. i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy are the proud The evening was held, in the Richmond Memorial hall on Saturday, Marchj i 15. Hie evening was spent in play-1 ing cards and bunco. Refreshments j were served by the hostesses and) everyone had an enjoyable evening, j Mrs. Dewey B«ck and children of Arlington Heights visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kilt Craine and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren and daughter, Nancy, of Waukegan spent Monday in the fVed Wfeiarich, Jr., home. ^ , | Mrs. John Woodward and son were visitors in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Rose Jepeon spent the weekend in the home of her son, Harold, and family in Dundee. Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent Sat. urday and Sunday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with her mother at Hartland. Mrs. Louis Hawiey spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. On Tuesday she and Mra. E. (E. Whiting, Mrs. Rose Jepson and Mrs. Luella SPthephenson attended a show in Chicaco. Mr. and Mrs. Ptsul Collins and daughter, Mary, of Arlington Heights spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. m Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with her parents at MeHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner of Spring Grove spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane were visitors in the Earl Kane, Sr., home at Mundelein, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Negri and daughters, Jaquelien and Marilyn, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low homo. Mrs. D. Young of Fox Lake was a caller in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collin one day the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt, daughter, Judy and son, Bobby, of Chicago and Mm Eleanor Bacon spent Sunday in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Tollefson of MciHienry spent Tuesday afternoon in the Irving Herbert home at Twin Lakes. Mrs. Lill Conway of Crystal Lake sprat Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Cora Kelley. John Woodward of Eglin Field, Fla., spent Monday here with his wife and sons. Mrs. Paul Jolitx and son, Terry, were visitors at Woodstock, Thurs- George Habertten spent the weekend with his wife and family in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and •on, Dennis, and Mrs Lill Conway were visitors in the Paul Jolitx home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron spent Sunday in the George Shenaurd home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weidrich and family of Caladonia spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Dotoerstein and son, Gas, wore visitors in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a Community pary at the Howe school, of which Mrs. Butler is teach er, Friday evening. Andrew and Frank Hawiey are on a business trip to Minnesota, Iowa and Nebrados. Mrs. Harold Stanek was a guest of Vivian Valentino in Chicago, Saturday. Mrs. Luella Stephenson and Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Saturday afternoon at Woodcock. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sfenith, Amos Smith, Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Laurence and daughter, Susie, of Elkhorn spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. James, Dick and Marjorie Wied- |rich of Keystone spent the weekend ' with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedricn, Sr. Mrs. B. T. Butler and Wayne Foss attended a teacher** meeting at Hebron, (Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane wore visitors in the Harold Jepson home at Dundee Sunday afternoon. W. A. Colins of Beloit rams a sapper guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collim Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ett« Wattles and son. Glen,. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, j and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison are the parents of a son, born March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison are the proud grandparents. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of MeHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs: C. L. Harrison were visitors in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley, Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van DUSOB and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Elrin spent Sunday eve |ing in the Oliver Laurence home. ! Mr. and Mm George Bacon of i Antioch spent Saturday with his ; mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. | ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal i voters, residents of the Town of Mc- , Henry, in the County of MeHenry and State of Illinois, that the annual town meeting and election of officers of said town will take place on Tuesday, April first, A. D. 1947, being the first Tuesday of said 4 ***** *" "Spoils wffl be open at 6 o'clock, ajn, and will close at 5 o'clock njn.t ;ob aaid day in the place or places «o. |» Royal Blue Store, Ringw wood, m. N* 8--City HaU, MeHenry, IlL No. 3.--Blake's Garage, Pearl St., MeHenry, IlL No. 4.--fcldner's Barber Shop, Johnskaig. The effkors to btf elected a|b; One Supervisor. ^ One Rcusd Commissioner. . The town meeting for the transaction of miscellaneous business of said town will be held at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m., on said day at Blake's Garage, and a moderator having been dec ted, will proceed to hear and considefc1 reports of officers aaonej to defray the wes of the town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, cone before the meeting. Given under my hand at MeHenry. this 12th day of March, A. D. 1947. ft. WALTER ANDERSON, Town Clerk. (Pub. March IS and Healthy Asparagns -- ; The diseaae resistant strains of asparagus are named for two famous women, Martha, ..Wi and Mary Washington. Monday and Tuesday .-Jktl * tk ..«... •'rifesTEeij: mdfr/in. J»1L. i a I ta J3« *. <>A i«r n. TL. Expert Quebracho extract is an mbw^l Jy effective agent in tanning leather, and Paraguay annually shipped four million dollars worth before the war, the United States •bout a Quarter of the supply. CABD or like in this noghbora for cards,, en sent to me ihntQ was confined to the f like to thank; thoee . 44 MRS. THOMAS PHALDF* - - ... OR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ' ' 514 Main St., West McHeniy Steffan's Jewelry Store ^ ^ ,/*Y f . (Closed Thursday Afternoons) • . >V,:.' ' .. Examined -- Glaaass Fitted. .. T ' fla»l Training -- Visual RehsMUtatlHl ' ' -Complete Visut Analysis Daily: • to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: t to t:M pjp. PHONB MeHBNRY 4S| HI mm For Immediate Delivery TAKPAN AND ACE QA& SAMOIS ^IMPLEX IEOHEBS ALL MODELf: ' * .' ' BICYCLES •OTH BOYS' AND GIRLS' MODELS COLEMAN HEATERS BENDIX WASH3NQ MACHINES Chn Be Parchatoed on Tfaae Ptjraaii -ACE SETS THE PACBCrystal Lake Hardware CA $10 REWARD^ I will pay $10 reward for information the anrest and conviction of the party or parties who i j have been guilty of poisoning dogs and cats in my neighborhood. . • . ^ ALOYS IjT^ITENS *!• . *'•' •a /} 4 i, HEADQUARTERS FOR STEERING SAFETY See Our SUlHltflC KQIUPMBHT rot BALANCIlfe WBMLS AND TESTING STEHDW NOW AT YOUR COMMAND Sake Our MANBEB . . . dedicated to your safety ... is the aewest, flaeot, sssst acisntific way to teat and correct fealty Don't pat up with aUauay, wobble aauliggnnmmeein t or balance. Stop or Iisndst st year freat end. These by and see H. Dsn*t pat a*e danger signah Oar edentifle j| ^ •est will give true eanse and correct n^- IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN . ... SEE VS NOWt CENTRAL GARAGE * "4 i, f Z , r M \3 .«! * ^ ; / i r-i ^ i »•; '• W'i%3 •' ;2 ACE STORE 104 N. Williams Phone 600 Phone 2004 Towing Johnsmnrg r, '.-iVj. ^4 r- -» -8' *i*&> ?• .$4i\ if * '-f* >JBIS month in Yoor ' ' *-*•*#> ":'S' ume*k<- w? * - • • J . s I V* 4 „.,»*!•. - • * J v \ • * OUR LANDMARKS Brtqf CUmpMM into thm Past -:-K es, we re going exploring again in another of "Our Landmarks." There wih be stories of thirteen more historic spots., One unique inn was not only a tavern but a village! One mill had a most unusual magnet devised by its ingenious miller to extricate any metal bits from the grist--and the top ranking item extraneous was really some thing to seel Then there's the tale of that astonishing sight through the sheriffs kitchen "peephole" in one county courthouse. The black and white sketches of all thirteen are by John McKee. UUUETIN # • RASTER GREETINGS from *o ABOUT YOU AND YOUR HOUSE pa90 How about docking your faster broakhui tabh with gay Egghmods doflfflMcf by Bmmor H^drickt GmmI jMfcvdjoM for Btoking on incMiA 4 '$•> |>UNJC SMVICI COMPANY OF NOKTHUN LUIMOTF f, f * f "'5- > ml. .* ;t: :v -•<£ '-*^t <i