im • w®J 1MQ vHlPPPp1* *• <>*'«*"* J*. feck to Ifceld MS ft ©•"A"®. * many yw»iB may make the PbtlM i as the lack takesehape. It wans tint one eaa h> qiin a whole team. Net teach the top without one '-4m -two toys. • - * • . We hear that Hm Well bet that as' SJJTLJ tafar learns to talk her Pftm hate her rootin' for the Cm At our house, we stand alone as a Sox ten. On days when the Sox ••J# win and Cube lose, we read the headlines aloud that all may hear. On other days we merely hide behind the newspaper. But, "it looks like the popular Ted Lyons wffl brings the 8ex along at a respectable pace this year. There seems to be a lot of mirt for Ted Lyons in bastbdl circles. Bill Green, a sports fan from way back, was asking1 if m had read or a propoeed scoring plan in basketball. We hadn't. It seems that a plan is under way to give more points for a fang shot than for one of thoee padHlp shots under the net )!t may have merit. Ae things stand now, eoachas look for giants who can out-reach the little guye and tip in these short shots. Of course, a "Zeke" Been, Dick Overton or Harry come alow only once in a long time, but wasn't it a great thrill to eee them swish those long ones through the net? mi. ,g| la atMdy the atomic eobUtQmftntto be da» to atudyfcig how the fee weed to provide industrial and commerfedaBBdt sa Mda win be conlaboratoriea will be operated to- % Aaglas laboratory at Oak and the Argonne Nato* y at Chicago, in which educational institutions" and industrial mrgaihallniio afe participating, arecttvytogout broad research programs on nulay angles of atomic energy. A third project of this general nature, thfc Brookhaven National laboratory to be operated by a corporation formed by nine eastern universities. Is under construction on Lang Island. The Schenectady project, named the KhoQi Atonic Power laboratory, will have a uranium reactor lor the experimental production of atomic power. Tfcia will be in charge of Ete. Kenneth H. Klagdon, who ooa of the first to work on ure- You believe i it, but drink the may not "Brenda" bought us a other night--a coke. MCHS has a golf team again this and will meet Bight April 28 s first match--at Elgin. The school baseball nine will play Grant High on our home diamond this (Thursday) afternoon. We used to hear tales about "the year of the big wind in Ireland" and thought last Satnday night we could refer to this as t_h e year ef the big wind in McHenry. Prom all reports, jBtyinyt got around •" btot the weatherman tha ladies a day parade thoee n aid we want to its, the -in good in ftmed fa hails. And ^saa! *pe, to give eould And, boy, Never knew we could misa those "Hello" girls so much. That's one strike that hits hard. Sometimes that phone has as diny, ha* these days a few riaea waeM be muaie to our ears. Oh my, want we 'phone everybody whan aervfae ^returns! Gflmri1 Faaey *<mn 1ml StKimli 1aw Explorers often have _ names oil •ays the MaSkoal ety. Tha tMeehaw* imagination of and not infrequently colonization. Greenland is area with a tha Red explored its three years, and in A. D. 185 gave it a pleasant name to hire settlers to its shores. Man's search for jaH, In fact, has named apota all around the globe. The Gold Cqast and Mo de 0*o of Africa's western bulge, Mh* doro (Mine of Gold) in tha Philippines, Goldfleld in Novate, OroviBe andHavilah (biblical "land of gold") in California are examples. El Dorado (the Guilded One) was a fabulous land of fold and silver presumed by 16th century Bpintoda to lie somewhere hi the An a IS bigblands. From it, nearly * MMi ef American towns haw tafeaai SUve% rivaling gold in the of explorers, has its « namesakee. Rio South America's means River of Silver. It is not river, hut the estuary of two rivers-- the Parana and tha Uruguay. No silver has been mined new its banks. Sebastian Cabot misnamed it in 1590, having noticed the aBver ornaments worn by regfea. "Tha detailed study of the probof construction of an atomic power reactor lor power production involves major contributions from chemistry, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electrical and mechanical engineering," said a statement by Or. Kingdon. Need 8,888 Experts. "For this reason, scientists specialising in these fields will compose a considerable proportion of the group working on the new program." Dr. C. G. Suits, vice president and director of research for G. £., will have general supervision of the program. In addition lb the uranium reactor, the (tnpUa laboratory will have powsrftu atom smashers and a "hot" chemistry laboratory where radioactive materials can be handled and reactions studied. The Knolls and the adjoining G. E. laboratory will require some 450 scientists and 1,800 technicians when in full operation. A number of acientists from tha army's Manhattan project already have joined the staff. Although announcement of the new project waa made by the army, its control will be turned over to civilian atomic energy comheaded by David E. Lilienits organisation is com- The commission is to supplant tha army entirely in the atomic energy field, but President Truman ana other officials have said that the transfer will take In addition to research work in power development, the laboratory will conduct reoik apadAe problems in conwith the Hanford, Wash. Wartii Iwiif Ms An WASHINGTON. - Airplane landfeat mats which saw wartime service in Farcy aid the Pacific are MrtatMawl lor use as corn cribs In ift» aaJdweet. War Assets administration an* nouncsd It had said 4,198,883 square Hat of surplus landing mats stored at Kankakee, IB., to # bidders who certified tha? wiD oonvert them into corn storage erfts far farm use. The cribs wfll go up on forms in Illinois, Indiana, lava, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Sooth Dakota. The mats were aet aside by WAA en request of tha agriculture department wftHt daolared they were Beaded to prevent impairment to-food production. The mats were sold for a total of $115,887, WAA Uttus Willtn By BfiriBg BERLIN. - The Allied control fonnril announced ita unanimous dethe three suicide letters written by Herman Goering should not be """le public. It waa imderstood from a reliable aontee tint the four military governors m Goering had written them with the Idea that he "could make aome legend- EVERY NIGHT OFFICIAL PXNK JUST FOR FUN 118881 18181 8IH8MIIMI Imi n S3: her which Washington quote, In from Bootee's she had 'been traveling around enjoying life. Ae had pretfcy well coveted the United Statee and loved every bit of it. life was leisurely and a lot of fun. "But the war--as wars will-- changed aO that for Virginia Btentley. U ' Harbor She read an urgent Grose appeal for workers, signed end sines that day in January, has had hardly an hour a SCORES THROUGH SUNDAY t • « M • vKfr-vtyp "•-Kwcrif ou R. Pan S85; Dr. Sayler, 497. Jooea, S888 -- Rogers, 2162. F.'Comm W - *Bait l. L. 417tD. Gift 177-461; C. 8tiB- 178^488. T a v e r n - -- " f ' ' ' Mossy tttL S-Awm Tavern, 0. WWser, 178-&T; Thorns, 191-589. McDonalds, 2--Rolaine Grill, 1. K. ef Cr-- Ok§L 8--Pink Harrisons, i -88", 2--RoeheBes, 1. i Bettv NwJSL i-RaJTS^ ETl M. Dohcrt^S; D. Peie^^98- rolled 4 8 7 . , b f f Peterson, 488; H. Knox, 418; E.j™..««g ^ Peiaert, 171-487; H. Sartaee, 417; G.I™!*" Hoebcher, 484; & SVeund, 417. I land George k. , Steffana Jewelry, 2--McGee Cloth-i int 1. J. Stilling, 201-535. ^ FitzGerald ClmHk, S--Dickows ] 5JJler' 602; »*«<***. 522; H/fteith, Hoots Tsvetn. 2--Schaefers Mar- L ^ ket, 1. H. Noonan, 200-474; R. 2^Q dam8' 630• Meier, 204; Bennett, Sutton, 188-488^ 2--Volo Bait Shop, rSa 1. 8ut- The steel Industry's be clean. Many have bacteriologists rolls. Rogers, 511; A. Baibian, 200-504. . Hdwe. ^-Bubians, 1. Lses than a month after Peart' G. Barblan, -188; L. twt Red Fitspitrig^, {: limed us' Budler, 400; Pto heredf Ladle*-- AHhoTs Paluch, 408. * tees, 1. L. er, 424; A. eyer, 409; D. Page, 418; B. WS»ber, 196-US. Baits, S^AIHcaa Druggists, 1. L. Tar<Jfe2TSi^ i. A. A?N^, 4^L. driving a three or four-ton Red 170-407; J. Meddings, 427; M. Dohblood- eoiiection truck. erty, 17W92. en the war ended she kept! --"T"""r ~.V right on drivhup--only she switched! Better Late Than Never-; from tracks to busee, ferrying loads! Catch-ape-- l • CJ, of patients from Walter Reed and M. Ibeh, 178-428; B. Weber, 198- 520; M. Tegge, lfS-469; M. Green, 184-454; P. MSBsr, 185-420; A. Freund, 458; L. Funk, 432; A. Nett, 428; L. Ftaund, 480; A. GlossoiV 185-427; M. Doherty, 174-449; P. Pries, 401; R. Mavahall, 186-479; L. have, BUdler, 408;" P. Miller, 424; A. Freund, 178-485; P. Pries, 48»; R. Marshall, 410; A. Freohlich, 404; T. HO: I* Steffes, 411 ' 183-454. ^ KcHewy Laundry; J--^SqSiurt fo 499. Bruce Boat Co., 2--Walsh Insurance, 1. G. Mansfield, 189-551; Funk, 214-641; Snyder, 178-488. Althoff Hdwe., 8--Kleinhans, 0. H. Conway, 257; Bennett, 161-202r 1203-566; Kleinhans, 185-509. . Blatx, 2--Hester Oils, 1. D. Smith, j Complete Hne of Lsa^l 155-805-19^-589; Kraose, 522; Hester, remedies at Wattles Drag, 529; Johnson, 214<56k jHsnry. ^ Forea» Glen hospitals to picnics, ball games, fishing trips ana every kind of recreation the Red Cross could concoct. Altogether she has pot in nearly 7,000 hours of volunteer R. C. driving--more time by far than most combat i "Now Virginia Bentley has been appointed to still another job- Ifeyer, 410; L. 411; L. chairman of the district Red Cross: Smith 449; G. Serbian chapter's motor corps. I -- "She lives alone and finds thst cuy utesatisfaction she gets out of long I sip Snack, 2--TOnyans, 1. -Haghard hours of labor is greater than ! berg, 191-M5; Krause, 247-606; ^ pleasure she used to find in Smftk, 201-549: Stoller, 215-568. *"*• ' 1 Alexanders, 2 -- McGees, l. N. "Her only grief: 'The so desperately needs ley Few of Spitsbergen's mountains are mote than a mile high, but their sharp vires or cotes, glittering with snow and ice, make the islands scenically beautiful. Many fjords in« dent the shores, and glaciers fill valleys and often run down into the fjords themselves. Two-thirds of West Spitsbergen, largest of the five islands and a number of barren, rooky islets that make up the group, is covered with ice all year. Here are no trees, but hardy flowers blossom quickly in midsummer. A vi^n, current from -the North Atlantic washes the western shores and mod* eratee the c'.'/mste. Green and yellow vegetebles served each day supply vitamins the pleasant eray. Juston^ 197-512; Pries, 198-559; Ros- "fierdriehs, 2--Kreutxers, 1. Crouch 549; Budler, 542; J. Thorsell, 526; H. kreutser, 506. Palace, 2 -- Walsh Insurance, 0. Rogers, 218-580; Steffes, 524. G. I. Lee gee-- Rolaine, 2--Matte, 1. Repan, 194- 479. Banloer% * §--Fitspatricks, L fngereol, 481, • i'v -4is -- McHenrv Bend * Gravel, S--tScH. Newsboys, 874 (High game for year); "Be^HMa^er, 222-504; N. Justea, 508; G. fwond, 248-521. shaHfers* -- Match-- High School Squirts, 2121-- Half A Half, 1945. Sehaefer, 458; Hagberg, 185-488. Ladies-- Oak Park 2--Pop Fensle, THE SPORT# riming equifiibmt J (' * Action Outioi Sods ^ .: - - Bristol CwUng Rodg * - f Pepper Wfy M Myeloid Ourttef tub ;^;v Banfsr 4W* Outtnc ImIi f Universal Oastiag Reels * Green Ripple Outing Beelj Bristol ffy Reeb - in R«u Ci . • »Mkic Fly * Metal Bait Boxes ' • Silk an4 Kylon Fishing Line » Tippets 1-2-3 : p SQumam "* Aikamaa Tnnbr B«e, . * AH Amariou Bate * Kaa-Wdl AMhu lH(M B ' » Yomn OfficUl Soft Bulk . » RaerMttm Soft Ball, * J. A. Dnbtr >whl| Mwn OOLFINa RQUIFHKBT * Tommy Armov CMf Balls / f Joe Kirkwood Golf Balls inper Soott Qolf Balls - * Golf * Golf Ohib Corns THEIR haTvouS bankrupt PONt Th ^ *• • ' • • 1 MLcr |i|A aaU •ales. They're atardy ye| We service your car regularly to protect its long-life. Bring your car in today for Mobile gas oline and Mobile new, improved postwar Motor Oil. Your car will serve you more dependably when you let us give your car tne Mobile oil and gas treatment. •ateis# We dUl ^ r wsya (it yoe lor taarfart. DOWNS NASH S A I E S & S E R V I C E 0 0 5 f L M S T P H O N t M C H F N R y I L L I N O I S ©WEEN STREET McWENRV SAVE 45% ON BREAD! I Tap Tsde w aysWnMne WOT MvM NATCO Y0UN08CRRY, BOYSENBCtKY Oft CHERRY PRESERVES DMNK SANKA AND SUB veeciABU oi MATttA ff% CAPHIN FREC VACUUM MCMSD Saska Oeies UMyaotoetpaaiHO Nafl CcAN rmuar oe oeir , M __ ialee Oefes 47c ORANGE •EECH-NUT 4i. ITe EVftAIMtO nUITS AND WITH PORK VICCTASLB CMp. .15 1 216 SAMtlNOTON HALL lastaat leiee HOLSUM KAHUT BUTTH Naaat %nm . ^ St€ HOLS0M KAHUT MITTH Naaat Mi ^ 22c RAVOMUST CSACKHX SaWM* A&tS* CHtCKSN NOOOU SOUP WjrWr't Mli |£££2f« M MULE TEAM Berai ^ 17« NO-tUS FLOOR WAX Wilton's SOAP FLAKES eUffti FlakM DONALO DUCK Peaa at Batter ..'jar HOUSdOLO INSTITUTE MumrlMt CLIMAX CLEANSR cUanMr CAN Draia-e-ze 1te TOMATOES 23' RED RIPE. w*M CCLLO TUBE FIESM MPMMK BUNCH TIM.. 4 LAR6€ El BUNCH 9 ; ; Suit. LETTUCE 2 HMDS |5# TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 10 ^49* U ....r&sm* SC>4A^HiSl^8^ Me • • BAR •€" K^oz. M| • • • • M-t ««• ^ ?£ »• JEW WTA I " NATIONAL ~n: ORK 7 - : : . 1