with 196 quarts in •PiSESES^i&f'1tw§!» HM. iMii nSttHiw mmm and the *slds *a«*«~&itolM mw& sttKfp, the to-wit: Ml bred, to i on* white •Id. HERMAN KNUTH, Owafc north of from ^•3 dry. Smm hm •avrfift.-i. Mm will be at the Cam ft fit ft forest plaatiag Waaeonda. If'you an OSSSFOOLS -- 8KPTI0 TAKE* OATOH SABOTS "a. «*•>»' VoiBTHUn ^ **/»»>£ »%,.».« . - Cleaned By EDDIE HUFF, Prop. ^ &£'. *i TELEPHONE McHBNRT 290 CLARENCE'S SHOP -Kitchen, eabiaats and Clipboards made to order. " *Bll KM of lawn chain, swings, pier benches, pieale table aits, children's play pens, sand boxes, trellises, picks* fraces, window boxes, bird houses, etc. Genuine leather men's and ladies' bblts, pnrses.etc. CLARENCE SMJTH •• _# f* - " •" TeL McHenry 625-J-l " Johnsbnrg •40* DR. HENRY FRjSUND ^ OPTOMTMSt j\- ff lhin St, Wxt SUEmrr Steffan's Jewelry ilere *•;*; ^ (COosed Thursday Afternoons) ^ T%" *&>, S?- Hrf*1 fTjsa BimAmI -- Gtaasa Fitted Yleaal M*fc% -- Visual lihaMlltHlia " , %t Cbaqplsto Vlaea! *--'p'* : f to 11 sad 1 to »--Satarday •milnsi: S to S M M>- PHONE McHENRY OARAGE ^iSSPlRU- % f** > ff&T: General Parts and ig,3 rjWJa sram oucAimra - tMAVY-DUTY TOWHTO SEKVICS NICK P. MILLER , m Front St, St. SI Odl: Shop, IM117 lOH-Sw, MeBmj U-g M.& ROTARY TILLERS Motor--5-Hors» 4-cycle air oodled Wlsoonsin; 2-speeds forward; 24- tines, ttmhen bearings, weight, S75 ponnda; 16- ineh swath, 8 to • inehes deep. Prepares a perfect seed hod in one opentien. Immediate de» liTery, oome in and see them In operatiei." 7 ~ ^ JRINGWOQD NURSERY : amowooD, n»u . f'•%*."• •: S;V* : Qp&ik'JX - T'i AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS » ***** - '*•#* 'I; W' ipedaHiing la Store and m al, whieh was m _ jstjs'hZ?, £&5i£h~ ® wd BflLof WsaifiMnaa, Mr. and Phelps^raadsrs tf r •- Bertie Daanden of and Mrs. Louis Janst, and Mrs. _ Mis. Tblefbon and we. wes^ me vaaaon spent Wedneeday sAeraoon with Mrs. Clara E. Foster at Rkh- Mtas^Vtefaia jepeon, a. k., of . of Clinton Vocel'at Elkhorn, oa Wedneeday were Mr. and '•<*, BUI and Bob, UM-*r. and* #01*' Louis Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Brsnnsn, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Phelp Saunders. Georfe Haberlein spent Friday ia Chieaco. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich,' Jr„ and daurtiter, Mary Ann, and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, were Yisitbrs at Harvard, Friday. Mrs. Theresa Hicfcey of Chicago spent the weekend with Mia. Louu Hawley. M*s» Qrnthia Freyer of Crystal Lake wed on her neiee,»Mrs. Saturday aitsrnoon, Mrs. Harold Geoigjs l|ts.>laar Smith and Alms of. McHenry were callers in the Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., hcune Wednesday. They ware on their way to Ukhorn to attend ftaneral sevtieee for Clinton VogaL First Natisnal Bank ef Weadetoek, t-aee dng; iwe|er"«sc; rubber- CIsAiag. , tired wagoa; i-w|»i1 trailw, on a»w;onespray| Vats Afgietod .. ... . aA! * Wtaiated 40,000. vaCWaas .!" y8j,.wr? i .80 acquired rheumatic fever during * wlr*» •- *•**• chicken • their recent military service. •mall meeh I • inch mesh 1 fS3r; tools, tools. --and moulding, new; some Sx4,1*8, 2x10; and soma firewood. TeruM; AU euflto of $26.00 and under tlwf lammt eash; over that annaikt a eredH ef abt months at S per eiwt wta ito Igflwii J on notes approved hr the (3anc.« Anyone desirinir eremt kiwBy make arrangements before purduua is msde. No ppitl to be reasoned until settled Nat reepeaeftle &r accideata aheald any LOUIS A. HUFF " imk af aisbmeaii, Oerldag. CHAfl. LBONAKO, Aoctioaeer Beeauie of the akbrtage of htlp and net being able to secure satisfactory help. 1 am fapsbd to sell my dairy at pirate auction on the farm formerly Mr. and Mrs. Granvill Carlaon 2^ml£i SSfSS^i^'E^JS: & -- - «w» - the Cummine west of Scottwood it e|.Route No. 47, 8XTURDAT, APRIL IS Commencing at ISM, the following dsecrihsd ptupslf, to-wit. ' tS HBAO OF if|R8T0CK . " o ' • fmWng of 84 choice HslHeji Aes, some of wtiich will tnOm byiale date; Holstein •hcdL t years eld; 2 Holstein heifer esivas, S mac. old; Holstein itatawlKng dairy of iring, replace- '"-•frit:* urday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Aingar and family of Hebron spent Sunday in the George fibapard home. Mr..and Mrs. George Bacon of Antiocn visited his mother, Mm Jennie Bseon, Saturday. Mrjuid Mrs. WeMon Andreas ahd family spent Sunday afternoon with he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert oel, at Algonquin. -Mr. and MSra. Curly Wilson and Baitana Laurence of Blgn spent A - Sundw wift their parents, Mr. and j• mo# Mrs. Oliver Laurence. This is an out Mr. and Mfca, 8. W. Smith spent! eows •"* anjwie Sunday.-in the Lyle Hqnar home in Chicago w ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse and Mrs. Mae Harrison of Csystal Lake jtrjzrsLSn. Hawley home. Frank Walkington and son, John, P Lltttlyville spent Saturday wiUi Ms parento, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Watty ington. W. A. Collins of Beloit spent day afternoon with his pacenta. Rev. and Mia. Collins. Alieo and Marion Foot of1 mt tiw weekand witii dair Mr. and Mrs. Charifli Mat J» af »• jpyjL -aySMSr- Ja^fs and DMb Wiedrich of Key. stone spent the wesksnd witii thdf Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Robert Van hmr jta »pent Sunday ivialw parento, Mr. and Mrs. *re. L V. Las* ef Volo Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jepeon. Geojge WhiUng of DeKalb is tpeaflfag the weekend with'his par* eats, Mr and Mrs. E. E. Whitinr Mr. and Mrs. Jehn 8hadle e| Campaign and Miss Eleanor Pries of BnwN spent the weekend-wiUa Mr. and Mm Watt 8hadle. fc, and Mrs. Paul Norman and fyWp ef Evanstoa spent Sunday. with, her mo^ier, Mm! ioee Jepeon. Miss.iNbwna Whiting of Gfcayi spent Sunday with her parent^ and Mrs. E. E. Whiting Paul Collins aad daughters, Manr id Martha of Ariington EMchta >eat Hstutdsy «Ssim!oh v r i S i l S irenfts, Rev. aad Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Smith fondly spent Sunday in the home their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wl inger, and family at Woodstock. Risk to VHMlMi Mlaerali long time kale has bean: ' as an encoflent aource of throat lin-; -body mem-; p place. Kite half ,as amok i by flu body betted than carrota. tha greeb laavaa la id water to JaM loaf toe laavaa to be tender, af this vagetable's vita. _ lainarals an Ugh- Cookaot daataay fee carotene hi '» m.>- AND WOMHN, BOYS AND GIRLS AT BOWMAN BROS. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS \ »*t r * * "nt, ««. » ' ' t r «xi ' "*> ' »v '-v :T** -**£( : % . ( 9 < t .. J WOMDlEXjyBi ili si-^IT""2 Iffi W*-' ANNOUNCIN© NEW "f ^ '» r.f. ( ' ' "V V-'1. . • *'*• -"y-ry1 ;/K' .V d McMahon Refrigeratiofl SALES and SERVICB 510 Main Streef Wert McHenry, 18. v AMESIOAM PASM AMS ' H0KS ntSSSSR ON " DISPLAT * _» FOOD DISPLAT CASKS RKAOH-IN BBFRIOBBATOK8 WALK-IK OOOLKS6 DEY-KOOL BOTTLE OOOLBB& DIRJWT DRAW BKSB DISPBfAili 1 •;> . y>-r« McHENRY 41ft ' ^ RSON TREE SERVICE V ;PHONg MCHENRY 113.R +•. ' *.« -.s • ' . •> i- .jSHt .1 if" '-«s ? *• * •«* , ^ tt t 4t' ' *» T- • «• > • • » * J s , w '* . " ' >*1" ... t v * " "f I'-. "/*':&'• -vf.'i i:' -Xh v-U. " f; - f-ir, i .•* *.-4' This Month in Your i ' /»*«»(«»* •«*.%<.., ^ •„st_ ; ~ ' ' * ; . m v m f ^ v, -»4 ' 1 J i Ji ' •*<?. ' * n "*? ;.e^s« * - , . -s % -': '*35; ^ ^ ***$*y* ^ LETI «"c/ icrc are stork istoric spots illustrated by Jokal:"^. icKee. The cover, designed in v I here storks of twelve mote ^ • ' **A v ' * . - # V historic McKee response to many reader requests I for a map showing locations of ^ v "Our landmarks," shows the sites and (listing) of all 57 "OlMCrs^- -tf-* W>|.< landmarks treated to date in « - - Sk Northern lUieou ||^KWi « yawfaaiaMeahi B1JLLBT1N i" « * ?• T t 1;:% .*% . -A • # • r r ^ ^5B * - , . 1 ' ; > > • * ,X' I WjM< SSBVMS COMPANY Of Mr" ; .fr •>*-v* r* f "] J -i 'V »±:i*.' iy ,t.- i »- f * •* •** t ' ':«S " . '