HP" J », •" (by Mza. This community FMnd) •hocked fcy tke death of Warner, who dHhi seddeely •* Id* early Sonday moraine* Oar Ut synqwtlqr is extended to bemved widow and relating. Charles Freund was host to Rev. [ohn Daleiden and the ushers of j |t. Peter's parish at his home on1 lay night . A meeting was held . which hinch was served. Cards the evening's pasttime. Quit a few from here attended "the funeral of Mrs. Hubert Weber at St. Mary's church in MeHenry on ^ Friday morning. • ,_ Mrs. Dorothy Adsit, daughter, Beverly, and Mrs. Charles Freund ' And daughter, Charlotte, spent Thursday in Chicago and enjoyed the eircus at the Stadium as guests of • Arthur Srebren. Mrs. Edward May entertained : aietttbers of her club at her home ' . Jin Thursday afternooh. Games of *500" were played and lovely prizes ^ere awarded those achieving high ' • icores. Refreshments were served py the hostess after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brits and family spent the weekend at Rock " Island with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "Britz and family. * n *• Mr. and M: ren of Mc Jors injhe Jose] '. Mrs. Clarence if honor at a sho' jy Mrs. Walter ~~ RS winners were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Cordelia Fiersching, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Clarence Millunday afternoon. irnished entertainment and prise Wirtx and chSdiie Sunday visi- Brown home, ijler was guest given for her at her home rds and bunco of lb«.lKa»» Schaefer ,of Fox Lake as « caller in the MM of her ilsr, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Saturday afternoon. , , , AppwfiMts DtMpHvt !•>- > MadH •Hrw fciHt Don't buy citrus fruits by appearance alone, since what lotto like a full, juicy orange may bf surprisingly void of juice and full of pulp. Rather, wei£h the fruit in your hand.} Heavy citrus fruits are richer than( lightweights. Next look for a firm, smooth, thin skin of fine texture, and don't worry if there are a few surface blemishes and slight discolorations. However, avoid fruit with badly creased skin, and a puffy spongy appearance, which is light in weight. Color or lack of color has nothing to do with the degree of ripeness. The color of citrus fruits depends on several factors: Variety, season of the year, and area of production. Florida and Texas oranges often have areas of green, especially at the stem end, but this color does not indicate under-ripeness of the fruit. As a matter of fact, all citrus producing states have maturity laws which growers are required to observe. After passing the maturity test, the ripe fruit which is not an attractive orange color often is treated with ethylene gas. This treatment takes out the green color and brings forth the familiar natural yellow or orange shade. Subscribe for The Plaindealer by W--Utu Uaioa. By INEZ QBsnisn JOSEPH GOTTEN, co-starring in "The Farmer's Daughter," revealfd a dark chapter of his life the other day: at the beginning of his career he was a clothes model for commercial photographers. "I was a favorite with the agency for a firm which went for the 'before and after' type of ad," he said. "I was Mr. After, tf)e fellow who always gets the job because he wears the right suit." But some! years later, after he was established on the Sanl and Grarel Co. Excavating and Crane Service ^ Dirt-- land and Ghravi: Road Grading CALL McHENBY 97j ' • to Y NEITS SAND AND CRAVEl BLACK DIRT / . Free Estimates. Will load trackers • W by appointment Ithim*. adding 1 TEL. HcHEMSY 8S7R-2 Mi*. Weber Say* Putting things away for the summer! Your best bet is to eend them in to u* for cleaning1 doing jo. Then, too, for^only SS 00 garment in a mothproof bag. McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM S*„ McHSintY, UJL Helen Weber, Mgr. Phone 104-M OIL... tie '"puel 'piecdam Ask about Oil-O-Matic's Moods fob Kvarr TYK OF HCATINO SVSIKM AMD KVMT SIZE HOMS... MW Ot OU> PPA that assures early installation of WILLIAMS l-0-MATIC HEATING | PPA assures ym definite, schedaled {delivery by registered serial number from earr Oil-O-Matic quota in ymr neighborhood. Act now--PPA ends before 1947'« heating season starts. funions LOW Prmmvrw Piinijph amvrm v--qvalM tCOMOMY, tfflCUNCY and DtPMDABIUTY Burns any fuel oil! Right for any size home! Handles less man 2 quarts of .oil per hour! Long life--90* of all Oil-O-Matics installed in the last 20 jr*ars are still oo the job! fame tie {uHdt&tfUf THfNNES OIL CO. QUALITY FUELp ' 'Urn t* Mffcwsy fravil Durtngtlie f»n sand'early winter months, MO pedestrians are killed in the three hours immediately after sunfet for every 24 killed in the three hours Just before sunset, according to records of the National Safety Opuncil. Early evening is not only a period of heavy automobile traffic, but it is also the time when motorists have the greatest difficulty In seeing. Motorists should not be expected to assume the whole responsibility for safety of pedestrians walking along highways and. other roads.1 Walk to the eitreme left side of the road facing oncoming traffic, pedestrians are warned. Walk on the shoulder of the road if there is adequate room. Be alert for cars coming in either direction and look carefully for approaching traffic before starting to cross the highway. When walking along (he road at night, wear something white or carry a light so that you can be seen easily. If it is necessary to tsavel along the highway in a wagon at night, be sure to display a light that is plainly ble from both directions. IMag Deeieraafts The safest time to use noo-parspif* ants or deodorant preparations is after undressing at night. Care would be taken not to drop any of the liquid preparations on underweor or night clothes or to use so much of the creams that they get on fabrics. Powder applied over these preparations at night and again in the morning helps protect clothes. Shields may be as useful in protecting against these chemicals as p.gainst perspiration. Estimating Board Fepv " *ou can estimate the humoer of board feet in a 16-foot log quite closely by subtracting four from the diameter at the top end of the log and squaring the number obtained. For instance, take a 16 foot log measuring 24 inches. After subtracting 4, the remainder 20 is squared and the answer is 400, wheh is the number of board feet in the log. Other lengths are judged proportionately. An 8 foot log would contain half as itwiy board feet as a 16' foot log, ana a 12 foot would .contain three-fourths as many. Bacteria Releases Oil | - The possibility of using certain | types of bacteria to increase the r»> < covery of oil from subterranean de-; posits is suggested in a patent issued to Dr. Claude E. ZoBell, asso- > date profesor at the University of i California. While testing various kinds of bacteria for their ability to modify crude oils. Dr. ZoBell observed in March, 1943, that certain ! cultures released droplets of oil from test tubes filled with calcareous material prepared to simulate underground oil-produojng formations. Further laboratory experiments showed that bacteria can release oil from oil-bearing sediment by (1) dissolving calcareous materials, (2) crowding off the oil physically, and 1 (3) by producing surface-active sub> ; stances, literally "bacteria soap." y j ••ft**.* ,t ^Dry-deaatal Giovci , Jvess have been dry-cleaned, don't try to wash them. '. • . The use of inlisisiawM to, such as Pentathol, wm «C importance to military saroeew during the war. On and in hospitals near battle araas the use of explosive ether or anMOaslijf gas and oxygen mixtures becomes a serious hazard. ^ The use of cumbersome cylinders, masks, and carbon dioxide removing material is a practical impossibility. Tiro smaB ampules, one of Pentathol --if mm of distilled water, a 25-cubic --ymeter syringe and a fine n--are all of the basic equipment required for anesthesia. The anesthetist may carry supplies for an entire day's work in his handbag, and replacements may be easily carried by air. I Read the IV ant Ads Electric Drill Versatile hn electric drill also can be to churn butter, sand wood 3^1. wind small springs or twist wire. • »! Bring Back 'Dead' Degs " * Dogs which have been "dead" t&r as long as eight minutes have been brought back to life in recent labo> ratory experiments Revival was accomplished after a period of no breathing and no heartbeat by the use of a pump to replace heart notion, stimulant drugs aitiflcid respiration. Dry Climate : * -The average relative humidity in Phoenix, Ariz., is 67 per cent in the morning, 30 per cent at noon and 28 per cent in th^ evening. • Packard Produces Its Millionth Car JOSEPH GOTTEN stage, the same agency sent for him the same photographer looked at Cotten, but failed to recognize him-- "and said he'd use me if I would pose as Mr. Before." Se Cotten climbed into an old suit and did! Contrary to popular belief, Ann Sheridan, who's currently starring ,• in " N o r a P r e n t i s s , " was n e v e r a ; ' school teacher. She thinks the report; • that she was--and it's been in circu-! \ lation for years--grew out of the j' fact that she once attended Texas 11 State Teachers college for a while J! because her sister was teaching!' there at the time. ; After several postponements, j I shooting finally gets under way at Universal - International on "Pea-1' body's Mermaid," the comedy which: will star Peter Lind Hayes; it's; based on the book of1 the same i name, but the main character's i changed; he's a Hollywood press: agent, and the mermaid he falls is; love with hails from Boston. 1 1 f t ' t 1 1 1 i , i' The light of faith never dims the hearts of those who see in the passing of a loved one, eternal rest. In serving the bereaved, our light never dims either, for our services are available 24 hours daily. Listeners write approximately 2,000 letters a week to ABC officials in praise of the Sunday "Greatest Story Ever Told" radio program; many of them come from Sunday School teachers wanting to . supplement religious texts with the dramatizations. -sell Jacob Justen Sons | FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funeral Home Phone MeHenry 103-R Green, Cor. Elm, MeHenry • • I 11 Ml I t I I I i l» It » » I !<•»»•! Bill Slater, the sports broadcaster, has beeqtchosen for the second year to head the staff of eight who will go to Indianapolis on May 30 to bring Mutual listeners an eye-witness account of the annual 500-mile Indianapolis Speedway Race. MBS will carry four separate broadcasts. Evelyn Keyes went to Mexico with her husband, John Hustoo, where he is directing "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" for Warners' but promised to return to Hollywood when Columbia called her for wardrobe fittings. She'll go right iatc The Mating of Mattie McGoni. a modern comedy picked at tr follow-up to "The Jolson Story "Johnny O'Clock." In the midst of to "MeaialL. with Raywaad Massey _ wrote the Introduction to "Motiee Picture Acting," by Lillian Albert son, RKO dramatic coach. Julie Conway was just the voice j that chanted the one-line commercial on the "Jack Smith Show" til.1 Jack heard that she'd been studying; voice for two years and made hei i singing guest star on a broadcast 1 She did so well that she was offered a repeat performance, and now1 she's shelved her role of singer o: commercials, and steps out as his featured guest star. ^ j When Robin Chandler, the beau- i tiful fashion editor, married Jeffrey Lynn some months ago sho stockec up on cook books before they left for Hollywood. But Lynn, who is now making his post-war screen debut ' in "Whiplash" at Warnei i Bros, (he served with the AAF ir Italy) makes a practice of cookint dinner for her at least once m wgek , to encourage her. -- ' ' ODDS AND ENDS--WUbin 24 hour mfter tbt premier of the Tony Msrtb. Show, in Hollywood, bis }estared song bird, Evelyn Knight, received no Uss tba*1 three offers to sign s film contract. . . | Av* Gsrdntr bss been signed for m ( pe*r*nct on "Suspense" emiy in May... j 50 extrs pLsyers doing %e*cb scents nem SSMU Monies for "WbipUsbf were kepi | wmrm by s long row of gbmt ehOrit I bosttri. . . . Teres* Wright says Tin j Martha Scott was starring on the stage n j *Omr Town,' I mnderstmdied Dorothy Mc- j Gmre, who uss mnderitmdying MartbS •iQfl in bumble beginnings! o New Synthetie A third synthetic, transuranic element, americium, has been iso- | toted in a pure compound by University of California nuclear scientists. Packard Motor Car Company has just produced its millionth automobile-- a 1948 Super-Eight Convertible. As the car rolled off the assembly line, h was met by (left to right) George T. Christopher, president and general manager; AI van Macauley, chairman of die board; and Ed Jones, oldest long-time employee, who helped build the first Packard (above) in 1899. "We expect to produce as many cars in the next five years as We did in the past forty-eight," Christopher said. Tie «M» Packard wm built in Wanes, O, Nov. 6, 1899. Nchr in ^ the James Ward Packard E^ianring ' •i#'1 Laboratory at Lehigh University, old ' Model A was loaned for the event. ' ;. Nearly 500,000 of the first Bullion ^ Packards are still operating, according ' to 1946 car registrations, Christopher; J',.- RIVERSIDE MOTOR ttLEPHONS McHENEY 477 Packard Sales and Serviir 904 East Pearl Street SALES MeHenry, Illinois MICROMET Modern Science's New Low Cost Answer to Cleaner Water Systems and Longer Lived Plumbing' - 1 RUSTY RED WATER18 mT dkindko, oooxm, CORROSION ER AIR OLOOFI COILS AMD PIPKS--REDUCKS DLALL HOT WATER SUPPLY--WASTES run. WASHING--IT STAINS FABRICS EATS OUT WATEK TAAMKS WRECKS PLUMBING SYSTEMS INSTA % " FEEDER $16.60 MICROMET FEEDER , IN YOUR WATER SYSTEM ^ COST A FEW CENTS PER DAT--WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS IN FUEL AND PLUMBING BILLS--APPROVED BY SlATf BOARDS OF HEALTH THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY r "X EASY TO IN8TAIX PREVENTS SCALE --CONTROLS CORROSION CLEARS RUSTY WATER . H Your Dealer Cannot Supply You * PHONE, CALL OR WRITE MICROMET is made from Calgon, a patented formula of food grade-sodium-phosphate Glass. It normalizes water by combining with the hardness and remaining in solution, in the water. FRED F. PRELL CO. 400 W. Kiazie St.,Chicago 10, Ills. All Phones--DELAWARE 5996 Complete Burner Service 8t Old Mine < *he Elizabeth min«v> near flNth , Strafford, Vt., discovered in 1793, was reopened in 1942, and now Is producing copper at • rate greetcr than at the height at aethrtties la Residence and Branch Office --Big Hollow Road---Half Mile West R-I2-59 LAKE OF THE HOLLOW R-l, Ingleside, Illinois Effect ef Micromet la Protecting Iron or Steel Pipe Left -- Typical effect of untreated, soft, corrosive water... passage almost blocked with rust. Right -- Same kind of pipe, using same water treated with Micromet ... passage clean and unobstructed. Phone Fox Lake 5221 Effect of Micromet in 'Preventing ..Scale Formation in Hot-Water Heater Coils Top -- Hot-water-heater coil which failed, due to plugging with scale, after 6 months of service with untreated hard* water. Bottom -- Similar coil, same location, after one year of service swith the same water, treated with/ Micromet Metal is en-< tirely clean and flee from acale. t * * J 1 • ?! - 'I "I.:d iii * . :w i. - ^ 1 ":1 MICROMET $3.00 the lb. Up to 6,000 gab. of water Normalized with om-qufr* ter lb. Micromet. WE SUPPLY DEALERS AT USUAL DISCOUNTS ; - ~ K * J# vrv*> ' , *'• * ;. 1 • • " ?• -Ik