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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1947, p. 8

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TWICE TOLD TALES , .f ' <"f' v f * „ . lf" -r.pci- ™4p!|";}% fjfnm4 v *otf^-x' Items If Interest Taken iWa Hke Files ef the Plaindealer •f Team Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO '•- •" • --ft s£; OIWI iwr Plaindealet Wightman's freight team took a little turn up street on their own ?ether with a large portion of their urniture. Married--Tuesday, April ' 18, at i 1:30 o'clock, at His * residence, by i Rev. E. B. BontM, Mr. Prank W. ! Hatch, of English Prairie, and Miss i Agnes M. Kimball, of McHenry. ' C. Stegemann's team undertook to go to church alone on Sunday morning, but after taking a short but ("lively i-un around the street, brought | up suddenly against a post in front i of Harperish's shop. Wagon only 'slightly damaged*-^ j The only exclusive grocery house ' in town is kept by B. Gilberts, Esq., on the West side. There have been seven saloon litaken out in this vilage so ing and lib house on the .outside.* ?eat 'tasty color. FIFTY YEARS AGO That McHenry has the best harness maker in the county, in the person of Gus Carlson, is evidenced by the large amount of work he is receiving. Considerable excitement has been aroused by the appearance in the western and northwestern skies, recently, of what many people claim is an airship. It has been seen from different points in the western states, and has been variously described as having front and rear lights wings, being cigar shaped. _ C. A. Douglas has moved his famiaccount on Monday, badly demoral- far, three on the West side, two injly from Chicago and now occupies ising the wagon and lameing one of the center and two at the east end Mrs. J. P. Goings house, on the the horses quite badly. o f t own . . . . I We s t s i d e . "The residence of Fairweather Bros. pajnt ghop over Hauperisch wagon east of Mudgett's cheese factory, shop, in this village. was burned on Sunday night, to-George Rothermel has "been paint- S. L. Morrison'has opened a new| Remodel your flags. Official no- ADVX8BS'&,v COMMENTS 1947 PWO* SUPPORT pKooiuai n onw to SOUS POTATO OOVttS AH potato producers who grow less than three scree will be eon* I sidered for ellgMlity to participate in the 1947 price support program though individual goals nave I sen established for their farms. I BACON S BAIT SHOP Located Just East of Fox River Bridge on Route 120 MARATHON GAS AND OILS White Gas For Outboard Motors Worans -- Night Crawlers -- Flies -- Cane Poles LESTER D. BACON, Prop. HOME PERMANENT with Tmarns Round.. T l t i b b e d . • • fte-vsable MinwJQt with plastic curlers M up yssr hair In half Hie time! Toni Professional Plastic Curlers have 50% more curling Jurface; and they're ribbed (treaded) all over, to keep hair "• from slipping. Save money every HUM you re-use jrourToni Plastic Curlers. For a sdUl lot costs only $1.00--conta|M| everything but curlela. RigwJarKa with fiber cttrltn lUfiitKa mthont cttrltn $100 Aifirumpha tm Stripes In advanoe-styl^ Skipper T-Shirt* Wide stripes lend a dfattoettre air to the* Skip» , P* T-Shlrb newly styled by Wilson IVdhsss ' hm&i knit for excellent tit of Durene cotton-- holds its dean-cut colon. Craw-neck, alee*ss. ftne choice of color combinations. |»r ; Ifeiu • 1KEEN ST. McHENRY, ILL HJ50 and up tice has been given that on and after the 4th of July, 1897, the American flag will have 45 stars. M. Engeln has put a handsome new front in his block, on Water street, which much improves its appearance. Geo. Rosenberger has sold the lot where his house lately burned, to A. Ensrein, wbo will erect his new buildings on the same. tt.ev. Father O'Neil has returned i;om his trip to the old ^country, arj riving here on Saturday evening. I The heavy rains of last week : washed out part of' the south abut- . bent of the bridge over the mill race, | in ihis village, but it was discovered before any accident occurred. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE -GBKBM 8TBEBT McHENRY, ILLINOIS FORTY YEARS AGO Out of a total levy of $21,494.35 colector Niesen collected $19,985.16, leaving a delinsuent tax of $1,479.19. The collector's commission was; $399.70. . i We have been informed that the' McHenry Electric Light, Heat A Power company will rebuild the mill race at once and expects to be in first-class, running order again in about two weeks. | The stockholders of the Johns- { turgh Creamep^ company are ser- • iously considering the proposition of building a new factory at Johnsburgh, the present 4*uilding having served its time. \ W. H. Krause has been appointed to the position of foreman at the j Borden factory. 4 I New awnings adorn the business houses of John Heimer, Barbian Bros., and Geo. R. Gilbert this week.! Math Freund, the hustling young Pearl street blacksmith, took in or-! ders for five single, rubber-tired, top buggies last week. I J. B. Perry re-elected president of, board of education by good majority,; at school election Saturday. j Frank Masquelet has recently installed an elegant? new soda fountain into his Elm street drug stoft.' _ jkf W. H. Tammeus) The WMr with a poor pasture curt keep s it a secretl Either his livestock is all over the country or the fence pests around his cow gym- aI cow CP all outV of sucvh aa C pt lVac a eU y w Then" e v e n not a PQ*t-ffave way. This announcement Is made by Bert . Kras* pas" Bridges, county AAA committee Jul>\ save chairman. Such producers must no- "J* growing, putting up, tify the county office prior to June and feeding silage by planning now j that they wish to be considered a piece of sudan and soybeans to eligible for price support operations, turn in to about July 1. Don t sow; Because of excessive potato protoo much. Not over an acre to every ducth>n in recent years, price sup- ?i2?S?U1S animals. port activities are now limited to Al£elfa4lrome pasture must be only those growers* who plant within planned f*r in advance. It costs established acreage goals or who money, but is certainly worth the plant less than three acres. money and time spent. f According to Mr. Bridges, potatoes -Have you seen the signs, "Save represent the only farm commodity Two Hours Per Day By Pasture, to date that has required major i Improvement" on some of our cars support action to guarantee farmers I It* no bunk. the 90 percent parity return which I Carroll Curtiss, secretary of our has been pledged under congressional I new Soil Conservation district, left legislation. To, the consumer, this two books with me at our last year's program is designed to bring board meeting. They were written only the best grades ef. potatoes by his unde, the late Dr. If\ H. 1 for consumption. I King, Professor of AgricultufV and -- . Physics at the University of Wis- Read the TOam; Ad* con^in 1888-190,1 and chief of divi- . sion of Soil Manasrement U. S. D. A., i I 1901h1904. One is on soil manage-f ment, published in 1914, and the other is ' Farmers of Forty Centuries--- China, Korea, Japan." If I had another vacation I'd read them, but I have spent my 1947 time al-, ready. I do hope to work them in soon, though. | Illinois Farmers Institute Scholar- Complete line of David Roberts veterimr ^nedfriaes at Wellies Drugstore McHenry. 48-tf-bp WILSON'S ftADtO SHOP rs en All 4 Auto THEATRE ship to the University of Illinois inj ] agriculture and home economics are available to McHenry county boys and girls. , Write Illinois Fanners Institute, 104 Mumford Hall, Urbana, 111., for application forms. The com-1 pleted form must be in bjr May 31,1 1947. The examination is written in the county school superintendent's office, Saturday, June 7. • j Complete line of bavid Roberts veterinary medicines at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-bp Read the Want AdS PHONB S2 Woodstock, 111. FRI. ft SAT.--MAY 16-17 Roy Rogers and "Trigger** ^] "HELDORADO" with [Dele Evans -- -- Gabby Hayee] [PLUS--"BUND SPOT" with Chester Morris 1 TeL Mctlenry 2M3-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhangfng, ResMvint Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting 105 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO w. PN^ROOKS A SON Painting and Papering All Material At Cost \ TeL 131-R ' 116 Washington St. McHenry, IHinoii SUN. A MON.--MAY 18-19 Mickey Rooney in "LOVE LAUGHS/AT ANDY HARDY" with | Lew is Stone -- Bonita Granril TUBS, A WEDMAY 2*31 Ernie Pyle's "STORY OF G. I. JOW* " With Burgees Meridet* As Ernie Pyle STARTS THURS. MAY 22 Betty Grable in "THE SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM" In Technicolor j With Dick Haymee WELDING • Maintenance and Construetioe ' Portable Eqatpaunit H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51^1 $09 Seath Green St, McHenry, in JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Werh Jtfl 'N. Green SU McHMry, A Phone 24S-R FRANK E. WEILER FAINTING AND DECORATING Phone McHenry 689-W-2 Painting, Paperhaaging, Spraying Estimates Cheerfully Furnished JIcHenry; Illinois - J -- : ¥ -- -- FRI.--SAT. Bob Hope -- Joan Caulfleld "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE** PLUS--New* and Novelty SUN.--MON. MAY 18--19 Clandette Colbert -- -- Walter Pidgeon , June Allyson •'THE SE3CRET HEART* PLUS--World News and Donald Duck Cartoon CLOSED "TUESDAY WED. (One Day) Lawrence Tierney -- Marion Carr "SAN QUENTIN" PLUS--Musical--Melody Time SPECIAL--Saa Francisco Pacific Gateway aa Makes 20f B. Kim 8fc WcHenry, Phone 409 RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAl AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine v' ' . Alse Greeeing and Repairing WILLIAM BUCHBKT Ml F r o n t S t . . ' McHenrv B , , ROTHERMBL ELECTRIC SHOP Electikal Centracters Badie Bepaha Left ae estimate that aext el « Jeh af jaria , IiO G. BOTHEBMEL, Prep. | P*""!•# MMeeHHeeaarryy S$T72t--M1 , f Bivsnlie Drive IIIIIHIIIIUIIIIillllllllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIM LATEST HITS ' :f-:c monicats.; "• j^"-K";/* • "I WONDER, I WONDER. I WONDER" and "Mt ADOBE HACIENDA." hy Eddy Howard. "MISIRLOV^ b^ Jail Auftist. "THE FRECKLE SONG.^ by Lafw ' Wf yVftlrsali f • • X • ..v . . : • "RHAPSODY IN BLUE," by PiU l%hitemaa*e Orchestra. "ROMANCE," with Eddy Hmraid. The above are )ftt a few ef the*--« lecords we carry in stock. Wher yo^ waat records Jaetv Tialkl"' as «t ri4 w. M>.i.t st. ^ Phone McHenry 128-J N. Geo. Kuhn is having some improvements made on his bungalow on Maple avenuH^ Not in a number of years have the roads hereabouts been in the r bad condition that they are found at this time. The local clothing firm of McGee & Conway dissolved partnership recently and the store, located in the Heimer building in Centerville, is being conducted under the sole ownership of E. R. McGee. The drinking foutains have again been erected about town an official sign that the winter is over. Word was received here the first of the week announcing the marriage of Miss Ruth A. Bacon and Havey M. Damm, which occurred at Menominee, Mich., in April. Patrick McCaibe has moved his family from the Math iFreund house on Pearl street to the Henry Wegener home on the same stree, he having purchased the latter place. The strong wind of Wefdnesday completely wrecked the ornamental fence in front of the Otto Sohm summer home on Fox river here. Lattice work under construction was demolished. Jos. J. Rothermel, an employe at the Hunter boat factory,. recently purchased the Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel store building on Riverside Drive. le Mc! J SPRING GROVE (bp Mrs. Charles Fkaaad) Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay are the parents of a 7 lb. 18 os. boy, born Saturday, May 10. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nist at St. Thersse's hospital in Waufeegan on Wednesday, iay 7. The christening of the infant sen of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May was held at Peter's church Sunday morning, with Georgia May and Thomas Freund as sponsors.. The baby was named James Thomas. The Charles Freund family were dinner guests in the May home in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Alice Wagner was a dinner guest at the John Wagner home in Chicago, Sunday. Lloyd Fransen returned to Boston Sunday after spending two weeks here visiting relatives. Mrs. Eather Wagner, sons, Jimmy, Vernon and Jemr ef Chicago, were visitors in the Frank Wagner home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub, Mrs. Lucille Crain, son, David, and the Albert Brits family spent Mother's Day with Ifrs. Bertha Bkh. I lane crowd attended the funeral of Peter M. Mag at St Peter's church Saturday Burning. Hie deceased passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eldred Johnson, near McHenry on Wednesday, May 7. "Hiree nephews and three grandsons acted as pellhjbarers. They were Peter Itay, Joseph May, Al Bower, Bernard May, Auen May and William Kattner. Interment was in St. Peter's cemetery. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to his bereaved family. * Bobby Nelson, small son of Mrs. Lucille Nelson, narrowly escaped serious injunr on Sunday when he was struck by a car. Luckily the ear was not being driven at a great *>eed and the driver swerved when he saw the boy, striking him with his head light. Bobby bad several severe cuts on his .face and ear. He was taken to a doctor's office, where stitches were taken in the lacerations. He is now recovering nicely. Let this- be a* warning to those of us who travel through town at high |"p*s you saa - to coe 11 and tidy package -- ell the Ifainga it takes to make the atyleaetter and die standout performer 6i the year. One eye-filling flanoe will tell you that here's die clean-lined beauty •nd hint-of-tomorrow look that will eue the trend of car deaign ler many seasons to come. But just weit till you get thlo beeuty in motion, and youll know why folks are saying there*a nothing on wheels to match it. ^fhet bonnet's not breed end Ibeugbty for looks alooef it's brimfilled with power -- the satinipoaooth power of Buiek's big Pireball straight-eight engine. Go where you will, its two solid lens and aoft coil springs on all lour wheels make byroed and equally smooth. XV Snug lop IBVIwTf jvQ V JBm touch of a finger. Its door windows and even its front seat ere poweroperated by path-button control. And thenke to the megie of Bukk's new Silent Zone mounted bodies, you ride in e solid end road-steady silence such as Gonvertiblea have never known before. That means, of course, that it takee-e bit of waiting before one can be yours. But the best wejr to shorten that wait is »take the all-important step -- and order in now. Well take «T without a trade-|a. In other words, here's style end sine, power end room, conve- ^twe < nianoe and comfort all mapped JJJJL dp in one of the most enttag Ste* You get this in any Buick. But you something more m th ikMNRTi TAVtOS,tW*dNrfiwiMaaAqrtm»4 * mum ww *1 * fummeiir MOONS * NUjamnt nmmnm safe* * tammm *1 *mraNMMMenMi *i * mm uum moms +boersr I. Overton Motor Salesr Wi McHenry91IL 222 N. Main St^ Crfitml^Lake^

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