Jgvs •ffx. • * $\~--*4\ %hi : SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. fiharlas Freund) ^ This community was greatly stiodoed by the news of the untimely death of John Miller, who passed •way at hi^home on Monday, May $9 very suddenly. Our heartfelt Sympathy is extended to his be- '|eav«d family. >-z Joseph Brown, who has been quite fll at his home, is now improving. TTie firemen held their regular at Town hall on Monday night. Arthur Kattner was appointed fire chief for the coming year by Hie board of trustees to take the flace of Paul Weber, who has been appointed as trustee. Plans were made for a firemen's dance, to be held on Saturday night, May 91, in the Town hall. Cards were played «fter the meeting and refreshments •ere served. r~~ The Christian Mothers and Blessed virgin Sodality held .their meeting c ih St. Peter's parish hall on Hrarsday night. (A pot-lock supper was •erred at 7:30, after which all went --to the church for prayers and enrollment of new members. New members entering the sodality were Mrs. John Hines, Mrs. Alfred May, Mrs. Arnold May, Mrs. Ralph Obenauf, Mrs. Clarence Miller and .Mrs. Bernard May. A meeting was held in the hall and a very interesting talk was given by Father Dalei- 4en. ^ Mrs. Charles Gillespie entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Cards furnished entertainment and prize winners were Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Scuff ham and Mrs. Ella Siegler. A delicious lunch was served by the bostess. Miss Lillian Sanborn and Mrs. Alice Wagner were callers at the Fred Shotliff home near Woodstock •,|jie day last week. i William Kinsala of . McHenry Spent Sunday with Kenneth Kranzen at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Alice W agner. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Michael Degen, William and Josephine Dfegen of Kenosha aid Louis Nimsgern and children of McHenry. Victor Siegler of .Dwight, 111. and Miss Mable Siegler of ' Oak Park spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs., Ella Siegler. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rav May were Mrs. John Doetsch and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Doetsch and family of Wilmette. Visitors in the , Frank Wagner home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle of Janesvtfle, Mr. and Mnu jMward Heinle and Mrs. Sfesrnsj lln^John Wteber of Fox Lake was j a caller in the home of her sister, i Mrs. Arthur Kattner, on Monday j afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and family! visited Mr. and Mrs. George W.! May on Friday night. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and' son, Tom spent Thursday In! Kenosha. J Mr. and Mrs. William May and' family of Johns burg were visitors | in the George W. May home on I j Sunday afternoon. i I A nice crowd attended the Party, 1 held in St. Peter's parish hall on! ' Sunday night. A special prise was j i won by Miss Georgia Schmitt. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ; | Edward Nist was christened Frank < Patrick at St. Peter's church on Suniday morning. John Vani and Irene! I Budinger of Chicago were sponsors1 i for the baby. ! Mrs. Lucille Nelson spent Monday j in Chicago. , Mike (Happy) Wagner, who was quite sick last week, is now much better and agaih able to be up and around. , PT.ifWDllH* -.7' ^ Even thoufh tha 2fte of transfers i of farms has been high during thf ' war years, there hia been a tela- I tivaly high proportion of all cash sales, the bureau of agricultural i Economics notes. Of the recorded j farm real estate sales in 1945 in ' about ISO selected counties, 58 per j cent were entirely for cash. For' IMS, IMS and 1944 the percentages of all cash were 45, 52 and 55, i respectively. For the transfers ' financed by credit, down payments 1 during 1945 averaged 42 per cent of the purchase price as compared with 40 per cent in 1944 and 38 per cent in 1943. During 1945, about one- I seventh of all purchases involved a { debt of 75 per cent or more of the purchase price. On the average, the debt in such cases was more ! than the full market price in 1941. Searlet Lease Kermes, an oriental shield lows living on leaves and stems of low* shrubby trees, produces a acark* color. r Manufacture Parasites A quarter million parasites, d» structive to the oriental fruit motht can be produced daily at about one* twentieth of the forn.'er cost through methods developed by scientists i&. University of California. Use Good Cranberries Be sure to discard shriveled or soft cranberries before using the fruit sincethese few poor fruits may give the food a bitter taste. Cranberries can be used in pies with raisins, to reduce the use of sugar, yet make an excellent dessert that has the real Cranberry flavor. Let at solve yefcr Heating Problem mil1 Hard-Water Deposit' To remove a hard-water deposit from the bottom of the washing machine, rub it clean with a cloth that has beet* dampened in vinegar water. nnl X 1 >* % * '-Jfe' IfH 'She mr mf know lam, but ike louts a l<4 of cases/** • Enjoy beer at its best... FOX DE LUXE TyUA PALC Blondtd with Imported Bohemian Hops Distributed By Arrow Beverage Service, 15 So. Ebaweod Ave., Waukegan, I1L Phone Majestic 4856. 0« Uh Sr«w*(i«i, CkKOgo, C>en4 topidv Morion, U, OUiko«t Ohf 'FECIAL ftRIDAl PORTRAIT SERVICES MHMl AltUM A weddtag portrait which esftarss the radiant hearty of the happy Ml Is a pHwUw puKiitis. And yonr woddlna pklniee whl beeoaw cherished hespsaiis whea OMmnted la war exqnlsto Bridal Alba at which will heep them clean, safe and eoavealently filed* MftSONAt •IH JACKITS place for yoar signature. Adds a ttoouuccha tthaaatt wwnililbbrrl ag even neater plearare to Meaosaad family whea they receive yoar wedding pic tares. bastd on lh* liOW PMISVII MtfNCIMC bring* you LOWER COST COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT If you think all oil-heating equipment is pretty much alike, get the full story of Oil-O-Matic mowt Learn how its famous Low Prtssmrt PrmcipU enables you to get more beat per gallon from the new, hotter, but harder-to-burn fuel oils now coming into use. Learn how this principle permits a Two-Source Air Supply and a chffr--j Oil-Air Noxxle that assure complete carburetion and long, trouble-free operation ... that bring you automatic heat that sets a new high standard for tjJ&citwcj, wmmy and dependability! MODELS POR EVERY TYPE OP HIATINO SYSTEM AND EVERY SIZE HOMR... NSW OR Ol» ' ' 'VW r 10 P h o n e o r C o m e I n TO DAY THENNES OIL CO, "iSrs': ki Phoae 27S 117 North Riversida Drive McH •nry, niinoia QUALITY FUELS Complete Burner Service 505 8- Green St. TELEPHONE 465-R McHenry, ! b*-' A NEW SENSATIONAL METHOD IMPORTANT TO TRUCK AND CAR OWNERS New prooese permits unconditional written ffn&r&ntee. Thanks to a new process/ for which patents are pending, we will issue a GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE for each, tire recapied witlythisuiasinff new material. We will gnaranteir. 1--That a tire thus recapped will not chip, crack or come looee. $~-That this recap will give from 30 to 70 per cent more mileage akd a minimum of 15,000 miles. j ^ 'S^-That it will reduce' heat developemen * br at least 50 per cent, thus redueing the riidc of blowouts to a minimum. ** t 4--That the abrasion losses are much less than in natural rubber, therefore in* anting eltraijnttxiiarj k>ng we»r. _ ' 'r': ",'-T ' •' •« •' ' .. .. *V • Uieariy, irom now oe it wiirpay yon 10 nave your suiouiii nres leiieweci oy our guaranteed method. Remember, we protect your investment in writing. Come in and let us oheek yeur tires free of charge. It will save you money. . • *< +?' Complete Tftre 8ervice for Tractors, Trucks and Cars. A PHONE 424 -IfcHENRY, ILL. Goodyear Disitributors MARTICKE & NIXON TIRE CO. f HONE 424 311 E. Elm St McHenry, D1 mm JUH&i - V = - It." * • ^ • * ... / m& TIRIS . /©day's Goodyear DaLuze tiree carry to even grecrter heights the extra mileage, extra service recorded by orer 400 million tires which hare been produced by Goodyear. Get the plus performance of a Goodyear yourself -- enjoy the extra eafety, greater strength, the dependable service that makes Goodyear. the world's first choice •OOOYEAR TRUCK AMWWEU Meal ttns lor light tracks. Bojm w-^^22.55 ' h j j . -~%ft , '-S URRRAi IEMM| JUAOWANCI POft l.