'* ^ 1 « ' ,v~ * »y . •> * ; . • , , - , , , ,. . , ' r t n w n i . _ «; vft* * e*gKjgf l -r 1 ,$?*• ^ "j "irfR:^ .- £>...-,<,« •• ,.- .f •....«** e'.^ „ -"mm. * ..•»-. .*Jt. * ' . **". %•! -.,••-••• '4-? ' ;>,^£ *; v *'* • * 2* f 4- . > ' »•% „ w* .t«t- v> J, ^-, ;,*'•."•••;• •/'. -.•"••• ., '* • ' -Jest". *<ki " ;.rV' ^ «>'? Y.?.1 » •LV "y -f ' - Vm-, V •„' f . -- ,*>..< •, ••.*r- .. -- '* v * * &*<' -•*?*&' *%>•- « 7. • > I: *&£•. •,'->'••* K - i "' s, • Volume 7S ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 29 McHXNRY MERCHANTS SPONSORING DOLLAR DAYS ON JUNK 6--7 TAX BILLS ARE RECEIVED THIS WEEK IN COUNTY wsi.# C9MMEHGEMENT M. BE HELD TOjJKHT Sixty-«ix Seniors , To Receive Diplomat |U Indoor Program DORIS SMITH HEX) SMITH MARION SMITH ROBERT SVOBODJ MARIE TONY AN GENE WAGNER DANIEL WEBER % < SHIRLEY Wrjoa* 1 IXMS WEIDEMAN RICHARD WKLHEUK SUE WILLIAMS v ALFRED YOUNG WILLIAM YUNG JOHN ZIOLKOWSfi .On« of the f i r s t Dollar Days to il held in McHenry in many' years will attract residents of this vicinity to local stores on Friday and Saturday, June 6 and ?, to take advan» tage of some of the biggest bargains ever offered here. A special fourpage section of next "week's Plain- So busy have the last few weeks d^e aler will be devoted to me-n• tion kann t§\mf tM ka*Miiw #niiv. soiii® or tAM€ attractive items ss saw \ ; Announce Personal . Property and Real ^Estate Penalty Dates .The year fe almost, competed for «*ool1 <*£>*re"?*v >nl*JL!Sm£S; bought for any price during the war That very unpleasant item in'th* U£T1u "hoo! at 9:45 o'clock for the ed and the usual service ^. tety-fpur senior students who this ^ ie 2r q2 n™ h*ve remained scarce even during day's mail, the tax bill, appeared at 5^"?^ ihe fK C° ^ mtroducti°" a"d announcement con- place. The parade will then advance* f, • >i'(Thursday) evening, May 29, will P£ns f^. PiTv two years since peace Was d* many homes this week, having been - n°J ^Sa weHJier '®r cprning the line of mareh. The to St. Patrick's cemetery for deco|" v . Stand in cap and gown to tlS Rrhm^nH r™n!™ rb,K clared. Merchants have made a great ^nt out last Friday by County tuP y* . y 30: ^iU start promptly at 10 ratibn of graves and the salute an# ^ •<0*mr high school diplomas. The }7' «J the Richmond Country CluK effort however, to obtain a number Treasurer Henry A. Nulle. A total *mon& those with the strongest oclock in the following order: Ups. I impressive program will take P'ace :{J *?'L* ®£a"-' 2"®f ° of such items to be sold at reason- ^11 of $2,130,380.70 will be collected ^P?{Lan? the.men WJ1° are m charge Colors color guards, high school At the Memorial StortTin the CitV in the auditorium at 8:15 o'clock, the lar^ c„wd J„ the bistory abl prices on Dollar Day. " this year, which is $425 the annual Darade and nrmrram ba-hd. fiHnir snuarf Amori-o« ^ . . . ™or,a ,otonrin_the Lity^ The band, under the direction of of the school attendance. Watch next week's Plaindealer higher'than the previous year iPkul R. Yanda, will present a short • Tournaments of all kinds were in- closely for that certain something ra>s® of about 26 ?er cent. concert, after which Harry Lock, terspersed with daily class work, that you have been wanting so lone The bills are a month late this j -- Ia^qI T.(vinn nAaf Pflrh ftffftinaf fimn fAi* j which IS JUSt TIOW &Vftil&bl6 unpleasant, in -th* take£':-< "u^keTaS STdthS^oT- iSd\^^sqSdF^TaM pnt The committee in charge of servicemen and ex-servicemen and place m& commander of the local Lgion post, each working against time for com- and will present coveted awards to the pletion by the end of the year. More one senior boy and one senior girl than 200 persons attended the an- Nelson W. Stork Is New Who were voted as outstanding by ual G. A. A. .banquet on May 21, WnnH«tn*»lr Qnnorin»M<)AM» the'faculty. The announcement of the last big event for girl athletes. "OOastOCK Superintendent -Winners of these "awards is always Solemn ' Baccalaureate services eagerly awaited both by the seniors were held on Sunday evening, with themselves and the public. Rev. Father Eugene Baumhofer ad- "a . Next will be the presentation of dressing the classscholarship awards to the members ©f the class who, throughout their seniors, four years, maintained an excellent crowd on W^nwdayT May 28~ after Mr- Stork, a native of Indiana, re- after July 1st Scholastic standing. - , which seniors happily' retired to their ceived his education in that arrangements includes Richard women, Legion Auxiliary and V. F. year because of the new Butler tax *11 1 iaT?s* ,Fre^ Meyer, Victor Miller, W. Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Girl . "hen again reaching the sUrt-f law. Several test cases on the law «nUL a." •' Ray Page, Ray McGee, Scouts, Red Cross, City Council, inpr P0,nt. the school, the band ami. Bud Kosinski, Pete Nerstad, M. school children and all other orga- P®ra^e W1^ Jail out and the group L. Schoenholtz, Harry Lock, John nizations taking part. x re-assemble at St. Mary's' ceme- - Dreymiller and William H. Althoff. Gold Sf»r mntk.„ w;u ^ ior ..!,nal services of the day.-' held up extension of taxes resulting in the delay. iFor' the benefit of the taxpayers, asST.'TS.'tt-' H the ~ yl^*^ --b- ^ ^ JrJrrs:. SS%^£ISS5f 5SV3E '-4*J J53.52 -S « : ' M,ry's choir-which wi" °ffer n"I'icA A, h.. ^ ts. customs vvruc£T?^S':with Class of Following are years's senior class: AIPEPT ADAMS FRANCES BARBER DOLORES BFTTS ROBERT BETTS ROBERT. BRRNNAN PATRTrTA PPTGGS EDWARD BUSS GEOPGE CROSS MARGARET CRUICKSHAIflC BERNARD DOHERTY TFOMAS DOUGLAS HELEN DUNCAN - ELEANOR EDSTROMrt ARTHITR EPERT LOIS EVANS ROBERT FELSE BARBARA FREUND . DOLORES IFR'FTTNID MAPTOV FREUND , CATHERINE GERASCH MARIANNE GLAUSER MARGARET HERDRI WILT 'AM HERDRIC1 JOYOF HUSKA BE\rERI Y HOTICK » GWEN KNAACK LESLIE KP.TEGER LORETTA KUNZ LORETTA LARSON • LA VERNE LOCKWOif^ RICHARD MARSH CAROL MARTICKE THOMAS MATHEWS ROSiE MATZAT JOAN MAY JAMES McCULLA GEORGE MILLER WALTER MILLER HARRY MUELLER HUGH MURPHY SUZAN MUZZY CARL NEISS GFRALDINE NIMTZ JAMES O'BRIEN SUSAN OLSFN W7NIFRED PALUCH EDWARD PARFREY HOWARD PARTH WALTER RICHARDSON HFRBFRT ROESKE GILBERT ROGERS ALS1NA SAMEC they will assemble on the church ^™u°yiji:ne *V; rl *V Mary's choir, which will offer music1 road. The line of march will include ^*1, f u ^ In touch at the solemn high mass. In case of? w ine VVw0rST CO?°r ^uad' L^»f My.r,h rain services will be held, in U«| first installment is due July 1 and Y' ' ' a v-p-w- Auxiliary,! L"* of March church, with everj-pne being ex-| the second installment September *10" Auxiliary and any other The line of march will proceed .tended an invitation to attend. Tho| .... .» ^ years o.u, ana n«s a wire 1. First installment draw8 interest S#t care ^ take part^ fjom the high school down Green ma«» will sUrt immediately after, and three children, Rosemary, 18, after July 1. and the second install- 2? *ather Oarance Thennes will street to the honor roll, in front of the parade or about 11:30. Ralph, 14, and Roy Keith. 9. The nient after September 1, and will be f u JPtroductoij talk, after which the commanders of the Legion Through the Legion and th«f ' - • - - -- - which the Memorial Day speach will and V. F. W. organixatoins will V. F. W., McHenry residents an4| as a salute is given those in the surrounding community"*-- •Quad and taps are are asked to join in this celebration , „ . v„._ , , , . --, of Memorial Day. It is truly an in-rf n 1947 'Annual election of officers for the lector. ' school children. From this point they will proceed spiring service which pays tribute to members of this hi^/hoV^ ^^nry.c,h»Pt^ <>t.the Red Cross _ 8. W>,en writing for bills or for tJn tf109* j^rticiprtiiif inj to Woodland and St. Mary: past several years, instead of one the "big moment" of graduation. University of Indiana. guest speaker, five members of the ; The newly appointed class are chosen for this honor. This ent is 42 veara old. an year they are Carol Marticke, Ed- EDWARD PASFBBV IS IS? AOCKPTSD AS OmOlE * "Their general topic will be "Toler- CANDIDATE IN NROTC ,jince." with each speaking on a different phase of the subject. ! Edward Parfrey, of Spring Grove, high school, has been accepted as a will be held When Monday evening, information, you must give the • t , » r O | wuioiiu SiIU kiln Mlttl jf S cCecmluve"- tVhHoUOseV w""hVo ftg™av*»e sOov 1mIIuUcVhII tWh'aa t we' tne parade will assemble at the; teries,• where graves will be decorat-1 may enjoy the fruits of victory. naval reserve officer training corps, 2-fp-2 for which he took written examinations in Waukegan on January 17, MORE THAN 300 HEAR followed by physical examinations, interviews and aptitude tests in Chicago, March 8. ' > Successful candidates choose their own schools from a list of fifty-two FIRST CONCERT OF LOCAL CHORAL CLUB lot, block, section, town, range and ROY J. STEWART 65 "7 Be sure ,o giv^your Mme .„d SHERIFF, DIED proper postotfice address. IN CALIFORNIA MAY 23 5. Remittance by mail must "be in ttie form of a money order or draft. Roy J. Stewart, active in county period6 a liUle longer?' to™"* ?°litiC8 f?r m»"> .years and a for- The grand jury in session on Mon- INDICTNENTS RETURNED AGAINST FOUR MONDAY accredited colleges and universities appreTItive^udteJice teen present°in mi^ ver ^cation "by6 A*udS l° ***' awIvTt^h"1 h°f passed returned "ten indictments against and elect the course which they wish the McHenry hieh school auditorium fi <5«io nf Kr»tv. :n<.fDn ' - away at his home at 323 Montrose four men. to ut™. Ed has choaen the CllV th«T ,9« ^1 S,h,t» t .f th.» indicted ^wv a1diC,ei?e W,t^a mf3%r m 8embled la8t Frid*>- evening to hear the first Monday in Stober S'vs °nly & ^ geology at the University of Wis- the first concert of the newly formed rconsm and will begin his studies - there next September. . He will graduate as an ensign in the navy and must serve between fifteen months and two years at enjoyment. ONLY FOUR OPPOSING VOTES CAST MAY 2* IN EEFERENDUM ELECTION sea after that." At the end of that time he may remain as a navy of- :, fieer or return to civilian.. i maihing a part of the naval reserve I for no less than four years. STANLEY HARRIS, NEPHEW OF LOCALRESIDENTS, DIES A Elections, especially where they"" "oncern some important proposition, <*erm to be mostly unhappy affairs* • for there are usually a great many' who find their hopes dashed when was James Winter, 84, of Chicago, fhe final votes are counted. Last.'- who was named in three true bills! Saturday's referendum was an ex- ' *-- --1-- the reafter T found i .. r. , I. » i • 1922 and was elected as county1 ^hai ged in one bill with representing i favor of chancing the paying them. See that all legal de- treasurer from 1922'to 1926 Follow- a federal agent and fleecing Carol! m p^urational pur- L „ Tr „ very ably scriptions are correct; that they in„ thi?nfTrve(i a Srrn M « ^anks of Marengo of $77500. It I TU^M ^ by Mrs. Hai^ Rair sang two groups| cov|y ALL property^ on which you ber Gf the general assembly at *e posed as a federal agent: removinK the locaj[ school the more pieiiiiuous, sacred {wish to pay and no other. Th« Springfield from 1926 to 1928. telling Franks he had to appear be-1 handicap* of the 100 per cent aa» . ... , . - ^ , . . iible in 1936 following the death of fore a commissioner in Chicago for se 8cme„t law Onlv ftiur voters od> another at the conclusion, and inter- for payments made on WTong pro- Volney E. Brown, Mr. Stewart was v olation of the OPA in regard to the JroposS te8e ^th * *7UP^f VlCtor • f .. • , named supervisor of Dorr township^gar rationing. , ^The oJteomeproved a great sat- Bon« - T?.' 1.?^ wriU to SeTuntVS " •nd hf,U th." ">« UI isflSioS S ThoJSL/^t«.mpW wT^ ve^v rffLiS •sniSthe countv clerk. years. Upon his retirement he moved chsreed with robbery of Franks of lng to operate the school in the best, the cle7ers^ndeffSL ofHarry CHARLES PEET, 65, tc-California to be near his son, f7f>00. The third indictment charges I interests of all concerned. Barr. who The chorus, directed -t "1| M ! -«-the mus'>„ one became so absorbed in LIFELONG RESIDENT to California to be near his James, who is employed at Bank of America. Besides the son, Mr. Stemuft also survived by his wife. *7.500 the Winters with larceny of $7,500 from his strenuous efforts to produce the AV nTw/imAAn McHenry residents who knew various sounds of 'bones that mid- OF KINCrW(/Oii DIES Stanley Benjamin Harris, 13 years way in the selection he found the old, during the time he made his chair on which he was sitting had The Ringwood community was MOTHER ANT) RON home in this community, will be eluded him and he was resting on saddened to learn of the death of own sorry to learn of his untimely death, the floor. Needless, to say it only Charles Peet, who passed away at which occurred in Chicago last week, added to the humor of the song his home on Tufesday evening, May The "boy visited relatives here and which the chorus was forced to re- 27, 1947, following a brief illness. attended the Pistakee Bay school peat before the applause died away. He was 65 years of age. in recent years. The Victor Herbert group included Survivors include the widow, Lena Survivors include a sister, Alice "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" by the men. Harrison Peet, and two daughters, Sohm, and the following aunts "Land of Romance" by the women, ATce and Marion Peet, of Elgin. and uncles. Dr. and Mrs. Urban and "For I'm Fallitw In Love" -- . . Comes and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the mixed group. The stage took „OTnS iuuu«i numc unm * . Thonneson of this community, Mr. on a very lovely blue light during o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, Pr,fon . camP ln She and Mrs. Benjamin Thonneson, -Mr. the second number as Mrs. Leon when last rites will be conducted m me r son and Mrs. Barling Thonneson and Franks. Bail was set at $5,000 each TWENTY-EIGHT MODELS REUNITED AFTER TWENTY-SIX YEARS The lady of the week in vicinity is Mrs. Catherine Yung, 67 years old, who arrives today (Thurs- named in two on the larceny and robbery changes and *2,500 on the other indictment. William Doeden of Woodstock was yarned in three indictments charging | incest in two of the true trills and , contr'buting to the deliquency of a !<*WH in another. His wife and two vue to - toe held at the Colony ; daughters, minors, were witnesses theatre on Thursday evening, June this before the grand jury. 5, sponsored by St. Mary's--St. Howard Mclntrye of McHenry was Patrick's school P. T. A. They are bills charging statu- Miss Roberta Ray of LaGrange, SELECTED TO APPEAR AT JUNE STYLE REVUE This week models were named to take part in the annual stlye re- ' 'M A by The body is resting * at the Jacob ?ay> tT0!r <^efman£» w.here she has tory rape and taking indecent Miss Betty Long of New York, Miss _ ok Justen Sons funeral home until 2 een conf!ned to a Russian controlled liberties with a child. The complain- Ruth Kroh of Rosaiy coUege, River ^ ing vear will -- 'be ""V5* Jler no^VWlllurir SO,v ™ • _ Grosby performed a graceful toe there. Burial will be in the Ring- T i'«k L, William Yung, fendant. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Harris dance as the chorus provided a wood cemetery. Nnt nnW Mn. Yun* but also her Aden's bail was set at $1,000 £?n®. T Services were held on Wednesday, humming teckground. j : -nnanr^sf^mi^wfthwhom shi each on the indictments charging 2?ehm^ Jr- ^ .2i',at.2:80«ft°m the chapel at Vocal solo and duet numbers and Complete line of Lee's poultry ^nLrl\lTlk ci'lrnvh'"h!Z!)v:! ^inscet9at nandd $%560000 oonn tthhee ootthheerr.." MMc*c-- "«,8»s »M*a«e :J usten. Miss cnariene 3884-36 Irving Park Road, Chicago, a piano solo completed the pro- remedies at Wattles Drug Store. Mc- I™* ' -„n«nll3 th- ^«nn Intvre's bond on the rape charge is ^er J tes,;^^,ISST °t?n 5J" with burial in Moant Olive cemetery, gram. (Henry. " " *- ***" conflned to the prison camp. , F. K- p«h jr Mr* Clar.nc. Niewitness in the case was an 8 Forest, Miss Jean Oche, Mrs. Eveold step daughter of the de- lyne Young and Miss Lucille Regner of Ingleside, Mrs. Virginia Montelof Wonder Lake, Mrs. Ben Miss Barbara Carey, Justen, Miss Charlene ' : v T McHENRY CHORAL CLUB «"•">ss.'ssrijsssi'wwi««« «.* -s»JJhoused in one room, with only cn*r*®- , Phyllis Smith, Miss Dorothy Freund, straw to sleep on and sauer kraut Paul Henry Wilhelm was named Mrs .Lrftoy MelAk, Miss Helen served once a day. m two indictments, one charging Shirley Heide, Mrs. Joann Rulien, Mrs. Yungs trip was not a matter larceny of aChevroJrt automobile Mrs Walter Haug, Mrs. Ota Gygi, of easy arrangement, for it was valued at $1,000 from Hubert Nolan Mrs Albert stilling, Miss Midge Sietwelve months ago that her son, of Harvard and the other larceny mon Misa Roge jfane Matxat, Mrs. William, first started to make con- of a vehicle owned by the same per- Clar'ence Anglese. Miss Gerrie tacts which eventually led to her son. Bond was- set at $1,000 on the xrimt._ _n 0# McHenrv and Mrs. being awarded a passport. TTie first indictment and $2,000 on the p„_ roun;i,.n of Omk Park fact that her son was an American other. Ethel McGee will" act as citizen and owned a farm which t+ »+•»»»+»»+»«»»»»»»++»++»» announcer, describing each costume could adequately take care of . V »s the models make their way across Among the Sick the attractively decorated stag*. ; v M another person was largely responsible for her eventually being able to leave the Munich camp. The reunion of this brave German lady and her son is sure to be an FHA SCRAP BOOK . . . , . W i l l i a m R . D e c k a r d o f W e s t M c - WON BLUE RIBBON unusually happy occasion, for they Henrv hu ^ medicai patjent at IN RECENT CONTEST have not seen each other m twenty the Woodst0ck hospiUl. 3 six years. He is determined to make m, > v , . , , . u the years ahead so pleasant for her **rs. Dora Keck of Johnsburg is a Local members of the F. H. A. that the dark days of the past soon Patient at the Woodstock hospital. (Future Homemakers of America) will be only dim memories. . M.rs- ^ac.k Walsh is improving are very proud of their record in nicely at Augustana hospital. Chi- winning a first place and blue rib- Snhiirhan Oil AwardAd where she recently underwent bon for submitting the best scrap , OUDUrnan vu Awwueu surgery. book on their activities of the past ' Biacktopping COntrM* Mrs. Hugh Murphy was a surgical year at the district contest. Judging 1 patient at the Woodstock hospital >vas done in McHenry last Saturday The Suburban Oil Co., last week on Monday. by representatives from Grayslake, war awarded the contract for black- Jimmy McVicker underwent a Barrington and McHenry, local topping a two-mile stretch of road tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hos- judges being Miss May E. Justen in Nunda township by members of pital the first of the week. and Josephine Guereio. _ ' the road and bridge committee, sub- Miss Mary Ann Karls of Johns- The McHenry girls chalked up , ject to the approval of the county burg is again confined to the Wau- 215 points for first place as comitioard of supervisors. The bid was kegan sanitarium. pared to 178 points for the second $9956.50. Mrs. Anna Stasia Malone was re- place winner. Other schools entered The road extends east from the leased from the Woodstock hospital were Wauconda. L»bertyville. Argo. intersection of Rt. 176 and Rt. 31 last week and taken to a convale- Pensenville, Naperville and Thorton | to the end of the road and north to scent home at Solon Mills. Township. .... I Rt. 176. The funds will come from Frank Schreiner was taken to Louise Johnson, elected president | the fifteen million .dollar state Sacred Heart sanitarium in Milwau- of the club for next year, will take appropriation for allotment to town- kee on Tuesday, where he will un- the scrap book with _ ber when she ships. The roads to be improved are dergo treatment. attends the Illinois Leadership selected by the township highway Mrs. Sue Adams, who has been Training Conference at Lake Bloom- | I commissioner. undergoing treatment at Hot 'r8Tt°n« 111., m August. There it will ,• -- Springs, Ark., is improving nicely, be entered in the statewide contest. | I TWO INJURED »*., Nick Freund returned home Satur- John Schroll, Jr., 22 years old. d*y from St. Joseph's hospital in i and his wife, Alice, of Genoa City, Elgin and his friends will be happy ! Wis., were injured last Sunday eve- to hear that he is much improved. ning when their motoreycle and an RESIDENCE CHANGES 1 automobile driven by Harold Durr, 31, of Chicago, collided at the inter- 1 section of state Rt. 31 and McCulilom Lake road. ' ' * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winter have .oved from th# upper apartment in the Cecil Ballowe home on Waukellenrv Bottom Row: Virginia Monteleone, accompanist; Ruth Barger, Ethel Hanson, Clara Cristy, Mary Alice Earr, director; Bern ice Blount, Helene Gygi Alexia Roche and Dolores Murphy. Second Row: Helen Jones, Delia Cheniy, Mary Rite Stilling, Lsura Smith, Lilttm Price, Pearl Ptatach, Bernk* Limbart and Adele Froehlkh.^ Wayne Priea, Frank Lamtprt, Harold Jones, SoUrt Anderson, Harry Barr, Ltaa GfoAgr, Dooglaa Nelson, Joeeph MoHelsuas and Norbert Mauch. ' ' Saatod ia front < tbe Grof^d^r. ' ' ^ -- - r*\ i CHIMNEY FIRE The local fire department received gan street to Rinjrwood. an earlv morning call to the Lessard Mr. and Mrs. John Kilday have home in Emerald Park on Monday moved from an apartment in the when a chimney fire threatened to Adams building on the Crystal Lake cause damage. The flames were ex- road to the newly made upper 1 tinguished Wore any serious loss apartment in the Bob Kilday on John street. NOTICE On Memorial Day. May 30, the Mc Henry postofflces will leave the lob- ensued. bies open from 7 a. m. to 9 a. m. and -- - from 5 p. m. to 6 p. m There will NOTICE Complete line of Dr. David Roberta be no window service, no city or McHenry stores will be closed all veterinary medicines at Watthi rural delivery. Mall will be dis- day Friday, Memorial Day. and July, Drug Store. MeHeaxy. patched at < p. m. Subscribe for The Plaindealer 4. Hiev will be open all day ea the * Thursdays preceding these two holi- Jean Justen of Chicago 1 relative® h<i« l^t 'i,- 'k-t • ••v.-." " •