McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1947, p. 10

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FOR SALE--Five ptntfoed Harap- HELP WANTED--Man shire sow's to farrow in Sept.; also station in McHenry to work full time; Dr large Holstein cows to freshen soon on shifts or to help out waewmaa t at rood prices. See me before buy- and one extra day a week. Ad-1 attend a irur. See Mr. Wolff at Fran Flo dress Box 88, in care of Plaindealer, i Bismarck Farm, 'BtX 2 miles west of JHalf McHenry. ** *•-- *"* * •3-2 i - &* .<•. Because of the neat number of dfessified ads which appear in the PMndeakr each week, we have foOnd it iaipooaible to keep books en such -small actounts. Therefore, in the future, only ada which for before this section if the paper goes to press at 10 a*elock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE--Biglow all wool rug, 9x16 ft, also 2 runners: baby wash- Tel. McHenry 568-R-2. 3 HEU> WANTED--Short order cook; also dishwasher. Mi Place, Green St., McHenry. 8-tf attend St. Louis. i er, FOR SALE--6-year-old baby bed and one bunk bed. Center of East Drive, Wonder Lake. Mrs. B. Epert. foxsale FOR fTiUlT Ww Coronado electric NCrigerator: available immediate islhuy Gamble's Store, West Mc- FOR SALE--Six 8-mo. fW. McHenry 131-W. old rabbits. *3 MOUSE FOR SALE--By owner, located in Wonder Center at Wonder Lake; 5»rm. year 'round home; good lake view; Venetian blinds; full modern bath, hot and cold water; oil heat; full basement; nicely FOR SALE--Now 1M7 Ford lttton truck with now grain and stock body. No trade needed but would accept late model sedan as part payment. Also new Wis. motored posthole dinrer and power, saw nation, Wn. i dsn tiller, n er, 2-wheeled jLtndaay sfss and bn. Phono Sat. Huntley 3232. 8 rai' now typo- garone- wheeled trailhigh- speed i or Sun., FOB SALE--3 frame nucleus or full swarms; recently inspected; a few extra hiins and comb supers for sale. Ray Page, McHenry, 111. Tel. 130-J. 3 TOP rated. Tel. Wonder Woodtock 1068. Lake 586 FOR SALE -- New Stevens double i barrel 12-gauge; Remington 16-gaugej pump, recoil pad; perfect condition ;t new Smith 6 Wesson <38 Special;, deco-! leather shotgun case; Western hand or,trap; *3 515 W. shells. Fred Chase, ! ISSiukSag an Rd., tel. 139-J. 3*1 52-tf will be absent • and n to at Hotel of y 6, when he win at Jefferson hotel. Nearly trically wired eratots. and lea June 30 washing machines. frwtic wilty report that wool with ciKttic shears nets as if tO pir cent more cash be- Smprot"»d (If"* quality. the hoard tjon (Mi may be easily cut W and wfll w Draiams Mil Mi Inexpensive draw look For tradltfciaal tey extra For AUCTIOM FREEMAN ft 22, Hebron, ctioneers andhung tram eaO> co£*l ' VI WILL NPBIQ cvnam AH Year Ronid Homes For Sale CARD HELP WANTED--Young woman to', } J*•*» take care of a home; good treat- '"ends, ment; no objection to woman with * lowers, *i small child. Address J. & Gaynar, Round Lake, IU. 3-2 OF THANKS this way to thank and neighbors for and visits during by recent iHness at home and during the time I was confined to the hosall theoe flBLP WANTED MSN nd 3rd WOMEN 1st and 2nd SHIFTS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE S APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSON NEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS GOOD TRANS PORT ATKHf AVAILABLE pital. I greatly appreciated kindnesses. | . MR8. DORA KECK ^,i>WINS AWARD ter J. Norris of St. ?3f Charles, the war r In tBe the Men's Garden dnb to receive one of the two "Johnay Appleseedi"" awards for 1M7. iSe other award #01 presented alljr Ore. to Fred Edmands, nationrosarian of Portland, FOR SALE -- New Eclipse power lawn mower, 32-in. cut with sulky, #465. Crystal Lake Farm Store, 808 N. Main St., Crystal Lake. Phone C. L. 107. ~ 3 FOR SALE--Large Butcher Boy refrigerator, suitable for maricet or store, with compressor; first class condition. Meat slicer, counters, blocka, shelving, etc. D. Hereley ft Sons, Harvard, HI. 3 FOR SALE -- 1943 Ford ltt-ton truck, 12,000 miles; perfect shape; 7%xl2 platform; removable closed racks; best offer takos. Call McHenry 606-M-2. *3 HELP WANTED--Middle-aged man to work in store. A1 Krause ^fewi Agency. m FOR SALE--I must sell immediate- enry 658-W-l. - < * - ly (have been transferred to Texas) beautiful year 'round ranch type C fi-"l .home, all stone construction. Lo- ,f ; ^ cated close to McHenry; river rights, j Address "F, Immediate possession. Tel. McHenry *3 -,l.i ' 540-J-l. *3 FOR Si^LE -- Four-piece maple baby's bedroom set, crib, chifferobe, upholstered hi-chair and potty chair, complete, $35; good condition; folding buggy, $10; metal stroller, $2; Shufly swan, $1.50; no-draft play j HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA $2.50. Mrs. Varese, phone Mc-1 MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 33-tf CHILD INJURE^; Struck in the left eye by « stone or a stick aecidently thrown by a playniate, Mary Lou Henehan, 8, of Chrystal I^ke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul HenehMi\, last wedc subbmitted to surgery for removal of the eye at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. The accident occurred while* Mary Lou and several playmates were near her home. The stone or stick ruptured the eyeball and when -- SALESLADY ishe wu fe*°ught to the hospital, DEPART-' sur^eons decided to remove the eye- RLE 80 Jth0 uninjurefd eye 3-tf r The undevsi^BMd will sell at Public Auction at the Pasture located at the north limits of the Village of Hebron, 111., SUNDAY, JUNE 8 1947, commencing at 1:90 o'clock Central Daylight Sav ing Time. 40 Head of Holstein Heifers and Cows HELP WANTED FOR READY-TO-WEAR MENT; EXPERIENCEDfiSIRA^^ BUT NOT NECESSARY; GOOD,would not *>• «nected by the injury. PKOPOfllTION FOR R1GBT PAR-I TY. GAMBLE'S, WEST McHENRY. | 8 pen, Hen: 3 FOR SALE land; good -- Firm, 145 acres good location and buildings. ' in care of Plaindealer. '^.3* v |fj' FOR SALE--2 used tires and tubes, ;; U. S. Royals, 6.50x16, some tread ; left, no breaks, $6 each; pair Guide * fog lamps, $7. Fred Chase, 515 W. ~ Waukegan Rd. 139-J. *3 ^ FOR SALE--80 acresT 75 tillable, j 6-room house, barn, machine shed ' and corn crib; close to town, *9,500. 60 acres, 45 tillable, 6-room house, electricity, dairy bam, hen housese; »V ' 2-car garage. $9,500. 1 40 acres, 6-room house, hardwood . floors, electricity, dairy bain, milk hoase; hen house; close to town, r-" fifl.oeo. ^ . Aslr for Mr. Howe. Carl M. Lar- . sen, Realtor, 146 Benton St., Wood- J stock. 111. Phone 970. 3 FOR SALE--1934 Harley-Davidson motorcycle in excellent condition; buddy seat; saddle bags. Paul Shadle, Ringwood; 111. Phone Richmond 684. *3 FOR SALES--Hiawatha Doodle Bug Motor Scooter; available immediate delivery. Gamble's, Store, West McHenry. 3 , FOR SALE -- DeKalb hybrid seed corn. All DeKalb seed corn has the if; aeed treatment to insure increased ; germination under cold, wet condi- \V , tkms. Early varieties suitable for planting at this late date are still t;% ' available. Clinton Martin, local •3 FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Sixroom furnished home; lake front, north shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake Shore Drive. Phone McHenry 568-R-2 Saturday and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 52-tf FOE RENT HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk l.i drug store and fountain work. Bolger* Drug Store, McHenry. 88-tf MIBCELLAUiOUS C. J. H. DIEHL M*HENRY ^JgNgYY PIANO 526 WASHINGTON 8T« WOODSTOCK. PHONE aOS-W, Woodstock *3-4 TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. RiM>ons and cariton paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 108 Main St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 203-J. 52-tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, 111. Phone 277. 49-tf 8ALE -- 1989 Hudson, fairly, condition. Can be seen Sat. and Sun., on E. River Road, one Mock past Mineral Springs archway. H. El Kraus, owner. *3 FOR SALE--7-room house, one-car at McCullom Lake, Fountain and Hickory Drive. Call Mc 678-W-2 after 6 p. m. FOR RENT--June 15 •-- 4-rm. apt., flCn D . electric 'fcluded (ideal for couple), 650-K-1 $20 mo. Can be had partly furnished F. N. Musxy, RingwoOd. Tel. Richmond 798. •$ SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces reaired. John McDonald, Regner Rid., i McHenry 44-tf McHenry. Phone WANTED POSITION WANTED -- Girl wants work taking care of children mornings or afternoons. Has had experience. Tel/ McHenry 66-W. *3 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 123 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M or 716-M. 42tf TREE SPRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l* 52-tf GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roof ing and siding; material or labor. Frank Gans, 300 Riverside Drive 3-tf McHenry. Call Henry 106-W. jewelry to j Roebuck & Co. FOR SALE--Thousands of , plants, all kinds, 20c dox.; "flowfcr Joints of all kinds at various prices; wishes, trees and roots. L M. fierce, 848 Wheeler St., Woodstock. •1-8 W ANTED--Watches and repair. Anthony Noonan. 200" So.. 2-tf Green street, McHenry. (Front part j CALL ROBERT of Claire B«».cuty Shoppe.) 15-tfJ 691-R-l when in or write. Phone Mc- Gnaianteed by Sears, Free delivery. 42tf f NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODBN 4-ROOM Insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plu*b- . lag, gas, electric, lake righta. / TERMS. Phono McHenry 674-M-2 • "v> or 590-R-2, or stop at office, Tower toilding, in lily Lake. 50-tf E. KNOX--Phone need of Insulation sriNTon t , or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated WANT1M)--- We have cash buyers ibnek siding, weather stripping, or ror summer homes, city property and I combination screen and storm winfhrms. List your jnroperty with us, | dews. Free estimates. Dnrfee Bros. Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1388-1884 tf. WANTED"T<rBUY * . .1 " •• WANTED TO for 8-year-old and safe for children. Phone Henry 194 after 6 p.m. BUY -- Riding girl; must chi FOR SALE -- All kinds of garden Slants an now ready at the Mc- [enry Floral Co. Get your order in now. T«L -McHenry 404. 50-tf iOR SALE -- Registered Holstein bull calves--Carnation, Pabet, Curtiss, Ragapple. and other leading Wood lines at farmers' prices. Hickwry Creek Farms. Leo J. Smith, mgr. ToL McHenry 670-K-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Used small upright preferred. Call kee 56&-M-2. hone M^- Roofing Co. 43-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURG FRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. En 168. Phone 298-R; W. McHenryr BL 40-tf ftano,1 ii WANTED--Used corn be in good condition. W. H. ard, R-2, Box 43a, McHenry. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable •ta-1ratcs- Regular year rooad route g John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mc- (Henry, P^one 885. tf --n^ ! FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishii 3 varnishing and waxing new and Wf:- -f FOR SALE Modern home, tooms, 2-car garage, live acr en Fox river, near McHenry, Jacob Fritz, realtor, Johnsburg. TeL McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 50-tf WANTED TO pickup track, Stanley Brown, s--ev--en !| 2-tf Und WANTED floors; also Kentile, Free estimate. Call H-t6n size. Call Henry 407-R. McHenry 145-W. ing old For Dad McGEE'S 20 of these cows will be fresh or ready to freshen by day of gale. The balance are due to freshejj ji^frop to six weefcit ( - . . . 1 . - - f ' Of the above number 20 ard first calf heifers. The balance are , secoi^^<ap^;;4fctn|. calf COWS. ^-r:'V',: f} V ' This herd of cows is young, large in size and of best qualty. They are T. B. and Bangs tested and can go anywhere. This is an opportunity to buy the beet at auction. Usual Bank .Temsj^i^i! . A. Freeman ana SR» Kuecker, -:-vv • Owners ; HEBRON STATE BANK* Clerking S Raswb RMl^ Gara«Sb Let lMiflll, One Heck Ta. Flae 1 *** v -5. McOULLOM UUCX i * - * ^ " ' 2 Lets. Tnpalstad, Price IMN. Garage, Oil Fnraece, 8 Lota, On Black Tap Read, Hease, Water Front Lot, Furnished, 8 ft. Prke - v's"'"t WONDER LAKE -- - -' ^ -li I1UN. Glaaed-fai Psrd^ 3 Lets"Lsndsrs>si, SUNNY81DE E8TATEB SUBDIVpUON ing, Near | Pfstakei ice wmJ v \ AVt Ronms. New Building, Lakt aaft 9m IRiver. Beach RUAta. Price | - ^Modern 5 Beet HSBM, Geo Heat, Fox River, •,-« Johnsbnrg Biidge, FMM |18,«M, Make Offer. ALSO SUMMER HOMES FOR SAL* . 5 ROOM. Furnished, Garage, M ft. Water Front on Fox Rfaer NOar Johneburar Bridge, Prke t4.75t. Alee Three Builttsga, Two 4-Besms and Oise 5-R4bn Cettagea, Abeat 4M ft. Water Frost on Fax River liar Jeknsbnrg ~ " H4s io a Ine inrsotnsf ftrifao ASJf" - r , '.t 'J JACOB FRITZ, Realtor JOHNSBURG v ' Route 1, McHenry^, HL Phone McHeffiry 87^1 ^ Chicago, Lincoln 1333-4 Modem Science's New Low Cost Answer to Cleaner Water Systems and Longer j'5-; BUY^-- Good FOR SALE--Generatora, axmtnres, starters, fuel pumpa, (Hstributora and ignition parts for Ford and all other McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--Year- round eomfort amt weonomy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation **Blownin" WMI* and ceilings. Call liEO J. STILLING, McHaniy 18. 36tf. TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf lifetime floor, evenings, Mc- 51-*8-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 208 Main 8treet, McHenry. ' Telephone 9B-J. 10-tf WANTED FOR CASH Hemes -- Farnui -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES^ Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. McHenry 674-M-2. McHenry /667-R-2 Chicago .Phone Keystone 2060 ' 40-tf MOTOR REPAIR---E lectric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of B-Mne quality motors, Carenco carbon motor brushes and Johnson %onse. cored bars and ready to 'use bearings. McHenry Electric Ifetor Service, 102 West Wstikegan 'Road. Phone 181. 1-tf LOST DEAD > prices < nfi IS UGLY FOR DRINKING, COOKING, RUSTY RED WATER WABHINO--IT STAINS FABKI08 CORROSION SCALE i BATS OUT WATER TANKS WRECKS PLUMBING SYSTEMS ClfOGS COILS AND PIPES--REDUCES HOT WATER SUPPLY--WASTES FUEL V KA"'?" IN YOUR WATER SYSTEM 008TB A rZW CINTS PBS DAT--WILL SAVX YOU DOLLABS IK ITJBL AND FLUXBIMO BILLS--AFPSOVXD BY STATE BOABDS OT HEALTH TOKQUOHOUT THE 00UNTBT. EASY TO INSTALL PtynrpiiTS SCALE--OONTBOLS OOBBQaiQff 0LBAB8 KUSTY I^ATEB I MICROMET Is ftttfe from 6a]go^"«^aleiitod iet* yiula of food grade-vitreoiu-phogphate. It norfmlises water by combining with tiM bwdn--• and femaining in solution, in the water. LOTS FOR SALE on Route 31, .depot Inqui Tel. McHenry 278-J. •Lota., 50x350 ft. about two Mock f Inquire at 715 Ceater 23S2Z--tx h. - FOR SALE--80 ft. 1^4-in. copper pipe with couplings. Ben Bleeker. Urbandale Farm, M, Bex 441, McHenry. Phone McHenry 680-R-2 LOST -- Last Saturday afternoon in McHenry, lady's wrist watch with black band. Call McHenry 151-M Wheeling after 6 p. m. *9 ANIMALS -- Highest cash paid for cows, horses and togs; no help needed to load. Day night, Sundays and holidaya. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf If Your Dealer Cannot Supply You F. PRELL CO. 400 W. KlnxU St., Ohtafo 10, Db. WE SUPPLY DEALERS AT USUAL DISCOUNTS HELP WANTED Call after 7 p.m. 1-tf FOR SALE--Modern house, furnished; Venetian blinds; automatic •il furnace; air conditioned; electric Jiot water heater; tile ba^h, built-in tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; """2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full storm windows; copper screens. Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone HELP WANTED--"Snuffy's" Hamburger Place wants s waitrsss. Inmire at 126 Riverside Drive, Mcenry. Bl-tf g HELP WANTED--Salesman; tunity for men with sales opporexperience to sell steel buildings and steel form Commission Must Bldg. stock. structu have car] Co., 206 rn. 4 arX N 5 E>J, basis. Northern 111. Steel adeson St., Wood- 1-8 Wonder Lake 173. 52-tf . - 'A k'"\ '^;v FOR SALE--By owner. Immediate possession. A lovely, modern yearround five-room home on Wonder Lake at Wickline Bay. Living room 12x24 with natural fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full modern batn, shower in utility room, dining room, kitchen, glazed porch, utility room and attached garage HELP WANTED--Girt, or woman for cooking and general housework no heavy cleaning; middle-aged couple. On Pistakee Bay. $40 week. Mrs. Kelley, phone Pis' 565-M-l. • fs «ir conditioning. Completel; including electric HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND) GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST-! ED IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP-! PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO.. 206 Hot air furnace with RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. lately furrexrigeraand wicker Air-1 PHONE 39. 20-tf taUetM atove, m. porch. An ideal retreat HEI* WANTED--Married man to irk on / dairy farm; living quar- SS ilSmry' Th°"' ThomM^ HOP WANTED -- Diahwaaher at Art A Lee*a Restaurant, Rhreraide DHva. . WHITEWASHING -- Barns, basements and chicken houses: also apraying with Carbola DDT. A1 Phannenstill. TeL 483-R. 410 Park St., McHenry. 51-tf AnlralU Sappwh IITtaMt It Muf SkHpai N«pU | . fa Australia there are nearly 16 nm« M many sheep as people. Prof. J. F. Wilson of the University x,^* ia P°int» out. Some 7*6 million people live on the vast subj continent, mostly along the i coasta. 1 The Australian wool clip ia the world's best, Wilson asserted. This is made possible because of the high and rigid standards imposed. The production of wool is of primary iml portance with lamb production seci ondary. Wilson saw one lot of 25 rams which averaged 31 pounds of I wool and a thousand wethers whose fleece weights averaged 22 pounds. Drouth and rabbits are two factore to contend with, Wilson said. A drouth may in one year cause the death of thousands of sheep. Babbits are a patpatual menace. Five will eat aa much as one sheep -- MMT mm W Ueiidence and Branetr~Office Bi^ Hollow Hoad--Waif Mile Wert R-12-59 LAKE OF THE HOLLOW Micrssast la Fanna Water Heat er Coils op -- Hot-Water-heetei »il which failed, due to af months of service with untreated han| water Bottom -- Similar coil) same location, after one r year of service with thifl same water, treated witl.i Micromet. Metal is tirely clean and Effect af Micromet ia Protecting Iron or Steel Pipe Left -- Typical effect oi untreated, soft, corrosive water ... paaaage almost blocked with rust. Right -- Same kind of pipe, using same watei treated with Micromet MICROMET $3.00 the lb. Up to 6»000 gala, per month of water Homahied with one-qnarter lb. EVEN WITH A WATER SOFTENER--Y9V OU SthHbspOw fUoL '-tmDr HAVE MI m.

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