- - * ,•¥ ft* tea* tit cotton eall i|6 L al; rJji^|jau' ^if&. it ha* times tbSL «t«r- tear ' ^jwllftl' WSfter 'ftothan the former sail to (dgUbr resistant .to great relief to ssilor*. at (hi <3, »t.l.Da»OMir v^^ii" ' ' "" B, E WAIUNI ' f ' " B. W; DONKBLLT "; x-- Feat Specialist 8a. JUratsMe Drive MeHeary lyapfstatmeat D|K. JOHN WAIDZtJNAS &82&*VSZi 1 Ohm Hews: W »• t* * pus. «ki 7 p.au to § p.i 1 Nft Haara Tharsdac Braata|a T-t DL & 8. W. Wukmi UL. Phone SI MM7, 10. Heare: 1 pja. to 2<pja. BseeplTharsdays > by Appstatmeat r. VHNON J. KMOK " Atteraey-At-Law Gar. 6NH aad Btm 8ta* MeHeary Teeeday aad Friday Af Otfcer Day. By CTIIuST frAftl^ Attorney (Jeelya i Parker) _ * Once Hears: . Wedaaadav Aftsraaoas hWj^t W-*e*r Bapply Company, MS Mala Street, ERSUIZroi BAWL % WALSH Ufa af say ftdbad U ai 11S-M Mel Ma. MS 8TOFFBL * BBIHANSPEBGEB a (eats for all dassee af ia the bast eempeaisa. Wart McHBNBY FLOBAL co. (tr all A. P. FBBUND SONS Bna?atiac Coatracto* TWtUat, HydrsuuT aad €rasa Bsevfcefc*® --BOAD BUILDING-- M, SM*H McHeary, HL •'. •• • wisbee to l§en Ids and ice & the of two af Teaia Aga BiXTf fiU» AAO Owen ft«k, are taiiUUta* a IN at Piataqaa Bay. to pat ia bids for Itafcttaft m elieet lsmpe, should ^ ^ mast be In the bands of derik en or before 12 o'clock of Monday next Owing to aa aoddeat to the new an at Locked botae bakery; Mr. MrTGilles Mm the use • repair bis \ A. ID. ""Whitinf, "wife and two daughters, started for Dakota this Wedneeday morning. They expect to spend severaLveeks in that state. of Ms TWENTY-FIVE YBAB8 AGO . Tha prospects paint to an ease*. tocMttrbig frait season throafboit tikis section this year. r A dead ,waa consuauaated tide of a large booaa and six lots oi Hffa road. -- The dost on oar streets on Sunday was something terrific. Everyonr was hoping for a good sbewer.1 are still a few of the local automobile drivers who jest insist jon making all' the noiae poshibie1 with open cut-oats, while otters an-' pear to take particular delight in SSf ^ is now ID •eMUng to e eh traduction hi uai hi irrigation M af agricultural ft w per cent of Id! to hi elate and county and tta remaining 40 per "* r. Much of open coun- >ore is being _ on most of the pribttdy owned range is now controlled by public agencies.i w.j5t| 1-- _ * •' a Symlxft^ - a symbol of in ancient Egypt protection the weether. v *//•;>/: FIFTY YEABS AGO Cover Ween Edges The *t>rn edges on a weal Jacket s*LiLcover m ainglecroch^e t*. ** • r' **«• G. F. Boley has been making some extensive and modi needed repairs; on bis barn at the tfc-ewery. j Freond A Barbian jm putting a1 new pool tabR into their piece of! buiiaess this week. Miss Florence Searlee has lately come out with a new tricycle. It is called "Farragutf and is one of, the handsomest in town. ! Hie foundation for A. Engeln's iw building is completed ana the carpenters nave commenced work. E. W. Hov Irenlng Hbd When you And you have sprinkled too many clothes for one ironing, roll them in e towel aad iriaee in the refrigerator until yon are ready to iron another time. This keepa them from mildewing or becoming sour, "and saves the trouble and time of sprinkling again. Howe has the contract. FORTY YEABS AGO Butter dropped one cent Monday and closed at 24 centa firm. W. F. Holts has added six elegant new buggies to his livery. | W« have been informed that a number of our summer xesorters I FBANK S. MAY Sand -- Black Gravel Cinders -- . limestone Track far Hire Phone Johasbarg C85-W-2 B-I McHeary • Tel. McHenry ZU-J ' 1 . HABOLD H. BELL Pah^MMf, Paperhaagiag, Bemetini Old Watt Paper With Steamer, Spra, Pahittag 1W k GBEEN 8T. McHENBY W. P. BBOOKS A 80N • JMatiag aad Paperiag ^ - : AB Material At Coat I ^ TaL Itl-R tic FBANK E. WEILEB FAINTING AND DBCOBATIN6 Phoae McHenry* €8»-W-2 Pahitlag, Paperhaagiag, Spraylag » Estimatea ChMrf ally Faratohad > ^ JOHN F. BBDA ft SON Sheet Metal aad Faraaee Werk iftl N. Green 8t* McHeary, I1L Phoae 24S-B I--, _ Breaches --si Lake 1119 . Of Sewer Work IENBY CO. SfeWEB SEBYICE Sewens Opened Without fly Electric Moter^ Cutter v * . Crystol Lake, L. Nelssa Bsc 19S BEPAIB I-.' BL*8 WELDING AND SEBYICE Ml Mala St, McHeary Etectric Portable Welding Weldiag sad Cuttlag W. WlBFS, Operater m-W-1 or 464 ITinNBT, ILL. McMAHON BEFBIGEB^TION ; SALES AND SEBYICE MsBeary 419 or Wander Lake 5C8 91# Mala Si, McHeary, Illinois WATEB PUMP8 Fairhaaka Marae Ejector aad Psuap types. All shies. Ciaapkte aad Easy to iaatelL Saa^ paapk Take eld BM|B| Aft tfftdi. BNcSraOMJlAUal AND SEBYICE <m ft. ZSSSEifSiSNem) "VC- . HMHB8T PASH PBICES paid far " ' Hecse*, Cattle Geaerel Ceajtraeters BesMsatial •-- ladastrial $- W 9M Wi •* St. • J# W Phone C2S.I ' : 'if-1 jfir1--. - C. J. MEYEBS ttainl Ceatracter Csipsnlij KW Werk aad Bbpeira , IB. TaL Ftatakee (42-M-l -ViMVIhb H faut-- We pay IMj^ I* fsf OM I L>" MATTS JPNE BANCH ; BpflhC Bfift CALL Phoae McBeuy 07-B-2 ; -- Baeemeat Easavatiag -# . • NETTS SAND ft GBAYEL Special Batea ea Bead Gravel ens Let FHliaa •* • Btock Dirt .. Powet Leveliag aad Cradlag. J. B. NETT Johasbarg P. O.--McHearj WELDING Maiatenaaee and Constraetiett Portable Eqaipmeat H. B. YANCE--McHeary 51^1 I Seath Green St, McHeary, 1 WILSON'S RADIO SHOP Badios -- Becords -- Appliaacee Repairs on AH Mskes Home ft Auto Radios 206 E. Elm St. McHenry, III Phone 469 RETOOTH AND SHABPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWEBS By Machine Abe <|ressing and Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT 691 Front St. McHenry ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC 8HOP Electrical Contractors Badie Repairs Let as estimate that aext electrical Job of yoara. LEO G. ROTHEBMBL, Pre» Phone McHeary ^272-M 304 Riverside Drive Vegetables When storing vegetables, leave oat dieeaaed, bruised or injured species as they will decrease the keeping quality of the entire lot. Store only the beat vegetables, using, bruised'or Injnred species for im^ mediate consumption. ere, vinee, trees and olher forma found outdOora. Patterns, whBe more or toss aMimiUnnyHM^ mrm free moving, avoiding the stiffness aad formality that characterized j aome wal^mpers of the prewar era. Colors are used freely, yet wisely, | eo that rooms will be bright and cheerful. In the swing against monotonous repetition on walls of stereotyped patterns, a wide selec- ! tion of scenic wallpapers is being offered. These depict urban as well bs pastoral phases of outdoor life j and afford m£ny possibilities to. the homemaker tor interesting decorative effects. The homemaker also will find sipecial papers for the game room, the nursery, the powder room or the foyer. Some store ! decorative consultants £tre pushing the idea of using two kinds of wallpaper in living roomsr-for example, a panoramic paper on one side of the room with conventional patterned paper on the other three W«lls. Developed Meters In 1884, Frank J. Sprague, pioneer in the industrial development et electric motors and electric rall- 1 ways, exhibited his first direct curirent motor. " * ' ' j. "" "1 ' pfT,... nltmif ,111, • £•* \ ' Land: i. Excepting the continents--which, : in order of size, are Eurasia, Africa, i North America, South America, Ant- ' arctica and Australia--the world'a land is comparatively scarce, notea the National Geographifc society. 1 The continents cover a little more than one-fourth of the garth's surfaces The myriad islands cover less ' than one-fiftieth.' The globed surface is 71 per cent oceans, 29 per cent land. Proper dairy IT production of m. tow i Many blankets i their time bec«__ 1 email for the beds they at seat y the textile speHeHsta. A twlr In mt HM OK ! come'up well around tiie ; erwise, the deeper will tug at m weaken the fabric. For a doable bei.*& choose a blanket at leaat It by 0 inches; for a single bed# at hnH 63 by 84 inches. Subscribe, lor The i-. J Read the Want Ada^ - -f, At P«ac« At Last No ^ more mortal tribulatione ; beset those whom the Lord • • takes away. In that thought find solace. And in our com- ; plete funeral service find ease • in your mourning. , 1 : : Jacob Justen Sons FUNERAL DIRECTOBf Funeral Hostc nans McHeary 1N>R V Green, Car. Elm, McHeeBry *J. *T«« »» 1" Urtwry v •."n . tor prompt and coartcons •errioe.ji.^;?.'." •t ,f " • ' j.% *'"*' Don't rtart to n > i. / hftve 24-honr sofvio*. llilcHENRY CAB--Call '<kt,' "!t > ' • .-B-1 St-,'! ili w Sand and Gravel Co. % gf./; 0n»e,8em«r- Black Dirl -- Sand and Gravil Grading ^--4* • •i' CALL HcHENST 97J MctlENRY GARAGE 0«B«r»l Bftpftir 8ervid6 Pftita aad AfloboriM •Mm . 1 * " * 'A 4 Are-Acetylene A ; Portable Welding Equipment STEAM OLSANINa f „ .VY-DUTY TOWING SSBVIQ|t Jjjif NICK P. MILLER -rl: 608 Front St., Et. 31 McHenry 108-R--Res., McHenry 53-M a w n i n g s TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS L»rg* Bdeetton et nete**-: " v ' - SABVf * * r1"- UpeoiBliziiig in Store, and Beeldence Awniafi McHenry Awning Co I Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Tlionneaoi Prep. MM 5*. >«!&• ^ yf-sP.S-a-.* /, A Word of advice. al Cleaners i like-new dresses, suits and coats and hell respond with praise for>t the smartest "little wife in thai "world." uiiiiiuiimiimiMUiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir HOOT'S RESTAURANT S. OE£EN ST. . McHEWT, ILL. NOW OP 7 Dinners and Lnndies from 11 a.m. to 10 3 . rw ' •. / J E. NOONAN, Prop. •t iK * i YESSIR! THAT'S OHi OF THE REASONS I'M GRAPE A .. V:; teii '* t,x t -**<, ;; i. B ' v \* • • \ f&dihg, clean cows aod clean cqaipmmnt are essential to the pfodnction of high quality milk, bat thece's more to it than that--to keep quality up, you've got to keep the bacteria count way down... just like the boss-man is doing here with hH drop-in Electric Milk Cooler," / V M' v Kffp t«Niii»9# Mob«l...whatvs lh« pay-off? •"PBy-off?--plenty! Extra money--top places--for higher quality milk. Not one v* v, can of rejected milk. Better flavor and odor. ^ • Dollars saved in cooling costs. Sanitary, timeatfiiig milk handling. Dependable, V mechanical re£rigeration that provides con- 1 . 'teolled, uniform temperatures from top tpi^ bottom of the milk We'rt convincad. ..whofs Hm naxt Hajpf A trip to your local dealer, of course, to look over the Electric Milk Coolers. They're available ... and there's one siaed to your herd and fitted to your purse. The peak millc production season is just a step away, so plan now to pocket more profits by marketing more top quality milk. An Electric Milk Cooler will help ybu do it economically •.. efficiendy! PtWLIC JflBVlCI COMPANY OF MOBTNIBM IUNMMS fry#?.} S ... *j