at Mb. Frpehlich _ at KtBwr, QL, waAut *» Sm af May «. ]MH On Tear 4M0 ITOWALSOCIATION J0UU5 «JUm dm awakened to find ay 5ck:'p«w saeiai * > w**j- -- •-•» 5Sh?r wW*?y-- ^•yr,DgsS*i"S2L^iW£. _«« W?££! the MO. 1MW"« *table Iim5mim tha*n *are» «n •ot* S £ ,* lfo uJ onwSedS ^T wb y T^ I^ opoentbnyt ••2WdLilli. Wt£o which frienda of dially invited. found _ dining table heeause there are not enough sides on a anaara ope any more. We are now at the half gallon •tape in life, wftH four, three girls and a boy. Perhaps I should explain. A man vm once asked his age and his reply was, "When we I were first married my wife canned things in pints, then in quarts, then _. , . ,, in half gallons," then in quarts and »<>« ». W. Wl" b«k to Pint." ™« -"rT^". SS, iWISr f^Hi w#d i the standpoint at housing and needa--y m orn,i ng at«. JlOA oJL cwlocwk . -NiKewls methods of preserving food. ( pau] north of Woodof the week ad is to ap] ified ads will be accept be in our office t*r, 5 o'clock. t k ^ oa Tuesday afternoon. 18tock' wof by the wwy, certainly is Milky Ws; fe s. [ve of Manitoba, grand Grand Representative Entertaiaa At Pot-Lack Mrs. Valeska grand represtative Canada, entertained representatives and past matrons and patrons at her home at Wonder Lake last Sunday. A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed, followed fcy •" Hcial afternoon. • i • • * Entertain At Wiener Reast A w hyely emnised in tie recto: ttint'a Bar. Thotaaa Green last Saturday afternoon Mary Lau 1 rarner,_you«|est of wi" was soi- ; la rectory St. Cath- Catholic church, ^Dunda^Jhjr tor radtoii1 M. Warner wtoen Miss •est^daughot Elgin, tpOUBa the bride of Mr. David A. Haverkampf, son of Mr. and Mn. Merrif W. Haverkampf of Dundee, ekchanged nuptial vows. Only the parents of the couple and a few close relatives were in attendance at the ceremony. Miss Warner chose for her' wedding gown m floor-length dress of whit net, styled with cap sleeves and key-hole neckline. It was the same gown that tile -bride's sister, Mrs. .f1% « Tmi.« r> Audrey Fredrkkson, wore at her 8UmnMfr Mrs. Lillian Cox. i*oaard Ttmum ware Mia. Olive Mta. and Sally, ofElgiirand Mn. Joe Greaaar of Golden, Colo., were Thursday evening dinner gi&sts in tha^hone of Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Fxeund of Waakogan road. Earl Fraund and family of Fall Creek, Wis., visited his father, Peter W. IFYeund, and other relatives here last week. Mrs. Arthur CM .and children, Diane and Jerry, of Boseville, Calif., spending remainder of the mer with erry, < t the 'WE LIKE TO GET wedding laat fall. Miss Warner wore matching mitts of white net and lace cleaning up Way farm of Miss RosemearV DOherfcy and Miss whlte'^cwes cjamelLs^t^match weeds, says he seeded alfalfa and j Carol Freund entertained friends at },er floral headciece clover in his oats that were sprayed a wiener roast held at the former's .£ * Mi . JariAt Mr with 2-4-D to kill mustard and home on Crystal Lake Road one jJ^T "J® attted in a nle nink thistles and he finds the alfalfa recent evening. Present to enjoy the ba^g^ an(J wew _own -tyi-d „;m pretty well killed out, but the outdoor party were Gerry Carey, jiarly to the^bride'sdress She also clover is doing alright. 1 Ann Bochman, Mary Unti, Dorothy When you build a better mouse Schmitt, Dolores Schmitt, %r«?rly carried B col"niai fcoUquet of Bi{[j! gap" Cltt.rri. P.r m;Sch»«™«. wd iSSTSS^SSSt ' Hn^eileenn Wneeubeerr SoauvysiT *Stud"yU oyu r tn«m nty and state orgam?a- A, Thonnes<<H*»*8 uent£s.S w£ith? 3ei gS5-fi™gue?te in attion. Last winter an Iowa delegatJon Mrs Thomas ponneson enter- tendance. Friends and relatives were wa^o„,er®; .. Whv , tained members ofthe East River preseht from Crystal Lake, Chicago, .Say! that s an idea. Why dont, Road pin0chle club at her _home McHenry, Dundee and Etein Europ^n countries send delegations jast Thursday afternoon. -Prizes j For hw goinir-aW ensemble Mrs t%o each others bwlwick to learn the Wfre merited by Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Haverkampf chose a summTr suit S ^ practices followed there, in- ^ Ben pietz and Mrs. Bruno brown and whitT with Thite acce^ ViWMl* stead of forcing their ovni pnwtices, ju£.rRons. Mrs. Juergens will enter- sorieS) and a J^aee of white cam ti&MM A ^°°d or bad' onto the other feAlow.' tain the group next on Aug. 14. ' corsape oi wnite cam especiallv if he is a little smaller? • * « » \mm ' James L<"r' near Hrfwon, has an,4.H Gamp Was Attended . J9C -- i electric windlass in the hay mow, By Representatives rigafyM. where the man m the mow can drop ; Girls from loca] 4.H clubs who j/mMIIPMmm. J2le. h?y. TherT it. attended Camp Wetomacheck in Immmm, 1?1S, bnnJ^ ^ thoughte of the! Wisconsin last week were Peggy old days when I,used to ride the old gelsdorf of the Busy Bumble Bees at piece of a corn planter with the seat Wonder Lake; Grace Glauser, Mary that pinched if I wasn t careful. | jjGgan, Carolyn Lawrence and Jean The boys in the mow ha* to have MuHy 0f the RingwW Happy rood lungs to make me hear and C|overs; Carol Harrison and Charo. learned to lead their spot with their, ,ette jjogan of the Ringwood Sunaitn to get the hay within |en feet a h i n e G i r l s. Carolyn Giles of wmr they suited it. elias. After a wedding trip to Wisconsin, the couple will be at home at 411 E. South St., Dundee. The bride is a graduate of the Elgin high school and is employed in the service department of the ff-T-tis. nmve yon Aougfat 0f . the ay things ban buy at c nan, you our bank? For Instance, there's safety for ' the money you deposit " with us; the oemvenience T6U Igsg hir« the use \ i t i n . '•'£ . o r for ^^ needs. You can > 1 I Miss Marjorie Duker of Chicago visited her parents the C. H. Dukers, Miss Claire Longway and Miss June Patzke left last iFriday evening for a two week's trip East. / Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hejmalik of, Berwyn spent Sunday visiting Mr. i and Mrs. Fred Schoeirer. G«otg« Scheid returned home on Thursday after spending a week with relatives in Fall Creek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and son, Merle, visited Mrs. Nick B. Kennebeck at Griswold Lake One recent evening. Mi(ss Hester Loomer of Tuscon, Ariz., was a guest in the Fred Schoewer home a few days last week. Mrs. Ervin Nester and daughters, Susanne and Cheryl, of Chicago, spent last week in the home of her tnother, Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and family of Marengo spent Monday evening visiting her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Anna and Joseph Corstf of Oak )anewhome,anew! car,newhou»eholdeqtdpbiOs by dieck ment,hoineiepairs,insurm of r_.__ T. instead of cash; protection ance premiums, educa- J " for your valuably papers tionalcouraes, and dozens ..f; i, and articles through of other sound projects. rental of a safe deposit Hefe in effect is a fi- ' box . . . just to name nancial depilrtment store ; . a few of the things our where you can take care • > bank has on its shelves, of all your money matters. > • . McHENRY STATE BANK ; •mhr your name to our long li^ McHENRY Phone 104-M IN MEMORIAM , In loving memory of our husband and father, John Thompson, who passed away one year ago <tn July SO. Our hearts ache with loneliness. 103 :*™-Tf-lfMrT ST* 2Go^d earlo*n e knows how* w e miss yon As it ends the first sad year. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. 12 ^ -- - • John Reed for helping with cultivat- Complete line of Bee be livestock^ ing my corn, cutting my oats and remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc-; for putting up my alfalfa hay. I Henry. 8-tf, >.m very grateful to my good, good .. . __------ ^ , j neighbors. Subscribe for The Plahidealer 12 MICHAEL JUSTEN. CARD OF THANKS I have just arrived hoyfW^rom Sherman hospital and wish to thank iCo**®' - _ . . William Bochman, Albert Hilding Schmitt, Harvey and Betty Schaefer Nels Pearson, Frank Kolbinger and an^ Norbert Adams. 11 e s p 1 e, Jeanette Huff, Phyllis May, Barbara Schmidt and Lorraine Steadman of Spring Grove club. * • Entertains Oa His Birthday Tommy Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams, entertained several little friends on Wednesday, July 80, in honor of his birthday anniversary. Games were played, after which Mn. Adams served a tasty lunch from a decorated table on the lawn. Attending the party wire Joe Donald Kinsala, Harold • v . . . I C E CREAM FLAVORS BOR AUGUST i if ^•1 • VAim.T.i' | E • tit: •im VANILLA. CHOCQLATB mmimx MINT SPECIAI. BRICK EACH WEEK-END. •m i Honor English Girl at Shower Miss Jean Derrick, who arrived in the United States from England three weeks ago to become the bride of Robert Adams some time in August, was honored at a bridal shower in Elgin one evening last week, with Mrs. Morris Powell as hostess. Games were enjoyed and the prospective bride presented with a great numlber of lovely gifts. Among those present were Mrs. Robert Conway and daughter, Rita Ann, Miss Gladys Stilling and Miss Doroth• y- » Freun•d o»f »M cHenry Foresters Plan Annual Picnic The Catholic Order of Foresters, Court No. 594, will hold their annual picnic on Sunday, August 10, in Conway's Woods. In addition to the usual pknic lunches on the eight- ^ their Mr- ^ ««> shome in McHenry many years ago. The late Mrs. Warner was the former Irene Frisby of this city. Miss Marilyn Hopp And Robert Nell Wed uung sons of Oak Part were McHe nry visitors last Sunday. Milt Pederson spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Elgin. MisS Helen Welch ot Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Monday evening. - / I j Mr. and Mrs. Hbrry Carpenter of A wedding of interest hei* <#*s' Chicago are vacationing with relasolemnised by Rev. Ifoger Kaufman tives here this week. lumber Federal Reserve System Deposit Insnrance OorporaHon » 1 t » » »*»'< *11. ••• ill « «.*•**,» i « .«.«« » " in IIIm i n i| f at Grace Lutheran parsonage in Woodstock on Saturday, Aug. 2, at 2 p. m., when Miss Marilyn Hopp daughter of Mrs. Lynette Hopp of Woodstock, and Robert Nell son of Mrs. Mae Nell of Washington street in that city, exchanged vows. • Attendants for the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Giles, close friends. Following the service, a dinner was served by the bride's mother and grandmother, Mrs. Charles Hewitt, to relatives and close friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Saul and son of Chicago are spending this week at the C. H. Romeiser nome at Pis>- takee Bay. They attended funeral services for Mr. Saul's mother in Barrington Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith of Elgin spent Sunday visiting in the Robert Thompson home. Mrs. Ada Smith and daughter, Villa, who had been spending a few days §t the Thompsons, returned that evening. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss , Maud Granger and their guestV-Mrs. The bride, is a graduate of the Ada Smith and daughter, Villa, of Woodstock high school and has been 1 Elgin, spent Friday in Janesvile, employed as a, junior nurse at the Wis. ^Kh°8^!Sr • Tue gl°°T als?l Mr and Mrs- William Heimer, Mr. attended the Woodstock schools and land Mrs. George Heimer of Saginaw, served three years with1 the; navy. Mich., Mrs. Annabel, Aicher, Leo He is now employed by Donald Des- Heimer, Atty. and Mrs. Vernon Knox Th2 ^SCt£-n , ,4 . . I and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Laures at- „ make tneir home ] tended a party on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward where they attended the desesrtbridge at the Walter Carey home. William Hamedy of Indianapolis, Ind., an old time resident of this community, spent a few days last week in the Charles Gibbs home. It was Mr. Harnody's first visit in McHenry in thirty years. Mrs. LeRoy Conway, Mrs. Harry and son, Albert, spent Monday In Chicago. The Kempfer family left the following day for their home ta Medford, Okla., after spending s w«f1k McHenry, where they wen called by the death of his mother. Mrs. Marie Simon and children have returned to their home in ChiLarwence and Miss Ann Frisby 5cajKgoT . and Mr. and Mrs. Donald h""u. ~rwere Waukegaii callers one day T2atcher h»T® returned to Kankakw last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence returned to their home in Chicago last Sunday after a week's vacation spent with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Given*. Mrs. George Vales and Miss Dolores Vales spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Lillian Conway of Crystal Lake was a caller in the home of Mrs. Thomas Thonneson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., after spending a week with father of Mrs. Simon Thatcher, Frank Kempfer, Sr. NOTICE I wish to thank everyone «|s Plfcronized my shop, which will closed beginning August 15, LOIS BRITZ, beauty operator. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. . in McHenry. ' * LOST RATE FIGHT On Thursday of last week the Illinois commerce commission set aside the Illinois Commercial Telephone company rate increase until September. The rate boost case had been before the commission since March of 1946, when the company filed its original application for a 25 per cent increase. A total of 675 communities i . , , are served by the company through acre traSJt, there will be games for, igi exchanges. Most of the com- BOLGERS DRUG STORE mom m HeHSMBf THE CAMFIELD AUTOMATIC TOASTER Camfield's exclusive "Equa-Th£rm control assures you perfect toast--with color and crispness to choice--every time. Finished in gleaming chromium, with hinged crumb tray for easy cleaning. The Catnfield is k beautiful, gift... a dream fftflffff $19.95 The Friemfly Store jGsetge .CaBsttt, Owner •rt MeHatnl the children and adults, as well as baseball. An added feature will be greased pig race for tha children under 15, with the pig itself being Hie prise. AH members of the Forester organisation and their families are urged to come out to make the affyir 9 paeee§»t • » * O. a S. Hea*iiB Attaadei loeeptba Mrs. Valeska Boppe, mad representative of ManitoM, Mrs. Louise Kramer, Mrs. Lillian Cox and Mrs. Vlorence Larson were among those who attended the reception in honor 4tH Dva Holland Hamilton, most worthy grand matron of the general itm. under tto «f Wao£ Aim Chapter ito, CMeagd; %as attended H *ttte than. 100 and other graaA rtpktives were escorted to the in the beautiful reception room, iich was attractively decorated with bouquets of red roBOS. • • • Thirty-Eight TsMea In i % Plav At Desaert-Bridge Thirty-eight tables of cards were An plav last Thursday afternoon at »the dessert-bridge Tield on the spacious lawn of the Walter Carey residence on Waukegan street. Prises were awarded to each table and special prizes went to Mrs. Harry Barr, Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill, Mrs. George Freund, Mrs. Hogar reew«- sen, Mrs. Mike Freund, Mrs. George Blum and (Father Wm, A- O'Rourke. This aiwiual event, sponsored by the Alt"n and Rosary woanty of St. Patrick's parish, is always one of the highlights of the summer witwi season and this year was no exception. The large group assembled was in agreement that the party was one of the lovliest to be given to date. Among tbe Sick Michael Justen, who has been confined to Sherman hospital following an accident seven weeks ago, returned, home during the past week and is improving nicely. Mrs. John McCarthy has been a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Anthony Molinelli of Spring Grove was a medical patient at St. Therese hospital Waukegan last week. Louis Brown of Crystal Lake, son of the Peter Brown of McHenry, has been a patient at Hines hospital Maywood. Mrs. Maude Loomis of Volo is a medical patient at Victory Mem munities are in southern Illinois. A July 1 order of the commission granted a temporary rate boost of 25 per cent. Gitske, Jr., at Cary. The occasion was the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Launes and Mrs, William Heimer attended the Chicago Cuftfc baseball game at Wrigley Field on Tuesday. Miss Georgianna Donahue N of Huntley visited Miss Genevieve Knox last week. Mr. and Mrs. I/»n Smith have~be€h vacationing in Denver, Colo. Mrs. J. Albert Woll and daughter, Phyllis, of Winnetka visited relatives here on Sunday. t Those from McHenry who attended the wedding of Miss Mary Lob Warner in Dundee laat Saturday ware Mrs. Mellie Givens. Mrs.' Nellie IBacon, Miss Ann Frisby, Mr.* and Mrs. Harold PhaHn and Mrs.! Alfons Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Lawrence of Chicago, who had been vacationing here, accompanied the, "CHRIST THE KING"""" BENEFIT PARTll For WONDER LAKE MISSION BUILDING FUND Saturday, • August 9, 8 p. m. At ST. MARY'S-ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL HALL i McHenry, Illinois , "•y..--JWifjyton r Gaines Music by Vince Adams and the Original Broncho Busters : . CARD OF THANKS lilus manner we wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for floral offering* spiritual bouquets, donations of can knA tile many otMv naflhaaaat at* tended at the time of tiie death offildaal {olhf *"4 alio attended tha Mrs. Stasia Maloaa. They greatly appreciated. ELLEN DOHBR1T MRS. M. J, WALSH. 12 . MRS. M. KNOX Lisle tasaett and! - s week for Houston, era they will visit he* l(r% ftnd Mrs. Earl Seapa of Chi* iaaw*iwp , , y »• cut are Spending a two week's Wion in X^Mniy. . w t i i - . ^ h i v 1- w - .L Mr. and Mrs^ Clarence Angleee !S vWh^ daughter, Kathleen, are vacationing at Long Lake, Wis. &}»* J*#****1: le£i L. V. Foley of Emerald Park left Saturday & Mfcgpt a portion as gunjay on a business trip to New instructor » home economics at the York Christian high aehaol. a Mr". and Mrs. Sid Nevius of Chi private institution. Miss VanderMay - worked in McHenry county not only "tilth the 4-H and Rural Youth programs but also with the adult work. The 4-H enrollment for the past years shows a 15 per cent increase over the previous twelve months, proving the fine work accomplished by this* young lady. nest insavaa American families own 67 per cent of the world's insurance. DR. H. S. FIKE, Veterinarian _ w "# ' ; i ' ANNOUNCES NEW LOCATION " Ont-hftlf mile south of WMufy OnHi^hway 31 -- Offioe and Phone McHenry 666-J-l o_r ial hospital, Waukegan, t*h7is 'w. eek. Mrs. Francis Miller of Ringwood underwent surgery at the woodstock hospital wis week cago spent the weekend at the L. V. Foley home at Emerald Park Mrs. Dan O'Shea of Gravslake visited relatives here last Thursday and attended the Altar and Rosary sodality card party. Mrs. George Johnson and daughter, Marguerite, and Mrs. A K. Burns spent a recent day in Evanston. Mrs. George Sterling, Mrs. Alice Kane and Mrs. Frank Biggey of Chicago and Mrs. Ted Holden of Berwyn spent Thursday in McHenry H a r m l e s s The inner valvO , snaps Shut when air escapes from tits outer chamber, trapping twothirds of the air in VISIBLE the tube. CELLULOID RUBBER OUTWEARS ORDINARY TUBCS $11.95 plus tax. $14.55 plus §00x16 *50x16 other sixes prM*|l proportionate lojr Walter J. Freund Y PLAINPEALER m If:.,..