' Ipj#! FOR SALE--Used FflgWaire; needs CBMBNT WORE ~ A»I Carpoirtar only new motor idd to cost about j Work. J. M» . $18, For qaiek ML*, *86. E- J. j Park. HcHsnry- TbL 014-W-2. its Sc.tl?.*<:k?'Au\*'_. Oljkwl! NOTICE--4 will not to* responsible TOMivision, oppomfes Chain O ,for debts eontnetid by anyone Gam* F,eU' 7 mileB •ort"®Mt,g!but myself after July) SI, lV4~JOE SssryeJW TOfBXUK •DJt SALE--Federal faarom cl iwl unftlyh, $19. -i, IhL Me- •« W' SALE -- Lite ittafOO foot; aelectricity, water, shade. First •••til off room II, toward river. Walter J. Waldt Phone Mc- Banry 0C8-R-1. >11 DMt SALE -- Gaaftline cooking: nan; any reasonable offer: double draw fctoard poreriain sink, chrome fittings, $80; coal burning waiter beater, 30-gsl. tank, $10. Phone Fox Lake 2286. 12 FOUNDATION GARMENTS--Lovely Stayform posture garments for all seasons, priced from $13.25 up. Mrs. Pearl Pietsch, McCullom Lake. Call McHenry 665-M-2. *12 FOR SALE-- 4.4 H. P. Johnson outboard motor and 4-barner gas stove. Reeves, Pist&kee 656-J-2 *12 NOW IS THE TIME to plant strawberries. 5,000 plants for sale. Crystal Lake road. 2 miles south of McHenry. Rudolph Mionske. *12-3 FOR S A LB--Spinet piano. Latest £147 dealer's sample, famous make, Ml 88 note. Bargain. Write*'Netsew Piano Company, Wholesale Bept., 850 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., when piano may lie seen in McHenry. *12 FOR SALE -- Large strictly fresh Grade A Eggs, by dozen or case. Woodstock Produce Co., 728 E. Cal- or as many as you watit. boon St.,_ Woodstock, 111. Tel. Wood-1 Dunning, Belvidere, 111. Phones: McHenry. FOR BALE Motorola auto radios for all popular make can, $54.95. Gambles store. Wet McHenry. 12 FOR BALE 0 m. house, 2 car garage, auto, oil heat, cabinet kitchen gas range* 1% bath, large basement, IWO gal ^* ***** system, storm sash, screens, lOnln lot IB,500 or bad offer. McHenry 667-W-l or OSO-M-2. *12 FOR SALE--The late Maigant May estate now being offered for sale wMok is located «Mt ofrJfaHenry on note 120 within the city limits. The property . consists of about 87H acres according to deed, and lies east and west of the North Western railway lines. For information see Leo Blake, Tel. McHenry 55-J, or John K. Freund, Tel. 127-J 12 R. S IMITH. •1S-2 FOR SALE--*$4 Plymouth in run- FISHERMEN This is your boat fly fishing time. New C-Tru Minnow Strapmer Action Bass Poppen Skimmer Babe. GUIDE TACKLE Above Goodrow*k Garage Woodstock, Illinois Open Saturday evening. v 12 SEPTIC TANK8 AND CE88 FOOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 10 Ellsworth St* Crystal UkoTnl. Phone 54S-M or 718-M. 42tf WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK jCEEfMLET SAUBg MeBonry, I1L in. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAFING^-TREB SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RATCRAFT, F. O. Bos ICS. ning condition. $100. Inquire of Phono 1S0-R W. McHenry, HL 40-tf Chuck st Crick's Grocery store, Mc- ITYPEWMTER SERVICE--Tjrpewri- Cullom Lake. ters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 108 Main St., McHeniy. Phone McHenry 203-J. 52-tf FOR SALE--106 Vtm. Bondex waterproof cement paint, $12; 850 gal. per hour Heil electric pump, $50; 10x24 ft. tent, needs some repairs, $20; coal Heatalator, $10; 420 rock- GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us fared concrete blocks and s^eel re- j dispose of your garbage each week, enforcing bars. Tel. MccHenryior oftener if desired. Reasonable 675-R-l. '12 FOR SALE -- Motor Scooter frame (rood condition. Tel. McHenry 138-J. 1« rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. *-t tf FOR SALE -- Sportsman's home, 4^6-rooms; bath, two bedrooms; knotty pine interior; at McCullom Lake Estates. $8,000. Geo. Werner, 1927 Fletcher street, Chicago. *11-2 FOR SALE -- 600 head of clean, healthy, guaranteed steers weighing 600 to 800 lbs., costing 20c per lb. and less; have recently left my farm on route 20, two miles west of Belvidere, going to farms between Chicago and the Mississippi river and 150 miles north into Wisconsin. More are on the way here. Fresh shipments in every Friday and Saturday for the balance of the season, visitors always welcome. Will sell one, «• L. Stock 441. 12 FOR SALE -- Second-hand bath til* 5 ft.; left hand corner, with right hand plug drain. E. G. Petersen, Tel. McHenry 57-J. *12 FOR SALE--Windsor upright piano in good condition. Tel. McHenry ff-W. *12 FDR 8AI Kenmore deluxe hand vacuum tlosrtsi, reconditioned, $19JO. Gambles storifc 'West McHenry. 12 FOR BALE KsTsoona stove, white », E. B. MM, $25. R. Bruel- " m Lak% Johnson subside of lake. *12 FOR IAII -- Imp haws, yearwater: bath; ; Stt ft. street Shads fcrsas staMy ante, sssM Eta. 1, West McHenry, HL *114 Turkeys, 10 Co. •11-S House 624; Farm 318. 10-8 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Housekeeper who likes children; good home; modern conveniences; occasional travel. Tel. Crystal Lake 874. *12 HELP WANTED--Single man for general farm work; salary, room and board. Call Richmond 641 or see Walter Low, Ringwood. *12 WHITEWASHING -- Barns, base ments and thicken houses; also spraying with.. Carbola DDT. A1 Phannenstill. Tel. 488-R. 410 Park St., McHenry. 51-tf MOTOR ' REPAIR--Electric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of B-line quality motors, Carenco carbon motor brushes and Johnson Bronze, cored bars and ready to use bearings. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day ana night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf j§ WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Large, used trunk. Call McHenry 79-M. *12 WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf .iii Trtaa a serpent with a ruby was a popular Jon past Martini Minerals The aiffyof nitrogen, magna* shun, and salt aj-t as limitless as then* eei air from which they Hi drawn. •! I AB Brandoa Ollf OfBowetWarh ess* - its - Blueprints Wsadstsck 1%*• -WAOTteb +6 MJf- Wa pay N to $25 for OM Hersea, loaa lor dewa horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsbngg • Spring 'Grove Raad Phono Johnsberg S50-J-1 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD BOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phono charges WitfER PUMPS (by Mrs. Charles Fraud* Members her dub met at thp heme of Mrs. Etta Slegisr on tmm day rifgfat for an eMSnf at_ea»ds. Pnass wore awarded li Ins. Mhri Mrs. Harry Myers and «*• fthi May. Lunch MS served by hoetees after eards. Geergo and Im McGarth have retmrned home, having apept the past Daonth at Bluodamons Boys Camp in Three Lakea, Wh. Charlotte IM vtoited her little friend, Yvonne Stranb, in Chieaga this last weak. Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Sfcndsrs of Rockford spent the weekend jit the George Sanders home. Mrs. Nick Freund returned heme •fter visiting Iowa relatives and friends the past two months. Miss Elaine Smith and Leo Smith] spent Monday in Chicago. { Mrs. Ray May was hostess to her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and "nrises went to Mrs. A1 Schmelteer, Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Eldred Johnson and Mrs. Obenauf. A delicious luncheon was served. The will rnert nert with Mrs. Steve Schaefer in Fox Lave. Mrs. Bertha Esh has returned home, having spent the past several weeiks with her (daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Crain and family, in W ' •„ -ly . -01 - ^ jror propor ftuug# wnm ipi < Mr, and Mrs. Itebsrt Lwt Jobsi in a fkunily reunion in MWWH on 'Bnndajr. . mm * Art Ok a to 10 per cent the light. STOFFEL it EEmANSFBMEi tar al dasMs : <flt The output ftkod praAicts totejr wOOWl tMr most fti sUlwii Wis of tha win of all food and beverage m r:r. Fairbanks Morse Ejector snd Pump Wonder Lake. types. All sises. Complete snd Easy The infant daughter of Mr. to install. Samp pumps. Take old pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry 552-W-l (800 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) and Mrs. Robert Lent was christened Linda Lucille at St. Peter's church Sunday morning. Mrs. Lucille Nelson. and Lawrence Nimsgern were sponsors for the baby. Mrs. Charles Freund, sons Tom, Dan, and Vic, and Mrs. Math Nimsi> R. HINRV FftEUND 7't *•' A* 514 Xftifi 8t^ Wirt VhMmf Stiffka'i JiWitay Btori i (Oloied Thursday Aftirnoons) ji i<.-Vz - ^ Eyss Examined •-- Glass is Fitted Trslnlnr -- Visual RehMRatisn Cemplete Yisnal'Analysis ^ ;r„ tfeurs Daily: • to 12 and 1 to S-^-Sntnrday Evenings: I te'l^Mi pkaB. PHONE McHENRY 452 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo- Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle j gem spent Friday in Waukegan. and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Leading -- Tankage at|d Meat Scraps Cor sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. McMAHON REFRIGERATION 8ALE8 AND SERVICE McHenry 410 or Wonder Lake M8 S10 Main St, McHenry, Illinois G. J. MEYERS Cisral Contracts Carpentry Kmr Work and Repairs McHenry, HL TeL Pistekeo M2-M-1 HELP WANTED -- Dish washers and waitresses for full time -jrork; short order cook evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Nam Restaurant, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 12 HELP WANTED--Male or female stenographer for general office work. Koehr Supply Co., Phone McHenry 486. 12-tf HB/ WAlfnD--'Woman to clerk in hardware store. Vyeital's Hard* ware Store. Id. McHenry 96-M. 12-tf HBLP WANTED--Plumber, immediatstjr, to pot in wuftsr system in I'lultsgM at McCuUom Lak% material furnished Address Box r, in cam o# Plaindeafar. *12 P&umf*" Hambnrger Fines wants a waitress. Inquire at 126 Wtsisids Drive, McHenry. fl-tf ifr'Wf- • FOR AALE -- fVMto Rock fi alive or dresssd. M 617-W-l. CAMERAS FOE SALE - It-nun* p«s..WI cslsr awiat*sd seated Ions, fsrsVjilsm shnllsr, brft - in Six- ,Anfonpsnsble. Addison, CM- MELT WANTED -- WOMEN AND *11-4 { GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOE RMM INTEEEST- "ED IN THE TFFTF'WORK. - APER8IDE DEIYEL MCHENEY. >NE 80. IMf k frytrs, MeHenry •11-2 *t*. Hansel Tri-' •verwidk McHenry. F-S cokc eor- •ns, doal tynchro- * H li-nun^ FBPhsns 275. 9-tf HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 88-tf WANTED FOB CASH Homss "Farms -- thnrinussss EDWARD M. LANNES . Real Estate Route 8 McHenry. HI. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone Keystone 2001 40-tf WANTED -- Crippled and "Down Cattle. $10.00 ana up. Peter Dombrowski. Mornings and evenings, call Woodstock 1600-R-l; daytime, phone Woodstock 882. *8-6 FLOOR SMOMG Reinishing, varnishing and waxing new and old floors; also Ksntile, a lifetime floor. Free estimatev €hU McHenry : 497-R " FRAUK S. MAY TVncUng Sand --Black Dirt -- Crashed Gravel Cinders -- llmmtiai TriMk for Hire Phone McEenry 580-M-l R.1 McH«nry ALI jM WiM SERVICE 601 Main St- McHenry Elsctrk Fsctssls WeMhf Acetylene WsMing and Cnftnj ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator one iM-W^I or 0M MVENEY, ILL. OM liS M. GEEEN ST. HIT WANTED :;vr.. MEN ' 2nd and 8rd SHIFTS^ FOR SALE -- Eagliah type house; large garage; hot water heat with oH^burner; lot MxlSO ft.; new Churches and schools; 10-min. walk is depot. H. J. 8dmffer. Phone Mc gen^83-W. ^9-4 FOR SALE -- JOHN8-MANVILLE •TYPE A HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not - to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co^. Call or write Ceo J. Stilling, 200 E. Psarl St., Tel. -McHenry 18. 9-tf IMRK & WOL|E PAlNtlNe AUD DEOORATINO Phone McHenry EMf-l Fahitlng, Papoi hanging, Spisjlng ytliMites ChsOrfuOy JOHN F. BRDA dk EON Shsst Metal and Fnmaee Walk .101 N. Green St, McHenry, Bk a Phone 248-B isomer EAROLD W. P. EEOOIS * SON Painting aid Papering An Mates Wt At Cert TeL Itl-E Ili Wi Itijtni Sfc , . McHenry, IBteels -itei A nice crowd attended the card party held at the home of Mrs. ^Joseph Koberstine on Wednesday afternoon. There were prizes for those achieving high scores and f lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Nbrbert Klaus ana children and Mrs. Paul Lewis and children and Tommy Britz enjoyed an outing at Lake Geneva Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed a swim and had a picnic luncK Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby, of Sharon are spending several weeks in the nome of her parents, Mr. ^nd Mrs. Math Nin\jgern. Beverly Adsit invited several or her little friends to her home on Wednesday afternoon for ice cream and cake in honor of her birthday. Some of the children present" were Donna and Diane May, Danny and Vic Freund, Bobby Nelson, Judyanna Weber, Jill Siler, Carol and Dalores Newhouse. ' Terry Britz visited his aunt, Mrs. Kenneth Crain, in Wonder Lake on Tuoeday of last weak. Eugene Meyer of Chicago spent the weekend with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayer. The former Nett garage building, now owned by Paul Wdbor, hr being remodeled for a motion victors theatre. Miss Doris Franks of Chicago will manage tha theatre. The showing of ibst-daes pictures wil be in operation several nights a week within the next thirty days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary with a party of friends at Ars White House, near McHenry, SMnv day night. Those present were Mr. and Mra. Walter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. LucilEv Neltnn. Mr. and Mrs. Mwth Nim^orn are enioyinr a vacation in Wisconsin this week. A day at the beach, swimming and* weiner roa«t *were enjoyed bv those who helned Tonimv Brits celebrate bis WHhdsv a* Lake Geneva Saturday afternoon. Those to make up this : 2 " HAVE YOUR I v CESSPOOLS v -- SEPTIC TANKS CATCH BASmp; CISTERNS EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to ordir. Full line of lawn Chairs, swings, pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pins, sand boxes, trellisis, picket fences, window boxes, bird house*, hand woren baskets, etc. Oennino liathir EWE'S AND bdias' bihs, pnrses, ite. C3LARENCE SMITH JohBslraif LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50xS50 ft., «n Route 31, about two block from " depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 27&J. 22-tf fur- NO KZPEBIENCE TOP WAGE8 PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM. APPLY IN PERSON AT PElSttflf- NEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC" AUTO-LITE CO. WOOD8TOCK, ILLINOIS WELIHN6 GOOD TRANSPORTATION AVAIL- Maintenance and Cenetrectlen ABLE FOR PERSONS UVING OBI Portable Equipment . ROUTE FROM WAUOONDA, BUR- A TON'S BRIDGE AND McHENRY.1 H. B. VANCE--McHinry 51-J 4-tf 909 gouth Green St„ McHenry, Id Excavating -- NETTS BAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates en Bead Gravel and Let Fating .. Black Dirt .. Leveling and Grading. j. iwrn Jehnaburg F. V.F.W. SUMMER FESTHTAt AUGUST 15 - 16 • 17 KeHXSKY OITT PAM| PISTAKEEBAY IS WeB Lot lMxlMt Acres Sabdirisisn. •as, Bath, Garage^ Lot lMxMO, One mi tm for BsHt. Frlee XeOULLOK LAKE SposMnd bj rOX BIVXB POST No. 4600 SIDES -- BETOESHnEllTS -- OAMBJ Dancing Saturday Ififht Only 9 to 19 o'clock Alto Open on' Saturday and Snnday Afternoons. '•> Bel a-:: Frw flange OH Fnraac% S' Lata, On to Fins Tap Baaii . Water Front Lst, Firise SMSII I4L LAKE Glassdin Parch, t Lsts, fib SIMM. « I ALBO SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE WONDER LAKE-- Wei MM, log hsnse; bath; MUi tak Fries IMM. FOX RIVER. NEAR McHENRY-- raaaHu water, garage; liMt. water frsM^ BaMs IW aB year 'rennd. Frfee flijli. JACOB FRITZ, Reahor laol* l. KeBtnry, m. WANTED FOR SALE--Modern house, nished; Venetian blinds; automatiC|WANTED--Watches and jewelry to oil furnace; air conditioned; electric j repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. hot water heater; tile bath, built-in Green street, McHenry. (Froi$ part tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; i of Claire Becuty Shoppe.) 16-tf i WANTBD -- W* cub buyer. Sink He™, Birch Drive. Phone !'<* lammer home,, "f Wonder Lake 178. 52-tf farmp- List your property .with ua, WILSON'S RADIO SHOP Radios -- Records -- Appliances Repairs on All Makes Home A Auto Radios 206 E. Elm St. McHenry, SU Phone 460 FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Sixioom furnished home; lake front, aorth shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake Shore Drive. Tfcone McHenry 270-J Saturday mH Sunday, or Riverside 8748. A. G. Elarton. 62-tf NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODMBN 4-ROOM insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, pluwbfar, gas, electric, lake rights. lUtMS. Phone McHennr 074-M-2 or 600-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 50-tf JTa co.b Ft»r i•t. z, Mu a.m Sot/.0, PJToh^n.Kibu„r"gn, RK!t'. ; RETOOaTwHn Ai.NiVD NS HMAORWPEENR SS AWS 1, McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave.,| Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1888-13S4 tf. MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE -- hull NOTICE -- I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself. GILBERT C. HOWARD. *11-8 AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Grossing and Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT 001 Front St. McHenry Holstein Pabet, Curand other leading at farmers' prices. Hick- Farm*iSmith, mjg aerators, armatures, t jwnps, distributors and Htm Ford and all other * Service, Lilya, Prop. TeL 10-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER 8YSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 200 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone •8-J: - 10-tf ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP IBeinkial Centra#ara JOKNSBURO FMOilB McMENBY Wt OB CHICAGO, LINCOLN 18SS-4 Let m asttsMrte that nsxt slsalrlisl Job of yeara. TREE 8PRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Henkel. Tel. McHenry 081-M-l. 52-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces ra* Kired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., 1, McHenry. Phone McHenry 050-R-l. Abe ribbsns for all makes; . L. V. Kilts, Clay St. - - ^ pheoa MS. 7-tf [ Boofing Co. CALL ROBERT K. KNOX--Phone 001-B-l wheh in need of Insnlation ©-ipr a new roof, fphestos, ortaflnted on* iff brick siding, OsWUli Strlpipr, or combination screen and storm windows. Free estimstes, Durfee Bros. 48* tf MB 3 •>v - ' Mr your luialftog «oots, *4d to yovtr presdge, with of these fine postwar dump bodies, with their impressive appearance, sturdy construction and finger-tip Immediate delivery on these popular models: - • ft. * --3-yd. capacity--4-5 yd. 10 ft. x 7S*--4-yd..capacity-- S-6 yd. For information on these and other models, see Of telephone the authorized dealers listed below . . -» Voltt Brain lib, 2520 South Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Clark Chevrolet Sales J Corner, in. Si sad 1201 vMoHwiry, TIHnMs - SAT Livestock at Auction On Route €7 Woodstock, HL Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Mrf COWS -- HSIFE&S^-- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS Md BANGS TESTED Brivste Sales Monday and Totsday We tal& ord#ri f«r feeder cattlo and pigi tERMS tpASH OK CREDIT Consign your inipfcis slock to this AU0TIOV. We have buyers for every artii^o -- 'NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE-5% ^est Calf Msrket in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC Cfaon^STS ar m J• m