MtlHili >l By VMIMII Sdb V ' Vaster FMl Market, son of Mr. Kn. Paul Mutw, is a surgical in the Woodstock hospital. We ara sorry to hear that Mn. Grosso is confined to her home >lrith a badly sprained ankle. p a r e n t s « T a -- _ . »t 12, 19*1 i* the Woo<btock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frost of Wonder Lakeare the paternal grandparents of the little fellow and fhigene was a resident of this community until his marriage. Congpatulatlona to Mr. and Mrs. The mother of Joseph Itaw oi Wonder Center is critically ffl in her joliet hone. Her entire fanitty ia at her bedside. Joseph Augustinne . of Wonder Lake was brought before Judge ChaHes P. Hayes on Friday, charged DAT AHD NIOH* SHOW RESERVED SEATS for the WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR Aug. 29, 30, 31, Sept 1, 1947 Go On Sale Aug. 1SV. AT THE FAIR OFFICE IK ELKHORH ^ ^ Bale will continue until all. are sold'-: Frioe $1.00, Tax Included Mail orders accepted when acoompaJaied by and stamped and self-addressed envelope. ' •' Tickets in charge of J. F. Tbiorpe, Treas. " - - ' • -- -- m m W. we oon» at w^rtdr time tU continued until tfnuance was bringing the defendant into lite circuit court of Cook county halo-- Judge Cottrtney on a contMapt of court citation for failure .to al ui t; QlfRfVipKm WWiw in divorce eaae Off Augaatlnne and ex-wffe. Augustinne «m I into the cant tf Charles 9*. in Woodstock on a warrant in he is alleged to have struck his ex wife so severely about the face and arms that It was neesMeiT for harte be confined In the wdodatoek hoepital for a period of threa^days. The Anthony Audino family ig, off for a two week's vacation trip In which they plan to completely < circle Lake Michigan. They may even get into Canada for a short visit. v & ' HOMES FOR SALE • 4 • WONDER LAKE Well built modern 5 room home, full basement and garage, oil and air conditioner furnace, automatic hot water heater, full screens and storm window*, completely fimished, ready to move into. Lot 100'xl25* about 300' from lake front This home ia a real bny a* the price asked. PISTAKEE BAY gpcrtgman's Paradise, 6 room house, f porches, electric, electric pump and water system. Completely furnished. Lot 100'x4Q0' on Coon Island. Priced right for quick sale. p • Have large Hating^ other choice homes aid lots Wonder Lake and McGullom Lake. THE FARM OF YOUR DREAMS ' , 20 acres and independence -- 7 room house and b a t h , L s h a p e d s c r e e n p o r c h , f u r n a c e heat and hot water heater, 1 car garage, barn with loft, brick silo, hogtuouse, machine shed, corn crib, pump house with deep well water system to house and poultry houses, tool shed, 2 poultry houses 16'x75' each with poultry equipment and range house. Horse drawn farm equipment included. Located black top road near McHenry. \ T. P. MATHEWS RXAL E8TATB BROKER Wonder Center. Wonder Lake, HL F. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 .A belated taken by Geraldine Cormier birthday arav Mr. K. B. Richards and when they had dinner in Chicago on Saturday evening and took in "Carousel/' Hie actual birthdays were celebrated in July. That new little house on (Bald Island is the new yacht chil is being1 painted and renovated for that purpose. The island was recently granted to the Yacht Club by the syndicate. The acquisition of the island for this purpose was the result of a series of conferences arranged by Andy Kunc, Mr. Rutledge and Mr. Jurgensohn. Gottfriedt Zimmerlin. of the Adele cottage is exhltritHfg*one of thoea big ones that didn't get away- He caught a four pound bass last .week. 18 and to Henry "Bod" birthday was August Happy birthday to Mildred Howorka whose birthday was August Schau whose 11. Bud was 21 years old; and Hffiie ia now a member of our "Thirty-one Again clubf. All you have to do to belong to our club is to Just arrive at thirty one--and stay there! ha leaked- a* »• «mHm* and said. "Do you know what, I could see under there?" John Chrfst Tie King Miosis. A yen' <csrd just receive* from the 'wfcUM Wingrens was mailed '£ House and Seal Rocks ncisco. The card states are staying there for a then onward--She nys to adies of Wonder Lain her Cecichi son of Mr. and Mrs. cut his hand in an odd t wM&. He and his >laying with %. Iwttli and an SWiiilj fire-extinguisher. In fliliaflrOteibttle with the extinguish, er, the kittle shattered in Bobbyll ly, cutting it so that tfeiiTstltetes were required tQ dose it Mrs. ftancy Elbetaen,, mother milkman Tfcd" is a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Lloyd Banwel who was returned from Woodstock hospital last week is again hospitalized, this time in Sherman hospital, Elgin. Young Dolores Wilde of Wonder Woods has been ordered, by her doctor, to take a long rest. We understand that this is due, in part* to a bad fall which she tooa from a hammock. Say, has anyone found a black leather folder containing two-bank hooka and an insurance wok?, Phone ma at 128 if you have. Mora than fifty women were present st the Rolaine Grill last Wednesday whan Mrs. Ben Davis and Mrs. Ralph Carbon gave a pie-nuptial shower for Dolores Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Marghy, who will become the bride Kunkel of Bellwood on >0. large t^Se^packige for another 20. Really suifrrfced, st the Grill with a ng Wonder Women and their guests attended a performance of "Three's a Family", given at the Wbodstock Opera House kty the Woodstock layers. Guests present were: Mrs. toy Noren, Mrs. Jack Carman and Mrs. Jed Alletag, all of this community; Mrs. Morris Johnson of Orleans, Indiana, Mrs. Leon Crosby of Ringwood, Mrs. Spencer Maggs of Chicago and MSss Virginia Caley of Seattle, Wash. Inadvertent!? I reported last week that the picnic planned by the Indian Ridge Improvement association on August 23 would take place on the north beach. This is an error. The picnic will be wr the south beach. The officers of the Rod arid Gun club and the officers of the Rod and Gun auxiliary met at the home of auxiliary president, Mrs. Helen Reuter on Tuesday evening to discuss the possibility and the ways-andmeans of purchasing four acres of land for the erecting of a club house. If the purchase of this acreage is approved for financing, a report will be made at the ice cream social to be held 'by the Rod ana Gun auxiliary on August 16, in Wonder Center. future bride of the district for whom she thoofht the shower waa being given. The many useful and beautiful articles were almost everything that any bride could ask for. On the same day, August 3, that "Bud" Davis took for his bride Doris of Chicago, who Is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. John Viola, the other Davis son, Bb, was getting himself engaged to Charlotte Steinway of Chicago. Charlotte is another of the Viola nieces. I hope that the Violas have run out of nieces, for it is a sure thing that the Davis' have run out of sons. This coming Friday August 16, la the Feaat of the Aaaumpttoa effthe Blessed Virgin Into heaven, fitsnt on _ JF0*0*11* jl11 it and 8:0ft. There wflf' be on^Thnrfdiy ersning from Frances> Beaqr Chtatt, the Infant •on of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jo Chirat, was tig» first child bap+tesd In Christ the King Mission, last Sunday morning after the 11 o'clock mawu The sponsors ware Robert Andrews and Maria Francis A*, drew*. • . Bsaeflt Party The bewefit party far Christ tfi» King Mission, originally scheduled and advertised for Saturday night, Aagust 0, at the St. Mry*s-8t Patrick's school hall, was extended another day. Hie program began again Sunday afternoon around 8 o'clock and closed Sunday night. The turnout for Saturday nigthTs affair was larger than expected. The crowd on Sunday was, Tiowever slightly more than fair. All in all our party was very succesful. For this great amount of success w« are greatful to the people of Wonder Lake who worked very hard to the 'day what it was. It was most encouraging to think that members of Christ the King Mission were working -together for the first time at such a party sponsoreed by the church. This was one of the most vital means of bringing about organisation. W« are now getting to a point where we can visualise unitv among the congregation, and it is a unity that goes Into fcction, for men, women, boys and girls are striving for the same purpose, the establishment of Christ the King Mission. We wish to thank all of those who served on various commitees and worked in the different stands and concessions fbr their wholehearted efforts in putting over this party. A special vote of thanks is extended to St. Mary's church for the use of tents and stands: to Vincent Adams and his Original Bronco salvaged to artaSSSdryfe* at the wartd* needs flw to shots a areductkm than of etthsr «C tea last two; Mm ISO moo is largsr than the < Hie quantity of Manewhat gnatar than fkea ie IMS < authoritlss that Wheat fssrtlns Is InAnseesd mnsMaishli he of ^>eat prlosstofeedgrain priess. vartknfla^MtnT. . of the heavy wheat production this yaw, whBe the qttuittty at 9am will probably he below stecafe «f recate psacs. prloss of wheat la 1M7-4S may not maintain a nonaal psfei mrnilmm, above eon . . This would he a contteaatlao of thetendSeTshcrwAtaweata when the qnead was reduced several osnls aSashal.... Wheat Is rated to be worth a Bttle more per buM than asm for fwiiUnr sbbm of Brertscfc because of its weight i^«r pntate nniili--_ 1- ^ ______ Co. FARMERS CO-OP, ASSX. PHONE n Busters for donation of music for dancing; to Charles Herdrkh and Sons for a donation of beer; J. M. Thies for use of pop coolers; to the Farmer's Mill for corn; to the Wonder (Food Shop of WVntder Lake for a donation of food: to John Paachke for a prise; to Herman Mets for advertising; ind to eaeh and every one of Wonder Lake who donated articles of food at of wear. Need Rubber The Plaindoaler. SSI Waakegaa 14. 8TATB OIL WELLS Tkm aU wdle af BUaois 5,tM,000 barrels during June, aa- Krding to fla monthly report af lhi state geolegical survey. during" May waa • ,19Kjl ffiz «l paaki seven ei and nine sow paw In discuvevfd dating Jam In 1M6, 914 Ameriesns and 28,400 injured ^ by with defectiva brakea •d ""hp** Last Wednesday Mrs. H. Widen and son, Dick and Mrs. Ivar Fredricksen and son, Ronnie, spent the evening in Chicago attending the circus. A new driver for the WAF 'bus wcompany is Al Dick of Indian Ridge. The Dicks are new residents of the community and plan to live here, with their children, permanently. Bryan Powers, son of Dottie Powers, is only half-past three and hasn't learned the mechanics of swimming as yet. Last week he fell from the pier in Wonder Center and very nearly drowned. His mother watching, waded clothes and all into the water and brought him up gasping and spewing water. As soon as the young man could R LCD ^ A stork shower was held last Thursday in honor of Mrs. Helen Johnston of Mount Morris, 111., who spends her summers here in Wonder lake. The shower was held at tn« Doreldt liome in Wonder Center with Betty Rishling acting as assistant hostess. There were local residents, both summer and permanent, and several out of town guests, present at the party. « IOAPNM tAtlU lutft with RILCO Laminated Wood RAfTlRS... ..••Cevorad wit, h Woathor-Tiflht Materia# Alaaaatimaa ag 1 Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.,, Jock Carman this week are Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Johnson and their daughter, 8, of Orleans, Ind. Mrs. Johnson states that compared to Indiana, it is COOL here! All I can say is that Indiana must compare favorably with that often mentioned place that is supposed to be very hot indeed! The equator, 1 mean. Libby Repan, Josephine Wendt, Mary Jo Berry and Grace Kunx were hostesses to the Woodstock Doe club on Monday evening at the beautiful lake front Kunx home. Many games reminiscent of childhood were played and enjoyed by the group preaent and prises were awarded to Mrs. Bra Bdinger, Mrs. Ferol Merwin, Mrs. Vivian Carlson, Mrs. Jean Weiland and Mrs. Vivian Kortemeier, all. of Woodstock. Besides the hoatssea, other Wonder Lake members present were Betty Pavlik, Florence Dean and §u#an jOffenlock. Notee Frosa Oar Charchea Gospel Center In a beautiful setting and in the tibol of the evening, the second open air Evangelistic meeting was held at the Gospel Center on Sunday evening, August 10. The male quartet of the Summerdale Ev. Free church of Chicago furnished a splendid proram of Gospel singing and music, lie message at the evening was on the subject: "Pteace In a Troubled World." Next Sunday, August 17 the pjstor, Frank W. Anderson, will teach the Bible class in the morning at 10 o'clock and preach at the tnorning worship service at 11. He' is the speaker at the 11 o'clock hour %f the Scandinavian Bible Conference at Williams Bay Bible Camp |>n Thursday and Saturday this week ;Also at an open air Gospel service. %n the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Henyickson's home at McCullom Lake on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o'clck. The' meeting will he conducted in the Scandinavian language. Special music S • & Sponsored bp FOX RIVER RIDES Refreshments i h«*4ia^ . ' v!' mmmmbm* WCO SIU COHNICnON • Htnft tke modern way to build eveiy type of turn btifldinf. Stroo« Rflco Rafters M betey ftibrkmtd end engineered for wind rceitancH and www loads. Let oe tdl yon the^many uses, and ipwdycconomifd M,U " «m,j. • UU- T. - . 11 .I'U1- f *NMMMs*fUM-UWiM«la<eMsa I aaw^iiiiMam--fc«a>si»--iiwisaiifcs^iiii I erectkn of the Riko utility buflding. Here's a you can bc^ proud to own. It*s easy to get aD Hie metaMls you need . Come in and taBc to us about/U^ McHENRY CITY ; McHENRY, ILLINOIS Dancing Saturday Night Only 9 to 12 o'clock Also Open on Saturday and Sunday Afternoons iH B-- Rlcl MV MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS ALL OUR BAKERY 6009SAT PflWoMKOnOp - X .-•* f. i ' J k f .* *•»* ' t'* ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. W ; „• snt. a -tf' - * ' J r f ' . < • ' , > -vi/-CrW. '^ " ./ . tj. 1, « nv 1 -***'> *»»'» ^ > ^ '-17 AfK- ^ ^ _ 5 .• ^ i* -ivjikti m a > ' i '* *' ""'i ~£&'A * :: i t h j u t ' . . J & t .* L * - ... A-«£l