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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1947, p. 6

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in tha m. Am* the fatara, mIjmmIo which on aadi foe, in I are paid ef the papergoao la p o'clock on Wedneeday wfll ba printed. IP FOR SALE FOR 8ALR--Kelvinator Electric rerigerator. V. WoNerton, OrfHUl^ aubdivision, northwest end of Piatakaa Laka. *** fOR 8ALE AT WONDRR LAKE-- U«d all-year country home, fhre n>oms. large *un porch, automatic eil heat, hardwood floors, canvaaed walls, deep wall, garage, large lot, beautifully landscaped, natural place. Price reasonable. For *PPOint- .•jentc&ll JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR at Johnaburg. Phone McHenry 37 or Chicago 1JS^ FARM FOR SALE -- W. A. Dodge farm. 252 acres; one mile north of Rmgwood, IU., on State Hwy. 31. I^ora A. Bacon, administratrix,, Antioch, IU. Tel. Antioch 176-R. *13-3 FOR SALE --fox river frontage, ft ft, on Sunnyside Beach; 6-room year 'round home; all modern conveniences; gas heat; insulated; landscaped; fruit trees; gas range and rorlgarator. $17,600. Fliona McHenry 0V2-R-1. *18 FOR SALE--Gahl silo filler, perfect condition. Tel. McHenry 607-M-2. *13 FOR SALE -- New Coronado tank type vacuum cleaner; complete with attachments $59.96. Gamble's Store, ^estMcHenry. H ••OR SALE--Kroll folding carriage, in crib, swing, play yard pad, two folding bads with and small Coleman oil heater like new. Apply Trigin's place *t>R SALE--Rug, 8x10-6; also 8- pfoca living room suite; reasonable. feuVance, 900 S. Green St., McHenry. TO. 51-J. •13 FOR SALE --Springer spaniel puppies, excellent alack, A. K. C. registered. Harold E. Vance, 909 S. Green St, McHenry.Tel. 61-J. *13-2 West McHenry. WANTED -- rm .--„ fUl; no garbage or tin cana. Joe* for Fun Roller Rink, Front straa^ FOR 8ALE -- Five-room house in Emerald Park; year "round living^; . *ru isnaaniillnilg^ w»» »a•te••r a; te•t Mk ;e aap a••l•l screened a----w LOST Identification , bra oclet In storm windows; oil haater; garage, vicinit Tel. McHanry 634-R-2. *13 Lake. FOR 8AI.H Eighty acrea aa Mackp road, 6-room hoaae; electricity; dairy barn fbr 10 eows; ailo machine shad; milk hooaa; It cows; 5 heifers; 4 horeea; machinery and oops; $18,- 000--Forty acrea small house; running water; bath; furnace; garage; hen houae; 26 acres fcrop land, only $9,500.--One and one-half acres; with • roam hooaa, electricity; furnace; automatic water system; garmni ftanis teMst Wlil, aad one Sb24 goad for 'light manufacturing or boajnsss; buildings In good conditien; 4UJN.' See Floyd E. Howe Carf M. Laraan, Realtor, Woodstock 111. Phone Woodstock 970. 13 FOR SALE -- White table-top gas range, lika new; bottle gas system. Tel. Pistakee 629-M-l. *13 FOR SALE -- Uaed lumber, 3x12, 2x4, 2x6, 4x4, 3x10; also other lambar; flooring; doors; pipes; fittings; urcma mi larass valves all aiaeo; angle iand n- Box ME inforcinr hron. M. Sobaske, 203 Gates St., reutrn to Plaindeal*r •13 -- -- -- -- -- - Misses Gaorria May, Ewie and y of north shore of MaCaUae*. Patty Boaff and 1V»mmy Fieand Roy J. Meyers. Reward. Please enjoyed a Matinee at Waokegan on Tharadfcy afternoon. Tha aocaaaian was in hanar of Ewie's birthday. Mrs. Chartfes Freund and children spent a pleasant afternoon at the of Mrs. Oliver Stark FOB BUST ROOMS FOR RENT--Ona ar two rooms available for aoopla or two working people; kitchen privilegaa; usa of entire house; rafaroneaa required. Call after 3 p.m. ar all day Saturday and Sunday, Wonder Laka 568. *13 Crystal Lake. *13 FOR SALE -- Kelvinator refrigerator, 4 cubic ft. $35. McCullom Lake, Tel. McHenry 568-R-2. *1# FOR SALE--Dining room electric 6 candle bulb chandelier; modern design. Reasonable. Call McHe 237-R. ~ "53 FOR SALE--Power lawn mower, radio, metal cabinet, dresser, electric iron, silverware, dbhq£, pictures chairs, curtains, mirror, table lamps, overcoat, sixe 38. J. Riagel, Wonder (Lake, 7 blocks north, Variety Store. 18 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED MEN (For Night Electric are %elder*?«~ Engine lathe operators -- Turret lathe operators FOR SALE--Auto gas range, table tap, (gaaoline) $20; ice box, $5. R*lle, Fair Oaks subdivision, ®ox 200, Rt 3, McHenry. *13 FbR SALE -- TOWN PROPERTY IN UNGWOdOi 11 acres, modern 8- raom haoaa, automatic oil heat; barn, alio, also other buildings. Price 820,500. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnshorg, Phone McHanry 37 or Lincoln 1333, Chicago. 13-tf Ton Cants Par Hour Night's Premuim FOR SALE -- Portable electric Tel. McHanry •13 MOW 18 TUB TIME te plant strawhanriea. MM plaats far sale. Crystal Laka road, t miles sooth of McHenry. Rndolph Mlonska. *12-3 FOR 8ALB -- 8-room house, veartevnd living; running water: bath; all screened and storm windows; furnace; half basement; 213 ft street frontage; plenty of boshes, some plenty of from stately oiks, some aver J, fujOOO. L. Rusicha Lake, Wiekline Sub. P.O. mc9i Rte. 1, Wast McHenry, 111 •11-3, FOR 8ALB -- 6-room hooaa and 10 acres of land in Johnmrg; vary deeiraMe location. Inquire at Schaefar* s Store, Johnebprg. 11-tf FOR SALE -- Minnesota. Turkeys, 10 to 26 lbs. Weodstock Produce Co. TeL Woodstock 441. *11-3 Viid Holidays and Vacations Free Hospitalisation and Insurance THE FRANK 6. HOUGH CO. Libertyville. HL 1$ HEU* WANTED--Man to dark in hardware store. Vycital's Hardware Store. Tel. McHenry 98-M. 13-tf HELP WANTED -- Young lady or young man for general office^ work, answering telephone, bookkeeping and some typing. Real opportunity for right party. Downs Motor Express. Phone 256, Walter Aeverman. 13 HELP WANTED--Woman or girl for general housework, part time. Call McHenry 483. *1$ HELP WANTED -- Woman, preferably elderly, to care for middlo^ged lady recovering from illness; no housework; stay nighta; weekends free. Call McHenry 236-R. *18-2 HELP WANTED--Experienced woman typist far permanent pasftioa in Crystal Lake. Phone Cryatal Lake 1040. *1* YOUR OWN BUSINESS I want to talk te a man and his wife, in their home, who want to better their financial standing and have a permanent profitable business. No investment required. This la a tangible buaineaa. The man I want in this immunity will ba able to earn fromJ6^00 to $10,000 par year. All rapliaa will be held strictly confidential. Qtve your nana, address and telephone number. Raply % ia paper SEPTIC TANK and GREASE TRA? CLEANING--Ceoatroctian, repairing, Modern attainment. Competent En. gineeringr.. (Lake County Sanitary Co. PPhhoonn e Libertyvile 1346c 13-tf WELLS PRILLED OR DR1YEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sail, repair and install ponma. BQl Bacon, 206 jui. *™r23w TREE SPRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Henkel. TsL McHenry 681-M-L 52-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gotten and furnaces reired. Jdin McDonald, Ragner Rd., 1, McHanry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. .Lassard. Hione McGCenry 634-R>-2. • *13-8 CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 681-R-l when in need of Insolation or a new roof, aabeatoa, or insulated brick siding, weather stripping, or combination screen and atorm windows. Free eetfanatea. Duifae Bros. Roofing Co. 43-tf CEMENT WORK --• And Carpenter Work. J. M. Stangarone, Etaarald Park, McHanry. TsL 634-W-2. *12-2 NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself after July 31, 1947. JOB R. SMITH. *12-2 SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 123 Ellsworth St., Cryatal Lake, 10. Phone 543-M or 716-M. 42tf WE BUY AND SELL USED C --CLARK CHEVROLET McHanry, Ifl. Phane 277. > CARS •AI.M EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAVT, P. O. Bas 163, Phone 298-R; W. McHanry, IU 46-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbona and carton Eper. Frank J. Imnekus, Jr„ 199 tin St, McHenry. Phone ry 208-J. GARBAGE COLLECTING . dispone of year garbage each or aftener M desired. Real rates. Regular year round roota. John E. Hfll. P. O. Box 274, He- Henry, Phone 866. tf GGROVE x .•»*!* ?rr - ', , \ am to Johnaborg. There was swimming, "" followed picnic lawn. by a Friday night The Mra. Albert Brits, Mrs. Dan Millar and Mra. Charles Freund spent an evening at cards with Mrs. Locilla Nelson on IWsday. Tha fireman's team of water against a team from at Grayslake on .... next water fight will b« at Richmond on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs.*Andy Straub and Paul Straob and son spent several days at the Dalls in Wisconsin ^the paat wedc. Mra. Harry Myers entertained members Of her pinochle dub on Friday night. The priz« -winners wdNI !lft%. A! SchmeJMwJk Mrs. Myers and Mra. Chariesr^FHHhd. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Ray May were visitor* in the Arthur Kattner home Saturday night. Mr. and Mra. Math Nimsgern re- Special Sewisr Fond, aewaa service 78.00 Alvin Phaanenstill, sidesndk .. ISJ6 MpGee'i poliae onifarms 168.06 Joseph M. 8chmitt, mowing in park Federal Bectrie Co., Inc^ polioe car siren Motorola he, police ear radio inatauatkm -- Thomaa P. Baiger, aoppUea .. Wm. H. AtthdT Hdwa^ supplies W. S. Dariey * Co., police stars -- Schreiner's Standard Service, J. Vycital Wwp^ sup- 30.00 nm 47 Jf .W S1J6 9 JO gas - police car and track .. 68M Math 'N. Sdunltt, compensation insurance. , WJO Roll and C. Apsign. mowing .. 80.00 Edward H. Nickels, iiqfHes 1J0 The McHenry Plaindealer, printing ..........--....--•••--•-- Clark Chevrolet Sales, storage and repairs - track 29.16 A. S. Blake Motor Salee, oB and wash police car ; ..r ,v:€io Pobttc 8ervice Co., power and light 205.94 A. P. Freond 8ona, cement tUe 490.00 BdananlJ. Thannss, police doty 4SJ6 PHiaUugli IvriUHe Meter Ca» meters 106J6 n»e McHenry Band 760j00 lighting 186.00 F^d C."F"JtV salary 135.00 K^Lary : PnMte Service Co., power and light 50J3 Carey Electric Shop, bridge Special Sewer rand DTailer X Ffeand, oi) tfld cm rent fiacal year n tta amoaat of $16,296.00 aa raad. jratn carried Motion b* Atthok, •Miiiri by Geeoro J. Fkaond* to aQaim. Wlh tion carried. W. R. I. OVERTON, ^ dny; a n&toow arm dcttk al 1ft fiUaaa al >, 10; a pig. taw; V ! ' A U C T I O N L. H. FREEMAN 4k BON, Aact. TsL 122/Hebron, HI. The uiidcrsignad will sell at pnblic auction on the old "Kraft Cheese" farm, located 2 miles Nertheaat* of Ge^oa - City, WisM Nipipersink Country the SUNDAY^ AUGUST 17, 1947 .. Starting at 10:00 A.M.., < turned from a trip to Wisconsin.! Standard Time. Mr. and Mra. Norbert Klaus. Mr. r ri-.r_ and Mrs. Paul Lewis and Joseph 47 HOLSTE1N COWS Klaus have gone to Centralia to see _ . „ Billy Klaus, who is training there Mostly second and third calf heifwith the Chicago Cuba. era, springers ami new miUcera. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freur«| 22 Holstein heifers, 4 to 9 months visited in tha home of Mrs. Lucille old Nelson and son. Bobbie, in Sharon, Wis. on 8anday. Charlotte and Danny lltrettnd fttayed to spend several days with Bobby. The firemen held their regular meeting at Town hall .on Monday night Flans were made Ibr tr* carnival which will be held on Saturday night August 90. After the meeting, cards were played and refreshmen ta served. Anne May of McHanry and son have returned home, having spent the «aat month with her folks in Michigan. * fOft SALE -- Rewheata, 12 and 14- Ik, manufactured by Carlson; leakiproof; available new; reasonable. OTpen Sundays, 2416 Addison, Chi- TeL Gra. 0124. *11-4 CAMERAS FOR SALE -- Wnm. F-2-8 color corrected coated left*, local-plane shutter, hottt - in range and view findeT, $116^. Six- 20 Kodak Monitor, F-4JS Kodak Anaatigmat lens, Sapermatic shutter. |66. Haneel Tri-Vision, F-8 color corrected coated lens, dual synchroahatter, $25. B A H l®rm.m., Fil- . motion Editor and Splicer, $151. Worwfck Studio, 117 Riverside Drive. McHenry. Phone 275. 9-tt HELP WANTED--Pleasant middleaged lady who lives in or near McHenry to assist in farm home doae to McHenry, 4 or 5 days per week; year 'round work; can pick up and deliver each day if necessary; on washing; no small children; good salary to right party. Box "FS," . care McHenry Plaindealer. *13 HELP WANTED--"Snuffv's" Hamburger Place wanta a waittaea. Inquire at 126 Riverside Drive, Ma- Henry. 61-tf WHITEWASHING -- Barnv, beerments and chicken houaas; mho spraying with Carbola DDT. Al Fhmnanatm. TeL 488-R. «I9 Park Stn McHenry. 51-tf MOTOR City Ckmndl ProoMdingB Caancfl Ream Aagaat 4, 1947 The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayer Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Altnoff, Anderson, George J. Freund, George P. Freund, Regner Ton van. Abeent: None. Motion to Althoff, seconded by George J. Freond, that the mjnntjwi of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion' carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by George P. Freond, that the treasorer* 8 report km approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Tonyan, seconded by Anderson, that the collector*** report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by George J. Freund. seconded by Regner, that the clerk's* report be approved as read. Motion carried. r , Motion by Aifderson, saawW by GeoitPe J. Freund, that the following Mils be paid1 as approved1 by the finance committee: Lester R. Bacon, salary ......$186.60 John J. McCarthy, salary ...... 161.10 William Lundy, salary 161'.TO PWIip Thennes, salary .... 140.20 W. <5. Felts, salary 127.W 65.00 56.00 36.00 36.09 35.00* 85.oa 35.00 85. lip ... C. Feltz, 4-- Earl R. TOalsh, office expense --.Let as ir, I. Overton, salary ge* William HL Althoff, salkry .... Div- REPAIR--Electric repaired, rewound, redesignw& trfcuto>a of B-line qoality n_. Carenco carton motor broahaa Johnson Oram, cored bars and ready to aae bearings. McHenry Electric Mater Service. 107 Weet HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THQ8E OnWESTED IN ITO TYPE WORK. Ap. PLY "VWMJTO. ^rSW RIVER8IDE DRIVE, McHENRV. PHONE 39. SMf Waakegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf FOR 8ALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE ^TYPE A SOME INSULATION. '^Guaranteed not to setUe. bistalted • -;|»y Oie^WatHm Co., Can or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. •jMcHenry 18. ^~tf |X)TS FOR SALE--Lots, 5Wx860 ft., on Route 81, about two block from idepot. Inquire at 715 Center St Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 83-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prioes paid for cows, horsee and noge; no hdp needed to load. Bi and nh*t, Sondays and heMn Calls Wheding Rendering Won Wheeling No. 8;. revcrao that gee. ^Mf! | WABTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY -- Om staffed Arnold Anderson, salary George J. Freund, salary ...... George P. Freund, salary --.. Joseph M. Regner. salary .... Affred Tonvan, salary -- Rdbert L. Weber, salary ....... Vernon J. Knox, salary ......... Earl R. Walsh, salary Mayme Btiss, salary and commissions 60.00 105.00 49.06 Holstein bull, 1H years dd. 146 «og»--20 feeding pigs, weight 100 lbs.; 26» young iMrood sows, with 100 small pigs. Machiaery International Diesel Model D6 trac tractor; McDeering Model H tractor on rubber with power lift cultivator, starter and "lights; Masgey- Harris 101 Junior tractor an ruober with starter and lighte; Willis tractor On steel, POpoc silo filler with pipe; grain elevator, Massey- Harris grain drill with grass seed and fertiliser attachment, with power lift; John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Maaaey-Harris combine on rubber, McDeering two row corn picker on rubber, McDeering two row cam Under en robber with loader and elevator; Massey-Harria power mower; Massey- Harris 10 ft quack diggw; McDeering side delivery rahej McDeering two bottom plow en rubber four section ated drag with folding draw bar; McDeering two bottom plow; Mepaering 10 ft tandem disc; potato diner; potkto planter; McDeering tractor spreader on rubber; John Deere tractor plow on rubber; 3 rubber tired wagons and rack; Lets grain and hammennill, No 330; International 1938^pickup truck, % ton; International truck 1% ton. Milking Baeipmes* Surge milking machine with 4 •ingle unite, complete with pipe I wad compressor; Surge hot heater, 86 mUk _cana».. pails strainers; can rack*; creain separator; 4 , mitt cooling units; automatic tent deaner, complete; 59 stanchions? 30> drinking cups; 2 silo carta; TO steel posts; 15 rolls fencing wire? 3 electric motors. Hay, Grain and F-- 3,000 bales of' alfalfa Hay, first and second crop; 1,100 balks straw* 3,000 bushels Vicland oats;' 60 acres Hybrid com; 40 ft. silage in 14 ft m Usual Wlscoasin Fwm Jhaction Service Term*. SUNNY HILL FARM, Owner Farm Auction Service* -yf " rAactieaa That Pay Are Maaaged The Feral Service Wajf R. D. Keefe, Cashier. Elmer Droater, Henry Freeman, Representatives; . • m. HENRY •FREUND 4 ^ ofwmat ' : At 614 Mala St^ W«t •dUirjr SUffa&'s ftwtlry Han (OloMd Thimdaj Aftornooos) r Vlaoal : t la IS and 1 to PHONE McEHfRY • tot J6pja. HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS SBPTI0 TASKS OATOH BASIMB -*• EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE •DDIS HOIT, Pray. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 CLARENCE'S SHOP JCItiAn ftshiasb a«n«do *nH*f*lfl*flM**lfa afids tw9 - Toll fine of lawn efasin, swiags, ptar nic table sets, childrtn's play pans, picket fence*, window boxes, bird Trufftirtf. etc. ^ Oepnine leather men's and ladies' bolti, CLARENCE SMITH -- - - r - - ' o h t t b a i ptotareDiiies, ^o. •%T SmI aal Grawl U Szeavathif and Orane BlMk Dirt -- Sand and flnwi Xoad Qiadiag; t •"/ ^ •* l OALL McHEHEY 97-J HELP WANTED MEN 1st, Sad aad 8rd FOR SALE--Modern house, furnished; Venetian blinds; automatic ail furnace; air conditioned; electric hot water heater; tile bath, built-in tab and shower;- cabinet kitchen; 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full storm windows; capper screens. Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone Wonder Lake 178. 52-tf < FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Sixfurnished home; lake front eodPa; gaed conditio* not essential Call McHenry 2S7-R. •IS WANTED TO BUY--House ar cottage located on or near river. Write Bex "VB," care Plaindealer. SS-tf E DAIRYMAirS SUPPLY I Bverytbing for yoair Mi&house and Bartl WANTED FOB CASH i -- Fanea -- Bad EDWARD M. LANNBS Real Eetato Route 2 McHenrv, in. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 66T4US Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf tM •fe north shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake 8hore Drive. •'.V, ; v. • • r •¥ ' McHenry 276-J Saturday aad Sunday, or Riverside S748. A. O. Elarton. 52-tf KEWLY CONSTRUCTED v MOD<* |MM 4-BOOM insulated yesar-round ntry Home, 2 bedrooms, plambelectric, lake rights. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 i-R>2, or see Ed Lannes. 60-tf 8>n «*au Country Hi •r 690-R-in vsroRiovs ; Dairy Supplies and Equipment Just West of the B. l^ackg on Highway 120 liisenry, Illinois Phone ISM NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION AVAIL ABLE FOR PER80NB UVING ON Mote than 99 per cent of aU aato- ROUTB FROM WAUOONDA. BUiU mobUe accidents te 1946 invdved TOITS BRIDGE AND McHENRY.1 cars with no WANTED -- Crippled and Dawn Cattle. $10.00 and up. Peter Dombrowski. Mornings and evenings, call Woodstock 1699-R-l; phone Woodstock wnuin§ef 4-tf defects. Drive carefuBy! WAHTED Holstein ibst, Cur r leading FOB SALE -- Registered hall cahpee Carnation, Pa »a nan other Hnei at farmers' prices. HiA" s a f e a s FOB SALE-Generators, umatures, 10-tf WANTED--Vet urgently needs used car; will pay reward of $10 to anyone who tells jne sfcout and hdps complete the ded for a good l87-*4l tudor or sedan; must be in go condition and a good buy or no deal and no reward. CaU Lambert at Wonder Lake 868. *18 . ADDan all far att makaa; KSto,Clay S49 7. fbr Tha rtaindealer WANTED--^Watches and Jeweby to repair. Anthony Noonan. 800 8a. Green street, McHenry. (Front Part o( Claire Becuty Shoppa.) 16-tf The qutput of tha foodHmanufae* taring mdaatrr has quadrupled ainoa 1899. Manufactured and processed food products today account for al* moat three4ourths of tha value of all food aad bpverage purchaaea. WANTBD--We have eaah buyers for aaounar homes, city oporto aad iarms. list year WMusiti win aa, Jacob Frits, Mdn St, Johneharg, Rt 1. McHenrv or 2006 Shefldd Ave- Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1888.1864 tf. Tha national serves more than eight S. children daily. FLOOR SANDING Reftniabiag, varnishing and waxing near android floora; alao Ken- <tlla, a Ufatisas fleer rte! " cut Free esti 1HERCULES I HOTOlJBUWSOat imiff ScffiNRY CABMji 472-3 If yon are in a knrry -- For prompt aad Don't start to worry. We have Moor sarvtaft McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J n n rx~>d~i n f> r nnpnruyifiATWVintViriririV^iri^cr^* ^ ^ Lower your benlliig coots, add to your prestige, with of these fine postwar dump bodies, with their impressive appearance, sturdy construction and finger-tip ImmtdiaU ddhny on these popular models: I fl. x 7l'--J-yd. capedty--4-S yd* end|. 10 ft. x 7S*--4-yd. cajmdty--S-4 ydL end|9 For information on these and other models, see or telephone die authorized dealers listed below . , , Voltz Bcos* la&, 2320 South Indiana Aveone, Chicago. iW<:: •if' Clark Chevrolet Sales m. 31 and 120 •).&:: ivestock at Auction On Route 47 Woodatodc, HL Every Wednesday at 7*30 pjn. Fresh Loads of GOOD MWH1SOTA Dairp COWS -- HKIFKE8 -- HOLSTEDf STOOK BULLS T. *, »d BAW» TESTED ?^vate Sales Monday and TwA V oattle aad plga CASH OE ORXDIT Oomsifn yonr ampina stoek to this AUCTIOV. We haTe buyers for every article LOW COMMISSION EATE--6% Oalf Market in lorthn Illinois • " FOE LIVESTOCE: OOME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO, INC ***Ti "" '•f .y U ( -* ' " • - . h a w y'

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