.i x*/ , •%, *#. f"*.* ^S« v. A,. %i ,7 <' •»mi niMMiii tiii mi pin burgh and it was celebrated in an appropriate maner of himself and friends by a picnic at the lakes rammer va- Oa ranMfo „ (ByYatdrtidk) Vj^ j Greetings,' Folks! ! After enjoying An unusually sue-! cessful three-day njn, the Property j. Owner's , Association wound up its r»y Annual Festival of fun and Surety at our tltfli park last day evening. The attendance for the three evenings was well aver fifteen hundred mark. Ito success of this year's venture -can well be attributed to the splendid co-operation of all the officer* of the Property Owners Ass'a of Mc- Cullom Lake, as well as the members of their families, who gave so much of their time and effort to mains it a success. At least fifty applications for membership in this organisation of property owners were received by Al Watte, secretary, and b^.- :VV' i/K' McHENRY COUNTY REBIDENTS _ Also may Iftfe television and FM. ^ "W. , : TELEVISION RADIO CORPORATION ^1328 Lincoln Art _ 7 Chiang* 18, Phoos Juniper 0060. Be)*e Pavtdaen, vtc« SSftST the (the forgotten r--idstrta) who hbpe through their membership to avail themselves of the same Improvements enjoyed by their neighbors in the Estates section for which, the Property Owners Ass'n was responsible. It is quit* evident that the people of Knoll wood have great faith in the new administration headed by "Big Bill" Creutz and supported by "Uncle Dave" Davidsen and Al Wetle, judging from the large number of applications. To date the Screwy Dosen Social Club was the only organisation that kept Knollwood on the map. Their activities are strictly social and any funds derived through them are used! to promote parties and other enter-1 tainment for our youth, to make them better citizens for the future.' Public safety is also among then I aims. It was through their efforts i that McCullom Lake came through1 without one fatality this summer.; The installation of speed-limit signs, as w^ll as road patrol on the Mc-j Culloth Lake road, had much to do! with this record. To insure the same safety for our people within the community, Al Wetle informed us that in the near future speedlimit signs will also be posted on all our roads and violators will be vigorously prosecuted. Just another step forward to make McCullom Lake a safe community to live in. George Kiddelsen suffered serious internal injuries when his car struck a culvert on the Ringwood road at 9:80 Saturday evening. The car was wrecked beyond repair. George is at present confined to his bed in the Woodstock hospital and only member's of his immediate family are permitted to visit him. It is our prayer that his recovery will be a speedy one. The cause of the accident has not been determined. _ _iy see Papa Ray Aalto parsmhutetlng his new daughter, Osrol Jmu down ourj roads. According to (fumy delivery of the new baby carriage is expected daily. Judging from what we saw with our own eyes last Saturday evening the honeymoo.n is far from being o v e r f o r F r a n k a n d A n n i e Passalaqua. Give a man a moon and the right girl and anything is liable to happen. Jerry Cermak and lSfcrney Graff tell us that the Screwy Dozen activities will continue every Saturday night at Blake'a Cornec't twtf the snow flies. CongratutetiensTo Fred Edmonds on his 35th birthday, Sept. 3rd. Len Jensen, Sr., on the 79th adversary of his birth, Sept. 29th. Otter Ebert on hi 17th birthday.1 Sept. 19th. ' - On Route it L;.. Woodstock, HL Every Wednesday it 7:30 p.m. fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS T» B. M»d BANGS TESTED Private Sales Monday and Tuesday We take ord«f9 tMdar cattle and pigs ' ' *:•», • .'V TERMS OASHOROREDIt Consign your snrphiS stock to1 this AUCTION. v We have buyers for every article rj ^ * NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--8# ! Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois , 1 . , .v FOB LIVESTOCK OOMX TO WOODSTOCK ' ? , WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO.. INC V>, •• 4. "k tntwmT *7"" v . Mr. and *ffrs. Frank Rourke enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bohn and family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn- Judson and Mr. and Mrs. William Rimell of Adrian, Mich., over the long weekend. Mf. • and Mrs. Gerald Burg are the new owners of the Schloesser residence on Spring Road. Mr. Burg is at present vacationing relatives in Louisiana. * : Nats and Bolta a'Wlow says the"' grass 1s greener in other pastures, look for the same old bull. Hie recent edict by the fashion expert that dresses will be worn longer have moot of our gals up in arms. Aunt Petunia says "I've worn the same dress for five years and that's long enough." Your best safety device is about six * inches above your shoulders. Keep it working. When the years have slipped by and memory ranis back over the path you have coma, will you be glad that you stopped to speak to every frimid you met, having left them with a warmer feeling in their hearts because you did so ? 4, ADIOS. FIFTY YEARS AGO ^ Peter Doherty cut his leg ^qfllte severly with a hand axe, on Saturday last, while working on Peck's farm. W. H. Ordmann, oul new candy manufacturer, wiH open business in the Wirfs building this week, and expects to employ from fourteen" to sixteen people. Geo. Rosenberger has moved into the house lately purchased by him, one door west of E. Lawless' Cloth* ing store, where has opened his barber shop and is prepared to do work irt that line for his old customers. C. Grimoldby has commenced -the erection of a new barn, on < John , street in this villsge. - , W»TY YEARS AGO The price of butter was fixed at 24 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. > The farmers are kept quite busy these d«ys harvesting small grain. crop is said to be quite satis-1 factory. /' I While cranking up an automobile j Monday, Paul Wooster cut a painful! gash in the little finger «rf his, right hand, necessitating the doc- * tor's care. The gravel which has recet^ly been placed on Green street near1 the city hall is .causing no snail amount of trouble for autoists. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO We are informed that there is apossibility of a motor line between i here and Waukegan. Robert Weber is a new employee' the Fox River Valley State bank,' havinnr started work at the institu-' tion last week. The house shortage tu .... just now appears to be mora than ever. A number of fsisflhwi now residing here are looking for new locations. The Terra Cotta factory is gtfB looking for men. Four auto buaSM now carry the local employees of the plant to and from work daily. Manager riaa _ More than 650 cities in the United States have adopted the manager plan and only 28 have abandoned H by vote of the people. In Pennsylvania, legislation permits onlyi boroughs and townships of the firstclass to have manager of government. • • • -TO fWlCB TOLD TALKS Items af Interest Taken From the Flka of the Plaindealer •f Years Ago TOO FAT? fist SUMiK this l»Jhp n--c--SacM tr aiSal <ccibw. THOMAS P. BOLGER Greea Street McHenry i \ \ ] \ m 'fil i TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS 4V'-Large Selection of Material* ORDER EARL¥ **•4, ' SpeciaUsinf in Store and Rssidenoe McHenry Awning Go. Phone McHenry 571-W-* "i N SIXTY YEARS AGO This week we extend • a hearty welcome to Mr^ and Mrs. William Walker of Park Ridge, who, with their son, Wm., Jr., will make their i permanent home on Beach View Drive. They have purchased the former Mathers home. Mr. and Mrs. William Ames returned Monday evening after enjoying a weekend visit with Pete and Rose Kaminski at Hazelcrest, Wis. Mary reports that fishing was exceptionally good. "Hoppalong Cassidy" Ken Ebey's pet toad gave him a bad time ov& the weekend. According to Ken the old girl got herself a new boy friend and ran off with them last Saturday, leaving htr brood of young ones behind for Ken to look after. Ken, being retired, soon tired of his new assignment and enlisted the aid of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ebey of Chicago, his guests over the weekend. They too, soon found the job too big and as thay were about to throw in the sponge who should appear on the scene, bat the errant mother herself. Once again everything is rosy at, the Ebey household or m ould we have said toadsy. *W. A. Cristy, at the pickle factory, is doing an extensive business in the com and feed business and is hardly able to get it fast enough to supply his customers. The first meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Thursday afternoon at the Universalist church. E. M. Owen went the overland route to Chicago on Friday last. He remained over Sunday. On J\irsday last was tha> 66th' birthdav of Chas. Kuhnert. of Johns-' "SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER S McHENRY GARAGE NICK MILLER'S 606 FRONT STREET ROUTE \r OF COUNAC THTX-OA n BUT VMO SAO rr |( Wtfff AN ACCIDENT • TO H»CAR- 31 HEWASDR1NMN6SOME 1 BUMPED MIS ELBO. >- • U '--M \r--^r*fo Hi sscotvtx, wepia*s ~W ' PHONE 108-R r ' 'M :1 ; Mr. and Mrs. George Boker and their luscious blond daughter, Jean, of Cicero were dinner guests of Betty Cermak but Monday at the Parte Pub. - 4 ' ^ A . I U i 4 Hi =2 tJ . i * " ' ' f \ to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stacknick and family of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff of Maple. Hill, .Max Kolins of Orchard Drive tuilt with RILCO Laminated Wood RAFTERS... »eeCovorod with Woathor-Tight S«dio« Coiwiflid Atominum KtaHng er Wood fhrnlhlug snd ComposMon looflng or« a Household Hazard •"Vv 1 • J',? .;•? V ' 4 RIG POST-FREE INTERIORS SIIVI AS • MACHINE SHEDS • UTILITY 1UIIDIHOS . • LOAFINO BARNS j s h T S r S -- « s -- -- > . s w a » » ' I . MM MOSV t* fe* MM !• A* tMMMlMi B • Here's the modern way to build every type of farm building. Strong RSoo Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell yon the many uses, and speedy economical election of the Riico utility building. Here's a building you 6an be proud to own. It's easy to get all the materials you need right now. Come in and talk to us about it! ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHOBKKcHXraYS WXST IfaBlXfcT, A, iySsi many homemakerg pay too litde attention to wiring that members of their Ismdbold use and handle every day--frayed cords go unchanged, serious damage often ( Don't let this hazard remain in your home. Now that top grade electric cords are again available, include a check-up of Wiring as part of your regular housecleaning. If a cord is frayed or defective, have it fixed by a good repairman or buy a new cord. . -- Remember, in the future, to avoid yanking a cord from the socfast. Train the children to follow this rule. Keep your household safe from unnecessary hazard* tit.. . . . . . . A . v fkm;yr » '7 SERVICE OF NOKtflCRil lUINdli • liem &-• v ^ - 3,-. ^ • • t . x y - i - i - m"
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