•'« 'I I •• • t* reasonable thinf when they walk or and has ride their bicycles on the roadb. i View Ice Cretti' ff*w Wwmm - The National Safety Council re-! The groom, iwo -:, Wond«r i4ike wpvkjmr in the Lake ' Parlor all summer, ft the son of Mr. porta that in the school, year, last and Qabel of Chicago year, 2,600 children of elementary i and summer tvsidfntts of .Wonder . school age were killed by automo- j Lake, is an ex-service man who j biles. That is si# times as many lives; served in Japan and who is now emiis . By V-nt--T ' j as those claimed by pneumonia and ployed by the Western Electric ^ , r - many more than died of polio. The 1 company. On Monday of this week, ninety*! dailv hazard of walking a road is j Followin five little Wonder Lakers started to Sweater than the " " •arrison school on one of the, ^oun** 5*2% °k J*2L *Unt- -*** Mrangest of schedules, made neces- ^^- J1*?!* TSJLi Si ? Danek * Chicago. •ary by the remodeling of the school, lilted WauSc Thev ^re e^'. Now 01? a honeymoon trip to Ala- 9T hae.m f.i rsutn tgilr andoeo na;t tethned scelcaosnseds gfrraodme ; ^Wn nc'ta rvkms,s ^ur.fiittle folks wiU make thefr CT hS?*! n *»,« .ujij™. nf tney mtiii make their home here in S1*ieT fou trVth and fifth grades Tsta'rit JvSr' iX o'vteolne th. hp_lth h.__rH nf tlu, TJ-itfK, s^tes-- a ""le cottage directly be- , _ „ ing the wedding a dinner chance of en- was served for both families at the . - . »vv •*. ' • U-y their school day at 12:15 p.m. and OU]. aut0mobiles? Continue until 3:30 p.m. and the ilxth, seventh an£ eighth arrive at 8:30 ajrn. and attend until noon. There are frhool this year >rd enrollment. Mrs.' ' 1 hind the new Catholic church. «eco Sou Only the immediate families offth£* 8£" «°JT four "teachers "in"the Jhe young couple were present when! Roberty. WJ5kin^ton make S »r to take care of the B«"y Jean Fiala exchanged nuptial home •• Wonder Lake. S we* Bernice Kenneth Gabel on married in the Greenwood chu?S vard! birthday, week, cSssr Carmen, who haa reached the ripe old age of five and to Pat Wrede, whose ripe old age is a secret-- 21, huh ? . Hecent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mm. Robert Moreau were Mrs. Moreao's sister, Stella Raboin of Daggert, Mich., and her niece, Rita Mae Beaudo in of Stephenson, Mich. Rob ®rott of Denver, Colo., waa a who so kindly offered aid at the time of Mr. Ben well's last illnees and at'the time of his passing. They who, in general, lent tMr moral support and strength to the family when it was most needed. MRS. IRENE BENWELL AND DAUGHTERS. ASM ADVISER'S ¥ COMMENTS lount. Mrs.Eleanor IFVjley, and Mrs. | •fj& ^J^chi1 j on Saturday, Sept. 6, at a candle'-' was mailed" "at 'Custer7~So7'Da. The ne Richards are again the.churth « North Alb*ny' Chl ; light ceremony before about 100 Raedels have lust completed a trip I j^ioW"^e"1946*"record croiTanlT^ fVtl*Aif<vk DMAiivtfoms nH/1 • • . ^ ^ hope now that we don't have typical September weather--the kind where it rains and is cool so that our visitor last week in the home of his j corn just stands still for weeks on brother, wt H. Brott of Wonder j end and doesn't ripen. We need at Center. This is the first visit to i least three weeks of 70 and 80 dethis area, in which .he was reared,: gree temperatures to make our corn that Mr. Brott has made since 1913. j mature to any safe degree., Of He also visited relatives in Wood-; course, there is no hope for some stock and in Wisconsin. 'fcorn Vven now. . , . ~T 7 t t» *»- j t_: August 15 Illinois crop report A card from thg^Axel^ R-^l^edds from Springfield says the state's ~ crop was at that time 30 per cent „c aching staff and , MrVs . Suz.a.n n,e ' carg%o 2.. 1. v » , . j . . guests. Mrs. Walkington is the for- j through the Rocky Mountains and toer cent below thr> 1<HA-4Kf»r. Marshall of McHenry has been added. w Betty Jean, whois the daughter of i mer Mary Ann Clunk of Marion, j are now in the Black Hills. Mr. P 1930-45 ten-year t': With all these children on the Mrs. William Fiala of the j Ohio, and the sister of Mrs. George Raedel. a commercial artist, js • #>ads, not only between the standard L^ke View Ice Cream Parlor, chose i A. Marshall of Greenwood. The gathering a lot of sketches for his hours for school children, but also a ttray suit for her wedding. With it i groom is the son of Mr. and Mn. H, I notebooks. at the odd hours of this special : she wore a pink feathered hat and jj. Walkington of Ringwood. Schedule a plea for careful driving 4aok acf*Ss^Tiev, H,eT corsa?e was oil the Wonder Lake Roads goes out °f orchids. The bride s mother was ' A regular meeting of the Rod and average. A farmer near Woodstock has fifty-five spring pigs weighing 100 pounds and is feeding them old corn. I suggested that he feed up some of this/ record oats crop to them and ST Kii v Hf ^lad in a black skirt ^th a two tone1 Marv McCarty and Betty Willig, Gun Auxiliary was held at the home save the old com. It won't be long to the public. Too many motor,s^|gadinablack skirt^thatwo-tone, summering here ^ cloge their!0f Mrs. Margel Tfoxell on Friday until he can feed new com to theij tftkfng advantage of the good^' hanffliW Ithe ^ooms niotherjra«|cotta|fe at the end of this week and ' "* 1 " 1 roads, and forgetting that this Is °**®s an" STreen accessories, ^tarn to Chicago, where tiiey wil! rMea.ilUlyf ao wweallll-.wsettttlloeidl ttoerrrriitftloMrvT, ijnuasft , Both wwoorree ccoorrssaaggeess oofr ggaarrddiinniiaass,. nanmi TTi>:<T..nji.. left themselves go on the speed. Also, Serving as best man was William Hiey forget that children are eternally Fiala, Jr., brother of the bride, unpredictable and cannot be de-' Betty Jean graduated from Kelly, fended upon to do the safe and High School in Chicago last June enter DePaul University. evening. Twenty-two members were j and in this way save this old corif present. A nominating committee, j for storage. He knows it will -keep;, consisting of Mrs. Olive Armstrong, The old problem of farm leases*1 Joan Heilman of W^kline Bay returned this week from Portland ... . -, - , . .. Ore., where she ha« been visiting \ ^ .10?rs .e vo f, upon at the Mrs. Marian Cannon", Mrs. Betty Pavlik and Mrs. Louise Scott was chosen. They will present a slate of WRECKING PARK HOTEL Front Street and Waukegin Road, McHenry SEASONED LUMBER LIKE RANDPA USED TO USE 1 - • - • AIL MATERIALS FOR SALE 1x4 ijx6 2x8 2x^0 4-m.xl-in. yiiOORIIfG 1-ixt Sheeting Lumber. Beaded Ceiling, ^-in.xB 111. Lath--Baseboard--Trim--Stairs Varnished Doors in .Frames. Windows In Frames. Cabinet Doors--Swinging DodMK Screens--Storm Sash. Bathtub--Toilets--W ashbowls. Sink--2-Tray Laundry Tub. ALL SIZES PIPE--BX WIRE Out Iron Soil Pipi > in the home of Mr, and Mr«, Eric j October meeting. Also it was an Landstrom and with her former Har- "ounce(i.that the annual HaHoween rison school friend^ Irene Landstrom. | Jan®e wi'l be held on Oct. 25 in the Che Landstroms really showed Joap a wonderful country near Portland. A seaplane ride over Puget Sound; a boat ride to the salmon fisheries; a visit to the Columbia River to Bonneville Dam and a trip which took them to many of the" beautiful waterfalls of the region were some of the highlights of the trip. Friends of „ the Landstroms will be interested ' to know that Carl Landstrom spent this summer in the Fire Fighting Service in Southeastern Oregon and that Irene Landstrom will enter }"«sr junior year at high school this fall. Legion Home, Woodstock. is up again. In a particular case n«j lease was written three years ag<| and now both parties have different Impressions of what was decided xr, •' at that tyne. There are as many tvpes of leases and agreements as there are land lord-tenant hookups^' so there is no hard and fast rule to anply. It looks like a committee off three will have to be selected, each narty selecting one and the third to The annual meeting of the Rod and Gun club was held on the new club grounds on Sunday with a pic-! be selected by mutual agreement of nic and games in the afternoon fol-jthe two parties involved. Write itlowing the meeting. Also there was | down and put it in the lock box. " a tmn shoot in which Ivan Abbott.' The annual soil and water loss of Woodstock was top man with from a 14 per cent slope with 32V800 Young Mr. and Mrs* John Jurgensohn are in a home T>f their own now. Final arrangements were only rer twenty-five hits out of a possible twenty-five. Plans were made to break ground this fall for the new clubhouse witfy the hope that a basement. at least, will be ready for use this winter. barrels of water falling on an acre during the yea*- is 1.030 barrels and .01 ton of soil where the slone ia|f ; covered with oak woods, and ~6,76<f barrel of water and 17.2 tons of soil where the slope has been cleared ant| cronped. In apite Mf this amazinrf* fact,. I get a whole waste panei* basket full of literature daily. The J »aner on which it was printed should ^ tkispel Center Important dates at the Gospel C^nrer are as follows for the near . , future: Fellowship Night, Friday t have been left on some hillside in"a fi , a"*npm^tsu.were only re- Evening, Sept. 19; Enrollment of the tree «o far as I am concerned. It . ^ e6,r'p1^. wl?,ch tr?nsflr^ Confirmation Class (Bible Instruc- would d« a lot more rood th^e. the former Stutte house to th^rn tion) : Saturday morning, Sept. 2tJ, J reams of paper used for out They are already Occupying the house, which is on the Uacktop across the road from Mrs.,Jurgensohn's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" McMahon. Al|. of which makes me wonder, now tljat, there are three Jurgensohn famlies and two McMahon families along the blacktop why they don't just name at 10 o'clock; Promotion Sunday Bible School, Sunday, Sent. 28; Annual Sunday School Rally, Sunday Oct. 5. « ' / Next Sunday, Sept. 14, a large y m. T>rnna<"inda contributed directs to such disasters as the Missouri river floods last spring. Somebodv sa'd the reason why wdr*> en would rather he beautiful thin% Stamps t "Hie Plaindealer. deligation from the Midwest Bible! clever is that most men are stupid church in Chicago, will attend and; and very few are blind. participate in the S.S. and the morning service at- 10:00. The JPastor, Frank W. Anderson, will preach on the mMect: "What is the next thing DOG COMPLETES TRIP * j which weighs eleven poufcds After a 6Q00-mile journey by ship; now about as big .as it will and train,which required more than was greeted by Sergeant HI six weeks, "Chippie," an 8-monthi bi" fcl7d*' tjteformer fflixabeth old Ray Pinch dog arrived last week 1 * natlve of at <the Elgin office of the' Railway Express Agency from Bremerhaven, gwrnwyj to rejoip its master Staff Sgt. Clifford Lee Hill of Elgin Route 4, who returned here Aug. 5., after three years of overseas servlee. The black and brown Waxing Elofeat A fountato pen with a point of fell,haa been developed to" able ^ writing on glass, wax pedigreed dog, j transparent plastic surfaces. * - CLEAR TO THE TOP" 1 This exciting* Hollywood movie will b» shown at igsJ-K TAVERN & RESTAURANT LILY LAKE Saturday, sept. 13, at 8:30 pji. located 1V2 Miles West of Volo on Rt. -- ADMISSION FREE-- f/ : r-.i'-r." % ta?0'™1 NEW! 'fSvpafed by Agricultural Ckieage Journal of Ctwimwt Stretching Cortit* Supplies mHIS year's prospective short feed grain supplies must be rtrstched / 1 to the limit If a serious reduction in the much-needed meat sup-^ plies 1s to be avoided in the coming year.... Authorities In the Indus- ' try, however, have expressed the opinion that there is a possibility at ; , maintaining meat production, providing fanners take prompt ant vigorous action'in the employment of all known efficient methods of' • feeding and begin now to make plans for obtaining the needed awortr ment of feed rations to carry thsough next year. ' "It is possible to make one bushel of com do the job of two oar thousands upon thousands of farms," John 7. Krey, chairman, board . of directors, American Meat institute, declared in an address at Chicago last week. He pointed out that increased use of protein supple-. ments with other feeds not only makes the limited feed grain suppliea go farther, bat also adds much to the nutritive value of the ration-- „ Tests have frozen, he said, that a pound of tankage saves or replaces four pounds of corn. The .feeding of other grains such as oats, Wheat, bailey and grain ' •/>rghiima were listed as other possibilities of stretching the short fBed^V supply. • ... Efficient use of hay and pastures was recommended, m this connection, Mr. Krey pMnted out that "a good pasture can save up to 10 to 20 per cent of the necessary grains and concentrates. Ex- , pertinents shdw a single acre of bog pasture can save 1,000 pounds of . torn and 5Q0 pounds protein feed or its equivalent. Rye will supply abundant late Pall pasture, if sown in September, at the rate of two bushels per acre." And the same rye pasture may be used for early , erasing in the Spring. . . . Undoubtedly, other roughages can be used : to greater advantage in livestock feeding also. THIS COLUMN IS SPONSORED ** MCHENRY Ca FARMERS CO-OP. ASSK. WEIL-McLAIN HOT WATER HEATING PLANT, COMPLETE WITH 600 FT. OF RADIATION, SUITABLE FOR 12 ROOMS OR LESS. KDIDLIfcG WOOD GIVEN AW4fv Order at PHONE 29 52} Waokegaa • lOAnm Midi Built frith RILCO Lomincit«d Wood RAFTBR9 • • • Covirad with Wtothtr-Tight Material ivcfcflt WAS '»•*_ reoowct or IWffT A COMfANT JOHN J. VYCITAL HDWL a)y ohim •mM woai e m mmir Phone 98-M KllCO SILL CONNECTION Wfeifsmr s#y/« pttt \\ ytu fversharp tj/wofj mitts bL.u.t*. Bolger's Drug Store Green Sts Salesman on premises, smarting Sunday, Sept. 14, and daily thereafter. Loeb Wrecking & Lumber Co. 4217 S. Lawndale Ave, . Phone 6895, Lyons, III Chicago Phone, Nevada 2445 YOU'LL SAVE MONEY AT TRUCK HEADQUARTERS • Here's the modem way to build every type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated arid engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's eagy to get all the materials you need right now. Come in and talk 40 us about itl ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. . WKST is a Safer, More Efficient Driver! - " • >' With, Dodge, you got 0-SPRING plus seats plenty of legroom! 4-etefte seat adjustment! ^Wide, 3-man seats in S both conventional and ^O.E. cabs! Fresh air... ventilating type windshield, large, cowl ventilator., ' WIHIIIPPIITV TIIBvCuET ^ Richard Ja^er tSafe, smooth stopp! with "Equal-Pressure" hydraulic brakes! )Gab Insulated against 'weather and noise! ' Easy-action doors, Itaibf closed when shutt - (Safety-vision lnstro> 'anent pand.,-" A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. OOD&e trucks BUltBS m S01 E. PEARLS PHONE 156 McHEKRY, ILL. • 'M1% mm WANT TO MBLP WITH WASHIN®, OUT OF ALL. *TMV MOMMIK, LOCK THE MY MOMMY ALWAY5 6UYS ALL OUS SAKERY COOPSAT Riverside Bake Shop SHOP ^Queh fu ,5 the Secret of Our Success" RICHARD j ACER PROP. Dri^c •4 * '-r' 1 SS I"'", k r \Wu / « " • • sp • • ' ' Li. 2 i - • '•" . TS*^' »• ' I * I ' v: •" : r ; r , . W"1p'A •