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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1947, p. 7

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mm i .« * -p * „ f : SeptemW d, isfl I vvt; '^' -.* i: -Uritv"" .„"" ;_l^*dgv£&•••!?;,Tr." / « ~ ::;r MJUJCDR • • • 000 4 • a* *••*•••*•••••fet* j underground during tlw war years sho>unljdd jjpaatahke her lecture most in tereating. Mise Holms will also antwer any <|ttest)ons about con- €%m I ditkms In any part of her homeland, • * This lecture will be given under; drew MadrM, all of Chicago. Thi f'tt It itmtiilHI 11 "MIHI'^e auspices of the Property Owners j Kretlers expect to make LakeWood < Assn. Tim® and place will appear; their permanent adress sometime in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kretler, Wjmeednr. Aldermint good neighbors in "Lakewocd by the) Althoff, Anderson, . Sea", had as weekend guests Dr. . and George P. Freui and Mm. 8. Horwat, Mr. arid Mrs. | yan. f, Frank Horwat And family and An- Motion by Regit«% seconded by Althoff, that the minutes of the last (By Tmbtfel) Greetings, Folks! next week's column. _ . • A1 and Jean Blake assumed the Here is some very welcome news role of godparents to Mr. and Mrs. fflt: Regner. Lester R. 'Bocon, gas for e J. Freund j police car bsent: Ton- Al's Welding A Repair Serv., wcldinjj Construction Co., sidetfor the many residents of our community of Norwegian, descent. Ray Aalto's new offspring. walks regular meeting be approved as read.' Special Sewer Fund: Motion carried. ; McHenrv" State Bank, the near future. .Motion by George J. Freund, sec-' ™**r?st v onded by Anderson, that the, trea- i/ » ' , a.ry. -- This week the Chicago Cardinals j surer's report be approved as read. r?n,vTie „ f',nca' _ .Football club came through with a' Motion carried. Fubnc Servjce Co., power ™!favorable answer to Jerry Cermak'sl Motion by George P. Freund, sec-- pose of establishing a municipal1 on Front street (Illinois Tfl|h||tt ' j athletic field--purchase price to be, No. 31). Motion carried. 1 1 85' $2,500.00, payment at time of option' Motion by George P. Freund, see- *?•?/ .to be $300.00. Motion carried. ?,nded by'Althoff, to adjourn. Mo- * 214.00 i Motion by Anderson, seconded by . , j Regner, to authorize the Water and _1200.00 Sewer Committee to proceed with 135.00 Pj*ns *n<i suitable arrangements in li<rM 20.00 50.65 matter of extending j'tiffr sotted.. City Clerk, A i . little lady was baptised Carol Ann' renuest for an autographed football ondedbv Altho^'^^t the'^conep+or^s n ^°*'on Althoff, seconded by A lecture on life and conditions in l last Sunday at St. Marys church »n which is to be awarded to the boy i ® SixL .US'J» •- JmA : 9*°?** p (Frr?rd: to take option present j Mctienry. | with the best marks in studies a!d iJ2?S1 b* •pproved *s read. Motion ^ janu8ry L ^ jrom A. P. Freund date in! The new addition to the Frank conduct during the first semester. Norway from 1939 to the day will be given at some „ • ...» the near future by Miss Randi Holm, j Pa^slaqua "family was also baptized Tv""award wiU be "made at"" the Mot'on s^°L nde.d f a member of the Inter Press Service last Sunday at St. Mary's. Her name Screwv DrwenS annual Christmas | *1" v, f representing twenty-three Norwegian newspapers, who arrived at Mc- Cullom Lake last Monday. During her stay here: this charming little lady is a guest of Mr. .and Mrs. Helge Davidsen, of Orchard Drive. Miss Holm's mission in this country is to gather data on social life among the Norwegians here. Her articles appear in twenty-three daily newspaper^ in Norway. Her experiences as a mejnber.of the is Linda lorraine and her god-.*x»rtv for McCullom Lake's children, parents are Dave and Lorraine Irvin; is the contents of the Cardiof Desplaines. / j rial's letter: # \ ^ -• -"Mr. Jerome A. Cermak, Pres. George Kiddelsen is convalescing Porewv Dn».en Sw'ial Chili - his home from injuries received; West McHenry, Ills. j ^ ! . in an auto accident two weeks ago. j Dear Mr. Cermak f i» returned . Sanday_after aj i aw in r^t of your li^r^of John J- McCarthy, snlar^ treatment at the Woodstock j„jv jg and if vou w<11 advise me William Lundy, salarv .... Hospital. His many friends an« wb^n vou want football shipped we Philio M. TTiennes, salary ... neighbors join us in wishing him a will ^ ^ to CQ^wnte/ , i W. C. Felts, allary t . speedy recovery* , . ; - -- - - -- . . . in anproxiiratelv four acres of land, Motion by_ Anderson, seconded by as described in plat, for the purthat the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Anderso-i. seconded Vv Rejrner, that the following bills be paid as approved the finance committee: Motion carried " Lester R. Bacon, salary ..1;...,$185.00 the city sewer main South from John street Read the Want Ads treorge week's hospital. CLARENCE'S SHOP totohen cabinets and cupboards made to order. Full line of lawn chain, swings, pier benches, pie- Jde table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, treBlse*. picket fences; window boxes, bird houses, hand woven Ckntiine leather men's and iadies1 belts, parses, etc. ICLARENCE SMITH 161.10 lfil.10 140.20 127 oo I sb»ll be triad to hear frorti, ybil Farl R. Walsh, office p\peise 6500 at your earlier convenience. ' . I Msyme Buss, salary & com- - V*rv trulv vouiti. , - missions ,i4... 95.C> " |»ign6d) Arch Wotfe.* Joseph M. Scbmitt, wo«> .'-i -- • 'nP" at city nark ...v.iv." 15.00 rv»»*ratul*tion« To M. L. S<*hoenholtx, cleaning ' F'lene Koli« on H»»r 19th birthday city hall P4 "S j anniversary, Sept. 7th. 1 A. P. Freund. .drain tile 490.00 ! n '.* i Fred C. SchoeWer. ' snefial j ^ Ntit« and Bolt* ! police duty .... 1R 0O It^s • a Twior wife who doesn't know J. C. Grobel, special . police j hew t» srive a man her own way. I duty Too mnny wonle .would r«+her be H. B. Sohaefer, special police i wrong than oniet. f ADIOS. | | Careu Electric Shop, signal I Oitv Ooaseil Proceeding* | !_ ...» " , . „,»i . miWtestio"* j R<M««I P-ntemher 2. 'W ^,hnrHn • Oil Company. As. Plaindealer. '1 Johnsbnrg J n«># to th® whhi)»» d«*e on a bolH»** (L'W | waR heM th»» following jevenin" »s per oiiQtom^. .AM member* j v*r» Hnlv ratified of tb® meet'^e date. Mayor Overton presided at the A&P HELPS BALANCE YOUR MEALS AND YOUR BUDGET! * . f*" "eed variety vnkj day to Ixlaict yoor diet, and plenty *f valnes every 4ilf " f balance yaw budget. And you'll find both at A&P no matter when yoa shop. Y«g •ee, we never retort to price jaggllng . . . never mark a few items down one or two days a week and other item* up the red of the week. Instead, we keep price* low all the tino , «n hundreds of fine foodt. So it you enjoy a square meal and save at yew thrifty A&P! •-- and a square deal .. . shop Herbox, Brand pkg. Bouilion Cubes 10c Sawyer's Fresh lb. pi Baker Boy Crackers.. New Pack No. 2 Cane Iona Tomatoes 31c Iona Brand, cut No. 2 Cans Green Beans 23c NEW LOW HtlCt! CONTADINA Temste Paste |^«23c A REAL V ALU EL IraaHraiiy IffiilUe NEW PACK1 CAMPKU'S TMMtaSMp ... tcAHttlC LAR«E. TENDEFT ScSttflc AW BRA NO. UNSWHTLNCB Mm ZSS&tU NEW PACKI LIIIY'S TIMHMm IStfMc W FAN-C ISA NO SSilversftfe Sslnes T/rOZ. NEW LOW PKICE CAN W AW Merrell Sssek FANCY, SOLID PACK White Star Taaa Flame Red Tokaar 1 Grapes # PANTRY SUPPLIES BACK ASAIN > Nitly Margarine e e PKG. 27* BJCW iACIfl Orcen Giant Peas 2^V39* HERE IT ISI RIVE* BRAND White Rict.v.v^22' A SEAL VALUEI \i %L. ti m MP A»pltuice t 34* MR HtYINO FOR BAKINOt SOUR. FITICO NO.J2ie Idaho Grown! Plums Illinois Wealthy Cooking Apples U. S. No. 1 Western, Washed Bed Potatoes Louisiana Grown Porto Bic&n Yamft Wisconsin Grown Green Cabbage rn11 nw rww •wwnwi ewwi • "»w ^ tfeze Slierteaiac mf 1M M Cherries It® RIEULAR AN# FISH FLAVORED MRVBCJULLRO DaNySSoo ...STINS 2Se DolePfieapple CAN X- VT7 "R , SERVE 4--READY TO HEAT AND Here It la! lb. pkr. EAT. WHOLE White Rice .:. 22c Mstfers 6liMr«s ^2*^ Sunnyfleld Brand*. UVB ui^o n* OH ouii AM® Pancake Flour 14c »•» I IARS 1t€ MH.D AND MELLOW OOFFBB Bcht I'Cleek &M* R L«. BA* n* MB. ha«IJB RICH AND FULL BODIEO COFFEE T !•». bo«* 77* VIOOROUS AND WINEV BeksrCeffee t%41f LL«.K^ill« Mi. k o f l .li ORANGE-PEKOE AND PEKOE Oar OWN Tea ^ %& 37i ORANGE-PEKOE AND PEKOE Nectar T«s Balls ^ 401 ORANGE-PEKOE AND PEKOE Oar Owe Tea Balls 711 STOCK UP AND SAVE AT ASP! CVAP. WbHe Hease Milk 3^831 S Iba. for 19c 28-lb. basket $2.69 i S-lbs. for 29kr ID-lbs. for 49c Z rbe. for 23c FOR DESSERTS! JANE PARKER Lady Finftrs . . . . . .29c JANE PARKER, DANISH CREAM w Ceflee Cake ,.. EACH43C Q JANE PARKER. CHOCOLATE FUDGE E OoMBarCak* . KCH 39C JANE PARKER. LEMON Saap Cookies / JANE PARKER, VANIULA ICED. FUDGE Pesad Cake ... . ea. 29e DYOUR SEST SREAD BUYI ENRICHED Y.«.< WHITE g ManreBtRrE.A^D Iu^s25c IONA WO. 2"/J • CAN Halved Peaches ASSORTED FLAVORS Jello Dessert e • a e •> £, PKSS. SMOOTH AND MELLOW! AMERICAN Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food 2o- 79 SERVE FOR BREAK FASTI Sunsweet Prases E • A E • PKG. 23^ NATURAL FLAVOR. CREAM-RICH Fresh Cottage Cheese Ifr-OZ. > CTN. FOR BAKING) FOR FRYING! CRISCO knUK I UMN« - POUND $| JAR PURE WHITE. FLOATING IVORY SOAP CAKES | ' OUZOOES EVERYTHING DUZ PKG. 32s MAKES GLASSWARE SPARKLE VEL ™30e THE OVAL SHAKO CAKE SWEETHEART SOAP 3 CAKES 27C PURE WHITE FLOATING IVORY SOAP PERSONAL SIZE CAKES 20° TOR GREASY HAN05 LAVA SOAP 4ARGE ~|HIPAKE 4 SWELL SOAPS IN I SWAN SOAP REGULAR -X CAKES JbW1 CLEANS GREASY HANDS LAVA SOAP MEDIUM CAKES 27' \^V \WH\ S\ov^s k NEW STORE HOURS Monday Throuth itarday xk to fi.-OO pja. , ,18.00. 18.00 21?2fi 400 All Materials AU Labor Fully •1M«; 2fTl nbalt t" prpmi* Ton van Co., r*«- nair r»tv ball d«*".»- W. S. D*rley & Co., eonhfm<>nt ..: .• Alexander Lumber Co.. l»r»- Smith's R*rvv** Ststion, b»*- tery ^ar^" ......t,.-.;:.2-ftO WVn. w. Althoff F<W. t wrenches 8.60 Mrftenry Lumber Com par v. Vw nio^ 24.42 H. F-. Pur** A Son. reosirs to . waierwAilP1"'- w»nrv --"It • Tf A. Paa«», jVorl ft. WrlO,. . Pittsbi'*-"* Eduit. Met*«r D'". sum>l'°5 Clark Chevrolet Snl°«. .fmrV stor^sr* •pH^rpr^ j Thennpc. <l«tv Illi«oi« Qo;, service A Western United G. & E. Co.* . Pt»K|»c Service Co.. T»ovr*>r A lieht •• {Downs Nash Sales, w« A oil ' Weber Plumbing A Heatinjr, I tappinr water mains GUARANTEED 'MA* sloag-lmM^tliic iwfactd sspMIt shingle roof at Scan worth-while saviags* $5.00 twfc fmt« m low as per M' Phone I0S-W FRANK GANS 10 Riverside Drive McHenry TELEVISION! McHENEY COUNTY RESIDENTS Also may have television and FSL m * s irr^- * > 1 ^ ^ ~~r 6all or write for information ft"-' TELEVISION ;" IV""' 6- ftADIO CORPORATION 4326 Linoob Am, IB, lUinoia 4 ' • } * _--Vj -'-;r M v--* ? / , < A • •'/J; '•& ^ L i-J Phone Juniper 0980. "SPEEDY" NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARA6E MKAUMlKMoneR WNT «OMO. ru. BST rrft MCAUGE MDU HAVE rr CSRVtCKD BY mCK«IU£R-\ •MIENftVGMtMt 10 00 60.00 282.72 603 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108R 55.24 4&t- •• - - - V ' V Fustghttd bnswyssmen recognize that in the years ahead the great diversity of-opportunity in Chicago and Northern Illinois will allow their employes to continue the kind of work they have liye where and as - * ' v - N Mc.m- M m m w» they play, and relax as they like. That is one reason why so many new industries are locating tee. Ybu are iiivited to write for details on the many industrial, residential and recreational advantages of this area, as they specifically apply to you or your business. I CenNr of U. & PepnloWow • Grsot Fmonciol Cantor • DM "Graot Canlral AAorliat" • Food hahdiii) and fraunht Cantor leader In Iron end Steal Memfladlirino * Coed lohor Ralatiom Rccord • TruMndow Cool RMarva* • Good Cawafwamt • Good IMf Oted Services for lex Osier • Send for free booklets camfaMnf asofwl Inferaatlew en these edvewtetas. fwf M^#nNo^ws wiA As v ' TERRITORIAL. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT MenaaWa MWn»H0 Sow* Paarhoni Straa*. CMwy 3. IMwwii Una 1W r V B M C S I R V I C I C O M P A H V , O F N O R T H I K M I L L I N O I S V I I T I I H • N I T I D « A t A " ! D I L I C T K I C C O M P A H V Ihk oreo km pewar raaearca* of 2^00,000 MowoM, wUh 500,000 fc*W«S mmn oiraody andar COM*VC«WI or on ordar. i ^^5 i ^ A/i

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