RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Geotre 8heoufi , Horn* Circle «u entertained in tho home of Mxs. Louis Winn on Tfannday afternoon. Section off offiecn was hold for the following year. Officer* are Mn. Piwd Walk* mgton, president; Mrs. Lester Oarr, •ice-president; Mis. Mitchell Kane, secretary; and Mrs. Loots Wbottreasurer. Mrs. Wm. CruidoklMadc visited friends" at Waukesha, Wis., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rainsey of Salens, Calif, spent the past three weeks in the Peter Seb&stine home. Paul Stephfnson arrived here from Dorset, Vt,, Thursday for a visit fiaat Barnard, Vt., guests of Mrs. Soke Jepson, l(r. and Mrs. E. Switsenberg, Mrs nd Lou * tapper -Harold Weber^poit Friday in Wodnes-; cago. Chi- T. A. Hickey and Betty (m. and Mrs. sCarl Peterson of Watcrtown, S. Dakota, were Thurs- -V * --l--is--e d--a^y su"RpRp*e*r "aIn'dU eVv«Ve:nIIiInIIg^ §gUuCeOsBtOs oVAf CUtty of Chkagd speftt Tuesday in Mrs. Lena Peet cad daughter, Alice, the Louis Itswiey IL^-- Mary Lynn Ainger of Hebron Mrs. Harry tsarry 01 KivergroveL spent from Thursday night until Mrs. L. V. Lusk of Round Lake ana! Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Stanley Degner of Mundelien i and Mrs. George Shepard, -while her Wekhieoday afternoon withj parents wery on a visit at St. Louis. Bose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Lopis Hawley and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and daughter,; daughter, Marion, spent Thursday Marion, were visitors at Woodstock,! evening at Antioch. Wednesday. as? Mrs. Rose Jepson and daughter, VIJRIMI UIEV spent Virginia R. N. and Mrs. Clark Huson | Thursday evening with Mrs. Lena -~>nt Wednesday evening in the' Peet- Mr and Mrs. Glen Treon and Mrs. Mae H&rri^on of Crystal Lake sp«nt Whiting Mn>. Harold Weber of Chicago snent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hafcerllne, and her little son, Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner and daughters of t&okfci 'Mills 3 pent spent Sunday in tin George Shepard' and daughter wore Sunday dinner 2e". «r... - ». J, 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harri- Murl Wiednch ol Caladonia Is: son and family. spending two weds with his aunt,] ; Mae Wiedrich. ftool ftr Bags t Elijah Coatos to visiting his sister, ! Wool from American sheep it tctt- - Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. | der, and if used in rugs, is blended Mrs. Werner entertained her with foreign wools. The beat wool daughter and husband from Call- for rugs comes from sheep in the forma, Thursday. j Orient, in the m junta inous area from Mr land Mrs. Kenneth Jackson and j Turkey to China along the 40th do* daughter of GraVslake and Mr and. groe of latitude. r T Mrs. Roland Jackson and family of' » ; *J Richmond spent Sundy evening with their parents, Mr. %nd Mrs. E. E. Powerful Engines The superliner Queen Elizabeth's engines can develop 200,000 horsepower. Tet>t New Grasses About 20 potential new species of range forage grasses are under tes4 •t Univers tv of California. ape... „ ... Harold Jepson home at Dundee. j Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joliti and Esther' visited Mrs. Wm. McCannon, a few Laurence were visitors at Elgin, i ®*ys t*,e the week. Thursday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Alan Waller, daughi Dr. and Mr? George HabeHine of I »«Khter. Connie, and son, Dave, of j Sund»y t fternoon • with Mrs. Ed licago spent Slihday with his £ew Brunswick, Jersey, spent' Bnuer Restoring Leather Often a slightly worn or faded piece of leather can be restored wornd 8terago to service by a good cleaning and The time to store vegetables in a * little leather renewer -- or, in bushel box buried in the ground is j the case of suede, a good stiff brush before the ground freezes. Line the' «nd suede dressing. But if the artibox with newspapers and put in an : de is of no use as it is, rip it apart assortment of vegetables. Bury it' ®»d use the leather for a belt. slip- Chicago Sunday his! N. spent Buuer and fa ^ith his mother, Mrs. Stella Steph- j |>arsnts, Mr. and Mrs. George Haber-J ^tu^rday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j L^fl„y A. E. Hawley of Elgin spent j Miss Virginia Jepson /spent thei Mt' ««d Mis. Waitiji Wilcox of, relatives. 'weekend *ith friends at Rochelle.i Woodrtcck, and Mr. a-d Mn,. Walter, ^e, Sunday afU ley Leavett of Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline and an(* spent Sunday in ' Audrey Merchant, R. N., Thursday hire with Mr. and Mrs. Dudley makes SEED CORN Their Business DeKalb developed and controlled parent seed atook. if- DeKalb eontrollod seed production. DaKalb eontrollod itttln^ Inapeotion, and proeeeeing. t DeKalb Hybrid Corn la aold ONLY through authorized dealera... CLINTON MARTIN WEST McHENRY, ILUNOIS family the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Anttoch called on his mother. Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. hi" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Dundee were Sunday dinner sruesti of his mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. _ Mr *nd Mrs Jam«s Westerman *nd Mrs. Hla .Wileox of Woodstock *ere callers ill the Ben Walkington home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jenr\ie Bacon is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Abendroth, and husband at Elgin. " Mrs. C. G. Huson returned to her home m Elgin Sunday after a few weeks visit with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Betts and eons, Keniieth and Carl, were called to Iowa ~ - w W t h e i l l n e s s o f M r s . B e t t ' s f a t h e r . ! 4 w f ! Mr. Betts and son, Kenneth, returned ' * Woodstock home Sunday and Mrs. Betts and Carl remained. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., jjecompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don and family. Diertzen of WV>odcaller in the George ; j, afternoon., .. of Elgin spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mi's. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Ed Bauer and children spent' Sunday evening in the Marvin1 Arseneau home at Richmond. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of' Wilmette, Mn. Paul Collins and daughter, Mary and Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth Wells of Arlington Heights spent Wednesday afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. GOIUM. Jackie Pearson returned home from the Woodstock hospital Friday < Mr. nnd Mrs. W A. Collins of Beloit spent Sunday afternoon with.; his Barents, Rev. and Mrs.. CoMnsJ Mr. and MtS. .Clayton Harrison orv.rvt Fri^w ewnl"? in *he Wm. Harrison home, at Round Lake. CHrrenee Wanmn was a visitor : Koaiu In a hole in the garden which is a little deeper than the box. Line the hole with hay and put a 3-inch covering of marsh hay over the box. Cover with at least 6 inthfi of toil per soles ot. some other needed item that will save buying new garments. You can cut hard leather witn a razor biade, and soft leather with ctrcng shears. '{Hp TJuir • Improved Grass Variety Mandan wild rye, an improved variety of native Canada wild rye, is winter hardy, an exceptionally high yielder of seed and forage. Principal grass virtues are its ease of establishment, rapid growth sad high seed and forage yield. It bp useful on sandy soils where a fd*» growing cover crop is needed. Floating Power nam The electric plant of the QuiMi Elizabeth, largest ship ever bom. packs enough power to meet tho demands of a city of 150,000. Among the luxury liner's electric accessories are 650 motors, 30,000 lamfM and 4,000 miles of wiring. The electric motors perform a multitude of tasks, including the raising and lowering, of 16-ton anchors and maxtfpe* lation of a 140-ton rudder. A1 and Carrie Adams spent Sunday evening with relatives Genoa Citv. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mnrlowe and '•ffilv of Huntley, Mrs. Etta * vuuicj vi VltvnWW »m»tt and son: Boh to G.WW "'j "«• Snnd.». wh.« Bob will I On the way home they called in the Frank Harrison Pheln^ Saunders home at Sycamore. Jack Lenard returned home Sunday evening from a weeks fishing trin to Wisconsin. George Whiting; is attendng school at Navy Pier, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and daughter spent Thursday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, at Mundelien. Mrs. Wegner and sons spent Sundsy in the Linus Wegner home at Woodstock. Bill Smart of Waukegan spent from Tuesday until Friday with his eo«*in Boh Brennan. Mr and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and fanilv* of Caiaoonia spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W'Hrich. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hagey of Iowa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whitin«r. Mrs. Lillie Coudrey of Greenwood m l,$$ wnoia^5^ OKKMIMATION MOISTilRI/V BCAL COOL /Ti otowmaM^ DAYS Jff /L . III 990 if you're punning on pat* tiog in t new do k this fiUL And when you do, be mcjpoa use Cab has mmIi MORI FOOT •POM, IUINM IMM- •••7 MQTV -SAN-O MOTHPROOF CLEANING : lihe CoapMi Mont Food to mppfy all of the devour grass needs from (be soil to k i \ patfdacesrdvety smoodi grass caxpct JOHN J. VyClTAL HDWL PHONE 277 Ti# jpfBee «f ,lvr ^ ^ [Ubility »" •> The )»»»"•• ^p.«i»S»,fSSCT«Tr>^£ KiEsSs.--- s-" laff^ 1 omu Fourteen new_ ^tt.lAg>6, are ^tions . .in «"«•••* c°*"f I'Mf . i r >; re / usf a few of the new Ac/vonce DPS CHEVROLETS naii.«evNT«» h camour vaivi. IN.IMI TtWCK carry IWy'ie MW from root to roo^-- with AOVAMCI »ISIdN-- ««N> nwnow't track* today I - Clark Chevrolet Sales j!icHENRY, ILLINOIS* v: IN YOUR DIRECTION Hfc» all 8dmtx* Is eoostaatly seeing improve- Bients. Gleaning teofaniqaes are always being studied and further developed - t* Save yon monty, time, and to prolong the life of your garments. U-SAN-O MOTHPRCX>F CLEANING Is the latest boon to wiie wfavers of fine dothes. It is VOT a new cleaning process. U-&AN-0 is completely safe and a fhorongtau mothproofing method, incorporated into oar regular superior dry «<«g prooees. The U-8AK-0 solution permeates fabrics as tedious, Mn Keac nf moths is aa mit o£ data .aa tha PoUoe Qaxatte! We now sse the U-SAN-0 mattwd on all garment* at NO EXTRA CHARGE. Bring* new : l£i£e. 'fte. yoiik eilfldies ! Send them to o* TODAY. : : Wlfl^Kot Touch U-SAN-0 Treated Clothing. Six Months' Insured protection Against Moth Damage. Guaranteed. McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM STREET iPHONE 104-M HELEN WEBER, # M '•