MICHAEL KNOX RED FOLLOWWfi LING ILLNESS Lifelong Duties In Tublic Service Won Many Friends COUNTY FARMERS ARE HAPPY OVER DECREASE IN T. B. Al^HQ CATTLE A total of 58,987 cattle were tested for T. B. in McHenry county during the past year, according to the county veterinarian's report for his fiscal year just ended. Of this number, only 285 "were re-actors. The record is an outstanding one and ia i the result of yeais of work to free t cattle of this dread disease. . J Farm Advisor W. H. Tammcusl i calls attention to the comparison be- ! tween this and the relatively new { •fife community was saddened this J Bangs control program, where only; SCHOOL CLASSES, ORGANIZATIONS ELECT OFEICERS Leaders Selected To Guide Activities $ During- Ensiling Year NEW ACTION TAKEN DURING WEEK .AGAINST COUNTY ZONINd BOARD A petition for a writ of certiorari asking for • review and reversal of a decision of the McHenry county zoning board of Appeals was filed in circuit court the past week by Attorney Fred B. Bennett on behalf of Sokol Harlicek-Tyrs. This is the first action of its kind taken against thtfj," local board since its formation over a year agf. The "bill asserts that th* enforc* j, ting officer, George Jedlicka, Crystal' lit: Lake, refused the petitioner a permit 80LDEN, SILVER ANNIVERSARIES ARE OBSERVED Lily Lake Couple if^ Wed Fifty Y$ars e Ago, September f,ocal residents for six yeats, Mr. and Mrs. George Esser observed Approximately $1,400 will e<f to the 4-H Town building fufed Besides being busily engaged •week to learn of the death of j 7.450 head were tested, with 485j the introductory phases of a variety! to erect certain buildings in the R. Michael Knox of North Crystal Lake, re-actors. "The T. B. orogram isi pf subjects, students at the local' A. Cepek Crystal Vista, Crystali their golden wedding anniversary on on Sunday evening, September 21, compulsory while the Bangs pro- high school have had their time well i Crystal Lake, for a summer vacation Wednesday of this week, sept* 24. 1947. Mr. Knox had been in poor gram is voluntary,". said Mr. Tam- j occupied the past week selecting 1 school. The appeal to the board of! They spent the day quietly at their | cago, will be director," assisted by14-H town just east of the Woodhealth for the past two weeks, but meus. Up to July 1, when the new I class and organization leaders for] appeals was denied. j home at Lrtv Lake, in happv antici- Miss Kathleen Henn, who is major-'stock city limits. The total amount VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS WILL PRESENT HOME TALENT PLAY CROW OF 800 ATTEMEO 4-H SALE SATURDAY . iff The Veterans of Foreign Wars. Fox Biver Post No. 4600, and its auxiliary unit are planning to present a- home-managed, home talent Elay on Tuesday, Nov. 11, in Mc- [enry. The purpose of the undertaking is two-fold--to celebrate; Armistic# Day and to enhance the V.F„W. club building fund. • | Good news to the public in strata! j and especially to the orgagnsations' themselves is the fact that^beCfWue of home direction. 95 per cent of the. proceeds will be available for the, adde buriding fund. Mrs. Kate Duesler. i as the result of the community sale who has directed many plays in Chi-; and picnic held last Saturday at Expect Building ^o Be Accelerated With^ Increase In Funds ® ppeai; Undc elected . on his condition was not regarded as Bangs law was passed making it the ensuing year. serious until Saturday, when he was necessary to test for 'Bangs before; Class officers were taken to the Woodstock hospital, selling an animal for breeding pur-: Tuesday as follows: In spite of his 83 years, the gallant, poses, there were only two forces; Seniors: Robert Peisert, presidentfight for, life which he had made causing the farm to test. One was in R0y Noren, vice-president; James for the past nin3 years against a order to curb a ruinous epidemic of Wegener, treasurer; Virginia' Freundt constantly recurring ailment made i abortion in his herd and the other, secretary. Ids family hopeful that he would be Wame >ie was afraid members of i Juniors: Clarence Feiereisel, presisuccessful again, but he died the fol- his family might, or actually did, i dent; Patricia Gilmore, vice-presi-j premises for vacation school purlowing day. • (contract unriulant fever from drink- dent; Joan Nett, secretary and treas-' po*»es in 1939 and that 1t was used Michael Knox, the son of Mr. andj ing raw milk from cows with the' urer. j for such with the exception of 1943, Mrs. John Knox, was born in Mc- disease. j Sophomores: Joan Biggers, presi-' ^9*4 and 1945, when operation was Henry on January 21, 1864. He was; According to the report, the Bangs; Hent; Roger Svoboda, vice-president-i suspended because of war regulaone of a family of eleven children reactor is more than twenty times as. Derrald Mercure, secretary and 1 tions. of which he was the last living mem-' prevalent as the T. B. reactor. This j treasurer. I The petitioner contends that the her. His parents moved to the Knox, report, according to the farm ad-' Freshmen: Donald Freund, presi- enforcing officer erred in denying home in Terra Cotta a few years viser probably does not have a dent; James Sales, vice-president;] the permit when he held that the after his birth, and except for a record of quita a number of cows Nancy Siemon, secretary and treas-] petitioner •WHS not a non-profit orri privately by practicing urer. ganization in that he maintained a The orchestra selected as its of-1 vacation school serving meals and er the provision of the Mc-jpation of Saturday, Oct. 26, when Henry zoning ordinance, the bill their children are planning an open asserts, the district upon which the property is located is zoned as class "E*. estates; "R-l," residents district and "R-2," residence districts. The bill continues that the petitioner erected buildings on the house celebration, in their honor, to be held in Chicago The. Essers moved to Lily Lake from Chicago's northwest" vide . just ing in speech at Northwestern's of the 200 articles and machinery graduate school of education. (auctioned was $8,800, with the 4*H Next Monday, Sept 29. there will orjfanizat5on receiving 15 per cent be a" special meeting" held, at which of the sfcIe- Last year, the fi**t ^ does not have a _ A of ouita period of three years following his: teste ... marriage he lived there the remain-; veterinarians, but the prevalence of der of his life. His marriage to Ifcoherty, daughter reacto$ is no doubt equally as- bad. and Mary Ann ty, the daugnter of Mr. Mrsl Michael Doherty of McHenry, took place on February 6, 1895, in St. Patrick's church. Their long and happy life together was filled with special rejoicing two years ago when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in February, 1945. Mr. Knox will be remembered as man whose friends were legion, TRADES CLASS BOYS C0NS1KUCT NEW HOME ficers for the year, Margaret Bolger, j drinks to the general public for a' president; Carol Harrison, vice-! profit. j oresident; Elaine Nell secretary;j Members of the board of review, Patricia Henn and Joan Biggers,] concerned in the proceeding are librarians; and Clarence Feiereisel) Frank Nagle, Fox River Grove;' l»nd Jack Thies, managers. Edward Deneen, Harvard; Ray Du-| | New l e a d e r s of t h e b a n d a r e j s e n b e r r y , M a r e n g o ; Roy K e n t , Mc- i Robert L. Freund, president: Diane! Henry and Harold Bacon, Crystal 1 1 • Freund, vice-president; Joan Big-j Lake: the enforcing dfficer, George, Hundreds of persons throughout' jsjers, Fecretary; Carolyn Freund, li-1 Jedlicka; and the issuing officer,; the nation, including many in our hrarian: Walter Mueller, Martin t Raymond D. Woods, county clerk, own community, will dream tonight Klapnerich and Harold Nye, man- '• • ! of a new hon^e which they hope will j agers. and it was his intense enjoyment of j some day be their own. The satis-1 Ofticers of the mixed chorus Intheir companionship which made the ^action qt providing such a home;P]U(]e iciaine Nell, president; Larry burden of his ill-health lighter dur-. for at least one of tnese families be-1 Haug, vice-president; Nancy Cristy, ing his later, more inactive years. Hongs to the boys of the Trades 2 secretary; and Betty Long, treat- He will be remembered, too, as a class at'the local high school and j urere. Librarians are Dorothy Justen nan whose name stood for the hig^h-, their able instructor, Ardin Frisbie. j and Terry Bauer est integrity and whose life wa^an i ^oviding the ^ project yet; The ath[etic associationf which citizenship. ^hmtian hvlng Bnd ^ ^ c^e in McHenry severalyears! c'u^e3 the entire student body, y. ' S chased a lot on Center street. .West "' 4 • Williams, MeHcniy, north ol ?h, Jo.ret. WB-! 3& PHWC S«rt^nt His life long' eareer of public service included membership in the AROUND THE i COURTHOUSE »JT was held this week Monday, Judge William M. Carroll presiding. Three1 retary and treasurer. The girl's ath- j K**™0"8 received naturalization pa ciation was for of which he was a member all his will be sold to the highest L bidder ^YC I|i l5 j ^,f^? a,^^y selected, am/4 ins mnnev <vkiok mav ho rth_ i l "e e l e c t i o n naving ceen Knights of Columbus, and the of- liams home as * ,oc*t^'|1J.or th* letic * association was fortunate to P*" •I'i various other cases were, MR. fice of trustee of St. Patrick's church,1 structure.• ,VP°n .completion, it hav. its officers alreadv heard, mcludi life, director of the Farmer's Mill, and any money wWch may be obits origin, director of the Terra i tained above including four divorce cases. , the election having been held pre- i Th« citizens given citizenship! before the beginning of the last war r^cn may oe po-i j the close of school papers had been examined previously having lived almost their entire cost of building "°u r 3 Thev are Marearet BolTO- ! <>" Monday they took the oath lifetime before 1941 in that locality, rchase new equip- president; Diane Freund vice-presi- of allegiance. They were David , Their address in the city was 32$9 MRS. GEORGE time anyone 17 years and older who time sueh an event was sponsored, is' interested in character or chorus ne* total for the 4-H was S1.7QO ' i« (Cordially 'invited to be pre- on a P®*" cent basia- Whi,e th| •f tKfe Community Consolidated community sales showed considerabB work sent school at 8 p. m. for tryouts. A1 Hinilsr Takes Overs Riverside Barber Shop" gam, they did not result in jas hi| prices as anticipated due to a li of bidders. An estimated crowd _ _ • *n attendance. , t- WlpV some of the smaller items were #ald and the entire proceeds j given to the 4-H, a majority of the New residents in our community ] machinery was sold on a perare Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hirdler, formerly centage basis. Top article was a of ChcapO, Mr. Hirdler having pur-j tractor and wagon which sold for chased the e<njipment and business 81.500. known as the Riverside Barber Shop.; With considerably increased • , , •• . --- i wmi.i-.biih *M..d, the ' plan n«w is w local basiness man was employed as; solicit manufacturers and big corn- *e!er*rh_t..e.J ne.wi building fund, now to a- barber in Hebron and Marengo and; orations such as the large "ol* pa?t fotfr y®ars has been companies during the winter, s in the Stevens hotel barber shop in to obtain additional funds so that Chicago. miik seeking SET IcHENRY CLOCKS BACK HOUR, SEPT. 28 Cotta SchotJ,* and school trustee of | will be used f V>og barn can be erected on the land early next year. The grounds, the site of the old McHenry county fair hws been leased by the 4-H from the McHenry county bo«»rd of supervisors. A small building is beimr erected on the premises and each year buildings will be added until j enough are provided to take care McHenry residents will join those adequately of 4-H fairs and other in other communities next Sunday i shows of this nature. morning when they catch up on thatj T,*st year a total of *5,400 was hour of sleep which they lost when1 raised in the county, mostly by 4-H daylight saving time went into *lubs, and it is expected that this effect last spring. Chicagoland will j amount will be doubled this year, turn its clocks back one hour at| Acfive Ringwood Clubs 2 a. m. on Sept 28, when central None are happier about the pr»- standard time will again go into eress of the new town than the effect until next May. Ringwood 4-H girls--the Ringwood Many suburban trains will change! Sunshine Girls and the Ringwood their schedules accordingly, butj Happy Clover Birls--both groups through-trains will remain the same ! having made valuable contributions never having adopted the daylight i to this worthwhile project.'Only re- Pton- cently they presented a 4-H flag to The shift in time^ as usual, will be j Clara Greaves Sweenev to flv over greeted with various reactions. Since the main building of the town. iO Ifunda township --f or a" »pl eriod of meTnht* f orra ntih<ek grtovwnoin gk tnrnadue s wcillal sselis», . Virginia Frireeuunnod iannud Dumvjfminmari B, o.im a,„ Alden formerly of Holland; Elston avenue, amid froflB his' home jits inception, the farmer _ Theee clubs hold' T. --. l»r cretartes; Senior representatives are , - . _ d Nancy Cristy,. form«r,y of Demaik. thirty^two years. The school trustee-1 The ranch type ^ house will be /^dreel'secretaries"^and^ElaimT^eTl I Anton Wieeer, Rinr^«od formerly of^tl'ere "My/Eeser" #et"©ut "eaftr m«rrt- . .. . . „ _ ship erided only the past spring Wtien about 860-eqwrt r jnstructed treasurer. Senior representatives are' German^-; anj Joarv CarlsOn, Capron, ing for twenty-seven years for his plan, since he must begin his early ivtvities during the past several i«on, cne warmer, has inese duos pow noid an hlMself' «s ofypoeed' fy -tnm stanrtMg record for "ttiefr commtttftty ft llA kastIM kSa aa«1«> ' n 4k. "«•»» «• t a poer health forced him to refuse to be candidate for'reelection. Mr. Knox is survived by his wife, L shape. It will include two bedrooms and bath, living room, kitchen with dining alcove, and gzrage Lotianne Bauer and >1ram full basement j^or representatives, Ferol Martin attached E wry thing' Marita ^"i»m», and sophoat. eo. e-Yerytn,n?' more reoresentatives. Joann Grotthus ! duties as foreman with Herman H. FOUR DIVORCES ; Hettler Lumber Co. Since coming to Judge Gloria eignt children, one daughter, Ellen, I »na . J representatives, having preceded him in death, and ; 'to fh«i chimney »nd an at- d L K johnson: eighteeen grandchildren. His chil-1 JJ?" 'f. 1 F. F. A. Leaders «b«n are: Florence, Harold, Vernon, the boys. The basement Mrs. William Wyman (Mabel), and to ® (Frances) of Woodstock; Edwaid P"t <>n and some heat provided .be- I John SJ^^er as pres dent. Final Orders of Cleveland. Ohio, and Robert of, *°W£,l ieilex tarlel ™of theer fb*oytsh aerre sweto9r.k,nin-g fR]au^l Ti °onnyyaann . sse^cVreetJarrvy , ^M iScftaiel ,ud«* Carroll entered or(]er -n the Pau, A this community he has been em- P*r ren.t behind morning work in darkness. City years. During the war they raised 'ollcs, however, have been almost 100; funds and had a service poll erected tile four divorce decrees given by ployed with George Kleinhans in hisi't provides the 9 to^ worker with1 jn Ringwood. . ~ lumber company east of the river.] fn .e*tra hour of daylight in which; These girls have also raised funds it saving, for i in the lit^ park at the crossroad* Carroll were as follows;, ,--, -- -- ... , , - -. . _ - DeRoche f^om Geoi^r De- The Esters, both of whom are in | to indulge in such favonte pastimes j by paper drives, scrap drives, ice boys, rne easement is expected _ ' ' ",'^.7"'v. R<*-he; Darlene (^oles from Charles fine health, have vivid and pleasant; as fishing arwl golf. | cream socials, programs, etc., to enbe poured by the end of this ^ f. A. (l-uture rarmers or Coles; August W Pare. Jr., from1 memories of their wedding day in . The time plan has gradually taken, able them to purchase and erect a k, after which work will progress A"" <*) a new ^t'on to the| j , c ^ ,.Pd Ellen M. Rodgers ' " ' r- ' -->ts place with the. weather--s"om e- 1 flag po*l e i" n their park. st_jo,.ph, Knox^a r i a : « 5 s s r L j ! S U B r v * ! ! S ' I S S i . 4 U . ' , g o'clock, when the funeral was until The body Wednesday mornini at Ft. Patrick's church, McHenry, with burial in St. Patrick's cemetery. ANIMAL LOVERS ARE URGED TO OBSERVE NATIONAL DOG WEEK others of such Rodgers 1M7, whi-n they were united in mar-i't® P**ce wi j riage in St. Therese church, Chica- thing which we att talk about and! Durinff the time that thev have 1 go. Their golden wedding aniversarv yet nobody does anything about it. I been making valuable cofctnbutions celebration was postponed because of. Daylight Mving time was votedl to their commantyy and (Aunty, the a daughter, who is in California at Ias a permanent plan aomt yMtfal girls have continued th«|r oroject , to be carried out through the | work, two of them having been so that they represented the at the state' fair this a final Zeien vs. in which thi present time. ! ago, DEADLIKE DATS OT GI JOBLtSS BKKim CLAIMS HAS BEEN SET vice-president; ^ ^ _ L/Hl ; |LfajnAfi #l at" 10:30 "truction at some time or another, f?• he rave custody^Tr three 'children ""Besides "the'To^t of old and new|£vc summer months from 1 to successful tl held e«h has been assigned the respon- the future Homeakers of Amenca^, ^^ with provi8ioTls.. f, i. n ^ who will be present at the, Oct. 1 each year. ' |Coqnty_4-H sibility for the completion of «er- chosen as its leaders, Louise, Seeks Damages 1 or>en house ne t month, the Essers toin portions of the structure. The Jbnnson, president; Nelda Hay, vice-j Merrill Yates, of Belvidere, filed «'<!' > lSo h ve \v:th them three work has been assigned as follows: i 8,,it <n the cirruft court asking giard^hildren. five grandchildren and Concrete work, George King and f' . *nd DaK* U'amages frt>m Joseph Fnrives and a"d three daughters, the latter being Kenneth Lawrence; framing, Eu- m „f - JosepK Ptelligrino, doing business as Mrs. Sophia Frigone, Mrs. Helen gene /Freund and Raymond Boro;> I £ i e ^ "dportant "»-! 'Double Joe" in a tavern at Big Valko and Mrs. Lillian Williams, rooting, Dave Cristy; siding. Bob\ novattois of recent years has been; Foot™e Joe ex o.g ^ ^ 0^^. Miller and Bob Peisert; interior |the-Student^ Council, ^1C^£U* aj Yates charged that he entered . . . ~. . trim, Bob P. Freund; furnace, Dick imuch needed role in the social "lie 1 the tavern on .Tun^ 1. 1947 and that Just about every w<ek has been Heuser; fireplace, Gilbert Christo- of the students. Senior rew-esenta-! Kvereti Kettletrn who was in the! .un.s^>t-. iy--> at ai;. T"®1"8' veterans dischwmd prior to July look with pride at this outstanding • little importance that out,ide painting. Dick Rirchhoff; Patrick Williams; junior representa-1 his ba4 permanent injuries Deadline date of OI jobless betie- Peter's c,aim8 !• July 25, 1949, for all r. They were Mary Ho»an and ol Martin, while C®rol Harrison, t leader of the Happv Clover ^ Club and a member of the Sunshins f^irfs, was one of the two girls frost the county to attend state leader- *hio camp. ^ When 4-H T<m» becomes a '^Mty •ind residents of the entire codShy ;•* was solemnized marriage John Emma Freund. In this majority of the people having any, antj Dick Peterson, knowledge of them at all. This week. SEEKS ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEER WORKERS ^EPRESE^AUVES, R^. J OF BELY?D CH& NETTEITOIL B,ar>- Doherty and Mary Ann Bol-1 intoxicate<1 and h^d b^n • given liquor prior to his HEXT OF KIN MAT NOW OBTAIN WORLD ' WAR VICTORY MEDAI^ be th..v come go without the: ^i K«S„ Vrf Mlrtta;"'iopK«: Y v'Albert ffSu'llL"/ « »»«"•» Sw. at least to animal lovers, belongs in' DOWNEY HOSPITAL the former category, for it is National Dog Week. In. such a community as ours, thi* would seem a very timely seven days for such a proclamation. With summer visitors lesving us for the winter months, each fall the problem of stray dogs presents itself in Mc- , Henry. While most transient guests in stroggly A U„nJjed M:l"1 Robert L. Gordon pointed out during fl'»m the community to our north* A. Jung and . Missj ^thhoe npa«s.ti nwne>e.ki.. Veterans discharged mmaayy rr?^*stt aassssuurreedd tthhaatt tthheeiirr uunnttiirriinngg ^ 9« ia*? !on or July 26, 1947, may file efforts have been rewarded with this readjustment allowance claims within, lasting monument. •. nd groom of- two yea„ from date of their spara-1 0il ^ riving it>on 'rom mi,'taiy or naval service. • 3* MILLION SCHOOL "When the U. a. congress -declared rtnTT TVBVlf ntimAin Word comes from Downey hospi-) tal for veterans that it is . in of doubling its number of volunteer More grey ladies are needed Next of kin of deceased. veterans o"r community feel as Strongly and many m" ore mJ e.n an.d w" "o--men" nnooww mmaayy oobwta»inn twh>e« Wnwornlda W"«arr "II their pets as anyone else, there trained m arts and skills to work Victory Medal, Philip E. Bierdeman, aie always a few who fill their 'n occupational therapy rooms. Vol-minois Veterans Commission officer aaad for a watch doe and Det during unteer# ar* wanted to provide more for McHenry County, has announced iiimmer and ihin di^ver that entertainment also. Some wards are Application for the medal may b< .. wa" ! twenty-five years will offer sold or so]emn high mass of thanksgi' .. ^ - .. j . •otering Celebrant at this mass will th'»t th" ".« ™-iS:^,.,°h»D^id,nr BY sAnrr COUNCIL sponsible for his condition. ment allowances, as of July 25, oomincTkventiee-- Club-- the -summer and then discover that crowded conditions in the city make »,d hmv* hadJ,}>1* "° d,ver: made at any army or navy recruiting keeping the animal an inconvenience! 8,on 'or • Pen^of -time and 8tation or at any office of the oi*a- The result is a lonely, bewikier«d °ne *1°°? of,8r*"*r*1 n,xed reserve. Veterans orgamsadog wandering the streets to the ?»" .h"d only .one ,ince th« tions also are assisting in distnbuannoyance of others. (hospital opened. _ tidn of these mdals. The person who long ago made the! _ The problem was presented to the; Only proof of eligibility necessary statement that "man's best friend Council of Community Service to is the letter of notification of death, i. hi, do*" found th.t h. W., "«• Thi.mc^S •U,emen'* ,r* :» composseedd o'f Red Cross "co- o*~rdJ"i - ' '• September 21 East River Road Pinochle Mrs. Ben Diet*. September 2f - 27 Rummage Sale -- Buch Builjding, Riverside, Drive -- Sponsored by O.E.S. October I St Mary's - St. Patrick's School P„ T. A. October S Lily Lake P. T. A.--Schoplhouse-- 8 p. m. * * " . - October 5 . Business A Professional . Women's The next of kin is defined in the1 Cliib--District Meeting, i Pankovits. M. S. C., serving deacon and Father Eugene Jung, M. S C., the iubilarians' son, ss subdeacon. Father Jung is in his first year of theology it Safcred Heart Seminary in Shelby, Ohio. There will be a reception at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Jang home for about 100 invited guests. Open house wi!t be held in the evening from 7 until 10 o'cUg*, flso rt • '*»ir I cme. World w.r „ <mn«EW CACnOMED luiy ZB, }947,n Director ^Gordon explained,I Twentv-four miUion American "the two-year limit on readjustement; school children look upon September allowance claims for veterans al- with apprehension. "Back to school" r*~y discharged was automatically means carefree vacation, days are set at July 26. 1949. Veterans dis- over charged on or sfter July 26, 1947, The National Safetv Council and have two years from date of dis- gtste and city authorities slso look charge in which to file readjustment upon September with apprehension, allowance claims. Any veteran who because "back to school4* to .them enlisted or re-enlisted between Opto- means more children' on the streets her 5, 1945, and Oct«^)er 5, 1946, sn<j a /greater chance for traffic may fill a readjustment allowance tragedy. claim within two yeart from the end To meet the threat of a growing of his first enlistment or of his re- child death toll as young America enlisment, as the case may be. , sets out on foot on bicycles, in cars '"Veterans who returned to civilian „n<| busses for the el Tiles 12,000 Damage Si# For Daughter's Injuria*- r Samuel W. Carson, Harvard, and, ,ob# during 1946 and have accumu- tember has teen deaigi . i as "Back John H. Kundert are defendants in, Jated sufficient wage credits • to to School Safety Month" and a complaint at Jaw^ brought^ behalf, qualify % benefits under the Illi- special effort is being made to eduofRuth Wille^ReinholdWiUe, her n o i8 Unemployed Compensation law C B t e children and motorists in safe alone in his belief. An occasional pat the table make for a loyalt\ which Da\®rs 'ro™ rules for distribution of these medals Benefit Party--Sponsored fry St.! father, for $2000 damages. The bill,may qualify for state benefits during habits^ soir* of us would do well to possess. L«ke «ounty. Kenosha county, Ka- as tbe first of the fo lowing living; Mary's-St. Patricks School P. T.A.I was filed in circuit court last Satur-; a period of unemployment between -i,ast year 2 800 children of el«- You will feel a certain Satisfaction r,ne c.^nty reUtiv,e?: wl,dow L or widower, eldest j October 6 day by the law firm of McCauley; now ,nd March 31, 1§48, when their mei1tray school ag if you have contributed to National / ,was .alS,.dec,ded »on, eldest daughter, father, mother, Altar ft Rosary Sodality Meeting. 1 --J "r-:- " - " " J - ' - - - - * Dog Week by extending a friendly Rockford and Chicago R«i Cross eldest brother, eldest sister or other October 1« ' -h and• and a f-e w scraps to the next chapters to npa.rrttii«ciip,«attee .inn tthe vohluin-- relative. Mother's Club--Mrs. Geo«ge Johnson. neglected dog you meet. In the ab-! . f-. • *r- Beirdewan also pointed out sence of a humane society in cur .The patients ttat^B eaaununity report any stray dogs to )*r m*"V ^the World War II Victory Medal by the local police. They r»ay know of th* addtion of 660 beds for tubercu- merely presenting their original dis- * someone who would welcome in (heir family. Mt! pitie^ts is new being contem- charge to the sources of distribu- • ^ I plated. With fthkiiss ii nnic*rMekaaseeA ii ft ilsa seaostyv ati!o.a-. ___________ . i to visualize the ever growing need: -- FNTERS SEMINARY | for voiunteer ^ )J'E! New State County Plan Kenneth Karls, 14, son of Mr. and • J"1 ,or theSe un" Mr- Joe KaHs of Johnsburg, .has; fortunate veterans. entered the Sacred .Heart Mission; >«.»••*•••« ••••»»• »ee»»ite»e Provides For Re-Foresting ered i _ _ ifhary at Geneva & study for the priesthood, fle would be happv to' hear from his friends at the abovs address. MEETING DATE CHANGED The meeting of the McHenry County League of Women Voters. a branch rif the Illinois League of Women Voters, scheduled to meet at the home of Miss Mabel Hobbs in Woodstock on Sept. 26, has . been postponed until Oct. 10. COMBINATION TRAP SHOOT WITH OPTTONALS. On Sunday, | Seyt. 28, 10:30 a. m.. skeet shooting for practice. Refreshments; ing served. Wing St Fin Club, Hy, - between Vole and Fox Lake. 4w Lake, 111. Complete line of B>|b> lhwstedct Kvahni * yeesedies at Wattlss Dng Btatm, Me.tMrarded a V.monx the Sick »e»o«••••*••»•#« »»••••»»•« Aa agreement has been worked out between the state department of conservation and the McHenry county soil conservation district where lands on farms cooperating William M a dtl o c k underwent1 ™th the district that are classed as •urgery at the Woodstock hospital ™>t fit for crops or pasture, will be lamtweek ! automaticallv eligible for free service M- Mvrti# a.nfcorn of Sorinir in the planting of trees and shrubs Grove has been a medial patient at; by the stete department. This is done • S'Mr?"EmA. FrS' U^ri~5"'iU | a^ry •gbp-S'.SS*- X"' isnta 'foSS October 12 Columbus Day K. of C. Parochial School HaU« , October 1« C. D. of A. Initiation. rr: Party-- _r . u and 7.650 young •nd Weir. nrju- i wage credits expire,' Gordon p«0pie of high school and college The bill relates that Ruth Wille added. 'Such veterans may *lect to ,ge were killed in traffic accidents." 10, was ndmg as a wwt in a car>c|a{m either readjustment allowance jaid Ned H. Dearborn, president of being driven west my Mr. Carson under the GI Bill or unemployment the National Safetv Council. "Accion a dirt road one mile south of t it 1iq2 . 8t. ILoeb Wroc•tTag^ lfi^ mL«!in)birerr^ Cr«-.i <iW<», i-»hl<» land on the twenty-five or fanM ^ ^ ^ the program will be recommended. ftrom George' Order year ^iPfalndealei. a»ih* TEARFUL STORY A strange and unusual event oclast week, at State Bank of Richmond when the tear gas was accidentally released by a little girl, whose identity is desired to remain unknown. Apparently, the little lass accompanied her father, who went into the bank or. business, and, while he _~ of his private papers locked in a safety deposit box, did a little exploring of her own. Somehow, she accidentally struck a gadget, which released the tear gas, and before long the interior of the bank was fitted With the gaseous element; Harvard, Sept. 15, 1947, and thatj ^ Mr. Carson deliberately. Willfully, time, apd wantonly drove through a state stop sign onto Route' 14 and his car collided with that driven by John H. Kundert, traveling south on Route 14. The bill alleges that the child suffered injuries that has eonfined her to a hospital. compp^ennssaattiioon under the state law, dents are the chief cause of death <£anuot' dr*» both at j^ sanie among children. For example, they . „ „ I claim six times as many lives in tike . ' .5-14 age than pneumonia." RESIDENCE CHANGES FORM 8PANI8R CLASS The Spanish clast W*hich j formed in McHenry by s going through some adults last sprihg has progressed so * - - - fsvorably that a beginners' class is being discussed* to start in the near Births IMMMMIIIIIIMMIMM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heidecke are X9. ESCAPES DEATH ~ Marr A. Brown, 80, of With her young daughter and a neighbor's child, miraculously pod death recently, Mrs. Brnion's cat Mailed on the See Line railroad tracks at Rt. ISO croesing. She poshed tile children to safety and ten escaped herself a moment before i ft sight train hit the car and wracked R. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoyer of Volo hive moved frbm tliere farm and are "Ow living on the Manle Line Farms in Grayslake. Their Volo home has, been rented to Mr. and Mrs. John the * parents of a daughter, bom intAiwJfZd Kine of th« King Beverage Co., in Sept j8 at the Woodstock hospital. Round Lake. | A girl was born at the Woodstock ;hosnital on Sept 20 to Mr. and Mra. MARRIAGE LICENSES j j . Keevii. future. Anyone who wishes to devote1 . A daughter wa,s born at Victory two or three hour* a week to study Normal A. Henke, Woodstock, MemorW hospital. Waukrsran• ^>t of the language is welcome, and Evelyn K. Anderson, McHenry.' *eek to Gendd IfamU Interest persons are asked to eon-: Robert L. Sheriff, West McHenry, of Rt. 1, Waukegan, formerly of Urt M„ K. All... . rrintl. M„ G|.n w^p, «f EXTINGUISH GRASS FIRE j "Berndt R. Huntington, Johnsburg. Richmond are<^ parents of a^so. The McHenrv fire department was 1 and Mar;e Jackson.^Jolmsburg. I bom at St,_Therese hospital, called to the Herb Simon residence sbout 11:30 on Tuesday morning of this week to extinguish a grass fire which threatened to daiMg* a chicken house. William J. Sceloff, Chicago, andjkegaa. an Sept. 19. June A. Hebbe, McHenry. Daniel J. Powers, Woodstock and, LUlian M. Winkelmann, WVradstock.1 Mi-Place Green St Complete Hne of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry. t-tfCo NOTICE Reetorant McHenry, m Cesseat Blocks For Sale Cheapen day every ThureJsr aafcfl IMir Wrecking Building Waukegan Rd. and! notice. Front St. Loeb Wrecking A Lumber! ftp. KM.