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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1947, p. 4

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IZIOH WiB WEPDHWl BMor and Manager. A. H. Kosher! Zion Evangelical Lutheran church BBtttM HUMTIKO1 _ A quiet bat lovely wedding service Associate EditorT.-Adele Froehlich [ was the scene of a pretty wedding I took place last Saturday afternoon ^. i last Saturday when June Hebbe, j at 8:30 o'clock in the rectory of St. fcltwd as seeond class aiattar at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George i John's church, Johneburjr, Rev. Fr. Mw poetoffiee at McHenry, 111., aader Witt, became the bride of Mr. the act of May 8, 1879. Oae Tear €DITORIAI - SSOCIATION liam Sieloff, son '"of the WUter Sie- II .. \ loffs of Whitmore Lake, Mich. Rev. fg.00: Frederick Pudsell officiated at the 2 o'clock service. The bride was charming in a grey ; crepe dress with royal blue acces- A. J. Neideri officiating. United in marriage were Miss Marie Jackson, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, v.»rl Mr. Berndt Huntington, son of the R. Hqntingtons, both of Johnsburg. Display ads for the Plaindealer will be accepted until Tuesday noon 1 of the week ad is to appear. Classified ads will be accepted until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. News must be in our office by 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Thoto by A. Wcrwlok, iloHtnrv P. T. A. Planning Benefit Party -• -V^.- . At the next regular meeting of St. Mary's St. Patrick's school P. T. A., iinal plans will be made for the benefit party which that organisation is planning for Sunday evening1, Oct. 5. Mrs. Henry Weber is chairman of the, committee in charge of the Oct. 1 meeting and will be s&ifcttd by the mothers of eighth grade students, who . will act, as'! hostesses. blue dress with brown accessories Teachers Enjoyed and a corsage of multi-colored glads Oating Sept. 18 and white asters. After discontinuing their annual Jame# Sieloff, (brother of , the get-acquainted party and picnic dur- groom, served as best man. ing the war, teachers of the local Following the ceremony, a recepgrade and high schools and their tion was held at the Witt home, at *riunes resumed this popular outing Griswold Lake, after which the last Thursday evening. Almost fifty j couple left for Chicago to make their •were in attendance at Veterans future home. Acres, near Crystal Lake, to enjoy The bride has been employed at an a steak fry and picnic lunch, the1 A & P store in the city, and the latter having been prepared by Miss groom Working in Chicago as an May Justen and her home-making electrician. . clashes. sories and a cor sage consisting of a red rose surrou nded by white asters. She was attended by her sister, Miss Virginia Witt, who chose Photo by A. WorwicK, McHenry The uttractive bride chose abraoir.e suit with which she wove HATTfRS Mr.and Mrs. Walter Fay of Bellingham, Waah„ called on Me- Henry friends last Sunday. Frank Altaian and daughter, Sara Beth, of Pontiac, Mich., visited in the James Sayler home a few days the first ofthe week. Rchard Ward left Sunday foi Valparaso, Ind., where he is oeginning his second year at Valparaiso University. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. .Ward •i '•* •" v j- r **>•* -;«» V, 0 Guests during the past week in the WANT TO SET Nick Freund home were Miss Gloria Schupp of Vineland, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. W. Vandermars of Tulsa, Okla., or KBT? Business Women's Calendar Announced The calendar of the McHenry County Business, and Professional Women's club for the ensuing year; was announced last week by the program cfl-ordinator, Marguerite Desmond of Woodstock. McHenry ladies will serve with others as follows: October Miss Ethel Jones,; membership program; November Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan, public affairs; Deceniber< Sirs. A. H. Mosber ( radio and social; January, Mrs. | Cornelius QuinUm. hostess; February; Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. Harold Steffan, international relations; Mrs. George Collette. Mrs. Elizabeth Pich, Mrs. Peter M. Justen and Miss Ethel Jones, hostesses; April, Mrs. Elizabeth Pich, news service. Miss Marion Seewald, district director, set Sunday afteVnoon, Oct. 5. at the Woodstock high school for j the meeting of District 2. Miss j Ethel Jones of this city has been.1 nameel chairman of registration. SEPTEMBER BRIDE MARRIED SATURDAY ack accessories and a pink feather hat. Her corsage was of pink roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Frank May, who wore a fuchsia colored suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. James Hetterman, a friend of the groom, se'-v^d as best man. The bride's rrother selected a blsuk dress, with which she wore a pink carnation onrsiige. The groom's mother was attired in a' gold colored dress and wore a corsage of assorted colored asters. A bridal dinner was served following the ceremony at the Jackson home, with forty persons in attendance. In the evening about 200 guests were present to honor the young couple at a reception held at the Huntington home on the Ffcx river. Later in the evening the bride and groom left on a wedding trip, upon their return Oct. 1 will reside in an i apartment on the river, near Johns- McHenry friends' will be interested to learn of the marriage of Miss Lillian Winkelmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Winkelmann of rural route, Woodstock, and Mr. Daniel Powers, sort of William Powers, also of Woodstock. The marriage service was read at St. Mary's church in that city, with Rev. Joseph Egan reading the nuptial ceremony. burg. The lovely bride 'wore a white J Mrs. Iiuntk.gton graduated from \ satin gown made with long train, her Photo by Medlar fff'ltRS. KENNETH HAMPER One of the largest and most beautiful of the early fall weddings to occur in this viciinity took place on Sept. 13 at St. John's church, Johnsburg, when Miss Thelma Lay became the bride of Kenneth Hamsher. Miss Lay was attended by Miss Ann Schaefer as maid of honor, and three bridesmaids, Miss Lorraine Freund and Miss LaVerne Freund of Johnsburg, close friends, and Miss Terry Miller, a cousin of McHenry. All were atrired 'n gowns of taffeta and velvet, with velvet bands and plumes on their heads. Complete details of the wedding appeared in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. WINKELMANN--POWERS VOWS EXCHANGED AT WOODSTOCK SEPT. 20 and Father Nick Schmitt of frenne sey, Okla. Miss Irene Kuraites of Naugatuck, Conn., was a guest of Miss Catherine Schwerman a few days last week. On Sunday they left for Valparaiso University in Indiana, where they are roommates. Mrs. Wesley Guffey and guelst, Miss Mr.rge Dunn, spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss M-irian Smith, student nurse at St. Joseph's hospital Elgin, spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Lois Wiedeman of Chicago was a McHenry visitor last weoc-. end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carpenter ' of Chicago visited her parents, the Ben J. Brefelds, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike LaValle of Streator spent a few days last week visiting relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters,* Diape and Monica, Mrs. Mollie Given and Miss Ann Frisby spent Sunday in the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago, where Mrs. Givens was honored at a birthday celebration. ! 7-- : -*"• . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey of {The Mullens, family formerly McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. George j operated a hotel in Crystal Lake. Jones of Woodstock are vacationing i Mrs. Math Laures and Mr. and in the Southwest. i Mrs. W. C. McGlaseon enjoyed a few m 'OU can borrow here and pay off your bothersome and perhaps high-cost obligations. Then you'll have only one monthly payment to meet instead of many and you concentrate on reducing it systematically. We'll welcome your inquiry. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insaraace Cerporatiefc MATTERS *~YOUR~*RON*V S^ oyed at . _th e Riv^r ! side Manufacturing Co. The fcride- ! groom received his education in j Chicago school"? end served with the j navy for three years. Since his re- •'•ase, he has l.oen employed i.i his grandfather's 1. -ndry in Chicago. X^JCARD OF THANKS I wish in this way to express- my sincere thanks toTfriends and neighbors for the nrayers, cards and visits during th| time I was confined to the hospital. They were o-i-eatly appreciated. > ]9 , . MRS. JOflfN FREUND. CARD OF THANKS I Irish in this manner to express my sin X-re thanks to all who sent Mr. and Mrs. William Justen and Mrs. Catherine Rauen are leaving this week. for Newport, R. I. for a two weeks' visit in the home of the formers' daughter and husband, Dr. INFANT DAUGHTER OF SPRING GROVE COUPLE IS DEAD days' vacation at the Laures resort at Long Lake, Wis., last week. j Little Dianna John Dreymiller and William CIax-| twin daughter -oi ton returned Tuesday evening from Diedrich of Spring n.],wo_revS' trip to Yellowstone) away at the Woodstock Hospital -.ynn, 5-day Mr. and Mrs, Grove, anMrM«ndR^rt Maurice Creueh ,t- oJfa^Tw.'thlS^rS i recently in the Continental hotel > in Chicago. . . . . . , • . t w i n s i s t e r , D o n n a L e e ; a l s o t w o Mrs. Arleen Johns and daughters other sisters, Betty and Nancy, and w • • ri . n XI . and Mrs Audrey Frednckson and three brothers, Bobby, Dick ani Miss Marjone Duker, R. N., of; son of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. James Danny Chicago, spent a day last week visit-1 West of Athens, Ga., visited rela- Funeral services were held o.q* ,ng her parents the C. H. Dukers. tives in McHenry last Thursday o'clock on Monday morn^ at sj, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krause and Mrs. afternoon. Peter's church Sorine Grove wim Maud Rothermel enjoyed a trip- to Miss Zenith Ellis of Dubuque, burial in the cemetery! ' Minnesota last week. Iowa, spent the weekend visiting : ' 4 V* George Johnson has been enjoying Mrs. William F. Doherty. Xoutluul Prodigy a vacation from his duties at thei Jack Forristal and Miss June; Before he was eieht vear* Alexander Lumber Co. He and Mrs., Strachan of Chicago were guests Thomas Babinptnn Ma<-onfatr Johnson spent two weeks in the la^t Friday in the William Staines EnS hf^riln Smoky Mountains. home here. English historian, had written a Johhny, Mike and Mary Lynn; Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Mrs. work e'J*rled "Compendium of Uni- Purvey of Crystal Lake spent several! George DeRoche were Woodstock XfrsaI History" and a romance in days last week in the Albert Purvey callers on Monday. , three cantos called the "Battle of homp here. Mr. and Mrs. Orson VanVleet of, Cheviot." Mfs. Cecelia Knox and Mrs. John of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Gary : Geary, the latter of Volo, attended Peirce of Elgin were weekend Complete line of Beebe livestodl \ shouldej- length veil of net being heir* in place by a halo of white feathers. She wore a corsage of white carnations. „ Her matron of honor, Mrs. Dale Gates, wore a yellow formal with yellow feather headband and a corsage of white and orchid gladioli. Mina Schlick and the bride's sister, Marion Greenleaf, acted as bridesmaids," Miss Schlick was attired in aqua, with matching feather headband, and a corsage of white and _ __ ^ „ pink gladioli, while Mrs. Greenleaf the funeral of a cousin, Albert Mul- visitors in Peter°W. Freund home on remedies at Wattles Drug Store"li2 wore a lilac colored formal withilen, in Belvidere last Wednesday Waukegan street. Henry. AJT matching feather headband and a ^ r _ r _ r ... r ^ L^jWn\ ,_x . ^ corsage of white antf* yellow gladi- • oli. man jThoto by A. .WorwicJ^ McHenry MRS. JOHN OETNER Before her marriage in St. Pat-, rick's church on Saturday morning, i Dale Gates served as best and David Powers ushered. A reception for 150 sruests foli SrSrin^th"1tfrne*^ who vi f s}^| a^the Le^on^HaH. Late?the^coupS ' ^ •<- i t-u WaS con*lne<* leit on a honeymoon trip, after which ( to the hospital. These many re- they will reside in Woodstock, membrances . were 4 greatly ap- ~ " "* i predated. - i19 • MRS- Johanna SMITH. SCARD OF THANKS e * 1Q 11* TV. M5«' t^s ma"ner we wish to thank * P J,3, s; ? ?- ; neighbors, friends and relatives for Anna Guzzardo. Tha touple was mar-1 flora! offerings, donations of ca^s ried in a beautiful^ nuptial service and the many other kindnesses of» solemnized by Rev. Fr. J. A. Vanderpool in a chUrch beautifully decorated for the occasion with bouquets of autumn flowers. LOCAL K. OF C. COUNCIL PLANS PUBLIC PARTY FOR COLUMBUS DAY fered at the time of the death our infant daughter. Wte are fco grateful for the services of Father Daleiden. MR. AND MRS. Ef>. ftlEDRICH *19 . AND FAMILY The use BMMM Problem The local Knights of Columbus I *tes a residue proble-n similar to plan a public party at St. Mary's-' that creato i by the use of lead ar- St. Patrick's school hall on Columbus' senate. .• „--_^_:T • Day. October 12» j " :r •' ' ' ~ Stanley Schaefer, program chair-1 Both Mr. and Mrs. ^Powers are graduates of the Woodstock high school. Mrs. Powers is employed air Shady Rest and her bridegroom operates a Wisconsin Collection agency. Wedding guests were present from DesPlaines, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Elgin, Harvard, Chicago, MarengO| Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, Wonder Lake and Greenwood. CARD OF THANKS I "want to thank all of my friendi who gave me gifts and cards during the time I^was in the hospital. They made tht> time pess a lot faster. Thanks again. \CK1E PEARSON. Complete line of * Lee's poultry ™>medies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf SS; FSTtJ'ZJSlZ X ^ i l ' l l ' W l i M l i i T i r i i . ] i i l » , , i , i , , public is invited and urged to attend * * MR. AND MRS. ROBERT SHERIFF nitIJf In a beautiful nuptial service solemnized at St. Patrick's church j last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Music, games, lunch and general society are on the, list for the eve- Woolen Blankets Miss Eileen Esterlev of East St. Louis, Mo., became the bride of Mr. Robert Larry Sheriff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Sheriff of Mc- CiiUcm Lake. Blankets must contain at least 25 per cent wool to make a noticeable difference in" fluffinpss and warmth. Shale Oil j Uphold Court's Integrity ^ Only one justice of the United i States Supreme court has ever . been impeached-and that orte was untapped 100 bniion°barrel reSrve" the ben^h a"d resum®d [^is seat on duction may be ne^'ssa^y a few f®achme"1 were brought before years hence unlw« - the senate against Justice Samuel discovered " ^ Chase in 1804 because 9f his activi- | ties in behalf of the Federalist party. INWINTER where it counts I t G.E. Sutibowl Heater Quick, clean odorleas beat with this port able! Adjustable, 14- inch copper-plated reflector Tor maximum radiation. US A.C. «D.& Semi-Circle Heater $ \v hether you want it for your WiTtable ^ for a wonderfid pft, therfe is nothing finer than silverware useful but lasting. i». E. "Ariaonaf* radha^ M»v«etion>tTpe hitir ART duty, foal Mt isleaf 4Ue unit. 18 inches It's not only r 50-piece \Vmk Kk>gm & 8on 52-piece 1847- Rogers ^ 52-piece (,oramunit\ rmmouM Mak* 64.75 Healing Pad ... 69.75 4iVi£> Sterling in five patterns, place setting,.. tax inc. •wt Uternostatlcelly mhtf. three-wav ewh* fm IaMiUtodMdL w» Mftm St.. HoHenrf- Geerfe Oalletl* Owaer m Kaki StrMC ^ l _ _ •1 n*'--: • tfin w BwwJy fm I'M M MIIMII i MI I > ij^ii n n #kM(> SM Plume McHenry 123-J 'Hi TLLMUMIMMUM W'«'. '•! ' • i' i'-. vflb* air cushion (see ffiastratton), by absorbing jolts and bumps, protects the tire's eord body from over-strain, and assures easier, Mwrs comfortable, riding. Only Fireetooe Hydro-Flation provides this advantage. Tear tire's treads wUi last much longer and you'U notice much greater pulling power. Get weighting at the lowest cost with Firestone, Hydro-Flatten. Ho dismounting is necessary * S e r v i c e a t Our S t o r e or a t Y o u r F a r m gOMPARE THESE SALE PRICES Tirestone CHAMPION TIRES WITH ANY OTHERS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY . . . OONT WAITy. %YOU MAY BE LATE! S.Mzl6 .^...1.-- • I1'J» pies tax. 1435 " • 7.#isl5' 1MI '*• • . J|H1« : -1«# ^ Other Paseengtr Car Tire* Prepertienately Lew ia Price - ICveryene operating one or more tra^ka will mt* ismMhiMi money by baying at *or sale prim. We hav» in stock all alaee ef fIBBBTONE Traaspoit" Track Jtleea gladly qaoted en request. FljSTONE Batteriea. Siaea to fit aU on battery. . tnsk.Wt aOew ft to $4 far ^Walter J. Freund :&Rm. | AU Week Gaaraateed .' i - Z - • VTeet McHewv" OTEN^ EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ^ H *• '*• « •."V. .rt» ..WfS...... % J. r.^rs

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