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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1947, p. 6

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v CLfi $5! F! E SECTION NOTICE Bwttw of tin inai mtar of duiifM idi which iWMr In tka Plaindealer each wesk. we have found it impossible to kesp books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for More this section of the paper roes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SA£E FOR SALE--Browrt tiMHMftt Heatrola coal stove, $18; faur-deCk, 900-espacity electric Burfby Penn brooder; four-deck finisher, new; reasonable. Phone McHenry 653-J-l. *19 FOR SALE--Gallon jugs. McHenry Ice Cream Co. Tel S02. *19 | FOR SALE--New Martin motor, { 1940; outboard motor in box at dis- , count. Tel. McHenry SOS or Rich- ! mond 404. 19 ! FOR SALE--Boy's clothes, size 16, , almost new; boy going into army. Bisbee, Oak Drive, Wonder Lake, , first road north of .Handy Pantry, I first house. ~ *19 FOR SALE--Quaker 4 to 5-room i spae oil heater, 10-in. burner. Comi pel led to sacrifice. Excellent condi- I tion. Phone McHenry. 237-R. *19 FOR RENT--Furnished, four rooms; gas heat; all conveniences; garage attached. Call A1 Severing haus, phone McHenry 194. *19 FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with or without bath; ideal. Oak Park Hfttel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 1M WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Veteran, wife and daughter desire two or three room apartment. Phone 266 between 4 and 6 p Ask for Mrs. Dslton. room 2. •19 LOST --1 FOR SALE--Ten-ton oak firewood, and 20 inches long. Tel McHenry 194. *19 FOR SALE--Violin, trumpet Hawaiian guitar; reasonable. Arthur SchulU. Box 57, Richmond; 111. Tel. .. , ; goo »191 FOR SALE -- Hoy s bicycle with ' • -- j generator, headlight, tail light, wheel HOUSE FOR SALE--Five rooms j driven bell, saddle cover, extras, and bath; insulated and furnished; Voss, phone 797-R after 6 p. m. *19 ready to occupy. Second road from j . . blacktop, Wicklhje Bay, Wonder FOR SALE---Blackand white English Lake Shown bv Mr. Heilman, across Springer 10 months old. Call Mc- •19: Henry 210-K. *19 LOST.--Strng of beads; Keepsake; near Bolger's Drug Store. Reward. Return to "Jean" at drug store. *19 LOST--Brown wallet, within vicinity of Bridge Tavern and Colony Theatre Tuesday evening. Call McHeni 697-R-l. Reward. snry U»i the street. FOR SALE -- 1929 Pontiac in good fOR SALE -- New 2-bedroom year condition. Nett's Sand & Gravel, Rt. /ound home, ftally msulM, 8 mm. 1, McHenry. Tel. 584-R-2. * 19 • depot; full basement; automatic _i i -- -- ! hot water; fully; plastered; central FOR SALE--1936 Harlev-Davidson heating plant;.sanitary tubs; city motorcycle, model 80; very fast bike. electric. Hard roads. This Leland Berg, West McHenqr. TeL h.ome "ncreased m value $1,000 >19 since beme built; my price the same 'as originally planned. Shown by ap- FOR SALE--Dining room suite, 8 pointmept only pieces. Tel. McHenry 685-W-2. *19 care Plaindealer. Write Box* 19 FOR SALE -- Used chicken wire; FOR SALE--Cast iron pipeless fur- H-in. wire; feeding troughs; two | nsce, 26-inch firepot; A-l condition; Hollywood beds. Call Pistakee1 reasonably priced. Address Box 56, 645-M-l. *19 McHenry, 111. *19 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--6-ft. refrigerator, good condition. Can be seen Saturdays or Sundays. Joe Kroh. Tel. McHenry 699-J-l. WANTED WANTED --W- nave cash buyers ' for summer homes, city property and , .FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE Rt' TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- j; ' . SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle.! I' Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call 0r Ct"C>g0> Ph°"e LincohLi!^?l!l ^ write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. PeaH WANTED--Watches and jewelry to St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf, repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. 71 Green street, McHenry. (Front part FOR SALE--Two young pet rac' of Claire Becuty Shoppe.) 15-cf coons, tame. TeL McHenry 289-W. *19 HELP WANTED FOR SALE--'Beautiful new Presto* line electric ranges in stock; largest oven-on the market; built-in electric clock and timer, deep-well, etc. For demonstration call Richmond 404 or McHenry 303. Coles Radio Service, Rt. 12--% mi. So. of Richmond or Venice Park, McHenry. . 19 FOR SALE--Pedigreed Boxer pup, male; 5 months old; champion stock: | Tel. McHenry 414-R between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. *191 persons living on route from Wau- ' --J- * "cH< HELP WANTED MEN 1st, 2nd and 3rd Shifts WOMEN 1st sad 2nd Shifts Top Wages--Incentive Systems Apply in person at personnel department. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Woodstock, 111. Good transportation available for CEMBNT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park, McHenry. Tel 686-M-2. *19-2 CABINET AND CARPENTER WORK WANTED ' McHENRY 974-J-l. . *18-2 SEPTIC TANKS and GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a complete drainage service; modern equipment; complete engineering. Clogged sewer? Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging* no lawn mess. Lake County Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Preston Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf Uw Morning After #eorge, the Negro janitor *1 *he college, listening to the learned discussions %of the professors, developed a great liking for big words and, as a prominent member of his local lodge, he began to make use of them in his remarks to his fellowmembers. One morning, after delivering an important address at his lodge. George was discovered by one of the professors diligently searching through erne of the college's large unabridged dictionaries. "Picking up some words for yotSr next speech, George?" the professor laughingly inquired. "No, sah, no, sah," replied George, "I'se jus' translatin* t' mahself de speech I done made las' night." , EXTREME "POLITENESS FLOOR TILE--Asphalt and rubber linoleum; sink tops. Ray Irion, Woodstock, III. Phone Woodstock 699-M. ^ *17-8 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair «nd install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenqr. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE yVORK--Gutters and furnaces re- Kired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., 1, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. •13-8 FOR SALE--Quaker oil burner, price $40. Tel. Richmond 736, between 5:30 and 6:30 p. m. j conda to McHenry. REPRESENTATIVE *19 i Lifetime employment with the largest Catholic publication in America, FOR SALE--Ninety fryers; White! THE EXTENSION MAGAZINE Rock chickens, 3 months old; $1.25! For Kane, McHenry and Kendall each, alive. TeL McHenry 608-W-l. | counties. Established and protected *19 territory, support from your Bishop __ I >n(j * •- CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-l when in need of Insulation or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated brick siding, weather stripping, or combination screen and storm windows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros. Roofing Co. 43-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 123 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M or 716-M. 42tf WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, 111. Plione 277. 49-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Type wriloc'al clergy, former" represent/- ters and adding machines repaired FOR SALE--Five-room house at tive transferred. {and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon McCullom Lake; modern; 88 feet Write or call J. H. Branch, District paper. Frank J. Immelcus, Jr., 103 frontage, near beach, on improved Manager, 617 N. Second St., Mil- Main St* McHenry. Phone McHenroad; priced for quick sale, $4,500. j waukee, Wisconsin, Broadway 8074.1 ry 203-J. 52-tf Inquire at McDonald's Tavern. Fricke. 19-2 *19 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us FOR SALE --Day bed, new. Torchy Krause, 308 McHenry. Tel. 379 or 117-R , HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. dispose of your garbage each week, iractically' Fredrickson at Wonder I^ake or call or oftener if desired. Reasonable m street,: Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf! rates. _ Regular _ year round route '19 HELP WANTED--Woman or girl; FOR SALE--One 9x17 twiet rug and general housework; plain cooking; pad, $80; one 9-piece dining room no "heavy cleaning; own room, bath set, $100; one 4-piece oak dinette and rad>°; evening3 free; two adults, set, $35. O. Hoyer. Tel. Grayslake! *40 weekly. Phone Pistakee 565-M-l. 32773, « *18-2 *19-3 JDR AUaB--J^rre and property; 90-acr«s; alFfSi business HELP WANTED--Woman to clerk farm Hdgs.;"? hardware store. Vycital Hdwe., front bldg. renter as tavern;, on Green St., McHenry. Phone 98-M. U. g. Hy. 20 near Marengo. For!. . 19-tf Vp°ntment Mill Jacob HELP WANTED--Female heln~at tor, at JohnAurg. TeL ^McHenry^ 37 McHenrv Laundry. No exoertence John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, FlMme 885. tf WHITEWASHING -- Barns, base- Ments ami chicken houses; alss Kyrng with Carbola DDT. AJ inenstiB- TeL 433-R. 410 Park St^ McHenry. 51-tf MOTOR or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 18-tf McHenry necessary. Laundry. No Tel. McHenry 189. FOR SALE--In Ringwood, 8-room ^VANTED house; furnace heat; 2-car garage;, Two men to work in production thicken house, large lot, on black- department of modern chemical top road; two blocks R.R. station, plant .Trice f7,750. Also, at Pistakee 5-, (Must ^ 18 yean 0r over.) rooms and bath; two large lots;; Appiy Bdwml Laboratories Inc. -price ^250. For appointment call Ringwood, 111. Jacob Frits, Realtor, at JohMburg.| 19 _ TeL Richmond 5 --^ " Tel. lioHenry 3i or Chicago, •.»> '. -- UdDfoln l??®t 18-tf' HELP WANTED -- Women are a • ' changing to fall make-up. Earn FOR SALE--McCullom Lake 6-room 1 substantially, serving established REPAIR--Electric motors rewsond, redesigned. Distributors E-fine quality motors, Careneo carbon notor brashes and Johnsw fltwn, cored bars and experience re«dy to a«e bearings. McHenry 19-tf Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegm Read. PWope 181. 1-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices. paid for eews, horses and nogs; no bete needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wbeehng Rendering v Works, Wheeling No. S; ieve«se charges. 86-tf The captain of an American tanker from Texas, which was about to make port on the coast of North Africa, decided that it was just as well to adopt a good-neighbor policy toward the inhabitants. He addressed his crew: "If they tell you that Africa is bigger than Texas, don't contradict--tell 'em it's trot." tadfa^notot tho Ktawt *lc Society. Surromdod by lacod with tht British pn»v<oc«i or* rn sltttw. tha^ tMm. binod aru amodbta to. aoct than two-flftha of the whola Their population la nearly HKMX»r 000, an estimated quarter of (ho inhabitants of this densely settled subcontinent. The Indian states vary in size, wealth, development, and culture. The rulers, however, all tufee an abundance of titles -- Htgiw*-- Raja, Maharaja, NaWlb, and Nizam, along with plain Qolonel and Flight Lieutenant, • and "Faithful Ally of the British Government." The smallest domains have less territory than a middle-sized cattle ranch. The largest, Hyderabad, is twice the size of Ohio and has more than 16,000,000 subjects. Moslems and Hindus are intermingled, as in the rest of India. Predominantly Moslem Kashmir has a HMn ruler. Hyderabad, which is overwhelmingly Hindu, is under a Moslem, "His Exalted Highness," ro> puted* to fee the richest man in tht world. , Among the individual princes sub-princes are ascetics and scholars, as well as sportsmen who own stables * of race hones, luxurious palaces, and jewels worth wHiUm* of dollars. One maharaja is said to own more than 200 automobiles. Many have their own private trains and airplanes. washing, you wfll -And it very worthwhile to rinst coffee apd tea cups. When they art left with small amounts of the beverages in' thom. a dark, hard to .remove *afe reaufta. . \ 1 ' • '.i ' • Freiltftrls Art TO One knows when man discovered the art of weaving. Like the invention of the wheel, this important event In civilization's progress occurred before the beginning of recorded history. DR. R. W, DONNELLY ' Chiropodist -- Feet Specialist 111 So. Riverside Drive Phone <17 McHenry 0«ee hears: hy appeintsMnt - Daily and Evenings Closed Wednesday Fowls art th mestic animals. They wert hit duced into China about liOO Read the Want Ads! FRANK S. MAT Sand --Black Dirt --< Cinders - -r Track for Hire Phone McHenry 58t-ll*f '<re- R-l McHenry RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAW* AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Alee Greasing and Repairing WILLIAM BUCHERT » ^ Ml Front St. McHenry Beans Snakes Slow . :es cannot travel as fast as ie people suspect. One species of kink snake has a maximum speed of .72 miles an hour, a bull 1.18 miles an hour and the red racer of California 3.60 miles an hour. iijL fosKry Breeding According to R. S. Dearstyne, North Carolina State college, there is no "ultra-superior" strain of chickens. However, says Dr. Dear* styne, some breeds have better records than others as broilers or egglayers. It is the breeding within the stock selected that counts. A' chick's quality is determined by breeding before the egg is hatched. How to Make Money A Meriden, Conn., manufacturer of printing presses, who advertises "Print--Make Money," recently received the following frank communication : "Gentlemen: Upon receipt of your catalog I failed to find just the press I desired. I am taking you in confidence and asking you a frank question. Do jrou have a press that will make or stamp imitation paper money; if so, does the counterfeit look real? That is the kind of press 1 must possess, therefore, reply promptly." Useless Gadget "All very interesting,** sift Mlssc Gregory to the motor car salesman, "andl now show me the depreciation, will you? I tear H is heavy on these! cars."* "T» teB the troth, lady," replied! the super salesman, "we found it a constant source of worry, ^and had it removed altogether." H«r Ones Win Mstter 11M drug store cferk*- was frying? to sell » new type'lipstick. "You'll1 Aid, miss, that most girls like this lipstick." "Well . . . er . . i nh . . ." stammered hin hani-to-»rfl customer^ "Pm really interested . . . er,.r mean : . coufd yen teU me the kind* the* men like?" Remove Fresh Stain The fresher the stain, the easier it Is to remove. How to remove it depends upon the type of stain, the color and kind of fabric, and washability of the garmept. Here are some suggestions: For egg and meat juice stains--scrape excess food off with a dull knife, then soak stain in cold water. Wash in warm suds. Hot water will set the stain If not first treated with oold water. M IfHM IM M --- furnished home; lake front, north customer demand for Avon Products, 1 Fir Shribc OfhtltttnT shore on Lake Shore Drive; modern. • Inc., M. Gease, Box 527, Elgin, 111. Will rent for winter to responsible! *18-3 Much of the upholstered furniture parties. Phone McHenry 276-J. ; ' being made today contains a Saturday nights and Sunday or HELP WANTED--Pin setters, must Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 17-tf. I be 16 years old or over. Palace I Recreation, Green St., McHenry. 18*2 Step en Mf A tandhlate for th* police was being given an oral examination. "If you were by yourself in a police car, and' wee* being pursued by a gang of desperate criminals in another car doing 40 miles an hour on a loneijf roadt. what would you do?,r The- candMste replied promptly, 50.*' T FOR SALE -- For immediate occupancy, new 4-room year 'round home,' HBLP WANTED--Girls and women, one mile from McHenry. Tel. Mc- experienced and inexperienced, to . Henry 227-J. 16-tf sew on dresses. Apply Woodstock • I Dress Mfg. Co., Main St., Wood- FOR SALE AT WONDER LAKE#-- stock. Ask for Mary Schiavone Ideal all-year country home, five manager. 18-2 rooms, large sun porch, automatic oil heat, hardwood floors, canvased HELP WANTED--Experienced weldwalls. deep well, garage, large lot, ers; good wages and working con- Iwautifully landscaped, natural fire- ditions. Spancler Mfg. Co., Mun place. Price reasonable. For appoint- delein, HL ment call JACOB_FRITZ, REALTOR j at Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 ~--~ZTT~ or Chicago 1333. 13-tf ?ELP WANTED--"Snuffy's springy stuffing which onct grew on the trees of our southern states. The Spanish most m sees hanging so gracefully from the trees of Florida, Louisiana, Texas and their neighboring states is pulled from the trees, or gathered from the ground after a storm, to be converted into stuffing for furniture, automobile seats and railroad car seats. In spite ot the name, however, this moss is not actually moss, Phon. Mondetem but a type of air plant. It can grow alm0(t wUch .rfu (t,, {it support, and it gets moisture for burger Place wants a waitress: In LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft.,1 quire at 126 Riverside Drive, Mcon Route 31, about two block from [Henry. 51-tf Ham- growth from the air. The moss kBw ran A GOO* ON depot. Inquire at 715 Tel. McHenry 278-J. Center St. 22-tf must be cured, cleaned and coxnbed before it is suitable for use. Otherwise, the strong fibers on its outer covering would eventually flake off and become dusty Although the green moss loses more than three-fourths of »its weight during curing and ginning, FOR SALK--Modern house, fur- HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND nished; Venetian Minds; automatic GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORoil furnace; air conditioned; electric TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- _ _ _ hot water heater; tile bath, built-in ED IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP-! total production of the black ginned tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 moss in the United States amounts 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY.! to more than 10 million pounds a storm windows; copper sereens. PHONE 39. 20-tfjyear. Pickers, wh? gather Spanish Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Wonder Lake 173 MEWL? Phone 52-tf i WANTED TO BUY CONSTRUCTED MOD-1 WANTED TO BUY---Cylinder head HRN 4-ROOM insulated year-round .for Scripps 6-cylii^dSr inboard motor, tag, gai, electric, lake TERMS. Phone McHenry will purchase complete motor; heads divided into three sections. Call Channel l«ke Boat House. Tel. Antioch 540-W-2. *19-2 Country Home, 2 bedrooms, pluipbrights. 674-M-2 or 590-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 50-tf FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein Bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Curtbs, Ragapple and other leading Wood lines at farmers' prices. Hick-'WANTED TO BUY--Year 'round Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. I river front home, west ride, near ary 670- WANTED TO BUY--25 Barnyard Mallards. Call McHenry 194. »19 McHenry M-& 48-tf! McHenry. Address M. Noll, care of Plaindealer, or phone Chiqago, Haramatures, j riaon 0406. *18-2 moss as a source7 el income during off-season, are j>aid from 70 cents to one dollar for each 100 pounds By the time it is cured and baled it is worth about flart dollars per 100 pounds. Need Rubber Stamps? Order The Plaindealer, distributors and all other & Service, Lily- Prop. TeL 10-tf , ADDon all all makes; Clay St., 7-tf rubber stamps at lbs WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box **VB," care Plaindealer. tt-tf WANTED a -- Fi EDWARD M FOR CASH -- RuStMeees LANNES leal Hit UM-2 MdffiS1®. Route 2 McHenry 674-M-! Chicago Phone Kaystena* ^ m. R-f FLOOR SANDING Re finishing, varnishing and wax ing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor, ftoo teU- -V' 1 A mate. C*U McHenry, '1 497-R Sandy McPfierson--And you arc to be caddie, lad? Caddie--Yes, sir. Sandy--Tell nie, are you good at finding bells? Caddie--Yes, I am. Sandy--Then look around a bit and find one so we can start the game Male Help Wanted Two spinsters were discussing men-- "Which would you desire moat in your husband--brains, wealth or appearance?" asked one. "Appearance," snapped "and the sooner the better.* A Long Try Husband--Well, dear, 80 years have flitted by and I haven't deceived you yet. Wife--No, John, but goodness knows you'vei tried hard enough. Eliminates Dead >8pats A new method eliminates dtMft spots in radio communications, snch as in railroad *rmnvls In 1807 Thomas the automatic tlocftric block . tem; the ftn& iusisllstWl tiling on the New Tin!, n* llMllia nT Tht wheels of the louolootive a lever pivoted to.Cbt rail and Oua in turn sets tip dual at until the train |« 1 BLOUSES • ARE TOPS DR. JOHN WAIDZUNA8 Physician 4k Sargeon V'^-rf'el Johnabnrg 644-R-l ••l\-.v:;:;*tl. Jehnsbnrg 580-R-2 6 i * iiTel. Crystal Lake K-M Office Honrs: w "«• to 2 p.M. and f p.a. to 9 MI Wo Hours Tharsday Evenings EL ELECTRIC 8HOF ^ 1 Csntracters Radio Repairs Let as estimate that next electric# job of yours. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prep. ^ Phoaa McHenry f^t-M M4 Riverside Drive CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney V Woteesdav Afternoons--1 :M.|M Office Kosnr Supply Company, 542 Main Street. Wsst MlHewy Phone--MeHesnr 48C Woodstock II|» INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fH Aate, Farm and Life Repressatins M REUABLE COMPANIES When yen need Insurance of any Phone a or 118-M Green * McHenry ijkHlinT FLORAL CO« Phone 404 One Mils South of McHsnrf en Rente SI Flowers for all occasions! A. P. FRBUND SONS "-- Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M McHenry, IB. No. S00 STOFFEL ft REIHAN8PERGBR Insurance agents for all dasriss of property in the best compsniss. , Wept McHenry, DUnsis ART JACKSON fl^Ung Sand -- made Dirt -- Cinders Crnahod Gravel -- Limeatone Truck for Hire Phone 885-W-2 McHenry, HHnols Telephone All Branches CryaUl Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewetn Opened Without Digging By Electric Motar-Molt and Rant Cutter Crystal Lake, HMnsis I*. Nelson Bex 1M ^ "TOTPnSKJITOS --WANTED TO BUY-- ir- We psy U to $18 far Old Htrt^ less for down hprges , and rattji MATPB Mnur>RARCH Jehnihnrg • Warlna, Grave Read S Phone Jenisanrg 814 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HORSBS AND CATTUI We pny phono- chaTgea VXTHI PUIiH ¥ Fairbanks Morse Elector and Pamp types. AO sises. Complete and Basf to install. Sostp puapa. Take ell pnains "fa trade. ENCSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry 882-H-l <«00 ft from NeH*a BaHtnom) HIGHEST CA8H PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horess, Cattls and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Lead* ing -- Tankage and Mont Scraps Cor sale. Phones Arlington Hslghts 118 659-Chsrgi McHenry 65t-J-2. Revont Palatine Readering Strvka. McMAHON REFRIGERATION -- SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419 ej Wonder Lake 8# §10 Main St, BCcHenry, Hllnoie . C. J. MEYERS Ulnaral Contractor , . Carpentry ~r.f. ~- New Work and Repairs McHenry, DL TeL Pktakos 842-M-l JOHN F. BRDA tk BOS Sheet Metal and Furnace Work _181 N. Green SL, McHenry, DL Phone 248-B Phone McHenry 884-R-2 Baenvntfag -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL i Special Ratee on Read Gravel I Lot Fining .. Black Dbt .. P* (Leveling and Grading. ! J. B. NBTT T Jehnsbnrg P. O*--McHen# f- 1 • • % General Contractors 1 Industrial ! - Finsncing . Blueprints "< I Woodstock I 804 Washington St.. Johasbnrg ! Phono 508-W Phono 825-M-l WELDING Maiattannee and PdMable Eentpment ; H. B. VANCE--McHenry 51-J •09 Soath Green Su McHenry, III AUTHORIZED DEALER George .CMIette, Owner 489 ^ 52S Main Street- WEST McHENRY AL*8 W^LblN^ A*ft ii^Aill SERVICE 891 Mahi St. McHenry Electric Portable Weldfaig Acetylene Welding aad Cutting •ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator/ Phone 815-W-l or 484 / M'HENRY, ILL. DR. H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway 91 -- Office and TeL McHenry 998-J-L McHenry, IIL Office Honrs: 1 pja. to 2 pja. Except Tharadaya Bvenftags by Appointment McHENRY SIGN SERVICE ~ SHOW OAXDB -- ; J btTTDOOR SIGNS ^TEUOK LETTEEIIfO A WINDOW UCTTSSINO H- REESE XMX St. Phono 440-R TRUCKING Having pnrchasad the truck from Vie ft&d Al Mill4r. I am now in a position to take care of banting livestock to Chicagt) and general trucking. When in need of /anything in my line, PHONE McHENEY 492-R. Prompt Service. PAT DOUGLAS ':*Z\ ^ERNON J. Attomey-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm 8ta, McHensy Taeeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By AppolntSMnt Phone McHenry 48 DR. R. DcROME . Dentist -- i : '199 Green Street Pfeone 292-J. McHonry Office Honrs: Taeeday and Saturdays from 19 to 4. Eve»t*g» by. appoint- TeL Wesdsr Lnke 419 DR. R. H. WATKMIS Tntalay ftMaSsyat 9 THRILL SHOW DIVE BOMBER CRASH AUTQ LEAPS OVER BU§ Auto and Motorcycle Daredevils ' Many Death Defying Acta HA&yA&D, ILL, SPEEDWAY J3atarda|r, Sept. 27. -8 p. m. Snnday, 8epi. 2S - 2:30 p. a. "V ' V- . •> '£

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