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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 8

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™<X'" i *V V** ' fi* i>r^gMe* v -*~> »w ' : -- ^f*- , V C 11 .V * W, t' P' :-' tv i ;nv" •" ' •' •- "•••*. "•'<*•" '. .:' '-V^-" ^.•'••-.i'\ • •*.. : : '; *-«*"•> , • •,.:';' r,-'i"" ftr?. t.T*ir-r' y4%-f •\'Krt.KJ - /».**. J ... - .111, • -rlftaf'-nr limit arA*4 •«••• !xi~ j ' *- i ; V RINGWOOD (By Mn. 0«m Ml STwiM. PH«« W*2 jEJdsd to Mri ^ *»* Mrs. George Shepaid. n< lmtw ehtb wu entertained la the bom* of M*«. Nk* B- Frrond it Mdlenry, PritM ww» awarded to Mrs. "W* Thompson and Mis. Viola Low, Mrs. Ross Jepeon la ftaMai her daughter and family *t Enniton and Mr daughter, Mrs. AnseLDewey, and family at Anaitrac, HI. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison returned homo Thursday from Wis* consin, where thsy visited their son. Jim, at .Waabeno and their daughter at Chetek. They reported snow and freezing weather, which frose the apples. Mr/ and Mrs. Glowser snd daughter* and Mary Hogan visited the soo st Milwaukee, Sunday. I Mrs. Alan Wagner entertained at JOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' IBeams, Column*, Angles Basement Sash of all Sites in Ornamental Iron Kallingl . ...... to Order SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Address: ,Et 3, Bo* 514 McHenry, III Two Miles Sooth of McHenry & ^ State Route 31 a pink sad Mas ahawir for tor, Mrs. XwiNiwIer] at her boose Si many aka gifta. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of MeBttiy spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, and family. The ftingwood Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Palmer at Wickline Bay on Itoeaday. lira. Grill was assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison took their daughter, Anaty. R. N., beck to Shswsno, Wis., Tuesday after a visit here. Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and sons DAWSON A U C T I O N THOMAS M. RAFTER, Auctioneer, rA* finis - . , . ww f-wQrzujr* *« "•* «•»*- » It f fMMl of n *• MPrw* asObts. Pete' Sebastian e» twtalasd tdEiads from Chicago ovef the WMnSb^ Mr. and Mrs. Alan A! family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. George Sbepard. wa^m wsi|'. m evening w MrTTofcu Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. and Mm. A. r and visited ralatl»ss at Mr. and Mrs. Water; Wl Woodstock and Mr. and Low and fami' Mr« and lbs. T. M. Whiteside of their mother. Urbane warn weekmd guests of Mr. Mrs. Arthur Larson ami lira. John and Mrs. MMshell Ksne Blsckman, .ofAnSeS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh, .8rH' spent Friday with Mrs. John Bxkand daughl--, Mae, were Bunday man. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Csrr. Andrew Htowley hsa returned home from a business trip to Iowa. Audrey Merchant, R. Nf., of spent Friday and Saturday parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merdaant. Mrs. l^rdia Payns and dau^iter, < Miss Chnnotto Psyne, snd Miss Edna i Johns an of lake Geneva were callers The undersigned will sell at public in Jbe Beatty-Low home, Sunday af- I auction on the farm formerly known | „„ Tom ^ las the William Green farm located|children oTBarrinfrton and Mr. and one mile South and one mile West Mrs. Stevens of Milwsukee spent N O T I C E Having purchased the trucking business of Francis Raycraft, I am now ready to haul your livestock to the Chicago yards, and do trucking and hauling of all kinds. GEORGE GLOSSON Located on Route 120, west of the C. A N. W. tracks, West McHenry PHONE 136-R of Woodstock on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock, the following described personal property: 26 Head af Livcstick Consisting ttf IS choice Holstein cow* 5 Holstein heifers 1 Holstein bull ^ Team of roan horses FULL L1NB OF FARM MACHINERY. TERMS f Usual. JAMES DAVSd, OWNER First Nstionsl Bank of Woodstock, Clerking r Sunday with Agnes Jehcks. Ison of Chica - I Ag: Miss Ann Paulson Chicago spent the weekend at her cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioeh spent Saturday afternoon with his mother, Mrs, Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blsckman, Jr4 Mim 4Urion Hawley spont Snnday ID,. th£ ."•rold Stanek horns near Ridgefleld. Mr. and Mrs. Jade T ssnard were of Sycamore and Mia. " ders of Harvard spent Mr. and Mrs. Fred W Mr. snd Mrs. PaM lington Heights spent Saturday evening with the former's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Catherine Vogel of Elkhom spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., home. Mr. and Mm. Ben Walldngton are visiting relatives in Tennesson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., returned home Saturday from Kentucky, where they attended the raeea. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of New York City visited her sLater and and Jim. evening an•d? * A. Celline of . . Frlevening. (Ifuli a had afitoet It dlatiirba Sm Mm ee^ets which control ttier mnaelM that gin AmS dMA^mtTlSSmB amis Mbers. Vitamin balanoe la the body also la disturbed, whfeh may afloer visktt Notice is SMS that 1MT. la the of Barbara hi the ewr G*m* claims may estate on out J - Order yarn ruMtsr Wsindeafer. Seft t5-Oet. f-t.) Order your r«bb«r atasspa."at'fta! at Tha Plaindealer. | rrVlfUV\i\AAAA/tfViAftftfV>IVVVUVU\n/U Livestock at Auction On Route 47 Woodstock, III Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Freeh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS T, Bi and BANGS TESTED Prifsfet Sales v ' Monday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS CASH OR CREDIT Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyers for every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC Phones 572 or 499 A U C T I O N i DAIRY COWS, BRED DAiERY HEIFERS, CALVES, BULLS AND MACHINERY on Grub Hill Rd., 1 mile east of H>wy 69, 6 miles northwest; of Grayslake, 3% miles northwest of Round Lake, 8 miles northeaat of Ingleside, on THUR8DAY, OCTOBER M at 1 sleek LUNCH WAGON 26 head of Holstein, Guernsey, Swiss snd Shorthorn cattle, eoneistiag of Guernsey first calf heifer, (fresh t days); Shorthorn first calf heifer, (fresh 2 weeks); Swise heifer, (fresh 3 weeks); Guernsey family cow (fresh 4 mos.); HoL cow freeh S amnths; Holstein springer; Guernsey heifer (coming 1st calf, si old rosn heifer (bred Guernsey heifers (due Feb. 5th); Swiss heifer (duo Mar. 2nd); Guernsey heifer (due early Msrch); Swiss heifer (due May); 4 large, typey Holstein heifers (bred) Swiss heifer calf (5^ moo. old); Guernsey heifer (S& mm. aid); Halstein bull, 14 amntas old (Artificial breeding): Holstein bull calf (IS weeks old, eligible for registration; Holstein bull calf (14 weeks aid); | Holstein ball calf (4 weeks eld). H IS LATER THAN YOU TUT ' V ' ' Is your car, trade or tractor ready to meet Old Man If not, see * SEACO - .No model too old or too new-*, . We have generators, starters, armatures, distributor fort pumps and other electrical needs for all models. ^Rewinding--^Rebuilding--Motor Tunenps. Prompt Service ' Starting, lighting and ignition experto ^ r 28 years experience Authorized Delco, Remy and Ant^Sie Servioe . - . v.. SEACO SALES & SERVICE LUmnoor, w«»t Sidt of LUy Lake, , ' NTFEO J. STOBODA * SON Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 DOIBCTIONS--T.r» noath of Rout. 1M M Uljr Uk, MmI| turn left at tl|ird road leading to lake, second building right i uuaaavy nvuvi ipringing); IS mos. [brsd Jaly Sth); S Jan. 1st and Cfharles Leonard, Auctioneer An auction sale will be held «t the Abe Lawrence home, near the public school, in Ringwooft, HI., on SUNDAY, OCTOBER ll Commencing at 1 o'clock, lit which (jme |J|ie following goods will be sold: ^ *. V % * T 1 * ~ 6Ms-ft- Frigidaire; dinh^ffeMl ta^ lad I bookcase; chest of drawers; dresser;. 2 buffets; studio couch; 3 rocking dhairs; radio; 2 9x12 rugs^ including several small rugs; 2 beds;; library t^ble; glass top table; ice-box; cedar chest; 2 wicker rockers; 2 mirrors; 2 table lamps; sewing machine; ironing board; chime clock; small table and card table; several odd chairs; cook stove; 2 sets dishes.; knives, forks and other dishes and pans too numerous to mention; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; quantity of fruit jars; day-bed; 3 pair lace curtains;, corn shelter; 10-ft. ladder; mason tpols. - TERMS: Cash. JOE LAWRENCE, ADMR„ Xst. of Barbara Lawrenoe. _ T. B. snd Bangs teste HOGS -- 4 Chester White shoats, sverage weight 225 lbs. i MACHINERY--Fordson tractor (with pulley, good condition); New Idea i manure spreadier: Oliver 2-bottom I tractor plow; 8 inch Case hammer mill; McC. 5 ft. mower; two 2-wheel trailers; cement mixer. • FEED--200 bushel Vicland oats; 10 , ton baled alfalfa hay; 6 ton choieo ! baled mixed Kay. : MISCELLANEOUS--National Port- ! able electric milking machine (tomiplete); Stirner meat grinder widi direct connected motor; Warm Morning coal stove; Burrough cash regis- , ter. BERT J. GAUGES, Prep. i Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clsrk ..rf. W: You read about their II BIO POfT-Ptll INTKRIORS siavi ac • MACHINI SMIDS m UTIIITT BUUPIMaS a iOAriNO 1ASNS -- S e e t h e s e b r i l l i a n t n e w H o t p o l a t a p p l H i i m a . . a s advertised in Lira Magatina... now on display in our ~ store. Kitdien-planned and custom-buih, each - model is years ahead in streamlined -- rffjeslgn See tiiem and see why--. • " AawXcaii FU«C yoW ss mush- sa sne-4Wed t in As asms ktaawn s*«s. sehsniam Imaam Iss laslsr old-style units snd actusliy usm liaa alai»li||p> leih with RILCO Laminated Wood RAFTIRS... __ .... Covered with Weather-Tight Mataiial such M Csmigalsd Aluminum Roofing or Pa E-i - v • V:t tmmm m aMfcweb a pmamam. m--* t o•• m•"m•'I mm. h-- htolw#W|WtS«dm SSm Mto> TASSTA« My ha mm* m i • »MF MS* • j o--rW IMSHS t^oie bpaemw. y YOSHA S «4S mm m I «3>W 'yf ' TrV"f'.',-r-". ' ft". fp?s K'i SIICO (HI CONNKTION is; • Here'* the modern way to build every type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and now loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's easy to get all the materials you need right now. Come in and talk to us about itl adaal to MS hand is ths esd Nttowe of sU swat . It AolsmHi Sanaa bringa you 11 great poatwar •las sisijlhlng youVs ever wantsd in sn alaatrk ranaal oooking sspodty »%. Hew aaalail hss* pine evenly dlslillwilail heat lor beUsI' an nlrhig for IS persons in IS yen is sook sntlrs mssls vHUle yw sn swsjrl to dsn. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 8 -wssrnaswwi *Jf . .. w> . BUCH & SON Ptambistf, Beafciiiff, llectorioal Oantraefeers Bone Applianoes - • v "r r, xxjjiroii f "

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