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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 9

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V «v >*, , 0<ftober9, gy SPRING GROVE [ Pauline Ann. G«e8ta Utere Mr. ... . . " 'Mrs. AI Schmeltser of Rcmnd L»ke, ,;i^SPNBIPP««*«P«*iMMWBi«Hft»r|f*. and Mn. Daatiel Miller, m. t%m Km " »-- 0M.iiji Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraana - - « •»• um* ir«*»w*' .nd Mrs. Clarence Miller and bafcy Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch ana d»u*hter. Refreshments were ser*ad fScUldna ot WOmette w«k Santay 2Tto"2£!l." •dinner quests in the George W. May Many of his friends and relatives ho™e Soadw.. attended the funeral strrice of John Mr. uid Mrs-_ Walter Bfwn en- RofJe at the Josten Punefal home in "tertaijied m their home on 'Tuesday McHenry Tuesday morning Pallnirht in honor of the first birthday f bearers were Joseph P. Freund, ef • their Jauahlw, May, GswKa W. May, George Huff, Piaol Weber mnd Anton Meyer. Interment was in St Peter's cejpateix Prater Eugene Jung returned to Sacred Heart Seminary in Shelby, Oni°r_on Tuesday. His parents, Mr. ^ "h **W t" r <* KALIS Rdlnai WMm the American rirflrand system, . __ - greatest land tranapoit system in and Mrs. John Jung, accompanied the world,-had its beginning when him as far as Chicago. | the charter of the Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fredencksen Ohio, America's first commercial ' W En Kturd Farm poultry flocks, though six P*r cent smaller than a year ago. One hundred andtwenfy years ago ! produced at the highest rate in his^ tory for January and set a new record in egg production for the mont^. • f ; ' . sgj i Rom where I Joe M^rsh Dec Walters gave at this ferainla: It's a sare-ftre sign yoa're getting eM when yeansiat ether people having a good tine. And the Doe means it hasn't :.:l|ich to do with age. There are old folks in our team who got a.big kick out ofseeing other p»opie enjoy thensseWes--se*ms to keep them yoUngin spirit, with a Wrinkle in their eyes! i P*Aad there a»? Imm others who veseat the yoang folks going ftshiag; who feel that coMtaaity faaies and dances areJust a wsSte . How to Tell re ef $a*; V who riUhiae taa>|>i»ile people forealsying a smSow glaaa of beerwfckfrMfc. They're often well-intentioned folks, too. But from where I Sit, the minute we criticise our neighbors for enjoying whplesone pleasures --like a game of boriartun, a glass of beer, or a# aftefaooa's fishing--^ ^a* mitt ' we're growing old (In sf)l?it anyway) no Wilter what our age is*;'^^^ - 31 > and daughter, Kay of Chicago were j railroad, was granted by the lerii Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. lature Mu stmtm -J| . andMrs. Paul Weber last week. j Maryland. A group of ladies enjoyed an after-! , for the ctiarter came noon at cards in the home of Mrs. m * „ w. . Jake Miller on Thursday. Games of ™en °*> Baltimore who feared that five hundred were played and prises thriving trade of t(ie city was keeps went to Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs-1 being threatened by the new Erie J"1 %, Mrs. Peter May. Mrs. canal across New York state and by Fred May, Mrs. Anton May and Mrs.' canals projected across Pennsyl- Charles May. Following cards, a vania. Indeed, canals were much lovely lunch was served. , ; more ip public favor in that day than Jpurt S^ens is enjoying a Vaca-^ were the little-known railroads. I IN M OF I k 18 jLois Meyers has' Ube„ en conMfi- ned to *W h"en• «t he_ rg_r e.a tu ce lebration of July h#r home by illness the past week. •--"£Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wirtz and children of McHenry visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, on Sunday. wate#._> • *' •';-f part let the water run Tow in fKe boiler of a steam heating plant.* In- _ , *tead of trying to watch the water • group of prominent business • better have the boiler equipped of with a device which automatically it supplied with the right . ^!efd * Tlm* 1 Series E Bonds, aB. !"X!,nted 5 ! dividuals, who wiU sewing machine with shuttle and | dona- f„- eye-pointed needle, the basic elaments of later machines but no cme than S310^ ---^*3r would use it! j depression Needy Rubber Stamps? Order at[ The Plamoeaier. OO.oomm .ip«B|mi *e»d the Want Ads! .« . . - - amount of water and cuta off if tha Water line is dangerously low. 1 Sunday visitors in the Ray May; home were Mr. and ^ Mrs. Ben Doetsch, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Beadie, j Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and. children and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and) son, Dick, of Wilmette, the William May family of Johnsburg and Mr. i and Mrs. Arthur Kattner 4. 1828, was held in Baltimore to mark the beginning of construction of the new "Rail Road." President John Quincy Adams himself declined the invitation to attend, and instead participated in a similar event staged by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which is now only a memory." In granting tha B L O charter, the legislature of Maryland gave the di rectors of the railroad authority to (mmia #K AAA AAA ** --A l_ i» f Best U«e of Manare Crop response from manure ia i best on severely eroded areas where high-nitrogen-content fertili- 1 z«rs are needed to get vegetation • established and where organic matter is needed to prevent excessive ' runoff and resultant droughty conditions on these sites. McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING & .WINDOW LETTERING . . , . . _ ^ j. ^ y •y ,""^5 Fox -:jJk Phone 440-R Copyright, 1947, Unitli Slates Brewers Foundation /4t i :y tkM T^aj-XP $<de of South Street Road and McLean Blvd., Elgin, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 At 12:00 O'Clock Sharp | 100 Head of Hi-Grade Dairy Cows consist ins? of Holstein and Guernseys. These are all top, quality cows fresh ojr close, springers and numher are 1st or I 2nd calf heifers. - 3 HOL3TEIN BULIlk ' ^ All of the above livestock TB and Bangs te6te<l. - * Ins]XM?tion invited before the day of sale. - ' , ' Usual Thorp Terras v * ^ Sale clewed and.financed bv Thorp F1naaCe 'Ctwna.;'&• STANLEY BURNIDGE . Mr,..™) Mrs. Antly Stmub W.OOO.OpO «orth ot stock, thi. family of Chicago visited her *"* Mttftigtta COSt of building mother, Mrs. Bertha Csh this week- the railroad from Baltimore to the I end. j Ohio river. By the time the B & O i Guests in the home of Mrs. John' bad readied this objective -- at ; Miller and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wheeling--in 18S3, the actual cost Ben Adams, Mr. and Mrs Barney! exceeded $5,900,000. Today the Retterath of Stacyville, Iowa,,Wil- BliO repreattltt an investment of i fe' Koe™e;. »>chohs, Paul, more than one billion dollars and 7u'rtf^dkrk%E,r<,T„dfrM„FoM - • Webei and Allen of Milwaukee, Mr. Whoi? mor* thaD 28 billion. and Mrs. Lolis Schmitt of Johnsburg,, ' Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching ami 7 daughters and the Clarence Miller Governors Experienced family. t The average state governor is 81 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent had as years old. their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs., George Mitchell and family and Mrs. i -nni*>r^nnrwsnri<wv^Arbv>AAAAA. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby, of Sharon, Wis. ,| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of! Rockford spent the ! weekend with the GeorRe Sanders family. 1 ' James May and Edward Parfrey, students of the University of Wisconsin, spent the weekend with horqe folks. The returned to Madison on! Sunday evening. Charles May, Jr. (Sonny) and Jimmy May, sons of: i Mr. and Mrs. Charles May, are both j attending the Gni\/;rsity. "Sonny" l i s studying law and Jimmy is taking | engineering. "SPEEDY" 7%%. Smalt JS" Jim Downs vauiinraiau »t uuicu According to legend, the bodian women once* successfully /ought beside male warriors and thereby earned the right to warriors' garb. Men and women now dress nearly alike in gaily-colored cloth form loose breaches.s ^ Clias. Leonard, Auctioneer W. F. Powers. Rep. Phone Woodstock 110 ; - l Clean 8ihrer " ^.*: All tarnish can be removed from silver in this almost effortless way: Take a carefully cleaned aluminum container, fill it with water and pour in enough salt to make a saturate solution. (This means put in all salt, the water will dissolve and a little more, so that a small amount of salt is standing in the bottom of the utensil.) Place silver to this solution and heat until salt water boils lor three or four minutes. When the water cools, silver will be shining clean without danger of scratching or wearing the surface as when silver cleaners and polishes are used. If you want to be ahead--get a Nash -- from DOWNS NASH SALES--your reliable car dealer. Come in where courtesy and \fQ£»<<Umeas prevails at all times. DOWNS NASH SALES & SERVICE 4 0 5 ELM ST PHONE 4 S 4 M C H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S ITMWU mromMKi vir* APPSJUUkMCt.. CQMFOHT.. CONVeNKHCf There's brand new styling, comfort, safety and; stamina in these new light and medium duty GMCs. They're newly and sleekly streamlined. They have cabs that are 3X inches longer and jj 9H inches wider than prewar . . . new tubular frame adjustable seats with nearly double the number of seat springs, individually wrapped for greater comfort . . . new windshields that ^ §ge 5}4 inches wider and 2 inches higher. » # • . new ventilation with provision for teMh air hearing . ... new insulation, sound- ' proofiag and weather sealing. And they have ttanjr i--proved, war-proved engine and chassis . advancements that make them the strongest, •tardiest GMCs of their kind ever built. They ace offered in a wide variety of body and chassis types... aiy$esigned to do a better hauling job. VMAC fat Paymtnt Man Awuna Ym of wmt Avaihbh Haft R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES m mtac or muc 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY«,» J • * ' GASOUNE • UESEL CXiristmas is not as far away as von think! We have a #o<}d stock of Bulova watches now on hand. Why not come in and select that gift while the stock is complete f fjeuMlly -- Phone 123-J 514, W. Main St., McHenry OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. jwclc soeeov, what* tui? wood MEAM 9 f E D E 6 T g-l A-^-S PtPfSfHWM, MSf WET. okople, V#MOS« CAPS HAV8 Nor BEEN PPOWJUY TAVfSN CARE OT AMD WHO SUOOCNLV nNO TMBMceLves MAMMA witm the feet y by NICK MILLER'S McMENRY GARAGE is 608 FRONT STREET FOR ^ EKAMPtE--ME PM MOT ONE! wcause i see -k> cr that NICK MILLETS ^ HENRY GAtA6l RE^OUARUV CHECK OVER MY CAR AND KEEP IT IN FIRST CLASS QONNIN6 OROEQ s ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R -/j OUR 2nd BIGr WEEK of FOOD VALUES! I WONDEk tF I'LL LIVE TO BE A HONPREO/ NOT I F U REMAIN! TWENTVTWO MUCH Are you looking for Good Values in Good Food? Then'scan tml . partial list of "buys" for A&P's 88th Anniversary. Yes--day in and . day out, you will always find better F$od Values at your A&P! Stop in, see how much you really Savel | ^ Q|(ANGE FEKO€ AND PEKOE Mkf BRAMD' ' ' ' " 'i: ^ ilR OWN TEA . .. % 39* KPPLE SKIMxf ^ m AftP BRAND MAKFRUIT JUICE 2 33' IN TOMATO SAUCE ION A BRAND % *' ' ANN PA6E BEANS. . 2c*Ns 24c T0MATO JUICE. . 4 37» ANN PAGE \ SALAD DRESSM8 . . . ^31* ANN PAGE BRAND NEW 1147 PACK! •ACAfflNH I SPAGHETTI NBIiTS COM NEW 1947 PACK! REUABLE PEAS. A REAL VALUE! CONTADINA T9MAT8 PASTE SULTANA OR FLAVOR PAK PRUNE PLUMS. . NEW PACK! SULTANA 2^137* FURT COCKTAIL NO. 21/, • CAN • • •' •• VOL lAc %IN W* no.J'/, Ms NEW l««7 PACK! NNA TOMATOES. . 2 ^ 27' POR EVERY MILK USE! EVAPORATED I U 3 mis 33* -KC runs ai ttcmius Jonathan Ifiehifan Whlt)r POTATOES Bead • LETTUCE THANK YOU BRAND. Alt GRSN MTIMIIISS t *ONTE BRAND mm PEACHES . SUNSWEET 0RAND PRIME JUICE bushel $2.99 15 lb. 48 sixe 2 for 28c l«%-OZ. TIN P^tE WHITE. KOATINS WOUYSOAP . . . , i •' v • - • - i •; IK a. RICH IN VITAMIN ::W A«P SPINACH NF>« ••CK' <«••• •ITTfO RED CHERRIES W> *h «|f •tviOTL' t CAN a' a • a a. En'27' puz doesev»ythin» FOR TOILET Oft BATH LUX to* TASTY HES A*P PumiMcii 2CANSITC rOLE. SLICED OR "an Ue Crushed Pintapplc ^ 2Sc DOLEIRAND PlaoappU Jaico UBir IRAND T«m«tt Juiet . . ^ 27c LOOK! CAMPBELL'S Tomato Juiet ^ 12c CRATED Whito Star XvM ,. tiN FINE FOOD FOR BA0YI UIIH BABY FOODS 27c Mc SUVE ON MAIVEL TOAST SpriBfiklMHi NiN]f^3l€ ANNPASCItANft Poaeh Prooorvos ^ t|e NEW IW PACK ^ ^ OfiHoBUPoM IS.1 fir save WITH WIEHIMSIAW SMMtraMt lit CREAlJ STYLE GOLPSN * hntora . 'SU ICc thank you Hand, au meen :p» •• w f-v . TOILET MIP 2 REGULAR CAKES LOTS MORE SUOS SUPER SUDS PKG. 35c FOR BAKING Oft FRYING CRISCO sh6«tknin« 3 "JUNKET" BRAND umnm JANE PARKER DONIITS 15' PLAIN. SUGARK) Oft CINNAMON DOZ. IN PKG. is •< -r- C; »•*<!&? k \ v-n ^ $ C \$S • - s i. • ^ - <1 r s. . • %%• J" 4! - % K » X ' E PARKER, ASSORTED ARVa. ENRICHED. SUC8> • • • PRG. 2I0-°Z- «« LOAVESAW* JANE PARKER. PLAIN Oft SUGAftB) • • • "PK"G.B e RK>EEM COUPON HEftE HEINZ BRAND TOMATO SOIIP 3*- 35e \vhh\ ^ "'J

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