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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 1

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• . >! fr'f- •<:.' --< }• • -• •••'>" /••:--•>• -y» 1-^, .r*v^r.y-v*jr.. v***' v *-* j*< * " #,s~ " 4 - 4 •- .,- - . w ' »-- > *.,.. ! «-«*- .• i -T -•%: •- *!%V. 4 &iz Ho. 21 73 i HcHXKRY, ILLINOIS, THTTSSDAY. OOTOSKR », 1947 WUI MAN VKTN IF ACCUEXT OH KHWAY FUMY : '•%•' „ Stoffel .'By Auto Hair Hom«; itod In Hospital Another highway accident death bat Mttr. Oet. 3, 1947, n Henry G. StaffeL n, last his wldlc crossing the hlghm; Mar .___ bome. .': j*Mr. Staff el, who resided on Rt. 'm in Volo, had fope across. the *f«Mrt]r south a short tine 'before lbs aerident, and was en his way strode by a passing 6:80 o'clock. He for aft auto to pass from the BOARD TO DECODE , oHumnuixiwAT 4* OCTOBEB October 14 will be a- bix day for the McHeftry county board of superfleers. Unlets that (trap rescinds „--- NEW OOOKS are oeing psariMs ection on the proposed re-, purchased for the library each month building of the county court boose, and everyone is invited and arced at that meeting, the wocram wre- to ose them. The library is temporriously planned in all probability anhr housed in the City Hall and is will be carried out. The program open Wednesday and Friday afterconcerning a rebuilding project to be ( noons and evenings between the carried out over a period of years; hours of 2 and 5:30 and 7 and 8 without a bond issue or raise in p. m. taxes. The above Information was A Partial list of new hooks is as HEW BOOKS HOW ON SHELVES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY The library board of the McHenry Public library wishes to remind the public that new books beini Gin MOURNS FVE DEATHS OF PA$f WEEK Fusing Of Praent, tonMr Roaideati Brings Sorrow v PtMARY PETITIONS MUST BE FEED BY JAN. 26 GUILD SIGHS WOODSTOCK PLATERS FOR WINTER SEASOH Announcement has just been made! local eiours Will PRESENT Coontv residents with political am-j that the McHenry County Theatre Bf| Aflll A ftfl » ... bitions for 1948 will be interested toi Guild, operating on a non-profit' r Ifllfalf nlfl ' ( learn that they most file a primary i basis, has signed the Woodstock I llUvllftlVI election nominating petition Jan. J Players for a sixteen-play winter 26 This also applies to aspirants j season. The Woodstock Players will ( for such jobs as governor, U. 8. sena-1 be remembered ss the professional tor, ^congressman, state legislator,'group which held a ten-play season! state central committeeman, sena-j this past summer at the Woodstock!' tcrial committeeman and precint, Opera House. i committeeman, according to word re-- Deciding that the theatre group* ceived this past week from Spring-.was a cultural improvement to the ... „ w xL' tr ' i a i »-' I Guild was formed by to be sponsored by tike , official primary and election; cititens from almost every city in Mothers club and the library board -- passedi calendar issued by the secretary of the district,... i.will be nrwnM i„ th» hi»h •ofcMJ Creatures! K^nlSS. ^it£ wK^S:1 Srt SLSf) L_I?»>»ccesSful »uditori»m on Oct. 29, featuring Professional Guest* To Appear In City During Host Sanson 1 ... •"i- •• • t • •r •> brought oat at a meeting of a follows: "The V/ind ThaT sSkM ^thei One in a series of four prp^rama specia! dtisen's comnrfttee h2d early The Barley;" "Give Ua Our Dreams;" i dSJ evinS£ oX 7 1947 °of 55"! Th this week. "Famous Stories Of Code and fiy.| mSh. ' r w m „ i T i t ^ • • , f 1 r.r.r "This committe has no power to •pher;" "Visits Around the Warld;wi If' , J° rescind action on the contract as "The Happy Prisoner;" "Creatures'r - ^ mi •*> k--«••««« • ew signed by John J. FUip, ehairuutn of, of Circumstance;" "Prince of hS" !l,T T.r t~^*Vsg**on- the Guild is selling season Mrs. Lillian Smith of Chicago, reader the hoard," stated anpc^rvlsor Ch*ries, Pbxes;n "Best Detective Stories ^ .jyf" • Pmmd and J»"- t S! *« ^e finfcl day fori memberships for $16 and for $24. and entertainer. There will be an ia- Ackman, diairman of the btauding the Year;" "The Nine Young Men*", ^ w f v .* • Purchase of a ticket saves the buye* termission of musical selections, committee to the jointx gathering *'L»fe and* the Dream;" "R^frt frSm I L'^'wiSf **** falfed to ***" I the federal tax of 20 percent and The series of programs, all except Monday Spain; ing the services of the Strom Construction company to" go ahead on Men;" "Tlie Bright Promise: a " t i m e a n d m a t e r i a l b a s i s . " " " " -- -- - Prince Ctf DaAi^ar""'^1 , .... tL-riL M_ . w ^. I J^^2mtUre" i theta reserved seats at one of which will feature profee- -- - - The deceased was born Mana May, I of _from 5,000 to 10,000 voters. I all sixteen olav* anv nirht of their sional artists, will extend throughout season and early swing, is to bring to our Supervisor Ackman fur€be# stated Long At The Pair;" "The Eagle Q«i1 In* ae^**g<1 ^ T 2' a11 P'«ys any night of their sional artists, that his committee acted on a man- The Plain;" "Distort* Not Your Elisabeth candidates seeking en I choosing. As an added premium, the winter se date from the county board in secur- Dreams;" "Knock On Any Door " Richmond *or the special mstinees of The purpose Kingsblood Royal^'^e* Si'dte^f coS^I!l22i,f illness, from board prayer staged. Anv |W«A H --* • wu w» «»» Aiviimvnni (J »VMJ 111 ure luuivis prinurj, 'Story Of Mrs." Murphy •" "SkSiv v®rth ?f JJlJn"bu1*: ®he set for AprilIIS, mayjwtttlon for a j Children's Theatre" productions, which growing community fine entertain- ,.*» «•>*. lived her entire lifetime m this t ®|*ce on the ballot with 30,000 to 50,- are outside the regular playing ment and at the same time to add . 'schedule, will be given to the pur- to the fund which will someday be '.r *™'ch nominees will j chasers of season tickets. ! used to construct a new library In till AnriT^rim^ ^ Price sc«le at the door will^ui»tin*- Jh* 1» "°7V Wtor tl q $ 5S. $.90, $1.20 and $1.80 the City Hall through the kindaenator, u. ». repre- seat„ The MUOn memberships are ness o{ c,ty oficials, but it is hoped u«y in w« wng ironi eadi of the twertty-1 f .rouM (that this worthwhile, institution may member of the Christim Mothers and1 six new districts mapped by the 1M7 0n 0ct l6 the £ni*J£ rf' the 9°me day in the near future have Chairman Acfanan was strong in Altar society and of St. Mary's general assembly, governor, lieu, • • home of its own. For several 1 Kryl Women's Symphony his statement that there has oeen *1 \ much information spread about the Orc&estrt, Comes To County project that it not tree. He stated I * thatthe board had made a thorough! Music lover, throughout McKenry studv of the whole matter, and has, county will be interested to l»srr. ,u "' 1? •* -_p " ^v interest In . Mn»l Te.r, ^rt th.« B.hWlr Kryl. th. C«4h !2?LJSS2?" "" th°" "" ill" church. During recent years she had spent! auditor of public accounts, state > Zl:f/l""L""S some time each year with her chil- treasurer, attorney general, state wn"en Dy MsrK neea. ive from sll fifty-one studied it for several years, and that that Bohumir Kryl, the Cxe^h wn-! ana ino8e OI ^ d,5t k rict8 *nd the result^ was^a decision to^ rebuUd! his ,>^>^|tra, w^Tsp^ar | Survlvc«^include six children, John trict. ^ ^ ^ ttVenna.nntt go^rnor. secretary of s-ft-aVtel*, n^ew Season, "Petticoat Fever," will m , presented . hilarious comedy after ,ts- >noeption. ..f . M . R . ' housed I it on an "over all" program, with the I in concert at the Woodstock high NicW m w.« Candidate, nominal 8„ At»ril K«l view of looking into the future as to school on Wednesday evening, Oct. i /A I?1^ LJ U » i- Justen Candidates nominated in April bal- • - • - * 22 Mr Krvl >nH - (Celia) and Mrs. Ben Kennecek loting will oppose one another for charminv avmmtu. nf Christine), all of McHenry; Nov. 2, 1948. the needs at the VERHOH L . HI I DISCUSSED FRO ! 07 REORGAHIZATIOH 64 Per Oent War Doad To Be Returned To V. & in a small room at the high school until the need for additional class room made it necessary to seek other quarters. The first project undertaken to stnrt the building fund was in July, when an ice cream social was held V «; i rharminir V/ V-VJ-*-! (unnsunei, au or Mcnenry; Mrs. election wov. z, isw». . ,ri c umiea otates wi. • you^ wom«^^.«vj i,„f Jo« (Helen), of Inglestde; Several party offices will be fin-!2*' * was announced last week at a tour wE' iVli LT H Mrs. Ben Bauer (Catherine) and Joe sly filled in v the primary election the army s New York port of em-!ve^"™ JsiuaSiers.n aWndu 1iw& appearances. Li 0^ Mckenry; al«> twenty- These include delegates and alter- harkation in Brooklyn. ! Z 'k J.L:U ' J j n.».. ». >u. "_i i , On that <t«v th* >ht» fk> TM»nh' purchased ft The first ship csrrying war dead. . . , . .. .. ., will arrive in the United States Oct.! du™n* "ne of.the c'tyjhands con- -- - --Proceeds realised from this totalled more than. $100. week, season tickets may be d"ayT*the"*shio. the Joseph1 wjjfhased for the four concerto. '^fW- -- St1 SlSUESSS^- nsz SSU XL. *xs*» -Jas. tenor Svia^m^ at rhVLi!T Christina Freund of McHenry and for each congressional district, sena- with bodies of soldiery who died '«1 hi ?vl VernOn L. Nickell, superintendent SSwS^n 1947 i? K. May of Elgin. Her torial committeeman, ward commit- the Battle of the Bul«». The ship ^ of public instruction for the state of t r<d rmlnist. t'n Jilt husband, Peter M. Freund, preceeded teeman in Chicago and precinct com- h" * capacity of 6^00 bodies. I » ^ tured soloists tojwear with' the her in ^ath thirteen ^ars ago. mitteeman downstate. The Hona Knot is scheduled to *2 and •St ^wtheile" bbSeinSg token to xSt.i "'Cwonin,a'inlity Unit Di^rict Bill." It .RTVSI fS^SS^VivS " WU 676- T^i" hUl was drawn and introduced at the reqest STfi?ffth?SS.i*' following sponsors: Illinois *M vMd W wfr im* i AfricuiturtI Association hh*A*« an hour and a half later. An, , Illinois, recently released the follow- An rw » e ing information to aid the public in| aJTl AU Giri Symphony Orchestra. TOUHG HARVARD BOY FATALLY IHJURED IN FARM ACCIDENT The body will rest at the Peter' M. Justen funeral home until Satur-1 Fire Protection District d 'sV: *0 Hold Inspection Frid»y Mary's church, with burial in the . . i church cemetery. * The McHenry Township Fire Pro-1 ing the bodies will be sent to fifteen1 wherever she has appeared. Details ! Mrs. John N. Fi " arrive at San Francisco Oct. 10 with the bodies of 3,500 men who died at ' Pearl Harbor. After an elaborate series of checks, hermetically sealed caskets containobtoined at the door on eoni «rht. Adult tickets will be student tickets $1.50. / October Gaeat M"i. Smith, the first guest artist; ?s widely known for both her humorous and serious readings and is said to hsve been extremely popular ... _ reund 1 tection district is joining with similar; distribution centers throughout the* «wcerning her program of Oct. 29 A farm accident took the life of Realisation of a dream for shar- organizations throughout the nation | country. From there, the Bodies will w'll snne^r in a futans issue of the a young HarvsH boy this week. He, ing together the pleasure of their! this week in seeking to do away be sent to the next of kin tour burial.I PWndssler. niinois was Raymond Hackler, 8, son of the new home was denied a local couple i with fire hasards. There will be, "The job is so big thst it may The second program will include " " " ........ . .. - Hurley, dramatic tenor, wke will appear on Jan. 7. He recently RTtoeared on the first concert of the | season presented by the Elgin Fine Arts club. At the same time, Ruth __ __ ... ... New York port, said. ' I Sanderson Phillips, concert pianist* dounty on Dec. 27, 1S74, one of a Committee, and at die request of; vard hospital, an hour after the and never fully recovered, although Fire has proved invaluable in It WHS estimated tha* it will take; will aouear. family of ten children. During his < meet county survey copmittedk, the \ accident. i her condition did not become serious msny ways both in war and oeace, five days to remove all the caskets 1 On Feb. 5 there will be a musical younger life he farmed and In later, state advisory commishon. Raymond had been riding on the'until she underwent surgery four but it has also been responsible for from the Joseph V. Connolly. Thei concert presented by local talent* the jvan engaged in mason work and ! This law 1* being usetf In : tome' spreader and is believed to have weeks ago. | millions of dollars worth of damage j casket.* and packing cases will be, program to be announced later. Ike deceased was born In Lake ] pals' .AssedhlMt, Rural Education J about noon on Sunday in the Har- ;was first taken ill three years ago *ure* also served as mail carrier out of localities of-the state in a way that lost his balance and fell off behind A new home for the couple has1 8* well as live* lost. It is hoped examined and replsced, if necesssry.j March 3 will bring to McHenry rid Lake for about sixteen years, was never intended by the sponsors,; the tractor and in the path of the been under construction in McHenry i fhst everyone will cooperate to make, N#xt of kin will be notified by; for the third time Bessie Ryan of retired about four years ago, {the legislature, or the governor. It, spreader. The rear wheel passed for several weeks and would have McHenry and the surrounding com- telegram twenty-four hours before j Chicago and two of her pupils. Miss When his health foiled. should nev«!r be used as a "land over his body before his father was, been completed and ready for their munities free of fire hazards? I the arrival of the ship J Jean Kleinman, soprano, and Rose-' He had resided in Volo most of his grabbing" base, tlie bill was in-j aware that he had Mien. 'occupancy this winter. I _ As of Sept. 1. the army and nsvy. marV Andermay. pianist. These two life, but came to McHenry to reside tended to make it possible for com-1 Besides his parents, he is sur- Katie Weber'was born 61 years-St. John's Court mailed to next of kin 115,513 letters y°on* l»<»es and their teacher ap- With a brother, Martin Stoffel, for, munities and counties to form unitjVived by five brothers and a sister, ego, on April 19, 1886. at Stacyville, IT.IJ Tn.t.ll.+U* ' 1 "f inquiry requesting whether they P®*red in concert st the Methodist Several months two years ago. districts, the best type of school j • j Iowa, and came to this community iMWUBUOn wished the bodies returned. Re-1 church here last spring and ^during . Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. organisations, by single vote. Under _________ _ __________ t when she married on Jan. 31, 1912. ' . . . „ ~~~ „ j sponses were obtained' from 73,918 the summer were puesto at a concert Marie Whitehorse, of Madison, Wis.; the old laws several elections were RtSlDFNT OF VICINITY [Since that time she had remained St. Johns Court, No. 96. Catholic .<r 64 per cent. At the end of World • £!ven the C. W. Goodell home. I in the Johnsburg locality, her P*^er of Foresters, will hold instal- War I, it was reported, 79 per cent I The many persons who were ui at- | interest centering in her large family lation of officers at its regular nsked that their relatives be brought tendance on these two occasions were and in her favorite hobby, raising meeting Tuesday evenings Oct. 14.|back. j enthusiastic in their aproval of the beautiful flowers. She was inter- The following newly elect»1_ officers The entire cost of the program musicians and will no doubt «nd two brothers, "John and Martin i necessary to accomplish this result, MANY YEARS A OA TlTim ef McHenry. HU wife the former Ai any reorganisation move, the! |(a»i.Pitsen. proceeded him in death chief concern should be the e<k»ea- AT WOODSTOCK OCT 5 four years ago. tional welfare of tfa$ children 1f%! The body rested at the Jacob Justen served. In_ some communities this Mrs. Mary McCuIlom Pierce, 73, ested, too. in her church work and will ^ be installed: ^ Michael Schacfer, will be about two billion doij^rs, ac- welcome another appearance, locally. Sons funeral home until ftiesday ^>'*€n forgotten and the main died on Ot. 5, 1947. in Woodstock was a faithful member of the chief ranger; Paul Pitsen, vice-chiet, oordine to army estimates. TTIC cost __ . JT ~~~ _ m morning at &:80 o'elock, when last • large tax base has taken. after an illness of about two years Christian Mothers society. ranger; Paul Schmitt, recording of returning one body was out at KJRIUAUD AMD BKB were held at St. Peter's church Presence to the detriment of the She was bom on the site of the1 Besides her husband, the deceased secretary^: Leo Kin^, treasurer; $#00. The government psys afl costs # VNOUNCE GRAND 'is* V* ' , i v * i* :a 2% Volo, with"bariaf in the church educational welfare of the children, present Wonder Lake " area* and "» survived bv eight children: Leona Joseph Hiller. financial secretary; j cf exhumation, preparation of re-, _________ ft/_ This should never be. reared near West McHenry, in the *t home. Mrs. Agnes Gielow of .Schmitt, Joe L. Freund sndj mains, casket, casketing, and for-, OPENING OCT. 11 S^Mr^Soffel was a genial man, his W these territories involved in' McCuilom "Lake 0^a."* "', " Oary, lV\'d., Herbert Freund," Mrs. Louis Schmitt, trustees. I warding. abicere interest in those about him! the throes of forming a new unit: Surviving are two sons, Edgar and Marie Freund and Mrs. Dorothy Beginning in November, The fifteen distribution centers Snaking him an interesting companion district would first confer with the Elmer, both of Woodstock. Her Diedrich " "" " A n«nt|p/»er*«,>* is r«ad« this whose passing is mourned by his county survey committees involved •mny acquaintances. and work out a . suitable reorganiza- • Ition, many of the existing difficul- . ' fties would never occur. Problems COMING EVENTS °* reorganisation should be thorougHhusband. Edirar Pierce, Sr., preceded Anita he in death three years ago. grandchildren Services were held from the Mer- Kloeckner oL win funeral home, Oct. 8 at 1:30 brothers. Albert and John Weber of attena. P. m., Rev. Tsvenner officiatiag. In- Stocyville. ly studied and moves should not be ferment was In Greenwood ceme-' The body rested at the funeral Oct shir 1® Mothers Club--Legion Hall. October 11 Second Anniversary Dinner of made until boundaries of proposed; tery. districts have been agreed upon. This' is the only wsy that a sound and sane program can be realised. j Aftks $10,000 Damages For home until Tuesday morning, when j last rites were held from St. Mary's' i church, McHenry, with burial in the ; church cemetery. Pallbearers included Joe L. Freund AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Earl Gilkerson underwent den, Utah; San Francisco, Auburn, Si e»>d 176, just east of Crystal Lake, Wash., and Mira Loma, Cal. on fi»»<iHay. Oct. 11. The public is ir>v>t»d to attend the grand opening Business Women's Club Met Oct. 5 and insnect the new spacious quartern and esuipment, both of which will greatly interest farmers and tn»"k owners in this vicinity. There will be a big vaudeville George Huff, Clemens Adams, Sibre surgery at the Wodstock hoSpitol The Illinois Federation of Busi- show with five big acta, including : Whiting, Pete Freund and Art during the past week. | ness and Professional WVtmen's clubs stars Who hsve long been entertain- .William Saniuk filed suit in the Thelen. Honorary pallbearers were Joyce Schaffer of West McHenry of District 2 met on Oct. 5 at the f>r* on WLS. TWse orofessional gon^ Auxiliary - Bride Dinbi IHorie, Snff«r«d In 194S JS-J£,_C'--D"ce-C"", l ,Stif,S?.4g5 'Vtoher 12 Celumbus Day K. of C. Fsrty Parochial School Had). ' Jftkn.hnr-. If this fails, the law provides ways Saniuk charged he had parked his i Mrs. Anna Mollokan i morial hospital last week. "Mrs. Cities, •Harvard, Naoerville. Downers shoVin^theprocessingofvegetabl^ . ommun*tT Cn»--Nell s meaug )n which tiie territory in-^^r in a parking loj owned by John 5 Old friends in McHenry heard with I Mitchell is the former Fern Bacon Grove. Elgin and McHenry were in fr»»ts »nd meats. ; o n v a • i«j. volved can be withdrawn. No six- Mevers, on Route 14 about one-half ngrM this week of the death of °* McHenry. attendance. See display ad on page § ef this Hwnorial 8emce O. E-, ^---Acacia mble teritory should be forced to be-, mile south "f Harvard, when a tniclc jjre ^nna Mollohan 78. who passed1 Morris Hoban has been a surgical Those from McHenry to attend issue. ^ flrinh is I come part of a district against the owned by Quinn, snd driven by his away Sunday evening Oct 5 1947 petient at St. Therese hospital, Wau-; were Mrs. Peter M. Justen. Miss v Circle 1, W. SLC S--Mrs J A.:Wi? $ * ™»io"ty of the people in- >eent. parked in the rear of his c,r at the howe of her daughter, Mrs.'|fe«g«n- „ . M M - .. £thel Jon^a' f M™* Goodell and HeWf Bnr«&V Potfprion * volved. | He further charges that without Ralph Walkup near Ridgefield Her Mrs. Mane McKim of McCuIlom. Mrs. F. V. Jones. Miss Jones acted __ , -- A™..* n r\ •o T-.i-ii 1 Whatever reorganisation may take warning he ran his truck into the health had been failinr for the'east Lake underwent isurgery at th/ as registration chairman and Mrs. Meatol HOme tinn F.--Instolla- ef£ect before the count* survey com- rear of his car with the result the j but her edition be- Woodstock hospital this week. Gooddell led the international re- - iron oi wijms. mittee makes its final report on front bumper of the truck and the came serious only a few days before' Mrs. B. J. Brefeld is a medical lations discussion. Highlight of the The McHenry unit of the Home TT„ 4 f f T n i . . „ n u J a n u a r y 1 . 1 9 4 8 , m a y o e c h a n g e d , r e a r b u m p e r o f t h e c a r b e c a m e e n - i d « a t h . i Patient at St. Therese hospital, afternoon session was a talk by Mrs. Hurea" will meet at the home of ^ M u r e a u s * r s . w h e n t h i s f i n a l r e p o r t h a s b e e n t a n r l e d . M r s M o l l o h a n w a s b o r n i n W a t e r - ' W a u k e g a n . W o o d r u f f , s e c o n d v i c e - p r e s i d e n t o f " r < W i l l i a m M e a t h o n W e d n e s d a y , wuuam Moatn. ! filed, the county superintendent is Saniuk further charges that with-;town ^rlg on Qct 22, 1800 and' Mrs. George Baird has been a the atote federation. Oct. 15. Ladies attending are asked uctooer le required by law to call an election out warning he backed im the truck \ cam^' to this locality at an early age ! patienrt at St. Therese hospital, .Wau-j to ™e-t at the Northwestern deoot -- * ~"'u 1* u:- V.„_J -- .... 1 1 norwnrvra , ,„r. - "romptlv nt 1:15 p. m. and from »R•i cuh a5rd "Dick" GreiLnAerK ^2a9 , whI.o , wi» for *h« Meath home. Tbe mmjor topic will ^ "How To C. D. of A. Ir>i<-ia*ion. October 1C on the recommendation of the survey with the result his right hand was in-; gj,e raided here until thirty-two kegan. committee. If this carries, all pther iured to such an extent he loot two year8 ^go when she went to live j ^Vn5." u' luncheon--Community former elections involving chJinges finger, (jfrarcn. of districts become void." October 23 |\iblic: Card Party and Auction-- RESIDENCE CHANGES RirtK# as <»»»* e>»»e»seeeee O. E. S.--Acacia Hall. Program, Card Party and Dance-- V°'° Octdber 21 21 M. 11 I The Jack Hart family has moved White Fl»nh»nt from the Hubert Freund place t©: Mr. and RirMM Aro^son anfCMhritsitiaa? n MM^othhi^nsarn2ddIA AllSta^r ^SfotcSieJty?. K®"osha. Wis. nounce the Hrth of a daughter -n The Aiphonie Wirtz famUy moved Oct. 2. at the Woodstock hospital Program - Hi^I School--Sponsored j?8t an--*?artmeT,t in - Mr' mn* Mrs George J. Kauss. Jr.. by Mothers * the Bassett house board. Navem Junior Class Play. November IS on Main street to! who reside west of McHenry. are born at Chicago, on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyers have' Thursday. Oct. 2. The 7% pound Ittb T ihrary inc wmc w nwn nreei 10 j wno mvue wpsv OI incnci pi" , their new home in Lake View sub-1 the p^r^nts, of a daughter, i. •- •< , 7; i division in the north part of the city.; St. Luke's hospital. Chici "« ** • t ' 1 u. __ J u i L. i rm i rt.. n m.. n\i • moved from the upper apartment "ttle lady who has been named lecture bv TiidVe*qblrharn Pnmrhi in the Klonlz house on Main street' V'»-?inia, has two little sisters in Crh««l Rail " to an apartment on the first floor, addition to her parents to welcome f n nf A Sponsored by ^ paddock building on River-1 her arrival. Mrs. Kauss is the former * • ] side Drive. The place vacated by! M'«s Marv Dtirland. | the Mejrers' is now occupied bv Mr. I" M»-. and Mrs. Robert Seeger of RAISE NURSES' RATES ' and Mrs. (Arthur Jackson of Wood- McCuIlom Lake announce the j>irth Effective last week Wednesday, stock., Jrivate dutv nurses of the second' _,.M_ _,ol istrict, of Illinois, in which Elgin Is' _T QUEST SOLOIST f*ated, received an increase rate of, Warren Jones, tenor, was guest 10 for an eight-hour day. The in-' soloist at the world Wide Com of a daughter on Oct. 5 at the Woodstock hospital. RINK TO REMAIN OPEN Contrary to reoorts which have * grease from the former rate of $8 munion service held st the First 'been widely circulated in McHenry was approved at the Sept. 6 meeting baptist church in Woodstock last <Win» the oast week, the Just For «f second district nurses' association Sunday, accompanied by his aunt, F»n Roller Rink has not been sold at Joliet, and the Oct. 1 date was set Mrs. C. W. Goodell. He chose for ard is not closing. Should any transfer the advance. . i his solo the recitative, "Ye People, ae^'on of thia kind take place, notice Rent Your Hearts" and the aria, will be made to that effect. "If With All Hearts" from the ora- j tirio "Elijah" by Mendelssohn. j Complete line of Lee's poultry i The "new look" is not only'In lady's dresses Irat also *>n her head. &ee '•some of these favorite styles tpd*v from a new shivment of hats remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McNOTICE Henry. 8-tf _ Tree Tower, eiast at McHenry, which just arrived. Elisabeth Pich, on Route 120, will be closed every Order your rubber stamps at The fSreen Street, McHenry. 21-ffc Monday.^beginnig Oct. 6. *21 Flaindaaler. with her daughter and family. Her entire lifetime was spent in service to others, the uppermost thought in her mind always being MEATLESS TUESDAY „r , 4 _ „ me was spent in McHenry residents joined the with hu fsther. Walter A. Greiner, K Emotionally Balanced." the gMmait I nation in observing their first "meat- left Elgin a few weeks as* to take A ind LwavBlMtar less Tuesday" this week. Because over operation of the Rams Mo-Tel ver\- successful meeting was ,°?*r*lion OI ine "'V'"' beld Isst month snd it is hoped that " ?"«•• «».•*>-¥• H" Sdv.rncT'NI:UR,"' ™.Uu"nu".JSD' Mo..^ 'J?"!*' W,U to ki»to». .nd «d tin made for her a host of friends in to comply with the president's con- were riding canned near Orark McHenry who remember her/ well DR. ISHERWOOD DIES centered in later years in the activities of her family. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Walkup, she is survived by two grandchildren, Mrs. Vernon Rudolph of Island Lake and Lowell E. Walkup of Pittsburg, Pa., also three great grandchildren. The body rested st the Gilbert even thousrh she had been gone manv servation request. Many, however, on the rver.- about TV. PnUl A. Isherwood. 60. of eggless week Thursdays, starting DISMANTLE TRUSS BRIDGF -- _ _] Dismantling of one of the first George of St. Paul and Robert, truss bridges in McHenrv county was Charles, Jr., and Ralph of Minneapo-, completed recently by Dan Horter, lis. _ scrap iron dealer. T* was the old The body "rested at the Jacob 90-foot span over the Pisca*aw creek county for many years, died Oct. 5. ' of invmes suffered in an accident "»ir M°rrinhis. Tenn., a week pre- 'ion« He is well known in McHenry county. KILLS FOX Justen Sons funeral home until 2 pt Chemung village. Mr. Horter said * i k ~ • r> _* i r l i-i o'clock Saturday afternoon, when the bridge sections, estimated to be iy»untv for killing a red fo* in tUs funerai home m Crystal Lake until 21 services were held there. Interment wore than fiftv year, old. were k,I1,n* o clock on Wednesday afternoon, was jn the Woodland cemetery. ; eagerly acquired by private builders Dwight E. WilliaaM ' during the current steel shortage. McHenry friends of the former, Opsl Cooley of McHenry will be when services were held there, with interment in Ridgefield cemetery. Irvia Elbe Irvin. Ellis, 46. a resident of Lily Lake, died at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, last Thursday morning, Oct. 2, following a two weeks' illness. He had operated a tavern on Rt. 12, north of Volo, for several years. Survivors include the widow. Lena; two children, Irvin, Jr., and Dolores of Milwaukee, Wis.; his father, Charles Ellis, of Amery. Wis.; and Mrs. Grace Johnson of Richmond, Wis.; and four brothers Read the Want Afe sorry to learn of the death of her, selection of fall hate in all the rich husband, Dwight E. Williams, 48.; *hides so pooular this season. Elizawho died suddenly of a heart attack . beth Pich, Green Street, McHenry. NOTICE _ . . , _ . ^rick's grocery and gas station will b* closed Sunday afternoon# until further notice. 2l-f|p Fort Smith, Ark., on Sunday, OcVji, 1947. Survivors, besides his wife, include two daughters, June, 21, Georgia Rutledge, 19, and a son, Jack, 14. 21-fp Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8-tf MABRIAOE LICENSES ! Farm families hold more th*f» Ms- George J. Pate, McHenry, and 000,000.000 worth of U. S. Savings Esther Swenson, Crystal Lake. Bonds. <-nsh value today. This sum is Since V-J Day, the holdings of the j . \ 1 more than the total owned .b* American people in U. S. Savings j NOTICE farmers on mortgages and other Bonds have increased 10 per cent, i Mi-Place Resturant and Tavern, loans. Farm states lead all others Ask your banker about the new Green St.. McHenry. will he cTcUed in net sales of "F Bonds this year. I - • . Bond-a-Month Plan for easy, auto- all day every Thursday until further 7 S||natic purchase of Savings Bonds. ; notice. . 16-fp-tf . Subscribe for The P<' iadealer

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