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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 3

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"Grandma" Betty Pavlik flew west to help care for the newcomer. The parental grand* parents cf the baby are Mr. anft Mrs. Mtrritt £V>ssler. Repan, all of Friends of Duane and Congratulations to Mr. and Calvin Kolar, who celebrated first wedding anniversary, on Pat Foasler: d*y' October 5. Lake. Mrs. their Sun- "Miss Wonder Lake" has a M« itile now. She is Mrs. Jimmie Harrington afc of last week. The former (Dolores Wolde of Wonder Woods was married in St. Louis last Monday and is now on the way to California, where she and her new brideroom will spend a honeymoon. The room is the son of Mr. ar> Mrs. i ames Harrington, summer residents j .Wonder Center. Accompanying Jthe bride and groom on the honeymoon is the best man, Ronnie Wilhelm, on of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilelm, also of Wonder Center, Ronnie and Jimmie are friehds of many1 ears standing. Friends lost his right leg last week when amputation was deemed necessary' to keep a malignant condition from spreading, will be glad to know that; Tonv is holding his own with great couj-age. Tony is 'confined to St.1 Luke's hospital in Chicago where he, will spend his convalescence. It is thought, that tha Injury to Tony's] leg was due to an automobile acci-i dent in June, when a car ip which he | was riding turned over at the Christy! farm just before the big turn. Latest In Bed Lamps A bed-wide fluorescent tube built into the headboard is being planned as the latest in bn) reading lamps. More than forty relatives ware present at the first birthday partyl for baby Linda. Lee daugh'j r of Mr. and Mrs. Fred don in their Woodstock home. Lee is the sister of Mrs. Thomas j Lauzon of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lauzon were present at the' celebration for the baby. iaay party i Lanadon, i "'red Lang- >me. Linda CUM Life Children born between four eight years after their parents' marriage are, on the average, longer lived than those born earlier or later In the marriage. QUICK RELIEF FROM Long Tongue The tongue of a giraffe Is remark* ably elastic and may be as long as a foot and a half, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The animal uses it for grasping leavaf §9 eat from tall trees. Highways Cress State 1 Arizona is crossed east and waag ? n by four transcontinental highway •• * United States highways 80, «, > and 80-- while the Canada to ico highway--United States „ f I W--crosses the state north and south. Read the Want Alii : f J_a.. flaNcribe-fsr -The naind»al» . Tons Grosso, Winter Is Just Around the Corner Ricky Doyle celebrated his' birthday on Saturday, Oct. 4, with a party at which Randy Sellek, Kurt Weisenberger, Joanne Reuter, and Johnny Sirtalc were present Ricky, who was seven, received many gifts. His sister, Patty, who is four, said she never saw a donkey with so very many tails, but felt reassured when told that only birthday donkeys, have them. Dinner was served from a table decorated in the Hallowe'en motif with a jack-o'lantern centerpiece. STOMACH •vetoexcess acid VMABAAVKJKALHAMAH^MA^LKAL Mast Helper It WMICest Yea NetMng Over thrae million bottle* of (he WIUUD TKEATMBNT hare been aold for relief of •ymptomsof dlatiCMftrMng from I and DWSMII UIMM due to I Pi due to taNH AcM. Sold on IS days' trial! A<k for "water** Bmi|«" which fully epiilaiti* this treatment--fr*«--at (• WATTLES DRUG STORE j:' West. McHenry L:. PYROFAX GAS SERVICE StJPtEIOR BOTTLE GAS s^vicb JKagic Chef Ranges Water Healers Servel Oas Refrigerators TOWN and COUNTRY OYM. SMITH C Phone 499-W-; Aptfc t - 419 llain i WcSmry fe\ren though Old Man Sutnfnor ha> been lingering in this vicinity during the pasf w$ek, tlfe calendar reminds us that ais pifsenee is only Mr- and Mrs. Leo N, Peterson ff| Wonder Center have now decided taj make Wonder Lake their permanent home after selling their home in La-> ' Grange. This, past summer they] spent in southern Orphan and CaR-j fornia visiting friends. The Peterson home is the first house north of the Handy Pantry Food Shop on the County road. • Beat Winter ti tie imr! a matter Your Home... Your Could Be Next' ^JTlVERYUvominute$%dxy andnigfat, ^ J-J a home just like yours is burned. Every twenty-jour hours, twenty -seven •lives are sacrificed to fire. Now--to • safeguard your home and your life-- ask us for modern fire safety information. Fire prevention in home . is up to you! ir * • •' . On request, we will gladly furnish a self-inspection ikmk to guide you. • .. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK T October 5-l| EARL R. WALSH - nmTnuurte •. • > * * -- - of .limited time. While we are ireluetant to bid adieu, now is jthe time to think.atfout those ( b o t h e r s o m e l i t t l e c h o r e s {around the home which are so ^difficult to accomplish when a harp wind threatens to send us- chivei ing into Che warmth j of the house. ^ We have on hand a supply ' of glass, putty, talking comhViund and weather stripping v ii<*h you will want to pur- {chase now, while working outi side is still pleasant. i ' ' JSie days are getting shorter ! the weather is getting cooler; [don't put off purchasing your jsiiwly of these materials at j once. ; --_-- ,|. ---- • Nickels Hardware y JCain Streel The Rod and Gon Auxiliary m&i nt the home of Mrs. Karen Widen OR Friday evening. The annual election of pfricera was*held and the follow over their new dutief: Dorothy Powers; vie#* chairman, Mrs. Lillian DrumI; see>; retary, Mrs. Louis Scott; treasur Mrs./ Estelle Biggers; ways means chairman, Mrs. Marian Calpk ron; social chairman, Mrs. Karen Widen.,; "Visitohi at the meetiiHf were Mrs. Ajfc&v" Meiswinkel, Mrs. Proper anrf Mrs. J. HoTocwist. New members who joined at thla meeting were Mrs. Frieda Stromsl(t,_ Mrs. Helen Comeski and Mrs. Eleanor Stromski. Goapel Center The Rally Day Frogram the Gospel Center on Sunday, Oct. 5, attracted one of the largest audiences of the season. ' A number of those present were there for the firat time. The special meetings con-, ducted by Rev. Fred 'Beck, of LaPort, Ind., will begin on Wednesday evening, Oct. 8, and will continue over Sunday, Oct. 12, with services each night (expect Saturday) at 7:90; Sunday Services lit 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 4p. m. Mr. Beck W* an outstanding evangelist and young people's speaker and specializes in child evangelism. His object lessons are most unique, original and instructive. We believe, that this is an opportunity that no one can afford to miss. We cordially welcome one and. m(dl> John Slaughter, famous Arisoaa ahwiff in the lawlees '80 a--enemy ot the rustler ana horse thiet and lightning-fast on the draw. |»t this aH-out protection bofoii WiRtor oporn ap OR your car Beat Winter to the draw--with the help of your Standard Oil Dealer! He provides all necessary weapons through his 10 Star Fall Special. Yes, this big winterproofing program includes every service needed to prepare your car for freezing days ahead. This means your winter-^, time driving will be safer,- pleasanter--easier on you, easier yS ^ OH your car--if you arm yourself not# With your Standard Oil Dealer's 10 Star Fall Special. Standard Oil Company. »h0M « Phone 2 4 •Ufa % :# .# m r~m Join fit th* Calibration! "HARVESTER'S 100 YEARS IR CHICAGO? So* the big Exposition depicting the o^ricultural progress of the post century! CHICAGO, SOUTH END SOLDIER FIELD EVERY DAY OCTOBER 18 t« NOVEMBER 2 shdmnsHng ExhibHt of Old Timm ml Modern Equipment • MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT OCTOBER 21ST IS ILLINOIS DAY. A special train will ran on the C. Jk N. W. Ry. to carry passengers to this big celebration. See as for complete details. ACENTURY ago--in October, 1847--Cyrus Hall McCof* mick built the first reaper factory in Chicago and founded the International Harvester Company's business of today. This month, Harvester is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of this event with a big and colorful exposition on Chicago"! lake front at the south end of Soldier Field--a fascinating, informative portrayal of growth and progress in the mechanization of farming, truck transport, industrial power and refrigeration--topped off with music and entertainment. McHenry Equipment Co. McHenry 185 303 W.r h?:-t St. -S' f: v A.; - PWB^(jp ••A. mamp i J. - » . . . . : An oil changt to wlRtor-grado PonMtBbo is part of tho sonrlco this yoar Newest headUner among your Standard Oil DMIW'I 10 vital loss is the finest motor oO Standard pvmr made . . . Pniuujii InprawM As til M) Lit" S oINr lias aotor lis: mn Awrica'i favorite 100% Ptnniy IoiL J STANDARD SERVICE A uihiir r«- iac MSt oiL For rNiabl* !•- MatettlM 0--st Hags Homes ia the adestvhave apael fine rags reserved for gueata, Jusl qwdal towels are reserved fof guests In American homes. The eial rugs are spread before the upon ttie arrival oriental home. % Throw a^Etittst Cadillac any test you care ID make--and it will stand revealed at the monarch of motordom. Is it you wish to compare? A look |s all you Is it performance? Comfort? Haiti dling ease? A ride tells the story. |Is engineering or long life? The answer i|i D I S T I N C T I O N i HI IJffff II I duettM. Dtmmmi is >* grtst, MWMT, ' dslmy far dsUmsrw is stUl imcvitmbl*. But year fmrftsl Thin is w K.f OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS r_ ; ' 'V .•»*

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