ISP til nMKMBt _ «nry HwiAyr *t Mc-f \Jfairy, BL. by Lacy H. fL.llH.1 . it andllhni|tr..A. H.Mosher Mr*. Pattcrm Te te Editor.--.h.^dtk Feoehlich Entertain Clsb <» -. .. ^ Mrs. J. A. Patterson will entertain . .. » 2ii S? j Circle 1, W. S. C. S., at her hone poatofflee at MeBaarf, HI., ander , on Tesday, Oct. 14. The meeting act of M»y 8, 187V. will begin with a 12:SO o'clock potluck Iuncheoti. CMIPRIAL. SSOtlATION jruz Mr. and Mrs fjisited their ttollege last Sunda; Elmer Winkleman Mildred Munshaw in Elgin, where v "m". J.m« .t Beloit th.„Kro„p .HI h.l» M?! ,Wini.n,[^""d'EI2S,^S^of I Hn. Lucv Mc&onald of Drue.'celebrste her birthday "anniversary!! ?,1 pin'c * lake spent Sunday visiting friends • t ? ^°^er h£imtrthe GIRB#0» .hora® in ^MMrcHHpennrrvy.. Book Review O/wn. * * " • • ^ ! Sunday, Oct 5, complimenting 1 , Mrs. Mary Dibler of Woodstock Program Of Club ifeent a few days last week with her Mrs. Fred Sells wHl (laughter, Mrs. Ed Nickels. . book review and Mrs. Harry Leonard OXeary Mrs. Nick Freaal Hoatees To Clab | sponsored by the Lily Lake P. IP. K. Mrs. Nick B. Freund entertained | Music will be furnished by Hwiert her banco club last Thursday after-, orchestra, ^ ^ noon at her home on Wkukeganl "• « , * ' i; I'M I afreet. Prixes were awarded to Mrs. pj-i. w„_ - t Ed Thompson and Mrs. Viola Low. i Shaw*, o » | The ..Xt meetiw will U with Mr.. Mr,. pSd irolw, Jr.. and Mr..] s Curulewski of CMtiM and MeCannoii, . .emtir of" theCib!, -- SPSS ie on _ Mrs. of Woodstock. nrmamnt -,SrU«fte were present trm Woodstock present *; McHenry and Chicago,,: 1 • 0 m *" •_ v ' ' P. T. A. Met ^F~*7^T'" On Oct. I a J St. Mkry^s - St. Patrick's school P. T. A. held an interesting meeting on Wednesdky afternoon of last week. Hostesses were Mrs. Elizabeth Weber, chairman; Mrs. Eleanor Miller, Mrs. Harry Q^Btfen, Mrs. Anthony Paluch, Mrs. Charles Dowe, Mrs. J. G. Nixon, lbs. Bernie Peschke and Peter J. Schaefer. *. • • . *•' v '• i>. will offer wed meeting of the ] held at tba^ Jimm of Mn. Osof»e Johnson on Friday, Oct 10. Assist iiur Mrs. JAhnam as hostesses will be Mrs. Math Laures, Mrs. Edgar Langren, Mrs. Robert Mrs. .Wayne Price and Adams. Conmaaity Duct ' • Set For Oct. 11* There will be a Lily Lake community dance at Club LHymoor on > Saturday, Oct. 11, at 8:80 p.m. Dr. and Mas. Leo Gerlach of Johnsbarf son, San V lane--w the marriage of tMr . Leo, to Miss Marie Pechacek of i Francisco, the ceremony having THE LEO GERLACHS been solemnized at St. Joseph's Cathedral early last spring. The fcride is a graduate of San I C E CREAM OtvMtt «l N«m«mI Otfry Cm* WSD tk CHICAGO FLAVORS FOR OCTOBER itTTER CRUNCH VANILLA PLUM ROY ALE STRAWBERRY TOASTED H AZELNUf v - SPECIAL BRICK EACH WEEK-END. BOLGEIVS DRUG STORE Francisco State College. Previous to her marriage she worked as a Red Cross recreational director in mili- Married la ] tary hospitals. Woodstock ' The couple is now residing in 'Santa Arthur D. Krftuse and Ella B. j JGmlf., near the marine base, Houghton, of McHenry, wan married E1 Ton? •™t,on field» wh#re last Tlmrsday morning, Oct. 2, in | Kr<>°m serving as a night Woodstock by Judge Charles F. lighter pilot. . Hayes. The bride was attired, in a brown pin-stripped suit, with matching hat, and white carnations. She was attended by Mrs. W. A. McGlasson, who wore a grey, suit with black 1 accessories and a corsage of pink1 carnations. Mr. McGlasson served as best man. k The couple i.s residing at 302 Park street, McHenry. * » • Lnnde, Engstront Vows Exchang'J Word has been received of the ' marriage of Miss Ella Lunde, 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lunde i of Edmonton, Canada, and Mr. Bert , Engstrom of Johnsburg. The nuptial v vows were exchanged in a quiet i service performed by Rev. Price of ' the Methodist Church in the Engi strom home at Johnsburg on Satur- ; day, Sept. 27. i Attendants for the couple were Mr. J and Mrs. Eric Lindberg of Buffalo Grove, 111. ! The couple is residing in Johns- 1 burg, where Mr. Engstrom conducts his business, Engstrom Sales and' Photo by Max F. Kolin, Chicago. MR. & ItRS. STEPHAN HUSK A, JR. Before her marriage on Sept. 17 1 in Chicago's St. Brendan's Catholic church, Mrs. Stephan Huska. Jr., was Miss Therese Cunningham. The couple will reside at McCullom Lake. SXPTEltttt BRIDE PHONE 40 McHENRY Subscribe for The Plsln dealer r AUOWANa NtYmtrOUH^m O»•*. 34-47. Ferjd '37-'47.. Ukiiv» AdfarioMt VIVVI TVflv SM9IV9 alS ••••••••••••••• 10r x 20*. Side window (8' x 18*).., .94c A* popular-sized wfeffr...ff« mk |ihyi--inHQWI * < SUCTION CUP 29< FOR YOU It OLD *ATTB*YI r *94 •• •M 41 AND si run • 100 AMP. MBS. George CotleU* 123 Main Sttffet WHBT fi yWfrlw^VStott'iy^v - McHBNRT In a doable ring ceremony aol»*> "JlT1 u OwMfth at 10 odock last Sunday uofnfa^ Oet. 4, Miss Ann Sehaefbr, dnulter of Ben J. Bchaafer of J< ^* come the bride of Mr. ham, Jr., s^j of the senior' Wick, hams of Woodstock. uS'olJ"/1*"1*1* by>r ^*ther, Min Schaefer approached the altar, radiant in a gown of, white -- princess st^le, with s^ethm SS line. She wore a long train and veil, the latter held in'pfiTby a high, taried crown, centered by two love birds. Her only Jewelry was an Isenberg chocker, « gift of tba groom, and she carried « bouquet of red roses. Hfelr matron of honOrjAi her cloiM friend, Mrs. Thelma flKher. herself, a bride of recent weeks. Bridesmaids were Miss Lorraine Freund, a friend of the bride, and Miss Dianne Smith, her niece. The three attendants wore peacodc blue taffeta dresses, with fitted bodices and full, hoop skirts. Their off-the-face. heart shaped headpieces were of matching color and they carried bouquets of gladioli. . The little flower girl was Miss Joy Ann Turner, the bride's niece, who was attired in a peach-colored taffeta gown and carried a headpiece similar to those of the other attendants. She carried a basket of Wilbur .Wickham, brother of the groom, served as best man, while Harold Schaefer, the bride's brother was groomsman. Ushers were Kenneth Hamsher and Leo Michels. Mrs. Schaefer chose a gown of, wine crepe, with which she ^ore a corsage of asters. The groom's mother wore a black crepe dress with rose accessories and an aster corsage. The wedding breakfast was served for the bridal party at the Charles Schaefer home, with dinner enjoyed later by fifteen members of the bridal party and immediate families at the Villa Club at Pistakee Bay. A reception followed in the evening, with 100 guests present to take part in dancing and a social hour. The couple will reside - at McCuli XT,. wS-T-K-t-T-C^ ' " *. '/r-O' :Y4 ;iO J # ¥¥ Aer? Kmep a 111# fine O ^sft0P >• to know yrhmfotu 90 X V^'an«i fcf what Tht iniint way is to hove a cheddngaoc*Miiiit and deposit . ^ 3 all your eaniiiiig*. Then it is a llMlWf tm rlriMMin - - - _ s. HI >• r atter to jot down «3qpenditure« on youi check stabs. Start an account . • A McHENRY STATE BANK Hembsr Fodertl Ksterve SysUm : V? ^ Mesiber Federal D»mii Insarar^ Corperstlesi , _ Oa,. .1,.. * ' * "* i&'-iv* /; 4" t" -f. ; vff "tv" ' lom Lake following a short honey-1 moon trip to Wisconsin. % - i The bride attended St. John's school and has been employed at the; Oaks in Crystal Lake. The groom i attended St. Mary's school and is now employed as service manager at1 Marr Duplicator Sales iii Chicago. | Mrs. Carl Hyatt of Waukegan visited her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, last Sunday. Boyle and re weekcM " Mr. and Mrs. Ben _ family of Lockport were guests in the Harold Lindsay home., Roger Wilbrandt, who is attending the University of Illinois, spent tfar weekend with his parents. Complete line of Beebe live, remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Henry. Subscribe for The Plsindealer Pi- Photo by A. Worwtek, McHenry MRS. NORMAN A. HENKR Zion Lutheran chnreh in McHenry was the scene of a beautiful wedig service on Saturday, Sept. 27, when Miss Evelyn"Anderson of this city became the bride of Norman Alvin Henke of Woodstock. The young couple will niaide jbfc Woodstock for the present. ~~l870--1947 MRS. EMMA FREUND Above is a picture of Mrs. Emma Freund, a livelong resident of this community, who died at the age of 7J on Sept. 29, 1947. She had been ill only a week. Possessed of an energetic personality, her passing was mourned by a host of friends in addition to her family. Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heights spent * we*ken<* w^" relatives here. Among those who attended funeral services for Mrs. John N. Freund on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stolzenberg and Mrs. Joe Adams of Austin, Minn., and Raymond Weber of Stqcyville, Iowa. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies «* Wattles Drug Statu, Mc Henry. g-tf (OFFICIAL PtfBLlCATICfc) si Report of the Condition of . - - r McHENRY STATE BANK McHenry,"Illinois ~ transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business 011 the 28th day of September 1947. • RESOURCES ! :-' •. ' ^ lv Cash and due from banks ,142,006.86 United States Government obligations, direct ^ J r and/or fully guaranteed - . v _' 2,500,928.75 ; Other bonds, stocks and securities ;r'-~ ~' ' 578,628.06 Loans and discounts 1.7fi8.nftS.g4 6. Overdrafts " _ _ 835.12 7.. Banking house $14,800.00; Furniture aal fixtures, $5,457.00 • . ' i €hrand Total Resources * ..: , UA&IUmB* 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus 20,257.00 15. tJndivided profits (Net) 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand deposits . y r 18. Time deposits '-r.".. . Total of deposits: .$6,010,661.03 ..$ 50,000.00 _ 100,000.00 1^5,736.76 ^ 52,500.00 3,333,059.14 (1) Secured by pledge of assets (2) " , ^ 8&Q39.86 Not secured pledge of assets 5,561^207.98 Total deposits . 25t Other liabilities .. 2,316,188.70 • • ' I y • -s v . ' - m .$5,649,247.84 33,i7&43 Grand Total Liabilities .... Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secinre Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged: (a) JJ. S. Government obligations direct and/gpr . fully guaranteed .$6,010,661.03 .$ 514,500.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding' *• rediscounts) $ 514,500.00 27. Purpose and Amount of Pledge: ^ (a) Against U. S. Government and postal savings & ' v deposits • •• .'4^'^ 485,500.00 (b) Against funds of State of Tllinoin ^ . $ 29,000.00 --r-*r Total Amount of Assets Pledged $ 514,500.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to tile Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. .• r v ROBERT L. WEBER^ Cashier, Correct, Attest: •<: • • :• , C. J. REHANSPERGER, ^ 7 . ' . GERALD J. CAREY, Directors. • miniir , County of McHenry. ss. ; V ^. Subscaibed and sworn fe before me this 4th day of Oct., l$47. ^ VERNE E. HARRISON, Notary Public. DIRECTORS - " jjglltMtSiPMf* • -"Iftl.! HfcyCarroll Joseph W. A» Npa, M. JJ.-- • .. Gerald J. Carey ,vv; "':"~ .f -'f . t'V MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 1 ' • f . / " , - •••Mm *! i ' ~ - r * 5 •#