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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1947, p. 7

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* ^^rS-ril}j,fW^:» r,^: *? ^ $*•."' 5-VV^ V > i (! V V \ l„ "'• -> -t 1 y t * •-*-"' *• »w, ,r . • ',* " /* -1 . ;' .' ' ' *"">•„ v- •" -!** ' ~ >• '** ut^t' * T"-" '4 y •1 •'"•• ^"i'i •""•* •*- !C • ' . » V-, '* *- . ' , • < , * » * " " ' . -, • »••'•*• r, M*t», hmt ztsrvi&L. »-;.-5 7.' rr'fl ^L,*^ ' Uyj "' ' " *K 1 "'/"••• '^'Tv--'-.- Lr' V.V:. "J" '-'- -• -' '" ""' ~r--~~-~- : ^** t - :;, V V- •'" ""'M'J'Wn ,'•' £dit--Ix-•-:' '--J N. D. >ff ^ v 1* »'« !, ^•': i-' ^ , investing! each three originally invested. Mach in 0. S. Sftvtap ton^ ia March,1 of this money is being itat ligM ba^c IMS. Eray "month since March, into Series I fttviifi Bonds, to re- IMS, these "baby bonds'* have been, peat the four-for-three process, maturing, paying four dollars for • nt •- i Jv«a •fesiiii- MeHBNIT FLORAL COt ef Miliy SI FWwcis ffcr al fsL A. P. FRBUND SONS s Bftratiag Contractor Tradda«rHHniIic . " ' -ui Crate Servicf •- •wROAD BUILDING-* 204-M : McHenry, Ill Transit Atlanta, Ga., boasts tha world's trst air - coodWeoed . city transit System. Thirty trackless trolley eoaches&aquippod with the latest in cooling dwiriM, were placed in service originally while the system eventually will include 100 coaches. IwinrinnnnYinfiPfiryyirmYaoflft CHARLES 8. PARKER. Attorney g (Jwgis j^Pirhsr) Wednesday Aftsrassas 1:00-1.00 CMTire--Koear Sapply Ces» panr. 542 Mala Street, West McHeg 112ft Ma. MO ITOFPBL ft REIHAN8P1 Imrisfs agents far all dasssa property la the best 1 Wast MeHeary, IDlnals INSUBANC3I EARL 1. WALSH F1r% Ante, |hb aad Ufa Insaraace | Whea yea ! Greea ft TWICE TOUf " -STALEST.. "•& ** , - Itaaui af Iatereat IUm the PHea ef the Plateiaslsr af Teats Ago ANIBS af aay Uad 41 arllS-M MeHeary McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J If yon are in a hurry Tor prompt and courteona service, Don't start to worry. ; We have 24-hour servioe.. McHENRY CAB--Call CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order. _ Full line of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes', trellises, picket fences, window boxes, bird houses, hand woven baskets, etc. Genuine leather men's fcnd ladies' belts, purses, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg DRAHENRY FREUND 0PT0M3TKIST itWVtin St., Weit MeHtnry Btcffan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thondaj Afternoon*) ' Eyaa Bxaaiined -- Glasses Pitted Vlsaal Training -- Visaal Rehahilitatkm Complete Visaal Analysis Hows Daily* O ta 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Eveaiaga: 0 ta 9*J0 p.i PHONE MeHENRV 452 Ship Your Poultry To Chicago Krickl Motor Service - TKL. MeHKNKY B69-J1 v • ' : • • • • . . • v . We Furnish Coops, One Ooop or a Truck £oad OTIC McHENEY McCULLOM LAKE Pgr year 'round us. . W'i a&4 dry dleaninff servioe, >BfiM|h Jj«uulry, 655 - Dry Otanen --"410 Clay St -- 229 Mi^ Bt. JEN,A-SgE LAUNORY W. ' • Woodstock. 111.' - >4 .U&'i • }«£V>T-. , • •; . (We pay servioe calls.) ;il(irz. We n^Ell have some phospttate available for October delivery. ^ ' This liiaterfii ir tiadj growsd, Florida nfik plws phate, averaging 3^ per cent phosphoric add. - . •pWe we now equipped to test your soil ^or its various fertiliser needs. Oall or write now McHENRY MILLS West McHenry - v TeL92-E SIXTY TEARS A<lb ^ John Heimer will move.thi barn from the rear of his lot, purchased of L. A. Paiter, change it over into a dwelling. R. Waite will move with his family to Elgin in about three weeks. John I. Stoiry, one of our most interesting business men, has decided to close his hardware store in this village, and remove to Hartley, Iowa, where he will engage ia the same business but on a more extensive tcale. A. S. Howe arid John Huemana had dogs a two weeks' trip to Hoi prgaaised aCourt of Lady butcher shop and market in the old fUUtf. and expect Howe block some thirty years ago,1 1 passed away in Chicago last Satur*1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO have Forssters ia Ms their charter this week. Mrs. Joseph Bahr is making ar- day rnafmaeats to MM a new house on ronear the site of the old one, in the north part of this village. M. J. Walsh, with his fine npw M. M. Niesen is now the owner turnout, the vehicle of whieh was of the^store building on Green street purchased of T. J. Walsh, is now the wherein he has conducted a grocery envy of all the foang men and many business during the pagt several of the young through town. FORTY YHARS AGOr~~~ large number of sheep killed by >gs lust week. FIFTY YEARS AGO Wo learn that the Park boMl, run by Mr. and Mrs. J. Dermot, on the W*st Side, is having a good' run WELNGART TRUCKING M Sand Gravol Filling -- Black Dirt -- limestone Tracks for Hire Free Ektimatiag Tel. 655-R-2 McHenry, IB. ART JACKSON Hauling Saad -- Black Dirt -- Ciaders Crushed Gravel -- Limeatsao Truck for Hire Phone 685-W-2 ^ McHenry, IUinoia Telephone ; All Braaehetf Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work, McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Witheat Digging ~Hly~ Electric Motor-Mole and L. Nelson Cutter Crystal Lake, Illinois Box 100 t kihT bkoTUkkk General Coatracters , Residential -- IndastilM Financing " - Blueprints Woodstock « 804 Washington St. Jehasharg Phone 509-\y Pheae I2S-HWELDING Maintenance snd Ceastractiea ~ T' Portable Eqaipmeat H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 009 Sooth Green St, McHenry, IR. FRANK S. MAY Trucki Sand --Black Dirt --^raahed Cinders -- Truck for Hire Phone McHenry S^-M-l R-l MeHeary RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWH AND LAWN MOWERS 4 By Machine Also Grossing and Repairing Carai WILLIAM BUCHEKT m 001 Front St. MeHeary as he drives y«ar«- ^ A f t e r s e v e r a l u n a v o i d a b l e d e l a y s /*be new Perfect System bakery, located in the Peter B. Freund build- -----• ing on the West Side, opened for . The employees at the Bonden business on Monday. factory are now togged in new neat Supervisor Stephen H. Freund is white suits with eaps to match. this week in receipt of the blue Mias lillian Wheeler opened the prints on the stretch of road, Route Ostend school with five pupils and no. 20, extending from the McHenry- Miss Myrtle Wattles the Sherman's Lake county line to the Mrs. Henry Corners school with seven pupils. Kennebeck farm east of this village. John J. Buch, Ben Stilling aiti Lee Ernest firott has engaged his ser-1 Walmesley returned last week from vices to D. G. Nellis, who resides oa a farm near Barreville. ^ ' . „ SAVE FILLY .*>) f-year-old-probably owes her Df- WilliMa Gay, veterinarian, •"d ^ Lock® who operates a filing station in Woodstock. The flDyV a valuable animal, is believed tohave » Pool of water on the raye Anderson farm in Bull Valley, east of town, sometime last week Tuesday afternoon. The following aay when another horse returned to the tyrn.^ the filly didn't appear. A ill.1116 ?«mi8es rBTe*lad her in the water. She had attempted to reach dry land but had been too exhausted to continue and had become bogged down in the water and' that only her head was viswmm fJR; mud so wmu __ __ 2adllmmi'inniisit»er re«d5 *ay Whe*a8 rt8 Usmtimmonudl*andt aEndd! , p»cke was conUcted and with hiaj tow truck managed to hoist* the *nimal clear of the water. i , DR. R. DeROME t > -- Dentist"-- r.ii.-il0 Green Street Pinto 202-J. MtHthry Office Honra: Tneeday snd Saturdays fvoai 10 to 4. Evenings by sppointit. Gas 1/wi - Gas ha* more than 21,000 Indus- • trial uses, such as vulcanizing, totelding, refining lead and silver, pressing clothes and pasteurizing milk. - Attache Heart: Rlieumatic fever almost alwayi c,u*taf --^TTUI HttUBv Twelve Ilnlstsiii ndko#*S by Y<w«f *1 Sill sis of . were killed 1»^m MfiwaakM passenger train, "The Shag* i a.m. one morning last wi " DeYoung farnThoawT _ T°"J n,f /*P® rt** the twelvs af * iif ."fty. which ho snd Us ther, Ralph, wore driving aer trsidcs, stampeded onto the as the train approached.. He thought he and his brother I nerd under control. They wn« wn. ing the «*att|e from one port of ttia farm to a pasture across the tracks^ Raral Reads - ; Jl^teport on multi-laned highways In IMS showed that only 0 per csaflp of our primary rural highways haA more than two lanes, and sf tha :; 20,879 miles in this class, 14,0ft. were.S-laned, a type condemned dangerous by safety engineers. Order your rubber stamps at Tbo Plaindeale^. . TeTiQEr Lake 41t DR. R: H. WATKKNS Dsatfat . --Oflco Hoare-- Tatainy A Batavisys: 0ajn.toSpJI ~ ad Saaday Moralags Aptsintmsat! Wonder Lake, HI AL'S WELDING A^D RBPARI immmw m mi as ibat PoLt DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist -- Foot Specialist lOt So. Riverside Drive Pheae <17 McHenry Offieo hears: by appointment Daily aad Eveaiaga Cleoed Wedaesdsy DR. JOHN WAIDZUNA8 Physidaa I Sargeo* Tel Jehaaharg 644-R-l TeL Jihnshsrg 580.R.2 TeL Cnrstal Uke S6-M t Once Hoars: fl i.Sk ta t PA aad 7 p.n. to 9 p.: Ne Hoars Tharsdar Evenings 001 Main St, lleHtnry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone C1S-W-1 or 484 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway SI -- Office aad Home Tel. McHenry 666-J-l McHenry, 111. ' Office Honrs: 1 p.m. to 2 pan. - Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointaeat <ttsspooii • oatgh basins HAVE YOUR il£TI0 TAKK8 > CISTERNS EDDIE'S SANITARY SERV " " EDDIE HVF7, Prop. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 - {S '3 ufi 'A 4 if :* ff" VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Laif Gar. Green and Elm SU^ McHenry V Tnesday and Friday Afternoons i Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 41 | jUnrj Said and M b Excavating and Orane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading . • ' . « • ' . . -- o----- . CALL McHENRY 97-J The A. B. C.'s made easy if you'll let us help yon plan your next Anniversary party Birthday party Club party PARTY LUNCHEONS OB DINNERS ? I t i " * i PRICED TO 11T EVERT BUDGET. For Arrangements Oall Leonard, McHENRY 176 ' OAK PARK HOTEL / Pistakee Bay, McH^nry^xiinois ' i . i ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Ceatractors Radio Repairs Lai as estimate that next eleetvlsal Job of years. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop. Pheae MeHeary 271-M 904 Riverside Drive ---WANtltb fo fclf- 1 Wo pay $8 to $2S for OM Haras* leas for down horses aad cattle MATTS MINK RANCH Jehasbnrg - Sprlag Grove Road Phone Johnsrarg 214 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGBd ' HORSES AND CATTLE ^ Wo psy phssisji'rlisrgss ^ WATfefe Wltfg Fairbanks Morse SJedor aad types. All sises. Complete aad Eaav to install. Samp pamps. Take old pamps in trade. BNGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE' TeL McHenry 552-W-l (200 ft, from Nell's Ballroom) HIGHEST CASH PRICE8 paid fo^ »pled r anitary e aad Dead and Crippled Harass, Cattk aad flogs -- SaniUry Pawer Lsad r: lag -- Tapkage aad^ Mea^ Scrapa Cor sale. Phones ArBtetoa Heighta 118 or^McHeary JtSf4-2. Revert^ Talatii Servicoy JMcMAHON. REFRIGERATION -i SALES AND SERVICH McHen r y 410 Or Weader Lake BOS * llf Jkfain &L, MeHeary,Nflliao<s C. J, TMEYEI^ '*• . 4 kr. --. Ge; neral Coatractats . ^Carpentry , •?' H t.. v«» •• 5^erk and Repair* / ' 4 enry. 111. TeL Pfertakee OO-lf-l v JOHN f. BRDA.ft SON ; ^hert 'Me^al a«id Furnace #ork St,: McHenry, !^. Phime 24241 ' Phone MeHeary (84-R-2 -- . Basement Exc^it^g *• netps- Sand a ghavel I oa Road Gravsl aai .. , BladTWrt . . Pewe»: diag aad Gradiag. J. E. N^?T " , ;PrO.--MeHea«> ) • ' 1 -tMKj / *>^^2 , Replace PSAY60 Cords N0W1 "I®:: uppU^ area't the only (Mies who can harm themselves with wom-owt elecull^; . wfebtds. The eotij-le ^cmily, from inlgnts to adults, are endangered by woraroat wiriag* ^ , posed wires are often the cause of blown luses* wasted dbxuits< Check your home for this common hazard and eliminate ||» Mm ! : 'I: • r'l Safe, adequate wiring is again possible after wartime shortages; ( you no longer have to "get by** with makeshift, inferior wiring replace every frayed , cofd with a new one today. Educate each member of the family in tUa tm thctric eery*--handle only the plug wi PUBLIC SERVlCf ; pat- n ^ - - v^4Lii3?. ?? mm-M ^ • t' "§i '-v" "<• * ' vyy-^ "• 1 ta*. L A- % £ . ' X, • .if , ' f h

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