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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1947, p. 8

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**•**•• -.»?.-•**»>» «<** P: :^'- '.: T~r<. - u^* » * * . * * J&£f • * . ^ 4 f - n f 1 V#. 4*?4 >< - V . .... .. PLAIlfDKALSH * „T * . :».^jr;;5:- .-•• '-'f V$ ^ a Sal . " t V- , : **S» * \ * -i-rV- •' mkmnr illhtois HYBRID CORK T*STS f All CONDUOWD HBU like Northern Illinois Hybrid Corn Performance Test Plot is located ia McHenry county this year, on the farm of Earl Hughes, northwest of Woodstock. It was planted ten days ago with and i JffMt if Mir ^sN Off Sorted Iff First Tlnw For the first time in motion picture history color is lwing used on the.8creen as a* specific factor in creating emotional audience reactkta. In "Duel In The Sun" ace technicolor camerman Ray Rennahan has employed color as a definite eigtity-one different commercial ana too, l a«s« «o«u*tl«in•«ed« ,Iwn tuhwe pprriinncciipplleess 0of1 open pedigreed varieties of hybrid color dynamics Taking a tip from corn, under the direction of Jack recent developments in the paint Rnndquist of the University of Illi- **>d color dynamics field, he has % r ;?a: '£• I nois "and IFIarm Adviser William. used colof-as *uch in a scientific Tammeus. , i fashion t6 convey minings and The com was planted by hand,! moods too subtle to capture by three grains to the hill, in plots of sound and actions ifn° f ive diu6rcnt such plots over t«6 • cr*pM**n »&BfA i)ttihMeiA i%u«s e of ^c.4o lor _ in three acre field. A total of 8,10* >J» ™* newhills were planted by five men. |, M *2 These tests are always watched 01 dialogue and with great interest by farmers and f0"00- "f® the use of paint in hybrid corn companies alike. With hajnea and industrial plants or the for this part of the state' colors from an artist's palette, color nry county this year, farm-! *ras used In the past usually bewill have a fine chance cause it was attractive or durable, tt strains seem best adap- Emphasis was entirely on the visual - climate and soils. j harmony of the color scheme--if a j certain shade of jred "went well" with silver the combination was approved. Little or no attention was devoted to the afctual effect that the colors themselves might have on people. For example, movie sets in i Technicolor employing a red and green motif are certain to annoy a t segment of the movie-going public. To these, this combination of a j basic color and its complement I causes a visual Vibration which in turn results in nervous reaction, a I headache or muscular fatigue, j Today, as this screen play proves, | II is being rapidly recognized that j there is more to color than meets | the eye. That is, each and every j color not only has, what might be termed, a visual effect on a person but it possesses symbolic and psychological attributes that are real and definite. Through these characj teristics color has the power to create and intensify both emotional ' and muscular action. It is upon this Read the Want Ada Fatal Ignorance *1" JUST ARRIVED Our RCA Victor Records. SING-LB RBOORDS . . -. «»uw,umu (ciwd. ii uus FEU DEN* AMD A FIGHTdf, By, inherent energy in color that tech- Deretky Shay "UNDA," By Baddy Clark. "» HEART 18 A HOBO," Ay Bay -jj THE MAN WHO PAINTS THE' RAINBOW,** % Carle and Orchestra. ! ni-colorist Rennahan has predicated i toe unusual color< aequences in "Duel In The Sun." Mike Clancy had been working on New York harbor tugboats for 50 years wheto he fell overboard and was drowned. This brought about a .very fine wake, at which the highest praise was given the deceased and .all the traditional ,ceremonies vMte observed. During the proceedings, a friend of the widow asked her: "Did Mike leave you well fixed?" "Shure, an' he did that. 'Tis fifty thousand he's after leavin* me." The friend rolled her eyes heavenward. "Tch tch tch," she said.' "Think of tfoat. And him that couldn't read nor write." "Yes," agreed the widow, shading her, head seriously, "nor swimv" Half and Half "Hello, Henry," said Jce to a friend he had not seen for several months, "how's everything?" "Ain't you heard, Joe?" Henry replied. "I'se been divorced." "Do tell!" said Henry. "What did you and your woman do wit dot house you-all owned?" "Oh, we divided it up/M. "Divided yo house?" rejoined Joe, looking slightly puzzled. "How?" "Fifty-fifty! «said Henry. "She takes de inside an* I takes de Outside." BURNING ORBS Sonata," Wayne King'* Waltzes, Hyauis of All TTim rliifc Beethoven's "Mftanligfct Horowitz, wWnt v Boat--Starring _ Toauay Dor- ; «ey. "" " Cowboy Classics ..Sengs af the Plo-1 ALSO MANY OTHE|| OPEN SUNDAY MORNING8. Dried Berks In using dried herbs, it is well to remember they are three or four times stronger than fresh herbs and should be used with a light hand. Too much of any flavor is objection* able. The finest and most subtle flavor often comes from a blend of several rather than just one. Use a leading flavor and combine two to four less pronounced flavors with it. Have only one of the very strong" herbs in a blend. Delicate herb flavors are lost in long heating. Therefore, in soups, pot roasts or other -teng-cooked dishes, add herbs about half an hour before^he cooking Is finished. The best way to draw out and extend the flavor of the aromatic oils in herbs is to add llaaiterbs tofat. €»" fatal Disease One out of every flvs children who develops rheumatic fever dies within 10 years. r- --Complete line of feavfd Roberta veterinary medicines at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-bp HOLIDAY A Famous Blend Asked by the irat* eop, "Whetfe*s the fire?" the pretty miss replied. "Why officer, in your great big beautiful eyes." 1 f Information WHe'n the conductor came through the train to collect fares, mother explained: "Sonny is only five years old," as she handed the conductor her fare. When the conductor had reached the far end of the car it occurred to the boy that a very important bit of information had been overlooked, so he shouted to the conductor: "Motta^ er is 36!" Who's Crasy Now? An' attendant in a mental home was making his evening rounds jvhen he came upon one of the patients industriously fishing in a washbasin with rod and line. ; , Wishing to humor the man, the attendant asked him if he had caught anything. "What!" said the patient, "pi a washbasin? Are you crazy?" Fpr Those Tallr Cool Summer Drink* Choose *the Best Proof DIXIE BELLE ...$3.15 5th *.*• 5t2i FLEISCHMANN'S 3.19 5th. a.4s pt. WINES We Carry a Fine Selection of Choice Wines GARRETT 5 PETR^ , SANDEMAN P.M. DELUXE A Popular Blend 1M •Proof 141 5th Pt. Four Roses . A Smooth ... Mellow Blend 95.5 Reassuranee A stew was staggering along Main ^treet with one foot on the pavement land the other in the gutter. > - A passerby disgustedly said: "Brother, you're drunk!" The stew's expression of gratitude was profuse. "Oh,. thank you, thank you!" he said tearfully. ."I thawt my leg was off!" Get Set First "Have you asked your husband's advice about it?" "Not yet, but I'm going to as soon as I decide what I intend to do." 4.1S - 5th WALKER'S DELUXB The Finest Straight Bourbon Whiskey 86Pwifr 5th n~ CANAD1AM CLUB The Choice ^inadian Blend - * f ' \ BUM Those Foamy, Fragrant DaiquiirU . Use Good Rum. We Have It!" v . -n*;:**; 4. RON MERITO White Label RICARDO Gold Label RONRIOO The Best • ' $3.98 5th 5t|L_J S.B8 5tk ^ BOLGERS GREENS# • McHENRY LONG EARED LAMBS /«-» "Yes, sir," panted the new shepherd, "I got all the sheep in, but 1 had to run some to get the lambs." "Lambs, you idiot! Those 14 little ones are Jack rabbits!" Bask Tafc * • "tbu seem to have plenty at Intelligence for a man ht your position," sneered a lawyer, crosaexamining a witness. "If I wasn't under oath I'd return the compliment," replied the witnesa. . "t .... What a Play! Playwright -- That suit you're wearing looks as if you had alept in Critic--I have. I wore it last ni^ht to the opening of your play. ' . ^ Atlanti. Daapar The Aflantic ocean is only 80 per cent as large as the Pacific, hat |t averages lMi per cent deeper|^=M5 . Lard • ' Using the pressure cooker In cook* ing lard will save time. Fat should be ground and plaeed in fhe cook* er with a cup or two of water. It should be cooked for an hour at IS pounds pressure, plus an additional SO minutes with the lid off the cooker. ^ ^ PrittMr Is MarrlM On Way (tll.1. iall NASHVILLE, TENN. -- Two days after he was sentenced to four and one-half years in prison for writing a threatening letter to President Trumaiu Romeo H. Lyle, 37, was marriedHn the sheriff's office to Mrs. Bffle Mynatt Armstrong, 39, of Booneville, Miss., divorcee. They met last Easter.. VFW OantMt Winner' Hani-Working Youth MM TaU •( Hard W*rk n< Shriy-FilM H*m HBALTH DSPASXKfeaT hakbs stroaMTiom ros FLY aONTKOL importance of Persian Rugs Although it is possible to distinguish hundreds of types, dealers classify oriental rugs into about BO kinds. These fall into six broad geo- -- graphical divisions, namely Persian i Emphasisfaic the 2T .'ran'an» Turkish, Caucasian, j controlling ffles "at pafticular Turkoman, Chinese, Indian. The | season of the year, Dr. » principal Persian, or Iranian, rug» i Cross, state director of public health include Kirman, Saruk, Kashan, I baa made several suggestions to TabHz, Feraghan, Meshed, Khoras- i householders for the control of flies pan. Youraghan, Shiraz, Mihr,1wWratial areas. These sugges- Heriz, Hamadan, Bijar, etc. These t,ons included: ticaUy all ^fiaa and msaqaftoes around the hmnMd can be eitmin «^." h® added, DW sMI not taipe the place of proper santtftldn; lliea are known carrier* of f&any and possibly P<rflo, mk every .dtisen should do his part ITreduee the nK ace of fly-borne diseases." fl rugs take their names from towns and villages where they are woven. They vary in design, number of knots to the squsre inch and other' details. Sometimes it is difficult for even an expert to identify a Persian rug, for each rug iswhe product of the hands of individual craftsmen whose fingers and concepts of art. istry are not standardized. In general, Persian rugs are floral and of tent Am workmanship. Restores Lustre Rub gilt picture frame* with soft cloth wet with i&|tor* lu^a. " CUSHING, OKLA. -- George Elno Ladd, Oklahoma farm boy and recent winner of $1,000 first prize in the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary's essay contest, has a story of work and study-filled days and nights, tinged with youthful disap- - Food for Family ' uu w V *-! Xt takes over 8'500 Pounds of food George lives with his parents on to teed a family of five over a lSa 760-acre farm. In 1944 he was: mQnth period. v ' - . preparing for military service when, "• " t his father's health failed and Ladd'sj • 1 "ly draft board handed him disappoint-) Aid to Cleaning '•' v ment No. 1. It told him to stay in! Soak discolored glass cooking the-fields, keep the farm going. j Utensils in lukewarm water and Then there was another disap- w/ish with soapsuds. A little baking pointment. Although he lacked only 1 8<^da ®dded to the soaking water a handful of credits to finish, George > help loosen the food, if w)me had to give up high school to de-1 brownish stains remain, rub with vote his full attention to the farm, baking soda. Using rough scour- Eventually the family decided S? mar the surface. George should complete his school *2? places develop into work and prepare to enter Okla- j cr - • homa A. & M. college, although his father still was unable to work. Out of bed at 4:30 a. m. for chores, George had to be ready for the school bus at 7,' then back at 3 p. m. to farm tasks lasting until nightfall. In the midst of his crowded life, young Ladd'was handed the school essay assignment: "What Can I Do for My Country?" Over his chores he fashioned his thoughts, and at night he set them down. He wrote: "A country is no better, no worse than the sum total of all its citizenry. It is only when each individual discovers and does the| thing that he can do to contribute, to civilization that the sum total will be equal to national harmony and good living." j George also wrote: "I must keep1 myself mentally alert so that I can-! not be swayed by an emotional up- j heaval of the moment. ... Any I fault we find with our country's j action we must find with ourselves." 1 It won the school contest for George and took first prize in the, state contest. Then came the news from the Bos- i ton national encampment that the | $1,000 prize was his. ' • , I Farm boy Ladd hasn't decided! how he'll use the money--maybe j college, maybe some land of his I own. 1. The beeping of all garbage in covered containers And removal »t regular intervals. 2. The keeping of gardens free from rotting vegetables by burning,. burying or placing in covered containers. J. Spraying gaifcage container* immediate area, doors and window frames,, porch ceilings and other fly-resting plates, with • ?v® P«r cent DOT solution. 4. (Purchase DDT and consult dealer regarding its proper use. THANKS r ta ixprsss my sincere thanks to^riends and neighbors for flowers, dins and visits during the time I waa eonfined to the hospital. They wire very math .appreciated. t "POP" FI K BEG YOUR PARDON! ^ James V. Scott, who was held to ; the grand jury last week, waa apprehended by William Londy, of the McHenry police, and Deputy j Harold ffobbs, not by Sheriff Ban land Mr. Hobbe as waa stated in the 'last issue of the flaindaaler." t , t, fn Comjjet,^ Hh of DmW this cbntrof profram. Areaa out- j veterinary- medicines at Wattles site should be sprayed every two or, Dru* Store. McHeanr. 48-tf-bp ,three weeks; areas inside once dur- -- -- ^ ing the summer. Order your rubber stMM'«ni at. tM|"f "By the proper uie of DDT, prac-1 Plaindealw. ; McHenry, IUiiuHa AIR CONDITIONED Phone 254 W : FRI. - SAT.--JULY 4-5 A Return Engagement In Technicolor Larry Parks -- -- Evelyn Keyee "THE JOLSON STORY" PLUS--News and Cartoon. Continuous Matinee 2:45--Fri-Sst SUN. - MON.--JULY $ - 7 In Technicolor Gregory Peck Jane Wyman "THE YEARLING" ^ PLUS--News and Cartoon Continuous Matinee 2:45 Sun. TUESDAY (One Day) Laarence Oliver -- Joan Fontaine "REBECCA" PLUS--Cartoon and Novelty -AIR CONDITIONED COOLEDMILLER THEATRE * PHONE 32 Woodstock, HI. ffontiniieas Shows FRIDAY JUL* > Freat '2:90 Qm Klooni Open 2:15 ^ Jo'y Proeram! -- Also Saturday Eddie Bracken in "LADIK'S MAN" SJ?Ut* Jon«* w* City Slkken . - PLUS -- "THAT BRENNAN GIRL" Starring Pmin -- M--i FruMan Paprt _ SUNDAY AND MONDAY-JULV • - 7 ~ "KAST OOME, BAST OO" With 8<mny. Tnft*,, . Barry FHsgeraM Diana Lynn PLUS -- "MILLIES DAUGHTER" WHh Gladys Gasigi* A ROAD 3HOW ATTRACnOH ^ STARTS TUESDAY July 8 For 3 Da7s UH> &SUN (tarring ' * r Jennifer JONBI ^ Oregory PECK Joseph COTTEN t Trtisin of Ran Beeks Track*# Dewn by FBI ^BUFFALO, Y. -- Federal Bureau of Investigation announce^ that a large number of rare, valuable books, stolen from Grosvenor library here in May, 1940, had been recovered after an extensive search from New York City to the Pacific coast. J. B. Wilcox, special FBI agent m charge of the Buffalo office, said approximately 110 of 250 volumes had been found and that the suspect ed thief had committed suicide in Oakland, Calif., as government agents closed in to make an arrest. Disappearance of the books, which included many volumes printed prior to the year 1500 A. D., was discovered in May, 1040, by Grosvenor library officials when theychecked their shelves. Nothing was heard of the stolen volumes until last February when a New York City public library . representative found two pieces of the missing incunabula in a book store there. Investigation reveale<f^« that the rare volumes had been purchased from a Chicago book dealer, and the FBI was immediately called in. • • Seviit Cancir TroatMont Will U StatfiMl ta II. t WASHINGTON. -- Government health officials said it is likely American medical experts will visit Russia to study a new cancel treatment, called KR, developed by Soviet scientists. Little is known in this country of KR but an article published in the Soviet embassy bulletin said it means "A new page Is turned in the history of the struggle against the dread disease." The bulletin said that while KR had little effect In cases of cancer of the skin, "it Was highly effective in cancer of the throat, of the cervix of the uterus and at the breast." <R is a preparation mad* af living material, the trypanoaoma kruzzi (cruzi), a parasite found in the blood and a carrier of disease fatal to human beings. "Further research proved that trypanoaoma, on being introduced into the organism of a mouse suffering from cancer, penetrated to the tumor and multiplied, devouring. the cancer cells,", tha artirts WED. to FRL--JULY 9 - JO - II f Alan Ladd -- -- William &endix I •TAI^riTTTA" t PLUS--Cartoon and Novelty | 3 PERFORMANCES NITELY 1 Doors Open 4:3® P.M. Show Starts 5 P.M. FEATURE TIMES-- 5:0© - 7:20 - 9:45 Admission Prices For This Engagement Only .ADULTS -- 63c Plus Tax To 5:30 P. M. AFTER 5:30 S1.00 Plus fa* %< CHILDREN 42c Plus Tax ^ NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN « \ Constitution Signers Representatives from 12 of the original 13 states signed the Constitution. There were no signers frbni the state of Rhode Island. ' *Teertle AsM Fruits and vegetables ate tkie principal sources of ascorbic add. This vitamin keeps gums healthy, increases resistance to infection and helps in development of teeth and bones. • i il I MI'M II til* MUMI Ml ifafIMKMM »»<»»! IMIfl I :v». ;. Play it smart In : «fctchlng Beaoh Shirt and Shorts in new Skipper Maritime Prints Get "into this well-tailored outfit eod you're hencbomdy turned out lor swim or loaf-about plMtiiTe. Shot! skera ehirt; metrhlnq boxer-type trunks. Mode of looq-wirtng^ meeoerieed oottoa twill, Sanforized--in clean-cut Maritime Prints. A Pacific MUls fabric ... exclusive'design b^<f¥HIson Bfrtffteu. Chooae {roalp aelecti<Mi of breezy colors. McHENRY iii I f t I I >H l"H *4 lll K'jU f H i ] >!• I IH11 if H i tt ^ ' . ^ ^ .1. 4,4,'.^.,. .1;. * *li. %

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