: -1 * <- - ' * ** -1 •• -,3C . j ' • J, t --,•" '•- <* / • - ' ' ^ , m ry •, A t •',"*- «** f> - '• -"iii-'^-ii'irtii lifiHiftffiinii «ft'-faifri?*iiafa fo"V*»S&g*» • vU V . - J * - < ^ .f j>'%• ^uu ,«v,1M V ' " " S j 'aMV ^ > > . ' " v > r ' £ « _ i » ' - . ; * . v •A- . . lii'iitiiii'if ~^rtljfiri»T' "».• • s> •^ • »z j- - s . •' .*'• ®- •• ' >;. ±*.:. is-- •-•_ . f ? .V'"'. >. e; ":i1i,!*"fi:®®: V(tou 73 ttcHENRY, n^IKOIS. THOTSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 FOUR-DAY jas,-WILL OPEN TELEPHOKE RATES IB IE INCREASED HERE ON JW.Y 16 RHHDINTS or BAY SHOCKED BY DEATH' or JAMS8 O'CONNOR &oag Distance Calls Outside of Illinois Hot to be Affected- I Pistakee Bay residents vera ! shocked this week to learn of the i death of. one of its best known resij dents, James J. O'Connor, 55, who : passed away at his Chicago home r iat 5510 Sheridan Road on Monday* > June 30, 1947. Mr. O'Connor had been a summer :j resident of this comunity for about f:, twenty years and during most of ' this time was a member of the Pistakee Bay Yacht club. He served Increases in telephone rates grant- ag COmmodore in 1937 and was a tl by the Illinois Commerce Com- member of the board of directors for issftn will become effective in Mc- many years. He served for a time on Henry on July 16, G. L. Wilburn, the membership committee and was Manager for the Illinois Bell Tele-! frequently a judge at the numerous phone Company has announced. i races held at the Bay during thf The new monthly rates, he ex- summer months. &ined, will be as follows: Rural, The deceased, at the time of his idence, $2; 4-party residence, $2; death, was president of the J. Jv 2-party residence, $2.26; individual• O'Connor and Co., investment firm at •ae residence, $2.75; rural business, | isi 8 LaSalle street and also presK fB.50; 2-party business, $3.75; indi- jent 0f the Woodmanse Manufacture, vidual line business, $4.25; residence {jng company at Freeport, 111. For" aactension, $.60; and business exten- many years he had Men a director aion, $1.25. : of the Sundstrand Machine Tool Rates on long distance calls out- company at 'Ann Aifeor, Mich. ||de Illinois are not affected accord-: ]{« started his bankldng career in fiig to the telephone manager, and 1906 as a clerk with the Chicagn rates on out-of-town calls between | National bank. He was vice-president Illinois points are increased slight- j of Doyle, O'Connor 4k Co. when he MO0ILE UNIT IN CITY JULY 10-11 Green LEGNMIIAIRES INVITE ATTEND FESTIVAL Special Patriotic Program Will Be Presented July 4 TWO AUTO ACCIDENTS EXPORTED IN THIS VICINITY SUNDAY : , Two accidents were reported in this vicinity over the week end, although noone was seriously hurt. Vernon R. Schultz of Rt. 1, Crystal Lake, suffered a scalp laceration on Sunday morning when three cars collided near Johnsburg. The Schultz autc crashed into a Mailed car driven by Robert L. Schaefer, 22, of Mc- Htnry, who told State Patrolman David Peterson that he stopped to fix his windshield wiper. A short time later, John F. Benton of Crystal £ Lake, who WHS following the Schultz! After many weeks of preparation machine, crashed into it and knocked and planning, the big four-day Leit into Schaefer's car again. Schultz gion carnival opens tonight (Thurswss the only person injured. j day) in the Legion parking lot on Two Chicago men suffered minor Green street. The entertainment, injuries in an accident on Rt. 120,'which is expected to attract hunnear Volo, on Sunday. John A. Cotey dreds of local folks and visitors 51, of 3121 Fifth avenue, slowed alike, is so varied that Junior and down to make a left turn off Rt. 120 Grandpa will be equally reluctant to when his car was hit by an auto "call it a day" at the end of the* driven by Leon H. Brown, 40, of S0671 evening. Walnut street. John and Catherine: lite evening of July 4 will be the' Brown received cuts and "bruises. 'Hrfgfrest" of the four nights. A very i . ' | snecial type of band concert is being * i for early part of the I Parents Warned of Danger of Fireworks •iiinvio pvinvw •"**" -- "--» , v» a#v/i«tr w wih^k « w« wwh »<• . FKrIceve cChUetslti X-rayes fiovr| evvtveri/yvoini*e ianas innivcaluwdive *»»•• .W»» tiuliwamm "J br, The standard three-minute tni- severed his connection with that | this community ovet 15 years of age Betty Nielsen, Mrs. George Stilling, society* ttal the wuk McHenry County Medical The fact that even many of the _ _ _ ^ _ | fireworks which are permitted under talking period which now ap- firm {n 1945 to form his own firmware being olfered the public for tKe Mrs. Ray McGee, Mr*. Jennie Mae kMui. iB "J*4* dangerous was^provrf »lies on calls costing thirty cents or Survivors include the widow, Lu- first time this summer. The mobile Richardson, Mrs. Floyd Cooley, Mrs. w,t" no «»*P«oa»- nearen^is our th18 week when a'young McHenry wore will apply on calls taking a 16- cjue. a daughter Mrs. Harry W. I unit will be in McHenry on Thursday Ota Gygi, Mrs. Anthony Wirtz, Mrs. most treasured possession. An op-1 boy of 13 was painfully and perhaps 4tent or higher rate. The five-min- pjerjon. a gon w R - a sister iand Friday, July 10 and 11, located Clarance Anglese, Mrs. John Bolger, portunity is now offered the people i seriously injured through the use of *te initial talking period will apply Catherine; and two brothers. Dr. at the City Hall, between the hours Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Fred of McHenry and the surrounding th^: ' . , _ mm calls taking the 10-cent toll Thomas P. and Dr. Philip D. 1 of 10 and 12 a. m. and 1 and 4 p. m. Rogers. ^ 1 community to maintain that posses- „;J,1,1 S~K^,n rate, which will be Uie lowest stand-: Services are being held this; All adults over 15 years are in-1 The Public Service Company of sion fighting one of its most dreaded f' Mr6 rate for any toll call. (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock' vited. Children between the ages of j Northern Illinois is donating the. loes, tuberculosis. Monthly rates for subscribers hav- Ivaim Qf i n ie -sat^ii 5/ oM«At«i. thrunlr nnanttM* hp ikmI enii I u im prove nas not yei uceir "Ihg private branch exchanges will be 6 and 15 will be X-rayed if accom- thruck uud operator to be used and! fhe disease is not inherited, it is panied Uby.. one or both parents. i 4t>hWea acUityv aof/ M<t(lcnrv will onnnlv. . i • 1.1 _• a. _ i VI I UctCi lllllira. Mrs. C. W. Goodell is chairman of P<>w®r the survey committee which is work- j Che program is under the auspices • mobile ing under the direction of Mrs.) of the Illinois State Department of Henry Joanne Rulien, local school nurse. Public Health and the Illinois Tuber- wrong registration board | culosis Association and is "We *ierce Commission has recognized f^^ay evening at / the •ur critical need for more revenue. „juntv meeting. Total , membership permission to raise telephone rates," the telephone •Mmajrer declaimed. "This increase Uras essential for continued good service, and came after the company tfegan operating in the red. Forty per .cent of the increased revenue the new rates are expected to produce will go for taxes ' * The ICC's action r . §rst general' increase we have had jfei twenty-six years, and we regret Ihat the commission did not grant the full amount needed in this tem- Crary order. This is of particular portance now because our petition §!ed for higher rates last December Increased by amounts depending up- ^ t T.*MrmnnairM Prnfifmt •n the size and type of switchboard ® *" Jj^lOnnftlTeS xTesen* •sed. Certain other specialized types At CoUIltV Legion Meeting of equipment used by some busi- ' :-- Jesses wjn also have some increases. | &xty Legionnaires, representing Members of the Managers istatement i twe]'Ve American Legion posts, were are glad the Illinois Com- pre8ent }n the Bridge Ballroom last ___, ___ «.... _ _ ' _ _ _ PRESENT STATE AWARD MAMS 25TH »y granting temporarv ^rmission to wa„ Rnnounce<1 »t 2,301, McHenry's ima iipAtir nftnyiMg % •finilllU 4U I II post contributing 187 to this number.| \J JAvl|Uu nUl nlllu The annual sU£t convention, said this year ^ krthe largest in the; ---- history of tne organisation, was Last Saturday was an important mentioned. The gathering will be day in Chicago for V. F. W. and held in Chicago from August 15 Auxiliary members throughout the thi-ougOi Auetist 188, with head- state, who climaxed a three-day state ICC's actimT represents the quarters in the Morrison hetaL McHenry will supply, catchinK, but its is also curable and TnrTnts are urg^d to guard chil- unit Iwhteln it comes to MMcr - 5lr®n. _th^«f_ eve" seen?- evening, which will be climaxed by a next week. If nothing is it's nice to know it; it somepproved: thing is wron^. X-ray will skow it! ANNIVERSARY COUNTRY FOX RIVER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IS VOTED DOWN the Fox mgly harmless fireworks. There is g;gantic and colorful display of an ordinance against, the use of fireworks, the most costly ever fireworks containing powerful ex- «hown in McHenry. -- ^ iniV^S and Vi0Ut0rS ' The band will have four guest will be pro c ted. • I soloists who will present a patriotic "• • program of favorite songs honoring j **w» various branches of the service. 1 They are Miss Joanne Strever, War- . ren Jones. Earl Conway and Bob 1 Svoboda. Jacque Hopkins, who has : "ften proved himself and able narrator, will act in this capacity, introducing the' soloists and their j conmc Ers^rs i WS.^-r 'East River Road Pinochle Club ! Mrs. E. R. Sutton. July 4 WANTED: ONE OOOO HOME FOR FRIENDLY, AFFECTIONATE DOG} Poliic e Officer William Lundy re- fc^^'r H" 'aP 11 »_ n ralmer House. convention with various meetings held in the 'windy city." There were none prouder in the large • gathering, however, than • delegates from the local auxiliary who were Eresent to see a McHenry lad, Jacque [opkins, honored at an impressive! presentation service held at the Albert Purvey Also Completes 25 years %a Oreenskeeper. ^id not allow fdr the general wage ceived a call to Center street on Increase recently granted employees.1 Monday of thin week on r.rle of the Yhe amount we sought was suffi- j vai ious jobs which confront police- •ient to cover only previous wage men vjtcom time to time. £oest£ and other, increased expenses, greeted him noon 1 Priests failed to save River valley development P"*™; Annual P^rtv -"Snonsored by ShaU- XTtions thu week when a pioposal for j 5 ,• t Association - fh. f COrt "n new funds and a $215,460 r^' ~ R B Willi"Home, eporopriation kill int five northern Julv 7 Illinois countries were lost in the I - July killed in a house roll call defeat of Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Meeting and a $4,044,000 omnibus appropriation Luncheon--V'lla Club Resort. bill lor various flood control and July 11 river and check improvements. Mem- Christian Mother* and Altar Society. frpm the various counties af- ^-Julv 15 Riverview Camp, R. N. A.--Reiker Home. July 1« ! The program of July 4 will be presented in place of fiext Sunday's tne Q, concert and will be given on the ora| ci'ih--Nor^ert Mauch Home.,FU" • , ,u Z11 ^ • *• "" Vi„ li-Bialature's «n.l n.ghf, buMn,„. ^7^ Ro..S " "tTi ZJZZ The firs: -.tern for ST50.000 ra J„|«» ' i»' J"-™ «",lre ">» Wednesday, July 2, marked the With 500 ladies present, including twenty-fifth anniversary of the forthree from McHenry, Mrs. John i mal opening of the McHenry Coun- What Kilday, Mrs. George Knight and Mrs. '.I'u. _ ^" awamnK i»i»» --z „ „ . ..... .. Henry Reese, Jacque was introduced' Whtn wc think of Hthe McHenry roll caUs in ^th houses but were i Ringwc.-d Home Bureau--Ha Hogfcnf March, "What do you do in the m- -The compan^s "earnings daclfaS ^attrartive Rtii terrier who ap- by Mrs. Hildred bomtell as winner Country Club, we also thinkrf Al^ not caUed up Mwt adjournment, j D 0f A PiSte artd OMtt' .^2Sn' "nee 1940 had continued to a pointjpe.red to be either sick or afraid, of^the state assay contest^the' tw#„tJ:i|fth ^^ry as Greens- hil]^e^Xisir^aoo"^ by^hll " ' "American Patt^l", Meacham. »ers fected pleaded in vain for passage. B'lls for the ;215,460 reappro- "nriation were awaiting final passage be as follows: Program ;T;: • ( 'The Star Spangled Banrai^* ' ' 1 March "The U. S. Field Artillery", Sousa--Vocal Soloist. Warren Jones March, "The Marines' Hymn", arr. by Yoder--Vocal Soloist, Earl Con- , way. jrhereyre were in th* "jJ; The offering of a little moat dis-, keeping superintendent. Many of h,»- previou«b .. *nd therefore no dWdned could be that the animal was not suf- C^'WMb'P- »rs. usWill reiSber back to 1922 when ^nste. -ns filtv-eignt In favorjn* ^ taid for second VM*ter oflMl ferinr too much from either "dl- g..^e firSt th* dub secured our popular and forty-e;«rht against, ^ sawnty- Chicken Dinner and Carnival -- St. Wages and ^ for h. nromotly at. it ^1 and ZTpXJd efficient greenjk^e. He had been -ven vot«. needed for passage - $100 cash "prize ahd a medal rOcogni-1 «n>ployed bv the Woodstock club and Those opposing -the measure tion of his achievement." !to McHenry with highly fav- The essay, which won over more arable recommendations. Almost im- 0. E. S. BaV-e Sale. July 19 and now take seventy-one eapta out of every dollar the customer W "In view of the complete lack of votes needed for passage. bwane very friendly. Offeer Landjr offered to .take the doe with him although- ho was not. profit thus flarin 1947 and tta re- pvr9r» „t <he Hme just what eomiii-: t. „ «nnn ^n»>iui«r. .» h«»H •ent further evidence of the need tor c„tioni! ^ of#er entailed. His first ^ fl? • permanent rate increaae. We be-, otnn ... tk. 9««rtersf will now vie for national lieve that an adequate return on in Vestments will serve the best inter mediately his presence was evidenced in the dressing up of the grounds. "j *t0n was th* Plairfiealer office, j winner, to be announced at Year after year his efforts and dev- -oitrol n " ™Iin? W^1 f«/Si the national convention in Cleveland, velopment or the grounds has been that many was 1 hsven for dog lovers. Wh'le, rthi . First nrize will recognised by all who visited this were exc jL__fcsts of the publbic, our employees, r»i|.as w<»rt heard sympathetically. and our investors, who furnish the everyone here owned his own pet. capital for service improvements, i q-jie best he cni'ld do was to get a "In addition, were going ahead. prow,;^ 0f finding a home. with our extensive postwar service Well. everyone tried. but it Improvement program which, already c<,prns that nets are plentiful in Mctmder way, will eventually provide jjer)ry and the t*sk wqs not as easv the most modem telephone service first thought. Now Officer for all who wart it, when and where j un<jv rnaVes two tr'ns dai'v to they want it. We are confident tha^ office for ne^' word of a home. Ohio in September. First prize will be $1,000; second prize, $500; third , c2ul?,Si.j .. . and fourth prises, $250; and several 2, 1922. the sun shone on ri-gued that Green had not included the proposals in his budget, that the state didn't have the money to spar.. Others said that the proposed floo« methods were wrong and areas needing such money excluded according to plans laid down in the till. Among t'.ie ardent supporters of minor prises. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD ON SATURDAY FOR MARY SCHAEFER the public will support this action. CITIZENS URGED TO "PREVENT FIREWORKS .ACCIDENTS ON FOURTH in the meantime keenipg the doe as t»i» nolioe ma«cot. While the Pla'n- ,V«lor fr»<-e '> glad to have Mr. Lur.dy 800 persons who attended the open- the measure was Rep. Maud PfefTers ; ing of the new club. vR of Aurora) who pleaded in vain | » C. W. Stenger. whose untiring ef- jor the bill and the $750,000 approforts brought him the title of 'father njiption that would help develop a •*f the golf course," welcomed the j3f^-mile long recreational and play- Iguests and introduced the following ground area stretching from the jBienibers of the first foursome: .Sid- Wisconsin line to Ottawa in Lake, !«ey Smith, famous cartoonist. County MrHenry. Kane, Kendall and Last St. Judge C. P. Barnes, OUo F. Sohm Salle counties. 10:30 and H. H. King AL. 10:10 that. Great ,ana had been laid forth morning. Sjdney Sin th drove the hy those who 8p0ns0red the bill. Failure of it to pass was a great Peter's Church, Spring Grove. Jaly 24 Dessert Bridge -- 1:80 p.m. -- Miwmc Hall -- S^rutored by ' August fs.' C. D. of A. Meeting. Auguet 11 • ft Rummage Sale--B u c h Building- Sponsored By P. T. A. Aagaat 15-M-17 V. F.1 W. Summer. Festival--McHenry Park. <Aagu*t > Bake Sale--Sponsored by Home Bureau. RULES ADOPTED BY HOSPITAL FOR PATIENTS' WELFAR* Local residents who have March, "Anchor's A weigh", ZimmermsnU-- Vocal Soloist, Bob Svoboda. March, "National Emblem", Bagley. March, "The Army Air Coras". Crawford -- Vocal Soloist, Earl Conway. March. "Old Comrades", Teike Selection, "Over There", arr. by Lake--Vncal Soloist, Joann Strever. Biarch 'Thanks to the >Yanks", Hawk. Meakin, Sour Vocal Soloist* -Bob Svoboda. V March, "Marching Along Together", Pola, Steininger--Vocal Ensemble. Finale. "God Bless America", Berlin- Vocal Ensemble. Once more thfc Legionnaires invite everyone to be with them tonight %nd again on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to enioy gala festivities. Remember carnivals are the dream of all youngsters everywhere. Summertime is vacation time for the little folks snd the annual July 4 carni- ! vai is the highlight of the threertaaon • month holiday. this area, where' to visit the Woodstock hospital will' Brine the entire family and spend Funeral services were held John's church, Johnsburg, at o'clock last Saturday morning for visjit them, the" are reall^ former lesident of that community, first tall off No. 1 tee. v"»rv anxious that the little .animal Mrs. Mary Schaefer, nee Karls. Her Scores From 40 to 142 disappointment in , f r A L k . h . T » « . . i , w . ^ r ' o d e ™ e - TW t h . e t l m e ^ u 0 f „ d e a t h W " ™ G e ? r ? e u K - , M u r p * h y ' J V e U " k " ° ^ l t h e Fox river and its development be interested to learn that new rules j fOUr big evening renewing old -^ VuT^ oafp1 itHn ^ •' • fP C j°' Woodstock banker, turned in a. mean so much. have been adopted for the protection acquaintances and enjoying the many Governor Dwight H. Green last w,tb affectionate little dog? It: Survivors include three daughters, (one below psr> for the best score mca" 1 -- e .. 1 M ... . •»'* - week issued a proclamation designat- i will give you an abundance of com-1 Mrs. Catherine Downs, Vema Schae- of the day. That other scores rar. ing the week of July 4 as Preven- nanionshin for a little part of your; fer and Mrs. Leona O'Gean; a bro- Up to 142 was an indication that tion of Blindness Week and urged borne an^ a few scraps from your ther, John Karls; and three grand- participants covered a wide scope * t Illinois citisens to make evvy effort table. v - i children. Her husband, Mathias, pre- of golfers and would-be golfers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., . . 2 o. - " • • * ^1ce ded her in death. At the formal organisation meet- and son, Albert, left this week for £^e«n 8 Pbody rested i s - * . .i„l u u ix.ji i nti. maw ^atr fn. irom i p. m. V RESIDENCE CHANGES •OR CONVERSION TO NATURAL OAS Plans are under way to ,«%« *0 ^ 8lUldaT AffcernOOIL the tyre ot gas supplied m Me-! * Hmry from a mixture af manofacturod and natural gas to "^^^ tal mother of Judge program'to nv!et the^rowin- de-CowHn,dlod JJti^a £ ^ bolu< °n Wankafan street oc- siir •" «"• wm '-isjiisr ^ Service men will caU at local 3U** '»» the spring of 18M, settling The Charles E. Owen property -- few days m advance of i~• • « . chosen as an ideal spot Bolg«r, president; Elmer Freund, Mrs. Sarah Leadly Cowlin_of Cr3rs-,«B^n^!'t T. Vogt and A. J., Early records alao tell to prevent fireworks accidents which,; _ .-1 in past years,, have resulted in the! F*<*TN PROGRAM loss or impairment of eyesight of aisny persons. ' The governor, in his proclamation, called attention to the Illinois law •inhibiting the sale of fireworks which he signed in 1941 altar K was passed by the sixty-second general assembly. The law ptnalta the holding of priMk Artworks exhibitions, under permits granted by municipal officials, which are handled Ig canvpetent individuals designated hy the local authorities.. Hie law forbids tlw aale to the public of all dangatam fireworks •which it describes as follows: "Blank cartridges, toy cannons hi which expletives are used, the type of balloons which require lire underneath to propel same, firecrackers, tornedoea, skyrockets, Roman candles, bombs, _____ or other firework* containing any as-1 identification card plosive compound." < j-asV them to show. The exceptions auwle in the law! After natural gas ha* been turned are "sparklers, toy pistols, toy canes, "Into the system, service men wi I toy cannohs, or other in: return to mkke an inspection of the which paper cape containing twenty-1 adjustments and to make any corfive hundredths grains or less of ex-1 re~*Jo:« if wh te ne^es^ary. plosive compound are used, providing j ' Should anyone exnerience any difthey are constructed so that the, faulty in tfe operation of your ap- _ .. . . hand cannot come in contact with] H'snces i.-lease c»" your Western1 at the Woodstock hospital to the csp." The sale t of _toy *pi• s to l,I f T« n• 1i c/ed ti u and El. .e. ctric Ovapany and MY M ris l1. G ene Adams. Mr. m A namk AT let and welfare of the patients. Among evento which awsit you as guest of the more important of these are as I the Legionnaires. follows: . . „ i Visiting hour* in wards are daily. WINS TOP HONORS m. and 4 p. m. and! McHenry friends of Earl "Marty" 4 t „|..K u H Kir,- -o. nvu tn their fu~ *rom i P- »• to 8:80 p. m.; in two-; Conway will be happy to hear that, „ at the funeral ing of the club H. H. Kmr_ was, Medford,, Okla.,. to make their roomg daily between 2_p. m. and, member of the CrysUl Lake home at 7018 S. Racine avenue until elected president; Richsrd B. Walsh ture home. They have pui iased ™|i" " inj 7' m and 8:S0 p. m.r^V F W Drum and BurU corn* k* Saturday morning. vice-president; _A. _H. Pou«. secret- E. C.White.Bakery shop, which i Dj-jj-<* Mrs. Sarah Oowlia Laid • [s•>e cPrVIeL t_ arAy ;-- A.C .W Wa.M. JG oAo# dej ;l--l. *t"rA easurWeArM. 11 . Mr•. . Snd •B• lr_s_•.* . _M arshall_ 1 B*.a1_cC o_ n and I p> --m " and fr#m 7 p' m P*-"- ^ The first board of directors were daughter, Marilyn, moved this |'fcuT'fint four^dm are' % ^ ^ ^l^nU, husband or wife; for H. Pouse.; u. ||H K.mU or among twenty drum majors in a parade held in DesPlaines. The corps itself, judged on both its marching and playing ability, took third place _ .. ^ .ftrical patients, husband and . , honor* and received a handrome sliAt Jm Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett ana or nearest relative for twenty I trophy. Mr. Conway was awarded j* ^ children have moved from Chicago j minutes once a day only during visit-' a medal for his achievement. The J T * 7 7 Z j t J l s Z r r ^ , * r H e r h u a h a M . W i l l i a m C o w t t n , d i a d a n d s i x t v a c r e s o f l a n d w m 1 JJun^ ^The ^!ew «I SL«t ' h, January in 1946, and a daughter, ^chaaed tor the building of the ni^rv hlSuse th?* wlw Eathryn Ann, pasaed away in INS. hole course. nmtSL «STm!L\ Funsral serrkea ware held on Postmaster somewhat ^^ewnt tthhaann ftiataa aa^ooff | Sunda^y a ^ftern oopn^ ttf roomf St.t hMe arlayt^e-,| Smwa ny- y"e ars Service sten will carrv a emnnanv i by-the Lake Episcopal dnpch, off!- big wnich . yiil_ Expanded ia 1»2C P®" vice-president; Hubert Smith, sec- •- retary; Gerald J. Carey, treasurer ing hours; no more than two group has been invited to parade visitors per day. Medical patients arejnt Arlington Heights on July 4. allowed two visitors st any one tfasa| for twenty minutes only. >••••••01111 mn||i leUtfa,* E. E. Bassett is secretary a distinction of winning dm first handicap event in September PURCHASES STATIOlf **--* • ------r *: -- -- •« -1 w-u- Friends here will be interested to The present directors sreFred Heide, that Keunets fcwegw, /^lGeo»«e Johnwn, R. I. Overton, H. u. f . of McHenry, with Miekey FltsGersld, James Perkins and Stan > Am^)rOM> ^ purchased the Hareld HiU" the dab has been pierce Texsco service station at Viwnf the Sick I I I M I M M ,+e «1 RirtKs Interest in WiHiams Bay, Wis. Mr. Krpeger is spread nicely *mOng the the husband of the former Mia* Ber- .»• . : and .summer residents of this com- . . . th{s cit- fhe Krueger J^f! munity |t is, with J family has resided in WUliamsMy The Krueger io*eoo»»< •eeeeoeesesseee 1 mumty. 11 is wim pnu« «•» fjimilv prt Sidency of the club and, with! weicome friends and visitors to the r . his fellow officer*, recognised that I well-kept grounds. , Tpr more tnan a year, { the popularity of the couree indica-! During the past winter and spring1 , ted a need for expansion. An adii-; the club house was attractively rational fifty acres of land were pur- j modelled and redecorated and this, SUFFERS MINOR INJURIE8 Carl Neiss, an employee of the, Mary Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doneld Meyer, underwent a tonsillectomy at the Wbodstock boapital last week. Mrs. James Downs has been a medical patient at the Woodstock ho*n;tal the last week. Willard Maddock of Rt. ^ Mc- Henrv. has been * medical patient at St. Therese hospital. Waukegan. "Pop" Fenske has returned homo A tan*. Fri.y,. Job. ,?7.!ch«^. from J.cob F. Ju,t«n Zi'lSuS.'J 2SV*J£S£ course began to'bers. Mr. and Mrs. F. C cap. _ . «• tliomulvpit i-cmrac i-oucs sonsvisng? .s"iiuitsu paper caps containing less than twen- ofi:ce ty hundredths grains of explosive j mixture also is permitted at all ^""tincinr times. j. _ I eew »ir t*"1 "» • j--• »•»' ceeding ninety days or both for itst ins:**. violation. gracious the truck tree at he _-v-i-- Wonder Lake. He was confined to the Wood- ^So, to those who have taken any stock hospital until Monday in th, J«vrtopm.,.t of^th^Mc- Hr Mr?. A Bauer IMr. j beautiful 18-hole and'take shape. Mrs. Ix>uis Adams of Grand avenue; Jamas N. Sayler was the third ; are proving* themselves ' ' are the proud grandparents. president of the club and- directed! hosts. ooening of soda Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mayer of the destinies of the organization . Vu»t« n at Club Lib moor. Fr-e out. W€st McHenry are the parents of a through many trying yemn as well; part The law provides a fine not ex->door i"ovie^ every Fri***v night. In, daughter, born Jurie 27. as nrosperous yMrs. Frank A. Con-, Henry P?unt,3ifP tu' rJ,Vd*nt«"'of Long Island, New York, have been Gviri of ti * 1 veterinary medicines at Wattles1 served ably in the direction of the tulations on this twenty-fifth annl- ®at®r the. leg. NOTICE . Dny p „ , e I l l • o l t i » < ! „ . ; M n y ' , Cflm. M 0» k « - Flowers for all occasions. Elm S*. whom have served long Vymeamrs as I Crest Tires. Sise 6.00x16, $11.95 Camifield Automatic ">P _ »P popular cars, and V *t Gan»«.c s,.. . .. T-fp..Gambles, 1-4$ Cot*-plete 1'ne of L«e's poultry! McIInnrv business hou« ^•K^ies at W-tt!jr= Drus Store. Mr j „r^n a]j *~y Th-r-.^ny. July 3, but umm ' I .• PATENT BSUHTA. h Announcement has been iMilld that a patent was issued recently at °* Washington. D. C., to HalMa B. this city on a stocking Ctoaed on 5 i; 1 :