'•'W-T-ln *:*• '< *?. I'W'J: zmm " .;J? ywHT mr* iitr wMny PLAMOEALER isst-jsc? tasrarss; S55&*jas? Jfc ^Tufa-Pi JUonr, nL, * taw B.,Kemc1.. > {£,£ » , r «C»SeW ' « «• ; j* • ^ EBdfiittoorr and MMaannaa*geerr. .....AA.. Hn.. MMooathneerr » v a Cmia W ~ Associate Editor. ...Adele Froehlich; pianni„- Sale intend aa seeoad-elass Fox River ValleyX Camp, R.N. A., Mm poetoffiee at McHenry, Hi act of May 8, 1879. SEEo is planning for a held on Saturday, West Side ALCDITOWA SSOCIATIO i bake sale, to fee , jjSyv-/ 'i-L FredPringnits and Roykl Oaka, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs son, Glenn, of spent the July 4 holiday friends in this community. Henry Zoller of Chicago visited tn the Tftomas Kane home last Friday. ' * Bbrothy Doherty is spending this {week -with friends in Chicago. Martin Smith of St. Louis, Mo., in Mr toneyatoeaeft the Feat rivar ia MeHanry. They visited in the Henry Green home at McCullom Lake a turn day* last week. Mr. find Mrs. Jack Phelan and daughter of Chicago spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin vMtid relatives and friend* here on Sunday. Cal Dftftfe>Bob Kamholz and ClMftfei* Grandt left Sunday for Ball Park, Minn., the home of Mr. Dibble, where they will spend a weeks vacation. Weekend guests in the Martin Conway home were Mr. and Mrs. Display ads .for the Plamdealer #tll be accepted until Tuesday noon of the week ad is to appear. Classified ads will be accepted until Wed- Luke P* T« A* Will Meet Jnljr 11^ ^ The Lily Late P.t. A. will hold its next meeting at the'School house Jig visiting friends and relative* on Friday evening, July 11. AH McHenry. members are urged to attend. Mr. anu - ----- . . „ _ _* * ...... | Mrs. Mildred Cue have returned to; £ynn Smith and B°n- De"r *L,t°T H Clnb To Be <*?«•*»- their home in Wilmette after enjoy-! Rockton, Hn. Celia Knox of Crystal •era Unit w_. 1 ,ng a vacation trip into northern j an<1 ^rs- E<*' Holle of Oak nod m«t Wisconsin and Canada. On their re- P^rk. will meet at the home of turn trip they visited in the John The Misses Margaret, Vera and John Hogan on Wednesday, j phalin home, where they left several j Clkrabel Adams of Elgin visited rela i --"---J ~;1-- as jf Chicago c Riverview Camp ; relatives here one day last week. Planning Picnic nesday morning at 10 o'clock. News July 16. Members of 4-H clubs will. large wall-eyed pike aa proof of, tives and friends here on Saturday, must be in our office by» 5 o clock be guests of the ladjee. : any "fish" stories they might tell on Tuesday afternoon. ! their friends. i Miss Eleanor Scolan has returned; Fred Boger of Chic; called on Mrs. Otis Murray and daughter, week'* vacation -with relative* hi Mej Henry. ' Miaa Lily Breyer of Mihnudne, Wis., apent the put week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mr*. George Kramer at* tended boat - race* at Davenport, Iowa, on July 4. The Donald Hayes family of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday with his mother, Mra. Edith Hayea. Dick Hayes visited hi* mother last weekend. Mra. William Staines and grandson, Bobby Lee Whiting, of Woodstock, Arthur Staines and Luella Madouse of Kenosha, Wis., spent Ittvprview CamD R N A is nlan-1 to Milwaukee, Wis., after a week | Marjorie, of Geneva visited Kate and _ picnic, to ibe'held at the'®P?nt *n Thomas Kane home^ Tom McLaughlin one day last week. v rars. ^atnerine Young of Elgin spent the weekend visiting relatives liinj? ior a pivmt, w uwu «»v v««« |,- George Reiker home in Weingart's. nere- „ M subdivision on Tuesday, July 15. AIM _Mrs, A K. Burns of Hollywood, M v members are urged to attend the! f1*:. * sp^ndm* the summer months and friends in McHenry. .t6:30 o'clock pot-luck supper. Those m_McHenry. • • • . i Miss Joan Britz returned to he* ^desiring transportation are asked to . rv, a T **e°rge Koltz and home in Moline last week ^ after call Mrs John Freund phone 127-J. daughter, Judith, of Naperville spent spending some time visiting m the . , , : Sunday : eVening visiting in the home of her grandparents, the Jacob • Robert Thompson home. ! Freunds. Has Reunion - : ' « 0n We(lni>sday of last week, Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger and ^ . -s uj.. A reunion iff ! 5°^ Thompson, Mrs. A. K. Burns, | children and Mrs. Boger's mother of " r'«|]v was held on July 4 at Walkup Mrs. George Lindsay and Miss Lena i Chicago spent a recent- day visiting Mrs. Sutton Hostes« r; ^ V floods near Crystal Lake. Those ^offel^'accompanied^ Mrs. Duncan, in McHenry. „ 156 Pinochle Club --present to enjoy the day were Mr.! K,fir"en to Chit-ago, from where she Mr. and Mrs. George R. Miller and tors. R. R. Sutton was hostess to ancj Mrs. David Berthold and family! ,e.ft for her hom« in Oakland, Calif.,! family of Chicago spent the holiday memlbers of the East River Road 0f Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Herman1 at^r a^,ext®Jd®.d V18lt ,n McHenry., and weekend With, her mother, Mrs. Past Oracles to Have Pknk July 10 \ ' County past oracl«S:' TOcnic at 12:30 today (Thursday) >t Baur Family./;;:'? -v 3 Uoc Riuininn . Algonquin Park. Alexander of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Woodstock, Mrs. A. K. Burns of Hollywood, Fla., Mrs. Loella Stephenson of RiSwood, Mni HESZv 727S wjd Mrs. George E. Johnson of inston, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and son. Frank, Mr., and Mrs. -Robert Hiompeon and Hand Granger e#, McHei • '* lenxy. -ana Miss • Hie high Mked home economic* gwm was the meeting place ef Mcladies recently as they organ- » local vnit of the county Bureau. The following offiwere elected: Mrs. Fred Svo- , chairman; Mrs. F. E. Keller, vice-chairman; Mrs. Leo Winkel, aeeretary-treasurer; Mrs. C. Newman, food chairman; Mrs. John Then- **s, clothing diainnan, and Mrs. Algonquin Johnsburg Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Helen j Jack Walsh. Welch spent the holiday visiting | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting of relative^ here. _ Elgin spent the weekend at the home E. C. Goeckel of Chicago was a of Genevieve and Marty Knox, t i weekend visitor in McHenry. | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawley of He- , I Guests in the home of Mrs. Martin ibron called on relatives here one day . May last weekend were Mr. and last week. sodality of ?Jr8' Leslie Bungard and. family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Felgenhauer met in the Mrs. May Bungard of Elmhurst and | of Carpentersville spent the weekend last Monday evenine.! ??r- and Mrs. Eloper Smallfeldt of i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob - v"--"v" W{- I Freund. mier Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Decatur visited her sister, Mrs. John A. Bolger, over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin called on Kate and Tom McLaughlin the fiaat week. Miss Helen 8hirley Heide and Mis* Ruth Reihanaperger left on Saturday for Estes Parle, Colo., where they will spend a three-weeks' vacation. George Martin and Arthur Martin left on Monday for the former's home in Anaconda, Mont., where the latter will visit for a time. Pinochle club at the last meeting on Salzman and family of Woodstock, Thursday afterno >. Prize winners Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baur and famwere Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrsi. Thomas jjy, Mr. and Mrs. John Felt* and Thonneson and Mrs. Ben Dietz. The Math Baur of McHenry. next meeting of the club will be held * * •- • 1 on July 17. , i, J | Altar and Rosary * * * frlana Future Ev Annual Picnic Held The Altar and At Thomneon Hosm ^ St. Patrick's church met in The annual picnic of the Thomuson ! ! Kenosha, Wis. iamily was held at the Robert | danJarSpi en mite fir a i Mrs- Fns{k Adelemier spent VZZrifZ0™0*J^vn4®^ at"!^ sale to be held on Juj 18 •?i»^al days l„t week in Chicago. ^*y _*fterno^?' ^ M " w™ the Jacob Justen Sona furniture I Mr- "nJ Ben Diets were Chi- L?r!^HS^ "tore, and for a public card party ***° * few day* last Tuesday in Chicago. Attorney and Mrs. J. Albert Woll and family of Winnetka apent the holiday and weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen of Kenosha and Mrs. George Rauen and daughter, Sherry, of Waukegan visited in the Math Glosson home on Tuesday. Miss Lauretta Quinn of Chicago spent July 4 with relatives in McHenry. ^ V, % Peter T. Cahill of Chicago is spending a week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls. Editor and Mrs. A. H. Mosher, accompanied by relatives from Rock- \ ford, left last Monday morning for a two-weeks' vacation trip to Denver j and Colorado Springs, .Cojo. j Sunday guests in the Leo Young : home at Johnsburg were Mr. and j Mrs. John Freund, Mary Ann and i Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund jef Barrington, III., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund of Woodstock and I Mr. and Mrs. William Foley of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines of McHenry and Vincent Boxer of Elgin visited in the Joe Boxer home in Kenosha, Wis., on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegen of Lyons, III., spent several days with her son and family, the Leo Youngs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend visitors at the home of her mother, Mr*. Mollie Glvens. Mis* Monica Phalin returned with them to Chicago for a week's vacation. to be held on the lawn of the Whiter Carey home on July 81. Commvnion Sunday was designated at the. 9 o'clock mass. - SPORTS CALENDAR -- . -- BASEBALL at McH]£N1? at Crystal Uko- Rkhmond at Dundee. J -- SOFTBALL -- Tharsday, Jufy M At 7:80 the Co-ops play the Newsboys. At 9 o'clock the Case Eagle* and the TNT play the nigh' ip. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf !l Wray of Chicago spent the holiday in the home of husband, the his Harold f c # . • • ¥ * A'V-... fe'* IKW. ¥ ' SCE CREAM ~ ^ Dl«w«i el Naseatl DMiyVtvduGaCMIk FLAVORS FOR JULY ORANGE - PINEAPPLE ] VANILLA ' . ckoOOLATE - HAZELNL^T _ : „ MINT. ~ . 'l SPECLAI BRICK EACH WEEK-END: BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 ' . McHENRY week. Earl July 4 cousin and Lindsays. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bidder of Chicago spent the holiday in the Carl Bickler home. Frank Adelmeier was a recent visitor in Lombard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Land of Chicago and Thomas Lawson of Elgin- were visitors of Mrs. Helen Heuser last weekend. Mr. and Mra. Harold Lindsay spent last Friday at Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago and Mrs. Helen Heuser of McHenry apent a few days last week visiting in the home of the letter's daughter and family, the Paul Achors, at Cutler, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Zesch of Riverdale and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cox and family of Farnawerth, Great Lakes, spent the holiday and^ week- !! end with Mrs. Lillian Cox. _ Mrs. Etta Reed and daughter, Mrs. Edna Golis, and the latter's daughter, Lorraine, of Berkeley, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. O. IX Thompson of " Chicago spent last weekend visiting i!! Mr. and Mrs. William Barth in Hue- • • mann's subdivision. Mr. and' Mrs. Edward Fleissner and son, Edward, were callers in the Barth home on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi and children of Chicago spent the weekend visiting in the Robert Knox home here. Mrs. L. C. Granzin of Chicago spent last week visiting in the F. A. Graham home at Oakhurst. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahonev of1;; Chicago spent the holiday weekend j • • with her parents, the John Phalins.|;; Mr. and Mra. Harold Johnaon and j!! sons of Chicago spent the weekend • > • in the Ted Graham home. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Manning and family of Oak Park are spending a IMIMHIimHI'lHUHH* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gustafson of j I i Chicago have been spending their, twosureland MMttM* MMM IIIW fRcluaive Tresraielaad patterns in a wide range of choice and price . . . Don't mist M«i»9 our lovely display of Treaiurelend Diamond Rings . . .< Estellence ii e»- tared, value guarded by the Treaturaland Certificate of Guarantee and Regiftratioa, Strnfem't $*umbuf 114 West Main S«r«t McHenry i< H H i i .. Phone 12S-J Subscribe for The Plalndealar '--: I J,,,!;,! ' .<|V -- •*- ---^ -- • '• .1 J-4W, * .J • - , * ' A ttem (Cory about a man In another city quotes him as saving, **I don't put any money in banks. If robbers want ft, theyH have to kill me because IH never tell them where it is hidden." Robbers did call on him. They gagged him, beat him, broke his jaw and fractured his skull. True to his word; he refused to where he kept his L-:. * *•£& a result of hii injuries, died. M< kept at homi Is a constant invitation t§ - thieves, and a contiauoui worry to the person wh# owns it Depositkig your funds in a bank accounl : helps to safeguard yoqjr life as well as your mone^ It also helps you to cultfc^ vate the habit of thrift.". , . )Tou are cordially invite^ ^ start your account here. v - > /AcHENRY STATE BANK ii Member Federal Reserve System ' ; Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I Ml I H I I I t t l l U I I M > M > I H H I i m i l 111 l » l 1 Un THANK YOU, FRIENDS! For expression* of sympathy and hopes for a return of good health as contained in your cards sent me during my stay at Maereii Heart sanitarium, Milwaukee, Also do I wish to thank those who called in person and for other favors extended. •8 F. G. SCHREINER. Complete line of LeeTs remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Henry. , Read the Want Ail B GamKea B0UJ VOMt OLI MTTetV IS 0J0RT1 TowardlftePurchate a New YAKCQN QvUIit Starthig . .. loat«r latHn§ .# VwV« Wttevjr, fully 95 fuaranteed ht SI nMfths, now you only............ ... Wt+UmCH Wmmf the eatsa "kkkn Vawm WU d|* ii* eftr lasts 7. .§st a newt CdM% Owner winad Deider Phnne McHenry 4St «n ^ N I N TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS Large Selection of Materials OEDEE EARLY , \, Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson Prop. ANNOUNCEMENT Pw LAKE GOSPEL (Nonaectarian) ^ Annonnces the Condng of V v OEORQE DEWEY BLOMORE|t Evangelist-- Lecturer and News Analyst 3.1 o'clock tsbjoet: "Lot Freedom Ring.'* 1 w • ^" also teX DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ( Monday Hour*: 9 through F|ids hSaJMn. to 12 Friday, July 14-18 o'clock Mon Children (Mm 4 to 14 are invited. The daily program includes Bible instruction, 8cripture menkorising, stories, handwork, ante and singing. No admSsston chsrgo or^ registration fees. rr • :i¥., •:£: it ' r (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of McHENRY STATE BANK •' McHenry, niineis transmitted in response to call of the Aulditor of Public Account^, pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1947. RESOURCES * 1. Cash and due from banks •••'"• • " " .$ 917,600.22 2. Outside checks and other cash items j ^ "I-. - 1,618.05 . 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed .... 2,321,838.50 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 589,628.06 8; Loans and discounts V ~ ^ ^ 1,fi07T419.69 6. Overdrafts " ( 701.17 7. Banking house $14,800.00; Furniture and f i x t u r e s , ^ $ 5 , ' 4 5 7 . 0 0 i . . . . . . . . -'r 20,257.00 Grand Total Resources ..$5,459,062.69 • LIABILITIES ^ li. Capital stock - : ^ 50,000.00 14. Surplus , 15. Undivided profits jfNetj^ 16. Reserve accounts .Z.1 17. Demand deposits 18. Time deposits _ Total of deposits: , (1) Secured by pledge of assets ...$ 82,089.02 (2) Not secured by pledge of assetg ... 5,050,205.86 (3) Total deposits ... 132^94.88 liabilities . 100,000.00 108,783.64 52,500.00 2,960,874.45 2,171,420.4$ 15,484.17 , Grand Total fiabf. l.it.f.e r~i: i r ..„......l.^_J>5,45^062^;r Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: :-K'-*•, 26; Assets pledged: " '4^ ' JJ. S. Government obligations direct and/^pc ; t" ^ ' ' fully guaranteed Ll^Bl4^00J|j „$ 614,500^00 , Total Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding - rediscounts) , .... . . "l&T, Purpose and Amount of Pledge: | *{a) Against U. S. Government fcnd postal savings deposits _..... 585,' (b) Against funds of State of Illinoig , ........... £9,000.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged 614,500.00 ? v I, Robert L. "VVeber, Cashier of the above named bank, do <>1- . swear that the above statement is trues to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor Of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ^ f ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashi*^ ^ , JOS. W. FREUND, State of Illinois, g; • County of McHeS^. ss. ^ Suhscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1947. ® ' ^ VERNE E. HARRISON, L " Notary Public. DIRECTORS J. ReQianaperser Wn. M. Carroll Joseph W. Fiennd Wm. A. Nye, K. D, • Gerald J. Carey ; - - MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 'M