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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1947, p. 6

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f: • * * i" m-fw~ McHXNRY PLAXHDEALEB Thnnday, July 10, 1M7 POINT MAN ** ***$.* k *V.H s * j* jr * **-*«</* 1 < *.VT1 v * /'-,-^'4^-' • /*,?>*«• *>**' ^ ^ ^ ** - t* f ^ - -. \ •• • FOR SALE -- Packard 4-door Sedan; radio, heater, A-l condition. Tel. McHenry 697-R-2. *8 EXPERIE? LANDSCAPING--TR SURGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED 5--" FREE ESTIMATES ! LOST NOTICE Because of the neat number of classified ads which appear in the Plaindealer each week, we hare found it impossible to keep boots en such small accounts. There* fore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper_goes to prsss at 10 o'clock on Wednssday aaornings will be printed. I FOR SALE -- Kyack Boat; Four j. w. RATCRAFT, P. O. Box 16S, | Straight Chairs: Day Bed and Mat- phone 298-R; W. McHenry, III. 40-tf 1 tress; Sfnall Table,; Cot and Mat- • I tress. Tel. McHenry 655-W-l. *8 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, an Boat, 22-hp.; or dftener if desired. Reasonable •8 rates. Regular year round route. - John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mc- FOR SALE -- Ten Venetian Blinds, Henry, Phone 866. tf FOR SALE -- Lyman motor. Tel. Fox Lake 8453. all sizes, $2.50 each 674-W-l Tel. McHenry! I LOST -- Small, black, tipper Change Purse containing car and nouse keys on Elm street Tuesday morning, July 8. Tel. McHenry 151-Mt *8 LOST -- Gray, Tiger-striped Kitten vicinity of public grade school unds evening of July 4. Reward 'or return or for information as to, its whereabouts. Call 102-J. *8 FOR SALE -- Round mirror, 24-in. and rebuilt. *8 TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding . machines repaired >ns and carbon X ro*SAt»Vv FOR SALE -- About 10 tons of good hard corn. William Staines, West diameter; another 40K36 in.; maroon | paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 108 reversible rug, 8xl0y pair heavy Main St., McHenry. Phone McHendouble velour drapes,Vmaroon and-,ry 208-J. 52-tf drapes; tmu<m %ah5?fSand"piano j FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing cover, 60x50 in., trimmed with gold varnishing and waxing new and old braid. Norman Reese, route . 1, Mc-1 floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Henry. Tel. Pistakee 645-J-2. 8 Free estimate. Call evenings, McHenry 497-Ri 51-*8-tf McHenry. Tel. 688-R-l. «o FOR SALE -- Hot Point, 4-burner _ . __ Electric Stove; full oven. Morris; WHITEWASHING -- Barns, base' s -/ «V>R SAIJS -- Whv iolt around in . 1 Hoven, Pine Tree Dairy Farm No. 2, ments and chicken houses; also SAI^ ^^y jolt s^ndtn^ | ^te 1, McHenry. *8 spraying with Carbola DDT. A1 4 ^.11' Sp*wibo»t ™ j Phannenstill. Tel. 433-R. 410 Park I 1 iy • •eqSi|2?dt J * i SALE -- Motor Scooter Frame St., McHenry. 51-fcf % painted Row***1? T*"s ^ I in good condition. TV1. McHenry * i ,4wood rowboat may be seen at 425 N. 11 -- * - - 1 'Riverside Drive, or call 89-W after -f < p. m DISMISS CASE The caae of Carl Hess vs. the city of Woodstock and others, was dismissed . in the circuit court before Judge William M. Carroll Hist week. A settlement out of court was made. Hess charged he was injured when he fell through an open man-hole on Benton street, Wbodstock, in front of the Hob ,Nob tavern on May 8, 1944. He asked $5,000 damages in his suit. The-Hoib Nob and the Lennon Beverage company, as well as the owners of the building in which the tavern is operated, were also named defendants. A jury had been summoned to hear the casa. 1 : ^ After appointment to academy, E. Dickson, <Jr. last entered the fai as a student. He advice: "If at first yo try, try again." Di< rs of trying for an Point military nt Gerakl ire has at army school , Iced tiie old don't succeed, ickson, who has been an army air corps officer stationed at Stewart Held, N. Y., took a civil service examination given |n 1942 by Cong> Chauncey W. Reed to rate applicants for West Point and Annapolis. He was named third alternate for West Point, as a result of finishing fourth in the test. When other candidates failed to pass the physical examination for entrance, he moved up to first alternate and then principal. moftSa ofpiatl er gold were of «M 1 *g MOTOR REPAIR--Clectric motors 1* ™ SALE - Fox River Rwidmce, j trSnitoni tobulu- repeating nfle in excellent subdmsion; substantial stone founds- ready to UM bearings. McHenry Sondition; shoots .22 short, long and,turn; adequate for year-round dwel- Electric Motor Service, 102 West Jong rifle shells; equipped with Ly-ilmg; large sleeping porch; two bed-; Waukegan Road Phone 181 1-tf •nan peep sight. Also--gun rack, I rooms; 3-way exp. French glazed ! -- ---. '-- e, cleaning1 rod, shells, etc. Call | windows; 30-ft. living room; beam DEAD ANIMALS --• Highest cash ceiling; 4-way exp. French windows; prices paid for cows, horses and cobblestone natural fireplace and! hogs; no help needed to load. Day chimney; modern plumbing; large; and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Work*,- Wheeling No, Bespita! 8pa*« New York state has one bed in a general hospital for every 200 people, but Mississippi has only one bed for ev*rv 4sn peooie.' OHgtau Prehistoric ornameni niim hammered over touBld ih th# gfayet and Unga of the ibcient Indian inhabitants of Colombia. This was probably the original idea of combining the two rare metals to obtain the two-tone color effect for jewelry. ' leathers Fes Bqairre! The southern fox aquirrel ia the only squirrel in America which has a white nose and white ears. - • laveatie^.:: ' va'. In 1851 Isaac Singer patented the first practical domestic sewing machine and is credited with pladi>| it in fht home. D^ H. 8. m w, Office Meats: 1 pjn. te S Fxirspt Thursdays br 81 Kewi the W ant Ads ScHenry 69-W weekdays after 6:30, Saturday or Sunday. *8 FOR SALE -- 360-gal. Gould Water English basement (combination din. .Pump; V4-hp. motor, controls and < ing room and kitchen); big pier; tank; very good condition; $35.00.; beautiful evergreens; boat and some gitzen's Subdivision, next to Wein- furniture. A real buy for a homefart's Subdivision. Oscar Hoppe. *8 j seeker looking for quality and rustic ' _ . 1 _ --=--; beauty that is just a bit different. )R SALE -- Te settle Estate -- 19 Orchard Beach. Tel. McHenry tomgson 1144--fftt. ^BBooaatt;; 1100--hhpp.. JJoohhnn--j 890-W-2. *S #on Seahorse Outboard, windshield at, pole light, revolving seats. Call istock 1020 on weekends. *8 FOR SALE -- Eight - room Modern Home; 31 acres 01f llaa nd; in town of Ringwood; bam, silo and other buildings. Price, $20,950. Jacob Fritz, realtor, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87 Henry 619-J-2 - TI 8 #OR SALE -- 1 must sell immediately (have been transferred to _ Texas) beautiful year 'round ranch j or Chicago, (Lincoln 1333-4. thome, all stone construction. I ed close to Mdlenry; river j ®AL,!' . . . Immediate possession. Tel. Kerosene Kitchen Stove nry 540-J-l. »g_21-burner ^ oven; white enamel finish; Ling j. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Man for Farm Work; good room and board. C. L. Harrison, Ringwood, 111. *8 WA!NTED -- High School Boy, 17 or over, to work on Pheasant Farm. Oak Mount Game Farm. Tel. Mc- •8 HELP WANTED -- Waitresses and Cabinet Type 3-burner' short order cook. Mi Place, Green with 2-1 Street, McHenry. 8-tf used only three weeks. Buss Motor HELP WANTED -- Two boys or >OR SALE--350-gal. per hour elec-| Sales. Tel. McHenry 1. 8 n?en for general bowling alley work trie water pump, excellent condi-, ___ „ 1 s'x days a week; must be over 16 n; $50; coal heatalator, $10. Tel. !JfOR SAW; -- Six-passenger Runtf- years old; $30 a week guaranteed cHenry. 675-R-l. •81 bout Step Boat and 16-hp. Racing Palace Recreation, 119 South Green Johnson Outboard Motor with special | street, MccHenry. Call after .6:30 FOR SALE--450 rock-faced concrete [ carburetor and propellor; nicely fin- P-m. Socks, steel re-inforcing bars. Tel. ished and painted; has natural fin- j ' , .... „ . cHenry 137-R. fished deck and decorative deck lights- i HELP WANTED--Experienced man , like n0W. iced tQ selj c on dairy farm. T. Thonneson, JW, SAJ.E\-- Ohampic •; (Unive^saiy washir good condition; t *OR motor very „ cooking utensils, dishes, pots, pans; j SALE -- Dog house, 3x5 ft., filing cabinets, pictures; odds and fully shingled, $10; " " -- Champion outboard seen at Kirk's Kottages -and Cabins , McHenry. Phone McHenry 571-W-l -- 'washing machine, Emerald Park. ^ »8 7-tf table silver,. FOR S " • lingled, 10;" fish aquariums,' i T KeeP"« «nd ^c®w2r rk- AJ ends, card tables, 1/3-hp. motor and $1 up ; baby "Stork" scale, white I dumber Co. Tel. McHenry 5 grinc Beac inder. Gordon, Lot -46, Orchard enamel, $5; Thor mangle for Thor HRIP WTMTPN < < O _ . T T O T V, rh Ph»» McHe„r»j wash,„«• « K 7'R- 8. Heatrola gas _heater, $19.50; fireplace quire at 126 Riverside Drive. He Improved POSTURE SUPPOXTEt DR. R. DeROMB Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a. m. te S dafly except Wednesday. Evenings by )appoiBtment. TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS . Dentist --Office Honrs-- Tuesday I Saturdays: 9 to5 pjt Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appfintment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist -- Foot Specialist 108 So. Riverside Drive Phone .17 McHenry Office hours: by appointment Daily and Evenings Closed Wednesday 6" all-elastic seamless waisband. Convenient fly boat. Ideal support for athletie eetivities or everyday Wear. DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Physician & Surgeon , Tel Johnsburg 644-R-t • f ' Tel. Johnsbarg 580-R-2 Tel. Crystal Lake S6-M 4 3 Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.nt No Hoars Thursday Evenings $200 Bolgers Drug Store Green Street r ~' W7'*v- Ilcaiei, »».ou; nrepiace at 126 Drive, FOR SALE OR RENT -- Island table: $8;""Brunswick size pas heater, $9; T . „ , A A • * table. $8; Brunswick Chippendale! ^ke, all year round modern unfur. console talking machine, $19.50- -Bl;ed„ i'T™ cot'«e- elftr,5a.llsr »5P<!»rit«r or sewing machine table', •ntolM TOje refng- J4; double book shflf, »2; recon " c1"e.r»' *5.«L«nd »7. 61-tf i 'I'<• 'If 4 ' # 4 • ! . ' { " I ' l l " ! 1 • S-M* MORE FUN In Your Vtication Travel WITH THIS COMPLETt u PRE-VACATION arator S ^ann'an 415 South 8th f J°U book shelf' *2' recondi- HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND JATvee. , MMaavywwfoyoodd .^ eTTel. MMaayvwwooSd 1i99&5U0 . hpbkr"a ry tablesc, u$"3e.5r0s ,a $n5d. 5$07 .a5n0d; $h7u.m50i-; GTUIRNLIST YT OF OSRE WTH. OSGEO OIDN TOEPRPEOSRT-S! ! dnoorr sDmltionkVilnnigr stand, $(O2 .c5n0.; l1 arge wa,l,l EcDn IraNT TnmHImS mTYvPnEn nW,/O\nR>Kr . A> nP - I or end table, $3.50; sturdy medicine PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 FOR SALE ^ Year-round home chest, $3.50;' new 47-PCR'set dishes RIVERSIDE DRIVE, MCHENRY" 20-tf flhali mar; fully JcHenry 227-J.. insulated WOM , J new Pc- set d>shes KI\kmo insulated. marked 22-k. go[d and three odd PHONE i pieces, $8.50; Eiectrolux vacuum 89. MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 33-tf FOR SALE -- Present indications c|eaner an^ Parts. $12.50; vacuum SExf EXJ0 RA point toward a lot of soft corn this £i®f"ers' $6.50; carpet year. If so, cattle and hogs will j 8^eeper' a,so pictures, lamps," surely have to use it. All kinds of j ladders, set glass dishes, etc. stock and feeding cattle will doubt- i „ a Beach. Tel. McHenry less sen more reasonably during 899 W-2- \ *8 ^ i se? ui&zs&zz*. ef around 800 H». steers fer my grass J fSL- Service on all at comparatively REASONABLE .J!? "bbons for all makes; VALUES. Alio all the young feed- JSF'vh Clay -St-' ing cows and heifersttes I can buy Wood8tock- Phone 549. at about 13c a lb. HELP WANTED MEN . 2nd and 3rd SHIFTS 7-tf Over twenty-.FOR SALE-Lot. 50x145, at McCulti^ ughethe famonrouteV^w^ rCuflST'likt S/TlfiS McHenry 577.M-1, or E™S: NO EXPERIENCE NECE8SARY m• * ! TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM bought as though I were going to FOR RENT keep them. Beat selection every weekend for the balance of the season. Clean, healthy cattle on your farra whoa you get them from H. lSTWTNnING, Belvidere, 111. Phones: «E4 and 318. " 6-3 •7-2 FOR RENT -- At Emerald Park on £ox River -- Kirk's Kottages and Kafoins, with housekeeping facilities, $2.75 a day or $15 a week and up; also places to sleep eight; boats, ${ fl-OTB FOE SALE--Lots, 50x850 ft.,j*a day u,p ; bic-y cles,- 3L5-c an ho-ur-r (3- S ^ie 81, about two block from; hr-for ^]}ildren; APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. ' WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION 4-tf AVAILABLE WANTED TO BUY •Kjjit' " inquire at 715 Center St. lmp'e«.fishi"5, facilities. Emerald! WANTED TO BUY - TTOOtRt SSAALLEE----MMooddeermn house, ffuurr-1 ^----- |2-tf nished; Venetian blinds; automatic Good used sise. Call McHenry 145-W. Spire Ascending ..i Symbolic of the very soul as !! it aspires heavenward. The ') I) spiritual value of our funeral ' > • service encompasses considers- < • • tion and courtesy, as we carry ! ) ont your wishes. [ Jacob Justen Sons:: FUNERAL DIRECTORS Fsneral Home Phone McHenry ItS-R Green, Car. Elm, McHenry FOUND ail furnace; air conditioned; electric • » --;-- | yA1 tot water heater; tile bath, built-in; FOUND -- On carnival grounds, two fub and shower; cabinet kitchen;, pairs of glasses in cases Owners Box WANTED TO BUY--House or cotlocated on or near river. Write "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf 1-car garage; asbestos shingles; full,may have same by identifying and scmre ens.'I •p+a yiitn,g. fio>ri .;ad. Glasses may be seen ' «» n<i..iA- 8a Homes WANTED FOR CASH Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES - -FOUND -- Leather Jacket in,Center-.-- _ Real EatatS SALE McCullom --Six- ville on July 4. Owner may have by Koute 2 McHi Itorm windows; copper Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Wonder Lake 173. • Tnne-np the engine for top performance. , • Lubricate the (Cassis. ! • Inspect the transmission and differential lubricants* 1Q Change motor oil; ins j oil filter. { D Test "brakes--adjast if ' needed. i Q Inspect windshield wipet% lignu and steering. # I THI PRICIt ; Plrobibljr leas Asa yam expect " >i > #THUION J. KNOy v.. Attdrney-At-Law Car. GMM and Bfaa 8ta, McHenry Tseaiay awl Friday AfteneeM Other Days By ApyslnUasat Phene MeHeary 43 CHAftL& S. UWU. Attorney (Jeslyn i Parker) . Q*k* Hears: Wedneedav' Afternoons--1;W-I.H Office--Kodir Supply Cempany, 542 Main Street. West McHenry Phone--McHenry 4M Woowtock 1135 v 'Aaclent PlaytMngs Jointed dolls, moved by strings, are favorite playthings of the children of ancient Greece. Sir --iii^I<--m--ii-- --i-- -i ~ii-i'riri»>nrMrwt»timi' --JMUMMP Bkcrrl^ks Gsasral Centracters Residentlsl -- litolilj Financing • Blneprints . 804 Washington St. Pbsae SM-W -1 ^ C. J. METBM . r,j " General Caatraets* Carpentry Wertt and iesalrs^ j . McHenry, III. TaL Pistakee M3-M-1 FRANK 8. MAT Saai -- Blaek Dirt -- CHieffs TVndt fer Hire Phone McHenry IM-M-1 1-1 MeHeary INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Insnrsac* Representing RELIABLE COMPAN1E8 When you need insnranee of any Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHeary Telephone No. IN 8TOFFEL ft REIHANSPBXGEB Inaurance agiknts for all rlsw ef property in the beat csmpaaisi, I Wept McHenry, IBinsis MeHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile Sonth of MeSssvji aa Rente 31 Flowers far sD occasions! •mm A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contraetsr Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --BOAD BUILDING-- Tel. 1204-M McHenry, Mi Telephone All Brnncbes Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer Wert MeHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Without Digging lily Electric Motor-Mole and Reef Cutter Crystal Lake, Illinois L. Nelson Ben 193 ; TsL MeHeary 343-J HAROLD H. BELL feinting, Paperhaaging, Removing OU Walt Paper WHh $teamer, 8pn? Painting MS N. GREEN ST. > McHENHT W. P. BROOKS ft SON > Painting and Papering All Material At Coot TeL 131-R 11< Washington St. McHenry, Illinois FRANK B. WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATINQ Phone McHenry 689-W-2 Painting, Paperhsnging, Sprsying Rstissstee Cheerfnlly Furnished JOHN F. BRDA ft SON , Sheet Metal and Furaace Work ^•1 N. Green 8L, McHenry, lit . Phone 243-R Phone McHenry 5M-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel aad Let Filling . . Black Dirt . ..Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHenry WELDING SBftVICB FiuaiosTor! »••>» i n m i m i m i n » n» DOWNS NASH SALES > SERVICE 405 Ebn St. Thom 4M Mdbny nfinois Phone! at The Plaindealer office. 52-tf | FOR room furnished home; lake north shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake Shore Drive. Phone McHenry 276-J Saturday and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 52-tf front, identifying and paying for ad. Call i 674-M-2 McHenry*8%7-R-2 McHenry 134-M. *8 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf MISCELLANEOUS NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round BER. Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plumb- j electric, lake rights. < WELL8 WANTED -- Crippled and Down u<vrt/_ . t . Cattle. $10.00 and up. Peter Dom- NOTICE--I am not responsible for browski. Mornings and evenings,' any debts, bills or wntracts by calI Woodstock 1699-R-l; daytime, anyone but myself. JOHN KOER- phone Woodstock 882. *8-6 *7-3 ing. gas, WKLL8 DRILLED OR DRIVEN.! TERMa. Phone McHenry 674-M-21 WATER SY8TEMS--We sell, repair WANTED or 6B0-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 50-tf and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206; gto^'GW FOR SALE -- 4%-room house, toilet and hath; basement with furnace Main 93-J. •8 heat and garage. Inquire John, the TREE Tailor. West McHenry. 8PRAY1NG AND WEED i4 -itfj KKIILI1L EKRR SRPPRBAAYVIfNNGn -- Fpr_annLk Wm. < SITUATION WANTED -- Man de- >ir#a work (care of j.wns, gardening. etc.) "by day or hour. Handy _ with tools. Reasonable. TeL Mcfour Business Lets«n roMbe-120, .Lily! LANDSCAPE^ OR TREE SERVICE Henry 665-J-l. . *8 FOR SALE -- Two Lots in Lil> 52-tf Lake, 25x100 ft., $115 each. Also Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. H rouiro CI»L WANTS - To Uk. FOR SALE -- Registered Holitein | tai Lake 32«-W btfl calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur-! -- 6-tf surgery, tree feeding, tree spraying. Call J. W. Gnstafcen. Phone Crys- care of children mornings and afternoons. Tel. McHenry Bm. *8 FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, 650-R-l. 44-tf WANTHD -- W* nav^B starters, fori pumps, distributors and cash buyers . , , j CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phnn* *or •ummer homes, city property and ignition parts for Ford and all other 1691-R-l when in need of Insulation rn^Kmimrr ears. Seaco Sales A Service, Lily- or a new roof, asbestos, or insulsted J»<** Frits, HMBBI, moor, Fred J^ Svoboda. Prop. TeL |brick siding, weather stripping, or In MM lSM^tf' Plan Now to Attend tlw Walworth County Fair Grounds KLKHOKa, wisooksdt * Sat, July 12"Sun., July 13 (RACES START 1:30 EACH SAY AL'fc WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St^ McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and CuttiniL ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator i't|one 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419 or Wonder Lake 568 110 Main St., McHenry, Illinois WATER PUMP& Fahrbanka Morse Ejector types. All aizea. Complete a ft) install. Sump pumps. Tslte imps in trsde. ITROM SALES AND SERTKR Tel. McHenry 696-W-l (306 ft. from Neirs Ballroom) Maintenance and Construction - Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 909 Sonth Green St., McHenry, IIL WILSON'S RADIO SHOP Radios -- Records -- Appliances y Repairs on AH Makes \ , Home i Auto Radios » E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 469 BETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Greasing and Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT 6H Front St. McHenry ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors Radio Repairs si as sstimste that asxt slsctikal LEO G. *ROTHERMEL, Prof. Phone McHenry 273-M 394 Rt^eraids Drive HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid to-) Dead and Crippled Horace, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Lead ing -- Tankage and Meat Scrape Cor sale. Phones Arlington Heights i 116 or McHenry 659-J-3. fteveraa! Charges. Palatine Rendering Service.; --WANTED TO BUT-- W« p«, $6 to 335 for Old> Horeea leaa for down heroes and catDs 1 MATTS MINK RANCH ' Johnsbnrg - Spring Greae Bead Phone Johnsbarg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCB ON DEAD H HORSES AND CATTLE We pey phnns All Year Rond For Sale •MMpM PISTAKEE EAT 6 Rooms, Well Price 39(566. Lot 169x199, Rolling Acree Sahdivieisa. 5 Rooms, Bath. Garage, Let 166x366, One Block Beach and Pier for Beat. Price 37.716. See the New Starting Gate in Operation IT'S INTERESTING AND THRILLING SATURDAY 2 Yr. CHd Trot $600 2 Yr. Old Stake .. ...1600 20 Class Pace .1* J600 24 Class Trot . _..$600 SUNDAY 26 Class Pace . . J ^l$600 16 Clase Pace .$600 iFVee-for-ail Pace .$600 19 ClasB Trot $600 15 Class Trot .$600 McHenry 615-W-2 * * r 10-tf! combination screen andstorm~win- Chicago, „ . _ ~ " Idows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros. FOR SALE--Year-tound comfort and i Koofing Co. 48-tf economy with fire-proof Johns-Man-1 ------ rille Rock Wool .Home Insulation ; SE5PTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call gean^. Fred Wells, m LEO. J, STILLING. McHenry 18. , oJ"71(£m 42tf -- ---- ! WE BUY AND SELL USED CAM FOR SALE -- WONDER LAKE-- --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, Year-rouftd home; ready to move ;n; McHenry, 111. Phone 277. 49-tf large living room, large kitchen, dirette, 2 Ige. bdrms., bath; plenty closets; full finished bsmt; hot, cold running water; oB heat; price $11> 475. Tonyan Construction, McHen ry, 111. T 4-tf C. J. H. DIEHL MeHENRY COUNTY PIANO TUNER _ 526 WASHINGTON ST., WDBTOCK one 152 or Sunday, 115. PHONE 208-W, Woodstock - Subscribe for The Plaindealer Floor Tile : GenuineAsphalt and Rubber v *k, <^ ;^ loar Sanding and Refinishing RAY IRION - **-yhone Woodstock 69SWll' 512 Clay St. "Woodstock General Admission on Saturday -- Reserved Seats on Sunday 50c/Tax Included, Now on Sale GOOD R£S£RVE SEATS STILL AVAILABLE FQR ; .SUNDAY, JULY 13 . Reserve seat tickets are still available for Sunday, Jftfy 1^. There will also be general admission tickets available Sitnday at the Fair Grounds. SPONSORED BY KELLEY-GARDNER POST American Legion, Elkborn, Wisconsin ^ • C- J LANGlJnrr Racing Sec y. to Fine McOtJLLOM 4 yt Remna, 2 Lsta, tnsalstsd Price 7 Rooms. Gsrage, Oil Fnmsce, 1 LsSs, Oa Black Ten - Price 98J66U ^ Room Hoaae. Water Frsat Let, Fnrniehed, S-ft, C--aat Price 99,666. •eaie, Glased-in Penh, S Uts, Laadhcaped. 'WONDER Modern. S Price $15^16. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES 8U9XUVI810X « ' V 4ft ROOMS, New Building, Near River, Beach Rights. Pries $6366. Modern 5 Johnsbarg Bridge. 6ns Heat, Faa Rivsr, Nertt 618,666. Make offer! ALSO SBMKBB BOKZS TOR «*!•« S Rooms, Furnished, Garage, 56-ft. Water Front on Fox River Near Johnsbarg Bridge. Price $4,750. Alss Three Buildings, Two 4-Rooms aad One 5-Room Cottages, About 406-ft. Water "Front on Fox River near JoMarM MWtdkdi This » a Cne inveetmentf Price Z JAODB FRITZ, Realtor Route 1, McHenry, ill. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or j.infftin 3393.4 .. . JOHNSBURG

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