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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1947, p. 8

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'ft* -- - - Juth-- w-2fo?r * gaaii--ii»n«r Cor washing It was tlit ww IV th» corps of the ermy. w*«f: There ere I Wild not more than, American chinchlU* or wraps to »he world »nd _Jy IS «Tthis grade of chtofa the United SUtoM. The wild South American chinchflto wrape, aa distinct from the rwh-grown chinchillas, vary in cost from $20,000 to $100,000. Once Idd «nr cleaned, they ahouML not be wnahed. The cleaning solvent rMMtte the oil from the leather. Whan washed In water after cleaning they tufa stiff and harsh. ' Our fHM* Vacuum cleaner, smaO enough to be kept in the glove comportment of an automobile, operates off the engine manifold vadium when the car engine is ran at idling speed. Cbiinections are long enough to peruse of the cleaner in any part of car's interior. J-K TAVERN & RESTAURANT Specialty . fRIED CHICKEN -- SPAGHETTI# Summer Cabins and Rooms for Bt 120 --l^i HUes West of Voi Lravioli lily Lan 667H DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steftan's Jewelry Store (CM Thursday Afternoons) Byes Rvaailned -- Glaaacs Fitted Vlsaal Tralatnf -- Visual Rehabilitation Ceaiplete Vioaal Analysis Hears Pally: • te 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: C to 8:31 p.m. PHONE MeHENRY MS lOh J'*? . I N GS TARPAULINS', CANVAS GOODS Large Selection of Materials ORDER EARlit Specializing in Store and Residence Awning* McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Ttaos. Tlionneson Prop. m. n For A Few FEEDER $16.60 MICROMET -- FBSVSHTS SCALE - CONTROLS COBEOSIOB tdwrtW FIMi It twa asi (MM SHtmi v s>*8i»Twa. ittw YORK.-T1* ancestors ef man date beck888,0M years to gianfr --hulking beetle-too wed brutea subject to ktng-eiae toothache*--and man's evolution apparently ran Just opposite to tnt of animals. This is the story tofcl by the bones end teeth of the three earliest known primitive humans yet discovered. In • priceless And made Or. Q. H. R. von Koenigswrald, renowned youngDutch paleontologist, who recently reached this country after years to the Orient. The fossils of these giant mentwo from Java and one from China --are a half million years old, possibly 300,000 years older than any human remains previously found. The huge teeth of the giants are the clew, Dr. von Koenigswald said; that in evolution man became smaller, rather than growing from small j to larger specimens as modern animals did. The giants had hug; jaws and teeth but small brain capacity. J As the si*e of jaws and teeth de-, creased and brain capacity increased, man developed human faculties-- particularly those 6f speech and ability to make implements which gave him superiority over animals. 4 8ixe ef Gorilla's Jaw. Dr. von Koenigswald, prisoner of onyan ended P®rt be carried. Absent: Ahhon, Although H h»s _ George P. Anderson, that the mooting bo approved as carried. approved At rsnd. Anderson, sccondod by, rand, that the eolleebe approved as read. George P. Pround, seelyan, that the clerk's re- Spproved as read. Motion George J. Freond, lerson, that, the follow* be paid as approved by committee: • Motion car- Motor Saloo _. ... ,--» car .......... Edward J, Barrett, sec •tate, State license • pel ie® 0*r ^ on, salary salary . --nne®. ««lsry ... Wmiam Luady, salary Earl R. Walsh, office pense ....... Mayme Buss, salary and commiaakuis R- M Dwell, salary ........ Collector pf., Internal Revenue, Inoene tax -- Ed. N. Young, painting streets Anton P. Blake, painting* streeta »..u *•' A. S. Slake Motor Sales, new equipment - police car C. W. Glbbs, sidewalk ....81,085.15 of 1.00 185.00 161.10 127.90 140.20 161.10 •8.00 war in Java for 30 months, made! Peter Miller, sidewalk Insure Walei System Against Dwindling Supply, Clogged Coils, Red Water and Needless Costly Plumbing Repairs. his discoveries before the war in river gravel beds of central Java and in Chinese drug stores. The teeth of the China giant came from the drug stores whjere they were sold medicinally' as "dragon'? teeth." Pending further atudy, Dr. von Koenigswald wilf not hazard guesses about the exact sise or appearance of the giant men. But, he said, judging from the jawbone, they were "large all over." The oldest Java giant, named Meganthropus, was so large that the previous oldest-known men, Pithecanthropus Erectus, Pekin man and Heidelberg man, "were elegant and dwarfish in comparison," he said. Medieval suits of armor indicate that modern man is larger than the knights of centuries ago, but their smaller size probably was due to diet and other conditions, Dr. von Koenigswald said. Modern man now is growing larger due to better diet. Remains of the giant men and a treasure of other fossils, hailed as the world's outstanding and most valuable collection of fossil man, recently arrived at the American Museum of Natural History, after being hidden under (he noses of Japanese in Java during the war. Feug*t ta World War. Dr. von Koenigswald fought in the Netherlands East Indies army on Java when toe Japanese invaded it in 1942, and was clapped injbo^a prisoner of war camp. * After his release, Dr. von Koenigs-. wald recovered all the items except one 100,000-year-old Neanderthal skull--which the Japanese sent to Emperor Hirohito as a birthday present in 1942. This is Dr. von Koenigswald's lineup of the earliest-known men: Merganthropus, Java giant man, who lived 500,000 years ago. Two lower jaws and some teeth, the "old* est human remains and the most primitive," were diacovered in 194! in an old lake deposit to central Java near Solo. Pithecanthropus Robustus, a man of about tile same age but of a slightly higher level. He was found in the same area in 1939. Gigantopithecus, the China giant, also about 800,000 years old) In 1937, Dr. von Koenigswald discovered in Java a skull of Pithecanthropus Erectus II., which , confirmed the belief that this ape man of 300,000 yeara ago was human. Hdwe, sup- Hdwe., sup- The General Detroit Corp. hydrant wrench Consumers Company, sand Atlas Printing Co., supplies for police magistrate Wm. H7 AMMff 1 plies John J, Vffital plies McHenry Umber Company,- coal Walter J. Fieund, radiator hose end |ftre repair McHenry Band & Gravel Co., crushed gravel A. P. Freund Sons, stump removal .; Joseph M. Sehmitt, labor at park -- mowing George P. Freund, broom .... Perfection Legal Blank Co., supplies » P. F. Pettibone & Co., arrest . books ...............r Thomas P. Bolger, bulbs .. Edward H. Nickels, lacquer thinner ^ Worts Sinclair Service, tire^ repair Lester R. Bacon, gas - police car Buss Motor Sales, repairs •«-- police car i Emil Patzke, ptreet repairs 90.06 89JS 138.05 189.89 18J0 1*10 in 3.63 43.14 *1.15 lit 98.93 89.00 60.00 2.04 $M f.oa $.88 *.95 1.78 HJtt 161.00 relatively Mttie ettention baa given to the fact tilial similar pebrttag roofs can increase iNtottnef ] & occupants of booiee and other buildings, lliere to now a growing edvocecy of the nee Of alumtmim paint, which has egcfcl lent and covertoc nowitoL ea rools of almost ill ineludiag elate, composition as well m metal nnd It might be oonduied that a _ ao protected to sottunir would be similarly colder to wtntovr biff paint authorities explain .that this Is not so. The reason is that the cooling effect is principally in direct •onUght, the incidence of which 1 averages much less to winter than to summer. Also, moisture Is a conef heat and cold and the sf surfaces in #toter is to added Insulation. % Devastating Weafsn Few modern mapew h»ve been used In bettie with more devastating effect than the ancient Iww and arrow. Thirteen to^usnnd English archers killed and routed an army ef some 50,000 French within a tew hoars at toe Battle of Agtoeourt in Y41S, World. Book encyclopedia relates. Aa late as toe American Rev. ohitlon, Benjamin Fruddin recdmmended formation of companies of archara. OMMOZONf Convenient drinking water antiseptic to help prevent epreaa of harmful gsrms, audi as pullonua. For many stoq^le bowel troubles. IIwuImhI* . . . . . $ Jr» 98 ot. boMe. tiO row, _. >iorgannant Do " home, petod. Store dSnaiSii the house In a Keep out of a suction- wnSher. Andd cleaning fluid on posed parte of ments or articlb* side before taking fhans into toe house. Keep chQarcn at a sate distance from the -leaning opera* tion. TH01U«A(B0^Slt tirein Street CATCH BA81NS HAVE YOUR Y Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY S | EDDIE HUFF, Prop. CISTERNS r , % ; -xn' * TELEPHONE MeHENRY 290 MM Mm I-66 4^8 295.68 4.00 7.50 49QM 118.80 88.68 12.00 84.00 84.00 8440 98.00 135.00 80.00 UM 4.38 CLEARS •V RUSTY WATER -- If Your Dealer , Can Not Supply You Phone, Call or Write 4REDF.PRELLC0. (NOT INC.) --'Water -.CoiiK.uUaiiilu-- , 4(K) W. Kinzie St., C^iicago 10, Ills. 411 Phones - Delaware 5996 Residenco & Branch Qlfiqe ~m. N°.' T, Tntrleside, III., Fox Lake 5221 ; . Supply Dealers ' tTsual DiscounU $3.00 the llw sufJSX aaUnmSt to lis moderiT MICROMET method of water conditioning (ao in homes, industrial plantg and municipal Twe Mob S«rvlv8 Ltaps frm the Brfiklya Bridge NEW YORK. -- Two men were safe after repeating the legendary Steve Brodie feat -- Jumping 175 feet from Brooklyn bridge into East river. Charles John Rezba, 41, was pulled from the river by army engineers. He said he jumped- from the bridge because he was worried over the meat, butter and sugar shortages. Alexander Mendicini, 33, an eacoastguardsman, quarreled with his wife before Jumping from the bridge. Mendicini swam to Brooklyn ai|d climbed out under his own power, Oit at Aft of 12, He Is - | Voluntarily Baek In tttr | CARSON CITY, COLO. - A few months ago an 82-year-old man was released from Colorado's state penitentiary at Canon City on com-1 pletion of a sentence for burglary but recently he appeared at the main gate and asked to be re-admit- 1 ted. He explained to Warden Roy i Best that he didn't like it "outside" and wapted to earn his keen inside the walls by doing odd jobs. The warden agreed and now the old timer seems happy and explains; Acre's always compeny fe Fertiliser" te is the most essento use' on dairy farms •hottld ^ mA M tht pwUor Earl R. WalM^ imiyrance -- police car Clark CaMvrriet Bales, storage 4k repairs -- truck .. Illinois Bell TsMahone Co., telephone serfiee Western United 6. A E. Co. eas service Public Sevice Co., power an# light Paul E. Geraagh, rodding sewer Bud Thennes, tree retaoval .. A. P. Freund, The McHenry FWipdealer, stationery and piMcsilRms Freund Oil Cotopany, gas and oil -- pence car and truck Henry A. Reeds, letterinff police car H. B. Schaefei£ police duty J. C. Grobel, pofice duty .. Donald E. Buger, police duty Edward J. Tliennes, police duty Special Sewer Fend Fred C. iFelts, salary ,.. Mayme IBuss, clerical ........ Public Service Company, y power and Ught - Freund Oil Company, dk* tillate Motion by George P. Freund, see ondod by AndersMt to pass ana approve the annuel appropriation ordinance in the amount of % 101,981.00 as read. Motion carried. Motion by George P. Freund, onded by Anderson, to approve the annual audit reports, covering the ast fiscal year, aa submitted oy J, North A Co., and to pay the amount of ,$187.50 from General ACIOOX Drinking water" medicine to edd in the prevention and control of oeeal.oooddlocit along with sanitation. "• •2 -S2S--e e e e--e e e-e e.» i2 symptoms of colds, wheesing and bronehitie. Espedadlyreooinaiebdedisr young ducA*. ..$tje -ff* i*"!' t t# ••••.., mj r |Q iMrtb »I«S»--II. C«M li «Ml M« Bolger'sDrug &ore Green 8i McHenry On Route 47 ;; - ; ^ " Woodgtook, I1L Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. "V' 'v ^-jFresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dalry| C0W3 -- HEIPERS -- H0L8TEHT STOCK BUIXS T. B. and BANCS TBSTKD Private Bales Monday an^ YiMtday We take jrdtts lor feeder cattle and plga •>J-'yr it*. " ^V, ; • TESM8. . CASH OS 0B1DIT v.rS . ^ Hontign your snrplui stock to this ATJOTIO *• * * We have buyers for every article I. .iwfc-t- SlW^LOW 001QI18S10R KATX--5% Best Calf Market in NorUieni Illinois *f OS LIVXSTOOK OOHX TO WOODBTOOt p m I I I V I # MACNIN9 IMIOS n vnuTv sttiiMNos e MAMW KASNS hi'feiip L \WITM 1HM COMMJVI (FRI-VACATION wiH» RILCO Laminated Wood RAPTIII8 • • • «eeC*vtro<l with Wocithor-Tiftht Materia • Tune-un the enfine for top peifocawnce. • Lubricais «Im chassis. • Inspect transmission anditiiwenilsl htiitasa ' • QuotenoiofoUi inspect " . oU filter. • Test brakes--ad jest if needed. • jjnyoci ytnishislri wipers, lignu endwring. THI P t l C I t Probably less dton yon es^ecp to pay. ^^fjueoesfifiiUy used ^ ^ater works) consists of feeding automatIcally a slowly sol- *r i»ble foiin of foot! grade vitreous phosphate into water at the very low rate of os$y a few ounces per month. Aged in pointers, In Weed _ their white lead to ralaed objections ready, market. that only wood oouid the Uad. « they ^ v' V'-*:-* -i m sitvici WNMNIWMIMN: DOWNS NASH & SERVICE Flume HI mco naoi cp«n«ctk>n SUCO MU COHNICnOM • Here's the modem way to build every type of fann building. Strong Rflco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. jLet us tell you the many uses, nnd speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a tnriVling you can be prpud to own. It's to get all the materials you need right Come in and talk to us about itl St MeSaary . Mr... hh;«& ALEXANDER LUMBER GO.

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