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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1947, p. 1

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•J.; tony •; iv? * x- ; * f- 4 ":?: &•*' . * . * vara*" * je&J*#*" • _ ; * ,\ v /,„ ;c»; - \ / »• , r - * * " J . ~ '» ,, ,' •>•» , .» "4:- :f#.?f • r~:->-,r^* v ^«• V;y" • -*';"•' '*•'> . i • < r; r' J- r > „ •" £ ••^-3 J" A; ': .' " Vli;¥':S£Nik?'4iSf; iflw#** i ;t 1 '- * f •»'*('-' u " » ~" m &> '^.)i 'VJv&i / , » -- 4 ' - * y l - ; ' V " ? :M^ - *.**" '^r - &i **' "".T '. st >;»v 1 f"* fcs.J \ -' f ; r * ^ . « * * • . 4 ' • • ,. «..v., VahuM 73 KoHXKKT, XtlJWUI, TWJMDAY. JULY 31, 1M7 Ha. ft r*&r •'• NUEMYTOK •ME OF MANY KW BUSINESSES ;'-f: Varied Testify to Oontinned Expansion Locally ' there is anyone in this comity who is not convinced that lenry is continuing to expand, after war factories have been itinned, he needs only to look at the many new enterlocating here. The Bellwet Diecasting Co., located on Third street, south of Elm, is one of McHenrys' new businesses, having started operation during the past week. Owners are Charles CampbfU of Woodstock and Robert Kralowetz of McHenry. The former was a resident of this city about twenty years ago, having attended the local school and married a McHenry girl, Vera Draper. The men are not yet in full pro doction of their zink diecasting but in the very near future expect to have need for additional help. Bbth have had a great amount of experience in this work. ' Mr. Campbell has been foreman at the Alemite in Woodstock for many years and Mr. Kralowetz has been carryon this line of work both at We Oftr YN ungrauMMis! A family .. the Stephen H. nmr rri^v, J«ly lit In honor of Mi-T^nir. eightieth Wrthday anniversary. Aaaear these present wen her seven chudrsn, Mrs. H. E. Bach, Anton P. Frsund, Mrs. Frank Blake, Carl J, Fienad. Herbert B. Freond. Mrs. Bernard N. teith and Miss BertlUa Freund. Cards pro* MOTHZKS CLUB TOTAL PUtPAKAT B FOR AVOOST The time is fast approaching for the very lovely Floorer and Garden Show which the Mothers dub is sponsoring. The August event will take place on the sevsatK, fretwesn the hours of 2 and 9 p.m^ in the grade school gymaaaium. Donations will be thirty*-nv« cents. Incidental music throughout the afternoon hours wilt he furnished by Mrs. Carl Weber and her twin daughters, Jean and Joan, at the piano, and in the evening, Mrs. Al- TWO FESTIVALS OCCW M QfY MMMC AUGUST St. Miry'i Fe# Wow This Weekead; V.F.W. Carnival Aug. 16-17 JKREY OEASEBIL, 9, : 18 OUTIOALLT ILL FOLLOWING AOOIDKNT As the result of an aceident which occurred amid unusual drcumiiaitcee, Jerry Grasaer, »-year-old son ef Mr. and M». Rayaond Grasser of Grayslake, is in a critical condition in a Waukegan hospital this week. Jerry was playing with a cousin at the home of hia uncle and aunt,, _ - • . Mr. and Mn. William J. Grasser, i Therese hospital, Waukegan, fol-' southwest of McHenry, on July 10, i lowing an illnes* of only a few days, when he fell through the hay chute1 wa# taken to the hospital on the pand suffered a badly scratched Previous Wednesday and underwent Two very gay festivals are being shoulder. It was not until a week i *oi*ery the following day. Although Mrs. Kempfer, 58, Died Suddenly ' The communi^r w<as shocked last Monday, July 28, 1M7, to learn of the death of Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sr., 58, who passed away at St. Refresh- planned for McHenry folks within l later that his family detected an in- rallying for a short time, her condithe next two weeks, both of which: fection, after which several wood ^°n became more critical on Satur FREUND bert Barbian will play. ments will be served. ' _ _ . __ \ All members of the did> have been! give promise of fine entertainment.! splinters were foui.d in the wound, j day and she passed away at 6 o'clock sent cards urging them to take part! The first of these to the summer1 Twelve days latar the bOy com-; Monday morning. in "what is hoped will be a most1 Pow Wow Which will be held on! plained of not feeling well and a! Marie Lauritx was born in Hungcolorful display of garden vegetables Saturday, August 2, and Sunday, short time later he was taken to theory on June 17, 1889, and came to and flowers. Anyone having any August 8, on the grounds of St. hospital, where his illness was di-ithis country, and to Chicago, as a questions regarding entries is asked Mary's parish. It is the first such agnosed as lockjaw. He has been! girl of 17. On Sept. 3, 1907, she to call Mrs. Lillian Cox, general event to be held there since before in a critical condition since that Jime.: was united in marriage with Frank chairman, or any member of her the war. a The unusual part of the story is Kempfer and for many years they committee. . ! General committee chairman is that the youngster had taken lock- j continued to make their home in Chi- Entries should be fn by 11 a:m. on Fred Meyer, who will be assisted by .iaw antitoxin on July 4 after suf-jcago. Mrs. Kempfer owned and bp- Thursday morning and must be re- the following: Stephen H. Freund, Bering an injured leg in a fall. Iterated restaurants there for several moved after the show. I properties and stands; Roy H. Miller w»s believed that the antitoxin should, years "MET WILLIAM! NEW COMMAIIDEl OF LESION POM Officers for 1947 - # To Be Installed at August 11 Meettag 8htty members of the local American Legion Post No. 491 gathered recently at their annual election meeting in the Legion hall and unanimously proclaimed Richard Wijp liams as Commander for the year 1947-48. "Dick," as he is better and A. P. Freund, publicity. Louis be effective for several weeks. Nimsgern, children's entertainment; SEASON'S LARGEST CROWD gSu4« LEO C THOMPSON WINS ATTrMIV I ACT TAUrCDT J- Freund and Nick ^i"Bart, re- LtU ll 1 "UMliJUn nuw I pastries; Stanley Schaffer, packing. PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST ; The above mentioned will be aided The family moved to Johnsburg about twenty-five years ago and had resided there and in McHenry since that time. Mrs. Kempfer was fond of her home and family, her interests centering in the activities of her children and grandchildren. She was an rvT*»rt seamstress pnd spent much of MRS. S The municipal band of McHenry by a great number of parishioners ... presented, its last band concert of who are serving on the various Leo C. Thompson, 123 N. River- hf r leisure time in crocheting and the season on Sunday evening, with committees. ' ; side Drive, McHenry, was last week krittin<r. the largest" crowd in attendance of j A*' organizations of the church proclaimed winner of first prize in Survivors include her husband, the entire season Old fbvorittes are aiding in making this gay fes- the Elgin Curier News-sponsored •'Frank; three^children, Mrs. Marie the Alemite and more recently at the entertainment ' highlighted the 'program includ- tivity one which will become a amateur photography competition J Simon of ™ca*o. Mrs- Betty J<din «on Motors in Waukeean i il tfte evening s entertainment, . "After the command performance each fu- Camera enthusiasts from through-, Thatcher of Kankakee, and Frank, Johnson Motors in waukegan. with the guest of honor captunng >**, S,U„CV„"» JL "Toto wl nV* ture year. Those in charge are• out the Fox river valley entered the Jr., of Medford, Okla.; also three te booths and refresh- competition. ^ i fyandchildren. Kathleen and Barbara . • „» n it --x> Tr" -- iriT'"~. , . vntinir men known as the "Polka »u««ch stands for the manv Mr. Thompson, who is a meter Simon and Albert Kempfer. A son period of^ existence^ is ^the D. JE. Katherme Klagpench is the daugh- ^OW„n ft;lS ^1, hundreds who are anticipated wiil reader lor the Public Service Co.. dieH in infancy. Thp d"cen«»ed was a faithful, Ball Is Over." and "Take Me Out ture year, id'«1i."FSu^:'thrrS;- """"Mo the Ball Game." A qa.tM o( Katherino Klarinerirh i<» fh<» Hmicrb yoUng men known as the Polka "iei" a"a »uncn suuias lor tne many jMmwn Tool « Mtg. «, »rJrfXl.hCj K« Oot Four," in attire which wa. »ho are .nbepated will fi £1 J!?6 SL^Mr r'" Wh° came to lh'H coun^y/rT Sowdnwkhe"D?a7 Old' Giri" "Old Beautiful St. Mar^s. with its1 unusual camera study of powerboat- ^ M-rV's church H rf the Mnl wh'Jfomerly operated J»is «S™HVthS< Tection.^^ Sh? wS £ McDonald rfad a Farmland "Our ^ady^ting pounds,^ is an ideal; ing on the^ Fox river. Second prize Z?'?: received the top award of $12 for his \ •'* ' • has seven persons aiding him in she lived until her marria^ on lln® ^ this'year. The musicians who T*?™ alik^ Make it tl„; highlight j with youthful fishermen silhouetted ™ ... i' . ! K . 1 ' sne nvea until ner mar nape on Jan. j,ave responsible f0r these week- th>8 weekends entertainment! ! against^ the near bank; and third Photo by A. WorxvtcK, MoIIenry RICHARD "DICK" WILUAMS tool and die and pun<*h press work. 25. 1888, to Stephen H. Freund. Also , With 7,000 square Jeet of space married in the double nuptial cere- ly "iwanis. indude^the foUowing; available and-not all in use at pres- rr<ony were Miss Klapperich's brother, "*,se5J®'y, Donerty. ent, Mr. Johnson hopes to exoand in H«'nry J., rnd Mr. Freund's sister,, Clarinets: Richard. Heuser, spot for a bit of recreation and re-j went to Dr. G. M. <Livesay of Elgin; The .Vody rested ^ the JncoK ' a panorama view of the river, So*"r -fiinprnl v<v.v,e until 10 i. fThnr«dnv) mornine.'u;. - . t , ri•t.^ s ,b e con.d u.c t^s Known to nis manv fr'er** Veterans Festival shop at Round Lake, came to Mc- 0n the family farm in a log cabin ®°ys vhir!f T<v!iiKh4: * j taxation bv home town folk* and1 for Henry the middle of May and now ir the vicinity of Johnsburg. There. k„f*uL?' JS? visitors alike. Make it tho hichli^ht i wit., yuuuuu.- »»„*r„.w - known tQ hig many fri^ j prize was merited by James W. Fen-: ^ <i!lJPPV Burial wiU; hundlST^urS men, ft«2"tl!?VSS:'| The first annual mid-summer festi- cHsto^" ffn I iklL fmm It t [Henry community who served with 7 Lois val of the Veterans of Foreign no,s State Training School for B°ys-! jfJlZ ^nc]ii Sam's ariny during World ! the near future and include light M*rv Freund. ' Weideman, Marion Smith, Warren Wars is "being planned for Friday,; L?and paS Tn^GeJevaT taSf^wiSi Mr, Po J Millf of M P,^'iWar IL Also elected to assist him, ;» manufacturing as part , of his busi- The couplos colehrated their golden Wegener, Joan Biggers and John Saturday ^ and_ Sunday. August 15, ;sl^ JJ™ri which ?ost $1 25 "Vh.. Mr and Mr«, Fr^k K"-h of ;',arry t,on the fine work of the po^ ness. ; wedding anniversary in 1938 and McGee. _ 16 and 17, in the City Paarrkk.. It r«_i il. u. i u.. i.».. tor the ensuing year were M. U r all ages. [Illinois Post WarPlanmngCommis-; f ^^er«nfor „nd daughter and Joe Peter j Roche finance officeP. emect to move soon. I ^rich "a "few"peeks' ago 'cut short Jo*n w H®ilma"' ,?onald McCracken The veterans hope to conduct the} p^^^a^mST Curing the past several weeks, these plans. / and Walter MueUer. _ festive in the of aivfair,; Switzercraft has been getting settled Mrs. Freund is in fine health and The Johnson family now resides ' were preparing "for the observance of Saxaphone: James Freund. promises to be a gala affair, with a! &f ^bmTtted^to tfel Ve"k£r Sf)?rnhol^- sen?or. vice-commande^ at Grayslake but have purchased a their sixtieth anniversary next Janu- „ Cornets: George'.Freund Jr., variety of enterUmment for those in-nL pLrWar RaS^^ rs. home at Wonder Lake, where they ary when the\death of Mr. Klap- Rolbert Freund, Richard Adams, of all ages. , Illinois Post war Planning comrmsin its new quarters in the A. P. Hkes to spend much of her leisure ®aiJ®r. na wtiwr mueiier. *c»uv«i 1.1 me manner 01 a,, iair,: . ;-- C.- • •'--' r T, -- ..-- Horns: Diane Freund and Luanne with exhibits for the farm-mindedi 1UIV j°r pu .lzl ^ox valley. Freund building on Green street, time out of doon. She maintains! Trombones: Carol Harrison, Gor- what these exhibits will be cannot individuals and city residents. Just! .^J)® assembly of mufacturing family outboard run-; a lovely flower -garden and during don .Scholle, Frank Gates, •bouts. The cpmparty has become the summer months spends much of, Schmitt and iPerol Martin. well known for producing the King- her time fishing on the banks of the . Baritones: Barbara Tryon fisher model,- with all boats being Fox river. j Jerry Rogers. • designed to give the best in per-; Our sincere good wishes to Mrs. eBa^: Eari Pomerening, Roman TSiere^will be the customary rides ... ,, , formance at a moderate cost. ! Freund in the celebration of her Shmitt and Alfred Young. _ _ for the kiddies and several merchan- Switzercraft boats ate increasing, eightieth anniversary. Paul be disclosed at this time, but it is hoped that at least a partial list of and the array will he available next i week. more than 100 pictures submitted, commending the high quality of the studies. They remarked that the entries provided a very definite and convincing argument for the plan which has been under way for im- . number in the Chain 6t Lakes and, Hubert Freund Chicago territory and stem to be Hubert Freund has been 'the- bonmaking good headways- Many of the .ored guest at three celebrations this leading boat dealers in this region -'^ek hecoup* of the fact that on are srles outlets for this line of, Tuesday, Julv 49, he observed his beat. I ^«?M»*«th b'Hhdav anniversary. On Russell Swltzer and his fsmily, Tuesday ffternoon, relatives from who own Switzercraft, have been assoeiated with the Pistakee Lake and McHenry communities since 1910. Daee Switzer was with the U. S. navy air corps and his father, the aenior member of the company, was with the Bureau of Aeronautics, U. S. N, during the last war. Switzercraft has the only boat assembly line (of this type boat) in this community, the production line bring set up^ similar to an automobile factory only on a smaller scale. the owners are certain that McHenry is growing into a key position in regard to future boating activities. Erect Structure Among buildings now under construction which will house businesses new to McH»nry is the beautiful structure at 306 Elm street which will be the home of Antonson's home made candies. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Antonson of (Chicago, owners of the new enterprise, nlan to have tfieir grand opening about September 1. Thev will sell thtir c«ndv Waukegan, Drama: Glenn Peterson, Jack dise and refreshment booths. Special j *e ot }^e .Fo* valley s' potenial- Thies, Jr., and Catherine Gerasch. .features will be a parade through!'^*8 as the leading vacationland in ' city streets by the Crystal Lakeithl» P*rt of the country. Drum and Bugle corps, a street HUBERT FREUND Wonder Lak© W^oro&n Victim dance on Saturday evening and a I aw Af OVUVW STATV Of Trpslr A nriripnt. Thia Wnrlr chicken race on Sunday. A special " B or Jfrea acc nt this wmk ^ on the grounds! nBLD DAYS WILL BE _, Tt«_ victim of~a~freak accident etjHELD IN THIS OODNTY the Shore Hills beach, Wonder Lake, list or re-enlist may obtain any de- SERVI0E8 HELD FOR CURTIS 0. WE8TFALL, ENGINEER OF BRIDOlS Services were held at 2:30 o'clock Robert E. Knox, chaplain; Ray Paget historian; and Victor Hunt,sergeant |; at-arms. Since the election, Com* ' v mander Williams has appointed Le» Roy M. Conway as his adjutant an| | John Dreymiller as service officer. | All ex-servicemen who are a#» quainted with Mr. Dreymiller w® v on Saturday afternoon in the! be pleased t© hear that he has agaia chapel at 1409 E. «7th street, Chica- accepted this responsible positiotl, ^ for Curtis C. Westfall, 61, of j for he is widely known as one of *834 Stony Ibland avenue, engineer the most efficient service officers «p\ of brieves for the Illinois Central I the state. _ railroad. He died on Wednesday, Relieve Older Vets > Julv 23. 1947. | It is interesting to note that df Mr. Westfall was in chsrge of all the nine officers elected and afi. bridge construction and maintenance pointed, six served in World War for the railroad. He started working1II and three in World War 1. It is for the Illinois Central as a drafts-j only natural that the younger mea •nan upon graduation from the Uni-; should assume the outies which were versity of Illinois in 1907 and had'carried out so efficientlv during four remained with the company since years of war by the older veterans. The services of this latter group this week, Mrs. Genevieve Wielock sired information. " " I The latest machines and method °f that subdivision lost th# first joint The V. F. W. is one of the oldest I for improving pastures will be dem-1 that" time. °n the middle finger of each hand, veterans' organizations in existence j onstrated August 27 when McHenry 1 He is survived by his widow, the 'during the long war period veft Sitting in a canvas chair, Mrs. jn this country, having been formed) county serves as host to one ofjformer Dorothy Stoffel, daughter of manifold and varied and required wielock felt the chair supping be- after the Spanish-American War. seven Pasture Improvement Field »he late Simon Stoffel and Mrs. co-operation and leadership in mainneath her and thrust both hands The public is cordially invited to be I Days to be held in the state this into the crosAars at each side of the guests of this fine group it their year. Sevrral thousand farmers are * .. 'expected to attend. ' The fi. Id day will be held on the Fred Becker farm, three miles northchair to try and keep it from col- first festival this month, lapsing. • The crossbars, acting as a scissors, and with her own weight supplying the action, her hands were ONE KHaLED, FOU^ ^ caught in such a manner that the fingers were instantly cut off. 7T*ST TELEVISION. IN COUNTY IS INSTALLED IN CITY A. INJURED IN AUTO OSASH HSAKWBf , One youth was killed ifti! four others seriously injured on Friday night of last week as the Result of east of Huntley, Wednesday, August 1 STEWARDESS McHENRY 27. All farmers are invited to UTQrip/\p t a ant umv come out and see ' for themselves) »J.O\iAU.K> Imsl Wfifia how a good pasture program on! their farms can save them two hours stoffel of McHenry, and a daughter, taining a post which would best aid Doris. H the new veterans. Their aims (in- {eluding the erection of our .beautiful honor roll) now completed, the^f f may relax a bit, lending sound ad- :.| vice to the young men who. fHe •;*# •' j r^. » ^ "" '? '-*• i f k i ,4v, AMERICAN AIRLINES % day." says Bill Tammeus, farm adviser. .There will be demonstrations of _ a»T auto CTa&h " which "occured" be-' soil testing and treatment, seedbed .. Should anyone have anv doubt as tween Algonquin and Carv. The i Pr«Parat,OB» se€dln* problems and N. J., a stewardess for American ing August. to the "up-to-dateness" of McHenry ^ead youth is "William A. Peterson, 50,1 conservation methods. Fanners Airlines, who visited Richard Freund) The recent, very successful Legio|t most part, will carry out the im* nortant work of the organisation ijjM 1947 and 1»48. ; i McHenry had a very interesting Commander William_s and M|v f visitor during the - past ten days nage were elected delegates and though the greater part of the popu- L. Schoenholtz and Paul R. Vanoa* lation was unaware of it. She was alternates, to the state convention| Miss Gloria Schuppe of Vineland, which will be held in Chicago duf>| he need only step into the Old 20. of 302 H^alv street, Elgin, who also win hav® an opportunity to hear .in the home of his parents, the Nick carnival was-discussed at the meelMK Bridge (Schmaltz Miller's) Tsvern w*s killed outright when the carithe latest information on pasture N. Freunds, on Waukegan street, ing, at which time members e«.- on Riverside Drive, where modern ln which he was riding skidded mangement, pasture weed control | The young people met while "Dick" nressed their gratitude to all wh# „ . Solon Mills, Spring television has been' installed. It is the blacktop toad and nlungedjand handling livestock on improved, was serving in the east during the helped make this year's event § h lores and bnHc and will also have Grove, Johnsburg and McHenrv sur- the first such set in McHenry and, feet into a road bank. He was | pa*^ur®?- . . . .Iwar'. an" on Sunday their engage- memorable one. Plans are being -a «--odJ~a *foun--tain. prised Mr. Freund at a family gath- in fact, in McHenry county. thrown from the car, his head strik Meadow L*n«» Products Co. will be ering held at his home. The field days are being sponsored ment was announced. made for the annual party which ii Chicago's only station was in- in? a rock. by the University of Illinois agri-! Miss Schuppe has one of those in-1 given for the workers. the name of the new factory which The same evening his ten children' stalled very recently and it is from Others injured in the accident cultural extension service in co- j teresting positions which brings one Installation of new officers wai f i fc b®iner er*»et*d on rout» Si. on the feted him at a social hour which was this source that such sporting events whi«»h took place shortly after mid-1 operation with the McHenry county j m contact with the most famous , set for Monday, evening, August lli«|, southern outskirts of McHenrv. by concluded with a delicious lunch, as baseiV«H games, prize fights and ni*b* were Norman Nurbery, 22 Farm Bureau, farm machinery manu-! people in the land. Among her; a beautifully decorated horse races are brought to your Elgin, driver of the car. who f*ctui*rs and dealers and other in- passengers have been World War I nnunTrnm r* a ipitat in which will employ between twenty birthday cake, the artistry qf Mrs. home town visually. While television was taken to Sherman hosmtal in terestea groups. Crops, sous, live- flying ace and founder of Eastern UUIfUUtl IfAiaUldu n -- wtll aMAMikllajk 2 as -- - - T J T"La m L !I rl-- • -- • . i '11 ll . " ~ - - -- ~ -- -- -- - -- ^ ™™~ ^ ^* Will'sm Roellner. The comosnv, featuring and thirty mw. will specialise in George J. Freund. The ten children is still in the experimental stages, * serio"« condition; .T»mes D. Martin, •rani^inal sunplies. such as traffic who attended were Anton H.. Mrs.; tho«e who have seen the local screen 20. of Flgirv yffpred severe lasignals, street signs and fire truck Peter M. Freund, Mrs. Joe L. that the action is unusually '"*r**ion«: LeRov Schroeder, 19. of equ'Oment?' Freund, Mrs. Paul Schumacher, Mrs, clear. : Elsnn. w-ho r«e©ived a snrained ankle; Mr. Poellner expect* the building Anton J. Schmitt. George J., Joseph Once more McHenry has a 'first" "nd John Waterman. 18, of Elgin tot- finished and to be in operation P. Alfred. Mrs. Bernard <Blake and to its credit in bringing something w^° "»uffered lacerations. . , . , . . ..... ,. . = -- by Sept. 1. I Mrs. Henry Srhmitt. Another wel- ss. new as television to its midst. Old Ambulance* sent from Crvstal a' ajmculture teacher at Huntley, is ing his face , in a book for.the en- withdrawal from daily routine for Irome caller Tuesday evening was timefs who have watched this a"" took the iniured general chairman; Pat Williams, well tire trip. V silent contemplation of duties tostock and farm management special- Airlines, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, RfTRFAT DURING ists from the college of agriculture Ben Lyns, columnist, and his wife, at the University of Illinios will Beebe Daniels, actress. Frank Sin- , MONTH OF AUGUST assist with the demonstrations and! etra was also aboard during a rediscussions during the day. j cent trip but disappointed the fe- First of four weekend retreats ft* '••J, Henry Marlowe, veteran vocation- male members of the flight by bury- laymen, providing opportunitv for OOMTNO *VTNT* Puw Father Eug*ne Baumhofer, assistant wonder of modern science are re-'tn the hospital and Peterson tolknown Purebrred holstein breeder and. Miss Schuppe recently became a ward God, self and fellow man, |^stor of St. Mary's church. Much calling the days when the first th* Gilh-rt funeral home in Crystal *ormer county American Legion com- model, much to her own surprise, started July 18 at St. Mary's Minor , due radio* were installed here. Incessant T "la where an inquest was con-1 m>nder, will be grounds chairman; It came slbout when one of the ad- Seminary, the former Crystal Laktf -- J " * Carl Fogel, Huntley machinery deal- vertising aeencies handling a fashion Country Club. The retreats will he Jnlv SI the ^ the party was . CaH Partv S««n*or»<* bv ^r- Jack Hart. They moved crackling was of little importance ducted i ltnr Mr* P_ nu* rvv " 7 * wau%M tr McHenry aa sahhAo«r4t tt iinmiAe aa»gAo iton A. progressi•v e citi•z ens w__.ih_ o. were AA cAcMo rding to authorities, the acci- ier 's machinery and demonstration account called for a pilot and a conducted on alternate weekends Home ^ waiter ^ their home with Mr. Freund, thrilled over the modem invention dent occinYed when the Nurbury chairman; and John Strohm, pub- stewardess to be on hand for scenes thereafter during August, under the Carey August I snd took an active part jn arranging While present day television seems ^er, driving toward Cary, went out lisher of Northern ^Illinois Publka- , showing a^ plane J^.the 'anding^stnp -uispices ^of ^the^Most Rev. John J A (tgnef | |ITIQ IdtlK VII v iu •iiani^iaiK „ IIIIC COviii, un, vcictioivii n^^ino -i a f TTV|1V VMV -- . _ _ _ Cotintv T^n AmHliftrv celebration this week. as wonderful to us today, there will ^ control and skidded down the ^on0» chairman of publicity. --- P--i enie at- W-- oodstoc-k P-- ark- . Mr. Freund was born on the Skid- doubtless be a great deal of con- 'o"' hill before striking the road My Lake P.-T.A. Awrn«t 2 aad J more Farm No. 1 on July 29, 1867, tinued research and improvements bank, and spent much of his lue fanning before we realize, in perfected state,; *=--. ~ * "•T,« ^ Church Asp^iwt «. in * TTOW ACCIDENT * Patrick's Sshool [he^93^n ^dding anniversary. CAUSFD DEATH OF - i dX h.^ UBKETYVILLB BOT Patrick's 0"rrb Fh»11. Anrn«t 5 Jebnsburg Comtrnnlty Chab, T.APT PITHS HELD ON WEDNESDAY FOR NICK MILLER, 72 Three Girls Returned to County Industrial Home of one of the nation's leading air Rovlan. D. D., Bishop of the Rockterminals. Her picture will appear ford Diocese. The next will be held Jhortly in the Saturday Evening August 1 to 3. 'ost. Vogue and Mademoiselle. ^ .The building is ideally situated on When one mentions the hazards «pa"ioos grounds amidst beautiful ef air travel, the young lady merely Ipndscaning, affording complete oriv- Two sisters, Gladye and Louise says that she never thinks about it. acy and the utmost detachment from ! Ketchum, 12 and 18 years old re- Her most tragic experience with busy life today. Each retreat opens f spectively, and Delores Puhl. 13, crackups hspt^ned at New York's Friday evening, with registra- _ , . 1 | have been returned to the Chicago LaGuadia Field, when she witnessed '!on at fi;30 p.m., followed by sup- Fnends in this community were Inductrial Home in Woodstock after the crash of a United Airliner just per st 7 o'Hock. The closing ser- ^rrv to learn of the death of Nick being AWOL. The three girls left as it was making its take-off. Forty- ;s the Holy Hour at 7 p.m.. on • mlUAl* TO «aa«a aU mL* £ _ I Al.^. X m J^, _ &A. t ti rn ri noeaanfTAM UfAM trillArl i« flia A _s ' _Sodalitjg St. taking an active interest in civic . -- -- -- ---- K..» -- -- r, -- r --v . vc ia happenings. He belongs to a card ^William Fergus, Jr, 6-year-«M I Miller, 72 years old, who died in a'the institution on Tuesday afternoon three passengers were killed m the Sunday. dub composed of several of the eld- °* a socially prominent polo player j Waukegan hospital on Sunday eve-! of last week and Sheriff Fred C.! mishap, among them Fern Whitmer, erlv residents of the city, and on and his jwife, the former Marie jmng, Julv 27, 1947. He had been a Bau received a call to locate the * stewardess with American Air- ARRIVES AT NEW HOME lines and a roommate of Glona Entering a strange new country . . . . , _ J _^ | . - L a k e ^ e n t h e g i r l s w e r e i n t r a i n i n g ^ » v , i s W 9 t t o n ^ k e h e r f u t u r e ho"or. ; Libertyville farm last Sunday after-1 Mr. Miller, a farmer #pr many county, and authorities found them Tulsa, Okla. ho--e was Miss Anna Friedel Na-" Q"r co"""ratul',*!oT>s to on* who has, j100";. at^ Condell Memorial j years, never married. Hhi only im-' later at the home <>f the ^Ketchum ^ A very charming^ girl.. Miss »PuSi who made the long trip frsm I'vAd ^ !>>•»'» nsefu' l'*e o* u-Pajify and the sur* "ounding vicinity! " . WILL OW P»GHT8 tb"'* t^° 14M7WW When informed bv his son's comve^ ernn^ o* Wc*'d3W*r II h»ve t»V. 'nanion that the boy was hurt. Mr. en a^vantar* o* one or more of the Fergus ran into the field, which f *"-ovHnn, nf thp Amerifi *<egion- borders one of the four nolo fields Villa' *pow""-ed G. I. Bill of Rights dur- o»» the farm, and found the tractor /*•"»» -- Sponsored by Circle l,s W •>»• three vears it« operation, «t'H running, with its bum ner pushed W. S. C. S. i H has been »*timated by Commander a fence and the treads - > 1 K - 1 R - 1 7 * ; W m . P . K ' j - r s k e n s , o f t h e I l l i n o i s « * h n r n i n g n n t h e g r o u n d . H i e b o y V Summer Festiypl-Mc- , American Legion. » , had been dragged about ten feet, * IFenry ParV. ] ------ The child was a grandson o^plfr. An#n*t fl I Complete line of Beebe livestock and Mrs. Leander McCormick. BnU --f^nsored by Ringwood semedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- -- ^. i Wednesday afternoon, at their teg- ^fnche McCormick, was crushedl patient there for the previous two .missing trio that evening. JmT^oI Oym 8how~Gr"<k| nlj.r meet'ne, they enjoyed a party ?»ta»v bv a_ tractor on his parents' t wiyks. % ^ _ j A call wm also sent out to C. D. of A. * Augp«>t e W«vn(t«r ' . -- «t. Mary'sgt. Patrick'" TalL Awvust 11 Ugion Instnllation. - Aue^s* 11 • II lirimarp S«'e--B " »• h Building-- Sponsored Pv P. T . Anm«t IS Ifli--Von a'"1 St^l» S^ow ho«nital. Libertyville. A verdict of ! mediate survivor is a sister,' Mrs.1 girls' parents near Volo. accidental death was returned by a {Ana Lusk, of Volo. Lake countv coroner's jury. , You'"? William and a plajrmate """ere playing on a tractor and somebow managed to get it started. The body rested at the Jacob County Authorities Seek Justen Son* funeral home until 10 - -- - - -- o'clock on Wednesdsv morning, when last rites were conducted at St. Peter's church, Volo. Burial was in the church cemetery. S^hupp*. and it is unfortunate that s„r »,*tive Maven. Germany, to make n>ore McHenry folks did not have r ho-re with her aunt and uncle, the opportunity to meet her. , mr>4 M-v Alovs Steffen, in I Tohn«bnrg. Mr. Steffen made final Apgry Patron of Tavern CORN S0 PER CENT I •vn^nmneits last winter for her to ' ^Fhrmers in this community will be -v»me V'the" United States7* Mayen „ Interested in the estimate of Farm • <»>tv comparable in sise to ities were seeking a man who emp- Adviser W. H. Tammeus that the Woodstock. tied a revolver into the back yard corn cron in the countv this year „ SCHOOL REGISTRATION and windows of the Smith Tavern, will be about 50 per cent of normal. Be str** to attend the Flower and St MaiVs-St. Patrick's school will, on state route 31, iust north of U.S. The oats he estimates will be about Show t" held in the rrade Home Bureau. ; Henry. 8-tf Read the Want Ads hold registration of all first grade 14, near Crystal Lake, on Tuesday as good as usual with the exception evm. McHenrv. on A«ir. nunils and newcomers from August and then left the scene. " of where fields are down. Rain and th® bou^ of 2 3 to August 10. | The man became angry because he cold weather were l was refused a drink in the tavern the late start o f corn. f and _ TW»tk*n. thfrtv-five cent*. ' ' f event is sponsored bjr Mothers Club. * p.m. More than 80 per cent 6i 1946 and drew a revolver and opened fire, U4» automobile accidents in the United The tavern was about to close when Complete line of Lee's poultry States occurred in clear weather, the incident occurred and no other remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- Mr. »*»d Mrs. Paul Yanda visited! . ^ I Drive carefully -- always! , patrons were present. Henry. ^ 8-tf Holy HSU, Wis., last Thursday. . . <• --m : '• .. ' •„ • *\ - K & ^ M

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