RINGWOOD ning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. seph's hospital for treatment for j week. (5. W. Smith. cuts about the head, arms and legs: report . (|Jy Mrs. Gcotri Sfae&ud) , Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon Antioch spent Saturday with Mother, Mrs.. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Maywood spent the weekend in the Clayton Bruce home. James and Milton Laurence, Dick Kelley and Zane Grey spent the weekend with relatives in Elgin. day alter a two weeks' visit with • sha, Wis., spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and MrS: her mother, Mrs. Nick Wegner. George Shepard. i Mr. and Mrs. Carney of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Neu Harrison areJspent the weekend with her sister, i the parents of a son, born Thursday, Mrs. Roy Neal, and family. ; July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond1 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were i Harrison are the proud grandparents visitors at Madison* Wis., Thursday. of, fkrlene Andreas is spending the Grace Glauser, Jean Muzzy, Carolyn . ^ Marv Lu have returned to v • ... -- . ^ hi„ ,** with .u„KMr. L™,, --dC-jn-i ^ ™ &±J2A Mr. and Mrs.^Andrew Hawley as -a result of being trampled by returned home Thursday evening! jJorse from a trip to Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Major and Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge* VnnAtten and Wednesday evening of a last and Mrs.- Adelbert Ebel at Algonquin. Dorotfiy Smith, Ferrol Martin, Muriel Butler, and Audrey Andreas left Sunday for Camp at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in. the Alan Ainger George apd Nancy Ainger re- home near Hebron. tamed to their home in Hebron Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Wauke- GramMei New DOODLE BUG F1 visit in the George Sheimrd home. Mrs. Theresa Hickey of Chicago is visiting in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Frey and son, Herbert of Blue Islatid spent Saturday night in , the Beatty-Low home. * FRETT BROTHERS General Contractors I Residential -- Industrial Financing Blueprints s.--- Woodstock 1804 Washington St. Johnsborg { Phone 509-W Phone 625-M-l $139.50 INCLUDING FEDERAL TAX Modernized personal transportation, ideal for light deliveries, students, suburban traffic, short trips of any kind. Look at these features: * 100 miles to gallon * 25 miles per hour and accelerator control * 4 cycle, V/t h.p. motor * 20-inches high * One hand brake J Gearfe Gtilette, Ow--g 4SS The Friendly Store AUTHORIZED DEALER MS Main Street WEST *HENRY Harrison left Monday afternoon for i a weeks' vacation at a 4-H camp ' at Lake Geneva. Iouise Hunt is vjsiting relatives in Ohio. i Mr. and Mrs* M. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDusen and danarhters of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. j I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox en- TRAMPLED BY HORSE I tertained at a family dinner at their, Larry Gunn, 5-year-old son of home near Woodstock Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gunn residing honor of the birthday of her grand- near Elgin, was taken to St. Jomother, Mrs. Emma Beatty. Those from here to attend were Mrs. Viola Low and son. Robert, Mrs. Emma Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mrs. Agnes Jencks is visiting friends at Hutsonvillte, ,111. Miss Paujson of Chicago is keeping house for her in her absence. £ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and] family of Caladonia and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Keystone spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.ied ? rich. Sr. \ i Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock ) v x: spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. . Viola Low. j Mrs. Harold Weber of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein. j ! Mary Lou Perry of Algonquin is I visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Nick' Wegner. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting entertained the 500 club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were swarded to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j ; Cristy, high, and Mr. and Mrs. Wei-! don Andreas, low. j j Mrs. Paul Norman and children' ] of Evanston spent the past week | With her mother, Mrs Rose Jepson.! Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein i and grandson, Harold Weber, spent j Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roland 'McCannon and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold JepsOn and family of ! Dundee, Mrs. J. D. Allison and ! crandson, Gene Rook, of Dallas, Texas, spent Sunday with (Mrs. , Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Baldwin of Norwood Park were callers in > the E. E. Whiting home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phelos Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Kritzinger of Sycamore spent. Sunday, pvenrng -us the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. [ Mrs. E. E. Whiting visited rela- I tive* at Grayslake Wednesday. [ Mrs. Joe King and sons of Chica- I go spent a few dav* the toast week | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 iE. Whiting. j Mrs. Paul Norman and children ! and Rose JePson snent Wednesday | in the Roland McCanon home at J Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of J Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, i Mrs. Jennie Bacon. ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and i Mrs. jHickey visited relatives at ' Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., (spent the weekend at Darlington, Wis. I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rawson and ; family of Greenwood spent Sunday j in the Paul Walkington home. ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of i Chicago spent Saturday in the ! Andrew Hawlev home. I Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter Marion and Mrs. Hickey spent Monday afternoon at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lyie Hopper and) daughters. Dorothy Ann and Eleanor' June, of Chicago spent Sunday eve-' IV ATER PUMPS mp types. All sizes. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take old pumps in trade. j ENGSTROM S ALES AND SERVICE1 Tel. McHenry 552-W-l (300 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) j HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo-j Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle j and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Load-; ing -- Tankage and Meat Scraps j tnr sale. Phones Arlington Heights: 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service, j ^^i --WANTED TO BUY-- W« pay Sf. te $25 for Old Horsea tens for down hones and cattle MATTS MINK RANCH John«hurg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsbarg S59-J-2 (TALI. 4T ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLB We pay phone charges According* to the father's to the state highway police I last night, the horse which injured the boy had been rented from the South Street Stables by Richard Mc- Clevesity, 64 Cherry St. Larry was playing on his father's property about a half block from the bridle path. McClevesity. Gunn stated, had lost" control of the horse. \ Sizing Kiddies Children's clothing should be sixed according to height and h**» circUM** ference rather than by age. , Edible Fish florida has 100 varieties of edible Ash in its coastal waters, lakes rivers and 600 varieties in all. 1 HAVE YOUR CfESSPOOLS ir \ SEPTIC TANKS CATCH BASINS -- CISTERNS Cleaned By v EDDIE'S SANITARTSERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. ^ TELEPHONE MCHENRY 290 * ** f v*, 'mmm HI-H0...Cbme to the FAIR ^1- T *, • .. ')* A , s * 'il :•, -4 •KStRVKS C0MMNV - , ling, comes tke swing i j 5>, "• 7%ss ""Vou're looking at the beginning of a new 1 day in die history of the automobile. A U0w Jtty $ tutor* Mfety for motorists wkeu H|m/ gintirt rtpkm •ld-fmshion«d My bolts. Mmi ffmm hmcm It today in a NmI "fiOO"! - I. A mv day of bin*r, cars, operating 9m far loss g mort cotafortaUa fmrl Im gmoUma.. ^ * *, A »*w day tm wkith cars vm'/ rattlt W afuoak im body or fram0 ... I» mrhmt jom we ia X-ray view below-- Nash's single wit body and frame! You ste it in Nash **600" mileage of 25 to 30 miles on a gallon . . . 500 to 600 oa a tankful, at moderate highway speedl ' Yoa see it in the roomy six* of a Nash ..« ; | feel it in Nash performance . . . enjoy it*; smooth ride on Nash s deep coil springs a| u all four wheels. > - How's that Buick sweetheart of yours? Still giving out with that eager Fireball power surge at a toe-touch? Still answering every light finger-touch on the wheel? Most likely you'll answer, "It's doing very nicely, thank you." But years have a way of whittling away at performance--sometime* so slowly ydu don't notice it. So you cam be in (for a whopping surprise. } Just wheel your ear into our shop .:.fiNRdi Mme .real Buiok tivea the air it different in a NashI Always #esh, pure and draft-free ... because the . 0 - . . . . , Hunoos Nash Weather-Eye System of Coo* -With 8,000 welds^ouung erery piece of Air bmM «ut0matic control! itnietvre steel m "pocket battleship" trength . . . engineers predict it's the Vaafi to •are. The kind that comes from men who are truly fond of Buioka -- who know what they can do and like to bring out all their oomph and go. Let these men of ours test and tune your Buick with their special . Buick tools. Let diem replace anything that's worn with the right Buick-engineered part. Then, ZING, back comes the swing to your sweetheart. Job for job, Buick ear care coeta no more than ordinary service. So, what's to lose? Gome in to us whether it's for a tune-up, major or minor repair or regular lubrieation. Your ear rates it * "Mi* Extn Confab The Kiha.l •lightly on curv^«,_uj , »• bonk »wm a deeme . lw*Wa wh««| •ursid* on*. And n," *- fhnn '° hoy, *9w'|Mnen»--wli* •cHon -- who •W»°v*d chocking ^ "» head ony •""f your car to «•. - --• " • | - 'strength construction that's ImhmmI day ia all automobiles* ' W* U all in a Nash... plus valve that's, making Nash the fastest growing car is; oopularity today. And it's value ya want ia your 1947 car. 1'mt Netmh 0mmfar has the new Nash "600" and Nash Ambassador. See him today • for --The Pattern of Cars to Come! i.^'y ! '•wo IV ow A NmmMtm* •ta*rO*mt .SiWtfCL tmrAU Cow Wmmmrm There's o mow Umd of tervko mt yomr Nmb dookr. Hh 4ni tPtry /»! batter--•« oil mabetef eon. Get yomr Noah dealer's estimate, omd drive a safe MT otwovs! y.mi i ' . • . • *v •t. ii I 4^ •.r 4•; -- " ' DOWNS NASH SALE'S 405 EUf STREET, McHENRY R, L Overton Motor Sales Front St, West McHenry, IH. Z22 N. i . ." •f U ^