Ps *• 1 ",v 1 *' "* * A, A -:mm CLASSIFIED S E C T I O N FOR , 8A1 Roumore any spring coat: sise 20; haaMnr bten Worn. Call Richmond 640 after 5 o'clock. Priee 160. *24 NOTICE of th« fMi nna which anpsar i^rh wnV Wi found it impossibl^ta tosep on such small accounta. fore, in tho future, only ads •n» paid for before this of tho papergoes to press o'clock on Wednesday mc will be printed. whkb ection at 10 FOR S ALB--Motorola atoto radios. Gamble's Store. West McHenry. 24 Christ Th*. 9m and : 9;80 and FOR SALE---One Link-Belt stoker; first class condition. ©srey Electric Shop, McHenry. • • 24 FOR SALE -- Corn picker, International single row, mounted for H or M, used two seasons on 60- acre field, practically perfect; new David Bradley corn slteller; F-14 tractor on robber, overhauled with new paint job; good farm wagon truck on rubber; new International 2-bottom plow on new rubber; practically new International 8-bottom plow, used one Reason, perfect. All bargains. Shamrock Farms. Phone McHenry 622-M-2. 24-2 FOR SlALE--Nine-room house in McHenry. For information, call Mc- JX)R SALE •-- Seven-room, year Henry 127-J. *24 fcdd5£t ^MiH.r£uX,b'."5 FOR SALB On* 4^-ca. ft. Cro.l«y rOSSALX 8ALE--6 and 8 cubic feet GE ^.__ers, new. C^rey Electric V$g General Contractors phone Waoeonda S2tls after 8 pan. or apply at project site, Forest Garden Estates. ttitea west of Wauconda on Route 176b 24-8 HELP WANTED--Experienced man to work at service station. John Stilling Service Station, Elm St. McHenry. 24 WANTED WANTED -- (Experienced stenographer desires typing, etc., to do at nome. Phone McHenry 797-R. *24 WANTED--Plowing and wood sawing work. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Phone 241. *21-4 WANTED -- We nave cash buyers for summer homes, city property and farm*. List your property with us, Jacob Flits, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave, Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333--11!3 *4 tf. WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. chairs; iflao overstuffed conct and aq« p.o • snatching chair; all good condition. "Phone McHenry 137-W. *24 FOR SALE--' Westinghouse 30-gal. water heater; never <been toed. : ,; ; ; tjPOR ^LE-G-R refrigerator; good Rfchmond~688. *24 - w.- i.-i cmonnndiiftiio ~n . C"a ll M*c H*e**n**r*y* 213-J after i"&As6 o'clock. *24 FOR SALB--New Clark 50 and 80 ' .* " ~~ 7 ~; gallon hot water heaters. Carey Elec- FOR SALE--Coronado Deluxe circu- ^ shop, McHenry. , 24 y piano ., Woods Woodstock 208-W. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--In the future, I will not be responsible for any debts but my own. Ben Tonyan, Rt. 1, McHeniy. *22-3 lating oil heaters; immediate de- *'---- ' CEMEINT WORK -- And Carpenter livery. Gamble's Store, West Mc- FOR SALE -- Electric sewing ma- Work. CEMENT MIXER for hwe by Henry. * 24 chine; Winchester 12-ga. pump gun the day. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald -- ' -- and case; Itaca 10-ga. double barrel Park. McHenry. Tel. 686-M-2. 23-2 FOR SALE--Old established food U(i shells. Phone McHenry 663-M-l. shop in fast growing community, »24 near McHenry. Complete line of groceries, meats, vegetables, ice FOR SALE--One Thor table type cream, etc.; low overhead, an ideal ironer,' $25. Carey Electric Stop, setup for couple. Priced for quick Green St, McHenry. Tel. 251. 24 •ale. Write Plaindealer, Box "K." *24 „ " -- FOR RENT OR SALE--Music boxes FOR SALE--Houshold refrigerator, (Juke boxes) for recreation rooms; 7 cu. ft Phone McHenry 810. *24 used; A-l conditiomCome early for FOR SALE--Feeder "2V4 miles Hwy. 50. Phone Bristol Wesley Saucerman. FOR R*!fl--Sleeping room, onehalf milriMn town,-on river. W«- ences tZ$SS. Tel. McHenry 796-W. is • *24 FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly tato; with or without bath; ideal Oak ffcrk Hotel. Pistakee Bay, McHenry, QL Phone 176. 20- tf RENT--In RingWood, Nov. 1. a apt, partly furnished; oil eStotric and water in rent; f< the carries not found in Bins most be covered with a after applying the off the grain and spray at the FOR 4-room heater; ewwnc ana j Bhel in bins of "from good transportation; ideal for couple who wwTp. N. Mussy, Ringwood !»»«*«- "Bel. Rich. 796. 8undays: 8:80 Holy D•aa]y s: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. James A. Vanderpool. bushels 1n small An of IS bushels or lees. Tito amount can be reduced to five gallons 1000 buto 8000 Cteck Sunday--Public worship, frS*. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wedneeday evening. R«v. Goorge Marshall, pastor ADVISER'S* « COMMENTS ^ 1 •24 The liquid forms a gas that is 384 heavier than air and goes down the way of the wnevil. A 5% DDT dust may be as seed is cleaned aiyl tre In the central Illinois corn belt re- mercury dust for smut, but this rengion the corn yield is definitely cut ders the seed unfit for feed Mvr Weeds cut the yield of both com and Last Tuesday, I attended Illinois soybeans more than anything else. Day at the International Harvester Being so wet in the spring, the 100-year celebration exhibit in Chiweeds were not killed before plant- cago. I saw people there that I lily Lake Bible Charch w _ „ _ t NoMectariaa through the grain. Dwt't breath too {Sunday School: 10?00 a. m. mueh of the stuff. You might go Regular Service; 11:00 a. m. mrj WM second and fourth Sunday. l 6% b« applied' Rev. Wilkinson, pastor, aitf treated with! a-- Pn>Nkfir|« Itook ^ Stlvts Oil Simply Farmers who in the past hay* ^ used rocks for walls and wells can insr and were not killed in cultiva- know from every*^ county" l""have aow bless one of the family, Coloi:- •Ll" i._j ^ • -- • rado shale, as a security reserve source of an estimated 82 billion barrels of oil, enpugh to run farm machinery for many generations. Since thus far science has failed blood from a turnip, it discovered a way to cook pea field which will make Henry. It was tampaign a fine display of . - ~ « -- a i_ . .-- .•n<1 t^e history of ainr. In. inety. One neighbor there agricultural machinery development, lounted picker and everyone but I'm afraid people didn't see it J k a pull type so the man with at 'least to see the significance of it; c^scov up a _ ^ nfty bushels. Last year it Chicago history and the history of open about made ninety, has a mounted else has the mounted picker goes down the all. r Eaitr Ihiu Beet HtMirv : David Lee Child, who estn^ished- " ' 0* flrst baet sugar fac|oty in Om States at Nortkamplim, fa w early book describes his method as "|bUo«s: "First the beets were „ scrubbed thoroughly with a birch ^ broom and then macerated over a ^ vraap. The pulp thus obtained was dried in a film and pulverised about. coffee. The syrup "was. boiled and filtered a number at times, and when sugar crystals began to forp it was turned Into resembling the iqpturned r™»; crown of a stfmbrero. Her* with • sugar was allowed to drain and dry i for a number of days and then fi- - 'fS naQy removed--a solid mass wai^b. ing several pounds, and undeniably . * brown fan color. When the sugar was to be eaten a chunk of the loaf was ~ V chipped off." Since those days at * Northampton, tremendous improve- \ ments have been made in the manufaclufe of beet sugar. 9rder your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. - »IHI > I ' l I >>•••»•< I I I I » H 11; There were just too many troleum out of rode shale. For each road and stops in at each farm and people present. Guided tours of *°n °' »hale laid down in Colorado opens vo their fields. This saves groups of twenty or so would have bottoms 60 million years ago, picking up and down rows. { brought to the spectators the grsnd thfere is now being extracted, at the story of individual initiative and, Rifle demonstration given the opportunity to enter opportunity in America 'for those like! U. S. bureau of mines, an average Better Methods contest this Mr. McCormick, who worked hard of 29 gallons of oil. Each 4-H member in the county was the . year, sponsored by the Public Ser- on a good idea, vice Co. of Northern Illinois, Western} United Gas 4" Electric and the Nor-( thern Illinois Utilities Co., Only three agricultural 4-H members took( plant the Henry. Teh 499-M. CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHcnry 634-R-2. *22-3 MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors I The little-known two million dol- I lar pilot plant at Rdle, according to Henry F. Dever, of Minneapolis- Honeywell Regulator company, is the first step in the department of ! interior's 30 million dollar program _ for research into and development or farirT. They were Francis Slavin,1 Masses: " of synthetic liquid fuels. It is4fco Jr., Esther Slavin, and Faye Behrens, Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:80 sh'"/W P«vate industry how to un- ;; GENERAL HAULING -- Available. par^ by writing a story about how) for general hauling and moving. I f - ! they had worked out a better method, ii n 21tf ot -oing 22m«thin^ about the^home gt. Mary's<Catholie Ckarck nOiurcii all of the Alden Speeds 4-H club. | Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00: 10:00, These folks, and those in the Home Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. Economics 4-H clubs, who took past First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00. will go on a trip November 8th, as Confessions: S--Feeder pigs and pom.e s, cmhoeinct« °eiLthceor l°"M;c £H*enUr yf or4.7 •6P-R^ oinot"r ^reppaaiirreeda ,r twreowunodu'nSad,W ™rea esignea. tns ^ests of the lieht companies. This Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. i {contest i« a rp«1 one and deserves t nfn. T^iV i t?,- i p N F of SaleAi Wis mi 567*24 tnbutors of Johnson bronze cored;coniest ls * real f ® * a®8®'*®8 Thursday before First Friday-- N^ °'^le3 ?? : 1 h«r« McHenrv Electric Motor more attention next year, | After 8 00 Mass on Thursday; 52-R-13. *23-4 FOR SALE -- Metal-covered deep freeze unit; inside dimensions, 5x3x3 b--; _JFOR SALti---Spotted Poland China fW~»uitable for large -family, farm (boars and gilts. Frank Jung, R-2,. or store; good condition; used two SRichmond. Phone Richmond 7§6. *24 seasons; original cost, $500; sell for _-n --z"--r , . $250. Lowe, 400 Wfeukegan Rd., Mc- FOR «ALE--Banjo and guiter. In- Henry, Phone 167. 23-2 • quire at Riverside Barber Shop. *23-2 FOR SALE--Kindling wood by . the truck load. Ivar Fredrickson, Phone 23-tf bars. McHenry Service. 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 20-tf SEPTIC TANKS and GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a We had a motion picture called "Times-A-Wastin'" at the Harmony School -last Friday night on ways ofp saving time, which got_ everyone 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. ^ ^ WVMMsgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. trol system designed for the bureau Ivck this extra supply of oil and to supplement our limited natural, reserves. ' The Rifle demonstration plant will serve as a blueprint to obtain all possible know-how on mining and processing techniques. To do this, a highly precise instrumentized con- Quiet Dignity by Brown instruments is recording .. St. Patrick's Catholic Church important data which will deter- , interested in the subject. The trouble Masses: . _ complete drainage service; modern ,*g> mOSt people are too busy to take Sunday: 8.00", 9:30 (High Mass) • toe effective and economical equipment; complete engineering, the time to figure out a better and and 11:00. • j methods of producing oil from shale Clogged sewer ? Have the electric rod cut oOt the obstruction. No digiring, no lawn mess. Lake County Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Preston Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf FOR SALE--immediate delivery on Wonder Lake 221. M. E. Rotary Tillers for garden and : farm use. Paetz k Son, Richmond, FOR SALE -- Lake front 6-room, III. Phone Richmond 10. Call for free house, at McCullom Lake. Partly i FLOOR TILE--Asphalt and rubber demonstration on your soil. 21-tf furnished. Reasonable. Phone Mc-1 linoleum; sink tops. Ray Irion, Wood- Henry 276-J. Sat nights and Sun- i stock, 111. Phone Woodstock 699-M. FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE days. Riverside 3743 week TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- (SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, days. 21-tf! •17-8 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or Ft)R SALE -- Modern 5-room In-; WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair yrite_ Leo_ J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl sulated year 'round country home, 2 j and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 St, TeL McHenry 18. tf, bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dinMc ing room and closed-in-porch. Lot £ Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Reaner Rd., lR-1, McHenry. Phone McHenry pUt'"thTngs somewhat in order. easier way of doing things. Some- !. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. one says, "You have to. be lazy to. Week Days: 7:15. get it done." 'First Fridays: 8:00 Communion dis- Peter Tumbledown said to his hired tributed at 6:30, 7:00, 7:30 and man. "Open the gate" when he meant : 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. for him to make a temporary hole in! Confessions: the fence. | Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and When folks have so much stuff; 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on lliursscattteerreedd oovveerr ttlh e barn yard there days before First Fridays: 4:00 he M&iKftt is ate flutter ion, but what their ( red up too and they ink straight. If! C8n minds t(te are not able to think straight, their mindf aren't cluttered, I'm to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rev. James C. Vanderpool, Administrator. FOR SALE--Farm and business 125x100"ft."Electric Yn'dTity gas" roperty; 90-acres; all farm bldgs.;,East river road, Fair Oaks subd. ront bldg. miter as Uvern; onsfcaU McHenry 123-R from 8 a. m. to S. Hy. 20 near Marengo. For 6 p. m. *20-5 .appontment call Jacob Fritz, Real-' -- :--i--, •tor, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37 HELP WANTED 650-R-l. 44-tfl'" We have had perfect weather "for CHcgo, Lincoln 1333. l!«f ' SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLsl " '<* - sure that working in the presence of St Jain's Catholic Church, Johnsburg barn yards I've seen in our county J Masses: certainly would make them cluttered.! Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:90. My desk and my office are my barn I Holy Da-y s6; 7:00 and -9:00 yard and I know I can't do goodl Weekdays: 6:85 and 3:00:. work or think straight until I Jiave First Friday: 6:85 and 8:|i Confessions: Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 FOR SALF T« Rin<rw<wwi BRICKLAYERS WANTED -- Top | psSi wdla ^ 123 Ellswortt For Stance the development of ftiS"3 \ R.m«Jrood' *-room wages. Long job. O. W. POTTER & ! olean^* J, iii SmL iuiLii weevil in stored grain. If you chiVk^n ' i2""r cnicken house; large lot; oon/ 8Kbla?c^k;- p General Contractors. Tele- ®r"71^M 42tf h,»ven't looked, better look now. Al- hone Wauconda 323! after 8 p.m. or • 716-M. . 4Ztf| Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert. Pastor. "top road; two blocks RJR. station. 24-3 'V1*: FOR SALE -- For immediate occupancy, new 4-room year 'round home, one nyle from McHenry. Tel. McHenry 227-J. HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST FOR SALE AT WONDER LAKE-- Ideal all-year country home, five jrooms. large sun porch, automatic oil heat hardwood floors, canvased In small town near McHenry. Mart 16-tf have own transportation. Experienced McHenry, I1L Pkoae 277. 49-tf JPrice *7 750 Alao >t ippiy ai proslt^» sorest uaraen WE BUY AND SBL1< USKU UAKS """ " W*u°!Sd5 _ CHEVROLET^ SALES, We, $6,250. -For appointment call' im •^acoh Fritz, Realtor, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 18-tf or will train a beginner. GOOD salar/ to start TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St, McHemy. Phone McHenry 203-J. 52-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of year garbage each week, or oftener • - • • • -- rai Jo most complete control can be hadp with fumigation. There are a nam-1 7^§t. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove her of liquid fumigations on the Masses: market containing a mixture of ethy-| Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Iene dichloride and carbon tetra-[ Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. ^ftru-Lfxrw , I. Weekdays: 84». . First Friday: 8:00. A U C T I'O NCo",e"l<,°": L. H. FREEMAN AND SON and EUGENE FREDRICK, Auctioneers Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. T Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Having rented another farm with a , . _ if desired. Reasonable complete Kne Ooff lliivveessttoocckk aanndd eeaquuiitp>-- i Evangelical Latheran Church walls, deep well, garage,' large lot,! byletter,' st*tin« «perien« Henry beautifully landscaped, natural fire" Present employment, if any. H ter"^Regular'^ | me^^ ™d«i^ will sell ^(T^^rchotJhe^t^nJRou^ »hn E. Hill. P. 0. Box 274V Mc-i-Public Auction hi9 entire personal. «»®nn crt.% block ewt of Hwy. Bt enrr, Pkon. S«5. "I property, on th., loc.u«f l mile R„Wfp'i,tor South of Hebron, HI., on Route 47, ^ p - „ . yZ w«V a S cC ^ tion doirt WHITEWASHING - Bams, base- j or 9 miTes North WoodstockT 111. 8^e-W:lB. crffMCOBraiTzf REALTOR"' dXy nients and .chicken .h^esj; also|on Route 47, on .Stonday School aad Bible Studynt Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 a j., n •or Chicago 1333. 13-tf Anaress Box 11, care Plaindealer. JLJWJTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., Route 31, about two block from _ ot. Inquire at 715 Center St Tel, McHenry 278-J. HELP WANTED i - w i FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein; penence -Carnation, Pabst, Cur- ( Aj^iy 22J.I t. - WOMEN - 2 1 Punch press operators, sopne necessary. Good wages, spraying with Carbola DOT. All Phannenstill. Tel. 433-R. 410 Park I St., McHenry. 51-tf i DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Srices paid for cows, horses and 30 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN MILK ogs; no help needed to load. Day! COWS -- T. B. and Bangs Tested.' Community Chcreii . and night Sundays and holidays. 3 bred heifers, 2 heifer calves. 1 bull Church School: 10:00 a.m. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works,; Calf, 8 months eld; 1 stock bull, 15 Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. 9 o'clock. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 | Visitors and vacationists are heart- 1947, starting at 10 o'clock A. M. ifr welcome in all services. Sunday Lunch Wagon on Grounds 1 school children may have attendance 47 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK cards for their Home-church records. on a commercial basis. Making Apples Firm Calcium chloride may be used to make slices of apples Arm so that they will retain their shap<e wheM baked in pies.-< Just as all men are brothers in His eyes, all religious faiths J can benefit from our funtral T service true to the tradition of each . . . part of our complete funeral service. :: Jacob Justen Sons;; FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funeral Homo Phone McHenry 103-R Z Green, Cor. Elm, McHenry • I I I I I I I 1 1 1 •€ 11 I I I 11 11 i l l ' HELP WANTED MEN : - STSADY WORK - i -- • . * Honrs Per Week r lime and One-Half Over 40 Hours ---- Opportunity For Advancement Apply or ball *. • , AMERICAN TERRA COTTA CORP. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake, 111. Tel. Crystal Lake 24 ftom where I Joe Marsh S'- bull calves--Carnation. ties, Ragapple and other leading Mood lines at farmers' prices. Hickory Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr.; , Tel. McHenrjf 670-M-2. 48-tf! 24 D. E. JOHNSON TOOL * MFG. CO. 507 Elm Street McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 318 T , _xWheeling No. 3; reverse charges. | months old. This is a very fine herd 36-tf | of cattle. They are home raised and of best quality, the chance to buy WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Hovse or cot- j HORSES--2 h FOR SALE--Generators, armatures,f--.«• r . -- tap#/" ; tage .l*o2c£2a*tiel?d •o n o-r n,e a,r r.iv er. Write. starters, fuel pumps, distributors and: HELP W ANTED _-- Mkwt-aged , Box ^B, care Plaindealer. 52-tf ignition parts "for Ford and all other COUpte who will be with elderly lady, cars. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- i Good home, rent free. Phone Mcmoor, Fred J. Svoboda. Prop. Tel. Henry 613-J-2. *24 McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf LOST LOST--Black and white -- ---- HELP WANTED -- Saleslady at]Spanjei ^|th long Itaii; male. le- FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- Gladstone's Department Store, Green 1 return or information lead- LNG MACHINES. Service on all St., McHenry. 23-tf jng ^o return. Lost in West Mc- Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. GoopeT Center Wander Center, Weaffer Lakr (NonsectaHan) Sesvii the best at auction. HOGS--8 shoafli, weighing 160 lbs. work team. FEED--2,500 tn|. Vlckl^nd oats, 1,000 . Sunday Bible School--10:15 ajja. bushels of Clinton oats, (good enough i Morning Worship Service --11:00 for seed), 1,000 bushels of barley, 20 tons of old corn in crib, 600 bales of alfalfa hay, 1,100 bales of good day Midweek Prayer Service on Thurs- . Dvenings at p.mmixed hay, 2,000 bales of straw, 40 A cordial Wefieome is extended to mp m* Sam's a J Matrimony Expert acres of good ripe standing corn, 40 all the people of the community to makes. Also ribbons for all makes; „ nriVTun * 'Henry. Homer Fitzgerald, phone Mccarbon paper. L. V. KUtr, Clay St, gELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. H ' 13WL ' 24 W o o d s t o c k P h o n e 5 4 9 . 7 - t f F r e d n c k s o n a t W o n d e r L a k e o r ^ - ^ : Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf FOR SALE--Country home, on 21,i . beautifully landscaped acres; apple [ ------ cherry and pear trees; 4 blocks to ..u.. „ ~ Aim C. A N. W. station; 6-room, all ~PPft? modern home; oil heat; new Hot: Filling - JHadc Dirt - Umeatone I^EINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel jint 86-gal. hot water heater and rge water softener; full basement; pPy ^lVERSIDE ^Il DRIVE, completely rock wool insulated; 2-car PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO^ 200 garage. L. B. Drake. Call McHenry RIVERSIDE 687-W-2. *24 PHONE 39. McHENRY. 20-tf Tracks for Hire Free Brtimating TeL 655-R-2 McHenry, 111. tons of chopped alfalfa hay. : * • . Helen Weber Says: fALL HOUSECLEANINCW Don't Forget! almost all each items as drapes, bedspreads, tfcrow rQgV ^> *Wceptible to moth damage. "v 7 When you send your cleaning to u» everything is MOTHPROOFED, by our exclusive U-8AN-0 process-guaranteed and insured against moth damage EXTRA CHARGE. McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 10S Ekn 8treet J,. ' Hdan lWbir, Mgr Dr. H. G. TABLEMAN VITKKINABJAN 531 Dean Street Woodstock, Illinois Phone 638W Calls Hade Promptly pea _ MACHINERY-- McCormick-Deering Model H tractor with power cultivator, McCormick-Deering 7 foot power mower, McCormick power corn planter, Gehl C-40 silo filler (new), McCormick Model 2 corn shredder, l Gehl hammer mill with cutter head, i John Deere Model BR tractor on rubber (new), McCormick-Deering 2-14; tractor plow on rubber, Massey-Har-, ris 2-14 tractor plow, McCormick- Deering 8 foot tractor disc, McCormick- Deering field cultivator, new, McCormick four section steel drag ( | with folding draw bar, John Deere; I four section drag with folding draw I I bar, John Deere four bar tractor side' rake, 6 foot grain binder, McCor-! I mick corn binder with bundle with j loader and carrier and wagon hitch,; John Deere tractor spreader on rub-, ber (new), McCormick spreader on, rubber (new), double cultipaclcer, one row cultivator, U. 8. grain blower' (new), Massey-Harris power corn worshinp withn vu s. FRANK L ANDERSON. Pastor. Order your Mbber naaaps .at Tbe Plaindealer. - Sam Aberaathy never intended to be a matrimony expert, but he hit the nail on the head the other day when he said: "What marriage really needs is >re open minds and a lot fewer Open mouths." Sam may not think much of his missus' choice of hats or her habit of serving watercress and cream cheese salad. But he keeps his mouth shnt (I mean, he just oses it to eat the salad). And the missus never criticises Sam's afectioaler that worn-oat chair before the Ire, and his smOow glass of beer tii pipe at the end of a long day. From where I sit, that prescription would apply to most human relationships. Criticism rarely rouses anything but resentment. But an open mind--whether it's applied to a woman's choice of hats, or a husband's preference for a pipe and a moderate glass of beer or two--leads to the conclusion that there's right on both sides. C^/fright, 1947, Uttfui States Brtmtfii FmmimMtm FLOOR SANDING Reflnishing, varnishing and wax ing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry r-:. • ' jKf . '&€ 497-R • binder, like pew; potato digger, hog ibber tired wagons with racks, triple steel grain box, Mcfeeder, 3 rubber gr Cor mick lime spreader, shallow well cans, set of wash tanks, 2 Dairy { Maid heaters, pails, strainers, etc., DeLaval milking machine with 1 double and 2 single units, complete with pipe for 40 cows, 2 rubber tired wheelbarrows, silo cart on rubber (Starline), steel silo cart (Starline), all small tools on farm. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-- Thor washing machine. Apes' vacuum clerjier, tables, and otned household cffcctSt Usual Illinois Farm Auction Service Terms. ARTHUR EGGERT Farm Auction Service BW. Henry A. Freeman, District Rep. t Phone • lit, Hebron, 111. R. D. Keefe, Lake Geneva, Wis. SF'lv; 51 EN & IAS 'S %Ik*S'-'::'/r Watch for ad in next week's issue of the PLAINDEALER for Army plus and other used items* OPENING DAY, FRIDAY, NOV* f \ ... \, . .. ' . " . -.V' . , ,V ..
Contact us:
McHenry Public Library District
809 N Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050