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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 7

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AT/B ^ -- 9Wi us So. Blvenide I W Wttpaw Agp BBEPP AIB w iSt*. Mn.nL VttMON KXOX AtKrMy«A(*Uv Car. Greea ud Ba 8ts^ MeHaary Tuesday aad Friday Af< (Nkcr Days By A| Phm McHeary tt DR E & F1KB VeUrinariaa Ob Highway St -- Offke ul lUw TaL McHeary Mt-J-l McHeary, BL Office Emm: lp*t»l pja. IfBiapt Umaiiyi LB rwiafi hy Appibft H. & TANCMkBcaiy 81-J '*» South Grm 8t, McHeary. OL IN Gnat Street PhaM MJ. HeH*«ry Office Bun: TMMSitariVi fiw !• to 4. Bveaiags ky awefaiV HcHBNBT FLORAL QO* *** ait a?' "4\" , Oh Mile 8a«th of :;i «N*» I Flawara far aB eccaalooa! NBTT8 SAND AND OtfAVBL Special Ratee aa Baal Gravel ul uLo"t toFi*lli nng .s .r ISWBt Dri rt . . Pww A. P. FHBUND SONS ^ffceavatiag Contractors •• /; >• TracUag, Hydraulic „ aad Craae Service I --ROAD BUILDING-- . DM. ISt-M McHeary. OL . ,.f f •-• -A, ,. No. 8T0FFHL * REIHANSPBRSRR Iaaafance aiaito far all claaaaa A | property hi the Wat companiee. Waat McHeary, iltiaaia FCTTAFTTTE A HKBFT. Attoraoy (Joalya ft Park**) Office Hoars ffice^--£oehr Aftarlwa-- Supply Coswaay, Main 8treet,Weet McHeary sc „ UKINSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Alto* Farm and Life Repreoenting RELIABLE COMPANIES TWICE Wll iiir '£~'b ftaaM af laterflat the FOaa af the PlataiMlar af Yeara Aft Cora Yields Up yields of corn for tha ™' ™ wuuu j BS & wt luie were 2 bushels _ . T m * . " m o r a p a r a c r e t h a n e v e r b e f o r e . The hemes Wm. Simea are being treated to _ coats of'paint. V w __Order your rubber stamps at The a hut Mtar af vie very latest ( design. Thie coaejaalon was' reached' In 1946, at the regular aMthly meeting of country as the loeal hoard on Monday night. »more per Tha new haoaaa of Wm. Pries and Cttras Peak C&bstruit.faxned sourcebttflamimC, reachee Its seasonal peak in early February. r Clau Oven To keep your oven clean tad to Flaindealer. • A U C T I O N On Skokie Hwy (41), being 1 mile north of Wadsworth, 1 mile north manure spreader; grain binder; Case corn planter. FEED--600 buahel oats; 6 ton baled 2nd cutting alfalfa; 1000. bales alfalfa hay; 200 bales timothy ha;; 10 ton loose mixed hay; 10 ton 2 year old hay; 15 ton straw; 26 ft silage; 8 acres standing com (may he picked by sale time.) MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Surge milking machine, 2v tin gle *oa fts, plete with motor, pump and pipe; electric "water heater; 8 jnilk eaaaf ster. tank. BUILDING--Brooder hoooe on WALTER WE8THOFF. Owner Chandler and 'Elfers, Auctioneer# Public Auction Service Co., Clerk of Wadsworth Rd., 3 miles south of .. - ~*7" "* ;Wis.-Iil. State line, 9 miles north-, and oils from vest of <Waukegan, on I tha surfaces, leave the Jahneharg P. O.---McHeary JOHN F. BRDA A SON 1 Sheet Metal aad Fnmaee Werk Ifl N. Greea St, McHeary, JBL PhasM 24S-R C. J. MEYERS - . ; Geasral CoatraatSi1 . Carpenter New Work aad Repaira MeHaary. Itt. Tel Ptotakee MtM-1 McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McBenry «U er Wonder Lake MS HIGHEST CASH PRICES paM far Dead and Crippled Hereee, Cattle aad Hags -- Saattarv lag -- Tankage a«d Meat .Scrape Ajuy- g-gj; 'j%eea ft Eba 43 er 118-M McHeary ART JACKSON . HaaHag • Sand -- Black Dirt -- CMaai . - Oraahad Gravel -- LiaeatosM» Track far Hire Phone McHenrr 4K-W McHeary. Illiida «'1 ^-1-1.-- AttBmek. iti vr MeHaary ChUgep. PaleS Boaiariag Serrka. WATER PUMPS Fairkaaka Mono Ejector aai Puap types. All aiaaa. Complete aad Eaqr ; 'to iaataD. Suy paa^a. Take ela !B!8SnSoMrBALES AND SERVICE TeL McHeary SBS-W-l CtM ft. from Neffa Beltraaai) (Mai Lake 1119 Of Sowar Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewara Opeaed Without Efoctric aad Reel Catter i Cryatal Lake, DUaala * •I*. Neboa Bex 191 f TEBTTBRRHErs "i General Coatractora . 'HjaidinHal -- Industrial ^ ^ Flaaaciag Woodstock BM Waahingtoa 8t. Johnabarg Phaae 599-W Phone C2S-M-1 (b ELM STP.': : ?L0R RT£ !2i •WE »< •• f »•'< A f' ! w * ! -- WAN7ED TO BUY -- Co pay $• to f2S for Old Horaaa. ia far iewa haraea aad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH ^ Jokaabarg • Sprfaur Gtoto Road Phaaa Jmbnvk S14 CALL AT ONCE ON FIEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE Wa pay phone ckaigaa ROTHERMHL ELECTRIC SHOP BBactrital Cantractars p«jt| Repairs Let as eatfaaato that aaxt eleetrkal 1* af G. *«H«yy Drlre RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWNMOWERS By Machine Graaaiag aad Repalriag Can WILLIAM BUCHBRT •91 Fraat St. McHeary FRANK S. MAY Tracking -r Black Dirt -- Crashed Gravel tiadara -- Ltaaeateie Trad far Hire Pheae McHeary W-M4 R-l McHeary SIXTY YEARS AGO Miss Barikara Wiedamwin of tkia village, took five first premiums asd one second premium oh embroidery work, at the county fair. Walter Culver, of Richmond, now. occupies a poaition in Besley*a drug store, on the west side. j Mrs. Julia Bishop started on Momday for Jackson, Term., where she will visit with the family of E. Griswold, who formerly lived in this village. . The old cheese factory, near the red bridge is undergoing repairs and will be used as a place of-meeting for the G. A. R. and the Good Templars. FIFTY YEARS AGO J. W. Besley has put a new platform in front of nis store which much improves its appearance. tA, T Pr^nsaH mywl #^eaalW «feft went to Marahfield, wEf . few vears ago, are expected to move back here soon. , Married at the German church m Johnsburg, on Tuesday, Oct. 5 by the: Rev. Father Mehring, Anton Muel-j lenbach of Johnsburg, Minn., end. Miss Katie Adam, daughter of Castor Adams, of Johnsburg, 111. G. F. Boley has put a new fence around his yard at the brewery. It is a good improvement. FORTY YEARS AG|;'^ The lot just north of Peter B. Freund's place, owned by that gentleman, and from which the old warehouse was removed recently, is being filled in this week. _ Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Leickem are now occupying the rooms over the N. H. Petesch drug store. T. J. Walsh and family are again residents of McHenry, having moved into their home on Elm itreel the first of the week. ... , The cross walk in Mam street near the Methodist church waa brought to the earth's surface Tuesday morning. Thanks to the hereto men who found and replaced it. TWENTY-FIVE~ YEARS AGO The prices the dairymen will receive for their xxMilk during the three months are as follows, wctober and November, $2.05, December, fl.90. Miss Emma Thelen, who during the past two summers has conducted a home bakery on Washington street, in this village, bar retired from the business here and has gene to Chivillage of McHenry is to have settling on -- oven door open after use until the even haa cooled. Tills also pre rents rusttog of metal by the steam from food. If there are stains to be removed, gemembe? cleaning is much easier if dona right after the mishap. When ordinary washing, wiptag or scouring fails to remove stains from the inside of the oven, try the smmonia treatment. Place a shallow bowl of household ammonia, or a cloth moistened in ammonia, In the oven. Let it remain in the oven eeveral hours, overnight, or ~aeveral nights if necessary. The ftimea from the ammonia looaen grease, and the oven can then be washed easily. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 J. at 12:30 O'clock I V^^AM. LUCH WAGQN CATTLE--20 Guernsey cows, consisting of 4 springers, 5 recently 1 fresh, balance bred back and milking good, S yearling heifera (open), S heifer calves. 4 feeder piss. i POULTRY--25 mixed hens. : SO ducks. MACHINERY--Case <4RC" tractor on new rubber; Case 2 row tractor 1 cultivator; Case power mcrtver; 2 • bottom tractor plow; tractor disc I (power adjustea); rubber tired II wagon; 3-section folding drag; Int ; hay loader; side delivery rake, McHENRY CAB--CaU 472 J If yon are in a hnrry s ^ For prompt and courteous a«rviot^ Don't start to worry. :v We have 24-honr McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J IMMSDIATE DEUVKKT % I-Boams, Columns, Angles Basement 8ash of all 8Ues We Spedaliie in Ornamental Iron Railinfs | f ^ . To Order * SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Addreas; Et 3, Box &14 < ICoEetirj, DL Two Miles Sooth ot McHenry on DL BobMkSI rsraorAX ou SUPKElOd BOTTLE H<«ic Chef Uagm %;• ' ^ " ^ W»t#r TOWN spd COUNTRY UTlUT!E&b |>dU>T •. SMITH Phon» Apt 9 - 419 Naia St. "IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK" Is your oar, truoker t^actw ready to meet Old Man Winter? If not, see'v' ^ SEACO " • Ho model too old or too new We have generators, starters, armatures, distributors, fuel pumps and other electrical needs for all models. Rewinding--Rebuilding--Motor Tuneups. Livestock at Auction On Route 47 Woodstock, DL Prompt Service I lighting and ignition experts .28 years experience Authorised Delco, Remy and Autolite Service SEACO SALES & SERVICE Lilymoor, West Side of Lily Lake, McHeary, IU. tRED J. SVOBODA & SON Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 IMItBCTIOIia--Turn aouth off Roate 120 at Lfly Lake 3ch«el; tara left at third read leading to lake, second building right Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy - HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK p T. B. and BANGS TESTED Private Sales Monday and Tuesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS GASH OR CREDIT Consign your surplus stook to this AUCTION. We have buyers for every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% v Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK GOME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC A U C T I O N CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The farm having been sold and to settle the Estate of Claude M. Owens, the undersigned will aellat public auction, at the Clover Hill Farm, on U. S. Route lz, one mile north of Lake Zurich, 111., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER lSth commencing at 10 a. m. sharp, the following deacribed property, towit: 44 HEAD OP LIVESTOCK consisting of y? 'S RESTAURANT M. Riverside Drive m < V'®" Open 11 a. ni. nntil 9 p. m. daily, Saturdays 'tUmSdnighl CLOSED THURSDAYS <• Our new and special feature--BUSIME8S LUNCH, 65c served from |1 a. m to 2 p. m. BAMSOCTD««l STSAXS ^ CHOPS omaxBS nr tbi basxst -- sbavood 20 Holstein grade cows, 8 Guernsey grade cows, 10 springers, balance milking; 9 yeaning Holstein heifers, open; 1 yearling Guernsey heifer; open; 3 9-mo. old Holstein heifer calves; S small heifer calves. Hay aad Grala , 100 tons baled alfalfa hay; SO tons baled straw: 8000 bu. oata; SQQOl bu. ear eorn; 100 tons ensilaga^ Machinery --s F-20 International tractor; 2-bottom 14-in. plow; 2-bottom 12-in. plow; cultivator for F-20; mower for F-20; John Deere tractor, model H, 1945, with cultivator attachment; International tfarmall tractor, model M; International 7-ft mower attachaaoat for model U; International cultivator attachment for modal M? Bhrria 2-bottom plow, attachment for model M; International 9-ft. tractor diac; tractor manure spreader; International corn binder: International silo filler; International com planter with fertiliser attachment; International 10-ft. grain binder; Univeraal mUking machine; 1987 International truck, stake body; 1947 4-bar tractor, side delivery rake; 1947 hay loader; 1947 lime spreader; grain drill with grass seeder attachment: 8-sectios harrow; 2 wagons and boxes; DeLaval cream separator; 50-gal. potable oil pump; manure spreader; 2 waah tanks; water heater; milk cooler; Fairbanks platform scale; hog cauldron; power ihred^r for pulverising peat soil; 2 acts hay forks and pulleys with rope; Brum A Stratton power sprayer; Briggs 4 Stratton power lawn mower; miscellaneous tools and equipment. Phones 572 or 489 •V, J d" -'U. C mm >: Relive this moment NEXT WINTER... thanks fa yoorHOME FREEZER __ hmtfne the thrill of «crvhl^ Di^s p*fee * oT<fcUdo«s food on ban* ~ mm In March.*, or fresh-looking strawberries in jPoods are always in season. When you bring them December! With a Home Freezer, menu treats Ilk* W your tables they are vivid in color and rich in LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that credit of six months at will he extsndsd on notes id kr the clerk. Anyone decredit kindly make arrance- , IsIsm pwaaass Is maii. No srsss.'wr- •All OF CLAUDE M. OWI ->• these become everyday events. Mean planning, shopping, and even cooking methods will be simplified when you own a home freezer. With your own and commercially frozen foods stored in your freezer you shop less often. You boy at die peak of the season, and preserve left-overs safely . . . ready for use at any time. Unexpected guests are no longer a problem with a you always have a wide variety essential vitamins--just as they were in the garden months earlier. Your meals fcpv* a finer quality than ever before. freezing is truly the fjc&i way of food preservation. .. it takes one third the time of other methods. Choose your home freezer today and preserve the fruits and vegetables of this season. Ask yoar dealer to advise you on the type of freezer best suited to your family's needs. til IfrlW MODItS i I »NOW ON »ISPUf At tOUl lit . T) :--k- » ... * "r' • 3".- >. - - . Dealer

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