DISCUSS PROS. CONS OF DEMIfiAinZATION County Ddegattt -rl : Question Discussion Leaders, Give Views J ^ It has Ion? been a known fact that ..'ft the public would be aroused to great interest, one need only mention the institution of something new and different. The proof of this statement came last week when a representative croup of citizens from throughout McHenry county met in the Woodstock high school auditorium to 'discuss the pros and" cons «f school reorganisation. As a matter of review, it may be recalled that a survey committee was appointed in 1945 to study the schools of the county and make recommendations for reorganisation. This committee filed their tentative report with the county superintendent of schools, Roland McCannon, a few weeks ago, recommending the ^pe 5 system, namely, a county --*- administration unit. In their McHENRT YOUTH ENJOYED MEETING FAMOUS GENERAL A memorable experience for any serviceman, it would seem, would be a meeting with General McArthur. With few from this community having realised this desire, T-5 Iferwyn M. Schmitt of McHenry was especially thrilled on Sunday, October 12, when he had the opportunity to see the general at close range and be introduced to him. Merwyn joined Uncle Sam's service on Sept. 23, 1946, at Fort Sheridan and within a week was sent to Fort Knox, Ky., from where he went to Camp Stoneman, Calif., on Dec. 9. He sailed from California on Dec, 16 for the JagaM&e( theatre of occupation, by way of Hawaii and the Philippine Islands. Sgt. Schmitt is now at Camp Ken Mona, Japan, about fifty miles south of Osaka, serving as a mechanic in the motor pool. During October he had the opportunity to do some traveling when his company went to Mt. Fuji and Tokyo. It was while in Tokyo that he met the famed general. Even though the war has long been over, Sgt. Schmitt recalled having spent three nights in fo.x holes in the rain and snow. The home town lad reports that he •iiwic •uminiBvmiioit uiuv* in wiuu iis gY ratefu«l * for receiving .t«h e Pl«a»i nreport, they listed twenty-fiVe rea- dealer and keeping up on the activi- WINTER'S REALLY HERE! DO YOU HAVE THAT XMA8 SPIRIT? Mothers in this community did more than their usual amount of rummaging in the attic this week, and it wasn't .fall house cleaning either. They were busy trying to locate enough red flannels for the entire family, to better fit them to withstand the wintry blasts which invaded this area on Friday. After a very windy weeMfcnd, when snow flurries did little more than scurry into the corners, Monday brought alternate rain and snow, with freezing making city streets and highways a bit hazardous. Tuesday morning's 10 degrees above on some fam thermometers convinced everyone that the "unusual".weather of this fall had bid us adieu, to be replaced by a variety which has put thoughts of Santa Clans and the holiday season uppermost In our minds. You don't hare Christmas spirit this week, Toon you're just not human! for their choice, adding that is the only one of the five types consideration in which alla of advantages can be obtained, benefits, as outlined in the include among others, equal tional opportunities,. equality tax rates, good board of educaties of his friends here. EXPFTT LARGE CROWD AT SUNDAY LECTURE OF JUDGE SBARBARO NEW VETERANS' IS HALF COMPLETED The Veterans of Foreigri Wars, Fox River Post No. 4600, have started their building program on their recently purchased property, formerly Conway's Woods, which they have renamed Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Park. For the past few Sundays the membership has turned out in large numbers to pool their various skills, report, aaacati of tax rates, board of educa- I. ^Plans for last minute ticket sales : u ,? j_;ir tton, capable administrators, a junior; nre completed by committee | "i" ST" cernen* Ugh school and an ^efficient and members in charge of the C. D. of "h* ' carPenten"S. electnftodocational transportation system. , A. prORram which will be presented j grading, etc., m order The meeting was opened by the on Sunday evening, Nov. 16, at 81 £? j. "? un,der .dbwrrnan of the survey committee, o'clock in St Mary's-St. Patrick's J£n KJ* 5.!, _ha.8 Frank Nagle of Fox River GrOve, school hall. The ladies in charge inwho presented Earl Hughes, member elude Mildred Kinshla, chairman; of the committee, as leader of the ; Lillian Bolger, Mary V y c i t a 1, discussion. Preceding the arguments, Suzanne Marshall and Mary Kinney. an outline of the proposed unit was : The organization has been fortu- • given by Luther Black, assistant! nate in securing Judge John A. •tote superintendent of public in-' Sbarbaro of Chicago, who is on the struction, who answered _ the. Cook county divorce bench, for a ritions submitted to him, assisted j lecture and discussion that evening. Mr. McCannon. I Judge Sbarbaro is well qualified to Others Ekaploy System I speak on his chosen topic, "Marriage been half finished and weather permitting, it is_ planned to have the building project completed before Christmas. , Recently the post finished the process of incorporating under the not for profit laws of the state of Illinois. The purpose of the incorporation are well phrased in the 700 PRESENT 4-H ACHIEVEMENT MtAMMV. 7 fwo McHenry Boys C Winners of Skate's Highest Recognition Cherished memories will linger long in the minds of the , 700 mem THE LOCAL AMERICAN LEGION POST DONATES ^TOWARD POLICE RADIO Word comes from the City Council this week that the local American Legion Post has recently donated the sum of two hundred (1200.00) dollars toward the purchase of police radio now in use in the city police car. This is only one of many donations made by the local American Legion Post to the city in the purchase of equipment or toward civic projects. I Accent donations include a one hundred dollar donation toward installation of lights on the Fox River „r Bridge. The new athletic field fund bers and friends of the county 4-H i j® «so receiving support of the BUSINESS MEN TAL OVER IMPROVEMENTS" FOR OUR COMMUNITY organisation who were in attendance' at the outstanding get-together of the year last wow.. Farm Adviser W. H. Tammeus, in a complete report, announced at the 4-H achievement program Friday night, Nov. 7, at the Woodstock Community high school, that 73.8 per cent of the agricultural 4-H members in tha county completed their work. A total of 243 members, an increase of 18.6 per cent over 1946, were enrolled this past year. Legion The City Council, in behalf of the people of McHenry, acknowledge this very helpful assistance with appreciation. MAYORS UNDERTAKE PLAN FOR FOX DEVELOPMENT Does McHenry's growth call for zoning in the city? Is there a possibility of securing better train service here? Would parallel parking facilitate driving in McHenry? AU these and several more questions were asked and then discussed at the last meeting of the Business Men's association held last week in the. Legion hall. v The question of zoning was discussed quite thoroughly, and a recently appointed committee on their study of the situation to date. It was generally felt that with a steady growth which McHenry is enjoying, such an understanding as zoning becomes increasingly important. The old problem of providing better train service for this area also came up for serious discussion and members present seemed determined to continue their fight for this cause even though all past efforts on the part of local individuals have made little headway. In view of the bottleneck which exists on Green street because of the narrow bridge over the creek, members were urged to stir the public in favorable action at today's election concerning widening the bridge. The possible change to parallel parking in McHenry to make travel S. IVFW AUXILIARY SPONSORS HOME TALENT COMEDY Nov. 22*23 Set For "The Veterans' Foolish Whims" X The stage has been set (and this is literally speaking) for the pro* duction "The Veterans' Foolish Whims," which will be presented in the high school auditorium on Saturday and Sunday evenings, Nov. 23 and 23, at 8:15 o'clock, sponsored by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. The play, a hilarious musical comedy, is being directed by Miss Kathleen Henn. It has been m production for the past eight weeks and both the cast and sponsors feel that the many hours of preparation have resulted in a home talent play which will provide excellent entef* tainment for the public. The time of the play is the montll of June in the post-war period, and takes place in the court yard of the Good (Samaritan sanitarium near New York City. Those producing the play will say little at this e§rly date concerning the plot, for they want the entire production to provide surprises on the big night. Cast of Characters The brilliant cast of characters includes the following local citizens;" Inmate No. 1,' Joe McAndrews. pointed out ttat »" ™*!;" "TlI ( 1 ) t o t e n .-- Mayor R. I. Overton and Alder- A total cf $785.76 was paid" out in I man George Freund last week atpremium money to members com- j tended the Fox Valley Mayors' Aspleting their projects after showing i eociatfon meeting at Uhe Baker at county show, Aug. 85, and at the hotel in St. Charles, at which time grain show last week. j members unanimously -indorsed plans Winners in state and national j to publicise and promote the future contests were announced at the meet-i development of the Fox River Valing which followed the Chamber of ley and to employ an experienced' >n the business districts easier was Commerce banquet for "A" rating i public relations representative to spoken of briefly, but more study on members. Ray Horenberger, Jr., of i direct the assignment. Mayor Wal- ;the matter will be necessary before West McHenry, Luke Oberwise, Jr., ter E. Miller of Elgin is chairman ' any decision is reached. The associaof Harvard, and Bobegene Peterson- of the association and Mr. Overton ti°n intends to work with the city of McHenry were selected at Urbana secretary. I council on such projects. as state outstanding members. This! Seventeen mayorsr,from throughout A committee was appointed for is the highest state recognition made the valley were present to discuss *be purpose of completing arrange-; Inmate Nok.2, Marion Grace Cort- ' to local club members. ! various phases of development which ments for Christmas decorations j way. Twelve 4-H boys and girls from would be of benefit to the entire throughout the city. j Pluribus (general utility man at the county were presented with gold ! region. One of the most important The majority of McHenry business 1 the sanitarium), Jacque Hopkins, trophies for meriting "A" ratings, of things brought up was the raising aml professional men and women' Pendie (Miss Meredith's colored Local winners of this coveted award of funds to complete dams and neces- n.ow belong to this local organiza- I maid), Shirley Ballowe. were Ferol Martin, .clothing; Mary sary dredging from the area north t'on-. With 100 per cent membership, j Miss Lavelle (head nurse), Paulino Hogan, foods; Dan Weber, grand of here as far south as the Illinois i W'N be possible to realize many , Pries. champion hog; James Bohl, grand river. Additional money which the 'TnroveTn*nts which will make the I Mr. Higgins (superintendent champion poultry. entire valley region expected to be an even better place to live. Mrs. Clara Greaves Sweeney, home appropriated for this purpose some adviser, then announced the state, months ago was unexpectedly voted' __ ATT», honor girls for the year and pre- down in Springfield. j "A "A IS Aid* sented each with a merit kadge. Lo-; Persons who have been following ! TO BE OFFERING aotnoi «o' T",~ cal girls receiving this honor were the work done on dams in this area An mnvuros riTT-rr n document, ®s follows: Social, Carol Harrison and Ferol Martin, will be interested to know that the THEATRE GUILD in f.'.-FCr? 0 educational and i Among the thirty-seven girls pre-! Algonquin dam has been completed °J not in sensed as state project honor mem-: »nd dredging to the north of it is I The many patrons who were bers were the following from this now in progress. J excited and scared by 4 Love From A community; Darlene Andreas, Jane Another important matter-which Stranger" have a "return again' - It was ^^y'°He t^adde?°^at*Ztfc«n system Municipal court, prior to aervirTg in ; history of "all' veteran* Jhe | Setts, jean Betts, Muriel Butter, has been seriously discussed by the vitation from the McHenry* County •em. tie added tnat tno system * 1 ^ whether living I Grace Glauser, Carol Harrison, Char- mayors is obtaining locks at all dams Theatre Guild to now join in and let in » *• served lotte Hogan, Mary Hogan, Louise ! to make tie river navigabie at all i loose that pent up energy by laughi Innrfi.i 11 to assist in any Hunt, Ferol Martin and Jean Muzzy, J poiius. However, this cannot be ; ir*g to their heart's content during th«ii> •« worthy comrades, an 0f Ringwood; Geraldine Cormier, undertaken without considerable the three acts that go to make up llltsir Wives, widows, Children or' PAff<rv Qal an/4 GKucom Call« A# mnnpv svsilshlp fnr f Ka mifn^so i PoftAt*oAn T« All » orphans; (4) to foster true iem. ne auaeo inai uio system jy.~ l " 7 which has been recommended for h _ . y. . . . _ McHenry county is now in operation obtained from C in Scott and Brawn counties, the , " or at the door, population of the* former being 8,176, with a social population of 1,100. j Sheriff's Office Investigates „ Donald Still of the Woodstock board j Week's Burglary at ; Patriotism and (5) to encourage the of education pointed out that in ( * * * mvuiuwuu maintenance and extension of inhis it was unfair to com- stitution of American freedom, as ,*8 H»e preservation and defense ill her opinion .. „ ..... , Ere our county of approximated 1 J*eputies from the <*ounty sherifPs „.Ci5C1 T„won ana 000 people with such small °™,ce were called to Richmond early of the United States from ner counties. However, Mr. Black said this week to investigate the burglary | enemies whomsoever. Not however that Kane county has been divided | L* the Miller garage on Main street. | including the payment of sick or into three units, each larger than ! The garage manager, Harold Wirch, death benefits and not including the our county. One of McHenry's I nad a few iiours before discovered j care of neglected or dependent delegation then spoke up, saying; the theft of automobile accessories! children, that in his opinion the matter of i a°d tires valued at $250. A window Patterson Greene's "Papa Is All Here is the story of a tyrannical Pennsylvania Dutch father who involves the family in all sorts of humourous circumstances. This play designed to give you a chance to lor^hart, Huntley, dairy; Clinton mote the Fox River Valley and s u r - ' laujvh, laugh, laugh, features again in >iedr:ck, Huntley, dairy; Ray Horen- rounding area, with its fine potentials ' the expert comedy technique so often -er.ts, including ierger, Jr., W. McHenry, dairy: ties as-ideal vacationlami. The 'i*played by the Woodstock Players. the auxiliary ^ -- -- T 1 flf lJf M Vtl an ttHraV MH^l <ha>1 U*t ul. tf A > £ Dn ma 4. Ua n.i iL ..a.. / - 1 . 1 A I'hfill ; IM D W olfiA transportation would be considerably forced open in the office of the, 1ST. A Nil t.lW MAW less of a problem. in Kane county's , Public Service Co., brarich which oc-, nTVT. ___ three sections, where the area was*' cupie? the rear of the building, iitdi-' WW MUflDAYj ssaaller even though the populuation: cated entrance was made through the WORM) WAR I VET was larger. office. j Under questioning concerning the Missing from the stock were five, oprvi . ., Sutter of selecting members of the sets of rayon seat covers, two sets tho Jacob Timtim qi i stock noultrv beard of education, Mr. (Black stated of fibre covers, four set of foglights,, ou v\ eanesoav attf rnoon ! Special stati . ^\,not more than three members • two ^ 1 ^ Oillesnie, 76. who died at ^hJ ' the basis of' superior project work «f the seven-man board could be two automobile tires and two fiv*-, Woodatock*h08pital on Monday , are as lollows: National soil conelected from any one township. An ^alon cana of oil-- noon, Nov. 10, 1947. A resident of 1 servation contest, James Lmdsiy, 2rt TS S?°THE BOY" SCOUT DRIVE i sible for Woodstock, whose school' Boy Peggy Selsdorf and Sharon Sells of money available for the purpose. Wonder Lake. | Of late, a plan has been discussed State Project Honor Members j whereby large manufacturing conselected at Urhana On the basis of; cerns and public utilities might be superior project work locally are; | interested in a financial and adver- Wm. Behrens, Alden, dairy; Harold j tising ^ projrram^ which would pro B o r ^ h a r t , -- - . . . ~ ' Diedr berger, , ,, r-- . - • - James Lindsay, W. McHenry, soil plan vrajsl outlined by Frank Hagen of Be sure to be with your friends that improvement; Rowan Lockwood,1 .Winneska, a former newspaper man evening when you and many others Crystal Lake, dairy; Don Mueller,' and public relations counsel, and was ' enjoy together the many warm and Marengo, dairy; Luke Oberwise, Jr.,1 enthusiastically received by those humorous incidents that make Harvard, dairy; Bobegene Peterson, 'n ®ftendance. "Papa Is All" the best play yet preiStcHenry, electricity; Marilyn Reed, The mayor's association was or- "'ned on the stage of the Woodstock Woodstock, home ground beautifica- ganized several years ago for the Opera Houste. Remember "llie tion; Doroihy Remus, Woodstock,1 purpose of endeavoring to secure play's the thing," so set aside Nov. garden; Judith Seibel, Richmond, i state assisUnce in dredging the Fox 13, 14, 15 or 16 for an evening of dairy; and Carol Stecker, Wood- river and improving the stream for superb theatre presented by the Mcrecreational and navigation pur- Henry County Theatre Guild. Special state honors awarded on poses. the sanitarium), Otto Scholx, Mr. Marshall (one of board of directors), Harvey B. Williams. Jack "Speedy (Mr. Marshall's son), Robert Felse. Reggie Mortimer (admirer of Peg), Arthur Epert. Peg Meredith (a visitor), Patricis Henn. Hard Boiled McCarthy (a policeman), Russell Lutz. Edward Gordon (Evelyn's fiance), Daniel Justen. Evelyn Winslow (wealthy patient), 3etty Long. . / Marjorie, Beatrice and Janet (Pegto friends), Mary Jean Doherty, Janefc. Vai:Kanagan and Sue Williams. Choruses are made up - of mem* Vrs :if the auxiliary unit, who w®7 • ing new and old songs which atOt 'avorites of everyone. -- Tickets are now on sale for sixty tax, from members _ or from the V.F.W, They may also be purchased at thi»;. door. Proceeds will be turned over to the V.F.W. Veterans Club, Inc^i to be used for further improvements in their soon-to-be completed homo* HERMAN SCHMITT ^AS ENROLLED IN ENGINEERING COURSE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL J "TIN 3S CONTAINED kil'EST NIGHT OBSERVED |t*Y FOX VALLEY CAMP ^L^driJe Ta^rs and ?ie ^ l^ing at Island Lake : tern ate for state honors and $60 IS VETS DIRECTORY --.. -- . ... . •»- . „ j i®5 I® * , for the past five years. He was an savir*Ks bonds; national leadership district lies in two townships, to ^workers gather^ at Art &, ^®.s industrial chemist. contest, Ray Horenberger, Jr., W have six representatives on the Restaurant on Riverside Drive this! He was a native of England and McHenry, county ribbon; and Luke!. lT veterans commission board, thus giving too much au- paursday) morning, prior to going a wteran of w ,d w gj havtig Oberwise, Jr., lli.vard, countv rib-1 h2%^u.n distribution of a directory thority to one particular part of the forth to conduct the annual campaign ^ _ K -- nrivate. *" " . . .. * -!j il-is worthy cause. They exboard of education; Robert Mcr '»'-ct to approach business men and Connell of the Woodstock board housewives for contributions dur asserted that in his opinion too much the next few days so that the! survivors power was being vested in this group fine work of this popular organiza- vinl»t nnrf a uw /•" t_ .nd that the .would Hon, lor younc bo,8 m.y be eon-, Ktod U tJu«.r,r. become too much of a politically- tinued. at ^ gervices Monday. ^>erated program. J * McHenry's Indebtedness 1 from the general comments heard LOCAL ORGANIZATION McHenry raised the question of during the evening concerning the HAS "ADOPTED" FAMILY the $300,000 bonded indebtedness county single unit system, it seemed j ' which the public favored in an I evident that the proposed plan was j Court Joyce Kilmer No 573 county. Aio in connect^ with the ^ ^ Thej du"tj & D.uTf'S'r!"Mwmio.! 1 JH. th. British srmy durins "SK ^ Herman A. Schmitt is enrolled ig the aeronautical engineering couras for the fall term at the4 Aeronautical University of Chicago, it was' Guest Nighc was observed1 by i announced last week. Schmitt is Fox 'River • Valley Camp, R. N. A., n,'° oi" 900 students who "have en*- , "ast week, with offices being filled teied the University for the fatt The Illinois Veteran's commission I follows-: Oracle, District Super-; Semester. Eighty-nine per cent oi vis-t r Gladys Ames, Gurnee; past! * e students are _ veterans, many of : of Illinois private, trade and voca- ' oracle, Kathryn Meyer, Woodstock;, them with aviation experience alU-- Mary Jeschke, Crystal P?'°ts or mechanics in the armed sei^i '• chancellor, Florabel Vogel, v'c®8, | Woodstock; recorder, Ethel Holly,, Schmitt plans to enter aircraft? of veterans 1 Riverview Camp; receiver, (Mary ' ^'""Ufacturing industry or th^aitSv- ••'"«««/- Survivors include the widow, dairy production coi.test,' Bobegene Vodmansky, Algonquin; marshal, "nes as a design, research or pen--- . |St&^d^ MrriCU" n^F °Mc,He»^&hmitt' ^ ^ ^ Woodstock, county medals"; national' In addition to the regular service u--fiTVieW home ground beautification contest, eft'eers in each county of the state n}U81c»an Marilyn Hackman, Marilyn Reed, Woodstock, Sally Mc the directory will be distributed to | J>okorn5y' tock and Barbara De- i members of the student advisement! ! i Coura^c^Lydia Lazansky, erection of a new high school. In : response to ^warrant its approval by ^n'^Thursday ^a^n' . Alden, county ribbons; section of the commission's education dection a few months ago for the not meeting with sufficient favorable Catholic Daughters of America met Connell, Woodstock and Barbara De- - - •*' _ --M A «%A«ar kiaik BAUAA! TM : ...»A 1 L... 9 ... ' HoAn A MAVI /lAimfv* r to what becomes of this the public. He was of the belief that "fnr^' thl "^IniTii'r ^monthlv n®tional tractor maintenance. Rowan! department, who assist veterans in , Mr. 'Black said that it would; » second plan, which was also con- KuSfs meeting The lumbers Lockwood. Crystal Lake, and Ken- j the sixty colleges of the state. • SB'S •SS5'; dStutTSSiffh Gieske, Woodstock, «,„„ty rib-1 There are 245 district trades and Europe through the National Office ®®ns' Northern Ilhnois^^better meth-, vocations in the directory, all of ssoney become the property of the ' new; sidered seriously by the survey baa^i. However, Mr. McCatmon group, would meet greater support that provision is made that if < by the public, namely, the community site was selected when the bond i unit system, which has the same was voted on, the new building | provisions as the county system but be erected on that plot of land. | embraces a much smaller area. Tbere is still some doubt as to who j After more discussion, a vote waj will pay for this bonded indebtedness, taken to obtain the attitude of the Ibe original ruling was that the assembled citizens in regard to the ^strict in which the vote took place county plan. AniTong urban people Following the meeting, would assume payment. Since that in attendance, there was decidedly a |jrS j0hn H Stilling chairman and toe, however the attorney-general negative reaction concerning such j ner * committ^ 9erved refreshments' -- has ruled that the entire county, a system. The rural group present, The SOcial meeting on Nov. 20 November under the new system, would be while also exnressing a preference [ w51i the annuai card tourna- Junior Class Play. and consequently four packages will ! contest, Esther Slavin, Alden, them classified and cross-indexed to be J<enet to CARE at this time. All ' ^r?nc€fi ?™V!n' Alden, and Faye i facilitate easy selection. Among the rourts of the order are urged to | "ehrens, Alden. j unusual items are: brewing, bar- •adopt", at least one family. j Mu*lc fo/ t?e. banquet and pro- tending, cake decorating, equitation. Rev. E. C. Baumhofer, chaplain,! fT*™ was iurnishiHi by the "Hungry lumber drying, laundering, ring slz- " " l"~u -1u--' ing, silk screen processing and vegetable carving. Veterans interested in a trade or vocation may check the schools of a particular type with Philip E. Bierde- 14 * man, IVC eave a most interesting and inspir- I e the local high school, ing talk which was enjoyed by all | j ©pMTNO EVENTf McHenry. R indwell Farms First Algonquiun; Modesty, Helen MorCounty Exposition Entry gan, Algonquin; Unselfishness, Mabel Hesselgrave, Woodstock; Endurance, I McHenry county's first eh try for Mary Mallette, Woodstock; flag! the 1947 International Live Stock bearer, Louise Kramer, Riverview | Exposition and Horse Show was re* Camp. j ceived from Ringwell Farms neat A social hour followed the business | Ringwood. They will exhibit in th# of the meeting, after which the ^ purebred Shorthorn cattle classeft committee in charge served sppe- j of this event, which will mark . it# tising freshments. EVA EPPEL ELECTED O. E. S. WORTHY MATRON Flection of new officers of the service officer in Mc- j O.E.S. was held last Monday eve- I* tnkAOA ia 1 AAA ^A/1 I .1 If 1 _ 1 11 A I • 1 responsible for the debt. The final for a community system, was more : members Mrs Harrv Durdscision will probably be left to the evenly divided on the subject. |and ^ ^ chairman of this party. *** k a . „ , ; More Meetings Planned The tournament which will last A board member from one of our! More educational meetings will be through the winter geason is an smaller communities spoke up, say- held throughout the county in order eyent nleasantlv awaited by all meming he was sure that people in areas >o receive the opinions of larger , which were free of such indebtedness groups cf people. The survey com- • • • and had no call for a larger school mittee will then submit its final* would object to help paying of/ such report, which will be voted upon by f bonds. Mr. Hughes answered that ti.e puLlic. Urban and rural popula- [ most of these communities had so ions will vote separately and it will f much to gain from the new system require the affirmative county vote of! that this one imposed obligation was both of these groups to carry. unimportant in comparison. i La3t week's meeting was a very Teacher'a Status i interesting one, with a* large dele- One citizen addressed the chairman I cation from the various communities • -late in the evening with m remark j in attendance, including about twenty that nothing had been said concern- ' from McHenry. Concerning one thing ing the lot of the teacher under the ! everyone was in agreement, that •sw arrangement. Being a teacher1 the survey committee was to be ^imself, his chief concern was the ! complimented on their intelligent and power of the new board to move j sincere efforts in making up their faculty members anywhere in the i tentative report. There was probably county as the need might arise. j no one present who was not in favor Mr. Black answered that the board ' of the advantages which the comwould have full authority here but mittee felt would be realized by such added that members were quite | a plan. The opposition was merely human and thus constant moving ! a difference of opinion as to whether should be hardly considered too; that plan could provide such adseriously. It was also disclosed that vanfages as adequately as a cornteachers are out of tenure upon insti- I murity unit system. tuti'm of the new plan. j It i's the duty of all citizens, as The matter of a junior college, taxpayers, whether or not they have laves and the elimination of some of' chil iren in school, to study this the county's high schools under t>« vital problem. Plan to attend the system were also discussed, with local general assembly on Monday various cittattf? expressing their evening, Dec. 8, and let the survey •pinions and asking questions in, committee hear your reactions to •rder to clarify their own thinking, their proposal. It is only by doing so In conclusion, Supt. C. H. Duker that tkey can release a final report ijxucjjjresaed the sflai-- that'that will meat with public spprovaL Henry. , AMONG THE SICK • Mrs. Stephen H. Freund has been H at- her b».r.ie on Fearl street this week. Tony Widhalm has been a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. OBSERVE ARMISTICE - DAT About 250 members of the local Legion post and their guests enjoyed a turkey dinner at the Riverside hotel last Tuesday evening, Nov. 11. Capable toastmaster for the evening was "Bud" Kosinski, and principal speakers were Richard Williams, post commander, and M. L. Schoenholtz. Annua] Toyland will open at AlthotTs Hardware store, West McHenry, on Saturday, Nov. 15. Come in and make your selections. 25-fp Beginning Monday, Nov. 17, Bacon's Bait Shop and gas station will be closed for the winter months. •26-fp Complete line of Lee's poultry Mc- S-tf Mothers Club--Legion Hall. Cirele 4, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Fred Nickels. - . November 15 Feather Party--St. Patrick's church hall--Spon="red by Holy Name. November IS Lecture by Judge Sbarbaro--Parochial School. Hall -- Sponsored by C. D-. of A. November 19 McHenry Unit Home Bureau--Mrs. Carrie Ensign. ' - November 2f Bazaar and Cafeteria Luncheon-- Methodist Church--Sponsored by W. S. C. S. « ° November 21 Public Card Party--Legion Wall-- Sponsored by Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. November 22 Public Card Party--Parochial IHwl Hall--8 p. m.--Sponsored bySt! Mary's-St Patrick's School P.T-A. November 22-2S Home Talent Play--Sponsored br V. F. W. Auxiliary. 07 December S Christmas and Bake flals Won Lutheran Mission Aid. December 14. High School Christmas' Choral Concert. Come in today and seieet th# card which will be your to loved oner during season. We have cards at tha beautiful It-fp Henry county, whose of rice is located at 100% N. Benton St., Woodstock. NEWLYWEDS WILL RESIDE IN McHNRY A wedding of interest here was solemnized at St. Mary's church in Wbodstock on Saturday, Nov. 8, when Miss Shirley Salzman, daughter of the .Herman Salzi»ian's of that city became the bride of Lawrence C. Dhom, son of the Charles Dhoms of Newton, III. Rev. Joseph Egan officiated at the service. A wedding breakfast was held in the Mariola room of St. Mary's school for relatives of the family,' Elizabeth Bohr, and later a reception was held at ning at the Masonic hall, at which time Mrs. Eva Eppel took her place •as, worthy matron for the ensuing year. During the evening, Mrs. Lottie Bransford, the out-going worthy matron, *poke a few well chosen words of t ppreciation t« those who had co-operated in making her year as leader such a successful one. Newly elected officers are as follows: Worthy matron, Eva Eppel; worthy patron, Chancey Harrison; forty-eighth annual renewal as tha country's largest livestock show, November 29 to December 6. It will be held in the International Amphitheater at the Union Stock Yawls. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake , hava moved from the home of her parents north of this city to the Rose Huemann home. The Alfred Millers have moved from Richmond Road to the Henry Stilling farm north of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Diedrich have moved fro.n the Diedrich cottage at Woodlawi Park to the Jacob associate" matron, Elsie " Reiker; as-! Diedrich farm near Big Hollow, sociate patron, George Reiker; sec re- I latter family has moved to Volo* tary, Myrtle Ethel Holly; the home cf tne bride's parents. The j lunch was served by Mrs. Robert Harrison; treasurer,' The place vacated by the Alfre<| conductress, Mildred I Diedrichs is now being tenanted by Howorka; associate conductress, I Everett Kltnker family, who " izabeth Bohr ' "ave from Morris, 111* Late in the "evening, a delicious MrKlinker is employed on the Joa - - -- - - Diedrich farm. couple will reside in McHenry after Dec. 1. BIRTHS ^ --aa. P I -->1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burger of Island Lake are the parents of a son bora on Nov. 5 at the Woodstock hospital. The Riverside Bake Shop will be closed llonday, Nov. 17, -and open Monday, Nov. 24. It will be closed Thanksgiving Day and every Monday except holiday weeks. 26-fp Complete line of _B eebe_ livestMoce_k S-tf Thompson and Mrs. George Kramer. TRACTOR STOLEN The theft of a tractor valued at $700 was reported to the sheriff's office in Woodstock last week by Edward Breit, who resides north of Volo. He told investigating deputies that the tractor had been in a field near Duck Lake, which he was farming, since Oct. 5, and when he went to the field last week it was gone. Investigation revealed that it was taken from the site by truck. Come in to Althoffs Hardware store, W. McHenry, on Saturday, Nov. 15, when Toyland opens. A real treat for the kiddies. ^J5-fp Flaindaaler. CHAPTER PRESIDENT Miss Patricia Cristy. daughter of ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Cristy, Ringwood, was recently elected president ^ >t' the Iota chapter of Alpha Phi af i Madison. Wis. "Pat," a senior, is the school of commerce, majoring i marketing. MARRIAGE LICENSES Howard J. Freund. Johnsburg, and Betty Maxwell. McCullom Lake. Hurry, Hurry! Our selection Xmas cuds is still large, bat bi too many days tile choice ones be gone. Select raa today at McHeury Flafadpekr. the Wa - ^ • « j 'u *«- • •