<*H+Z} : c$r--m aP>A A aMtOeMwv - -KMfHcMIIMMMBMI arrrissj&.'iitasp McHENR Y SIGN SERVICE now cuuuw ^X,„ OUTDOO* STOHSTRUCK UTTXRIKO A WINDOW of the has renumber of menufectartaf pleats in thai *#et year's decrease in dairy numbers is about average, •face 1941 showing an endrop of about 100. Better transportation la held largely responsible for the decrease. Haw With--i Am? gtriags What ever happened to the oldfashioned string bean? Well, when agricultural scientists went to work on it, they developed varieties withi out "strings" that will snap like a- | stick of peppermint candy. So it is | now the "snap bean," but it has not 1 lost any of its old flavor and food value. In fact these same scientists have produced a better bean in flavor and food value. .jfkHjSg-it WVWT tartfta aatf Uwi fBitwI Of Ml Moat gardens end lawns some damage by moles under crops, injuring sod and canning unsightly weshee. The common moles feed largely en earthworms, grabs, cutworms, beetles snd other hetmful underground pet-is, and only rarely do tiwy eel corn or other planted seeds or bite of reels. By feeding on harmful ande*- ground lawn and crop pests end by stirring the soil moles would be d* ctdedSy benefldel. If they did net at the seme time damage crepe and lawns by their burrowing ectt*. ities. Where erosion Is not serious, moles may be beneficial in meadows, pastures end weste areas. It is not easy to completely protect a lawn or garden from moles, but by (Ring traps, hand destruction, a mole-killing dog and strongsmelling repellents sne can prevent much of their damage. Moles have e very keen sense ef smell and can be driven to other feeding grounds by dropping mothballs, chunks of carbide, crystals of p&radichlorobenzene or similar chemicals through small betes made In the surface of their runs. teeriea's Oldest Ism Tbe oldest house In America, le> cated at St Augustine, Fla., was sold. It was built in 1864 by ks of the Order of St Franfri end tiie whole of the solid struotee Is composed of soquina, a com* Mnetion of sea shells end mortar, which,, is almost indestructible. Curing by Drags . • person of dine germproduced disease by means of potent drugs may lead to development of another disease. Dr. William J. Kerr of San Francisco recently warned in a discussion of the use of penicillin. Many disease-producing germs live in a balanced state of existence in the body and normally remain in an ineffectual state but if one kind of germ Is killed off others may develop spontaneously In great numbers and produce diesymptoms, (he reported. | Keep Tools In Shape Tools should be kept In good CM* dMon. An old ax or hammer may have a loose head that will fly off end strike a bystander. Sharp tools properly used and stored will do | more work with less effort , tools in poor condition. Sugsr digestive organs are pot effort to bring about the necessary for its use by the body When sugar is swallowed the jfihi acidity of the stomach g process of inversion -- that is, it breaks up the sucrose in the fetestines by a ferment invertaee. From the dextrose end levulos idly into the bloodstream I Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindenlcr.' . Slop Creaking Fleers .Many creaking floors result when o» subflooring becomes loosened from the Joists. If the underside is expoeed end the defects located, ' liver. There the sugar is thin wedges may be driven between ! wrted ^to glycogen or the Joist end the loose boerd. However, if there is e ceiling below it ie necessary to remove the finished floor Unless tWO-inch flniahfag nalfa driven through the floor and into the Joist stops the creaking. The joist may be located by gentle pounding for hollow and solid sounds. Drive the nail head below the surface and fill the hole with wood pytty or some similar sub- **"•1 starch, in which form it is stored. The liver gives to the bloodstream a steady supply of "blood m|tT » which has been formed from the glycogen. The blood then passes to the heart, again to be pumped into the general circulation, carrying with it a definite quantity of blood sugar. "" - * Need Rubber Stamps? The. Plaindealer. Order MILLER'S CORNERS - ^ iyt MILE EAST OF RICHMOND • * • ' " ON ROUTE 173 ^-- 7 Dressed Turkey* Ducks and Geese Hew Geysers Perform ' 1 Geysers have been defined as MM springs which intermittently eject columns of boiling water and steam. They are found only at places where the Internal heat ef the earth approaches the surface. The action of the geyser is comparatively simple. Water from the surface or from subterranean sources collects in the bottom of a deep tube-shaped opening in the rocks. This opening which has been enlarged from a crevice by the dissolving action of heated waters charged with sulphur gases, is known as the geyser tube. The water in the bottom of this tube is heated by hot gases rising from below or by contact with heated rock, but because of the weight of the -column of cooler water in the tube above, it does not form bubbles of steam although it is heated much above the boiling point. The hot water gradually rises until the entire column of water becomes heated and the water near the surface, which is under less pressure, begins to boil, causing a certain amount of water to overflow the rim of the geyser,' Modern House Designs Houses of modern architectural ~ | design usually reflect the advan- ==, tages of new materials like ftr ply- =' wood which has structural strength and is manufactured in big sheets. M I Q> THOSE DAYS when everything nm to at onoe, your modern gas range cornea forward with a hand. flee ranees halo today's fwimmaWw If dinner . preparations are a little delayed, don't wony about it The inetantheat burners at your fas naga will get thn r unt 8IM fanrw unte way When you mad free horn in the afternoon ... pop an entii* meal into your gas oven. Sat the temperature control and forget about dinner until cooking time is up. Your hours are your own while the steady gas flame doee its work. There are many different shades of heat on your gas range ... to help you serve meals to suit your family's Ma* You have everything from a perfect flame for aiow-and-eveo cooking to just the proper temperature for quickly cooked foods. There's no doubt about it, cooking with gm •--"« good meals-for Wor-born del a ln 'he yS tnhee nn ot0r° n. ^ / p'Pe/lr Hiokn it n , n c e n ry re5tri, -- space ^ '"Pp/y'fo °nies and e< 5e""°/ n&eds ' '•4?:: % NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE M6ULAR SHSVKSI6 BY THE BS«T QUAUFMD PCAC1 IN TOWN MAKEFI AUTOMOBLTES RIM PROPCBLY AMO AND THAT PLACE IS NKKMUEIft MCHENRY 0ARA6( SPEEDY* SKEOY SAYJt HOLOTNO A U6HTED MAICH OVCRANOMN TAMK OF ITS OOrCoCo B USTNESS THE UNDERTAKER! THEIR SEPVICt IS SUPERB \ N 608 FRONT STREET ^OUTE 31 PHONE 108-R WWSET A TABLE THESE DROMEDARY OR OCEAN SPLAT FESTIVE WITH VALUES! AP CRANBERRY SAUCE •OR TASTY SALADS. ANN PAGK CALM IRESSIHG i6-o; TIN • e e MNT JA* NONE SUCH IRAND MICE MEAT e • 9-OZ. nee. Wc 32c 20c MEAT FOR IAIY. SWIFTS BABY FOODS Mt •LASS AO FOR YOUR FINE WASHAILES IVORY SOAP 2McST23# NIW LOW mcti uurs fratt Caaktail "oC *AN S it MM SIKAKS, MSH. ot Wwt Ntlaz Katihap ^ISt IONA MANO, HALVIO 0« SMM PtMhM 2S^47t FOC LAKINS OR FRYING I PURI 3 MM. Hi , etRHR's, cum F--T* 8W25C rw IAKINV V SievcRr'Mt CHKESE-FLAVORIO * Rltz Craektrt ;;%2f29c INCORCRRANO * * Ma«araal, Spaghatti |5g FOR IVCRY MILK USIL EVAPORATED WMttHemMHk 3^,38* ENRICHED. ALL-PURPOSE SaaoyflaM Flaar 5 ANN RAEC. PURI Paaah Pratarvat FOR YOUR LAUNDRY AMERICAN FAMILY FLAKES nca, 37' WHIN AVAILABLE LI. •Ae 50c IN TOMATO SAUCS 77r AiiPagaBaaas 2 * • ^ uBUI I AW Mies. IOUD Pi miTS «HI VEtETULES Wliat,s on your list? We've everything from oranges to onions--all country-fresh end budget-priced--as el* ways--at your A&K California ORANGES 7 1b. bag 49c . Texsg Seedless GRAPEFRUIT „ _ 10 for 59c Texas Juice ORANGES : ^ . 888 si*e; doz. 19c California ERUSSELL SPROUTS White Michigan TOi-ATOIS 1 lb. carton 19c P' --~--n tnr.. W lb. bag $1.99 NIW LOW PRICtjJ Wbita Star Taaa, .CAN NIW LOW PRICS, CONTADiNA LI-OZ. TINS SOLID PACK 4VHHL TaaMta Pasta NIW LOW PRICf Maiat SarilMS ASP IRAND. CANNIO P«Mpkla LIMY BRAND Frail CtaktaH RELIABLI BRAND Faiay Put SULTANA RRAND Staffed Olivet.. t-oz. CANS M • ML CANS ...~c»Ws !can1IS 41* MILD AND MILLOW • O'CLOCK 3 LAO $1 .H ~~A L-LB. IACS TT« LB. BA« ee« RICH AND FULL-BODIB RID CIRCLE 2^BAG85 3e LB. IA6 4SO VIGOROUS AND WINIY BOKAR COFFER 3 .AS $1.27 e I-LB. I ASS eT« LI. IA©4«« RELTFEEM COUPONS AtP. SARATOGA Pork and Beass .. •'CAN 13® EVEHYIHING FOR AN APPLE PIE. BETTT CROCKER Apple Pie Quick • • • PKG. 40* FOP **NC*K6S WAFPLES IISCUITS Geld Medal Bisquick PKG. NEW LOW P?ICf! BHOADCAS1 BRAND ponied kef Hash e e CAN M* SfcxvE WIlH WIENERS ' _ MPSassrkrstf 2^2H SOP «INE FLAVORING MP Appls Sauce 2 CANS 27* NEW tOW PRICEI MARVEL FRESH RAISIN BREAD I^IB* SERVE WITH CREAM CHEESEl JANE PARKER BOSTON BROWN BREAD 24* JANE PARKER. ICED ALL OVER. CHOC. FUDGE LAYER CAKE • • • • • EACH 69* A REAL BAKERY TREAT AND VALUE! JANE PARKER FRESH D0NIITS or Cinnamo* OF 12 BACK AGAINI FAMOUS JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE. . . . u££*2« I'A-LR. LIGHT $1 .ee IVV-LR. DARK «e« A TASTY TRSAT POR YOUR BREAKFAST. PROM BREAKFAST ROLLS .. 2ft 25c FOR THAT QXYDOL SPARKLE OXYDOL PKG. LOTS MORI SUDS SUPER SUDS PKG. 37e / FOR YOUR DISHB VEL PKG. 34' FOR YOUR LAUNDRY LINGO BLEACH QUART BOTTLE I4e RICH IN LATHER OLIV-ILO 2=a«.2I* FOR LOVELY SKIN fERSGNAL IVORY 3 caws 23* FOR GREASY HANDS LAVA SOAP 3MEDIUM EER CAKES *"» LARGE IS. CAKE IW 0V>v\ S\OYOS • " ' ******> -./si r\ ' *• ^ % .j