4 ;•« *-$* XS> *j&ar It voold te Mis. John J* King Oil New Tear's, Mr Fster M. Frond, to|htg, and Mi Hubert Ml and Mrs. Fraand atHicHenrv. the #M Jeffers of Chicalling on frindi mm Howard Freund of Johnsburg. Srtiset View attended a New Ere party gifan by their Mpbtnr, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sparks, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marqh of lily Lake accompanied them. Spectators at the Sonja Henie lea Revue in Chicago last wink included Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stilting. 1 AGO ' ^*St ef County, tar talning fMr aetaa, fan rather wistful and forall their glory, « a Mr weeks ago they freeh and green, so beauti- V^lhl with their ma .-^lawts and s&ihfag e "•'t is the way with fame, too. - ' JOne artnvte yoi stand up in all I--you're no- 80, why worry a Christmas tree, that the town of fat Fayette County, Hie capital of .. of its rural. General farming'is practical Sfevni^ *afwn Maw ear Mr. and Chicago ei •e>iw burg. Mia. Barney Mayer of jt& part or the holiday oa friends in Jobns- On New Tear's Eve Mr. and Mrs. Gene Meyers win in Chicago. Tha homeoflfrt. crah met at ,tha _ _ Amith test vaek. Prises were received by Mrs. LeRoy Oar deepest sympathy William Kelley of Chicago, mother, Mrs. Charles Nevaril, died last week. Mrs.'Kelley has a home in the Miller subdivision. Mr. aad on New T< Mrs. Joa P. Cletoa LaFon Frank bert Hi Arnold Miss Louise Homan, viaited last weekend with her sister, Mrs. Pad Kromroy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kurth Sanaet Yietr, went to M< Lake, last Sunday to help their in-law, John Tray Boyle, celebrate his birthday. •x» YARCON Guaranteed 2 Yean Providing plenty of reserveb power, Varcon Batteriea insure quick starting even in the coldest weather. "Fibergiaa" inaulatkm moone extra power ;.. and additional life. "No-overflow" cwew |p * piwtt acid-loas. Ineore yourself 6T Jj§ trouble-free battery service--and save .Iff ^ \>s. "recharge" expenaa... TOY A Vakoon. Fits Chcvrolets, Fords and Plymou tha Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith had as their New Tier's day guests, Mrs. Smith's sisters and brother, Gertrude, Barbara and Henry Weber. Last winter four teams started out to have practice bowling but it developed into very real competition. They met again last Saturday night at Schaefer's bowling alleys to prove, without question of a doubt, who the champions were. 1 The "wmnahs": Clarence Michaels (captain), Mary Hettermann, •Lorraine Hiller, Bob Frett and Fred Smith, Jr. Second place: Gerry Hettermann (captain), Henry Hiller, Otto Kroh, Frank Freund and "Ma" Hettermann. Third place: Pete Pedersen (captain), Florence Pedersen, Martha Freund, Fred Huemann and Ed Hettermann. Last, but not least: Joe Frett (captain), Joe Kroh, Joe E. Freund, Dorothy Hettermann, and Ruth Kroh. Reward: A package of double mint chewing gum. After the competitive bowling had ended the four teams and Mrs. Joe Frett, Mrs. Frank Freund, Mrs. Fred Huemann, and Mrs. Joe Kroh went to the Joe' Kroh home, where they were served a very delicious buffet lunch by Mrs. Kroh. Sometime during the course of the evening the losing team challanged the victors to a return bout, to be held in the very near future. Strangely enough, strong men <Ugte Pedersen and "Sarge" HettOrmSim didn't receive quite enough exercise while bowling. At the termination of the evening, when all. were ready to leave, the automobiles became temperamental and I had to be pushed, six in all, .which j was done by "Sarge" and Pete. ! Consequently they were left marooned on top of Hamburger Hill. A short while later a eouple of snow men walked into the Johnsburg tavern. Who were they 7 "Osmp" wnd Pete. Mrs. Helen Hetterman was hostess to her club* on Tuesday. The fortunate ladies to receive prises Mrs. Hettermann, Mrs. Albert Pepping and Mrs. Martha Freund. .fWtMfTOI* theFBeeef ^ ^ * " ef Tesna Age Charles «. has been trater far Turner. J. D. Lodts, merchant tatter, has a new floor in his shop, and made other improvements and it aow pre* sents e very neat and tasty . - ahevt MTfaty-*v» enafdss at tha Mew M, « the MeHenryfiLoase Friday avert* last. A idea tha* home TWENTT-FIVE TEARS AGO Paw. TeuMrne9a 1 m 1 ia^mr rieRd I.ai t Ms ri led it St. Ffa*, of Woedstoek, and Miss 4#ms Seickem, of McHenry. Gstsebnan and Mies Jane Chepell win tike place at the home of the parent*, in Elgta, Wedn Marshal Walsh and, Went worth attended revival at the CampbeOite church, Fort Hi one day last week. There are ethers The price or January finally agreed upon is $2.60 per cWt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bickler will soon move their family to Chicago, where the former has accepted a position. A1 Krause is having ouite a large, addition constructed to his home on 1 we could name who are sorely Elm street, which he hopes to have! ne*d of grace, and advise thera ready for occupancy by early spring.' along the next trip. The Ridgeiteld sheep yards manager, will pay $18.00 per ton cam for all the «ar corn that the farmers can deliver. Rev. Raymond Sanger, pastor of the McHenry M. E. church, has taken up his abode! in this village and with his mother is now living in the M. E. parsonage on Main street. •tut fimiW if1!! Freund< Everyone slides now pt the tobogand family wiU move to McHenry on | gan, afternoon and evening. The old Fitsaimmons farm, Barreville Is such no more. L. R. Giddings, of Chicago, has purchssed it and hence forth will be its pro. prietor and tenant. There were 820 acres and sold for $60 per cash. • SIXTT TEARS AGO Fifty day a# apytysd tlm TE TO PAT of the Mdvhu Oeart haa SAANLNEA OF 1pVuEbBTliSc. mmcE is tint, by virtaa of a dsrrstal order wdf «nd entered at reewd If said Caart in the dhove entitled a St Janaary 1MB, the . . ktor with wiQ eraiixad win at the hoar of tan aVM A. M. m tlMk 4th day of February 104S, at 5w East froht doer of " hea* in tin City of Cavity of McHenry IBInois, offer for sale tad CUic vendue to the highest and it bidder for william j. mmm r with wa ammmi ef ^ of TheMbie (FWh Jan. »4S-tt) Sabaeribe for iha m IMi Ik Exchange Pries or about the ftrst of March and will take up their abode in the Rome on Park avenue which they purchased last fall and which was formerly owned by Petelr J. Heimer. Albert Justen and Mike Degen have gone to Kenosha, Wis., where they have secured employment at the. Simmons plant. Wafter Warner went to Elgin this morning, #rhere he has accepted a position in the Watch factory. Hie family will remain In McHenry for the time being. ^ FORTT TEARS AGO Witter was declared firm at 29 cents. There were no offerings nor sales on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Our villagers are anxious to know why the new city lights are not being installed. ' " ' 52-inch long black and blue kerse and broadcloth coats $10 value, now going at $7.73 at Block A Bethke's The Hunter-Weckler Boat company Ran, We are now enjoying the finest sleighing of the seosan, in this section. Married, at the M. E. parsonage in «Mh» to pay the _ and coats of iitd estate, all or much thereof as may be necessary to pay the debts now due in said eatate and the coats of administration aow due and to accrue, the right, title, interest and estate which the ssJd Theodora Mavar, deceased, had at ,W time of his death in and to the acre, following deacrlbad real eatate, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Ten acres of land being in the West half of the Northeast quarter of section1 number thirteen, township forty-five North, range eight East, and being the South ten acres of lot number three In said quarter section, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the quarter section line landag trafea -- la etween WWfrm Bta For farther _ local lleket Ajmt./ Mrs. Mamie spending y vni nvinwjr Wi OXa. OOLLXTTK, Owner Dealer SSI Mala Street Phone McHenry 459 Weat McHenry few days in Chicago with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Freund. Mrs. Freund is indisposed after falling down her steps last Sunday. Mrs. 6ora Herdrich of McHenry -enjoyed the New Year's holiday at the home of her daughter and sonin- law, Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin Hettermann. A returned traveler from a plea- ^ ^ 1^^ **• ^ Ci-- r- - * -- ^rriATi/T/xanA/iju «5 -tf Don't let unninsmsty startlag tro% * hie plague your winter driving! Sav{| yourself annoyance and expense by lying on the help of fee" Specialists.. .Standard Oil Dealerf who have eataoCsctorily completed tlak refreeher course at Standard Oil's in modern car care. At theee dinka 9 . . . t h e l e i a s t t n d a f a employed. Hst s dealers and al ants lean the newest ways to care the individual needs of your car. And tht wiD continue ... class after ... to train additional Standard dealers and attendants. Let "Fmsonali laed 8ervioe" Spedaliets help you now ta guard agsiast starting troubles and drivfag problems that coma with j :s •v ' ^ f > 1 ,v * \ ^ -V-feSr." STANDARD SERVICE "SPEEDV NICK MILLER'S 606 FEOHT 8TBXBT 'I ^ OiW-i Tm ganitm of An automotive famed tha world over. To be recognized aa tha undisputnd ^an induatry ta raooinitkm of At hi<hwt order. And to have held that poeibon for almoat half a century is an honor well-nigh without parallel. It givea CSadillac bodi • deep sense of pride and a deep senae #1 reaponsibility to reflect (hat it has long -- Mthe Standard of the Worlds is universally V:fr_ . •* li M If ym mrt wmUmg f*r m mm CmdUlmc--pl**tw b* ettmW tkmt evrry rfmrt ta mtimg mmit t9 further prvdmctio*. Demand is m grtmt. kmwwoer, tkmt sam* Mmy im dlRvttf it stiU kuvitaMt* B*t ^ OVERTON MOTOR SALEM 40f FRONT r»* *'* McHENRY, ILLINOIS .* ft* ** ' 6y esing it* htfy of QHQtfhts 6*so/fn* ...ibr* y*6** servdot ^;;'V • " • • ,* 4-V' -j', ^ ..... ^ . :•••» -r- - v. .