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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1948, p. 8

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? " 1 % CLARENCE'S SHOP J BW " " "* u~4" pier and . trellises, etc. laws furniture, lawn and potrah swings, ehee, picnic tables, window boxes, Kitchen rsMitsts and cupboards made to order, I woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. ran Wof batter belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH j.l Johnsbmg.tll. tiM ft lib death Mloirim jweriUd ml •ted in the County ot State oflllinoia. to-wit: Ten iom of land being In the West half of tM mitheiat quarter of section number thirteen, township forty-five North, nme ligK East, and being the Benth tm acres of lot ber three in Mdd.fnitw section, as follows, to-wit: it s point on the quarter i . and sixty-nve of the quarter pest «t the North sidf of said section thirteen; thence Ba#t parallel with the section line eighteen chains and fifty links to a post and to the Church p#epertft thence South one and three rfBOrAZ GAS 8BRT1CS wwsrn botxle GAS»»™* Msfic Chef Ranges Water Heaters farol Ou Kefrifentm TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES Apt. » - <irfUn 8t '» toH enry Tel. Wonder lab 41ft - D*. R. H. WATUNf Tueeday* --Offke • ajn.teSpjn. j Morales Wendir Lake, 01 See T. P. on the ' Lake Shore for your Seal Estate and Insurance T. P. MATHEWS MAT. ESTATE AMD INSURANCE BROKER Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, HL, P. 0. Ringwood Pfeone Wonder Lake 306 t- - WELDING MainUsmnce aad Construction Portable Bgulpmsul H. B. VANCE--McHsary fl-J Hf South, JGSrneeeun BL, McHenry, |L MclENBY FLORAL # One Mile South of _ ou Route SI Flowers for all PRANK 8. MAT Trucking Saad -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Grate! Cinders -- Limsetenp •. , Trash for Hive McHenry SSS-M-1 R-l MdHury recorded in the reof McHenry County, 204 of deeds on page •4); stapled .in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, con- " yss-raf eent of the bid on the balance when Court has Sale. ion upon delivery of Dated this 8th day of January IMS. IAM J. MEYER, with will annexed of the estate of Theodore Meyer, demmkm Fred B. Bennett, Attorney, Woodstock, Illinois. ($ab Jan. 8-15-22) NOTICBOFCLAIM DATE . Freund Deceased, given to all per- 2nd, 1948, is the data in the estate of Emma K. NOTICB OF C ttruteof Emma K. Notice is hereby ] sons thftFflruary Wound, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, IIINli Midthat claims nay be filed against the aaid estate on or before said data without issuance of summons. CLARA F. CAMPBELL, Executrix Leroy J. Welter, Attorney ^(Pub. Jan. 16, 22, 29) ^ <ntei Ulnlng New York . *«»•**»« in New York City 1320 John Mertes of Johnsburg is still busily engaged at the carpenter trade and at the present time is erecting a beautiful new summer home in the John Miller subdivision, near Columbia park, for Clemens Jeffers of Chicago. Arthur Johnson, who/has been employed in a wholesale grocery house in Chicago during the past several weeks, has returned to McHeniy and is once more, making himself useful at the Overton garage. All the right-of-way for route 20, between McHenry and Volo, has now been secured, the last stretch having been signed up last Friday. FORTY YEARS AGO ; V"t. ' j ; We are informed that the John Heimer buffet is coon to be illuminated with a F. P. gas machine system. - Butter was declared firm at 80 cents on the Elg!n board, of trade Monday. Work on the ice was begun last week but the storm of last Sunday put a stop to operations this week. The Mayor Busse houseboat, which was one, of the Hunter-Weckler exhibition boats at the power boat show in Chicago was returned to McHenry Tuesday and is now in winter at the factory. pound* of milk per day with everything satisfactory to the patrons. The Johnsburg butter and cheese factory ypaid 90 cents for October milk. / Married at Johnsburg, John Thelon, from Kenosha. Wis., and Miss Maggie Myer, of JoHnsburg. P. S. Carr and Carl Fay have gone back to the seminary of Rev. R. K. Todd to teach for six months. Good for'our Ringwood boys* ' BR. R. ' l*f_ Green Streat Phone ISM. Office Hours: from ie to 4. ment. 3#«r.v ; . ~ GTs to Australia Since the end of the war two or tote thousand Americana have settled permanently in Australia. The Australian government in many , caaea is paying the transportation j of U. S. veterans who wish to settle | in Auatralia. They are also given > certain medical and other benefits, - -- Special Ratee en Lot FFTil ling . Leveling and __ Johnsburg Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plamdeaier. WEINGART TRUCKING Send --- fimrf Filling -- Blnefc Dftrt - Trucks fer Uve Free iMnlkf tmL 655-R-2 MtBenry, FIFTY YEARS AGO W. B. Nogle, who has worked'the 1L438 places to \ h. C. Mead farm for the past three eat and SJ01 places to drink as v« - frelUas 822 hotels. Kesri the Waat years, has rented a farm near Wood- J stock and will move there March 1. ; s Mrs. George Schreiner has | purchased of Mrs. J. Van Slyke, two VOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I-Beams, Columns, Angles Basement Sash of all Sixes We Specialise in Ornamental Iron Railinfs ^ .Tn.Order SCHR0EDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Address: Rt. 3, Box 514 McHenry, I'.L Two Miles South of. McHenry on J3L State Route 31 DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway SI -- Office and He** Tel. McHenry 31 McHenry, IB. tWflce Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 pja. Except Thursdaya Evenings by Appointmsnt Genuine Jenitaon't Polishing Wax in liquid foop* S«m« VIM . .. and it CiCAHS. Nclienfy Sand and Gravd Co. Excavating and Cfrane 8isrvioe Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel # CALL McHENRY 97-J BOLGER'S DRUG STORE DR. R. W. DONNBLLT Chiropodist -- Foot flpecisllet ICS So. Bivorslde Drive Phone 417 McHestJT Office Hours: by Daily and Evenings CMsed Wednesday CAB--Call 472-J If, you are in a hurry ^•or prompt and courteous service, Don't start to worry. We have 24-hour serving TtfcHENRY CAB--Call WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Elector and Pump types. All sixes. Complete and to- Install. Saip pumps. Take oil in trade. OM SALES AND SERVICEi McHenry 552-W-l (Ufclt. from NeU's Ballroom) f -- WANTED <TO BUY -- * JiWe «My $6 to MS for Old Horses, ikes for down horses and cattle. , MATTS MIMK RAWH* I ® 1 CALL AT ONCE ON DR. HENRY FREUND OPTQHEYKIST At 5f4 Main St.. West McHen^ Steftan's Jewelry Store _ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) :i I Dotty ^res Examined -- Glauses Fitted Visual Training -- Vhiual WehabilitaHon Complete Visaal Aaalyela : • to IS aad 1 to S--Saturday Evesisfs M^Sdl pja. PHONB McHENRY 451* , AND CA We pay shooo PLASTIC WAL Eighteen colors of be< .vaB covering. See them before . depurating vour bath or kitKhea. Colors are through the tile^--witt not peal or scrsijKh off. Write for eotimate or put Sales A from-Ne! kee WW-1. • in «• mi r » JtMUT P. BRDA A BW • Sheet Metal'end Fufuass"Wot% 101 M. Green It, McHenry, 0r Phone S4S-R MONTILY B8QOB9EP1MG SERYKE Records IaataHad aad Maintained Business, Fsrtoershlp, iBdWdaal Hdudarv and Faim Income Tax Retnrns Pvepased. Phoni for Appointment--Avoid Waitiiig. z P, ADAM§= ; Certified Tax Consultant One Mile Korth of Fox Lake on Rt. U. 8. IS Phone Fox Lake *501 FOX LAKE, ILL. Rom vhete I «it ™ fy Joe Maivttk A P. FREUND SONS Excavating Trucking, uJipAMriK aad Crane Service --ROAD . BUILDING-- Tel. ?M-M McHenry. Dl. Telephone No. IN STOffTBL * RE1HANSPBRGBR Insurance agents for all clsasss «( property In.the • beet • tsmpsniii. West McHenry, |{Hnob NAV«VNAMSVIE*LN«SHNMANBSSBSHBBEMI PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL Mtw--r that Kmthrt* -McKtmtw, Prmmtfort, WUl Countg, iUittoU. htr Chmmpion ((FIMMM TAM. •ion) mt tk» JM7 JntemsllMiei UN S(oclc Show. fromoShMpskin to ShMf^ ' V«MTI k'i V- % There arent toe many college graduates in our town. Good honest iitinUng. yes...bnt nMst folks went H>sm Ugk school into faming. No harm in that! But I admire Veterans like Dick Newcomb... , t |rh»'s 28, but going to college under the GJ. Bill of Rights. Intends to •beep farmer--but a better- 'ormed, more scicntific farmer, _ #>ith more know-how! W Aad veterans Um 1H^ aren't letflag anything Interfere. What little slsvsthn they aWowthtamlvos is the term ef needed exercise, or Fire, Auto, Farm and Ufa Insurance boslui or ceaversatioa aad aa eeil§r aional glass of beer with friends. Steem* u if, just by having their education postponed, they've put a higher value on it...and on things like temperance (that glass of beer, for instance), understanding, and good dtisenship. And from where I sit, when Dick gets his sheepskin--he won't have lost much time. Hell be an even better farmer than his Dad. 4Jteaetly what Dad wanted I) RBLIA1 When you need Insurance ef aay kind. Phone 4S or llt-M | Green 4k Elm McHenry ' V, * -~€opvr'+ht, l94&. United Statu Bnwtrt FeMtdsSaa BBpyoung peopsir iruin rtoruwrn nnnois ianns are conglltent winners in the various competitions at the great International Live Stock Show held in Chicago. In the last 8 years, hundreds of boys and girls from farms in this area Jiave won important national awards in junior end open They ere preparing themselves to carry forward fee traditions of fine farming that have brought Northern to national leadership in so many phases of agriculture-- that have made it the hub of aa ajea that produces *40&4»f America's farm output. In Northern Illinois, 98.2% of the farms ^laveelecftricity SvtfeMe. Cloee cooperation of our Agricultural Engineers With Northern Illinois 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America, agricultural extension agencies and with farm operators themselves has made it possible for farmers in tfeis area to get the utmost usefulness from electrical service. IWs cooperation has also resulted in originating and developing many unique and practical applications oN|itridty to farm labor-saving and farm home convenience. Among theee are electric barn cleaners, silo unloaders, electric hay and corn driers, barn and chfcken house ventilaton, water warmers for poultry and stock, dairy water heaters and pasteurizers and dozens of ingenious labor-saving usSi of portable motors for farm chores. Theee are contributions to the leadership, of Northern Illinois i|gricultvure and to the fuller life of Northern DUoois fiurmers. " Our companies are very proud to have shared fothem. fmm m This H-moiUkiy ntocromur* pieturt moguute, fmturing NortAam IUinoi* farm* and farm putt*, y*t*g M.Um utftti milium fcr tkimthumgiifU--** iuymilagricultural wuMMk Mmti irmlto>nr miing.AaySor- An IUimU farm hum CM W M M« frm maOmg tm fir th» mthUg. Jm* *r*t M. TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEMRTMENT p u b l i c e i a v i c i W l S T S a n U N I T | D • i s e i i N • an i i n n o i a A S A N D B L I C T • I C C O M P A N Y

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