v' - r f t . » , •> \'d' - * -/ . -* * j •***> i * f t w •; - r"' ' • i- , « "¥ • 4 '* • r . ' ' y< - * % Vf , ' * ,-, *» f ^ ^ * i**J wv',h»4^ '.r t*" ;- *• •• i ' *r & J\ , 'V -'. •;."rV.>/^ *4:^/ <- ' •? •* * - 5jr- -'.'..Hj , .*« j,- »• MsHOniT, ILUWOM, THOTBDAY, JAKUARY 22, 1MB ao.sc AMORAL OPENS fUKT HERE McHenry Division Expects To 250 Local Cit IRS. HENRY HNSALA LAD TO REST BONDAT Admiral Corporation, one of the laxpest radio-phonograph and television manufacturers in the world, announced on Monday the official opening of its new plant, located in McHenry. The new plant. Admiral's most recent step in its long term expansion policy, was purchased in Aorut of 1947,^according to Ross D.Siragusa, president of Admiral. "With the opening of our new plant," Siracusa states, "Admiral ww has a total of eight individual plants in operation. The McHenry 4Mnon will employ about 260 local y 5a. j. GROWING ATTENDANCE AT COUNCIL MEETINGS EVIDENCE Of INTEREST One indication « of the growth and Interest in the develbpment of our city is the fact that each council masting seems to bring out persons interested in some phase of city regulations. On Monday night of this week a large delegation from the McHenry Businessmen's Association presented their ideas on such problems as parking regulations and snow removal. The committee and the ideas presented were well-received by the council as a spirit of co-operation prevailed It has been agreed that a twohour parking limit will be enforced in the various business districts. The business men have asked for this regulation, realizing that many of their own member and employees are forcing the regulation. All-day parking cuts down the space for customers. And its customers that each business needs. The Businessmen's Association ia citizens, the majority of them girls also interested in a zoning ordinance aad women who Will be doing light, I in the city. The city council is now pleasant work making radios. Ian; attempting to secure a representsadccting a site in McHenry for its j *»ve from the Chicago Area Planning new operation. Admiral is merely! Association to meet with the local patting into practice its realization j Association February 4. ef the opportunities offered by i A committee from the local Amerismaller thriving communities for Jean Legion Post was also in attend-1 Bter, Wis.; also six grandchildren, providing employees of higher cali- j ance at the Monday meeting to Norma, Margot, Donald and Elmer bar, and capable of greater efficiency. | request a permit for their annual, Walter Kinsala, Patricia Lee , Mar- Caatpany officials feel that the Mc- Fourth of July Carnival. The * shall and John Corso. Bmry plant is well situated for j permit was approved. However, the The body rested at the Peter M. these purposes, and look forward to Council requested the Legion toi Juaten funeral home, where a host of a long and prosperous period of; make arrangements to release the I friends paid last respects, evidence civic co-operation with the citizens j loud, heavy fireworks at an earlier | of the "high esteem in which the and industries of this city." ! hour. This was done in the interest j deceased was held. Last rites were New Contribution I of elderly persons and those who j conducted Irom St. Patrick's church Newest and most revolutionary ir.ay be ill at the time. i at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning, contribution made by Admiral Engineer Kasser reviewed original | with burial in the church cemetery. Corporation in the home entertain- drawings of the new Green street \ Pallbearers were Edward Buss, ment field, is the recently announced bridge and road-widening project i James Powers, Norbert Yegge, Television Optional. In addition to [ with the Council. Mr. Kasser was : Richard Hester, Ray Zyskowski and sensationally low prices, this new j instructed to proceed with detailed j Elmer Jensen. development offers matching tele- j drawings to be presented when com- j ^ vision, radio-phonograph and record | plete. The plan is to advertise for "BLIND ALLEY" cabinet-consoles, any one of which, bids at the earliest possible time in m > DV -DDvavi^TI'Tl may be purchased separately and1 order to give the successful bidder!**' __ __ r"~ matched to the others at any time, time to secure scarce materials neces- ON M'HENRY NIGHT Designs are simple and <;onserva-1 sary. It plans matenalte as hoped I tive, made to fit into many room- for, construction can start right! (FViHnv J»n 10 h** txxm selected tarnishing srhflfnes three units a^ter "•3r* ' ! furniture styles. All ^h^ u"^s| So--what started out as a short, j Opera House, when the McHenry are available in blonde or dark ma- uneventful council meeting suddenly j County Theatre Guild presents Death last week claimed Mrs. Henry Kinsala, 73 years old, who passed away at her home on Waukegan street at 7 o'clock Friday evening, Jan. 16, 1948, following an eignt weeks' illness. The deceased was born Mary Do we in Big Hollow, Lake county, on Feb. 6, 1875, and always made her home in this community. In 1899, she was aiarried to Hennr Kinsala, and the couple was anticipating the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary in less than two years. Friends and family will long miss the cheery atmosphere created*; her presence. Her twinkling eyas and her hearty laugh were infectious and .seldom failed to transmit to others the spirit of her happy disposition.. The deceased was a faithful member of St. Patrick's church and of the Altar and Rosary sodality of the parish. Survivors include the husband: three daughters, Eleanor and Mildred at home and Mrs. Marie Corso of McHenry; three sons, Bernard of Chicago, George and William of McHenry; one brother, Henry Dowe of McHenry; and two sisters, Mrs. William Vandenboom of Round Lake and Mrs. Fred Lohaus of New Mun- MARCH OF DIMES WILL UNTIL F •m IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM TO BE STARTED FEB. 3 From the kindergarten tots through the 'teen-agers, and even their parents are becoming health-conscious these days as annual physical examinations are in process of being given in the three local schools. Following the completion of these examinations there will be immunisation, or in other words, protective measures against diseases such as diptheria, small pox and whooping cough. Consent slips have been sent to parents, and must be signed, expressing the needs of their children. Important dates to remember are Feb. 3, when Schick tests will be given; Feb. 6, when the Schick tests will be read and booster dosee given; Feb. 10, first toxoids and whooping cough and small pox vaccinations; and March 10, second toxoids. Mrs. A. Joanne Rulien, school nurse, has the following to say concerning the scheduled program: "k is urged and advised that any child over 10 years of age should receive the Schick test to determine protection against diphtheria, and that such test should >be repeated every two or three years and followed by a booster of toxoid if necessary. 'Parents are invited to bring any pre-school child to the clinic, which will be held in the public grade school gym. Please note the dates and services as mentioned." Container* Arc Being Placed En Softools, Stores TWs Week Chairman Raqr MeGee, who heads the current lurch of Dimes campaign in McHenry township, asks the co-operation of the entire community between now and the ; end of the drive on Feb. 7. Originally, the campaign for funds was to have ended at the close of January; however because of New York state's recent severe snow storm, supplies were late in arriving at various local headquarters, thus delaying the beginning of the drive. Containers are being placed in schools and stores in McHenry this week, in which contributions will be gratefully accepted. Special donations may be made by check and mailed directly to Mr. McGee or to the McHenry State Bank. Any contributions made through the request for aid by the McHenry County March of Dimes headquarters in Woodstock will be credited to McHenry's . total collection. Residents of this township may well be proud ot their combined efforts in 1947, which resulted in the sum of (1,693.91 being added to collections from other cities in the county, the total reaching $13,597.63 > The huge sum- of $$,204.47 wasUy FDITkiV llll 19 expended in McHenry-township alone UJJ PIUUAI» Jnll* 4J last year. I Statistics reveal that the past j . ten years constituted the most Farm and Home Day, long awaited critical period in the history of|by farmers and homemakers in Mc- FARM AND HOME DAY hoeai Th Tenth Anniversary This year the campaign marks ihe tenth anniversary of the National r "'oundation or InlantUe Paralysis, *ny and in walnut. I CTew in stature and importance. Mc- i another light comedy, "Blind" Alley." and may be a turning point, also, "he television console •; Henry is growing and its problems j Elmer Freund, director of the guild, in the long, bitter struggle to make lplete full-size unit, retails .^11 are increasing. I announces that tickets are available the nation's children safe from the .'4LEPHONE COMPANY'S BUSINESS OFFICE TO JHANGE ITS LOCATION Moving of the Illinois Befl Telephone Company's business office to new quarters at IN North Drive will take place next weak-end, G. L. Wilburn, telephone manager, announced this VMk. Wilburn said that the sew office, across the street from the post office, will open on Monday, Jai£ 26. The present office at 102 North Park Avenue will dose after Saturday, Jan. 24, he added. The new quarters will provide more loor space for customers and business office employees than the present location, according to Wflbarn. In addition, he said, the space at 102 North Park Avenue will be used for enlarged traffic department quarters to keep pace with McHenry's growing telephone needs. More than 284 telephones were installed in this area in 1947, increasing the total to 1,946, he added. The McHenry telephone office also serves customers in Johnsburg, Pistakee, Lily Lake, Volo, and McCullom Lake. Following the office's move, Wilburn said, the telephone number will continue to 1m McHenry •981. infantile paralysis in America, with 112,000 cases of the disease recorded in that time. With the help of the American people, contributing their money through the annual March of iry com Jan. 23, at the Woodstock Community high school. Highlights of the day will be the general session speaker, Prof. L. J. Norton, acting head of the Dimes, the most crucial phase of the | department of agricultural economics, battle against polio is coming to an cofiege of agriculture. Prof. Norton en"- I is famous for his lectures oil econ- REGISTRATKi HEeULATUtlS uwawa iM. . ^ •! ' €ouity Steetanjt; • \ . v4" ' 1§layl Rqglstar In v fV' K .f'.-V p.',-,- r / . f With spring officially only fifty- f . • odd days away, thoughts are turning to one of the hirtli(httiOf the season, the approaching April primaries. County Clerk Btyiaond D. Woods has described the method of registration for, votinc In this election, giving the fwowing set of rales which mustt be coaumed with: ii Only properly isgiStered decton £•:. may vote in the primary election to 5-3^ be held April IS, 1948, as provided by the Permanent Registration of Electors Law of Illinois. 1 The provision allowing a non-registered voter to be registered on the day of election Is no longer In fore* x. and effect. * Voters who will be twenty-one years of age on or before primary day, must register for voting on or before March 15, 1948. Registered voters who have: changed their name by marriage or otherwise at least twenty-eight days ^ -- A: before election, must register anew i t on or before March 15. Ai • .._ 7*. Registered voters who have moved f ' - -1 from one preeinct to another within W* - v, the county sirtce last registering must . appear before the county derk or ^ the, proper registration officer and sign an application for change of r v r e s i d e n c e s t a t i n g t h e o M a n d n e w 7 • ~ i address, on or before' Much Ik - ^ Voters who art registered in another county and are now rasidenta "iMi of McHenry c o u n t y m u s t r e g i s t e r in ' J , t. » v j McHenry county on pr before March Jivv 15. v,. r3 , QaalMcatlsns To qualify for registration you complete S229.95 (in walnut) These prices are considerable under the lowest- ( nTtT«i (in aaa VVPnTm* priced television console set now on ! the market. The television set has a 1 IN DAMAGE SUIT OF full 10-inch screen and an extremely I -iqjk A nf!TT>T!NT VTfJTTM sensitive 29-tube circuit. 11,40 V1UTUH The radio-phonograph combination; . 111 includes FM, and. sells for the same McHenry^ea^|(jW were interested now and may be purchased from him of at the i iaindealer office. Instead of the regular price of $1.20, tickets lor this one night will be seventy-five cents. One section of the hall will be upi _ _ ... v®lui}.tary contr"butions to the March pj^e, McHenry; Dr. Lawrence Barnes, of Dimes, has worked doggedly at Crystal Lake; Dr. J. W. Bcller, Harlts job Despite the tremendous load vard; and Dr. George Buehl^r, Marenset aside for local patrons. 'Blind (of 112,000 cases and despite war-1 ^ STi SS s,"!«ss;\% £ 8TWSS."Si&T8ZS5 prwe as -tne television unu, aepena , - , „ f . r. i tinue throurh Sunday evening. I providing cave and treatment for an'l d...:."' oil n i»Jr. disease. During the past decade the foundation, supported entirely by omics in many parts of the U. S. > cepted and FR. EUGENE IS GENERAL CHAIRMAN OF RED CROSS DRIVE . At a recent meeting of the McHenry County Red Cross executive committee, Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhoier was appointed general chairman of the Red Cross drive, which will begin on March 1. Fr. Baumhofer, who acted as local chairman so successfully last year, hopes for the co-operation of all in the approaching campaign. , Fred T. Ferris county Red Cross chairman, requested the appointment of Fr. Baumhofer and also the appointment of Harry G. Abraham of Woodstock as first aid chairman. ^ , A report was made at the meeting I must be a citisen of the United by Mr s . Marion. Phinney, executive States, of the age of 21 or over on .,«,a secretary, the contents being ac- the date of the next primary election, f 4^ ^ approvveedd.. .HHeerr rreeppoorrtt aannda on cthnee am oi said piiui-i, and in England. - He will speak on j showed that 509 cases are now on election you must have been a re si- • his observations in our foreign eco- ] file in her office as having received °f one year in the. Sta*e of * J nomic policy from his trip to Europe i aid during the last half of 1947. Illinois, ninety . |n Mdienry _ ^ 'itlast year. . An interesting session will be on livestock diseases, with a panel of local veterinarians made up of Dr. Willing Gay, Woodstock; Dr. H. S: Of this total, ninety-four were ' county and thwty laya < in .the pre-; servicemen aided and 372 were ex- i cinct,,or district In W^ich you live.; servicemen. Many of these persons I The county clerk's office at Woodaided received help from various i stock is open from o a, ib. to 5 p. ra. services offered by the Red Cross. | except Saturdays and w Satnrd* ing upon the wood and finish. To-; Joseph Baur for the use During that same period, funds in j the amount of $1,630.83 were either! loaned or granted. where need was evidenced. Of that amount, $413.55 was for men now in service, and a*. • m • i ' i' _ . _ „ j a. , | J t " llinois r 211 ill IVv' U1U OOUIVt i ISIllllIIIC I $f 1,216.28 wWBasS tIoV 'vve VteCrI ans. A ttowtialll Of C. I tinue through Sunday evening, 5?! the Farm Business, Farm Poultryof $524.09 of the money was re estUhated 88,000 raw -time lio«victims. At expanding polio < v nther, the two units are comparable J*™* Downs, doing business as the Feb- L ^ it* was fn price to the lowest competitive! Dow«s Express to recov^ It fe Hoped that Mirp ereWd t^ ^ three-way combination now available, $15,018.15 from Amelia Miller as: from this community will take •d-i ;*St Grantee immediate heio when which larks manv of the features and i executrix of the estate of the late vantage of the opportunity to wit- |tn,. 8^arantee lmmeaiaie neip wnen the flexibility offered by the new | Joseph Miller, was settled on Friday j ness this fine play. The Woodstock P°{}° t • th remainini, Admiral line," according to Ross D. noon. It was begun the previous ' Players, a professional acting Suragusa, company president. Match- \ day- The case concerned two actions , company which has been presenting Ing record cabinets cost $3246 (in i £?llorinF„ a" ,c auto /!?ob,le accident (plays locally this season, k»e won _JTjnut > I March 30, 1945. One action was , the acclaim of theatre-gOers through- I under the Workmen's Compensa-1 out the county. ! a f .. ' *,on Act and the other action was.' The play which they are presenting Among the many features of the for damages to a truck involved in this week> jan. 22 through 26, is "1 new line are the Rowing: j the crash. . Have Been Here Before," which 1. The family with a moderate In-1 q j Down9> operator of Downs J feautures the well known actor, two weeks of the drive. The heavier your contribution, the lighter will be your heart for having aided such a worthwhile causc. WE OFFER YOU CONGRATULATIONS Problems, Weed Control with Sprays, | iqrned in payments by thoM ab>„ and Pasture Improvement. Home | repay the loans. FinanMal^y there | ,"™,vw™w is open from g i. vS? tfc, lector can register at sald _ . - . - • . "y "%- For the convenience of those re- •" i i:ig in cities ether thaa the county ' eat, special deputy county clerks V*. ^4 i n d d e p u t y r e g w t r a t i o n o f f i c e r s w i l l • - " " this aertlee.v;;.;;V^;^ economic sessions will be on Health,' were nine servicemen assis' ^Crafts, Cooking Frosen Prepared j sixteen ex-servicemen. Foods versus Cooking Prepared | -- • STrrfn^men"^ j EHEOLLMENT STOVIV j their own commi All Farm and Home Bureau mem- i R2I EASED BY VA FOR rs have received ^copies " printed program this week. b,r. h.v, received "copiei of | jjew COLLEGE TEEMS. *v.. >, yf.' 7ANDTCAPPED CHILDREN; I The AST # N COUNTY TO BENEFIT j ailment opportunities for the next ^™"nes ) NEW PROGRAM up eluding March 15. ' Appointed In oM locality are Artlnir Krause, McHenry; ^ John J. Viola, Wonder Lake; and/ Charles J. iFreund, Spring Grave. Only McHenry county.electors who ' " nre properly registered in the pre--' 4 cinct of their residence will be able : •«' j I to vote in April. i£~ f Monday, Jan. 19, was the first day'« - 'JS-mai: candidatefr-' advantage e Illinois Veterans Commission 7"' weiKV released a» sauurrvveeyv o01f eenn - r».i-ni«rreiegsi stearnidn g sevloerr al the April . t f i n a n d s u m m e r s e s s i o n s i n t h e quick to take «LrS5?"f - ,iss: JTS. Circuit' Clerk Lester E d i n g e r" ^ T>£ - 1 the s,.,e: Apprc\ima'ely .SuSL 'W can plan on ^^h a^ radio-pho- ; Motor Express of McHenry, was; Shelley. Berman, who played in the ;-- »Ph and a television set by buy- sAvarded $2,500 in settlement of Chicago company's presentation of ing them one at a time to distribute Q r^y damage to< a truck owned 1 "Othello." !•••••••<•••»••••• u • r- --.rr-- 9U„|.,n(, • K°^e ° > by the firm, and Joseph Baur,!1 | UUIIOIIfl I ULMI ll/IIUi ^ committee of McHenry county 110,000 new vaccancies are reported . _ . * held for^th^t>MtWsix,%M,^ W J) driver of the Downs truck, won a! NEW PETIT JURY , ' teac! ers has been Felected to make j in these schools. State's Attorney Don A Wicks filed' about buying a three-way set in one • ^Amelia MUler1 under*tSe A new 1>etit ^ury was dr*wn Timely congratulations are ex- an '"ven^°'J ®'a,L^l iLdr.jn 'h.ndf ' < survey, compiled by_ th«| Stu- petitions for Republican nomination, , » .... i-"*" " lates. ! latter w »s elevated tb th< C„a!L"lW Baur, who was seriously injured and EMinger. Thoge ^ yersary, at many other octogenarians and nonagenarians who are enrolled in our I ,s nossiDie »» enpniea, speern ae- , t "ftchLXto" Mc" Tonysn and E21a GUto- ; Etfrthday Book. ! ^tivs. the bard of hearing, the mi * 1 I A family dinner - was enjoyed at l^i • inoon by Sir. Nilson and his wife, : Anna, two of the couple's three protect their investment by putchas- ( eighteen months in the hospi- f,.nmeTMrHenMrrare Anton J Schnei* tag the radio-phonograph and tele- . tal following the crash. He testified John J R^fn" • .V. ... • that h. driving hi* track «>»th &SS. when the^» the circuit r pMm S. The radio-phonograph, the tele- 1 Rt g, from I,lt.,1Illunu fcU vnon received and the record H at 7:46 (DST) He said the jford cabinet may be used together, sep- ; SUn .f.a_ go5ng down an<i that he did uately, or even in ditTerent ruoms,, no^ recan whether or not he had j thereby affording many different, the H htg on He Mid he failed to I furniture arrangements. . . I see the Miller truck, operated by 4. Since the television set and the j Segar, until the crash. The * radio-phonograph each has its own j { the gM Unk on the j sneaker and can be used separately, i MiJ^r trdck acc0rding to Baur, and the masculine members Of the houw-I «„gulfed coth trucks. He bold can watch an exciting sports mana?e<1 to -et out of his truck but j event while the womenfolk tune in|wag uni|ble to g0 far ^ ^ help on^thejr favorite symphony. | ^icre he collapsed. The physician "Radio retailers in centers that \ who attended Baur asserted th have t: leviHon or where it is OTg- | wag permanently injured. that he ed to be televised soon," said ard A. Graver, Admiral vice-presi- i wtw-nr /vaTOW PATTfltfi dent in charge of the radio-division, i ^PLOSION CAUBM "have reported that many, prospective i EXTENSIVE DAMAGE buyers of radio-phono^raphs ^have [ TQ WAQNER HOME been waiting for fear that their* sets would become obsolete with the development of television. Meanwhile, mittee hopes to g-et as complete a list j ginning dates. <js possible cf all cripnled, Speech de- ( xiiis survey now is in the hands of' ouVt bench. ./ , lilip E. Bierdeman IVC service of- The third oenson to file was Frank ^ socially iralnd lusted, and other j fjccr jn McHenry county, whose of- /. Green, who wishes to again be- ' MiUnn snrt his wife i c^""ren. w^°. special help and , fices are located at 100V4 N. Benton cone senatorial committeeman, as" ."l son ana n» 1 instruction which it is impossible for ' - - daughters and three of their nine grandchildren. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lobdell and them tn receive in the regular class- St., Woodstock. Any veteran plan- ^ he has held since the death ning to enter college should visit his 0f Chailes F. Renich last March. IVC service officer to determine Republican candidates for precinct "Those children are not to blame j facilities available at tin college, committeemen who filed ia the office children Thomas and Janet of Biir *or their handicaps," the committee! of his choice. | 0f County Cleric Raymond D. Woods Bend, Wi«.; Mrs. Douglas Stockham states, "and are' entitled to receive! Nearly fifty percept of the stu- on Tuesr^y were Charles F. Hayes. Betsy Stockham, a college 10 Help tnem weu-aajusiea ana; med j. •t A-nnUtAn Wis r A tbird daughter.' happy lives -- _ , Mrs Frank'Marti no. of Dallas, Tex., The u members of the_ committee survey shows. A total 123,'735 stu- 1; Gecrge Moffat, Grafton^ John I was unable sound , conversation the great distance ! between Texas and Illinois seem . ! considerably less than actually exists, dewind. of Rirminvtrtn Ala and her daughter whatever special training they need j dents attending the sixty-three Dorr 4; Elmer Dolesal, Algonquin 4;^^^.^ R»t«r fifiwkh'am 'n rolleire student to help them live well-adjusted and ; colleges and universities in Illinois Fred J. Smith, Alden; Joseph Frett, >• ! are veterans of World War II, the McHenry 4; Earl Whiting, McHenry: .-wi- t u- nrpsent. but the represent the McHenry County Edu- j dents were enrolled in these institu- ; McConnell, Greenwood; M. D. Brooks,; nf v voi-o in a telenhone ent'on association and are as follows: ; tions on J*n. 1, of which 58,622 were Hebron; T. Merle Paul, Chemung 1.. iation made the ereat distance Mi88 Dorothy R. Thompson, Har- veterans. j Two Democratic petitions were fled, n Texas and Illinois seem chairman ; Mhisi Emma Schnei- j Veterans represented more than j They were by Henry J. Miller, Mc-ir, M...».v.«rably less than actually exists, dewind, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Lily Rey- | v#;f 0f the students enrolled on the Henry 3; and Stanley Pichen, Al- Celebration of this memorable an-1 n°ldsr Hebron; Mrs. Ruth GusUf- University of Illinois campus, its K<>nQuin 3. iversary was of unusual significance *on» Marengo andI Mrs. Joanne Ru- \ ynrjergradimte divisions at N« iOr Mr. Nilson is just new recover- l,en< i"*0" Pier and Galesburg and the f os ing nicely after several months of president of the County Association, gtate 8upported colleges. In of illness. He was confined in a Chi- i and Roland McCannon, county siiper- 8choois a total of 39,323 sti ck cago hosoital for many weeks, but is ! <ntendent o! schorls, are ex-officio were enrolled on Jan. 1„ of •pro. to f jane js I call the Round Lake. Fox Lake and amj Mrs. the name Richard •htt. and Mrs. Richard vonBatnpus -vaupmviii Ebctensive damage was reported to j cf Wonder Lake are the parents many prospects for television sets ! the Joseph Wagner home in Volo last • a daughter, born at the Woodstock UU9U.». ......... -- , , ... have been holding back because they ! Saturday afternoon at 5 o clock as the hospital on Jan. 14. so greatly improved that he was able | members of the committee. 20,435 were veterans. expect to buy a radio-phonograpn ! result of an explosion of a stove in j a daughter was bom on Jan. 15 to enter wholeheartedly into Sunday's I Ijast week the committpe met with ; soon. Our development will enable* the basement. Flames which >ol- at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. observance. 1 *JwsJMartha B'a^ t tWTri^ anyone to make his purchase with , lowed the explosion gained such and Mrs, Leo Diedrich. A nlumhins- and heating contractor ? Educatom of Exceptional Children T)f BON-AIRES WILL full assurance that it will Iw -i- 1 headway that it was necessary to. ifl th- riven hv Mr. • A^plumbingand the state dapartment of education, tected from early obsolescence." Campaign Started Ending several month, extreme «e-1 Tl"'" ;'»"b ]0, " »» line s development, Admiral '"J™-| f P ro„n j„st 7, the Round Lake lire- ,"rivll. 'S,'lhTS'anhu.117.™ Fn":1™'" V<,'°. A M tn. l»m .t the home. ""JX. Tnd cZti^To nishirfps Market in Chicago. At the ' be,T,,r in that dl9trlct" »• s*-' -- T-- « u- -- ^ " ^ -> ^""'ties anil counties to support we , rWB(mta(l Xntmnx same time, Sirsgusa announced that D j the company tri'l pot the m™, inten-j *• E- »«««».•< sive promotional campaign in the i ; _ ......if: *1 4 "FI^ MRS. BERTHA ESSEK,P these PESIDENT OF LILY which AKZ. DIED JAN. SI k- •+£ . 4S£2 S t m -Chicii. "»nl^Vis firemen, a TSTSXi APPEAR SOTBDAY ON McHenry fire departments so that daught'err bVrn to L Upte ^fe HtV^ to Se b'» « p°L^ S»»M > »bUin J ed "AU. STAR" PR03RAII_ fire would not s.,read to ;fnireoa rdhpy. on j,„. f6 ,t i., he Woodsto^c-k uh.ot.s.-. r™esVidde,nnUts ^in i^»9w00. Tinheeyy "sopeenntt tmhee ^ adequate proeram for. hg 0f handicapped chilsummei months there until ten years dren ago, when their love of the country ghe inted out that the 8tate ot W/S„a t^ecld,nK f*ctor In th€If ?ho1®* Illinois now will help local com- The many McHenry residents who months. Death separated a Lily Lake couple ' who had celebrated their golden wed- J, ing anniversary only a short time ' «po when Mrs. Bertha Esser, 68, {passed away on Wednesday morning. 4-fcn. 21, 1948. at the Woodstock hospital. She had been ill for two Admiral intro-' Pai"tme*>t equipment had ibeccone has a sister, Grace, to welcome her 'love of "the country drVL' • * a *• J h«»d th« pleasure of hearing the Elgin The Essers came to this comfrozen just as the Round Lake _fire- arrivij. o w^.in fK-ir VS ' ---f„he ;„p0^.ed LZ \ hisrh school Debon-Aires, popular munity from their beme at 8289 Elstwo programs ton avenue, on Chicago's nOfthwestt ids. just previous to the last war. had always MO married 'Stars of Tomorrow" piogram of ;n St. Therese church on Sept. 24, • . i ton «« Win wjc nooanocn oi Mcnenrv as a peinimieiii, iti . ponntiM tn Riinnort thp " M ..' . i .T® j - I • 1 < ,n n1 the hospital on Jan. 13 to Mr..and Mrs. Both the Nilsons and their daughter, XhowSt ix t?SeI of nroeram? (?) rrosented locally this past fall, were John Murphy, Henry Britz of Route 3, McHenry. Mrs. Stockham, have owned Homes pii *J'd Children (2) For the"haDpy to learn that, t e boy1,^vT.e ,J' ; - t^a k t- tim\ th*y Dund Leke departnient, was taken M d M w E Peterson of on the bav since 1912 For crippled children, (Z)rortne winner Df firgt piace on WGN's lived m Chicago, having thP hosoital suffering a back °Mne ^ .8ince ,o tne nospitai suneiing • Hastings. Minn., announce the arrival fm« seldom hLa_n_gs: heavy 4to„r this hard of hearing. (3)Fcrthose with . Tnm„rrnll" n,n*ram of =n St. Theres e church Hpfe^tive vision (4) iFor the educaWe I "i 1•• company's history behind the line, i-njury resulting from a fall while of # ? ,b g;r, on Sun(4Ry> JaM lg congenial couple, who spend the sum- i^^rrhandi^a'Dned <£) For iSeSh! Sur,HaV- Jan- n- Announcement of 1897. . . . • We are confident that Admiral' McHp°^r a% Fox Lake jeJ The little bdy named Joyce Sidalyce, mer months tending their lovely defectives (6) For socially ^JSd tben- achievement was made on the . .,' jlt! • M? has the answer to merchandising tel- ^ Ulr.tJI nn •> stand bv th€ <1au?",1ter of the former Miss garden and the winter months catch- lusted ' ! 18 broadcast. i S[?^fjlli«F« erisien" he declared, "and we expect' Pa^mento, ^ Florence Miller of McHenry. The ing up on their visits with their J . nt „hi,drpn who could The prize for first plaee was a $50 « en Valco and Mrs. Ulliaif Bablic response to give us lleeaadaeerrssnhiipp ,t . , 11 ^ c^o^n>tro1l *th2€ v»> u ovmthgeir ct jiinlduricennf, David, nnerii^gnhuboorros •ainiqd ecinijjouyj ing extended va- fmm special training i„ any Jfficult rimeTvidlS" How^ wm SSldiately re. ^ ~B2t MM ™uld StU^S.^ntiSS»d1"lE **>'" ^ £ ""** to- Ch^ofor^ne^ g, combination with automatic record-, made jo:o*e;-r,a,!t*io n of the Hre *<lu,p- nmi,H <rrinHmri>nt« wkh manv vcari am snouia eitner^ cvnv«cv a«: opportunity which accompanies the rangements. Burial will te in Bt, inger in 1939 made this company Fxtent 0f the damage was not proud grandparents. pioneer resident, who many years ago cannon/or their "local member on A daughter, ^Barbara Ann, was (was able^ to conjure _up^a mental the COmmittee. the largest manufacturer of these' RminH Lake de- born on J£n' 12 to Capt- and Mrs-' picture of the growth this beauti- , combinations. Sets wlU be .in. thai MU^nfg th? toe. ' ! ^0rma-?- R' B,om^n ?' Panama, j ful subdivision in the y^hrs to co^e ; hands of dealers located in television areas starting the end of January." , -- Mrs. Blomgren is the former Miss Shirley Covalt of McHenry. Grand- GIVEN REWARD In addition to its new "television- television line in the industry, ac- parents of the baby are Mrs. Floyd John •ptional" line of television and ra- cording to the company's president. Covalt and Mr. and Mrs. L. Allan Elgin, well known northern Illinois j^shwaukee river dio-phonograph ensembles, Admiral T" c table-size television set will be Blomgren, the later of Pistakee Bay. j baseball player of years ago, was .; ,he qqo j Corporation has also intr^gpeed the in th* hands of dealers located in Announcement has been made by found dead at the foot of-an outside .. fiCdine of th« -- « i l_ l _ • i «_* a i ^ _ aL.s ' U«* an/1 Mkb Anvian •««!•» Uia e> n AV^iV naiAwa ^ ^ HEART ATTACK FATAL filbert Larson, 73-year-old Rock- ^Hi ^ heaH at the s^eh^ nhn H 'T.S' Fo.Mr M of ^^d trapper who ten days ago found on Sundayt Jan. 25. ' *sts?2ns.Xi its hG.m^.,r &Si opportunity _ award, that of singing on the "All. Joseph's cemetery. program, with its av^ard of, n t t t t t T IP00 as incentive to repeat the J_ winning performance. The program AMONG THE SlUJt ^ v. t h W e l l n i t s a n d G r a n t S t e f f a n kwe't ershin in the television mdus , this ! intensive advertising promotion set Tvili augment the console 29^-twbe i «amr>airn in the company's history, named athleen Ella. MARRIAGE LICENSES television receiver, introduced as part Admiral Corporation also manu- first child of the couple. Mrs. of *'he "television optional" group, factur®s the famous 4 "No Defrosting" Thomas will be remembered as the that w*ll sell for $299.95. Together! Dual-Temp refrigwa^er^ ||| as, former Mua ¥|)<trad they v".11 make up the lowest-priced i electric ranges. . '.li.: _ »Henrf, v ^ - the ! heart attack somtime Tuesday afteronly superficial injoiiea. • i noon or evening while entering the basement. When found late the next dav his body w&s frasa§* |>qt bore Arthur Thelen was a patient a| »; ^ ^ the Woodstock hospital during th* ,fi • past week. ' *., Lynn, daughter of Dr. a»4, B. Murphy, Jr., underwent ^ tonsillectomy at the WbodstodK last week. . , Grove on Thursday, Jam 22, at 8 Donald Osterby haa been a medical ^ | A marriage license was issued in p. m. Lester Siedschlag, coqnty t patient at St. Theresa hoapital. Lake county this past week to commander, urges all Legioanaires te, _ v,--J , , , v V. f aarence Tonyan _of R'ngwood and attend and promises an Th» Un»^ ^y^Aesdea^ - Ann Diedrich of Round .v., ,J 1 . V V•}* J Li tUii