Ww?miipiS5! w»4nii>iiT,n i# • ni< »nu i i i i i HI mtit > § tto lioor ef S p. m. on th« 6th day of Ptbfwy. IMS. AH pcrmn later. «t«i ittv attend. ; . Y COUNTY ZONING AHD OF APPEALS. By FtMft Kagoi, its ChttMil. WMMhr Lake 8mm of the talc* resulting Iran th* cold wave we have be«n sdfcrinf from hare been pretty rugged tales, and this one is my own. Hiere Friday nifkt. Tbmy were Mr. | After an hour and a and lln. Merritt Fwler, Jim Sdsdorf and m. Georgv waa the driver. (I donl know Jril last aapa, bat he is a pleasant 90ft of dl4 with grin for his passengers; and monumental patienee/ with the local teenmeat from agfcin to stiri A walk to tl* mmrtmi fana proved futile tiny so Hters.) A* wo«seenn gas line left the bos stalled about three miles «ut of Crystal Lak,e with no best in the bas and the mercury dropping- to a sub-zero reading. A vig truck were jng. five . Wonder Lake, helped out and thought he i passengers among the tsa on the us on our wajN but, a few i 10:80 p. m. bvfe oat of Crystal Lake j farther on, again the bus stalled. ^ ^ ^i%%^j~LTir-Tij\rj"jvxAAAAAAArtAAr^ii^rtriAr>r>n<^n<"A**A ^ (Finally the driver hitch-hiked rides f*"* tor tfea next meeting has not for his passengers into McHenry. yet been deeided ujxm. He stayed on his respon- Mr. and Vh. Riehird Von Bampos sible even on Jan. stances. I s * 1 n McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOWCARDS OUTDOOR SIGNS * TRUCKLETTERING A WINDOW LETTERING H. REESE SS Fox St . Fhone 440-B bos--responunfler desperate dreamwas pretty proud of that whole load--not a soul complained--everyone took it with desperate bravado, particularly a young man from the deep south who was getting |u first taste of th ) local winter, speuT Just proves what I've always contended-- that people are piptty nice! j Thanks to all the people who called us about our setter pup. We now have him safely back home. A neighbor of ours, Ted Paknik, had picked him up and, realising that he was undoubtedly someone's pet, tied him up until he heard that we had lost a setter. The night the ad appeared, Mr. Paknik brought the dog home. 11M Mod meeting will and Mrs. Richftnl are parents of a girl born 14, in the Woodstock hospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 8 ox. and will be called Laurel Virginia. Dick and Hazel Voa Bampos already have one small daughter, Linda, who was 4 years old in October. In spite of the sob-sere weather, nine intrepid aools made their way to the Community dob meeting held at the Harrison school on Thursday evening. Mrs. Plaoline Grill, chairman or the club, announced that a rummage sale will be held in the very near (QtMNr Articles for the sale are to be brought to Mrs. Charlotte Mayor on the county road. The place and date of the rummagfi .|a|p will be announced next © . -Wr- MOTO-MOWER LAWN MOWERS POWER MOWERS SICKLE MOWERS ^ WHIRLWIND MOWSR* LAWN SWEEPERS FLOOR SWEEPERS Otto Adams Service Station Phone McHenry 434 Johnsburg, III. M . Telephone Business Office r ... Moved To New Locatio' Effective Monday, January t>, ear new bastnssa office will be open at 136 North Riverside Drive, McHenry. Orders for. service, payment of bilk and other telephone transactions will be handled at this new address.- . This move will provide more space for customers and business office employees than the present location. The vacated quarters will be used for enlarged traffic department quarters to keep pace with McHearyV growing telephone needs." ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHOh |E COMPANY John J. Viola and James Pavlik, both of Wonder Lake, have announced their candidacy for committeeman from the McHenry 1 district, to be voted upon April 13. Both ate GOP candidates. The present committeeman is Earl Whiting of Ringwood who has also filed. William Deckard of JVickline Bay is again a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Following a hemorrhage from a ruptured stomaeh ulcer two week3 ago, Mr. Deckard was rushed to the hospital, where he received blood transfusions from several of his neighbors and, apparently in much better health, he was released from the hospital on Saturday, Jan. 10. On Thursday, Jan. 16, Mr. Deckard again suffered a hemorrhage and was returned to the hospital where he is again making avgood fight to return to health: Mr. Deckard's doctor is trying to build him up so that he will be ready for major surgery on Monday, but enough transfusions have not been arranged. They desperately need donors. Are you type "A" or "O", and wculd like to berp a neighbor in 11 tough fight? Mrs. Lillian McMahon was present at the Sportsmen's Show on Tuesday, where she was one of the audience of the "Queen for a Day" prog: un. Mrs. McMahon said she was a!?o going to try for the grandmothers' contest, and, while I haven't talked to her since, I"11 bet they wouldn't take her! She doesn't look n uch like a grandmotherly type-- n.orj lifte the granddaughter. Gospel Center Our Sunday School library is now open and available to christian fiction, biographies, history, missions, devotion, etc. This offers an unusual opportunity for young and old to read something which is really constructive and wholesome, beneficial and interesting. Our librafetian, Annette Glauser, will be on hand every Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock and will gladly accommodate those who wish to make use of what we have to offer in way of literature. .We wish to express our appreciation to the many who have donated books and thus made it possible to open our library. We invite one and all to our Sunday bible school next Sunday, January 25, at 10 a. m. There are classes for all ages. Also a hearty welcome to our morning worship service at 11 o'clock. The theme of the pastor's message will be "HERENOTICE In m Matter of the Anplkatkm <tf , Alfred J. May, and ErtherMay Schneider, for Variation of Zoning Claaaifieatioa. NOTICE ia ae- Pe- .hereby given tinOi mpUance Jwith/tbe provisions of th* McHenry Ceonty Zoning Ordinance •PtthHc hearing will beheld by Mc- Hfenty Coonty ZSemng Board of Appeaj#> relative to a MAaae ia daesincation from Farming District ("F") to Business District ("Bl") of the following described property in cordance with the prayer of the titJon filed with said Board. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 8 in the proposed Plat of Sunnyside Estates, Unit No. 3, in Section No. 7, Township 46 North, Range », of the Third Principal lieri- McHenry County, Illinois. (Said premises being along the Southerly side of the black top road Northeast of Johnsburg.) Said hearing shall be heard in tha County Court Room in the County Court House in the city of Woodstock, McHehry County, Illinois, at fiMr f»m jPlsMlNtfsr f rro Slier piini M§BKWHpH^ to ww, It feole right, Expertly fitted to ioctoe'e our taiiBMl fittsvs. IBOIXPBWI I}]PKJ<§ STORE "SPEEDY* by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE 608 FRONT STREET I'M/ ROUTS PHONE Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Fredricksen and their son, Ronnie, left this week to spend a short holiday in Florida. Hrpe the cold weather hasn't reached thr t far. , H. C. Berry is a member of the industrial committee of the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce. This j <*oTr>!r;ittee was formed to aid in the | bring about of community progress and betterment. This week the com- I mittee met to discuss power rates and tax structures. Mrs. Berry also is in the news this week. She was recently recommended for the post of secretary to the Woodstock DOE club. A new employee at the Woodstock Journal »s Mrs. James Behringer of Wonder Woods. Mrs. Behringer has had a great deal of newspaper exnerience an l was, until recently employed in Chicago by a trade publication. Members of the Great Books discussion group met at the home of Mrs. Cora Phillips in Woodstock, last Tuesday evening. Present from CH EVROLET and ONLY Chevrolet IS FIRST! msr is PKJD0CTION, is SALES md la REGISTRATIONS ef cat ss4 of t r a c k s . . . yjt, YOUR LOCAL CMCVtOiCr . . OtAUi--awd wary o»wCW Mv hi Aawtcewpet le bvyMi a Wyei of Qwwolil is 1947. FIRST fIRST la IW •»W<p Of Owwolt Imh b«tt and •a. «n and molk trucks Ihon in Truck Production ia 1147 actandhig to Hshad production figures. FIRST in PmtMger Car Soles ia 1947--according to in«sai|rfeto but condusivo sales records. HRST la Truck Solos In 1947--according to incomplete but conclusive soles records. FIRST to Produce over a Million Cars and Trucks In a postwar year, 1947 accordtog to published productien figures. FIRST FIRST in Total Passenger Car Production and Sales for Hie total 17-year period, January, 1931 to January, ITU aiieidhigle pubBihad'nation wideBgures. in Total Truck Production and Sales for fhe total 17-year period, January, 1931 to January, 194t to pabNshod1 FIRST. Total Number of Cars and Trucks on the road WVHM iMnvRRwnv rayv" than any dHmt fotot wwnliiii y--r -period, daMsg from January, 1991 I* January, 1949--Mm modtn psrloJ of motor car history NaturaNy, w* a* w«M at Nm Ow» rolat Motor DlvWon of Canaral Motors ar« d**ply gratafui for America's owtspok«n prvfwanc* for Ch»vro4«t pas*«ng«r cars and tntdai and w« ara d«t«rmin*d to do avory* thing in our powar to cofitmwa to dtwnn this prafarence in th* fwtura as in th* past. Wa wont to thank aach and a vary parson'in IMs community for kit friendship and goodwill for this organisation. Wa solicit and appreciate your patronage. We are doing our level best to prove that, by filling orders for new Chewolets i««t as promptly as we can--even under todqy's trying conditions--and we are deeply and doubly appreciative of the patience and understanding of all our customer! who are awaiting detverie* of new Chevrolets. Needless to soy, you b«y whaty when you bvy the product of Nie waHd't largest producer* of cars and trucks, for that is the way to maximum dolor value! Rest assured that well INI yoor order for a new Chevrolet |u*» as soon as M is humanly possible to do so. MeanwMe, please let us help to keep yoyr present car or tiwek in good running condition by bringing It to us for skilled service, now and at regular intervals. Clark PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS • . . W§. Is Like (he 3;. - • •» Everybody Talks About It Nobody Does Anything-* ^ •• ^ - , C ^ V - 4vb We specialize in FRONT END ALIGNMENT « ' BRAKE RELINING Well, w have . . . bj reducing time for labor and fiw work with a]>-to-date postwar equipment, plus a TUT P0HIT 8AFBTV CHICK-UP that can save yon a lot of money and trouble by oatelM inff what's wrong before it's too late NEW SttlkTlFfC^ MA^JBEE EQUIPMENT will detect the causes of spotty and excessive tire wear, wtave, shimmy, pulling to one side, hard steering, ete. ^ H* BY THE GOODYEAR UNI-BONO BRAKE PROCESS- K: A new revoltftionidry process that is now being applied as equipment on most new cars. Oopts no more, gives better and liitinir hrnlras ftliminatna softriasr With tb* DRUM REFACING AND BRAK£ ADJUSTMENT BARRETT DRUM tATHE and the famous BARRETT BRAKE DOCTOR combination especially designed for today's high speed brakes. BATTERY TESTING AND CHARGING THE 1948 GOODYEAR CVMATIC CHARGER t .. AND TESTER will (iv« correct condi^on of any battery, fast chargei taattMits in h o u r . ; - " ' t K •iiliil'HlHIH"ll8lt 'I'lni'MI 11| 14 •••M'l llll I H I > > > I I I M TEN POINT SAFETY CHECK-UP 1. BEASnrce 2. KING PINS 3. CAMBER 4. CASTER B. TOE-IN 6. TIE-RODS M STEERING A^SEliil^ Cost per check-up $2.50 to $3.00 depending upon sise of car. 7. SPRINGS 8. SHOCK ABSORBERS 0. i 1H 1 I I I I I l < 1 1 H I 1 1 I I 1 1 I H I I t I t t » tf ! f T f t l 1 1 T f f 1 1 1! 1 f f T t T t f * T t * * ' * » * * * * 1 1 * '1 1 ' 1* * ' 1 •r! Factory Method Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Guarantee Tread Recapping ALL WOKK UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED MARTICKE ^ NIXON TIRE CO. OOODTEAS DISTRIBUTORS an e. ELM STKEET PHONE 424