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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1948, p. 6

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FOR SA •with "Deep mosi new. thlecn lout MCOM * fton; aMhlfa, FOR crop alfttfr, Grim twenty-five tons farst $25 per ton. heti Mother Fixes the Houi» M SradleaU.--WlfU PHlurN. PIANO unC. or Harry Members of P*»»e ads whtah in COLD WEATHER ^SPECIALS^ customers corithwi. AfcM aatifreeae, $1.5* ig*®8**"- Igitloa lot*, containers. DRIVEN, • Sell, Nftfr BUI Bacon, 1M snry. Tjlsphsw^ *m» J". *1.60 gallon, euatowwa Emergency chains, 4*lt> 7te eaeh, aat of six, $4.60. Vateon defaace batteries, $1236 exchange, two-year' guarantee Gambia's, Waat MeHwry FLOOR SANDING --N IMUIUK nr and ma --, _ .--Ntinw floor. Gofc Ihlwy H7-Ri I FOR SALE--Heatrola wood or coal | varnishing and waxlnr new aM stove, excellent condition; reasonable. „flo ors; alao Kantile, a Ufa-time floor Charted Stilling, Plrtaiee iqr Road^Fnwr Tel. McHenry 562-M-2. *8® TOE SALK SALE INGO Farmera, C. Art's Barber t 217 N _ 18 S4-tf DALT ui Cigar Stan 8L Woodstock, m. MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of Johnson bronae Motor West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 20-tf trove. •Case tractor, Mode! CC. "jfirJiT"?.™ MIS-OKlnb tt~«, tarr WO Run P.rm,1T! ".Taj1 S? w !! KX tSf El Sife. S&.5E R SALE--5-room house with 5 Henry 590-W-l. *86 and real street, buy. A< 111. Tel. Richmond 779. chicken house on Grove, Illinois, FOR SALE--Maytag 8 cubic ft. home Ice, 86 SALE -- New Stewart Clip- (By Yardstick) Grattinfs, Folks, . • Cheer up! Only flfty-eight* more »S U.n^' spring. In tne meantime, well just keep our finger on the thermometer to keep the mercury from leaking out of the bottom where it has dropped this past week. Right now we would like to meet up with some of those guys who prophesied a mild winter for 1948. ai"H& A1'" "*id w*».111 ewato* to Al Wetle one evening last week wnen the temperature was about 16 below nothing. Al carried a big * and * 8fick under his arm. Where to on a night like this?" .a"kad- To which Al replied, ^ This weather is ideal for snipe nunt- I ni told 8of I thought I'd go out and get me a snipe or two/' Should.y°u kind reader, meet up with Al break it to him geatiy. We didn t have the heart. which are buDt out of the treea. are generally woodpecker or flicker, salt from decay ing off of a limb. e bjr may rathe breakare moat j FOR SALE--BsJeg alfalf*; also oats master cattle clippers, $82.60; also bars. McHenry Electric ' iSSl*' O'Brien. TeL Waueonda replacement clipper plates for all Service. 102 T«ih»> **17- j models. Gamble's, West McHenry. likely to be found la oaks, cottoowoods and sycamores. Before occu- v 6 ** patkn they are provided with aaoft inner neat madeef flbroua ^tsiliTinl ; ' " ' bark from redwooda, cedar or pines Usually the pieces of baric art gaftl : ered on the pound. The bark la " held,hi fee nmiaiwtdie tbe ' ' are combed through it to miu * IT * ^ s o f t a n d p l i a b l e . T h e o u t s i d e o f t h e * ^ dray is made «( aticka about the diamtfter of a pencil. Such nests are f - two to three feet in diameter and may or may not be covered over PAYROLL BOOKS FOB 1M§ ? n^mi2da*,er b** a "UPply of payroll books, esMciaDy suitable for small payrolls. Place an order for your needs now and get started at 34-4 SALE -- New 7x8 HOMART INUM OVERHEAD GARAGE mD c., p deliverv (enclosed hardware and locks: £°Rr n rubber gasket weather strips); good! J*" PP]L, el£ric Running Tudor Olds Six, 6 new tires,;tors' ill S #195 (clean & good upholstery in- i oila no8tcarf tide.) F. Mussy, Ringwood. Tel. Rich- »nd reasonably priced. A postcard send 798. oa will bring our representative to your _ home. Address Box "M," % Plain- R SALE -- Three-piece bedroom j dealerc «nn4ete, $100; 1 set Sifimons j pQR gALE -- Year-round home at »J? TS' mattresses, com- Wonder Lake; furnace; full base- ~ ^;.i.i,1V]ng c ,r0!r PU"-"P ment; reasonable. Tel. Wonder Lake in, $6 each; 1 Silvertone table I mm *85-2 lodel radio-phonograph combination, > •_! , " all in good condition. Call at I VAWTXT) •ffi BUT pel Hill Clubhouse or McHenrv WATITBU TO BUI 1-J-l. *36 GARBAGE COI dispose of yeur or eftener if rates. Regular year John E. HuL P. O. Box *74, Mo- Henry, Phone 8fl6. tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf WE BUY AND SELL U8ED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES. McHenry, I1L Pltoae 277. . 49-tf it tb« decorator, mnd Ad* fsBt for tvnytbint K^tby tugpstt,* By KATHLEEN NORRIS r WANTED TO BUY--House or cot- SALE--Five-room house; two tage located on or new river. Write ** se IMX 3W '#ar garage; oil heat and hot water. Box "VB," care FtSindealer. lUao for sale, maple bunk beds. Ad-. ~' "4* 'i*?' dress Bbx 16, in care of, Flaindealer. •36 WANTED WANTED--Sewing done in my home. SALE--CUataa eata, certified. Call Mrs. Hey. Tel. 697-M-2. and treated, $2.30 per bushel; 1 -- ----; r :--7 ~-- - "" * -ianos, spinet or rite P. O. Box 35-2 ed supply. Mitchell Kane, Ring- ' WANTED--Used pi I. Phone Richmond 942. *36 small uprights. W -- -- j 336, McHenry, III. .FOR SALE--Three vacuum cleaners, 1 Premier Deluxe uprriightt mmooddeell,. $11155;: j FARM WANTED--We are interested 1 Magic-Aire tank tyife with at-' in securing farms 40 to 240 acres, tachments, $20; 1 Universal tank Please give general description, price model and attachments, 2 months old,1 and «*•<* location. M. Edwards P. Hke new, $40. Tel. McHenry 631-J-l 0- B<J* 425. Libertyville, 111. 34-4 o *36 ---- ; --77- , WANTED -- All-year homes, in or SALE--1987 Chevrolet coupe, near McHenry, from $8,000 to condition. Wilson Radio Service. [$16,000; must have possession within McHenry 469. 86; 80 days of closing deal. JACOB at Johnsburg. , - - - , -- --, 87, or Chicago, Lin- Ed Diednch, Rt. coin 13$. 26-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekoi, Jr., 108 Main St., MeHenigr. ry 203-J. Phon« McHen 62-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House or apartment in or near McHenry' or Crystal Lake. Phone McHenry 205-J. *86 SITUATION WANTED £PR SALE--McD. manure spreader^ t tzLzrir **medrich' ^ 1 c°,n •36 •nn .... -- ; 1 WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to Suit, delivered .-reC~n*>gn<K^ ! repair. Anthony_ Noonan 200 So. ' "P11*?8. "prepaid to: Green street, McHenry. (^ront part you at K per ,u*.hel- Oranges, I of Claire Bet uty Shoppe.) 16-tf teagerines, grape fruit, all of one nad o•r ans so»rte d. Send cheek and _ _ * ® D - W . MM alioy, ,L a-kce Helen, t FOR RENT ' 85-5 i FOR RENT--8-4 room dwelling, near FOR- SAUB -- Clinton seed I depot in Fox Lake! inside plumbing. pwftw tirtifled seed, cle^Sl;"MCHJS™ 681 R®8 Upii yd treated. Stanley Fr*^~i | *** month- Cal1 McHenry 651-R-2. p: K -A ••• • f ^ ; from taatllfled seed, cleaned, i --J Tated. Fraund. -- •«- *8. *84-3f [ J SALR-lO^r-^; t7Z^7 A FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT-- ko^batt^d^l^ O^niIprivileges for selL (CaU Mr. Hank Neu" sin*le or double- ^ 54"M*°r ,1*: {ACOBJTUTfiL REALTOR, at Johns-1 larg. TeL McHenry 87. 31-tf FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or igR BAig -- J0KNB-MAN\1LLE^ ™te; with bath, $46 per mo. WI* AJR)CK WOOL HOME INl without bath, $30 per nun; ideal. SULATION. Guamrtieed not to settle 1<J,k Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, Mc- InrtallBd by the_WallflM Co. Call or Henry, 111. Phong 176. 30-tf K HMOrLLAireOOS BK mTHM. ADD-' PERFECT SEAL ROCK WOOL-- ^7 lAtttUfEB. Service on all Will save you up to 40 percent in --*7™ ABO ribbons for all makes; fuel costs. With shortage of fuels S™?1. P*P*r-_L- V. Kilts, Clay Stjand high prices, don't delay. Call us Woodstock. Phone 649. 7-tf for free estimate. NO MONEY " oi7« DOWN. PAYMENTS LOW AS $5 At MrCnllnm i !L ®' „ A r ! PER MONTH. We also apply Barrett eaom ^ rcofiri« and 8idi"g- Airflpun Insula- 2KL- 0 \ : ^ ! tion Co., Wonder Lake, Rt 1, Ring- ^ gU^asement, near ^bus lwine". wcod' Tel" Wonder Lake 698 after 5 p. m. •36i.3 POSITION WANTED--Couple Want to manage restaurant and tavern or club. Will work separate as bartender and waitress or, will lease •with option to buy. Good references Call Richmond 779. *36 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TWO MEN FOR WORK IN OUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT. INTERESTING WORK FOR YOUNG MEN. KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY NOT ESSENTIAL. LIBERAL VACATION, 8ICK LEAVE AND GROUP INSURANCE PLAN. PHONE OR VISIT THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, INC. RINGWOOD. ILL. TEL. RICHMOND 5 86 GIRLS WANTED -- For pressing, sewing; and as power-machine operators. Experienced. Woodstock Dress Mfg. Co., 228 Main St., Woodstock. Phone 1015. *36 SALESMAN WANTED -- To sen Rockwool insulation, roofing, siding and waterproofing; high commissions paitf; also a drawing account after thirty days. Call or write the Airspun Insulation Co., R-l Ringwood, in. Call Wonder Lake 698 after 5 p. m. *35-3 FEMALE HELP WANTED--Secretary, stenographer with some clerical i experience. Transportation can be' arranged. Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein, 111., Phone Mundelein 1430. 82-tf j . Ah*) 4-room house, running water, PAINTING--Painting and decorating WANTED -^MBWJlND *nd stores, by day or contract. Local references. StW. GOOD OPPOR* TBWCI^L W-n n , r u ! For appointment call Oliver 3yren, ~ £l^01* McCullom's Lake, near ; Wonder Lake 221. *35-2 Jit. 120, 5 rooms, bath, furnace,, oil - -- fceat; 2 lota. Price $6^)00. CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling In Sunset View Sub., Fox River, | and repairs of all kinds. A. Lesllear Johnsbarg; 6 rooms; bath; fur-! sard. Flione McHenry 684-R-2. *34-8 aace heat; full basement; garage;: . . -- large lot.. Price $9,500. For iti^r-1 C. J. H. DIEHL pation call JACOB FRITZ, REAL- " ~ TOR, at Johnsbarg. Tel. McHenry 17, 01 " Woodstock Piano Toner Phone 208*W, 526 Washington St. or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 31-tf ! 80-tf Woodstock, I1L R SALE--1936 Plymouth, 19851 No Cmrilag, Please iham: also Schwinn bicycles. Avoid overcrowding the refrigera- Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf tok. Food should be arranged so FOR 8ALB--Lota. StMSO ft-1 •"»«» Route 31, about two block from cabinet. t. Inquire at 71^ Center St. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf i Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. ti- 'tM Helen Weber Says: BUr / TOLD YOU Nor TO 60 NEAR A USANO CUE A S / E D GAAME//T Motfcs won't dsmafis your dotliing, if you gat U-San-0 lasurad Mothproof Cleaning. U-San-0 is coloHess, odorless and kannlasi tl tfca finest of fabrics. OK today ferqulitr clumiig plw nra MOMI . •• •••%> ««»M • , ! • . McHenry Cleaners 1M Ha M. I Helen W«ber, Mgr. : ^ TUN1TY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. GO„ 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, MeHENRY. PHONE 89. 29-tf SIntt «f hw Mil fnw SwlMHf*! ildll Challenge springs- eternal at the English channel's Strait of Dover, recently conquered by a swimmer tor the first tkne since 1SS9. The challenge Is found not only in the chaanA waters, biit also in the air above and even In the earth under the strait, notes National Geo* graphic society. A land bridge joined the British isles and tip continent of Europe until worn away in the Ice Age perhaps 10,000 years ago, geologists believe. In the realm of swimming, the treacherous 20-mile strait has been wife and mother. And to want things LIKE a niqe home, and I like things clean and suitable," writes an angry man from East St. Louis," but I doubt if any man could stand what my wife puts me through iO the way of house furnishing! We inherited a handsome big place in the very best part of town, and do what she will, Ada can't pretend that she'd ever like to moVfe, except with the girls to the mountains for a few weeks in summer. But what she can do with this dignified old place, that my grandfather built 70 years ago, js a marvel., "She's always been a little like that, talking lamps and rugs and running around with samples of curtains and wallpapers. But now it's an obsession. Three years ago it was the drawing-rooms, then the bedrooms, playroom, basement. Then she had the house painted an entirely new color, and now she's back on the drawing-rooms. We're not through paying for the basement, we haven't touched the paint bill, and Ada, sitting lpoking around Our upstairs sitting room last night said thoughtfully, 'This room must be done over, and I might as well get at the drawing-rooms, too, while I'm about it. I'll telephone Kathy.' s "Kathy is the decorator," the letter goes on, "and what she gets in commissions runs into hundreds every year. Kathy finds a desk, a chandelier or a pa'r of candlesticks that will just exactly fit some corner of my house, and Ada falls for everything Kathy suggests. The other day I found on Ada's desk some pictures of an old stab> turned into a garage, and I had a fit. We took the front out of our old stable 20 years ago, and we can run three or four cars in there, but Ada keeps reminding me that ft isn't really a garage. Always Something New. ' There arc new fire irons or dining1 room chairs in the house every few months, well, I'll pay for them all eventually, but what makes me mad is the talk, talk, talk of drapes and fringe^, contrasting tones and effects. We're going to have almost b'»ck walls downstairs now, as Kathy says it was a crime to paper them in cream three years ago; it* was another decorator who did that. AH the fixtures have to come down and we won't have the use of those rooms fori three months. Even the little girls--we have four, are pretty sick of being bounced about while their rooms are fixed to suit Mommy. What can a mere man do?" Well, Carleton, if these symptoms In a rich and pampered wife were not spreading also to wives of all grades, I'd laugh at your letter, and suggest that you continue to give the little woman her head. You apparently live in a luxurious home, and can afford to be only mildly impatient with the restless vagaries of your wife, and her subjugation to the ubiquitous decorator, but there are thousands of husbands who can't m«et the bills for fashion's constantly charging ideas on glassware, clypa, linen, curtains, chromium, lacquer, wallcovering. To take an interest in home is good, indeed, it's essential in the successfully negotiated 25 times. Ten women share the honor with 14 men, one of the men having crossed once in each direction. The first swimmer crossed in 1875. Where the swirling stream of the North sea meets the ebb and flow of the channel, cross currents, double tides and whirlpools are created. SlaAc tide is unknown; gales, fog anff rough water prevail much of the year. Men in ships have challenged the channel, in peace and in war, tor centuries. Romans and Norm ins invaded Britain from the continent, while Spaniards, Germans and others were thwarted. to be fresh, comfortable, clean, is all good, too. But too many women today appear to be in a continual race for change. All the old furnishings are torn out, the comfortable chairs and the accustomed lamps Callforula Aveeadoe Avocados hang on the tree more than a year to riDen. Millions of blossoms appear on each tree, but only a few hundred develop to fruit, but the average yield for each tree seldom reaches 600 pounds. Mas Farm With 1920 methods, tools, crop varieties, and livestock practices, farmers would have put in about 30 billion hours of work for ttif year's farm production. But, owing to the advances made In technology, the job takes only atast si "Keeping up with the Joneses" is a grest American custom. When it leads to constant and expensive remodeling of a comfortable home, however, it can become a serious menace to domestic happiness. Ada and Carleton inherited a "big, handsome place in the very best part of town," in East St. Louis. Up to a few years ago Ada was satisfied to make small changes; repapering and repainting, buying a new piece of furniture now and then. Lately, bowever, she has come under tbp influence of Kathy, an interior decorator, who constantly urges her to extravagant purchases of furnishings as well as costly redecorating. It isn't only the expense, complains Carleton, it's the nuisance of having the bouse constantly torn up, and a part of it nearly always out of use. A few isolated cases of this nervous urge to keep up With the fads of mercenary designers wouldn't matter much if it were limited to a few wealthy, idle wives, says Miss Norris, but unfortunately women at all levels are affected. The financial burden on middle-income husbands is a constant source of domestic discord. Miss Norris advises all women who may have this redecorating urge, to think seriously whether or not they are endangering the tranquility of tbeir home. i®0"7 to report that Jerry Cermak K. . . --- nad to undergo surgery at the St I beginning of the year. Anthony hospital in Chicago last Saturday and again on Tuesday. We join his many friends in wishing him a speedy recovery. On account of Jerry s illness the scheduled installation of new officers of the Screwy Uozen will be postponed until next month. , The Warren Barkers- braved the elements last Sunday to spend the day •isitmg with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaeffer of Richmond Road. Something new has been added to Bill, and Millie Rochelle's property on 44 Orchard Drive. It's „„„„ bungalow to house their beautiful a cozy *R ttle canine specimens. Bill decided on h!!Lr°JeCu 7^." his Riwian wolf nound pushed him out of his bed twice in one night. Many of the McCullom Lake commuters had to hitch-hike from Mc- JZliHJ • .Frid*y when the bus failed to make the 6:20. We later learned that the rough weather that evening caused them to run a hour behind schedule.- M"- Sam Deskis .has fully recovered from her recent illness and once again son, Ray, is sporting that tol TllB th&} °nJy » -lice of Moms home-made bread and jam could put on his chubby face. ^iUi?n 1 Reid entertained Mrs. H«rold, VytiUI .t te. TuMd., J. T . • Nats and Bolts In iqtarnational affairs, America aI"R P*«y" • loan hand. While- the averare A 1 disappear, and everyone not only has to be accommodated to the new surroundings, but also has to take nervous and meticulous cart af them. Nothing Comfortable. Dad can't relax on the imposing daverffjort that has taken the place of the old sofa. The lamps no longer move on strings, hauled now to the piano, now to the table, now to the hearth. Lights now are disguised under smooth half-hoops of chocolate- colored linen; readers must crane and twist to get any li$ht from them at all. Chairs,.desk and the $400 modern-antique highboy have their appointed places, and must neither be used nor moved. And Mother has lost all sense of comfortable domestic leisure, when a child could scramble with his speller into her lap, and they could relax together in a big chair. No, Mother's eyes are anxiously seeking defects now, opportunities for the legitimate exercise of more extravagance; Mother's thoughts are on the Billing's auction sale, when that adorable Italian brazier and the two little Victorian towel racks are going to be sold. Ask yourself if your own suddenlyaroused consciousness, of ^decoration is annoying and boring the family, and haritating the man who must pay the bills. Throwing away per fectly good things because they are not in line with modern ideas of furniture, colors, hangings, designs, is a new thing with this generation of women. Our mothers and grandmothers didn't indulge in it. They loved the feel of smooth old wood the easiness of pleasant shabby rooms, the lamps that had lighted scr many happy hours. Of course an occasional good new thing came in, but never fast enough to d'sturb anyone, never often enough to keep mother in constant nervous stew. American is forever trying to get rid of his bay WEEK-END SPECIAL* at Sig's" Food Market McCullom (Formerly Hera's) Hilb Bras. COFFEE "Mbi J«r er Cum * . 49c lb. • Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 MAS for 25e Oscar Mayer's White Clover PURE LARD 31c lb. Bananas at all tim«i "HMM mted to comforisbl* . . .* Meat Aids Babies Strained meat, added to the diet of six-week-old babies, protects the infants from anemia, according ta Dr. Ruth M. Leverton. Dr. Leverton's report was be red on a study by the U. of Nebraska in cooperation with Lincoln and Omaha doctors. The survey, she said, showed that meat improved blood conditions and checked the disease. Nurses caring for infants taking part in the study reported that babies receiving meat generally were "less fussy, and slept better.** Origin at Chop Saay Chop suey, unknown in China, was originated in New York City by an American chef. The word chop suey in Chinese means "hash." Ancient Use of Fingerprints The use of fingerprints as a system of identification is of such ancient origin that it was known from the earliest days in the Orient, when monarchs signed documents with the imprints of their thumbs. n| mtirzp. U mr- n. m-r -n w..f i Mistletoe Foe of Trees Pathologists of the bureau of entomology at Spokane, Wash., report that dwarf mistletoe is sapping the life from ledgepole and yellow pines in the Pacific Northwest. The money secured for mistletoe for the Christmas trade Will not make up the loss that the lumbermen receive from this parasite, a * Complete line of. Lccfl remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8-tf Bsport of Condition of MeHENRY STATE BANK a member of the Federal Reserve System at suant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. pur ASSBTS L T** <*** indudin# sas«n» " 2 T wT' <?•"? ""JS ltem* m *>roce88 of collection 0 guararlteed* *.... obM«mtion». <*ir«et a4.' 9OHth[egrH tbloonnld s, notes and debentures 2's2i726,JH18i o5o6 e£rLai? 0Rpe!steer v8et °tb aSn k<) includin* M,600.00 stock of" F«t * caj ^ 7 n l " and ,discounts (including $387.25"'ViwrdrafteT' 1.992 57132 • s ,umit°re lOfOOOtW 12. TOTAL ASSETS ...$6,132,998.98 • n *-»_ ' ' v LIABILITIES ^ -™raMons * * indhridua,s' Partnerships, and 16- pDXR,s„vt^"" i« r»r -x' a/. 52,788.43 Oiaua ana political sudivisions 271,72816 49349*55 10 Ait 1 ,, auisui visions !5: SSfit*"fcSWSi 23 Other liabilities .....L *o,Tre,8W.7S 17356.53 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $5,791,721.26 --i- CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital* 26. Surplus "nr***" a7- Undivided profits 28. Reserves (and retirement account capital) .... , for SO,000.00 - 100,000.00 -- 138,777.72 preferred 52300.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 841,277.72 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ta 100 km ftQ •This bank's capital consists of common'stodk' ^ with total pkr value of $50,000.00. MEMORANDA \ ~ 31. Assets- pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and r for other purposes | 614,560.00 I. Hubert L. Weber, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby and Klief "bove statement is true to the best of my knowledgJ ROBERT L. WEBER. Correct--Attest: GERALD CAREY, WILLIAM M. CARROLL, . . C. J. REIHANSPERGER, Directors. Wai. M. CarreR C. J. Reihansperger Gerald J. Carey •Robert 1^. Weber James E. Larkin OFFICERS ...........ChairaMB af ----.-Vice-pre«iden| President * Cashie| Asst. CaahieT . . . C.'l. ReUianeperger Wau A. Nye, M^ IK DIRECTORS Wa^ M. Carrall Jeeepii "W. Weaad Gstald J. Carfy / MEMBER^ .FEDERAL RBSBRVa' .SYSTEM^ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HMtM • --

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