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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1948, p. 3

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• p which wfll sine at Qh Chlragehii W»f' Music festival not Auguat. Tlw «tf the a party at their home, •si-aSn Antiech were visitors hen Satarday. Mr*. Viola Low ani aon, fwnt, tfc Mr*. Th.: rmliil limit m, ths ^22^55?°™ at Woo*rtock» Saturday y •lull i nil tlUtWOft. -- whfpjLeTaway Kiday JESZ£ in 1gL>wm*n U frienda Funeral services will be held Moaday, Ur^T. ..v -<*i™s^Luk: *-* . .iL^^rirs^.^"ta Dr. Ednoad L°^e ^ conducted • Elgin Tharaday and also spent a few senricea at the Methodist church days with her son, Harold, and Sunday morning in the atoeaee of [family at Dundee. •*??' 2£i -J**™! Jinv>Diek, and Margery Wiedrieh W f t l , .. . m.T. i -- - food attendance and a line ser- 1Df Keystone spent the weekend with Wattbgton. y»lwtine, ***_«»" mon was enjoyed. j | their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. hy the Capsule sisters. ||r> Mra. Louis Winn and; Fred Wiedrieh, Sr. daughter of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown of Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Oak Park spent Sunday with his Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard ' ~ ~ ~ spent Saturday in the Fred Wiedrieh Home Circle da home of Mrs. Welf nftpy- Mrs. Weldon Andreas lbs. John Hocaif were assistant A 1 o'clock luncheon was ' lbs. J. C. Pearson had of the program in the abet Mrs. Louis Winn, who was _ *C£*. $L*. **H&a*rr*i,s o*no nfw ad Mrs. Ben Ij the i wms m Mkm Carol Harrison entertained nhm at the Sural "South at her mm Thursday evening. The Community Club will meet at C. Smith, 188-4*4; L. Pitien, 486; J. Frett, 488: J. Billed, 210; b! Martinec, 19»«40; O. Nowak, 479; M. Schaefer, 486: P. Hiller, 201-609; a Schons, 487; J. Jackson, 189-507; N. Smith, 1»»-617; P. Pitxen, 484; S. Freund, 191-687; G. Jackson, 490. W: father, SL W. Brown. and _____ ! cago spent the weekend at the homie McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS ? OUTDOOR SIGNS* ^ TRUCK LETTERINO A WINDOW LET TBBUia H. REESE \ ; T«t St. ' I 1 i COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding fcedetigning McHenry Electric Motor Service BRUCE W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. PHONE 181 T HXmnm here that they recently purchased of George Haberline. They expect to pove here next week. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard i were visitors at Woodstock Satarday morning. Miss Lora Wiedrieh of Hebron spent the weekend with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiedrieh. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter i Low and family spent Sunday with | their mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Howard Bruce Harrison and Roman Bauer have returned home from their trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tony an are moving into the Fay apartment. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mrs. Clara Dienlien and Mrs. Ed Bauer spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr*, and Mrs. Nordmeyer at Wauconda. Miss Georgia Schmidt of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Lu Ann Bauer. Mrs. Catherine Vogel and daughters, Mrs. Dan Laurence and children and Mrs. Phyllis Burnett and daughter of Elkhorn spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrieh, Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, John, were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. / Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and daughter of Richmond and Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Sr. • Mrs. Roy Neal and son, John, spent Sunday afternoon at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Cora Flanders pnd Mrs. John MM KM H i l l I »H 1 I I I I 1 1 M On 8 p. m. at the Ffcna *»n,bi Snl < i active during i of fa* retkmteg. r «f people have that the group be organised this tost planned. It wfll be Illinois Rural ISO 2M<JL Office H from It to 4. Woader __-- , C. Steffen, 189-49*; Johnsoa, 601: E. Dean, 190-202-196-688; Gutaman, 192 Cemml.-- • Widen, 483, Alrin Blake, 214-580; Rourke, 638; MeKim, 203; Oxtoby, 198-513: Wleser. 199-479; Morrn. 498. V,r 4* jj&Si u * ^ Hi)om*< , '°J&* • ,^ 4; H. Smith, 529; Snyder, 222-504; Conway, 211-542; Feisert, 204-223- 212-639; Kennebeck, 200-506; Jones, 198-634; Larkin, 224-518; Kinsala, 200-548; Rodenkirk, 204-534; Smith, 213-521; Peterson, 246-541; Frisby, 191-531; Vem Freund, 602; Bacon, 625; Pries, 499; Hagberg, 213-557* Kreutxer, 203-518. D. of A.-- G. Weber, 400; It. Kinsala, 170- 445; E. Kinsala, 186-490; B. OTBrien, 444; M. Corso, 170-461; A. Hogan, 186*441; E. Winkel, 427; C. Wagner, 407. , K. of C -- M. Whiting, 498; R- Hoelscher, 198- 492; T. Miller, 512; H. Fteur.d, 200- 506; H. Steffan, 202-557; H. Schmitt, 188-481; H. Diedrich, 502; J. Larkin, 495.- ' " - "SPEEDY" by KICK AULLER*S McHENRY GARAGE wumuan ssnssae FRONT STREET ROUTE CUSTOMERS , ^ * E. Engersoir SlT't" B. Kfeter, 203- 540; C. Thorsell, 188-488; N. Knaack, 484; R. Wheelock, 198-526; B. Peisert, 190-535; D. Conway, 229-509; H. Weber, 192-640; V. Adams, 204- 574. For your convwienoe we announce the following1 change in store hours hifimrinf FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 WOODSTOCK BIERCHANTS will be open every Friday night (until 9 p. m.) for those shoppers who want to avoid the Saturday Daytime rush. Special bargains will be offered on these evenings. . * i s MARTICKE & NIXON TIRE CO. GOODYEAR DISTRIBUTORS 1UI. Elm St. , Phone 424 McHENRT, ILLINOIS IN BENEFITS OF CHICKS •red Uke HyMd Cera Ycsrty iTcrtgei 200 egg* per bird arc common with Hy-Liac Pullets. Lay 2 to 6 docen more eggs thaa ordinary ducktu. Good all-fear l*rer»-- rcainaat to iztrtai hot or cold wMtMr. to HY LINES, we caa eeda ea all staadard ar Ar a aaiatt aMMeaal Charge, we will start year cMcka ap to three wesfca...* Place year fmr far dettverj whea daaired. McHENRT HIS, INC. Phone 92-R la addit^ aaoply year l Wed. Baainees Men-- L. Larson, 179- 469; H. Hoyte, 180- 1^5-180-525; B. Rochelle, 189-1&6- 215-569; H. Mahlstrom, 450; A. Aregger, 180-403. Schaeferettea-- E. Blake, 170-410; M. Stilling, 439; ] J. Oxtoby, 403; B. Freund, 427; E. | Peterson, 406; E. Rand, 429; E. Peisert, 465; B. Justen, 178-144-205- j 527; B. Bueurgler, 174-470; , M. Ro-; chelle, 212-468; F. Dean, 438; M.I Wilbrandt, 409; L. Miller, 452; D. Schaefer, 440; M. Sutton, 181-459; M. Doherty, l78-180-Wl-6i»| H. Knox, 425. ^ Ladies-- S. Weber, 404; G. Kunr. 448; B. Hulquist, 492; M. Sutton, 420; P. Kraus, 467; E. Gnoit, 409; G. Miller, 409; M. \freingaii, 402; H. Heide, 467; A. Ross, 408;V Miller. 444; ft. Stilling, 462; U. Simon, 426; C. Justen, 404. N Sabscribe fcr The riaindealer THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6:00 PJC. .f West McHenry, 11L llllliMMIM ROYAL BLUE FOOD MART MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. F. W. WOOLWORTH CO." WIEN'S WOMEN'S WEAR STOftB F. T. FERRIS JEWELRY MENZEL ELECTRIC SHOP SCANLON HAT SHOP E. J. FIELD HARDWARE H. W. SCHMIDT CO. W<K)DSTOCK DRY GOODS CO. BOHN HARDWARE CO. RAY WOLF JEWELERS m THOMPSON APPLIANC^CO. WUNDERLICH'S BOWMAN BROS. SHOE STORE HIBBARD TRUE VALUE ST0R8 THE VOGUE SHOP L. A. BARMANN .• " BARMAN N STYLE SHOPPft " ' ' :" W. WOOLF TAILOR „ . I ^ R. W. SCHULTZ MARKET 1 . ^ THOMAS B. MERWIN FURNITURE -- t- SMART SHOP SHELBY JEWELERS OLSEN*S JOBBING HOUSE, U9C s BELCHER ft SON SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. S - ' This change has been made after analysing present changing shopping order to better serve the public. * and in WOODSTOCK « • ofraat is No. 1--only Chevrolet is oK-round value as in popu- ^ tarity- ConsequenHy, mora people dmm Chevrolet! than any other make, according to official nationwide registrations; and more people want Chevrolet! than any other make, according |o seven independent nationwide Surveys. Here, in the new 1948 Chevrolet, is recofd value. For new and •ven more kixvrious styBng, colore pnd appointments have bean added to al of Chevrolet's oilier advantages of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COSH FIRST! Clark Chevrolet Sales A U C T I O N Located south of Roney Farm No. l on Fairfleld-Volo Rd., being 2H miles northwest of Wauconda, 1J4 miles south of Volo-Gilm«r Rd.» 1% miles north of Hwy 176, on MONDAY, FEB. 2S at 12 o'clock KIM LUNCH WAGOH Watch for Auction arrows on Hwy. 12, 170 and Gilmer-Volo Rd. CATTLE--Seaier herd aire. C«WU Ormsby Tritonls, barn Septeaaber 14, 1944, No. 970521, aired by King Tritoaia of Shedv Noek No. 859176, dam Piebe Orawby Vaader Sad Ne. 2320399. Jaaior herd sire, Kin* Bewie Belle = RoaaMr, born April 14, 1946, N®. 1009466- sired by Psbat Roamer, 059ns, dam Bessie Belle. Namy No. 2215004. 24 Holstein and Gueraaey cows, eoasiating of 9 springe.a. S with calf at aide, 4 recently Ireeh, balance bred back and milking good; 5 growthy Halaiein heifers, 10 months old, open, 3 batstanding Holstein heifers, 5 aM»tha old; 4 heifera, 6 weeks old; 2 Holstein steers, average *P«fht 500 lbs. T. B. and Banga tested. HORSE--Black Percheron mare, 10 years old, weight 1500 lbs. POULTRY--200 Record White Leghorn pullets, 100 Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Red pullets, 50 New Hampshire (Red yearling hens. FEED--100 bushel Clinton oats; 50 bushel oats; 100 bushel corn; 50 bushel barley; 300 bales of 2nd cutting baled alfalfa hay; 200 bales timothy hay; 15 ton chopped hay; some baled straw. MACHINERY--McD. F-30 tractor on new rubber; McD. 2-row mounted corn picker; J. D. quack digger; McD. 8 ft. tractor disc; McD. 9 ft. grain drill; new M-H push type hay loader; new McD. si^e delivery rake; J. D. 7-ft. mower; J. D. corn binder; Hamilton lime and fertilizer spreader; Lets No. 340 mill; hpb sled; st»*l stone boat; iron wheel wagon ina\ rick; Hydraulic bulldozer; McD. manure spreader; McD. 8 ft. double culti-packer. MILKING EQUIPMENT--McD. milk cooler (11 can size) DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, 2 single units, Schlueter electric water heater; 20 milk cans. MISCELLANEOUS --- New electric clippers; new steel silage cart; new McD. 8 h. p. gasoline engine; 4-gal. kerosene blow torch and weed burner; blow torch; 2 electric fence controllers (Hi-Line); new 80 ft. extension ladder; 10 ft. step ladder; 3 tarpaulins (8x10 ft.) (16x24 ft.) (10x12 ft.) 200 ft. 5 and 6 ft. chain links fencing; 150 steel posts; barb wire; woven wire; 6 new wire gates (1-12 ft., 3-14 ft., 2-16 ft.); new toilet and flush tank; gal. pipe (V4 to in.); 6 drinking cups; 2x6 ft. butcher block; 150 ft. Lowden litter carrier track; new window sash; 200 ft. %*in. hose; 76 ft. tt-in. hose. DEEP FREEZE -- BUILDINGS -- iSB TRAILER--New Birds' Eye, .6 hole -- 18% cu. ft deep freeae; 2 G. B. Way brooder houses' on skids 12x14 ft, 8x10 ft. with curved roofs); brooder house on skids; 1 Range bouse, on skids; 2 wheel trailer, with cattle rack. i BROILER aad BATTERY BROOD- "ON THE SQUARE" -- SHOPPING CENTER OF XoHEKRY COUNT* 0 , ® * h V fatf- i t.$ i •>$ . •« A , • ' ^ WOMEN sss - ADMIRAL CORPORATION NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION^ at our new McHENRY 507 ELM ST, McHENRY Agency SWfri Light, Clean, Interesting Work eocnplete 8 Broiler pew electric bajytery broodera i with feeder aad waterers; WHY TRAVEL FARTHER, when yon can secure employment at ft near home? Cake pride in yonr job! JToin the vast throngs who bnild American Finest Radio M ienc© Stop In and See Our Employee Counselor be open each day 4 p. m Employment

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