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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1948, p. 6

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FOR SALE FOR SALS--10 ton e* oats «Mnr; two Brown 8viu.faK% m three milted HotaMi \m age from three A. C. .demons. Kries fans, tmgwood. & *41-4 FOR SALE--Uvinf room set, (daven- >rt, chair and 9x12 rug) reasonable, el. McHenry 283-J. *41 fOE TION DflPA! ___ „ ING WORK FOR TOUl KNOWLEDGE OF qt NOT ESSENTIAL. LIBERAL CATION. SICK LEAVE GROUP INSURANCE PLAN. PHONE OR VISIT. THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, INCS - RINGWOOD, ILL. TEL. RICHMOND V ; «1 alfalfk hat a m SALE--Baled alfalfa. 1st and fad catting. Hugh J. O'Brien, phone Wauconda 2317. *41-2 FOR SALE--Stack of clover hay. Hainan Dowe, 208 Richcmond Road, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. 41-2 FOR SALE--Modern 5-room house; ltoU basement; large garage. Clayton O. ®rucev Ringwood, HL *41 IDR SALE--Because of a change in our operations the following used equipment will be sold privately at reasonable prices; McD. wire tie baler, ME rototiller, 2-bag cement mixer with LeRoi motor, 3-bottom 16-in. plow, grain drill, Monroe allsteel tilt-bed trailer, 16-cu. ft. deep freeze, Bobson cooler, DeLaval Magnetic milking units, corn binder and 1111^„l^v.v loader, International tractor on steel, j McHenry FOR SALE -- Eight-room house; modern; two acres of land; nicely located in Ringwood, ni. This place, must be sold; priced reasonable. Carrp B. Ohrwall, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 1207 or 1848-M-2. 41 _ FOR SALE--Upright piano in g©°d i^ I^P^iTO C^ ITOtt condition. Fred Kuns. Tel. Mc-1 £AR^ULLY. FULL TIME OR Henry 273-R. 41 , PART TIME WORK. SALARY IN FOR SALE--Estate Heatrola forced air oil burner; four 55-gal. drums and gravity feed system; f75 complete. Call Wonder Lake 878. *41 FOR SALE-- Doberman pups AKC reg., 3 mos. old. A. V. Jira, Cary, HI., Phone C«ry 3224. *41 HELP WANTED (MALE) SWITZERCRAFT BOAT CO. McHENRY, ILL. ACCORDANCE TO ABILITY. 41 4-h.p. electric motor, Cletrac crawler. Jamesway ventilators, Maple ILane Harm, Rt. 12. 2)4 mi. south of Fox Lake. Phone McHenry 632-R-2. 41 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE 2-story brick, two stores," one bBrgp 6-room apt., full basement, automatic hot water heat, on Route 120, McHenry. * Also Garage suitable for other business, and modern 4-room home, 100 ft., frontage, on the fastest growing j business street in the county, at the j intersection of Routes 31 and 120, in j Price reduced to $15,500 HELP WANTED--Couple: Man for general farm work, wife to take care of boarding house. Separate quarters. Good working condi ti Salary $200 month, plus $45 each man boarded, usually two> Give references. Spinney# Run Fajrm, Libertyville, Illinois.*^ 41 It at tomonrtflPt In for their addttM or fsrtillty, ®8t year of 2.6, the aecond ««d the fhM year an Corn, for Instance, ha: rating, small (rain minus 1,200 lbs. of 0-20-0 fertiliser or its equivalent has a plus of .16. Manure has a plus of 15. The Soil Conservation district is using this system in designing rotations for their co-operators in their farm plans. Are you standing even ? •An obeervition is easily made that alfalfa for more than two years is adding nothing. A rotation of corn, oats, and two years of alfalfa breaks even on this basis. Addition of fertilisers would help' to increase yields. , « . Sweet clover will furnish the most ions, i ffreen manure by plowing under be- A tween April 20 and May 1, after | W being sown in small grain the pYe- j A vious spring. There is no advantage i ^ in allowing it to go till fall that' w minuses rding to soil plus • Plo% .5, even baeak. a minus 2 him from home. To conserve fuel for farming Is Utt crop in, if there Is any Hft The Farm Bureau car, which is a year old has 17,000 miles. I remember before the war, I used to drive 25,- 000 miles a year. I tryvto save gasoline now.." " ; •' f Compk£rf Una of Lee's penltnr remedies at Wattle. Ptwg Store, Me- Henry. • • S-tf "v,, 'A. - QUALITY •'**- a; • HELP WANTED--Middle-aged man to. assist in care of livestock (not dairy) on farm near McHenry. No experience necessary. Regular hours, live at home, good pay. Address Box "C," care Plaindealer. 41 FOR wood Ikoae SALE--White range; very McHenry 636- enamel coal or good condition. M-l. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 38-tf *41 FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Five-room modern home, large lot; $1,200 down, balance EZ terms; open Sunday. Leon Sex A Co. Phone McHenry 590-R-l. 41 FOR SALE-^Four-room house, basement; oil furnace; hot and HOME FOR SALE Modern 6-room home, completely furnished, including new refrigerator, cooking range; full cement basement; large corner lot; 2 miles east of McHenry. Price $15,000. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. 37 or Chicago Lincoln 1833. 38-tf SALESMAN WANTED -- Man«for Rawleigh business in North Kane county; 2681 families. Products sold 25 years. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write, Rawleigh's, Dept. ILB-62-103A, Freeport, 111., "or see A. Grever, McHenry, 111. *40-3 THEM A Janesway grAttr HELP WANTED -- COUPLE OF EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO., McHENRY. 40-3 running water; deep well; full cold two lots; fireplace; shower; at McCullom Lake. McMurray. Inquire at Crick's Grocery for directions. 41> FOR SALE--Fish seining net; Roll- j away bed and mattress; baby bed and" mattress. C»ll mornings or evenings. Tel. 175. 203 W. John St., McHenry. *411 FOR SALE--1941 Buick Special 4-! door sedan; radio, heater, spotlight; four new General tires; upHblstering like new; car in better than average condition; color, black. Price $1,250. Phone McHenry 595-J-l. *41 FOR SALE--Parlor set used four months, reasonable; welding and cutting outfit, $50; 1942 outboard motor, 6 h.p., *75; 1%-ton chain hoist; fog liarhts; large size oil stove and drums, $85; floor sander; 48-inch 4-bulb nourescent light; /etc 625-R-2. MISCELLANEOUS WOOD SAWING -- Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. *41-4 WALL TILE. PURPOSES ' FRED KLING • . VEOS -- TILE --v SERVICE . 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., . Crystal Lake 41=tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 . ' PORCELAIN FT>R ALL HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED--Janitor, 4 - hours per day. Time may be split during day, 2 hours each. $1.00 per hour to start, steady work no experience necessary, be sure to state age. Address box "T," ^pre Plaindealer, McHenry. 39-tf • tf iy. » %" f, , ^ ; i r -* A' v »/:>!, t * 'V 'i " " BUSHEL f; 5^ APPLE BUTTER - SWEET'CIDER - HOMEY HELP WANTED--Mechanic. Downs Nash Sales. Tel. McHenry 484. 39-tf PAINTING AND DECORA™© PAPER HANGING First Class Work -- Free Estimates *39-4 Phone McHenry 569-W-2 GENERAL HAULING -- Available for trucking and general hauling. No job too small or too large. A. H. Wegener, McHenry. Tel. 543-W-2. *38-4 Tel. McHenry •41 FOR SALE--Medium Clover. $24.00; Alfalfa Seed, $11.40; Hybrid Seed Corn, $5.00, all per bushel. Also other bargains. Postal card us today for catalog and samples. Hall Roberts' Sen, Postville, Iowa. 40-4 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *34-8 | ~ C. J. H. DIKHL ~~ Woodstock Riano Tuner 1 Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L WILL TRADE OR SELL 1936 Chev. panel Truck ect running condition, all inew tires. Will take a later model sedan. Truck can be seen next Saturday or ipinday at X TED OLHAVA **> Center St., West McHenry 41 FOR SALE--Registered \lack and . black and white Cocker Spaniel puppies. George W. Reiker, R-l Mc- Jeeary, 111. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. *38-4 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and nogs; no help needed to load. Day and .night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf PIANO TUNING & SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of.. * Piano Technicians 28-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--Wje sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 10-tf *OR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors! 93-J. voltage regulators and ignition partsH P1 _ . for Ford and all other cars Seaco ' ^^OOR SANDING* -- Refinishmg, Sales & Service, Lilymoor Fred J ' varn,shinfir and waxing new and old "8voboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W>-2 5°ors; a,so Kentile, a life-time floor. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW.- GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 2001 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, JfcHENRY. PHONE 39. 20-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf SITUATION WANTED POSITION DESIRED--Lady desire* position doing bookkeeping and general office work; experienced. Write Box 25, in care of Plaindealer. . *41 WANTED WANTED--Die casting and punch press work; also polishing and buffing. All metals, antique?, lamps, fireplace sets, etc. Northern Illinois Die Casting Co., Inc. 200 Third St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 788-J. *41-4 WANTED--Farms, 60 to 100 acres, for our clients with cash. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. 37. 38-tf WANTED^--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about April 1st. Eail R. Walsh, Phone 43. •37-tf faster Growth, Batter Feathering A "Jamesway Start" means adequate, reliable brooding equipment The first requirment of a baby chick is a place to keep warm. Jamesway tvooders are preferable by practical poultrymen and are furnished for any typed fuel... coal, oil, electric; qm and wood. These well-built practical proven brooder* are your best assurance of giving your baby chicks the right start in life. John J. Vycital Hdwe. 'GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M "- ^ Routes 12 and .22 , (On tke Edge of Lake Zurich} - PHONE BARRINGTON 557-R * t Open Weekdays 1-5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free estimate. FOR SALE--10-acre fruit farm; 4- ; t*om house, bath and tools. Owner Must cell. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) i JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, atJohns- "hurg. Tel. McHenry 37. 31-tf FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME INCall McHenry 497-R. 84-tf HAV» TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces re- SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., Installed by the Watlfill Co. Call or McHenry, 111.. Phone McHenry 772-M. write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl 88-tf St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf -- 1 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us fOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- dispose of yeur garbage each week, ING MACHINES. Service on all or ofcener if desired. Reasonable snakes. Also ribbons for all makes; rates. Regular year round relate. MI paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mfe- ToodStock. Phone 649. 7-tf Henry, Phone 366. tf ~FOR SALE--1935 Plymouth, 1935 WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS Graham; ilso Schwinn bicycles. --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES* Oowns Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf McHenry, I1L Phone 277. 49-tf WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to 815,000; must have possession within 30 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 26-tf W ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to «-ev*ir. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire B*i uty Shoppe.) 16-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT-- Light houslceeping privileges for single or double. Call 64-M or 14. *41 IA)TS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri- Route 31,_ about two block from ters and adding machines repaired Inquire at 715 Center St. and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon McHenry 278-J. 22-tf paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr.,_103 A , TT Main St., McHenry. Phone McHen- Order your rubber stamps at The ry 263-J. 52-tf in Roi tfepot. . Tel. M Plaindealer. FOR RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with bath, $45 per mo. without bath, $30 per mo.; ideal. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 30-tf FARM ADVISER'S COMMENTS ~ri Helen Weber Says: SPRING IS REJUVENATION TIME and Easter is just around the corner. Renew that new look in your spring wardrobe -- Brighten your home with clean drapes and covers. (Our U-SAN-O insured mothproofing at no extra cost will protect you frosa moths.) , McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 108 Elm St. Helen Weber, Mgr. V L. H. Simerl, University of Illinois economist, likens the recent commodity price break to a bunch of steers when a stranger comes up to their pasture fence. One starts walking away with his head in the air, another takes note of his action more than of the imagined danger of the stranger, another and another, until the whole group is in a stampede. Simerl says a market panic is a bull stampede. One operator has a bad night and comes in a selling mood, another misinterprets his action, another and another, until-- A. L. Lang,,, college agronomist, used to be in charge of the northern Illinois experimental fields. He said that up to 1930 only six times out of 129 trials were they able to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre with fertilizers. They gave it up as a bad deal and turned the baby over to the plant breeders. Out of it came hybrd corn, with JIO trouble at all to produce 100 bushel of corn with an ordinary break in the weather. The state average for corn yields with no soil treatment is 60 bushel. WYth the addition of nitrogen it is raised to seventy-five bushel. Correction of average phosphorus deficiencies raises it to ni/iety bushel and the correcton of average potash deficiencies brings it up to 100 bushel of course, everyone supplies some part of these additions and get varying yields somewhere between fifty and one hundred bushel per acre in normal seasons. Nitrogen provided in the form of legumes furnishes needed organic, matter, tilth, water holding capacity, and aeration of all soil. Chemical ntyrogen such as ammonium nitrate furnishes none of these critical physical necessities of the soil for good V THE LOCATION of Chicago and Northern Illinois has made it the world center for food processing and farm implement production. A billion dollars worth of food is processed annually here in the heart of the nation's greatest hog-raising and cattle-feeding area. The first beef was packed for shipment to Detroit in 1832, the hides being utilized for trunks, saddles and harness. Hie growing influx of grain, cattle, hogs and - other products from the farms soon led to the establishment of other branches of manufacturing--milling, soap and candle-making, lard rendering, glue manufacture ahd cooperage. Supplying Farm MocMaery to ffce Werhf Mm Deere's development of the steel plow in Grand Detour and Cyrus McCormick's decision to move the manufacture of his celebrated reaper to Chicago inaugurated the agricultural implement industry here. Today this area is the largest producer of farm machinery in the world. Due in great measure to the city's growth as the natural railway center of the Middle West, and the inl vention of the refrigerator car in 1874, Chicago became" ••. the hub of the Americaii meat packing industry. Since^ * the opening of the Union Stock Yards in 1865, it has received nearly one billion meat animate. By 1885, its ^purchases exceeded a million dollars a day. In Illinois alone, farmers have derived more than 40 per cent of their total income over the years from meat and meat products. Ingenious utilization of the by-products of the meat blue, bone black, beef gall, beef extract, gelatin, fertilizer and glue. Today, the processing by-products is so specialized that the farmer usuall] receives more for the live beef he markets than packer realizes from the sale of meat from the animal. By-products from meat packing now add at least million dollars annually to Chicago industries. A examples of such by-products are feeds, felt good% leather and sheep-lined clothing, manufacturing bonen ---- a t h l e t i c goods and p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s , for which t h j i f c * , * glands of the animals supply insulin, adrenalin, thy* / rpid extract and many other remedies. Several large private laboratories in Chicago an|t" , Horthern Illinois are developing non-food utilization of farm crops and residues in this huge grain distribu%r ing and trading center. The Department of Agricufti* ture's Research Laboratory in Northern Illinois, which discovered a way of multiplying penicillin production 200 times during wartime experiments, is now sedtjnf new uses for corn, soybeans and wheat. 9flf m** Oft I««M I Llwa ^•Jar-n£bWMP*P^aC*wfe If ore than fifty products are already manufactured frott< corn. Illinois has four of the nation's eleven corn refining plants, including one of the largest in the wo*HL From soybeans, in which Illinoia is a leader in produfe> . tion, are derived paints, plastics, varnish, soap, liiMl» lsum and oilcloth, as well as many edible products, v : . Timing long ago the value of interdependence between city and farm, the Chicago and Northern IS. industry allowed the early packers to market meat at tioia area is, and always will be, part and partnsr of ^ lower prices than local butchers in the East could offer. world's richest agricultural empire--the valley of tbi Early by-products were lard, tallow, brushss, Prussian Upper Mississippi and the great plains beyond. TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT -y

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