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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1948, p. 8

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City Attorney, Vernon J. Knox, to prepare proposed charges in business March 15 1948 i *•* ordinances, now existent in the ~ j City Code, to conform with recom- X J J I h 1 X v ^ ! ' « e n d a t i o n ; s u g g e s t e d b y t h e M c . Al^SJ^n I He^y Business Men's * \&^riU»Tw rrIZ:: R«e grner, Tonyan. m CI Mni-non Overton sent George P. Freund, Absent: Anderson. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Ttayan, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. It was decided to instruct the Association, revisions to be reviewed at the ,VERNON KNOX -i--Z-r,--Attorney-At-Law • • ~ 'm. Green and Eta Sts., McHenry Tneeday ahd Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment •< Urn Phone McHenry 43 { PLASTIC WALLTILE 2 Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put~it on yourself. Engstrom Sales A Service, McHenry, 300 fee| from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistafc kee 562-W-l. t next regular meeting of the Council. Reports of officers and committees were received -by the Council. A survey of street signs and recommendations for changes were submitted by Lester R. Bacon, Chief of Police. The survey was referrtd to the Street and Alley Committee. Engineer V. K. Kasser presented designs for the new Green Street Bridge. The selection was agreed upon and Mr. Kasser was instructed to proceed with plans. Motion ! by Althoff, seconded by George P. Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried. I. OVERTON, • Mayor. ;\VJ . BARL K. WALSH, City Clerk. Crderyour rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. FARM DRAINAGE WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel -- Black Dirt -- Limestone Trucks for Hire Free Estimating ! TeL 655-R-2 McHenry, III! - Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment ^ Can Furnish Tile V LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor J Phone 1699-M-l R* F Woodstock, 111. r D. 2 WELDING ' Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 9 Sentk Green St., McHenry, I1L 'n • •> McHENRY FLORAL CO. ^ Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! FRANK S. MAY R Trucking -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Cinders -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Sjuray Painting 14)6 N. Green St. McHenry Tel. McHenry 243-J or 'rystal Lake 1328-M-l 1 JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Work 101 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 24S-R WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pump types. A11 sizes. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take old pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE / Tel. McHenry 552-W-l (300 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insnrance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn ft Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 Office Koehr Supply Company, MS Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 .INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Anto, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When von need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. " MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsourg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges Phone McHenry 584-R-2 ,-- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading.. J. E. NETt Johnsburg P. O.--McHenry . DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -r- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturdays , from 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IIL AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator . Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. ANNOUNCEMENT Having recently purchased Oeorge Glozson's cattle trade, would appreciate the patronage of anyone in this area desirous of such service. BERNIE MATCHEN Fox Street Phone 109-#" McHenry AUCTION Harold Turner, who recently bought the Weter farm south of Greenwood, found the theatre" section of the Chicago Tribune for March 20, 1910, in the bam. *No movies were advertised, but stage shows were galore. The Bajrrymores were very prominent. Harold also found some hoop skirts. If that was all the space women used to all6w for their internal processes at the waist line, no wonder they were considered the weaker sex. It just doesn't make good sense -- Lee sBaker, Greenwood flying farmer, took off for Art Miller's near Union one afternoon last week. He Sicked up Art and they called on ;ay Nevel near Garden Prairie for a cup of coffee. I'M bet Jersey cows, were mentioned. A new family of 4-H boosters just moved here from Cook county, "to the farm recently sold toy Harold Birk to Marvin Lagerhausfin. The Lagerhausens have three boys in club work and live on Route 47, north of Woodstock., Recent additions to our roll of new 4-H leaders for 1948 are Walter Dunker of Marengo and Rudy Choun, who are going to lead the Rush Creek Club, northwest of Marengo. The organization m'eeting date is set for Friday night, April 16, at the Ray Deneen home. Dale Past.le- Waite, who moved to Cary, left the *club for two years. Other new leaders are Harold Turner and Georgt1 Cowan, who will lead the Queen Anne Mixers near Greenwood. They replace George Rasmussen who moved to Marengo. Dick Beers will replace his dad as co-leader with Gordon Jones in the leadership of the Harvard Hustlers. J Dick has taken over the farm work ; arid Fred now has taken up \vorlc with Walter Burton in the Farm j Supply store at Harvard. Other new leaders this year are, Eugene Mehl, with A. B. McConnell,1 Better Goals Club; Elmer Ackman i and William Schwall, Crystal Lake Workers Club; William Fyfe with Dean Ramblers; Kenneth Gurke and Walter Thompson, Two Harmonies; and James Watson and Robert Seigel of the Cloverleaf Boosters. These men are all going into a volunteer no pav job, that takes some time. Parents of all members j should take it up themselves to j help make the job easy. . j Harold Forby, .fieldman for the Put lie Service Company of Northern ! Illinois, told our veterans' class i Wednesday night that many barn! fires caused by defective wiring were poorly ventilated, thus causing the wire coverings to deteriorate. He also said that you can't colloct fire ' insurance if the state fire inspector' finds a penny behind a fuse in the ; f u s e b o x . P l e a s e n o t e : b e t t e r g e t f t i box of fuses in tcrWn today, f THEODORE L. HAMER Attorney at Law . Woodstock, Illinois f NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LINUS F. NEWMAN, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday^ May 3, 1948, is the claim date in the estate of LINUS F,. NEWMAN, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERALD P. NEWMAN, A'MiiliL . Administrator. ;• March 25, Apr. 1-8) ' /JTHEODORE L. HAMER Attorney at (Law •; Woodstock, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of MABEL A. NEWMAN, dei - ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, May 3, 1948k is the claim date in the estate o: MABEL A. NEWMAN, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that} . claims may be filed against the sai4 estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. . s i GERALD P. NEWMAN, *36 . "... Administrated ; '<Pub. March 25, Apr. 1-8) ; Birth of Fertiliser Only a little more than a century ago Sir John Lawes of England first produced soluble phosphate fertilizers by treating ground bones with sulfuric acid. It Make Lo to pass on the Idaho-Montana border was the first place that white men eVer set loot in Idaho. This took place when the Lewis and imiitn'i iA frniii i " ; Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. SEVERELY BURNED • Mrs. William F. Wittmus, of Marengo, was severely burned last week when her dress caught on fire while she was laundering in the basement ot her home. Alone at the time of the accident, Mrs. Wittmus managed to extinguish the flames which had already burned away the entire iback of her dress up the neckline and part of her underclothing. Suffering and burns, she waa taken to the Woodstock Traaklass TreOey of trackless trdUaya in' Loa Angeles hold "diplomas" indicating that they are graduates eCi a special trolley coach operator**! course. Insects on Bikini Atoll Studies - of the insect populationa of Bikini atoll indicated that the insect population might be termed "normal" for islands of that general area and that no, structural anomalies were observed which might have been caused by the blast or radiation effects. Continuing studies of drosophila cultures, taken in living form at Bikini island, thus far have not revealed genetic abnormalities in excess of normal variability, according to A. C. Cole Jr., of the Bikini scientific resurvey staff. • 100KT0' BITTY M00RE for expert advice on HOME DECORATING /. W.L.S. '9 A.M. EVBY SATURDAY h " "YOUR HOME BEAUTfflJl" Listen to Betty Moore tell you how color will brighten up your home . --ony or all rooms--easily ... ' aeonomically . . . smartly! Learn how you can obtain FREE •eMy Moore'* new 1948 Color Scheme Folder containing detailed, full-color pictures of rooms she describes on each broadcast. Crystal Lake Paint Store CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. fit W$U$r Wl*i%w $f th§ Aiil New SELF-STORING Ciakiaatiia Scrtsa sr Sttra Sasl V0> MAIL THIS COUPON \ Nam• j Atk/ntt nothiim vo croat! NOTHIIM TO RBMOVS! NOTHINO TO CHAMOII SAVES 35% ON HMLI . pull down! That's alt you do to change from screen to storm sash. One lifetime California redwood unit contains and stores fine mesh screen and close-fitting storm sash. A permanent installation for year-round comfort. Saves up to 35% on fuel. Push up AND DEMONSTRATION!! Wisconsin Sash & Door Co* Tel. McHenry 493-W 1218 W. Walnut St. Milwaukee 5, Wisconsin NO MONEY DOWN up-O 3 YEARS TO PAY j City State - | Please send a representors to I my Horn* for h-- demonstrettee end estimate on Weather-Vane *T*T*W-- NV- s- SI^AR»-M-i Vwl Need Rubber Stamps ? Order at The Plaindealer. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loadin* -- Tankage aijd Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors . Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDIN0-~ Tel. 204-M McHenry, IIL DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31 -- Office and Home TH. McHenry 31 McHenry, 111. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment i. ED. VOGEL, Auctioneer* , I will sell at public auction on tine Dodge farm, teCated one mile North of Ringwood, just West of Stale Route 31, on MONDAY, MARCH 29 Commencing at 1:00 O'clock^p, m., the following described Property:,' M-M. Model K-T Tractor t 4-row Tractor Corn Cultivator s. 3-bottom M-M Tractor I>U)W; ^ -- _ 9-ft. J-D Tractor Disk 4-section Rotary Hoe 4-section Drag Corn Picker--•--• -- •- • • . ^--- New Idea Mc-I). Mower - ; .. Mc-D. Grain Binder, 8-ft. - - J-D. Corn Planter with Pert. Attach. Iron Wheel Rubber Tired Wagon Wood Wheel Rubber Tired Wagon Flare Wood Grain Box Hay Rack; " • •' _ Broadcast Seeder SwisK Cow, Good Milker Heifer, 2 years old Cash, or see clerk before sale. ROLD SONTAG State Bank, Clerking ^ • v"'4 3 YOU'LL Designed especially for foa who live beyond city gat mains, Dri-gas and a ROPER -- "America's Finest Gas Range" will prove the ideal combination for your cook* iag requirements. See as today about superior Dri-gas and Dri-gas service. It's convenient its efficient ; 11 economical«11 Issi.; desai ALTHOFFS HDWL 101 MAIN STREET r McHENRY, ILL. ^ : PHONE McHENRY 2S4 Off tfteMe Snoditq& a8E7rER /HEMOlf ELECTRIC brooders will never pot the little red hen out of business, but when it comes making a Home, Sweet, Home for hundred* - or thousands of spring chicks, thermostatically controlled electric brooders do the job without Worry or work. * When baby chicks leaye the shipping box they. Want protective warmth, not killing cold. Know- * iig this, users of electric brooders place their newly arrived chicks under them, confident that they will spend their first critical weeks in comcomfort and safety. * y ; To help i yove their brooding methods, here are tips thar Will result in even greater efficiency and econi otmy. Among them you'll find wway10 Mve ^ u>d thus re- (face operating cost Check the l|st to make certain you are get* ^ng thrifty, chick-saving serv< fee from your electric brooder. FOLLOW THIS GUIDS iOR BCTTKR MOOMHO Sm Ikar faiife Imm it tr-- from drafts, hos plsnty flf, H fradi air and dtr«ct umllght. Ocmt §amblm on latt y«ar'« dlwesee--lerope, iwttp, aM tcrwb broodar Iiowm floor and wait wMi hot lyo water , Qmh and dWnfocf brooder and otW equip- Wswrs m 7 to 10 sews hdm of btoodar area for eedi - cMck. Crowded cMckt cause poor brooding rasuNs. HoaHng capodty dwwid be appro riwoteiy 2 waNl por chick. / Staif kitdsi e (MrVqn before (Mda arrive so heat can aocuratoly rooulatod and RNw dried thorovghly. |ms cWi ts«>si)aMi. A temperature of 95° F. b detiraMs e» tbe start somewhat by actions of chide. HormaHy *e temperature should be lowered 5° each week, or the temperature may a bo be adjusted by railing HhF canopy an Inch or two at a time. Even dbtribwtion of chicks indicates a satisfactory temper- " ••.ew.w ixt '•s "tWoWo cVoWlIdM aMnIWd nmWoTviRnIgf owuet to Nm edges thews that Mm temperature is too high. 1 fsss cat be mhhdssd by placing the brooder upon a tisaicraft-covered false door. An air space of one inch b ncoMMndiA # il tibi faace may be placed around the brooder to keep chicks closer to heat In the eoHy brooding stage. Later, when chicks are older and the fence removed, corners . " i i : MIMIC SIR Via COMPANYOF i1:.

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