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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1948, p. 1

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EMMA PAMS, 56 MED FOLLOWING Heart Attack Proved. Fatal Last Monday • To Boy H. Cromwell WALTER WINN ONCft AGAIN RE-ELECTED DIRECTOR OF PMA Again this year, Walter .Win* of Richmond was re-elected director of District 6 of the'Pure Milk Association at the annual meeting held last Saturday in Chicago. His election assures his re-election as treasurer of the organization. Henijy Simes of Hebron has been president «r the Sixth District, sue* ceeding A. B. McConnell, who had held that position for seven years; Paul Doherty of McHenry is vice' , The many relatives and friends of | president and George Richardson of j •Iri. George Adams, 56, of Elgin,; Richmond secretary. John Lindsay; this week mourned her death, which i of McHenry is the re-districting dele?: occurred on Monday morning, March ' gate. ^ 32, 1948, in St. Joseph's hospital, Members of the P. M. A. from Mgin. She was taken ill on St. i northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, Patrick's day and* failed to rally, j northern Indiana arid southern Michi- She was bom on Aug. 1Q, 1891, in \g™ crow ded into Chicago last weektingwood, the daughter of Patrick to take part m the annual meet- !nd Elizabeth Nett Conway. She A luncheon was served to all resided in the McHenry community m. attendance in the various ball- •ost of her life, moving to Elgin £n£"pMI ZZ with her family a little more than;. . i m?F.e ^ ~ three years ago. The Adams home j16™ in Vv^e, m,Q% Was at 503 State Street. lars Jor members' milk m 1947; a - - « t r> i greatly expanded plant operation; On Jan. 26, 1915, Emma Conway (tXplains briefly the great progress Vas united in marriage to George; organization during the past Adams in McHenry. During her; year>" according tc A. H. Lauterkng residence jrere she was active in, bRchf Reneral manager of Pure Milk, who spoke before the 2500 members. MANY FORMER McHENRY her RESIDENTS VISITED BY LOCAL TRAVELERS " SL Patrick's church and had served as president of tiie church's Altar gad Rcsary Sodality. She was a devout Christian, her interest through ag|R life centering in. •aligion and her family. Survivors incluude the widower; two daughters, Mrs. John Whalen [ _ . IBary Celine), and Mrs. Morris For those of us who were not a« tWwell (Kathryn), both of Elgin; {ortunate^ as Mr. andjMrs. Stephen three sens, Donald 'of Glendale,; JJ* Schmitt and Mr. awl Mrs. Joseph Calif., Robert of Algonquin, and i Stilling, an enthusiastic talk with j hearts and minds of much Ot UHliam of Elgin; two sisters, Sister j them concerning tifeir recent two Mary Celine BVM of Dubuque and one-half months' trip west is '"<? WOlld toaa\, me giOr\ OT lava, and Sister Mary St. Hilda, I moft satisfying Their reports of | the Holv Dav of Easter 18 BVM, of San Francisco; five brothers, | r€St»ng °n the beach under a warm H Edward and Robert Conway of Mc-jSUn but dispels our too recent; especially needed to give US Henry, Leo and Clarence Conway of ] memories of digging our Bgin and John Conway of Flint, eh.; also seven grandchildren. Sh* preceded in death by a brother, tries Conway, of McHenry. through snow drifts, only to make our way to eight hours of work each day. One of the most interesting parts m Tie b.o dy res•t ed t.. .• t the O'Connor' Q . i . i cerns their visits witn various tormer Wednesday ^ninwrrnniinnog-, wwhh»enn it was |I MhacvHin*gn ry bePe«n0 Ples-p enWt ithin tWCOa lmifoornntihas, Writes at 9:30 o'clock. Burial -- natorally most of these pleasant refci Mount H^pe cemetery. Roy H. Cromwell Friends were shocked to learn of tjka sudden death on Monday evening, Ifarch 22, 1948, of Roy H. Cromwell, unions took place7 in that state. At Downey, Calif., they had the pleasure cf visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Altman gnd their three lovely children. Mrs. Altman is the former Miss Arleen Hay. Mr. Altman is his home on Main street in West( employed by the telephone company MeHenry. Mr. .Cromwell suffered a; At Long Beach the local travelers fetal heart attack while sleeping in celled on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer Ida apartment in the Freund building j (Lillian Freund) who are making- •bout 8 o'clock. He had been in poor i their home in that city temporarily, health for several months but was j In Pasadena they visited the William -^^efficiently improved recently so Qerhardts, formerly residents of flbat he was able to resume work. j Irish Prairie* • They lived in this Mr. Cromwell was born in Chicago ; community for four years and con- 40 years ago, the son of Frank and ' ducted a chicken farm on Rt. 31, Sarah Cromwell. He came to Mc-! so"th of McHenry. _ Henry about six year^, ago and more ) , ; a,nt* Mrs. Adam Bjldner, for fhan a year ago opened "Snuffy's about twenty years residents of Place" on Riverside Drive. VIS,ted L "? Garden, •« b«„ ,1. . • i . - , Calif. Mr. Budner, a barber while Even though a resident of Mc-jjjvj here, is now retired. Henry for a comparatively short! The McHenr folks made twQ tone, he had. many friends who j} th ^ h £ Oklahoma, one at *ourn his passing, as do the wiao*, Hennessy and the other at Tulsa. At $ve, and two brothers. the former citv thev visited Rev. The body is resting at the Jacob j Nic Schmitt. pastor of St. Joseph's Josten Sons funeral home until 2; church, and a brother of Stephen '•'clock Thursday afternoon, when j n. Schmitt. Eora in McHenry, he ^ rites will be conducted there, i has made his home in Hennessy for ial will be in Woodland cemetery, j many years. At Tulsa they spent with the American Legoln p®at In fharge. -- To Cnurcb • tm *$•1 S\ bitterness CALENDAR, WEATHER , BOTH IN AGREEMENT THAT SPRING IS HERE Spring arrived last weekend, not only on the calendar, but also in reality. A clear, azure sky, a bright sun and mild breezes on the eve of spring were convincing proof that the weatherman, not always disregards the conventional. It also gave mi-lady at least a fair reason to believe that she may comfortably wear her spring coat and new sha» peau come Easter morning. . While McHenry residents ex-, perienced mud under foot, the discomfort was negligible compared to many nearby communities where people found their homes entirely CONSOLIDATED^ BOARD POSITIONS SOUGHT BY FOUR Interest Increases \ In Race As Date Of lILh Election Approaches Interest i this week centers in the jWprcaching grade school election,, which during the past few days has ' ^eeen the cause of much speculation. Following the last hour for filing on surrounded by water. "Heavy rains j Saturday at midnight, it was diiK • Saturday night and Sunday only j closed that three petitions had been , added to an already disagreeable | '"led for thppresidency and four for situation. - i board members' positions. However, While the balmy breezes were not sin<?f. that time two of the former to last long, they remained for I Petitions have been withdrawn and enough time to give most everyone only one that of Elmer Freund, respring fever and a carefree spirit s Jhus he is virtually assured which is a part of this lovliest of °( election to the presidency post on all seasons. I ®lectl°" d*?' Sfturday, April 10. I He seeks the post made vacant when the president for many years, Frank Meyers, expressed his desire not to be a candidate. A race for the two board members places will be between Mrs. Paul ^ Schwerman, who is seeking re-election, Dr. H. S. Fike, John F\ Lindsay and WiUiam C. Creutz, the latter of •jmm HIGHER RATES FOR VETERAN-STUDENTS EFFECTIVE APRIL 1 Only veterans in schools, colleges and universities pursuing full-time „I1U v,IIliam inc ,.lier 01 courses of education will be entiUed McCuliom La^. None of the latter to increase subsistence allownces three has served previously on the local board but all have shown an interest in the school and its pro* gross. George Johnson waa the second member of the board whose under a law signed February 12 by President Truman, Harry J. Pilarski, itinerant contact representative of the Veterans Administration, said in a recent interview. The new payments will be at the monthly rate of $75 for a veteran without dependents, $105 for a veteran with one dependent, and $120 for a veteran with more than one dependent. The higher rates are applicable to periods of training on and after April 1. However, since subsistence allowance checks are not due until the end of the month in which the eligible* veteran-students will receive their first checks at the higher rates on Or shortly after May 1. Veterans taking any of the following types of training are not entitled expired this year. He did not for re-election. Voting hours will be from noon until 5 p. m. in the grade school gymnasium* The high school board election promises to be a quiet one, only two former members, Kenneth Cristy and C. J. Reihansperger, having filed for re-election. The polling headquarters for this election will be the City Hall, which will be of>en from noon until 7 m. The much discussed school reorganization is thought t<y have proto the increases, but will continue to i vided the impetus for the unusual receive subsistence payments at the! interest in our schools this year, old rates of $65 a month for those' Last Monday evening twenty- four without dependents and $90 for j board members representing the I those with dependents: ' various grade schools in this com- Part-time institutional train- TWO EXCELLENT PARKING LOTS ARE PROVIDED IN CITY Institutional on>the-farm trainmunity met to continue a discussion which attracted a large number ot citizens two weeks previous. No decision was reached, but it was the general opinion that it would be best to withhold taking action until the productive J final recommendation of the county j survey committee next July 1, after McHenry is growing---of that wf're, more than _ happy to hav certain, and there is no sign "more*sure w*t® °"J friends. than traveling on our city streets.' local tourists •arrived home Shoppers' cars fill the streets at j this past week, a bit tired but very dost hours, making it a bit difficult ! KJ®" to be home after a most eajey- St times for those -riding through the j trip- -y business district to keep all their car strength'of purpose. It is the day wl.en a united nation should 1 neel, and with bowed heads pray - thai we may leaFize the true Peace He saw, whose resurrection we commemorate. This Easter, more than any since the war's end, we have reason to ask God for guidanoe in keeping otir ounay free from internal strife and outside entanglements. Those who kept faith during the long war years -annot forget the healing power of prayer. To them faster has had a special meaning. This year may it nstill in all cf us the spirit of hope and faith. The end tyf the Lenten season of special devotllSl!1 and ?.ci itices-is at hand. Holy Thursday is being observed in commemoration of the last supper of Christ In Catholic churches the Blessed Sacrament is exposed throughout the day for •>ub!ic adoration. Altars are stripped of their linens and decorations, representing the simiar humilitv our Lord endured to atone for our sins. - « Good Friday is the commemoration of the Crucifixion, and bptween noon and 3 o'clock the heads of the-faithful in many churches will bow in memory oT the agony Christ endured on the cross. - Lent will be proclaimed at an end at noon on Holy Saturday, when all will rejoice at the approach of Easter, one of the greatest days in the Christian world. Let each of us enter jwho are entitled t0 $75 or $105 undei; wholeheartedly intd the observance of the dav by attending some church on Easter morning, jthe new rates will not have to apply "urcnaaea uanay Store " • . j for the increased allowances. Exist-, ; ^ . * . I ing applications will supply all the Friends of Weston Bacon, a form- St. Marys Cherubim, O. S. F. There will be service will be Easter, the Symbol information needed to pay the new1 er McHenry resident will be interest- The fkithful of St. Mary's church i an 11:30 o'clock low mass. of Life. _ benefits. These veterans, therefore,! ed to learn that he has purchaesd will spend much of the n«tt f ew j St. Patricks; The Masons and Easter Ster mem- need not wire VA at pn - - days within this beautiful structure,! Maundy Thursday services at St. hers nave been invited to attend the concerning their increases. kneeling in prayer during this sor- ' Patrick's church began at 7:15 second service en masse. rowful period until Easter morning. ' o'clock, with Adoration of the Cross Other Methodist church notes ap- .. .i 1 * •*» pear elsewhere in this issue. Zion Lutheran Palm Sunday services were held last Sunday morning at 10:15 at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church, l. ing. 2. ing- 3. Apprenticeship or other on-the- J job training (for which veterans receive compensation for labor.) V 4. Combination or co-operative' which the public may express itself training (in which students attend i by ballot as either favoring or rtrschooF part time and are employed I jecting the proposal. part time usually in a related field.) ! The renewed interest in our 5. Internship and residency train- schools is a healthy one which ing. , should be maintained long: after the 6. Graduate trainging under a fel- present problems of reorganization lowship requiring a reduced credit have been solved. Such an interest course-load because of services rend- assures the public of the kind of ered under provisions of the fellow- schools they desire for their chUdriifc ship. • j Eligible veterans now in school,; Former Resident Was r"' Irowful morning, t Adoration oi tne v,ro»« tney called on 1 A _ __ , . , , • continuing throusrlHiut the day. In iur Kennebeck • On Maundy Thursday the church serfi< es will be*in at j til moving west turns to her primitive use allow-! evening, gn hour<s de.| pleasantly sur- !in^ the celebration in each church of, votion and sermon. urlia tar«ra ! one mass only in the day. The| V0J°n .i a." ™5ii WE OFFER YOlt CONGRATULATIONS fenders undented. Sometimes motorists are inclined to forget that two very excellent parking lots have been provided in McHenry, «>ne in the center of town Und the other in West McHenry. It would make driving much easier if •rare people vould take advantage * few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Earl w'" m,"'n In" nraL iew St" P"trick's Smith, Mr. Smith being employed by the Standard Oil company there. In Phoenix, Ariz., they called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McHenry residents until two years ago. They ! sermon prised the Kennebecks who were The) The Magg of the presanctified will have a visit t ®»h°P ^ PrommuIion tn1 be read at 7:15 o'clock on Friday at which time all members that were I f" j imirning. with Station, of the Cross, fifty.y™r communicnts were honor. wooVimr ^ .tnlo an Sio j:_ ' j Veneration and sermoA at 7:30 p. m. ed. These nine people were Mrs. 1S Th'P 1 On Holy Saturday there will be1 Augusta Patzke, lrfr. and Mrs., w morninr seivice was held" at g! Blessing of the tire and regular J William Tesch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas on her ninety-second birth- r'ed and has three children. , ^Wk anrin the e^nini at 7:30: ^ 7:15„a; "l" J w ^ ' Kamholz, A. J. Kamholz Mrs H. day anniversary Monday, March 22. it w «-iii Kn tin|v ttmir nnH Confessions will be hewd on W©d-1 Block and Mr .and Mrs. F. C. Feltz. Those who pftid her a visit on Sun^ ,-MiL M m inM wnSniid adoration (vigil) ^ . the! iSiJ I , The church W«H he^ beautifully j day were Mr. and_Mrs. James Raine? E v©0MIHO EVRNTS Holy Ne.rr. interested, On the anniversary _ Wednesday if present time the former Bergh's Candy Shun in Jhe El Tovar theatre building, Crystal Lake. The store was operated "or more than eighteen years by the - , Berghs. specializing in home made candies. Mr. Bacon, before enteyaig into ' this new business, was personnel manager with the J. I. Case company at Racine, Wis., and also had experience in operating a store much like the one which he has taken over Congratulations to Mrs. Alma Crystal Lake. Mr. Bacon is mar- FORMER ORCHARD BEACH RESIDENT BURIED LAST WEEK Funeral services for Mrs. Char- _ lotte Hoslam, a summer resident of j our Blessed Lord, the Liturgy of the ! ^ ^ present Orchard Beach for several years, j church is in every way of an po8Sible •ef them. With prospects of one of were held from Kamp's funeral home; exceptional character and one be-; A solemn high mass will be sung •ur biggest summer* ahead, we can)"1 .0,a* Par,k <>" March 17, with fitting the day of the great atone- at 8 0'clock on Easter Sunday, with case the situation greatly by parking hurial in Oak Ridge cemetery. Mrs. ment. The 8 o'clock morning service jow masses ' ear cars in one of these lots, Hoslam Passed away in St. Anne's will consist of the following: 1--Les- The cy,0jr h especially when they are to be left hospital on March 14, 1948, at the sons from Holy Scripture and ^ Refice> with the Credo from the there for any length of time. , a*e of J5 following a lingering ill-. prayers, terminating with the chant Mass in Honor of St. Thomas by . i ness. She had resided for many I of the Passion according to St. John; Silver- At the offertory they will UTTRTnN'S RRTOftlE years with a daughter, Mrs. Albert " * ' .. 5-«TT^rm r . ^ fegriier, in Beverly Hills, Chicago. RESIDENT LAID TO other survivors include three sons, ••f'- March 29 -tuefc Supper--Zion utheran Church--6 p. m.- Basement. April 1 REST IN CHICAGO Harry, Ray and Roger, all of Chior adoration, of the Holy Cross; 4-- tj,e early morning The Mass of the Presanctified proper,' t^e church. voices wifl jcago; one sister, Mrs. Clara Rogers of that is, the priest's Communion, pre- ' '<p,hrist The Lord Has Risen Today _ ^ , ,, j Monmouth, New Jersey; eight srrand- | ceded by the procession of return of j Louis Capek, a resident of the children and three great grandchild- the Blessed Sacrament from the! 1 " , . . Burton Bridge community for twenty; ren. Mrs. Hoslam was an aunt of; Altar of Repose. There will be A fine congregation was led in years, died at fehe Woodstock hos-; Mrs. Art Edstrom of this city. Stations of the Cross at 3 o'clock worship Palm Sunday mortnng by a pital on Wednesday, March 17, 1948.! Among those who attended the1 and at 7-:S0 p. m. fifty-voice choir. It was a thrilling paraiso University Will present an: Tommy, Mrs. Carl Rieteael organ recital before the service. ! children, Diane and Alan. . Circle 3, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Lollies St. Peter's The previous day visitors of Mrs. Cox. Thursday services at St. Peter's Thomas were Mrs. Leonard Orlowsky C. D. of A.--Business meeting. «• .• church> Spring Grove, are being held and Mr. and Mrs. John Babcock and, April 2 has chosen Missa Chorahs at 8 o'clock in the evening, while on dauhter, Sandra, of Chicago. On Christian Mothers A Altar SociefcfW - * - Good Friday morning the Mass of Monday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler April 4 the Presanctified will be read at Qf Woodstock and Mrs. C. W. Goodell High School Band Concert--High „ . , ii - . 8:30 o'clock. On Holy Saturday; an(j Miss Ethel Jones were callers. School Auditorium. 2--A solemn supplication for all con- sjnjf "Regina Coeli," at Benediction morning, mass will be sung at 8:30. ! Mrs. Thomas, at 92, remains a April 8 ditions of men; 3 The veneration, «<q Salutaris" and "Tantum Ergo.". Easter flowers and ferns will charming lady and an interesting W. C. O. t".--Installation. • hT had been in fa il i n i? health for i r tnos* . wn? . a«enaea tne ana ai r.w p. m. , c Mrmon ar.d Stations of the al»ut six^non,t hs. , h«'^" > , JArt -EidsZtrom family and Mr. ^andi I has three narSta- First the New Fire- the coSngregation S~5 , <>•» _ The deceased was born m Bohemia Mrs. Frank Nell. , nas tnree P»rts. rirst tne new fire rknc on April 10, 1877. He came to this! * country as a child aai settled in | Ask Public To Contribute Chicapo, where he lived until mov-1 - East River Road Pinochle etab^'i Mrs. Ben Dietz. 1: April 9 • x Mothers Club. April II . Party fo Benefit St. MaryVSt. P*t> 2 rick's P. T. A. I April 14 i Forester Fest--Parochial School halL S inc to this locality. He is survived by two sons. The body rested at the Warner funeral home in Crystal Lake. Last rites To Tie Collection Soon WILL CONDUCT MISSION Rev. Fr. Wilson, well known Jesuit priest, will conduct a mission at "Christ the King church at Wonder Lake, beginning Wednesday, April Jtl, and continuing thorough Sunday, April 25. There will be mass and sermon each morning at 6 o'clock and an hour service for children at 4 •'clock in the afternoon. Evening devotions anf sermon will be held •t 8 o'clock. The Sunday service will be at 10 a. m. as usual. GERALD WHITING DIES Word was received here during the past week of the recent deatn of (Gerald Whiting, son of Louis Whit- Sig, of Chadron, Netor. He passed away following a heart attack suffered while in Mississippi. He was 39 years old. Louis Whiting formerly made his home in McHenry. , . Subscribe for The Plaindeahir risers leave decorate the altars of St. Peter's conversationalist. Her (health is be lifted in ' church on Sunday morning, when(considerably improved over a year the faithful will congregate to kneel ago and she enjoys having friends in reverence on this happy occasion, and neighbors drop in for a visit as Masse- will be at 8 and 10 o'clock. . i she is confined to her room most Christ The King 'of the time. She lives with her | There will be Veneration of the daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman. Our nonagenarian was born on a ... ~ ?? Fir.e Christ Tho^KinlT bv this Wonder Lake, on Friday_ evening at farm west of McHenry, a daughter April 15 anil Pascal Candle »re blessed; p r"herul> and Junior P- ni-> w'th confessions follow- of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sayler, Public Party--Sponsored by C. D. O& Z second, the reading of the twelve j „Qrl_ fh he iutiful anthem between 8:30 and 10 o'clock. On ; and has lived here her entire life- A. . I ProphecieV) or lesson^ from the , T, Palms " hv Parker. Thev were' H°'y Saturday, confessions will be time. Always devoted to her family ' *• " April 18 - - m . Scriptures of the Old Testament, the . i l th D;lno Mrg heard between 9 and 10 o'clock. The and fond of maintaining a lovely. Last Concert in Library Series • ' "' :W, water for baptism . i. blessed and T^" combined choirs , l5-3 ster Sunday high mass will be i home, she is still interested in thpl April ?l-25 . #. the Litany of the Saints is sung; and j p'ari,erT« ' •'toriiiAlem V kc-! read at. 10 o'clock. 1 activities of her two daughters, Mrs.! Mission at Christ the King Church* f k'v Miss St. John's • Newman and Mrs. James Rainey, Wonder Lake. " f -- . -- . . . . . -- j i -- -- . -- -- --a Aoril 23 | JPuH'c Party Sponsored by Altar and $ Fosarj- Sodality--St. Patrick*# > Church Hall. |" the . 3-week-old grand- at 7:30 p. m. _ . «jana inenas. ; May 4 ® , w Those interested in donating ties ' third the holv sacrifice is sole'mnlv San* isrjttsrL •ayi'trssf1 3 ^ w* ^ >*. ,„d Friday morning from the Bohemian i April 1, to do so A bo* has been ! .^ 8 Foster. iBoth numbera Were «bly*"bein(r read at 8 o'clock, followed by eleven great-irrandchildren. . National Cemetery Chapel, Chicago.! Xed in M^ee's Clothi^J st^rfe lbr ! ^ W " at 7 »nd 8 directed by Mrs. Harry Barr. procession in honor of the Holy Best wishes for future birthday of JSl*' "• . . _ . J " During the Mm Sunday ser,i«, Eucharist. Evening «k« will h. .nm»™ne8 8h«ed her f.m.l, to place discarded neckties. a?th®, Feastof Jeannine, the 3-week-old »r«nrf- at. ,:30 n. m. and friends. ---- - - . | Public Partyi of Lord dead I the^dmurhtei 'of Carl and Arleen Presanctified will be read at 8 o'clock THEATRE GUILD SCHEDULE j view Camp, -_.-i.__.-j «--- -• v ^ acon ^att 0f Waukegan, and John' with stations of the Cross at 7:30^7%, MeHenry^ bounty Theatre---^-- Vincent, the son of Henry and Mi!- p. m. On Holy Saturday there will Guild is presenting "^ar Ruth at Mass dred Thompson Reese of Fox street, be the Blessing of the Easter Candle the W oodstock Opera House on Fn- Mrs. Eddie Meath of the American ^au,fhter of Mrs" Z'1a Ba.con- and On Good Friday the Mass of the' Lt egion Auxiliary is in charge of a;! rection 01 our iL<ord from the dead- -- -- - -»-i--i- i •- „v;„l }g ^]ehrmted by the church as the 1 tceieDraiea Dy tne cnurcn tne n?nP K" ffles So inP th." ! Vl l'„w near future. She asks for gifts of j Sf'ff TYvinJ? neckties which are still wearable but|choir offerin h 's appropriatf for not necessarily new. v I Easter. At 8:30 there ^11 be a solemn high mass preceded by the Vici Aquam" by Singenberger, fol- -^non^ored R. N. A. May 9 bv m«er> and Confirmation at Christ the King Church. PURCHASES BUSINESS Friends of Alfred Tonyan will be happy to learn that he has purchased the trucking business of Pat Douglas. Mr. Tonyan will carry on in much the same manner as Mr. Douglas, specialising in livestock hauling and farm -trucking. . lowed Jby the Ma&s in Honor of Our Lady by Owan Da Silva, O. F. A. APRIL 4 CONCERT The annual high school batwl eoncert conducted by Paul R. Yanda will be held on Sunday evening, April 4, in school auditorium. The complete, program will appear in j and the recessional^ will jbe next week's Issue. " " received Christian Baptism during; and Easter Water preceding the 8; day, Saturday and Sunday evenings, Delation of Altars at St. Patrick* the service j o'clock hifch mass. ! ! March 26. 27 and 28, at 8:30 p. m. j Church. The Maundy ThursAiy service of • The first mass on Eater Sunday j There will also be a children s mati- Holy Communion will be held at will be at G:30 a. m., with the chil-: nee at the Woodstock Community 8 p. m., while Good Friday services, dren's choir singing traditional Easter j high school at 2:30 p. m. The Playthe memorial of our Lord's suffering 'hvmns. At 8 o'clock mass the senior ers are presenting "Pinochio free of and death on the cross," will be at choir will render the following pro- charge to the children of persona Father Witt's "Regina Coeli" will! g A m. / gram: "Vidi Aquam" by Tappert; owning season tickets in the 'Hieatre be sung at the offertory and follow-I Easter morning services will be Proper of the Mass by Tozer; Chimes ; Guild. Other children will be ing the mass "O Glorious Easter | held at 9:30 and at 11 o'clock. The! Mass by Farnsworth; and "Terra charged fifty-five cents, adults, $1.10. music foi/these services include the Tremuit" by Singenberger; At Beneanthem, ^'Resurrection," by McLain, diction the choir will render "Jesu to be sung by the Junior and Cherub Dulcis" by Tappert and "Tantum choirs and Beethoven's "The Heavens 1 Ergo" by Singenberger. The strains Resound," to be sung by the adult J of "Holy God" will re-echo throughchoir. Vision" by Tappert. The 10 o'clock high mass will be sung by the girls' choir, which has ehosen Mass in Honor of St. Patrick's by M. J. Vanden El sen, O. Praem. At the offertory, Antonio- Lotti's "Regina Coeli" will be sung Hosanna To The Son Qf David" by Sr. M. May »- ;"" -v Bake Sale--Sponsored Alttr ul ^ Rosarv Sodality cf St. Patrick^ J Church- GOOD FRIDAY i i5 The McHenry Business MenVl Association suggests that all business etablishments in McHenry follow the previous custom of closing The topic for the miniater's ser-' of the faithful depart, mon at the early uw»iiw> will be j The W o'clock "Eternal Life, Now," aigd at the later i another low .mass. TO DEDICATE ALTARS . Bishop John J. Boylan will be pre- from 12 to 3 on afternoon of Good sent at Christ the King church,; Friday. We will appreciate your eo- Wonder Lake, on Sunday, May 9J cPrJ*tion. out the "beautiful church as the last at 1a.m. for mass and Confirmation.! M-HENRI BtslMES alBNTf | At 11 o'clock he win be at St. Pat- **5-fP wiU be rickSa ehuteh' fer <s^itati»w<ef . «. j new altars. 1 ASSN. ynd tti VIM Adi

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