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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1948, p. 3

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<r ; , March 25. 1948 . - ,. «- £>^>'7* 7®** - HTv*•? r^rr^ - 1jsL_^_1 * •"•;"s • "flAr5 • f' * %N • •**•;;•.* ' Pif» Three 1 «-v,<^<11111 HIIH IMMt'HlUm '*"> NtwiFmi Wonder Lake gr-.. B» Vmmmm M. Paulie Renter is. only eleven years s>v« aid, bat the heart of a hero beats in ^ *3?'Ida small breast. is the feet that Paulie is a Cub Scout; perhaps it is that he is used to lock- Bf after a little sister; or perhapa he just naturally has more presence : . .df mind than other yoongstere. Whatever it is that prompted him, t Penile ia responsible for UTing the fits at Jimmie Marke, 29-month-cld Mi of Mr: and Mrs. Paul Marke, who fell into the lake and ! would have drowned < had hot the Rtuter youngster happened along. Randy Sellek and Joan Marke, a^ed seven and five respectively, were doing a little pre-season fishing on the shore of the lake-front ! Wendt home, which is boarded up for ! the •* inter. This home is next to i the residence * of Earl Glende. Apparently little Jimmie had followed his sister, but her first knowledge of his presence was when she heard ji splash Mid saw him struggling out in the water. Jimmie was weighed down with his heavy clothes and his boots; and his struggling him farther and farther fro; ; rubbed down by their respective^ pr i t its, and neither of them are the j I wojv-e for wear from their dunking, j lire Markes are pretty grateful to j I Paulie; and if the senior Paul Reu- I j ters are a little bit proud, that is ! i certainly understandable. shore. Just then Paulie happened along, looking for his, friend, Randy, and he immediately walked out into the lake toward the gasping child, and dragged him back to shore. The dripping youngsters were quickly I Arline Kamp, daughter of Mr. and i Mrs. William Kamp of Fox Lake, I formerly a resident of Wonder Lake, I was honored by a pre-nuptial shower i last Thurs lay evening. The shower, ! held at the Rolaine Grill, ms { hostessed tv Betty Lou Druml, and I many of Arline's eld neighbors and | high school friends were present to i wish her luck and to leave a token i of their regard. Arline will become | the bride of Raymond Guzzardo of : McHenry on May 9. The marriage will take place in McHenry. Reuter, Mrs. lalBfm-I^rintl, and Mrs. ' Marian Cannon MM.Jfftfve as direct- fttk PIlM ors. Two mdre nm a*e needed for the cast and- the directors would wel- ! come volunteers for tfee parts. Any budding Thespians ? Two gals from here were pretty mad last week, I guess. Anyway, i Mrs. Amy Perry was fined $5 by; Charles Hayes, J. P., for pulling out' a handful of hair from the head of 1 Mrs. Helen Schweitzer. Golden Gloves prospects? Or maybe a White Hope? A match game was held between' two Wonder Lake howling teams on : Saturday night, wift a total of 2164; pins "for the winning quintet which i consisted Piisa la, Ronnie See T. P. OH the . Lake 'Shore for youJr^ Real Estate and Insurance T. P. MATHEWS SEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKE* .. . Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center > ; ; s t y Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood "Phone Wonder Lake 306 ATTENTION VOTERS WONDER LAKE -- RINGWOOD McUe::ry Precinct, No. 1 Meet Your Precinct Committeeman Candidates in person at HORN'S LAKEVIEW IN* . Wonder Center Thursday, April 1, 8:30 p. m. Other Speakers -- Township Officials and County Officers t^Bonsored ondef take Voters FREE REFRESHMENTS ue SAFE-T-TEST --» Of Your Car's Wheel Alignment, Balance, Camber, Caster and Steering Mechanism Your safety and comfort depend on your car's mechanical condition. Play sate! Let us make these free tests without obligation to you. We will stop "shimmy" and weaving and prevent uneven and expensive tire wear if you decide the work is needed ... but YOU'RE THE JUDGE! lL garage • JOHNSBORO Fred Smith, Prop. Telephone McHtfbry 200-J ' ^ i' J --* US**01* Ift £32- I <m» 1 UP?1 AOTMUnC COAL Mrs. C. Beckenbaugh of Wonder Woods, and her daughter CamiUe, attended a birthday party for Gary Vycital of McHenry, on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Fred Chase and sc «. Fred IV, of Indian Ridge, also attended the party. Small Gary is a nephew of both Mrs. Beckenoaueh a»vd libs. Chase. • r- More Birthdays •Ti'.stus Kellner of Indian Ridge relflii'ated his on March 15. Paul R-:«t?r (the younger) was eleven on Marc-h 18; Karen Knapp, granddaughter cf Mr. and Mrs. William W ripht of the Handy Pantry, was seven on March 26; Mrs. Ruth Kolar is JV;\V able to vote, as she reached V/ r majority on March 7; and Mrs. Pivd Hunsen counted another milest^"'- on March 20. I!;s. Hansen had two celebrations; ov>e with her family and one with t1 of her particular department at Electric Auto-Lite. It is the rp'J-'r wonderful custom, with the departments of this firm, for those who have birthdays to treat everyor°.:> Mrs. Hansen served some j w:r. Ierful cupcakes, made by her df.iv hter-in-Iaw, Mrs. Roger Hansen. of Wffite Wilhelm, Kmnkn Fossler, Bud Schau, and Ed Dean. Dean was high ith 538 series, high gammee being 1U8 7. ith 509 series; with Next was Schau 186 high. Losing team was made up of Bob Chudik, Tony Grosso, Jack Pavlik, Gil Rhode, and A1 Aregger. They knocked over a total of 2093 with Rhode showing high series of 478, with his high game being 181. Grosso came in next with a 455 series; 169 for high. These boys will hold a return match next Sunday night. and the feeling is running mighty high! Roll, 'em down the center; boys! ' And may the best team win. - lii Great During the past SO years, Jack pine in the Great Lake state* climbed from obscurity to economic prominence. Once commercially unimportant, It now is used extensively in production of pulpwood, box lumbar, mine timbers, cabin logs, piling, poles and posts. According* to the U. S. depart* ment of forestry, the present total area of Jade pine hi the lake states is slightly more than S minim. acres. Present total merchantable volume is estimated at IS cords. Total merchantable volume includes more th^n 8 mniun cords of pulpwood and S billion hoard feet of sawlogs. The remaining 1.666 million cords are substandard cord* wood. The current annual growth of Jack Pine In the lake states la fa the neighborhood at 45 million cubic feet, or about 18 cubic feet per acre per year. This la only one-third of what can be produced under favor* able .conditions of stocking. Depending on ags and site, a fufiy stocked acre of Jack pine land should grow from 25 to 86 cubic feet per annum.' , Straight Railroad | j The longest stretch of railroad i without a curve in the United States is the 79 miles of the Seaboard rait road between Wilmington let, N. C. . Use ef AatoeaeMes Social and recreational driving account* for 45 per cent of the bile mileage in the United Business accounts for the amount of mileage or 59 per •Faatry rtfr x Housewives' cupboard inventories of groceries aren't nearly as large as they were a year ago, a "pantry poll" conducted by Northwestern university indicates. Shoppers, eyeing shelves of canned goods and other groceries, are showing a marked tendency to take home few- Discovery ef Glass Glass, one of man's oldes rials, was discovered long the time of Christ, a Libbey cal study shows. Yet, desptl antiquity and the fact that steeped in centuries at romance, violence and thundering drama, H Is in many ways as new as today's newspapers. * „ Better mark April 1 on your calendar. This is tne date that you can meet all of the candidates who have filed to run, in the April 13 primary, for county committeeman from Barty Chm Worshipers ' .v .: ! Ofte interesting aspect of thi culture of the early Mogollon Indians (about A. D. 500) is the orientation of the houses and of the dead. The entry-way of almost every house - CLARENCE'S SHOP* Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings; pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping* and market baskets. Fuli iine of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds. jBjMj. CLARENCE SMITH T«l. McH.nry S83-J-1 Johnaburg, 111. Precinc| McHenry 1--which is ours faced east or southeast. It therefore SM Rmgwood's. Present will be is conjectured that the sun played4^-- EstI Whiting, of Rinpwood; James. an important role in the religious^ ! 7 * •. and Mrs. Earl Pritznian and [ children of Lake Zurich, spent Sun- May in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lj i Thomas of Wonder Woods and Mrs. I Anna Pritzman. Pavlik and John Viola, both of Wbnder Lake. All three have filed for the one position of Repubulican precinct committeeman. Stanley Hunt of Ringwood is the sole applicant for the job representing local Democrats. The meeting will be held at Horn's Lake View Inn on April 1 at 8 p.m. smd is being sponsored fcy the Wonder Lake Voters' League. Refreshments will be served. St. Mary's grade school - in Woodstock entertained the public with a i series of plays on Thursday and Friday of last week. The third and I fourth erade did a one-act play called "On Strike" and Helen Arm- j strong of Lookout Point, was one of | the "strikers," as wa^ "Chuckie" i Lockinger. son of Mr. and Mrsr.^&ohn i Lockinger of Shore Hills. Jeanie' L^ckinper. in the first grade, was one j of the "Eskimos" in the play of that I name, and (so I hear) a<L libbed in some lines that weren't originally In the play. Mr. and Mfs. Harold Scholpp entertained Mrs. Scholpp's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce of Kenosha* .Wisconsin, on Wednesday "evening of last week. Wonder Woods ladies in attendance last Monday at the Ice Capades Show in the Arenac, Chicago, were Mrs. J. Hiflfmna, Mrs. J. Noble, Mrs. H. Enstrom, and Mrs* L. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryll are the grandparents of a new grandson, born last week. We couldn't find out his name or his weight, but we'll just bet he was a dandy! •Jlr. and Mrs. Philip Carroll were Visitors on Monday, in Chicago. Mr. Carroll has apparently made a splendid recovery from the' illness which confined him to the Woodstock Hospital for some time this winter. Mrs. Pauline Grill, Mrs. Libbie Sepan, Mrs. Stella Biggers, and Mrs. Birdie Bergdahl Collected a grand tfital of £162.75 for the fund drive recently conducted by the American Red Cross. This is a fine sum considering that the roads of this district were almost impossible throughout the period that the ladies were doing their collecting. To a fine intrepid committee of fourcongratulations! Christ the 'King Church •.-:Hj| Good Friday, holy station* of the cross at 7:30 p. m. with con- j fessions 8:30 p. m. until 0:30 p. m. | Children are to come to confession on i Easter Saturday from 9 a. m. until' 10 a. m. There will he a high mass j on Easter Sunday at 10 a. m. An instruction class for first com- ' munion has been started at the church and those interested in starting their children are asked to contact Fr. Vanderpool. Gospel Center A Great Easter Service is planned ! for Easter Sunday at 10:30 a. m. j (Sunday School and Morning Wor-: ship Service combined) i In the preliminary program Miss ' Margaret Kott will give one of her interesting object lessons. A number i of children of the Sunday School | will also participate in songs and! recitations. Easter Symbol Souven-1 iers for all. The pastor, Frank W. Anderson,! will speak on the subject: "He Is! Risen - -Risen With Him." Special Easter music by the Sunday School i Chorus and Paul F. Anderson, bari- I tone. We extend a cordial welcome to friends and neighbors to this and all of our services. "A risen life is the best testimony to a risen Christ." concepts of these Indians. The evidence revealed by excavations at sites of Mogollon Indian villages, * makes most probable the hypothesis" that 1,500 years ago the ancient Mogollons worshiped the sun. In dealing with extinct peoples of great age, the evidence, because of the effacing tffects of centuries, is slim. Everything perishes except durable stone tools, pottery, skeletal material and the Indians' primitive dwellings. Read the Wbnt Ads Right now's the time to feed grass yiGORO! Bee Stings for Arthritis j Beekeepers have been said to I be immune to arthritis and they have been known to dispense the i stings of their bees to the sick, American Medical association says. In Europe, places existed where ' T ( T „ - rheumatic patients made pilgrim- JOIM J. VVCltal HClWe. ctintf fpaaf. » • { Mr- Mrs. R. Wallace entertained their daughter and son-in-law from Denver last week. The young couple left on Sunday, driving a brand-new Chevrolet. Mrs. Pauline Grill,- chairman of Community Club, would like to remind everyone of the Community to try and be pr::: .t r.t next meeting which v.::i 12 » cn Tuesday, March 33, r.t llr. ri:c:i School. Time: 8:00 p. r.i. T/.cra tvi]l be a book review cn "Thcs Loud Red Patrick." •Here's the only completely! automatic Coal Burner that] collects the coal from yosti coal bin--feeds it to the firC and removes the ashes to a^ sealed container. No diok-r--- era to dig--no d. ost or muss1,1 j ' Banishes forever the daily trips to die basement re-, quired by ordinary stokers. ROSENTHAL LUMBER A FUEL CQ. 27 Main Street Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal Lake 26 «r JT " cr. i I.Irs. Richard Stabb are -parents cf a" baby girl born on March 20, IDiS ct the ^Woodstock Public Hospital. • . Wonder Lakers who are members of the McHenry County Theatre Guild, and are holders of season, tickets, are being permitted to tajce their children, free, to a special matinee at WCHS auditorium oh Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 np. m. for a presentation of "Pinochib" by the Woodstock Players. Qther children can secure tickets at 56c each. The regular play at the opera house this week will be "Dear Ruth," a spaikling comedy; about a teenager who writes to a serviceman and signs her sister's name. You can imagine the situations that arise. Mr. and Mrs. John' Phalin attended a family dinner, on Sunday, in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin of McHenry. The young Phalins have been residents of Indian Ridge since their marriage in February. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott and son Terry Wayne of Lakewood, Ohio, were guests ove r the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of Wonder Center. This was the first reunion between the Scott brothers for more than a year. The visiting considerably cheered Mr. Scott who had been recuperating from a bout with the flu. ages for the sake of bee sting treatments. The natural venom of the bee contains a poisonous substance similar to canthardin end a sapotoxin somewhat similar to that found in snake venom. The physiologic eff^pts produced by injections of the venom of bees are said to be •nalogous to the effects of administering histamine. Since the procedure employed by bringing about the stinging of patients by live bees is somewhat hazardous, methods of harvesting the venom have been developed. On the basis of the evidence available at this time, bee venom therapy cannot be recommended, says the association. \ o \°v Correct alignment will save yoo money--give you more tire mileag* FRONT WHEEL TOE-IN CORRECTION GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M Briig Yovr Tlr* * Wh**l TrowbU to TIM SEIVICC HEADQUARTKS ^IIIIIKllililllllllllllllillllllllllllllltllllllilHllllllllilliillllllllMMIHIII'lHNtttlHttl MARTICKE & NIXON Hrerside Drive and Elm McHenry PHONE McHENRY 424 rniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHHiiitiiiiiiiiituHiiiiH!iiiii!ii!ii!ii:ntiii!i:mitiiiffliiiHi!iiiiiiiiiitiHui:u]iiiHimiitii:ii:uiit!(R New Synthetic Robber ~-A chemist recently has patented a \>ew synthetic rubber, belonging to khe neoprene family, but with fluorine substituted for the customary ichlorine. 'SPEEDY" REFERRING KNOW MEW PAINT JOB GIPL.6 NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE 6IMME TM' WOQKS, DOC-^ NICK MILLER'S ; *MCNRY<j«CMt j DO A BEAUTIFUL JOB OKI "j MY CAR. - NOW I NEED A <iO*iCi OVER so m. MATCH UP WITH 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 ---JHONE 108-B • i E. E. Murphy has been appointed representative of the Field and Forest Patrol of McHenry County and will organize local boys in patrols to learn conservation of our wild life. Each boy will be given a field book and will receive points for various efforts; high points to be awarded prizes. Boys interested are asked to contact Mr. Murphy. This week the annual play given by the ladies' Auxiliary of the Wonder Lake Rod and Gun Blub, will go into rehearsal. The play, to be given some time in June, is "Mama* 3 Baby Boy," and the cast will include: Otto Scholz, Tom Cashin, Virginia Doyle, Eleanor Strom ski, Mr*. Ann Landmaa. Mrs. Helm plants HYDRANGEAS LILIES JONQUILS CINERARIAS ROSE BUSHES AZALEAS HYACINTHS TWUP5 • I* A . * «#• m SWAPDRAGONS -- CARNATIONS jioSES -- GARdZnIAS -- C AMELIAS """^AHHES -- JONQUILS --TULIPS Please Order Corsages Early -McHenry Floral Co. Located on HI Rt. 31, one mile south of McHenrjr , CALL McHENRY 404 •*"* A "4J -?*• I'M "M i

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