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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1948, p. 8

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-•ae "y ' • K • *< * ' v ' * " ^ ;« $««? * pniODIST CHURCH NOTES 4 like experiment of a 9:30 Sister worship proved entirely successful, as over 125 persons cSme but to jvorship at this hour. Mrs. Keith >r at the piano, playing Chopin's tnrne," brought the congTegato a worshipful frame of mind, ir the call to worship, sunt; by junior choir, the congregation, by the processing chairs, lifted their voices in the" Easter hymn, "Welcome Happy Morning." Then followed a period of pastoral and ; congregation prayers. The junior choir, directed' by Mrs, Donald Barger, sang McLain's "Rfesur- ! rection." During the second service ' they were joined by the cherub choir. The adult choir, led by Mrs. Harry Barr and accompanied by Mrs. Foster sang the Offertory anthem, i "The Heavens Resound," by Beethoiven. I The lesson for the morning was McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LKTTERUm & WttTOOW LETTERING Fox St. H. REESE Phone 440-R ANNOUNCEMENT Having recently purchased George Glosson'arcattle truck, would appreciate the patronage of anyone in this area desirous of such service. BERNIE MATCHEN Fox Street ' McHenry Fhone 109-J MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained ELMER P. ADAMS - Certified Tax Consultant ^ : ' One MQe North of Fox Lake on Rt. tf. S. 12 Phone Fox Lake 5501 , FOX LAKE, ILL. « MC ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I have purchased the tracking business operated by Pat Douglas and am in a n position to do livestock hauling and general farm truck- • ing. Your patronage is respectfully solicited ALFRED TONYAN Phone McHenry 60-R ; Saturday Afternoon Skating Session - • 2 to 4:30 p. m, For the Children Admission 46c including tax " 9 " * ^ 4 v •• Just For Fun Roller Rink McHenry, 111.' At ADVIKTItID IN Post nlSP^ ^ Bake, serve and store in the same PYREXdish fYREX Knob Cav#r f*mn I*IM hov« hundreds of MM. 4 (iz«t. 1qt. iiz«, only 79* Get youri today! WSAVBrPUfta, " CU*W*D Cupt and Dmm SB * «aWw.6,9.miIfep. y • < ' , J, 1+m CRYSTAL-CIKAR Mixing PYRtX UNtty OMi--wart, xstSAP®-- NICKELS HARDWARE . ' West McHenry f. v. " , • > . . . . ' road from the twentieth cWpter of The Gospel according to St. John. The pastor's meditation for the'first service was entitled, "Eternal Life Now" and for the second. "Easter the Symbol of Life." The final note of faith was voiced by the congregation as they sang "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." Following the Benediction the organ lifted its voice in proclaiming the Lord's ressurrection as Mrs. Barr t>layed Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." The members of the congregation returned to their homes refreshened and renewed by their worship experience. However, following a gTeat church festival such as Easter, we are tempted to turn away and forget the Spirit that laid hold of us during our preparation and celebration. Wte carefully, or should have, prepared, ourselves for this great day all during the Lenten Season and Holy Week. Will we forget this great event that brought us to worship, forget it for another year? The meaning of Easter doesn't end with the fading notes of the Postlude or the falling of twilight on Easter Sunday. It has a continuous Message. Every Sunday is a memorial to the risen Lord. Let us continue to spread this life-giving message by our continual presence and work in the church of our choice, and in our community. The pastor would iike to thank each and everyone who contributed through giving of flowers,* of time, of talent, and Of presence in making our Easter and Lenten Services truly worshipful. Mrs. Barr would like to extend her thanks and appreciation to the other choir leaders, Mrs. Donald Barger, Mrs. Peter Roche, Mrs. Keith Foster and Mrs. Wayne Price, for their help and co-operation in training the choirs for this Easter season, and to all members of the ehoirs and others who have helped. The ladies of the Women's Society are planning to meet Wednesday, April 7, to repair the church chairs. Bring your own basket lunch. For more details call Mrs. Donald Barger. The fourth. Quarterly Conference will be held April 9- at 8 p. m. to elect officers for the coming new year. The sermon for next Sunday will be entitled, "Back to Jerusalem." DEATH A MYSTRY The S t range death of' John Koschak, 89, Westmont reclus% foilnd dead in his shack Tuesday--- the ttpper Qart of his body missing-- twok on a diet?per shade of mystery the '-following afternoon when the small cottage was destroyed in a nre which authorities believe was ,o£ origin. : - r-v> \ Dm jlail a urawMr W;M Don't waste night-crawlers in fishing for sunfish and rock bass. Half a crawler is enough bait. A. P. FREUND SONS -2\^&ELx cav»tlng Contractor* Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service *--ROAD BUILDING-- * Tel. &4-M McHenry, lit DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Qa Highway 81 Office and Hoate TeL McHenry 31 McHenry, 111. r, -Cv. Office Boars: 1 p.m. to 2 pV Except Thursdays " u i .'Evenings by Appointment-. DR. R. DeROME \ , T ^ C ' :. -- D e n t i s t - * - ] \ - :y 120 Green Street 'fflone 292-J. McHenrf ; .. Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturdays from 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. PERSONAL Richard Ward, who is attending (Valparaiso University in Indiana, I spent the Easter vacation with his parents^ the E. B. Wards. The family spent the weekend with Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kibbons, in Kankakee. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett and children were dinner guests in the I Timothy McCleary home in Forest ; Park on Easter Sunday. They were \ accompanied home in the evening by ' the latter's mother, Mrs. Catherine i Boger, who had spent four weeks j visiting in the McCleary home. I Weekend guests in the Ben Justen home were Mr. a/id Mrs. Harold Skow and son of Woodstock, Mr. and | Mrs. Kenneth Kreuger and children j of Williams Bay, Wis., Dr. and Mrs. • J. W. Justen and family of Momence, 111., and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Justen of Chicago. I Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Jack Walsh were Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and daughter, Catherine, Doris Ahlgrim, Charles Miller and Ed Walsh, all of Chicago. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 ajn. to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L Dtp Two important points to remember in storing honey for home us* ara: Honey must be completely cured before it is removed from the hive, and containers must be perfectly dry before hobc? to plac*d in them. VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green aad Elm Sts^ McHauy Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointaunt Phone -McHenry 48 PLASTIC WALLT1LE Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitchen. Colon are through the tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales & Service, McHenry, 800 feet from Nell's, ballroom. Phone Pistakee 552-W-l. WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling -- Black Dirt -- * Linustone Trucks for Hire Free Estimating TeL 655-R-2 McHeoary, Id. - IAMBS FINGER- .."-i Mrs. ZHizabeth Handl*y, 78, was j injured last Week on the farm home! of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Frando, Rt. 1, Marengo when her1 hand became oaaght in a eorn shelter she was operating in the Frando bain. Mrs. Handley's rjght hand was so badley mangled that amputation 9? a finger was necessary> + \ Read1 the Want Ads MtHi 11*11 Dm Pipeir Ete c t r i e a H y - r e c o r d e d m a t i n g squeaks ot female rats ara aouadad by a Vancouver exterminator to trap male rata. Toni Permanent Wave Kits, tl.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tf Sunday mornings, starting^ ,y, April 4. Vycital's falia rdware. 48-2 plO DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST *t 514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store Thursday Afternoons) Examiaad -- Glasses Fitted ' Visual Training -- Vimal RdrnMlltatioi Complete Visual Analysis Hours Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to Saturday Evsnings: 8 ta 8J8 f PHONE McHENRY 452 AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 801 Main St^. McHenry Efectric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRfS, Operator Phone 815-W-l or 484 M'HENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 300 8TOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER fifcsurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn & ParkerX Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-8 M Office--Koehr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Emma Adams wish to thank friends and neighbors for floral offer nigs, spiritual kouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and "the many other kindnesses extended in their bereavement. They were all greatly appreciated. 46 - INSURANCE - EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When rou need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm .McHenry WELDING Maintenance and Construction j Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J j 909 South Green St4 McHenry, I1L McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 *as Mile South of MeHtVf on Route 81 Flowers for all occaakms! FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Grarel Cinders -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 588-M>l R-l McHenry MOTO- MOWER LAWN MOWERS POWER MOWERS SICKLE MOWERS > WHIRLWIND MOWERS LAWN SWEEPERS BREADY GARDEN TRACTORS Otto Adams Service Station Phone McHenry 434 Johnsbnrg, Hi. CARD OF THANKS - I wish in this manner to thank all my friends and neighbors and tk? American Legion post members for their kindnesses during my bereave* merit •: 4 ' (\ *46 EVA CAMPBELL. Large German Kolas German experts estimate that war ruins of Germany amount to 523 million square yards. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Floor Sanding Refinishii'g, varnishing and Duro-Seal. Waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimates. Gall McHenry 666-R-2 or 497-R RIGHT IN STYLERIGHT IN SIASONI Take ooc look at trim dandy and you' why it's called the Spring'48! It's lightweight, of course, with a rakish slant and a smart drape bow that rate Iocs of attention wherever you go. Best of <ll,it'sCravenette- - ittp^rioanowiia new Spring grays aad aa* to $10 '©6 G • r- .s;: n McWCNRY (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of McHENRY STATE McHenry, Illinois transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, par* suant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 19th day of March, 1948. * ' " ^ . - ; •• . • ^ - • RESOURCES! % ; . ; . - ^ ^ 1. Cash and due from banks $ 837,848.66 ' 3. United States 6a\reriiment obligations, direct i--- and/or fully guaranteed ...... 2,343,166.00 » 4 Other bonds, stocks and sennrrtieg _,r_ •, t 583,517.56 5. Loans and discounts • 2,094,875.58 6. Overdrafts y5'-'"- • • • ' - ' 3 • • 69L25 • 7. Banking house $13,523.^0; Furniture and , IN^es $4,833.00 '18,356*50 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits (Nety 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand deposits 18. Time deposits ... ;v Total of deposits:. ^.^$5,878,455.57 ' ,50,000.00 100,000.00 107,757.72 102,500.00 3,097,295.59 ^ v.^ - 2,412,817^8 (1) Secured by pledge of assets "•> 154,769.45 . (2) Not secured by pledge of assets 5,355,343.421 $5,510,112.87 ^ (>»» •• 'tiny» (3) Total depoait*. •' 2VQ|k« liabilities r ".?• • ' - " GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES .. .^ Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilitii.. 26. As£et8 pledged: (a) U. S. Government obligations direct and/or -- - fully guaranteed $89^)0^ p^otal Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding* ^-rediscounts) ' .. v" $ 959^00.00.. f?. Purpose and Amount of Pledge: • (a) Against U. S. Government and postal savings deposits ....._ j| 330,500.00 (b) Against funds of State of Illinois 29,000.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged .....$ 359,500.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank, do eoIly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- !ge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Ptt&Uo Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashier; Correal, Attest: ^ GERALD J. CAREY, V •v"; State of Illinois, County of McHenry. at. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of March, 1948. VERNE K HARRISON, (SEAL) Notary Pnbtie. MRECTOR8 C. J. Reihanspertar Was. M. Carroll Joseph W. Fresnd Wm. A. Hy. M. H Geralid J. Caxey ' ' n- MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION -i A-t ' 'S 3 *i y JIM,-,, ;• ' "v: 4 ,. Jl™, .'if

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