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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1948, p. 7

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Ttanday, ApriU 1M3 *HB HoHKNKY PLAlOTJKALEK On Pantft h h i i u m i i u m ' (Bjr Yardstick) FWks: , '>••? La»t Saturday's blinding snow- #°™ wm responsible for the #«rnd Easter holy day in two Me- JRolleni Lake homes. 1® a collision vith a track on [root* 120, on Sherman's hill, Mrs.1 Mrs.. Olson we appeal to Theodore - leg and suffered from severe shock. The Olsons were enroute to Wtood- ' -- -- -- , •--•- --_ "•«- «t»|w»4 w mm person I and have a heck of a good time do- i -------- Olson suffered a fractured, to« > yt m ftl it to Ing it. ( The McHenry fire .department bruises while Mr. Olson m ir^ R. K, West Mc-] ,, janswered a call to put out a grass fee rom 1 r~7™v ,Ul\ "** money con- TKe many friends and neighbors ^ Property adjoining the Frank tabled in the purse as payment for | * Tryg fcmSSd honored the™ 1 P^salsqua estatelast l&esday, and •Id man of Manle Hill .* D with the usual efficiency the '•'ilk ••ck when the accident occurred. fire Schroeder Iron Works Offers I'-. ,- BASEMENT STEEL AMD COLUMNS ANGLES AND LINTELS OVER WINDOWS Ornamental iron railings a specialty Tel. 617-M-l or Write McHenry, 111. yo*r t™«We. ; grand old Map)« at a - * - Beth were taken to the Woodstock In another collision on route 58A party in. his honor last ^Saturday eve- laddies had the flames put out in a noapitai. ** Diamond Lake, en the same day, I ning at McDonald's, the occasion be- few »»nut«§- To add to Mrs. Olson's misfortune fo!£t more ! l['* his bhthday anniversary, j r 4 ~TT her purse containing important * their car was Among the many gnests present at I ^ Coagratalstisae fl» 2 papersuid a sum of money dis- i ? danjaged they escaped unhurt this gay night spot to offer Tryg! *r£. Clara Harker on her tM*ty^ """ The Doolins were enroute to Mc- congratulations and take part in the I fir«t birthday, April 2. d Easter Sunday .festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Geo rare ' Roy Blake on the fifty-sixth annith April 17. his fortieth birth- . , April 25. quick action in steering liis ; Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osterby Matt Blake on the thirty-fifth ancar off the road that saved them both !and many more too numerous to I niversary of his natal day April 26. from serious injuries. j mention. Tryg was a happy man that; The driver of the other ear M *ny°ne could see. j Nat and Bolts j to stop after the accident. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Pietsch returned from FYedericktown, Mo., A good pair of ears will wear out hundred tongues. The population of our community .turne5? f*?m *f®«rtcktown, Mo., j A lleeaarrnneedd bblloocckkhheeaadd iiss aa ggrreeia ter ss increased by one with thi . 1 Saturday, where they attended blockhead than an ignorant one. .... me , dangerously is to ea restaurant hash. ADIOS i was the ,--*i • • -- - -- -• ""tiiutu - arrival of -6 pound 8 ounce Nancy £25 •_*!*..®'"Mrs. Flesh's father. | To live dangerously is to eat ILynne Burg, at the Woodstock hospi- i T™"'\*np £om®5*s 8 J^red one ; P»«te of tal at 6:21 p. m. last Wednesday: 5° '^,n* j ey drtm; 1 March 24th. We are happy to report h,*h w/nd s^nns I that both mother and daughter are ! the 7?y were *lad to doing nicely. i home safely. We .©got proud pai the Slad tidings from d Burg, when we ran into him on the following morn- % NIGHT 7:30 p. m. ing as he was spreading the good news from* door to door and scattering cigars all over the place. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burg on this, your prei Last Sunday's Easter egg hunt at i the Harold Vycital's added a few I grey hairs to Henrietta's coiffure ; and, as you read this tale you'll soon 1 know the reason. As is the custom of every American mother cm the i ^ """:0 i.""V Saturday before this holiday," Henri- ' ^ oodstock, 111., 2M mi. etta dyed many eggs in preparation 1 ?°,ute. ,*??'• turn at Burton ' " ... Schmrtt s, Inc., oil HORSES, well broke. FEED--10 tons of baled alfalfa, 5 tons of baled straw, 5 tons of soybean hay, 200 bushels of Forvic oats, good enough for seed. MACHINERY--F-30 Farmall tractor, on rubber; 10 ft. tractor disc, 10-20 tractor, on rubber; McCormkk manure spreader, John Deere 290 tractor c--orni planter, fertilizer; McConnfe^ complete with loader, Mc€knrnridT<»rn^ml«^S fertilizer attachment, 11 ft. Hoeefef grain drill, line sower, John - manure spreader, land roller. Usual Bank Terms. SLAVIN BROTHERS Hebron State Bank, ClertlBg SS. T ."J? ' the nexrmoiwnj^s' hunt* bjTlhe'r . many more Such h.ppy events m the children. After w.tehinc this p""' ^ cedure for a few minutes little, w . . . j T . , , , , . 1 D o n n y , h e r 4 - y e a r - o l d , decided to dye Miss Astrid Johnson, lovely blonde (a few eggs himself so, when mother .UirhtAr ftf t.Hp fall nnor TAVnoAna nraon't 1 L»^' A U C^T I 'O N H. A. FREEMAN and "BILL" RUSSELL, Auctioneers The undersigned will sell at Public. Auction on the farm known as the ; W. T. Slavin Farm, located mi. ! Southwest of Hebron, 111., 7 mi. West ] of Harvard, 111., 7 miles North of South of A - ! ' • 3' * XL r% 7 . .v v ,u, iw UIIUOCII BVI muiner -s daughter of the Gunnar Johnsons of wasn t looking:, he purloined a dozen Park DVfti efiw LnranAneiu,t wniUllo s*a.^i1l1 fo_r_ Sw1 eid en cacIk let berries from the refri®g erator ' GAULKE'S SALE BARN ROUTE 47 WOODSTOCK, ILL. GOOD SELECTION OP 6lOSE SPRINGERS FRESH COWS STOCK BULLS -:- CALVES HORSES SHEEP FEEDER PIGS STEERS Get Your Stock in Early Call 572 or 499 if you want truck to pick Terms: 25% down, teal, in 12 mos. at y2 of 1% int. ^ Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois Bring Tour Calves Here For Top Prices YOU C&N BUY YOU CAN SELL WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS SUNDAY, APRIL 4 i 1948. Sale to etart at 1:0® P. MP.'; 37 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK • 29 HOLSTEIN MILK COWS--14 of j these are Springing with First Calf^ ^ irui eiffht are Fre^h, balance milking! on May 8, where she will spend two and began dipping while mother! *u j * • j months visiting relatives. Upon her busied herself with other tasks I T1?1S h!rd of c®7rf 18 youn(r and return to the U S. the wedding bells ! After completing his masterpieces I f°°.d ^r^Q ucers and have an avera«e , wnll ring for her and the man of ' he mixed them with the hard boiled i } v i- u i * • i* it t her choice, Lester Johnston, of Chi- ones. 4 Yearling Holstem Heifers, vacdcaeo. « o j 1 . ... 1 n*ted; 1 Holstein Heifer, S months Ln VavbaoI ^ , A . .. J '» 0n Sunday morning the Vycital's' old; 1 Holstein Stock Bull. Bon Voyage! to you Astrid and home looked like an omlete with egg g our best wishes for a Jiappy future yolks dripping from the chandelier s 0 y°u- , , and it took Harold just ten seconds 1 PJ t»r «. .. . to discover what made his mattress s o president tte so lumpy on retiring Sunday night. g. screwy Dozen, advise us that any All this week Henrietta has been g day the peace and quiet of Knoll- searching for the three eggs ufi- = w"°od would be distributed by the , accounted for with a mine detector. ~ ^'a.^r "Chuck" Miller's road Any suggestions yoij have to offer bui!?,n?. n?achlnery- Will be appreciated. The limited funds, which represent •. 1 the proceeds from the Screwy, We were almost run down while Dozen s last year's "Atomic Bust" j walking down Main street in West carnival will be spent in filling the ! McHenry last Saturday by the loqua- 8rave' and grading, cious Senator Dave Reid as he "Chuck" Miller, our township | wheeled a heaping barrow ' of the supervisor and present candi-i green stuff into the McHenry bank. date for precinct committeeman, has As we watched him enter that instibeen awarded the contract for this i tution a huge bulge appeared in its job, ^ and if we know "Chuck" he i walls. If the Senator doesn't ease wo rDl} skimp on the gravel. iup with his dumping soon, he"ll have The officers and members of the I the bank building looking like a 1948 Screwy Dozen Social Club are to be ! Buick. Ft. Knox is the place for commended for their efforts to raise ; guys with your kind of dough, funds for the improvement of their Senator. • community. - You can do your part by patronis- « ing their many social activities K throughout the year. They do good in Chicago • -4 A ."A* "OUR CHICKS ARE REAL PRODUCERS Yes, the chicks you buy from us will show you worthwhile, profitable production. In our breeding improvement. culling and flock selection, we have concentrated on production qualities. . We know our chicks can and will make money for you and you can be assured that they have been started properly. PHONE 29 M'HENRY, ILL. TEAM YOUNG WORK EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CLEANING NEEDS Yes, yea'H Sad everyfttaf fer year slssslsi seeds at MP . . cosm Is today aad let ss help yea select alt the Mean secenar te sMhs yesr hesM sakk aad aaaai A. B. . wM *le --ss -w mee*k . f-e-ra ye AP Mr. and Mrs. George Coeta spent the Easter weekend visiting friends at A 'HISH'BUTTON" FAKM AOS For Dainty This^a IVORY SNOW AftP dees have A WONDER SOAP AT LESS COST! BMMIT SJUL SUP FLAKES . . FOR WHITER WASHES1 BRttHT SJUL BLEACH l&llt ^23* SAVE MONEY WITH GAL TIN v,,. 98^% of Hft hirm, NorttMrn Tltiimla Is ning methods CIom ooopsratioo of our trail l.'S1S5feS(j< '<* UrimHnrd in a'A" r Igft laftAAAMB fc m M M WPI PVW m QVVW W V IM0 CBrv OMW WMt 0m fanmr k doing oasAsr dtom. I day of wort a mowrti on won/ fanw Ms WMtgrindor,mixormd¥mtphcodthilmand Li_. |MM| ^ ^Jlit Ik* wmftth... 0m job's dsns. MO PROOUCftONkup, with fimo<ontroW lighting, wo#er worwmn, ond pouHry-houto ven> Mbferc. Those aU» oM contribute to mcrsaasrf ogg volymo in 0m foM oind ootfy wmlot wAsa F«r PARFSCT Lsssdsriiif AMERICAN FAMILY FLAKES AL PARPSM STIP AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP 3 BARS A MmI In ItMlf MORTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE DINNER £4$: For loUaf or C00U119 MARURINE r42e THE MAGIC SUDS A-PENN MY OLEANER . . . YOUR WINDOWS WIU SPARKLE WITH A-PEWI wnew CLEANER . WALLPAPER LOOKS LIKE NEW AFTER USING CLIMAX WALLPAPER CLEANER . KLSNATTHA UudrySMp I .amIN HURTS ONLY OltT KIUhtaKleaztrl Kn 22t JOHNSON'S ait-tat Wax BRIGHT SAIL MOTORISTS Witt IfaMSii rot lovely ndii MOtaAN'S BvlWdh WllaWlIk^av 1 CAKCSf PASTE WAX A-PENN CET&R OIL a • a • • • • STRONG. STURDY DE MILO BROOMS A CANNON TOWa IN EVERY PACKAGE SILVER DOSTNO. 2 • SIZE e ea a SUNNYFIELD REGULAR SMOKED HAMS SMOKEI) PICNIC HAMS •; BACON SQUARES SLICED BACON SLAB BACON PASCAL CELERY CAUFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE . TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT large sue 19c 2 for 19o 10 for 39c WA7M whm and w*s» seedod, and In 0m MAY MTR rigfd osmsnk, k prmvidod by "fiMb-boUm" Ing amoy of kmfy, tmad, opondtih, oridkhm&d «tah«sM%...i» pipo tfohnm ipdbe fndk oar- mum aft. 0 k $0IdmHy • §ttotd cAmE$ fa At i h*ok romc rtooucnom mom%b*vn<*fot- . I tinml &odrk pig-bmodon Imlp mom Bacfc wssnmg ngo... hs^ doctooto 0m per cont pig morkdUy ndo, and mnd Rrinf Coopon to AAP SAVE lie BREEZE PV6 84c COUKftl 1Ec EVER BLOOMING ROSE BUSHES _ CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Cobbler's Triumph's each 59c *33Vi , iiipfi poHt 9o Mflnti for $oi9 oilrf !«IJksMMfMMlp«i|iBdollarTClM,ii jvoduosd in--«r witfam an apa^it lids <rf--Northern Illinois. Chicago 1ms becoma the bob of the world's greatest packing and find stcra«e industry, as «cD as tte largest sin^e live animal market. Because the Middle Wast is the nation's grafely, Chicago and Northsrn Dlincns is a buge grain distributing centsr. As local point for the nation's tran^wrtatkm nstwork, the food wealth of ths fertile upper ^ffiwiwippi prairies and livestock from the western ranges flow into this area. Agriculture and industry are partani in CUesf» and Northsrn Dfinoas. __ . , , UBLIC ISTIBM ' • = TERRITORIAL INFORMATION - r • SIRVICI COMPANY OP NORTHIBN ILLINOIS (INITIO OAS ANO ILSCTSIC COMPANY |l*w Low Price BEET SUGAR ,0-LB oOc ^ -j 1AS 8? ^ ' HOW ON SALI APRIL ISSUI WOMAN'S DAY rf; 5ecJrr A&P PANTRY VALUES ammraos AV FANCY QUAUTT _ Sfnwk«rry 3m «• -- AiS lAU^V AIIAI ITY * WlilTnW n^aic A1P FANCY QUALITY GraptfraH Jako 2 HYPOWSS OhMwHhlMMt |NO.> tONA Largo Ptas • m« ? NEW LOW PRICE lEXO SMORTENHIR V MJ. tIN Ml TIN iom •arlMtPMra •eSOiOUMOa 2^ Caaiy Ban....... f m 2S« NIW LOW PRICE £MSC0 ff SPRY ,4J. Jig tIN 4|f tiff \\V \ mv,\ i;jri UP RR* FIM CRMrm I mm ifttui MKM UIMI an asm lb V •V" W v^l J

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