Lake Om Parana •i *'- -"X ' (By Yardstid^ * * G, reetings, Polks.* «®5 main uhk the ui. nwninwH, ri Mfthiff ftftlHllitlflU Us inMcHenry «o thai their Com- . The coming elections are the fopies of conversation feaidents of L McCulloai Lab 3*«ek, and from all. indications, 97 cant of our be at the polls to see unity has the deserved representaon the school board. Now that the McCuOom Lake tnunity has reached the adult in, Mh in population as well as in the Slumber of future citisens attending tile McHenry Schools, it is only fiair that it should nave a voice in iruidinir the affairs of these institu- William Creut* ts McCulloin I'S candidate for their important office. For the benefit of the few •, who don't know "Big Bill," we'll v 'f' ^numerate a few of his qualifications. In the last' world war he served >"';i Jlor four years with the twelfth army ' air forces, with two years overseas - Combat duty, being discharged with the rank of captain. For twenty- |wo years Bill Creuts has been employed by the Illinois Bell Telefchone Co., Elgin division, as supervising engineer. At present he is doing a grand Job in the office of president of the Property Owners association it} our .community. Eighteen months of service with We. Kenneth lageraoL Kenny, who will . always Iw rehired as the star player on the NcCvliom Lain Wildcats team, is bade in civies after bain* discharged at Qamp Stoneauui inCalifornia. Go easy on the boy, gals! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolff of Chico. Calif., and Mrs. Lawrence Medonga of Van Lear, Ky. were gaasts of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Pietsch last week. Important decisions pertaining to the safety of our residents wiu be Seven new bora papa, and what to do with them is Fnnk Rourke's big again ! problem these adys. If you can't use one ox these pu; by leaning him pups help the guy put your meat grinder. (His is out of order.) Frank's phone number is 56S-J-2. $ at next Sunday's meeting of the Property Owner's association, to be held in the home of William Creuts at 11 a. m. - All directors are urged to be present. Get your honey to pack a box lunch and attend the Screwy Dozen's box lunch social to be held st Roy-. A1 on Saturday evening. President Ed Walton and entertainment chairman Len Jensen have been incubating this egg for the past month and if their timing is right the shell should bust open with a great big bang. You, your honey and her box lunch will entitle you to take part in the gay festivities of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deskis enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mnr. Peter Rymus and Mr. and Mrs. B. Band of Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmaus and son, Richard, enjoyed a pleasant weekend at their cottage after attending the wedding ox Robert Justen and Collette Lenara on Saturday. McHenry's fire fighters answered a call last Sunday noon to put out a grass fire in the rear of the Gorensons' property. It would be well for-; us all to remember that the dry grass and weeds are ready tinder for a blaze that, can soon get out of control. Stop and'think before you strike that match. Telephone 584-J-t DON MICHELf TRUCKING Sand and Gravel Track for Hire McHSNRT, ILL. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Schults of Fountain Lane spent- the weekend in the country raking leaves and readying their home for their summer vacation. Congratulations Ta Lorraine Wake on her nineteenth birthday April 23. William Creutz oh his birthday anniversary, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blake on their first wedding anniversary, April 12. Nuts and Bolts Mr. Truman would do well to retrieve the many hats thrown into the presidential ring these days. This would give him a good start in a new business1 after next November. ADIOS. Manufacturing Fir Plywood Fir plywood is manufactured only from prime logs of giant, old growth, Douglas firs usually from three to eight feet in diameter. The cross-grain construction of plywood makes it splitproof so nails may ba driven near the edge without danger of splitting. Called "not presses," giant machines set the waterproof gluea of exterior plywood in about five minutes. The resultant bond is stronger than the wood itself. gentleman left his country A club alightly worse for wear. Turning Into the main highway in hla car he decided In his alcoholic dasa that the ftaiait procedure was to kaep his eyes gbied on the car ahead and follow it closely. Thia ha did for Some time and he was Just congratulating himself on hif sagacity when-the car ahead sud- _ped and he crashed into with a load bang. The irate driver of the first car stuck his head out pf his window and glared back angrily. "What's the big idea?" he bellowed. "What's the big idea?" the drunk retorted, "why didn't you stick out your hand?" The other driver's eyes opened wide with astonishment. "I didn't think I had to do that in my own garage," he yelped. NATURE DOES «r; "ji « MhMfM* IMMna A school where parents of delinquent children may learn ta ha better fathers and mothexs has bean ' opened in Des Moines, Iowa. Patterned after parent guidanca centers in San Franciaco and other j cities, the school staff will lead dis- I cusskms with parents on personality j development of children, importance of family living and family work, play and finances. The legal [responsibilities of parente, family- > school teamwork and recreational, I health and welfare facilities in Dee I Moines also will be covered. | Parents of delinquent children will j be "referred" to the school by juvejnile court judges for a series of ; weekly two-hour sessions lasting 10 ; weeks. Officials hope parents will attend of their own accord, but reluctant parents may be required to IHattend if they want to retain custody «f their children. ' A survey of the first group of chili dren whose parents attended the jSan Francisco guidance center ; showed a majority of the children , made satisfactory adjustments fol- ; lowing their parents' graduation from the center. The police juvenile bureau, the city adult education department and i the citizens advisory committee I joined in sponsoring the Des Moines i center and the Parent-Teachers association has volunteered to finance | the project. Craahnn a Uranium has been made in impure powder form for at least a century. It was discarded as a useless byproduct of radium In America during World War I. Swamp Fever D Ose of the least weldbme «fa# visitors to a race course is swamp fever or equine infectious nn»rY,ir Tills disease is not ordinarily a "follower of the races." Valuable racing animals get better with average preventive care. When the disease does appear in a stable of race horses, however, the consequences may be far more serious than an attack on .isolated farm animals. Any horse infected while at the race tracks may become a center of infection and spread the disease to other valuable animals. In contrast, the farm horse usually stays at home, and does hot carry the infectiorftto new areas. See Tales! Oscilloscope, built into the i slil--l tit a phonographic recorder, voice of a singer or the tones of an instrument to be watched whQa H record is being made. ° far Heating milk to 180 degrees seconds, or 145 degrees for 10 utes, and cooling quickly, harmful bacteria without the flavor, according to university specialists. To pasteurise milk, heat in a double boiler to prevent scorching and stir frequently to insure even heating. For larger quantities, use a water bath Conner. Insert the thermometer in a cork with upper part of scale above cork. Heat to required temperatures then cool as quickly as possible. Home pasteurizers are now on the market and offer a convenient waf at handling this work. < t yiy - - y ;/• • - 4- MOSEY INN RINGWOOD Fish Fry Every Friday Night pRA0BRBE1RE ^ FfcED BOWMAN, Prop. Preach Dry Cleaatav "French" dry cleaning, like "Troy" laundry, is an amazing vestige from industrial history. It seems that the French actually did discover the action of various hydrocarbons in dissolving gravy spots on garments, although the process was improved and applied by Germans, British and Americans. The business got its start about 100 years ago. A young Frenchman is said to have opened the first American dry cleaning establishment in Philadelphia. ZOIA MONUMENT CO. # ^ LARGE MODERN DISPLAY Near Court House Since 1890 Woodstock, 111*. Open Sunday Afternoons Addicted Infants Infants born to mothers Utl& lHre morphine addicts show all the symptoms of a morphine addict whoaa supply suddenly has been cut off, and if not properly treated they may die of convulsions during the first week of life, according to American Medical association. The Infants are born at full term and are apparently normal, but their addiction matches that of their mothers. Separation from the Anaternal circulation shuts off the supply of drug to the newborn, and withdrawal symptoms ensue within three days. In the past, some investigators erroneously assumed that morphine was excreted in human milk; hence, breast-feeding by the addicted mother was a method employed in the treatment of congenital morphinism. Dosage with phenobarbital brought about prompt recovery; the drug being continued for eight weeks before being tapered off African Hunter--While wandering around a native village I spotted a leopard. Sweet Young Tiling -- Don't be loolish--they grow that way. Taken far a Ride An Englishman apent a hectic two weeks in America. He never did manage to get himaelf straightened out on the names and uses of American currency. "It was perfectly amazing how quickly I got used to American ways," he told his friends when he got back to London. "Take those American coins and bills, for instance. When I got out of a taxi I just thrust all the American money 1 had at the driver and let him figure out the correct amount. Do y§u know, I was absolutely right every time. It took just what I had--to the last penny!" Easy te Distinguish-- Jackson and his wife were doing a little fly hunting about the house. "How many have you caught?" she asked after a while. "Six," replied her husband, "three males and three females." ' How absurd!" his wife sniffed. "How could you tell if they were males or femalesf**- "Easy, my dear,'" he retorted. "Three were on the sugar and three were on the mirror.v A NUISANCE the Want Ads - * •%-, > • , ^ ^ v % V, C"*1 ~ £ T«kyH tl|ta Pnwa Of Aaeieat Bay fright They call it the "new look." But the fashion designers are just kidding -- the "new look" is at least 8,000 years old. According to history, the Babylonian girls of 1500 B. C. were wearing several garments of which adaptations now may he seen on the Montmafte in Paris, on Park avenue or on Main street. The long, tubular tunic and the tight, long skirt was the fashion 3,000 years ago, according to World Book encyclopedia. So was the highnecked gown with flowing, threequarter length sleeves and the flaring, long ski^f considered smart today. The only difference between then and now was that the women of 4,000 years ago had to provide their, own hip lines. They hadn't thought of padding. For further parallels of today's styles, the encyclopedia editor had to ship to ancient Greece, around 550 B. C. The dress of Grecian women then resembled the evening dress of 1947, long and flowing. Skirts were long during the Napoleonic period, but the trailing trains of those times prevent any comparison to the new look. There is no resemblance to today's fashions in the costumes of the early Colonial period in American history nor in pioneer women's fashions. We have to go through the "gas light" era into the 1920s to come to anything approaching the "new look." See T. P. on the. v Lake Shore for your Real Estate and T.JP. MATHEWS SEAL EStkfE AND INSURANCE BKOKXR Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wipler Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 300 •. > w • V ^ • V'tf; " «> • .. • .T! •aitmnitRminmiHiiiniiin s i i 7:30 p. m. Every Wednesday GAULKE'S SALE BARN i ROUTE 47 WOODSTOCK, ILL. § GOOD SELECTION OF CLOSE SPRINGERS 1 FRESH COWS -:- STOCK BULLS CALVES I HORSES -:- SHEEP -:- FEEDER PIGS^ «TEERS Get Your Stock in Early « m Call 672 or 499 if you want truck to pick up " iiwuiMifi'; Terms: -H7< down, bal. in 12 mos. at '4 of l%^intr Best Calf Market in Northern Illinoisf ^ ~ Bring Your Calves Here For Top Pric|l f Mast Valuable Dost ! = The most valuable dust in the ' § world is pollen. Without pollen there j 1 would be no plant life and, therefore, j = no animal life. ~ Y(>r CAN Bl'Y YOU CAN SELL WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS * 1".; : . -- is* -V; - ralfSf tsi -iaV --T - i'% tup To the new tenant: "You know we eep it very quiet and orderly here. you have any children?" "No." "A piano, radio or phonograph?" "No." "Do you heve~a~dog, cat er partot?" - : . . No. But my fountain pea Scratches a little sometimes." Showed Him Up t A confirmed do-gboder of the liorst order was giving the unfortunate inmates of an insane asylum tiie benefit of a visit. "Tell me," she taid, looitmg through the bars at a rather pompous little man, "how do you happen to be here?" "Modern science," he replied. "When they asked me if I was Napoleon and I said 'No,' they put lie detector on me." A Clean Start b«Mw MrtM VuKf In Htwl Mfl Yowl flnd that n«w ~IMW •If aw and ma rion odd ifii furStar to OM Ma-Car baavty of CkMrabCi IoAm Iqr FW>T. They're llw wlatawd only on Owv ".J•>f|w| p pI,w f ui Yes, from one end of the country to the other; public enthusiasm for the new 1948 Chevrolet points to a great public conviction that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in a# round rafae as in popularity. More paople drivp. Chevrolet!, according to official naNonwidb registrations and more people want Chevroletit according to seven independent nationwide surveys than any other make of cor. Your o*n judgment will tefl you that thk h become Chevrolet gives morf value... became it alonh •ffers BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST ed yew fealir <i. hewa Ke-Car wMy, IM for Owvraiat Mn«i yaw tfw tkrmm-foM pretecltea ef A hew man was brought into battalion headquarters office by the sergeant major. "Here's a new man, sir," said the sergeant to the i^commanding officer. "Fine," said the commanding officer. "what can he do?" "Nothing," replied the sergeant, f "Good, then we don't have to break him in." GIRLS WOMEN ADMIRAL CORPORATION IS NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION 'V-J lit our new BUSINESS STIMULANT Mrs. Brown accused her decier of overcharging her. "Don't forget that 1 atade 11 visits to year sen while he had the measles," the doctor teid her. "And don't yea forget that he infected the whole tered Mrs. Brown. In Ch^vnltt and As you know, public demand foe n«w T94t ChavroUt* b at Mi* kightil l*v«| In a|.. OMWOM hWory. Par Slat RAOMIV wa urge you to k*«p your pnwnt car in f •* fanning condition, pwdhg daSvary of mw Owvrolat. Com* in, gat «kiH*d, d«p eMa MPrke, new and at regular Winak Action Coming! Mother (to small son) so glad, Herbie, dear, that you're sitting quietly and not disturbing daddy while he takes his nap. Little Herbie -- Yes, mummy. I'm just watching his cigaret burn down to his fingers. CHEVROLET SALES PHONK 877 MeHBNKT. ILLINOIS Dogs on PayroU There are a number of dogs on the federal payroll and they all earn their keep. Many federal prisons have trained German shepherds or bloodhounds as regular members of their staffs. These dogs are used in guarding the prisoners who work outside the prison walls and in down those who attempt to :#acane. The McHENRY PLANT 507 ELM ST., McHENRY (Formerly Kaiser-Frarier Agency Bldg.) Light, Clean/interesting Work WHY TRAVEL FARTHEfe, when yon can secure employment ai or near home? Take pride in your job! Join the vast throngs who build America's Finest Radio Sets! Experience Not Necessary _ Transportation Furnished Stop Irr dhd See Our Employed Counselor or Call McHtpry 470 Employment office will be open each day v Jf a. m. to 4 p. m,